"The man who shot up a Minneapolis sign-making business selected his targets carefully, walking past some employees while shooting others, police said today.
Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan detailed Andrew Engeldinger's shooting rampage today as a fifth victim died from wounds. Engeldinger shot himself in the head, bringing the total of Thursday's carnage to six.
Engeldinger, 36, shot up Accent Signage Systems Thursday afternoon just hours after he was fired from the company.
"It was a case he was terminated that day. He did come back about 4:25 to that location, parked his car and walked in the loading dock area and immediately started shooting people at that location," [Source]
Dude came back and took out his boss, a bunch of co-workers, and even the UPS man. Andrew Engeldinger's parents are saying that he suffered from mental illness. (Why is it that only certain people suffer from mental illness when they commit these types of crimes?) Of course he suffers from mental issues; he just killed four f&^%$* people!
"Joe Engeldinger, who lived with the gunman shortly after he graduated high school, told the Associated Press that his nephew's immediate family was having a "horrible time."
"I can only assume there was some kind of mental break there," Joe Engeldinger said. "He wasn't a monster. He wasn't. He was a real good kid, a real good person. He had a real good heart. I don't know what made all this transpire. Hopefully the truth will come out, and won't get twisted into some demented thing."
"A real good kid"? Yeah right, Joe. Four grieving families would tend to disagree.
There was another shooting in Connecticut that has been all over the news as well. This one was tragic because the shooter killed his son without knowing it. Seems the young man was burglarizing his aunt's home. She then called her brother who went all George Zimmerman on the poor kid.
Now you will hear a lot about how tragic this story is, and how, unlike another teenager who recently lost his life, this young man should not have died in such a way. Although, unlike another young man, this one was actually committing a criminal act.
But hey, by all accounts the kid's father was afraid he was being attacked, and that his son-the attacker- had a weapon. This might or might not be true. Sadly for him, unlike that other guy, he had a much more personal stake in the outcome.
Check out Jim Webb yesterday
"Governor Romney and I are about the same age. Like millions of others in our generation, we came to adulthood facing the harsh realities of the Vietnam War.
2.7 million in our age group went to Vietnam, a war which eventually took the lives of 58,000 young Americans and cost another 300,000 wounded. The Marine Corps lost 100,000 killed or wounded in that war. During the year I was in Vietnam, 1969, our country lost twice as many dead as we have lost in Iraq and Afghanistan combined over the past 10 years of war. 1968 was worse. 1967 was about the same. Not a day goes by when I do not think about the young Marines I was privileged to lead.
This was a time of conscription, where every American male was eligible to be drafted. People made choices about how to deal with the draft, and about military service. I have never envied or resented any of the choices that were made as long as they were done within the law. But those among us who stepped forward to face the harsh unknowns and the lifelong changes that can come from combat did so with the belief that their service would be honored, and that our leaders would, in the words of President Abraham Lincoln, care for those who had borne the battle, and for their widows and their children.
Those young Marines that I led have grown older now. They’ve lived lives of courage, both in combat and after their return, where many of them were derided by their own peers for having served. That was a long time ago. They are not bitter. They know what they did. But in receiving veterans’ benefits, they are not takers. They were givers, in the ultimate sense of that word. There is a saying among war veterans: “All gave some, some gave all.” This is not a culture of dependency. It is a part of a long tradition that gave this country its freedom and independence. They paid, some with their lives, some through wounds and disabilities, some through their emotional scars, some through the lost opportunities and delayed entry into civilian careers which had already begun for many of their peers who did not serve.
And not only did they pay. They will not say this, so I will say it for them. They are owed, if nothing else, at least a mention, some word of thanks and respect, when a presidential candidate who is their generational peer makes a speech accepting his party’s nomination to be commander-in-chief. And they are owed much more than that — a guarantee that we will never betray the commitment that we made to them and to their loved ones."
I've always had as much sympathy for perp/defendants families as I have victims families. I've met way too many devastated perps families who can't help but hope for their loved one's future even while they're deeply ashamed and distraught over the crime, to see them any other way. They're as impacted by the crime as a crime victim's family with none of the sympathy, legal standing, or support services. Many end up excluded, without recourse, from their family members public trials by inclusion on prosecutor's witness lists so that criminal defendants don't appear to have sympathetic families in the courtroom. They also often end losing most or all contact with their imprisoned loved one through distance, the petty bureaucracy and excess expense of the visiting, and telephone systems. All of it over something that they're no more guilty of than the victims/families. I can only sympathize with them in their undeserved pain.
"Yet another day in America brings more tragic news of a mass shooting. This one, like so many others, was a work place shooting by a man who lost it after losing his job."
Another tragedy squarely on Obama's shoulders. His failure to produce jobs is pushing more and more people over the edge. How many more people have to die before he'll accept responsibility? We have to get us a new President.
This just in, latest poll composite, Romney up 7.4 ponts on Obama:
For all of the wishful thinking in the mainstream press about President Obama’s positioning 40 days before this election, Obama’s approval rating looks remarkably similar to what it was on this date in 2010 — shortly before his party lost a historic 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats. On September 27, 2010 — exactly two years ago — Rasmussen Reports showed Obama’s net approval rating among likely voters to be minus-3 percentage points (with 48 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving). Among those who felt “strongly,” Obama’s net approval rating was minus-14 points (with 27 percent “strongly” approving and 41 percent “strongly” disapproving).
Today, Rasmussen Reports shows Obama’s net approval rating among likely voters to be minus-3 points (with 48 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving). Among those who feel “strongly,” Obama’s net approval rating is minus-14 points (with 28 percent “strongly” approving and 42 percent “strongly” disapproving). So, two years after the biggest Republican gains in the House since before World War II, Americans remain every bit as unimpressed with the way Obama is handling his job as president as they were then.
This stands to reason. Obamacare remains an unprecedented threat to Americans’ liberty, this “recovery” still feels like a recession, the debt continues to explode, and Obama still ducks responsibility for anything that happens during his presidency, at least to some degree. The American people are noticing.
Echoing Whitey's Conspiracy, I went to school with someone who, when we were in our 20s went on a killing spree and ended up shooting himself in the head after a manhunt and lots of tv coverage. It was odd, because I hadn't seen him since graduation day of high school.
Anyway, whenever I think of him, I think of how much I liked him. He was generally well-liked, and was kind to me and supportive of me as a person at a time (high school) when I felt badly about myself. I think of him and I think, "he was such a great guy. He was a very good person." And yet, something happened or more likely a series of things and he made horrible choices that resulted in a number of deaths.
None of this is to say, Field, that you're wrong to point out that it's cold comfort to the victims' loved ones that the killer's relative says he was a good person. It's just to point out that this kind of thing is just awful all the way around.
I don't want to sound cheesy when I say that I have come to believe that there are no bad people. The question for me has become, why do good people do horrible things, because people definitely do horrible things. I certainly don't expect others to see things this way, but I have not come to this conclusion lightly.
My god, Field, where do these trolls come from?
This just in........ Rawmoney hits 49.5% unfavorable in the poll of polls. (a personal best and an all time high for a presidential nominee) That makes a popular vote majority (still not a winner for him because of his bloated cracker vote in the already solidly klan south) all but impossible.
He's also undone his cash advantage, blowing money on expensive last minute ad buys like a lotto winner on a bender, while Obama's worked the rules and gotten much more bang for his buck. Best estimates are that Romney has paid just over twice what Obama has in tv advertising for about the same number of market minutes in the swing states.
Thats why robme is still concentrating on fundraising 38 days out -he has to because he's spending it so fast.
"I don't want to sound cheesy when I say that I have come to believe that there are no bad people"
Except of course Mitt Romney, because he is RICH and doesn't drink and had seven kids with his first and only wife and has given millions to charity, including his entire inheritence from his father. He wants to help everyone have the opportunity to have decent jobs in an economy that actualy grows. That's pretty bad.
You do sound cheesy, Bill. And morally vacuous.
Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
This just in........ Rawmoney hits 49.5% unfavorable in the poll of polls. (a personal best and an all time high for a presidential nominee) That makes a popular vote majority (still not a winner for him because of his bloated cracker vote in the already solidly klan south) all but impossible.
You disgust me you piece of shit. Imagine a white man calling other white people "crackers" so he can ingratiate himself with a race who must hate white people for you to so despicably lower yourself. You are a coward a pimp and a ghetto Eminem - Garbage. You don't become a cocksucker and disparage others to be liked, unless you are just a plain cocksucker who has no alternative.
Whiteys nothing but a piece of shit ambulance chasing cocksucker.
Does your mother know you have to hate yourself and piss on your own leg to get a friend?
Since so many "good guys" end up shooting a bunch of people I think us loudmouth aholes should get a little more appreciation. Just say'n.
PilotX said...
Since so many "good guys" end up shooting a bunch of people I think us loudmouth aholes should get a little more appreciation. Just say'n.
AWWW......that was sweet cupcake. I appreciate that your a loudmouth asshole!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
This just in........ Rawmoney hits 49.5% unfavorable in the poll of polls. (a personal best and an all time high for a presidential nominee) That makes a popular vote majority (still not a winner for him because of his bloated cracker vote in the already solidly klan south) all but impossible.
He's also undone his cash advantage, blowing money on expensive last minute ad buys like a lotto winner on a bender, while Obama's worked the rules and gotten much more bang for his buck. Best estimates are that Romney has paid just over twice what Obama has in tv advertising for about the same number of market minutes in the swing states.
Thats why robme is still concentrating on fundraising 38 days out -he has to because he's spending it so fast.
Just where do you get your information from? Post a link you are wrong on every count.
Also Obama is holding THREE fundraisers tomorrow, he hasn't worked in nearly a year even though he is still getting paid and Romney still has a significant cash advantage, what's your point besides that nipple that you call the crown of your head?
It's remarkable that a presidential candidate who's lived a model life is cast as the bad guy.
We've got a president with the most confused sensibilities a human can have, yet out of his confusion has come an ideology that's aimed at wrecking the economy.
It's clearly the legacy Obama's worthless father and step-father, a pair of wife-beaters, left him.
He didn't overcome his twisted beginnings. He embraced the lunacy of his parents and is now infecting the country with the same mental illness.
Shit said...
This just in, latest poll composite, Romney up 7.4 ponts on Obama:
Uhm.....You know that this site founder wrote his model to get the scores he wanted, right? That's propaganda (ironically what he accuses the public polls of being) not polling.
It's all over again said...
Today, Rasmussen Reports shows Obama’s net approval rating among likely voters to be minus-3 points (with 48 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving).
Nice try 2010, that number isn't favorability (as you seem to imply) it's job approval from the internal tables of swing state tracking and it presumably includes the 11% who are dissatisfied with Obama's performance from the left which klanners always deliberately ignore.
BTW Rasmussen tracking (has Obama +1 nationally today, while (that other famous left-wing shill) Fauxnews' newest poll has him at close to his POP score +4.
What does it say about the Democratic Party that the people funding Obama's presidential campaign seem to regard their downscale fellow countrymen as a kind of alien race, to be feared and condescended to in equal measure?
A non said....
You disgust me you piece of shit.
Thanks. Your scorn is a high compliment.
Imagine a white man calling other white people "crackers."
Yeah, uhm... I call myself a cracker cracker. Like the tshirt says I'm a "Cracker for Obama!"
whitey on Webb:
And they are owed much more than that — a guarantee that we will never betray the commitment that we made to them and to their loved ones."
Yeah. Well, guess what, genius? Obama is doing everything possible to let the Islamic crackpots know the US will do as little as possible in response to their mass murder and mayhem, no matter where in the world the commit their atrocities.
In Iran's latest threats to Israel, Ahmadinejad included US targets on his list of those to be hit if someone tries to destroy Iran's atomic bomb facilities.
Get it? Obama's been so persuasive in his obsequious groveling before Iran and the rest of the Islamic world that Islamic leaders feel free to threaten the US from the podium in the UN.
Yeah, Obama sure has made some great friends out of the leaders and people of those vile nations
Do you think anyone on the committee who awarded our clown president the Nobel Peace Prize is feeling stupid?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"Nice try 2010"
It wasn't just a try, Whiteboy, it was a win.
Obama's negatives are HIGHER than Romney's, about where they were in 2010 at 51%.
People hate Obama's policies in overwhelming numbers (from 55 to 71%), but can't seem to bring themselves to disaprove of Obama quite as much, probably because he's black.
Romney will win by 7 to 10 points.
Whitey is but a tawdry version of Tim Wise, the prominent Jewish-American activist who gave the following message in 2010 to White Americans:
"So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness.
The clock that reminds you how little time you and yours have left.
Not much more now.
Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.
We just have to be patient.
And wait for your hearts to stop beating.
And stop they will.
And for some of you, real damned soon, truth be told.
That's the kind of hate our culture deems "cool".
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
A non said....
You disgust me you piece of shit.
Thanks. Your scorn is a high compliment.
Imagine a white man calling other white people "crackers."
Yeah, uhm... I call myself a cracker cracker. Like the tshirt says I'm a "Cracker for Obama!"
You are welcome, it isn't everyday someone as low as you evokes an emotion from me, savor it...you won't warrant a second look now that I see what a self-deprecating buffoon you are. It is evident that you have such low self-esteem that you readily reduce yourself to avoid the inevitable shots of others looking to do the same.
It worked.
You might just be a cracka and someone with such a low self regard thinks when he is called a cracka this isn't a slur, no for him it's a special pet accolade, you are a token pet cracka.
But of course you have mental deficiencies, how else could you be such a flaming.....liberal.
How does Obama respond to our embassy in Egypt being overrun, burned, and having the Al Qaeda flag raised?:
"The Obama administration notified Congress on Friday that it would provide Egypt’s new government an emergency cash infusion of $450 million"
This guy has to go. Now
“First of all, we’ve had 9 days of lies…If a president of either party…had had a terrorist incident and gotten on an airplane [after remarks] and flown off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas, they would have been crucified…it should have been, should have been, the equivalent, for Barack Obama, of George Bush’s “flying over Katrina” moment. But nothing was said at all. Nothing will be said. [...] It is [unacceptable] to specifically decide that you will not tell the American people information they have a right to know. [The MSM] has made themselves the enemy of the American people. It is a threat to the very future of the country; we’ve crossed a new and frightening line on the slippery slope, and it needs to be talked about.”
Still beating said...
"Whitey is but a tawdry version of Tim Wise."
You're really trying to turn my head now! I've known Tim for a almost decade and admired him and his work longer.
Romney in a mudslide said...
"Obama's negatives are HIGHER than Romney's, about where they were in 2010 at 51%."
Reality replied...
Real Clear Politics poll of polls (POP) 9/28/12
Obama Favorable 51%, unfavorable 44.5, net +6.5
Obama Job Approval 49.9%, disapprove 47.5, net +2.5
Uh oh, they are trying to scare us with the mooslims. More people trust Barack with foreign policy because the alternative seems to be the bomb Iran crowd.
Anonymous said...
Nice try a non, but that fauxnews/butfart shill hasn't worked for a Democrat since he left the party in a huff in 1988 and turned into a professional republiklan apologist.
Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Still beating said...
"Whitey is but a tawdry version of Tim Wise."
You're really trying to turn my head now! I've known Tim for a almost decade and admired him and his work longer.
I am sure you have. Quite sure actually.
History will show how Blacks not knowing any better hastened their own eventual displacement and degradation. Latinos who you have pushed the game up for have no such sickness as White guilt, they aren't Europeans who had this false sense that people eventually come around if you are good enough to them. They already know they need to kick blacks to the curb and eat them alive. Then they are lumped into "white society" after they have taken the meager resources/jobs and structure that Blacks would have competed for. What is Black Unemployment now?
The game is over.
LOL Brilliant, just Brilliant. Good nutrition and education isn't helping the evolutionary process just yet.
Member of 'Obama Boyz' gang charged in St. Louis shootings
What you won't see in America is the Romney Boys gang and if you do it will be young god fearing future businessmen who help old ladies across the street, without raping, robbing or shooting them first.
Desert Fox, what do you know about statins?
"Why would banks make such risky loans? The answer is that the Clinton administration pressured the banks to help poor people become homeowners, a noble liberal idea."
The banks took the risky loans because they paid higher interest rates. In fact banks actually sold sub-prime loans to people who could have qualified for better mortgages simply to make more profit, thinking they could bundle the bad debts and sell them off.
The Purple Cow said...
"Why would banks make such risky loans? The answer is that the Clinton administration pressured the banks to help poor people become homeowners, a noble liberal idea."
The banks took the risky loans because they paid higher interest rates. In fact banks actually sold sub-prime loans to people who could have qualified for better mortgages simply to make more profit, thinking they could bundle the bad debts and sell them off.
No way, this can't be true. How did the banks force them to sign the papers after they read them, including seeing the interest rate, monthly payment and comparing to what they earned, did they do it at gunpoint? Did any of those applying already have bankruptcies, foreclosures and default loans? Why would the banks want to make loans they knew could never be paid? Who gave them the "ID" that someone else would back the loans and made them actually salable to someone else? I mean bad loans nobody would want to buy unless they were good loans and backed by someone , now who would back bad loans and why would they do it?
Maybe Barack Hussein had something to do with it?
President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.
As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.
During the lawsuit led by Barack Hussein, Citibank defended the cautious way it loaned out its shareholders’ money, saying that “the underwriting criteria were racially neutral on their face … [and] that each of the named defendants was denied the home loans he or she requested due to his or her lack of financial qualifications,” according to a June 1995 summary by the judge who heard Obama’s discrimination case.
Citibank had a significant amount of data to back up its case.
For example, when the 186 clients submitted their names for compensation in 1998, it turned out that least 19 had bankrupted or received foreclosure notices even before December 1997. Another 18 of the 186 clients would go under within three years because of financial pressures.
“If you see some people don’t make enough money to afford the mortgage, why would you give them a loan?” asked Obama client John Buchanan. “There should be some type of regulation against giving people loans they can’t afford.”
Not if you are liberal John, not if you are a liberal.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/03/with-landmark-lawsuit-barack-obama-pushed-banks-to-give-subprime-loans-to-chicagos-african-americans/#ixzz27r4fa3y4
Oh and something just doesn't pass the smell test with Barack Hussein and his lawsuit against citibank for not lending money to minorities who would not be able to pay it back.
As we know by the housing bubble, Barack won the lawsuit and loans started flowing and Citibank settled for "being discriminatory" and impacting poor blacks who could never pay back a loan by not actually giving them a loan.
Citibank settled and the lawyers got a million each, but the plaintiffs got coupons.
And poor John Buchanan who said before that "there ought to be regulation against lending money to people who can't afford it now says
“We should have gotten some type of monetary reward from the lawsuit, which we didn’t. “I don’t remember any money being offered since we were discriminated against, The bank “should have had to pay.”
Imagine that he sued because he couldnt' get a loan, got the loan and complained because he said someone should have protected him from himself, then complained because the liberal lawyers took all the money the bank gave them and only gave him a coupon.
And now the lawyer who made all this happen had to bail out the banks he broke with taxpayer money and is suing them again to make the same loans.
Only in Liberal Land can anyone think this crookedness will work out well.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/03/obamas-african-american-clients-got-coupons-not-cash/#ixzz27r9SBWeJ
Today, the NY Times writes about Camden, NJ:
The murder rate so far this year is above 6 people per 10,000. By contrast, New York City’s rate is just over one-third of a person per 10,000 residents.
Many of the drug users come to Camden from elsewhere in the county, getting off the light-rail system to buy from the drug markets along what police call Heroin Highway in the neighborhood of North Camden.
All black, all crime, all the time.
purple cow dung asks:
"Why would banks make such risky loans?
Two reasons. First, because people with low credit scores, weak job status and NO downpayment money are in the risk category that makes Sub-Prime Loans the only loans they're qualified to get.
Second, those loans can be sold into the secondary loan market, thereby taking them off the books of the commerical bank or mortgage bank that underwrote them.
The secondary loan market -- for those of you who know nothing about finance, which is almost everyone here, including the uninformed field -- is like the stock market. But it's for loans.
No bank is forced to keep a loan on its balance sheet. But to fulfill its Community Reinvestment Act requirements, many banks are forced to underwrite loans to people who are almost certain to default.
However, banks can sell the future bad loans into the secondary market and get away from the problem.
However, spotting individual bad loans isn't so tough. What can the unlucky holder of bad mortgage paper do?
He can sell the shaky loan to a firm that packages large numbers of loans into single securities. A bond fund made of mortgages.
The theory is that the bad mortgages will get lost in the sauce among the mortgages which remain fully paid up.
So the lemon gets passed, finally landing somewhere far from the bak the issued it, though not always.
Bottom line -- if banks were allowed to set their own lending standards AND were NOT given the implicit backing of the federal government, THEN banks would lend money ONLY to people with reasonable credit ratings, some job stability AND some downpayment money.
Lending to people with lousy credit is NO PROBLEM when they're required to make hefty downpayments. With a bid downpayment, the lender is protected if the borrower defaults.
Then the property can be sold for enough to cover the loan. Any profit is returned to the borrower.
"My god, Field, where do these trolls come from?"
I am not sure. But I suspect that after November 6th we won't be seeing much of them. :)
It must really suck to be a Romney supporter these days. I suspect that Obama is probably up by 2 or 3 percentage points, and given the state of affairs, this race shouldn't even be close. But the repuliklan brand really sucks these days,and having Flipper as your candidate can't be a good thing.
Whitey, you are right, I checked that wingnut link and the guy is a crack pot.
Not! This guy kept getting more wacked out as his head got bigger. I think that today he is a certified wingnut.
How to win votes? Joe says give those geezers free pie...
Biden promotes free colonosco pies to seniors in Florida
September 28, 2012
Charlie Spiering
The Washington Examiner
In Florida this afternoon, Vice President Joe Biden reminded supporters that thanks to President Obama, they could now get colonosco pies without paying.
The father-shoots-son case in Conncecticut?
Well, not exactly. The kid was his foster child who'd lived with him for a few years. The kid's biological mother is -- still -- a crackhead who was forced to surrender the boy's sister as well.
Moreover, the crackhead mother went to jail for a while for the death of another of her children after she managed to kill the kid in a car accident she caused while high.
"Today, Rasmussen Reports shows..."
You lost me at hello.
Another tragedy squarely on Obama's shoulders. His failure to produce jobs is pushing more and more people over the edge.."
Not a problem. Could you just tell the next wingnut who feels the need to blow his brains out to do it in a nice quiet corner of his trailer park and not take anyone else out with him? America would appreciate it.
Thank you.
From the right-leaning political website POLITICO:
It isn’t the chair or the ho-hum convention. Or the leaked video. Or Stuart Stevens. Or the improving economy. Or media bias. Or distorted polls. Or the message. Or Mormonism.
It’s Mitt.
With Republicans everywhere wondering what has happened to the Mitt Romney campaign, people who know the candidate personally and professionally offer a simple explanation: It’s the candidate himself.
Slowly and reluctantly, Republicans who love and work for Romney are concluding that for all his gifts as a leader, businessman and role model, he’s just not a good political candidate in this era."
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81772.html#ixzz27sPRkvqQ
Wingnuts live in their own little reality. If they don't like established polls that have been around for years, they even now dismiss Rasmussen which last week was "the most accurate", they create their own. Unskewed? If Robbedme was leading would the polls then have to be unskewed or would they accept the results? These are some interesting people to say the least.
If the think this election is bad just wait until Hillary embarrasses Santorum in 2016. That's when thr gop's true freak flag will fly when their candidate rails against contraception and Hill laughs hysterically along with the debate audience. Can't wait for that one.
field negro said...
"Today, Rasmussen Reports shows..."
You lost me at hello.
Another tragedy squarely on Obama's shoulders. His failure to produce jobs is pushing more and more people over the edge.."
Not a problem. Could you just tell the next wingnut who feels the need to blow his brains out to do it in a nice quiet corner of his trailer park and not take anyone else out with him? America would appreciate it.
Thank you.
He was a Democrat and couldnt understand why his Union didn't protect him from job negligence after the millions they paid to Obama to make sure Unions are untouchable.
Whitey Screeches in his best transgender voice...
From the right-leaning political website POLITICO:
Politico is about as conservative as you are a role model towards becoming a strong independent white male for young girl scouts.
But in any case lets go with your premise and obvious belief that a good candidate is what this country needs.
No, we need a good; what did they call him "a gifted leader, businessman and role model"
We need a leader, we already have had a "good candidate" and look at his absolute incompetence and total power to destroy everything he comes near. Liberals are good at producing good candidates; liars one and all. We need someone competent that gets things done, not lies about them or blames someone else for their faults.
PilotX said...
If the think this election is bad just wait until Hillary embarrasses Santorum in 2016. That's when thr gop's true freak flag will fly when their candidate rails against contraception and Hill laughs hysterically along with the debate audience. Can't wait for that one.
Hillary might be able to still run as a Democrat but she seriously damaged herself by showing how inept she is with the Middle East Terror attack cover ups. But lets face it, after four years of Romney and a roaring economy and other matters actually handled by an adult president instead of all this someone else made it happen I can't fix it drama; you won't see a Democratic win for decades and decades..if then.
Found this astonishing sentence on that 'unskewed' blog, our wingnut friends are desperately clinging to:
"The Fox News poll released today continues the trend of skewed polls that over-sample Democratic voters to produce results favorable for the president.
EVERYBODY knows that Fox News totally hates the Republicans.
It all makes perfect sense now....
These poor delusional fools think Mittens is a good candidate. Oh well, gotta believe in something I guess. The gop has always produced weak candidates but as goofball Herman Cain once said "blame yourself". The party has moved so far to the right they think it's ok to field candidates like Bachmann and Santorum. They'd better hope Rawmoney wins because if he doesn't the cupboard is bare. Goodluck.
Whitey, you are right, I checked that wingnut link and the guy is a crack pot.
Not! This guy kept getting more wacked out as his head got bigger. I think that today he is a certified wingnut.
I'm Sorry Saul, are you saying that we didn't have 9 days of lies? That Obama and his insane clown posse didnt' bungle the entire thing all to avoid calling it what it is? Are you saying that now it is ok to have the FBI investigate what he himself had to after even democrats called him out for being a liar a terrorist attack? Are you saying that the FBI still not getting to the site to investigate the murder/terrorist attack isn't complete incompetence when it's really a cover up against the United States interest by a sitting president? All of that doesn't matter because you wave your magic wand and make like a radical following Obamas rules?
I bet you thought Fort Hood was actually workplace violence and that Nidal should be on workers compensation.....
Liberals have no shame/no honor/no pride/no standards and no foresight as to what all this brings.
If this country can survive Reagan's bungling of Lebanon, his selling arms to Iran and then "forgetting" about it and Bush's monumental failure to protect us against the largest attack on this country since WWII then this too shall pass.
Calm down wingnutts, sit down and take some deep breaths, have a jelly jar of that supermarket vodka and orange soda that you love so much, and remember that just a few months ago you all thought Rawmoney was as big a loser-joke as we lefties do today.
The Purple Cow said...
Found this astonishing sentence on that 'unskewed' blog, our wingnut friends are desperately clinging to:
"The Fox News poll released today continues the trend of skewed polls that over-sample Democratic voters to produce results favorable for the president.
EVERYBODY knows that Fox News totally hates the Republicans.
It all makes perfect sense now....
Living proof of why liberalism has never produced anything but misery and failures. You can't understand objectivity and actual analysis without your limited intelligence bias paving the way.
You forgot to include the next paragraphs which clearly, logically and factually explain why they have said what they did.
Objectivity or adulthood is obviously as alien to you as you look, you seem to expect everyone to ignore reality and align with specific ideologies, race or parties.
"But this is based on a sample that includes eight percent more Democrats than it does Republicans for an electorate that is made up of two percent more Republicans than Democrats. This eight percent over-sampling of Democrats gives Obama a four percent lead in survey data that should show by a smaller two percent margin instead.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Calm down wingnutts, sit down and take some deep breaths, have a jelly jar of that supermarket vodka and orange soda that you love so much, and remember that just a few months ago you all thought Rawmoney was as big a loser-joke as we lefties do today.
Sounds like some faggy California mantra you have there. Real liberals buy all their vodka in the neighborHOOD liquor store right after they cash they checks and the payday loan store.
Here, allow a conservative to help you. I know how you can stop smoking immediately.
The next time, the very next time the homeless gay stud you picked up for sex sees that you are smoking, tell him to immediately and with urgency - use more lubrication. Guarent-fuckin-teed to stop the smoking.
See how easy it is when you are an adult and not an Obamaholic?
Interesting home remedy to a novel problem A non; are you speaking from experience or fantasy?
Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
I've always had as much sympathy for perp/defendants families as I have victims families. I've met way too many devastated perps families who can't help but hope for their loved one's future even while they're deeply ashamed and distraught over the crime, to see them any other way. They're as impacted by the crime as a crime victim's family with none of the sympathy, legal standing, or support services. Many end up excluded, without recourse, from their family members public trials by inclusion on prosecutor's witness lists so that criminal defendants don't appear to have sympathetic families in the courtroom. They also often end losing most or all contact with their imprisoned loved one through distance, the petty bureaucracy and excess expense of the visiting, and telephone systems. All of it over something that they're no more guilty of than the victims/families. I can only sympathize with them in their undeserved pain.
Whitey, I may not agree with most of which you write, but your post has shown you do have a heart. I'm with you on this one!
'Middle Age White Guy
wwiii looms via hobama
the global gunplay has just begun
happy selection 2012
i will be back asap to say to hobama's newly gunned and slain 47%:
i told u hobama nazis so!
OH crap. It's The dyke again.
Thats right Alicia !!
Gotta Tell The Truth Shame the Devil!!
Republiklans are a little bit worse with the War rhetoric...As if rushing to Nuclear destruction is a GREAT game plan...
de fault just told you negroes what caused the recession and it was all democtats who did it.they covered up using freddy&franny then sprang it on us in 2008 and blamed it on bush.stupid negroes!the man who shot a burgler was not the perps father he was his foster father.the young man came from a long line of crack heads ande will not be missed.are you all going to take to the streets when bongo looses and burn down the hood?
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