But one of his high priced side- kicks needed to get into his ears and teach Mitt how to connect to normal folks. Especially normal folks who are experiencing real problems.
"It was already a risky decision for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to visit Hurricane Isaac-ravaged New Orleans immediately following the Hurricane Katrina anniversary-timed Republican National Convention, a risk exacerbated by conservative gloating that Romney had beaten President Obama to the “prize.”
Already open to criticism that he was using the disaster as a political prop, Romney could hardly have asked for a worse headline than what he reportedly told one flooding victim.
When the White House’s announcement that President Obama would visit New Orleans on Monday followed the Romney campaign’s announcement by a few hours, conservatives were quick to childishly declare he was simply following Romney’s lead, despite the fact that the President’s trip had already been planned, and despite the fact that the President actually has a legitimate purpose for going to tour a disaster. While this delighted right-wingers, it could only seem crass, at best, to everyone else.
Still, Romney isn’t responsible for what his stupidest supporters say, and could have as easily faced criticism had he decided not to go. When faced with one of the victims of the flood, however, Romney came up well short in the empathy department:
"Romney and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) spent close to an hour meeting with first responders and local officials. Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac’s flooding.
“He just told me to, um, there’s assistance out there,” Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. “He said, go home and call 211.” That’s a public service number offered in many states.
Chiarello said she will likely seek some other shelter because her home was submerged in the flooding." [Source]
"GO HOME AND CALL 211"? Sorry Jodie, it's time to rebuild your home.
Maybe you can get some republicans to help you, because, if you let them tell it; they built damn near everything else.

Having said that, a comparison to Pinnochio would have been more apropos.
"Republican vice-presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has been getting so much ink for being an exceptionally prolific liar that it was inevitable the media would miss a big one, but he snuck out a doozy on Thursday that deserves some kind of an award. NBC News’ Brian Williams confronted Ryan about the Republican Party Platform’s abortion plank, which contains no exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother. Ryan’s response was literally unbelievable.
'Are you prepared to leave this gathering and own the fact that the platform of this party allows a woman who has been raped no exception but to carry that child to term?' Williams asked.
'Well, I think the platform is– is silent on that particular issue,' Rep. Ryan replied. “Mitt Romney has a position on this. The president of the United States sets the policy. And Mitt Romney’s position is that there are exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother.”
'There’s no exception in the platform,' Williams astutely, correctly pointed out.
'Well, I think the platform’s silent either one way or the other on that,' Ryan repeated. “The platform – of which I think is a great document. I’m proud of the platform – it’s something that was produced by the delegates, and the president of the United States sets policy on this issue. And Mitt Romney’s policy is well known....
For the life of me, I’m trying to cut Brian Williams some slack for not turning to Ryan and saying “Pardon me, but how the eff can you be silent about an exception? An exception is, by definition, something you have to say out loud in order for it to exist. That’s like saying ‘This pizza isn’t plain, it’s just silent on the issue of toppings,’ or ‘I’m not naked, I’m just invisible on the issue of clothing.’” [Source]
But this is what makes republicans so good at what they do. This isn't talking out of two sides of your mouth; this is talking out of your ass and making it look like your lips are moving.
"Paul's nose keeps growing"
Just like the Romney/Ryan ticket's lead in the polls. MUUUAHAHAHA!
You know what a real lie is? It like when Obama says he's looking out for the "middle class", or the people he used to call the "bourgeoisie". Obama hates the middle class. Everything he has done so far as President is desinged to eliminate the middle class, and build a society of proletarians ruled by a liberal billionaire elite, because that's how Marxists roll:
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”
--Vladimir Lenin
Obama has a lot of 'flexibility' planned for his second term.
The Democrats opened their convention with video, audio and still photos of Ted Kennedy.
But they forgot or overlooked or misplaced the photos of Mary Jo Kopechne. Her corpse in the car and Teddy running away.
This is why most of the country despises demonrats. If you disagree with the guy fine. But everything and I do mean everything is a fucking lie!!! Are democrats that horrible that the only thing they can talk about is someone else and make up lies while they are doing it? While demanding more and more and more?
ABC reported that Chiarello had told Romney that, "I lost everything". This time however, the account is vastly more detailed and Romney's response is far more helpful than the liberal media would like you to believe.
“He said that he was going to do the best that he could for us.” Chiarello, a Republican who declined to say who she was voting for, said she was pleased Romney visited to be “supportive.”
“He’s good, he’ll do the best for us, he has our best interests at heart,” she said of the candidate, adding that he was different than she’d expected.
“I thought he’d be more like a politician, but it was more understanding and caring,” she said. “He was caring.”
Romney told the women that FEMA could point them in the direction of shelters.
Obama had a campaign even scheduled for Monday we all know it. He cancelled it because he was already shown up by Romney.
It's not different ideologies, it's not differences of opinion, democrats are despicable lying pieces of garbage that cannot be trusted. They solve nothing but take from the country and wordsmith the rest.
What is the DemonCrat plan for the next 4 years, raise taxes offer more benefits and than what? Keep funding illegals? Make all of the US California? The debt clock just hit 16 trillion, fools like you think it will never end, we can just keep borrowing and borrowing and someone else will pick up the tab..just cry racism....wait, just wait and see.
Romney did show what a leader does by visiting the hurricane victims, and Obama looks like a fool running down to New Orleans after him.
Obama would rather campaign, fund raise, and golf than even make a show that he cares about the little people. I will be so glad when he loses this November.
During her campaign for office, my Congresswoman -- Yvette Clarke -- told voters she was a college graduate.
Someone checked. What a shock it was to find out she was lying. She had not graduated from college as she claimed she had.
When confronted with her lie, she said, "Oh, I forgot that I didn't graduate."
Because she is black and the overwhelming majority of voters in my district are black, she won. The huge lie didn't matter.
Charlie Rangel, a member of the House Committee on Taxation, didn't pay his taxes.
Despite his corrupt and illegal behavior, he was re-elected by his black constituents.
Therefore, we know blacks believe it's not necessary to pay income taxes.
How the hell can the democratic party say they care about women when they are for killing them when they are babies? Its' not about abortion but what the hell are we living the book of 1984 with Obamabots. I have been watching the convention and want to puke at the idiocy and incompetence, everything is spent this, get more that, give more this, if you don't you don't care, more, more, more where do these blithering morons who couldn't manage their way out of paper-bag propose to get all this money from? How many more democrats from states with cities in bankruptcy do we need to see before we realize they CANT DO IT!!.
allright time to go laugh at the mooch and her no doubt fictionalized version of Barrys life. I wonder if she will mention his communism and mentoring by Marshall davis and Valerie Jarretts dad being a communist or his mom and grandparents being communists, I wonder.
Ted Kennedy got drunk and killed young girl he was banging. He left her to drown while he called his lawyer. He lied about what happened to cover his ass.
He was the biggest piece of shit ever to serve in high office in this country, and the democrats still venerate him.
That tells you everything you need to know about the democrats.
Bill Clinton raped me.
Can you say desperation people?
These wingnuts are becoming more unhinged with each comment. :)
BTW, loved that Deval Patrick speech.
"Romney did show what a leader does by visiting the hurricane victims, and Obama looks like a fool running down to New Orleans after him."
Did he set up the 211 program while he was there?
It's all hollywood hype and bullshit. Ever since Obama was exposed and how he disrespects the troops and now the public knows the troops despise him he is talking nothing but military programs, spending this, buying that, spending this, spending that. Can you buy a presidency? Why YES we can, with someone elses money! Time for change.
field negro said...
Can you say desperation people?
These wingnuts are becoming more unhinged with each comment. :)
Truth to you is unhinged being that you live in the world of lies and deceit.
How can you trust someone who literally lies to you and expects you as a good soldier to spread those lies, are you that evil?
"Therefore, we know blacks believe it's not necessary to pay income taxes"
Jeffery Dahmer ate black mens penises. Therefore we know that poor white men dont just want to "Sandusky" young boys, they want to eat their penises when they're done.
Dr. Q's alter ego
"BTW, loved that Deval Patrick speech."
Me too, Field. He set it up big time, Mayor Castro seconded it and Michelle Obama nailed it. And she loves that man!!!
Yes indeed, when voices like these are heard hope & optimism are more than just whimsical doubletalk especially during this time!
Team Michelle Obama!!!!
Obama 2012
Why do they keep yelling "bored to tears" ?
We had it hard..sob...my moms took a bus...sob...she wasn't rich...sob...oh lawdy noes we needs to gets rid of god and chuck israel under de bus and make Obama our god and worship abortion.
This used to be great, heart grabbing, we wants to give to everyone, problem is time for taking is over, there is no more to take. Now we need someone to create and not just skim off the top.
field negro said...
BTW, loved that Deval Patrick speech.
Do you mean "Coupe Deval" Patrick? The guy Obama plagerized campaign speeches from back in 2007?
Coupe is known for flowery phrases that say absolutely nothing:
"I want you to understand, I am not asking anybody to take a chance on me. I'm asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations."
Yep, he really said that. And yep, Obama stole his vapid line:
"But you see, I am not asking anyone to take a chance on me. I am asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations."
I could see why Obama would copy Coupe, they are a lot alike. How did Coupe get his name? Coupe came to office seeming determined to glorify himself with unprecedented gubernatorial flights of ego. One of his initial executive decisions was to lease a brand new Cadillac in which he would be chauffeured around the state--at taxpayer expense, even though Coupe and his wife are extremely wealthy.
Mitt Romney had used the same Ford Crown Victoria for his entire four years in office. Patrick deemed Romney's ride insufficiently opulent, and yet defended leasing the much more expensive Caddy by insisting that Ford had discontinued the Crown Victoria. Only Ford hadn't discontinued the Crown Vic, much to the relief of police forces everywhere.
Like Obama, Coupe spends a lot a taxpayer money on his wife. He hired a full-time scheduler for his wife, a partner at one of Boston's biggest law firms. The scheduler who got the decidedly light task of scheduling first lady duties for a woman with an all-consuming full-time job was the female half of the husband and wife team who had coordinated Coupe's campaign fundraising. The Commonwealth agreed to pay her $72,000 a year for her services. Coup's wife was the first Massachusetts first lady since Kitty Dukakis to rate her own scheduler.
I think your wingnuts tipped me off to the gop respose to the dem platform. I was watching fox to see how they would respond to the convention and it was what was in the comments section earlier. They are all agast the platform doesn't have the word god. Oh god, the gop' favorite invisible friend isn't in the plank!!!!! The second was that they didn't say jerusalem isn't the capitol of israel. Uhhhhhh, hate to say it but I could give a flying f where a foreign country wants to put their capitol. You're right about them becoming unhinged.
Before being knifed to death by Robert Swann, the other guy, Ezra Black, was heard to say that he was voting for Romney.
After hearing about Black's voting plans, Swann went nuts a ran him through with a huge kitchen knife.
Parks employee fatally stabbed by co-worker after dispute
September 4, 2012
A seasonal employee with the city Parks Department fatally knifed one of his co-workers this afternoon at a Queens recreation center, law enforcement sources told The Post.
The bloodshed occurred around 3:15 p.m. — about five hours after Mayor Bloomberg was at the Al Oerter Recreation Center in Flushing for a press conference.
Robert Swann, 51, and Ezra Black, 31, first started scuffling near a shed at the center.
Black then ran off, but was chased by Swann into a kitchen area where Swann allegedly stabbed the younger man to death.
Another employee at the recreation center said Black had just started in the past few days.
A knife is found outside the scene where a man was fatally stabbed outside the Al Oerter Recreation Center.
“He hadn’t even picked up his first Check yet,” the worker said.
It was not immediately clear what sparked the violence.
Swann was nabbed nearby at The Unisphere in Flushing-Meadows-Corona Park by cops assigned to the US Open, sources said.
The murder weapon has not been recovered.
Swann is charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon
The Parks Department did not immediately return a request for comment.
anon 10:48 wrote:
Jeffery Dahmer ate black mens penises. Therefore we know that poor white men dont just want to "Sandusky" young boys, they want to eat their penises when they're done.
Dr. Q's alter ego
Charlie Rangel, the tax evader, was re-elected AGAIN, by voters -- probably more than 100,000 voters.
That's what you call "statistically significant."
Dahmner, on the other hand, was a lone nut. Therefore, not "statistically significant."
But, you're confused. Oh well.
Poor Goobers. They miss the Bad Old Days of st reagan making up tales about Welfare Queens and having everybody agree with their delusion.
Just because some random wite guy says something...it doesn't make it true or valid or even worth hearing.
Love how the Liars Fer Jeebus are being asked by the MSM to back their assertions.
Michelle Obama said NOTHING about Barack's mother.
I wonder why?
Not a peep about the woman who seemed comfortable with the abuse inflicted by by her two husbands, the woman who took Barry to Indonesia for most of his formative years, the woman who dumped him with her parents while she ran off to wherever.
How did Barry pay for college? We still don't know. But it's likely he enrolled as a foreign student named Barry Soetero as a way of getting student aid that he didn't deserve.
Of course, like his SAT and LSAT scores and his college and law school grades, we'll never see the loan papers he signed or the names he used when he applied.
Yes, welcome to Black Run America, where truth is no longer in style.
"How did Barry pay for college? We still don't know"
I know:
Rangel is yet another example of a black criminal politician. I would be surprised when we find one that isn't a criminal.
He won by a mere 802 votes. However there was no doubt election fraud and this is under investigation.
"Over 70 electoral districts came in at zero on election night. Imagine this, 70 election districts came in at zero on election night, with no results whatsoever," said Espaillat. "That is highly irregular."
" some voters who speak Spanish were not allowed to vote on the machines but told they had to fill out affidavit paper ballots. Others were told that their names did not appear on the voting lists, and that poll workers even allegedly tampered with completed paper ballots by opening the envelopes after they were voted.
Coupe Deval Patrick and Barack Obama are prime examples of black culture’s fatal flaw: toxic levels of self-esteem mixed with manifest incompetence and lack of any driving fear of failure or doubt.
When BRA falls, it's gonna fall hard.
The best speech coming up has got to be Biden's.
He's going to put his foot in his mouth in some amusing way.
Maybe he'll mention again how it's "storybook that Obama is a clean, well spoken black man."
Or maybe he'll try to compliment Michelle and say something about how she's got less back these days, you know, because she needed to drop a few pounds in time for her big speech.
Or maybe he'll drop a big old f-bomb on live TV.
When BRA falls, it's gonna fall hard.
It;s allready reached bottom. This last push for more will bring the pimple to a head.
I heard a hell of a lot of talking about more, more, more ,spend. Not one word about the debt reaching 16 trillion. In the wild they eat each other when things run out and they get really hungry. 2/3 of that debt is our own, meaning we borrowed from one pocket (the fed) and put it into another oh boy is the shit going to hit the fan soon.
Being the governor of a successful state and leader of the free world are examples of blah failure? I know conservatives live in bizaRro world but not were entering delusional territory. I guess high school drop outs on welfare are examples of white success. Interesting but I'd rather live in a state house or the white house than a double wide.
Past time for new trolls.
What happened to the black camera-woman and the peanut tossers?
Seems that story flew away.
How many blacks killed other blacks in the US on September 4th?
PilotX said...
Being the governor of a successful state and leader of the free world are examples of blah failure? I know conservatives live in bizaRro world but not were entering delusional territory. I guess high school drop outs on welfare are examples of white success. Interesting but I'd rather live in a state house or the white house than a double wide.
Past time for new trolls.
Patty gets some credit, he didn't stop when he failed the bar exam, he eventually got it on the third try (cough..greasy palms)
Obama, are you kidding? Look at the state of the USA and tell us how wonderfuly he is doing. We have become the united states of islamic africa. 16 trillion no plan in sight but a hell of a lot of promises, payoffs, foodstamps and bribes. Sure that is great success. If you want to be like Sudan Or Islamic Somalia.
Michelle Obama: “If any family in this country struggles then we cannot be content”
That’s Why She Took 16 Vacations in 3 Years.
Blow me, mooch.
"That’s Why She Took 16 Vacations in 3 Years."
And…what was that about she and hubby both being raised with unconditional love? I thought his father abandoned him and his mom shipped him off to be raised by his grandparents? Just shows how easy the lies can come to this woman. But the delegates ate it up, didn’t they? Fools.
Maybe she could let some of these struggling families vacation in their new $35 Million Mansion in Hawaii.
Never in my life have I heard such a pandering maudlin speech !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting but I'd rather live in a state house or the white house than a double wide.
What a good boy, you do as Hussein Obama says - belong to government comrade. When rationing begins we will make sure you get an extra sheet of toilet paper if available.
“That’s not who we are”……that’s who you are. I really wonder how she can get up there after all of her taxpayer funded vacations around the world – claiming her children as staff even. This liar has no shame.
She did a nice speech, but she’s spent one hell of a lot of money, and carried along one hell of an entourage all over the world, all on the dime of the people who pay for our government.
The Marie Antoinette comparison has some validity.
Starting to get the feeling the wingnuts don't like the B man very much. For their sake I hope he doesn't win.
I really felt like she was over the top with her dramatics. It felt fake and forced to me. She seemed like a bad actress auditioning for a part in some B movie. Maybe I just didn’t like it because it was all a pack of lies, telling us how much Barack cares for us. If he cared for us, he’d be working on creating jobs instead of playing golf and vacationing on our dime.
Dear Mr Field, I am surprised at how you lie on Mitt, a good man. I know you will vote for Obama no matter what, but do you have to lie and slander Mitt?
How do you sleep at night with such unconscionable blatant lies? I have a good mind to stop reading FN because it lacks class. It is just a TNB blog that attracts TNB like PilotX. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
I just might leave if you don't straighten out your act.
My jaw nearly hit the floor tonite when CNN of all networks completely demolished the 4.5 milion jobs added claim.
If CNN starts telling the truth, it's over for Obama.
Last week was utter banality, this week is outright treachery.
Obama campaign strategists felt it was smarter to praise drunk-driver Teddy Kennedy, with a fatal accident on his record, over mentioning Obama's mother.
And not a word about his fathers.
Is it that mothers and fathers who abandon their children are a reality that hits too close to home for blacks?
Well I guess we shall see now. Tonight the democratic party took off the mask and Obama has made it clear he wants communism. That wonderful video said "we all belong to government" That's about as damn communist as you can get.
There are going to be a hell of a lot of democrats unemployed in a few months, I think they will find that this is the end. Now I understand why so many refused to go to this communist festival.
Hi.,Thanks for sharing this informative news.
najlepsze konto dla firm
Michelle: >If our (black?) grandparents could fly a [white] man to the moon!<
Doesn't she know her husband killed all manned space flight? That he told his Director of NASA his foremost mission was to make Mulsims feel better?
Jesus what a fucking retard she is. The convention is lunacy.
The only white people there seem to be old, bitter looking lesbians and and young, not-so-attractive feminists.
Is that a good strategy for the dems, to exclude white people?
Once again the commnents section piles up with lies & insults. So loaded with anonymous knucklehead trolls I can't be bothered to express an opinion here beyond this.
Street vendors across downtown Charlotte are selling posters and artwork depicting President Obama as Jesus Christ and the Democratic National Convention is expected to feature a stained-glass window backdrop during their meeting.
One poster features an image of the president in prayer with the headline, “Prophecy Fulfilled.”
“Barak is of Hebrew origin and its meaning is ‘flash of lightning,” the poster notes, referencing a passage in in the Old Testament book of Judges.
Hussein, they allege, is a Biblical word meaning “good and handsome.”
“So you see, Barak was destined to be a good and handsome man that would rise like a flash of lightning to win victory in a battle against overwhelming odds,” the poster read.
If I were religious with his throwing Israel under the bus, siding with Iran who is about to have a nuclear bomb and declaring we all belong to government I would say this guy is the anti-christ. But I'm not religious, I just think Democrats are so sick in the head they don't know who they are. One minute taking god out of everything, the next declaring Obama is God. Amazing.
If there is a false flag event this week I will be really, really worried.
Bob said...
Once again the commnents section piles up with lies & insults. So loaded with anonymous knucklehead trolls I can't be bothered to express an opinion here beyond this.
Good, because you are a fucking moron who merely repeats some conventional wisdom tripe in order to prove your liberal bona fides.
Go pack some NYT pages up your ass.
seemed to be a lot of stoned black old women and what looked like homeless guys at the convention, so they really did have to hijack people to fill that small stadium.
To ALL GOP Trolls: Please show some respect to your black brothers here. We can't afford to have them against us in November. We need their vote to put Romney over the top.
If we play our cards right, Obama and the Dumbocrats will lose half the black vote simply because some Blacks just don't care for Obama and will stay home and not vote. All we have to do is make some of black voters feel wanted and VICTORY will be ours!
After the election, we can do what Obama did: insult and ignore them. That's the way to beat the Dems at their own racial politics. BTW, that's what Field is doing on his blog...if you haven't already noticed.
Marco Rubio did a great job at the Democratic convention, not sure why he changed his speech from Bartender to someone with a mop though. Still almost as good as he did last week.
The spics need to get off the stage, this is the black party.
Claims of Republican race-baiting have a way of descending into self-parody (especially at this point in the campaign season), but there is obviously a thread of what I’ve previously described as white identity politics woven into contemporary conservatism — not a politics of white supremacy or traditional racial animus, but a politics of racial/ethnic/native-born grievance, which regards contemporary liberalism as fundamentally hostile to the interests of middle class and working class whites.
This sense of white grievance can be noxious, divisive, and deeply problematic for Republican politicians trying to broaden their party’s appeal. It can help harden divisions and increase tensions between otherwise like-minded Americans. But it isn’t likely to diminish so long as the Democratic Party continues to be a vessel for the much more explicit identity politics that Klein’s column deplores, and to support policies that often resemble a kind of racial/ethnic spoils system for non-whites: Permanent racial preferences in education and government, a “disparate impact” regime that can blur into a de facto quota system, immigration gambits that don’t even pretend to be anything other than plays for the Hispanic vote, and so on.
When it comes to exploiting America’s ethnic divisions to mobilize key constituencies, today’s Democratic Party sins as much as it is sinned against. And it means that the Democrats’ struggle to reach Klein’s “plain old white insurance salesman” and the Republicans’ struggle to reach Hispanics and African-Americans are in some sense mirror images of one another. They’re both a consequence of party leaders taking the path of least resistance on racially-charged issues, and they’re both reminders of the hard truth that the more racially diverse America of the future could easily become, and remain, a more polarized society as well.
Much of the libertarianism of the Tea Party is an attempt to come up with a principled ideological justification for the banding together for mutual political protection of the only group left in America that's not supposed to band together. Julian Castro is not expected to put forward a principled defense of his special privileges, but white Americans feel the need for principles.
Field...where did all these sick f***** REPUB/TEABAGGERS come from? I mean reading some of the comments you'd think they'd blown a brain cell or two!
Settle down TROLLS...you may get another shot at the WH in 2016...but I REALLY DOUBT IT!
the democrats should become the hispanic party. there's no future with blacks.
The DNC theme seems to be that Obama "saved Detroit" and "took out bin Laden".
Well, GM just killed production of the Volt, the stock price keeps slipping, and the specter of bankruptcy is on the horizon again.
As regards bin Laden, the new book by a Navy SEAL paints a different piucture. In truth, the SEALS found the slow-moving “Washington machine” of the Obama administration extremely frustrating, and dangerous when they anxiously awaited their signal to raid Abbottabad. None of the SEALS appear to think much of the "Gutsy Caller".
When I am President, things will be very different.
Thanks to the angry, sweaty keyboard ramblings of racists and trolls in the comment section, the opening night must've really been a hit lol
The FLOTUS was great tonight as were the other speakers. Can't wait for the next 2 days.
Poor trolls. The Dem. Convention is probably making their tiny heads explode.
Hattie, I think you are on to something. These wingnuts are getting worse everyday. It's actually fun to watch. :)
"Coupe Deval Patrick and Barack Obama are prime examples of black culture’s fatal flaw: toxic levels of self-esteem mixed with manifest incompetence and lack of any driving fear of failure or doubt."
Well, from all accounts, "Coupe" is doing a great job running a state that Flipper almost destroyed.
Hang in there Bob, they will soon go away. It's almost November. Hopefully, --in or lose-- they won't be back. :)
Mooch exposed Little African vacation expenses: It does look like kids running the Executive branch.
According to U.S. Department of Defense’s published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, Judicial Watch calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for use of the aircraft (34.8 flight hours x $12,188 per hour). (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses – meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. – have yet to be disclosed.
The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
The expense records also show $928.44 was spent for “bulk food” purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.
Mooches Spain Vacation only cost us 500k. Can you go on vacation when you are broke and just borrow and make someone else pay it back?
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and fights government corruption, announced today that it obtained documents from the United States Air Force and the United States Secret Service detailing costs associated with Michelle Obama’s controversial August 2010 vacation to Spain. According to a Judicial Watch analysis, the records indicate a total combined cost of at least $467,585.
Judicial Watch obtained the Secret Service records regarding Michelle Obama’s little flaunt off to Spain back in the summer of 2010 that cost tax payers about $75,00 per day, for a total of nearly half a million dollars.
The following are highlights from the U.S. Air Force records:
According to U.S. Department of Defense’s 2010 published hourly rates, the total cost of flying Michelle Obama and her guests from Camp Andrews to Malaga and then to Mallorca and back to the United States was $199,323.75. This is based on approximately 17 hours and 15 minutes of total flying time.
The 15-member flight crew stayed at Tryp Guadalmar, a nearby motel. Lodging cost was $10,290.60 and car rental cost was $2,633.50. Food cost was $876.30, including $57.68 for four bottles of maple syrup and a package of pancake mix.
Fifty-two percent of likely voters say the nation is in “worse condition” now than in September 2008, while 54 percent say Obama does not deserve reelection based solely on his job performance.
The other 46% say he didn’t deserve election the first time “based solely on his job performance…”
I love the Democrat convention so far. It's awesome. Michelle gave a really good speech. Not sure I like that all they talk about is abortion.
Oh well, I heard tonight they will have one of those ladies who can shoot out ping pong balls and pick up dollar bills with her abortion factory. Woo-hoo, I hope sandra can blow out the candle this time with her fluke. Isn't it great when your surrounded by low-lifes?
Go fuck your mother you stupid racist honky
Math for Democrats:
When a Democrat says 4.5 million jobs were created, he omits the number of jobs lost.
Democrats seem incapable of calculating NET figures.
What did CNN -- shockingly -- state? That no, the NET job figure is only 300,000.
And, though we already knew, there are less people working today than there were when Obama was inaugurated.
Great record. Obama equals a double dose of Jimmy Carter.
I guess if the military was frustrated with the pace of the Obama administration they must have been downright outraged by the way Bush gave up on finding obl. He should have been impeached the second he said he didn't think much of obl. Wonder if that had anything to do with the close relationship between the bushes and the bin ladens.
Michelle told a wild tale of how Barack saved General Motors and Chrysler. She jabbered about how he set the terms for the bankruptcy.
However, it was during the Bush administration that it was determined to put the two companies through Chapter 11 restructuring.
Unfortunately, it was during the Obama administration when many of the restructuring details were worked out.
GM is still in trouble, in part because it was forced to build the ridiculous Chevy Volt, and, in part, because it's saddled with ridiculous fleet mileage standards.
GM makes ALL its profits from SUVs and pick-up trucks. Thus, the only lines of vehicles it should build are those two.
Let other companies build the mid-range cars. The Malibus, the Impalas. The cars that make NO profits for GM.
But leave it to Obama to attempt to create his own Peoples' Car.
The Volt appears to be it. A car that goes only 40 miles before the battery needs recharging, which requires 8 hours of waiting around. With sales averaging less than 2,000 vehicles a month, in a US market where the total number of cars sold each month is One Million.
The Volt, a metaphor for Obama's America.
pilot lite said:
I guess if the military was frustrated with the pace of the Obama administration they must have been downright outraged by the way Bush gave up on finding obl.
Ignorance seems to be your stock in trade. As the rest of us know, the hunt for bin Laden never stopped during the Bush Administration.
One of the chief criticisms of the Bush administration efforts to find bin Laden was the use of waterboardins. As we know, waterboarding got Khalid Muhammad to sing like a canary, and bit by bit, information from Khalid and information gathered from others led to uncovering bin Laden's hiding place -- right there in the lap of our "allies", the Pakistanis.
How would the US have reacted to finding Hitler in Brazil. YOu can be sure that Truman's response would have differed from Obaama's response to finding bin Laden with an ally.
Obama the wussy. The excuse-inator.
But, that's Obama for you. Always siding with the enemy whenever possible.
Wait a min, forgot about the return of jeezus. Don't the jewish people have to reestablish some temple or something in jerusalem before the final imaginary battle and the return of the jewish zombie? So that's why the gop is so upset about the dems taking out the jerusalem plank. No dem plank, no jeezus return. Oh yeah, and no god. I guess the dems conceeded the born againers home schooler vote to the gop. Damn.
Bin laden was killed by the obama administration, the obl task force was dismantled by a friend of the bin laden family, gwb. You tell me which is the better record. Only in the mind of a conservative is the latter better. Republicans suck at keeping the country safe and getting those responsible for terrorist actions. Obl is dead and gm is alive!!!!!!!!!!
Ossama bin laden is definitely not better today than 4 years ago.
field negro said...
BRA: Not interested in truth; not concerned with honesty
PilotX said...
the obl task force was dismantled by a friend of the bin laden family, gwb
Obama hasn't just prevented a meaningful recovery from the 2008 financial crisis. He helped cause the crisis in the first place, by participating in the Democrat effort to force banks to make bad loans based on race:
President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.
As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.
Obama’s lawsuit was one element of a national “anti-redlining” campaign led by Chicago’s progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called “redlines” around African-American communities. The campaign was powered by progressives’ moral claim that their expertise could boost home ownership among the United States’ most disadvantaged minority, African-Americans.
Progressive activists’ ambition instead contributed greatly to a housing bubble that burst in 2007, crashed the nation’s economy in 2008, wiped out at least $4 trillion in equity, kept unemployment above 8 percent for four years, and damaged the intended beneficiaries of looser mortgage lending standards.
What’s worse, Obama has learned nothing whatsoever from the catastrophe he helped bring about; he is actually doubling down on the insane moonbat ideology that caused the housing bubble:
In the White House, Obama has continued to intensify regulatory pressure on banks to provide more risky loans to African-Americans and Latinos. He has used lawsuits to fund his allies. And taxpayers are now unwittingly contributing to a re-inflation of housing prices.
I don’t have to tell you how this movie ends. We’ve all seen it before.
Hopefully for the dems, they can blame this on the Republicans again.
Are you better off after 4 years of Obama's redistributionist policies?
Most people say no.
The real question is, will you be even worse off after four more years of Obamanomics?
Most people think yes.
Obama will not be reelected.
Let's face it. After many tries at the Presidency, it IS Romney's time. The law of averages demands it.
This was written in the aftermath of the 2010 midterms, but remains an excellent take on Obama:
There is something fundamentally flawed with a process that puts someone like this in charge of the country.
Your trolls are special. They still used the totally discredited meme that is was poor people buying homes, championed by the bush administration, that caused the financial meltdown. A lack of oversight was a major cause and ryan/romney seek to further weaken oversight so if you want more economic calamity vote ryan/romney. Funny, the gop message is kinda discredited. They say what's good for business is good for the country I.e. Trickle down, but business has shown record profit under Barack so either what's good for business is not good for the rest of us or romney doesn't understand business. Either way bad for rawmoney.
Also I bet that troll can't name one policy that's "redistributative". You have talking point trolls.
An, if you didn't figure out something was wrong with the ameeican electorate after electing a cokeheaded dry drunk twice you must have taken the little bus to school.
PilotX said...
Wait a min, forgot about the return of jeezus. Don't the jewish people have to reestablish some temple or something in jerusalem before the final imaginary battle and the return of the jewish zombie? So that's why the gop is so upset about the dems taking out the jerusalem plank. No dem plank, no jeezus return. Oh yeah, and no god. I guess the dems conceeded the born againers home schooler vote to the gop. Damn.
Oh the mind of a barely literate Negro. Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel, just because the Islamic devil says it isn't doesn't change anything. You really think Obama is god obviously or the president of the world that can tell another country what their capitol is.
Islamist's are very happy Obama has chosen sides and picked Islam over Christianity you dimwit-Jews don't believe jesus was the savior. But the Islamist Call For Return Of The Caliphate From Temple Mount In Jerusalem is underway. Iran's Achmed-dinner-plate is calling for the supreme caliphate to arrive and rule the world, he believes that there must be a nuclear fire to start this process of uniting Islam globally, apparently so does the dear leader.
The issue is that obamba is a traitorous incompetent scumbag who has thrown the only democracy in the middle east and our ally under the bus of murderous Islam. But of course he has, he has been the one banning anything Judeo/christian related while promoting Islam and the wonderful sound of the call for morning prayer.
The thing with idiots like you is you think this whole running the country thing is just about votes - you know what so does Obama. For him he doesn't do much but he says whatever it takes to get the splinter groups votes.
PilotX said...
Your trolls are special. They still used the totally discredited meme that is was poor people buying homes, championed by the bush administration, that caused the financial meltdown
If you mean by discredited "desperatley propagandized by democrat apologists", then sure, it was discredited.
But actually PilotX, informed people know what caused the financial meltdown. And no, we do not blame the poor people who lost their homes by taking loans they couldn't afford, we blame the corrupt democrat machine that forced the banks to make the loans while skimmming off billions for themselves and their cronies.
I should know, I was right in the middle of it. I raked in millions.
Blogger PilotX said...
An, if you didn't figure out something was wrong with the ameeican electorate after electing a cokeheaded dry drunk twice you must have taken the little bus to school.
Yeah looking at you - there sure as hell is something wrong with Americas school system. Why are you talking about Bush? You realize that was 4 years ago right and you sound a bit stupid. Bush has nothing to do with what democrats did to destroy this economy from 2006 until now and how your boy has done everything in his power to destroy the US for generations to come.
Surprise - Only to Obama followers: .
The DNC just moved their final night from the 75,000 seat Bank of America Panther Stadium to the 15,000 seat basketball arena.
They say despite local weather forecasters advising the chance of rain was nil, there will be bad weather so they had to move it indoors.
Others say - it's because no one wanted the 65,000 tickets they gave away to attend a freakfest.
So Pilot who are we to believe? The cult of Obama or scientists?
Obama - You didn't fill that!
DNC just moved their final night from the 75,000 seat Bank of America Panther Stadium to the 15,000 seat basketball arena.
Hoodie-wearing shooters? On bicycles?
Bronx gas station worker killed during robbery: police
September 5, 2012
A hard-working immigrant working at a Bronx gas station while pursuing an accounting degree was fatally gunned down by one of a pair of hoodie-wearing thugs in a robbery last night, cops said.
Lamin Sellah, 28, a native of Gambia whose wife of 10 months is still in West Africa, was shot in the torso about 9:40 p.m. at RC Petroleum in East Tremont at East 182nd Street and Southern Boulevard, authorities said.
“He was a beautiful guy. He’s a very hard worker, a very good Muslim,” said Alhagie Ebou Cham, the victim’s uncle and the president of the United Gambians Association, which helps immigrants get settled in the US.
“He came here for his education, a better opportunity for that over here. His dream is he wants to go back to Gambia and be the very best accountant in the country.”
Cops said Sellah was in the station’s office counting his receipts when the creeps rode up on bicycles.
One acted as a lookout while the second pulled a gun on Jason Mwewa, who was pumping gas at the packed station.
”The guy pulled out the gun and he put it behind my back,” Mwewa said. “I just put my hands up, and he searched my pocket. And as soon as he was done, I walked away,” he told WABC.
The thug then went inside and confronted Salleh, who was counting receipts as his shift wound down.
“The victim was surprised, he puts his hands up, but the perp shoots the guy for no reason, and then when he’s on the floor he shoots him two more times,” a law enforcement source told The Post.
“My co-worker, he was doing paperwork. He didn’t see what was happening. And that’s when the guy pointed a gun at him. And he just yelled something, like he was surprised, like ‘Yo!’ and that’s when I heard three shots rang out,” Mwewa said.
The victim collapsed to the floor, where the thug emptied one of his pockets of $30 cash but left $89 in another.
Cops said the perps the fled on the bikes with the cash.
Saleh was rushed to St. Barnabas Hospital with three gunshot wounds to the torso and was pronounced dead. No arrests have been made.
Cham said Sellah only started working at the gas station 10 days ago and had misgivings about the job
“I don’t think he liked the job here,” he said.
He described his nephew as a brilliant student who was taking accounting and English classes at a for-profit school in Midtown while also working five days a week at the gas station.
"He’s a very, very smart guy, he’s memorized almost the whole Koran.
I go to the mosque with him every Friday,” he said as two of the victim’s cousins Mohammad Cham, 24, and Ama Mariama, 30, sobbed uncontrollably and tried to console one another nearby.
pilot lightweight said:
Don't the jewish people have to reestablish some temple or something in jerusalem before the final imaginary battle and the return of the jewish zombie?
Inasmuch as you don't know which way is up in the US, don't make yourself look even more retarded by wrestling with some of the esoterica of Judaism. It's over your head.
Hey Field, the remote control for that TV I got last week is fading already. If I call that 211 number, will they bring me some new batteries? I'm almost out of beer too.
PilotX said...
Your trolls are special. They still used the totally discredited meme that is was poor people buying homes, championed by the bush administration, that caused the financial meltdown. A lack of oversight was a major cause and ryan/romney seek to further weaken oversight so if you want more economic calamity vote ryan/romney. Funny, the gop message is kinda discredited. They say what's good for business is good for the country I.e. Trickle down, but business has shown record profit under Barack so either what's good for business is not good for the rest of us or romney doesn't understand business. Either way bad for rawmoney.
Also I bet that troll can't name one policy that's "redistributative". You have talking point trolls.
Pilot, lack of oversight of what? What was not watched enough that was happening? What were the bankers doing? What were they doing it with? Where did they get it from?
If what is good for business is not good for the rest of us, what do you propose we do? Has this ever worked in a place before?
You can see liberal policy results in Spain/Greece/Italy/California
Why do you think it would be different this time in the U.S?
As for redistributive policies. Think about it for a minute. If half of the U.S does not pay any federal tax and half of the U.S receives some form of Government benefit/entitlement/charity program - just how does that work?
How do people who have paid no federal income tax, get a check back from the government for earned income credit when they haven't earned any income?
Redistribution of wealth policies: What exactly do you think every vote buying scheme and program he has come up with is? From free cell phones to This settlement, that settlement, this subsidy, that subsidy the money is all either taken from creators and or borrowed in the name of creators and redistributed in cash or services.
Field, I've read your explanation as to why you allow these ignorant, bigoted racists to comment here. However, I really wish that you would consider the fact that not a one has anything intelligent or rational to say which is why they resort to racist talking points or spewing hatred. Please set up some new guidelines..for example if you only allowed intelligent, rational, on-topic contributions your regular readers would not be subjected to this garbage and these low-life, mouth-breathing bottom feeders would be forced to post their drivel on the white supremacist, wingnut sites where they belong. I think it would be more frustrating if they found themselves unable to comment. Please reconsider, I'm sure that I'm not the only reader who does not enjoy having to filter through this garbage.
The chief meteorologist at News Channel 36 WCNC in Charlotte is questioning the decision to move President Obama’s Thursday campaign speech indoors.
“[I]t’s a simple question.. if you had a #Panthers game, Concert or Soccer match with a 20% chance of storms would you cancel 24hrs prior?” Brad Panovich wrote on Twitter.
“Severe threat is almost zero Thursday night & chance of rain is 20%,” Panovich wrote.
Obama campaign officials have been saying all week that the event at Bank of America stadium in front of more than 70,000 supporters would go forward “rain or shine.”
Ok two things. First, no one in america should care where a foreign nation locates its capitol city. Second we have to admit there are many hyper-religious here in this country who only care about israel as it is center in the end of the world story in their religion.
Also for 100 what is tel aviv alex?
"I'm sure that I'm not the only reader who does not enjoy having to filter through this garbage."
Translation: Please protect me from having to read anything that does not affirm my pre-conceived biases. I can't handle facts, I can only handle dogma. Sniffle, sniffle.
What a loser.
I wonder if Bill Clinton will tell this story when he speaks at the convention:
Is it too late to nominate Hillary?
Loser??? Idiot, is it possible that you perceive your (and the rest of the IGNORANT bigots)are not spewing from pre-conceived biases????? Talk about irony...the hit dog yelps the loudest.
Blogger PilotX said...
Ok two things. First, no one in america should care where a foreign nation locates its capitol city. Second we have to admit there are many hyper-religious here in this country who only care about israel as it is center in the end of the world story in their religion.
Also for 100 what is tel aviv alex?
You are right, I fully agree with you that no one in America should ever have any input in a foreign countries capitol. What you missed is that those who support Israel are supporting their decision and advice that Jerusalem is their capitol. The only one trying to force another country to agree with what they want that countries capitol to be is Liberals and the Obama administration in order to appease the murderous Muslims and idiotic UN. Imagine they want a city in Israel to be deemed an "international city" instead of an Israeli city. So tell Obama to get off the terrorists teat and mind his own business. Jordan doesn't accept Palestinians anywhere near what Israel does so should Obama now start demanding Jordan change it's capitol from Amman to Al Azraq and try to mandate what Jordanians can do in their own country?
Tel Aviv is a city in Israel. What could you possibly be thinking that is confusing you? Are you again thinking because liberals WANT Tel Aviv to become the Jewish capitol and give up Jerusalem to the "UN" that this makes it right, sound and so?
Lastly Israel is an american ally it is a true free nation and democracy. It is the only one in the middle east surrounded by murderous Muslims who are not your allies no matter what you think. Your repugnance of those who believe in god has made you a crusader against anything you think might be explained away by a religious belief. So what if they are, you still don't have the right to tell them anything.
Wow Field! Unhinged is an understatement...these cons are really out of control. BTW, do these Aliases ever Work...or is spewing hatred on your blog their "career of choice"? Anywho, we expect Castro to be our next Governor...SMH At Rick Perry. Si se Puede!
Anonymous said...
Loser??? Idiot, is it possible that you perceive your (and the rest of the IGNORANT bigots)are not spewing from pre-conceived biases????? Talk about irony...the hit dog yelps the loudest.
Lassie is that you?
Could you try that again in English
If there was any bias you could certainly and easily talk about the facts and not rely on racial crutches, yet you seem to lean there anyway. A bigot is someone who refuses to open his mind to any different point of view...yes you are. Ignorant? Well you wouldn't be asking for help if you could handle your own with knowledge.
Essence73T said...
Wow Field! Unhinged is an understatement...these cons are really out of control. BTW, do these Aliases ever Work...or is spewing hatred on your blog their "career of choice"? Anywho, we expect Castro to be our next Governor...SMH At Rick Perry. Si se Puede!
Good luck with that, he already has borrowed 596 million on the city for "beautification projects" and nothing that will generate revenue, he is also taking more from the feds and wrote into law that taxes can be automatically increased if HAHA if he can't pay back the loans. Let me repeat, if he can't pay back the loans HAHAHA. Now which bankrupt democratic led city have we seen this before? Oh yeah....ALL of them.
"Loser??? Idiot, is it possible that you perceive your (and the rest of the IGNORANT bigots)are not spewing from pre-conceived biases????? Talk about irony...the hit dog yelps the loudest."
Um, you are the one yelping for censorship of peole smarter and better informed than yourself.
Mr. Field,
Can't get enough of the electoral math? Try Sam Wang's site. He is a neuroscientist at Princeton, and has great statistical chops. He likes to give Nate Silver and 538 a hard time now and then, but it's always civilized. By the way, he has Obama ahead as well in the Electoral College, and is arguing that Romney actually had a negative bounce coming out of the GOP convention. Right now he has the EV at 309 for Obama; Nate is at 310.9. Both these guys absolutely nailed the vote in 2008. Nate missed Indiana, which was virtually tied going in. Sam Wang's prediction was ONE vote off. The Fox Nation morons who post here are a vile, witless, uneducated pack of mouth-breathers, but they are particularly stupid at math and stats.
"Good luck with that, he already has borrowed 596 million on the city for "beautification projects" and nothing that will generate revenue, he is also taking more from the feds and wrote into law that taxes can be automatically increased if HAHA if he can't pay back the loans"
So what's the problem, we'll just tax the rich. That negrito will bail me out anyway.
BlowJobu said...
Can't get enough of the electoral math? Try Sam Wang's site.
Field is on plenty of Wang sites already.
Romney/Ryan will win with 52% of the vote. You can book it now.
Anonymous Jobu said...
Mr. Field,
Can't get enough of the electoral math? Try Sam Wang's site. He is a neuroscientist at Princeton, and has great statistical chops. He likes to give Nate Silver and 538 a hard time now and then, but it's always civilized. By the way, he has Obama ahead as well in the Electoral College, and is arguing that Romney actually had a negative bounce coming out of the GOP convention. Right now he has the EV at 309 for Obama; Nate is at 310.9. Both these guys absolutely nailed the vote in 2008. Nate missed Indiana, which was virtually tied going in. Sam Wang's prediction was ONE vote off. The Fox Nation morons who post here are a vile, witless, uneducated pack of mouth-breathers, but they are particularly stupid at math and stats.
Why is it that the dumbest always spend all their energy trying to improve they are the smartest, when that energy would be better spent learning?
What happened in 2008? How easy would it be to predict a democratic landslide? You could have run and did just as good as Obama did. Sheez....yeah, yeah, mouth breathers, fox watchers, knuckle draggers - do you think anyone really thinks it's other people that have these attributes when they see you and listen to you?
"BTW, do these Aliases ever Work...or is spewing hatred on your blog their "career of choice"?"
I think unemployment is high in Appalachia.:(
PilotX, "Your trolls are special."
Of course they are special! Mr Field paid good money to Anon, Inc for them.
Anon Inc is a very reputable corporation with clients willing to pay "extra" for "quality" sevice. Anyone on this blog or visiting this blog can see right away that Anon trolls help make this blog what it is.
Mr. PilotX, even YOU must admit this fact AND TRUTH. And, as Michele Obama said in her speech, "The truth matters."
Looks like you yelped the loudest and the longest
The point isn't me looking down on religious people but the fact republicans put religious beliefs in their plank and try to use it to influence foreign policy. I have no problem with anyone believing whatever they want, even thje belief god is 6'2" with blue eyes goes By the name mormo and lives on the planet kobol, but I do have a problem when people try to enforce their beliefs on everyone else. Read a few republican state platforms and you'll see their policy towards israel is based on the bible, can't make this stuff up. I only bring up the hyper religiosity of the right because they are freaking ouit because the dems tOok out the word god. So freaking what? Its all over their own platform and good on the dems for thinking about those who don't believe in invisible imaginary beings, even those from planet kobol.
But you believe in invisible imaginary global warming.
PilotX said...
The point isn't me looking down on religious people but the fact republicans put religious beliefs in their plank and try to use it to influence foreign policy. I have no problem with anyone believing whatever they want, even thje belief god is 6'2" with blue eyes goes By the name mormo and lives on the planet kobol, but I do have a problem when people try to enforce their beliefs on everyone else. Read a few republican state platforms and you'll see their policy towards israel is based on the bible, can't make this stuff up. I only bring up the hyper religiosity of the right because they are freaking ouit because the dems tOok out the word god. So freaking what? Its all over their own platform and good on the dems for thinking about those who don't believe in invisible imaginary beings, even those from planet kobol.
I have a bit to say on this but let me ask you one question. Do you support Islam? Why?
The planet is warming so thus it is real but as I have repeatedly stated I am agnostic on the overall aspects of climate change. Much more study neesds to be done before we can declare yes we will continue a warming trend or no we won't. Fair enough?
Pilot looks like you were over-ruled the Moonbats put back God and Israel back into their charter even though most delegates voted no - I wonder why. They still left out the founding fathers but do mention Obama 143 times.
What a clusterfuck the democrat party is, they can't even run a convention without huge messes and they want to run our lives completely. Hell no, I choose freedom.
PilotX said...
The planet is warming so thus it is real but as I have repeatedly stated I am agnostic on the overall aspects of climate change. Much more study neesds to be done before we can declare yes we will continue a warming trend or no we won't. Fair enough?
Now you are talking. I agree with you 300% on this, it may be true, it may not, it is worth seriously and furiously studying openly. In the meantime can we tell liberals to stop with economy destroying policies that will have no impact at the end of the day because no one else on the planet will suffer as we are? Even spain abandoned its wind blowhard policies as it did not work and is killing their economy. No carbon tax so you pay more while china uses all the oil and coal they need to be able to be economically strong and make decisions. If we use our energy supplies we will be rich enough to pour tons of money into alternative energies and move forward without destroying the economy.
Two things, come up with a screen name and stick with it if you want to have a continued dialouge with me. You're not new here are you? Second, I don't "support" any religion. They have enough support without my input.
Funny, I thought it was repubs who want to run our lives. Control over a woman's body, can't buy beer on sunday, gays can't marry whom they want. Seems the gop has a controlling agenda too. I like freedom as much as the next guy but my idea of freedom is different from most conservatives. They like freedom as long as you do what they like.
Chinas VP - the next leader of China just snubbed Hillary he didnt even show up for a press conference they had schedule while blasting the US as a troublemaker in the news.
Russian Subs/Ac off the coast of the US
Iran Developing Nukes while the Obama Regime throws Israel under the bus..
The world is getting interesting.
pileitup bongo did not find osama ben hidding the military did they wanted to drop a couple of 2000lb bombs on his ass by jarrette,the commie,nixed that.she made them risk american lives instead and yes the seals killed the stinking raghead but it cost us a top secreat hilicopter when we could have just blown his ass to hell. pileit didyuo notice that ben hidding and bongo have the same color lips,purple!bongo is going to lose by a land slide because he will only get the dummy and the negro vote.when us trolls and wing nut piss you off by telling the truth could you please refute us with facts instead of insults.it makes me not want to fly with you!
PilotX said...
Funny, I thought it was repubs who want to run our lives. Control over a woman's body, can't buy beer on sunday, gays can't marry whom they want.
The basic rule is that Conservatives want people to have the right to choose on everything except sexual matters, Liberals want sexual matters to be the only thing you have freedom of choice on.
Gay marriage is battle over a word. Two homosexuals marrying is not "marriage" in the traditional sense, it cannot be. It is something else. I don't care if they do something else, but they have no inherent right to force everyone else to consider it marriage.
Liberals offer complete freedom and lack of any restrictions or moralizing on sexual matters in return for complete control over all other aspects of our lives.
It's the dems who want to restrict free speech (the Fairness Doctrine), take away our right to bear arms, force Churches to pay for abortions and perform homosexual marriages against their fundamental tenets, take away the choice whether to purchase health insurance or not, ban twenty ounce sodas, choose what oil you use to make your french fries in, and outlaw abundant energy sources.
The whole idea of America is that the government does not run our lives. The party that gets out of everyone's business is the one who will dominate politically.
I do not like the Republicans injecting religious morality into their platform, but when all is said and done, they are a lot closer to the ideal than the dems
even more interesting about Bro-bama is the fact that he wants to eliminate student debt when 1/3 of our national debt was created by the first black president in his first term. basically saying that its not fair that a student will go into debt to attend college, but being born into debt is acceptable?? I'm sorry but throwing money, Im sorry, OUR money, at a problem won't fix it.
PilotX said...
Funny, I thought it was repubs who want to run our lives. Control over a woman's body, can't buy beer on sunday, gays can't marry whom they want. Seems the gop has a controlling agenda too. I like freedom as much as the next guy but my idea of freedom is different from most conservatives. They like freedom as long as you do what they like.
6:38 PM
Getting drunk on Sunday, popped in the butt by your best-est hairiest pal and killing a baby. What a day you will have, but if that's what floats your boat then of course we understand why you are a Democrat.
Remind me never to stop by on the weekend.
Drinkin seems ok if you can handle it but if it causes you to walk funny the next day and find little baby parts in your apartment you might want to stop snortin the hooch.
Field, you need Rotor Rooter to flush the tons of hateful dung the trolls have clogged up your blog with. I ruined up my church shoes trying to get pass their mess, so that I could read comments made by the civilize adults posting on here. I ought to sue them for a new pair of shoes.
Anyhow, I did get a chance to look at the DNC last night and the First Lady gave an excellent speech, Lily Ledbetter gave a heartfelt speech, Governor Patrick's speech was excellent, and all of the speeches were great.
Over at Huffingtonpost, I happen to read an article written by Travis Smiley. I don't know why Travis Smiley won't come out and admit that he is an undercover, Corporate shill and Republican flunky. How does that old song go, "They smile in your face. All the time they want to take your place. Backstabbers!" I wonder how he took the news that Mitt has his place of employment...PBS on his elimination list. Oh, I forgot he still has his sideline crabs in the barrel occupation. Just think he's been on a mission proclaiming the fight for poverty. Does he realize that Mitt intends to expand poverty? Smh!
Let's see we've been confronted with reverse-racism, so next I guess those on the right will be screaming reverse-poverty. Oops, they already are aren't they? Jesus, Joseph, Mary mother of Jesus! Oh Lawd, help us all today.
Btw, Mitt chose his perfect match for VP. Yep, both of them lie, are revisionist who want to steal grandma and grandpa's check, and rob from the poor to give to the rich; have a serf and feudalism ideology.
Granny is alive? That's the last time I believe Reine about anything.
"The basic rule is that Conservatives want people to have the right to choose on everything except sexual matters, Liberals want sexual matters to be the only thing you have freedom of choice on."
And this is a bad thing because....
Sup Granny? Do u have any troll spray? :)
Pilot X, as usual, you are on point.
field negro said...
"The basic rule is that Conservatives want people to have the right to choose on everything except sexual matters, Liberals want sexual matters to be the only thing you have freedom of choice on."
And this is a bad thing because....
Because life is more than the freedom to do whatever you want with your genitals, isn't it?
I think consenting adults should be free to do what they want with their genitals. I do not think abortion should be illegal.
That being said, If I had to make a choice between on one hand having to conduct my sex life more or less according to the Bible but having my rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness guaranteed, and on the other hand having complete sexual free-reign and free abortions while every other aspect of my life was dictated by the government, I would choose the former in a heartbeat.
Apparently, you are saying fornication is everything to you? That you are willing to forgo all other freedoms and rights for a world where anything goes getting your freak on?
It is a bad thing Field because they are controlling you with your dick. Do whatever they tell you and you can play with it all day long. That's not really freedom, is it?
I agree that comparing Republicans to Nazis is unwarranted. There is no grounds for asserting they intend to perpetrate a holocaust. However, I do think the case can be made that the Republicans have largely adopted fascist principles and techniques. This is not the same as calling them Nazis, as the Italians had a fascist government, and there were British fascists, etc. But since the Republicans walk like a duck, etc.
Rob, that was precious. Did you learn what a fascist was in college"?
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
But those are lot of big words and perhaps difficult concepts for you. Better just to call the party of Constitutional freedoms and free markets "facists" and the party of Statist redistributionist socialists and planned economies "progressives".
But you should ask for your money back from that college.
Anonymous 4:42pm said:
Good luck with that, he already has borrowed 596 million on the city for "beautification projects" and nothing that will generate revenue, he is also taking more from the feds and wrote into law that taxes can be automatically increased if HAHA if he can't pay back the loans. Let me repeat, if he can't pay back the loans HAHAHA. Now which bankrupt democratic led city have we seen this before? Oh yeah....ALL of them.
It's pretty obvious to every "sane" person on this blog that you know very little about "anything", SO, just in case you didn't know.....San Antonio gets a great deal of their revenue from tourism. And since it's obvious that you don't come down from the mountains much, you really must pay more attention to the learned people on this blog. :)
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