Let's get serious about policy for a minute. How, exactly, does Mitt plan to make up the five trillion dollars in taxes he is cutting for the wealthy among us? ("I don't have a 5 trillion dollar tax cut". Yeah right, Mitt.) Does Mitt really believe that he can make up this revenue by simply cutting funding to PBS? Here is a fact: The PBS budget is approximately 0.012% of the federal budget. And it's not just the fact that Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted it. ("Cutting PBS support 0.012% of budget to help balance the Federal budget is like deleting text files to make room on your 500Gig hard drive".) Those percentages are real.
"Governor Mitt Romney’s proposals to cap total federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and boost defense spending to 4 percent of GDP would require very large cuts in other programs, both entitlements and discretionary programs.
This update of an earlier analysis is based on updated economic and budget projections that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued this summer and additional information that the Romney campaign has provided on his budget proposals. The resulting estimates of the required budget cuts are somewhat smaller than the ones we released on May 21, but they are still very deep.
For the most part, Governor Romney has not outlined cuts in specific programs. But if policymakers repealed health reform (the Affordable Care Act, or ACA) and exempted Social Security from cuts, as Romney has suggested, and cut Medicare, Medicaid, and all other entitlement and discretionary programs by the same percentage to meet Romney’s overall spending cap and defense spending target, then they would have to cut non-defense programs other than Social Security by 22 percent in 2016 and 34 percent in 2022 (see Figure 1). If they exempted Medicare from cuts for this period, the cuts in other programs would have to be even more dramatic — 32 percent in 2016 and 53 percent in 2022." [Source]
Mitt has a long way to make up all that revenue he is talking about taking out of the budget. Where is the money going to come from? You can't make it up by adding to the military budget, and you sure as hell can't make it up by firing poor Big Bird.
Sadly, Mitt, along with his republican colleagues, has vowed not to raise taxes. This goes contrary to the wishes of the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles Commission who declared that we cannot solve the country's fiscal problems without "raising revenue and cutting spending".
You black folks in Virginia better keep these facts in your mind when the robocalls start coming in.
"The Romney campaign has launched a robocall campaign in, at least, Virginia, featuring a disaffected Obama supporter who says she will give the Massachusetts Republican a chance in this election.
The call, which was flagged by Shaun Dakin, CEO and founder of StopPoliticalCalls.org, features a woman named Marketa explaining her disappointments after voting for the president in 2008.
"When I voted for Obama I was looking for a new start with the president. I was really hopeful and faithful about his promises. Obama, I've been seeing what you've been doing for four years and honestly it has not been beneficial to me or my family. All the talk he did, all the speeches, at the end of the day I feel like he still forgot about us. I want to weigh the options I want to see maybe what Romney can offer." [Source]
Marketa, I sure hope that the gun they held to your head wasn't loaded.
I didn't find the Big Bird, PBS remarks funny. They were smug and challenging to Jim Lender at the same time. Somebody told him to get his disdain on. He did.
Correction: Lehrer
We've had 'trickle-on' economic polices since st reagan. How did these affect the US?
One might wonder why the wingnuts hate PBS so much. One might ask why Mitt is eager to remove educational funding. One could see the end game as the return of the Gilded Age...if not indentured servitude.
Obama lied about the 5 trillion. Wise up. Even Stephanie cutter had to concede they completely lied about this on CNN.
Field, thus far all of your posts have been about Romney's shortcomings, as YOU see them-which is not reality.
Nevertheless, WHEN are you going to post about Obama so that we FN Negroes can make a fair and balanced decision on both candidates before Nov 6?
And please, let's not make this racial. You are the only blog with a racial edge. If you would start moderating some of your racist posters like PilotX and PC, you would have a healthier blog.
And what's with Cali Girl? She must have been Black in a previous life. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of white folks in Cali who must have been Black in a recent past life.
Karma sure has its ways of working stuff out. Field, you and pilotX must have done heavy shit in your past white lives to end up where you are today. I know depressed Negro fucked up, everybody can see that.
Some of you FN Negroes Please be carefue this time around. I'd hate to see you have to repeat the same life again. That would be pure hell being PilotX again. If I had to do that again, I would just slit my throat.
Free at Last
I'd better start living right so I can have a doublewide in my next life. Thanks for the heads up.
Good points Mold.
To understand the disdain conservatives have towards educational programming google. "Santorum smart people remarks". Oh yeah I forgot, don't google Santorum, you won't like what you see.
Similar topic gotta love Rep. Broun's comments about evolution. And this fool is on the science committee. Republicans love them some stupid.
"The Romney campaign has launched a robocall campaign in, at least, Virginia, featuring a disaffected Obama supporter who says she will give the Massachusetts Republican a chance in this election."
Well, well. I see I am not the only Negro who feels duped by Obama. I too am considering Romney. He can't be any worse than that lying, black insulting black abusing spineless Obama.
Obama can't even win a debate against Romney. I can't wait to see him lose ALL THREE DEBATES. Then, Field, what excuse will some of you FN tomming ass-kissing Obamaholics have?
Obama has depressed damn near everyone since the debate. NOBODY feels very good about him.
depressed Negro
PilotX said...
I'd better start living right so I can have a doublewide in my next life. Thanks for the heads up.
You already gots one, I think you calls that your bootay it be doublewide and flappy like a bowl a jelly.
Your blog is funny, the negro voting for the white guy accuses other negroes of being a Tom. Priceless.
Blogger PilotX said...
Your blog is funny, the negro voting for the white guy accuses other negroes of being a Tom. Priceless.
A Tom is :
"a member of a low-status group who is overly subservient to or cooperative with authority"
Yes you is. Obama wants me to carry another pail of water for you massa? I will say anything and do anything for you massa even if it makes me look like an illiterate stupid fool, I do it for you massa. Because you the prez and you black, be right back with two pails yes sirree bob I willz.
depressed Negro said, "Obama can't even win a debate against Romney. I can't wait to see him lose ALL THREE DEBATES. Then, Field, what excuse will some of you FN tomming ass-kissing Obamaholics have?"
you know, I was thinking that might happen. If it does, Romney will win by a landslide. Americans will finally wake up and see how phony and weak Obama really is.
Of course, Field will remain silent as if nothing happened. Has anyone noticed how these Obamaholic FN Negroes have yet to mention that phony-ass jobs number that came out? I swear. There are some real crooks in DC.
I didn't know that the job number were phony. Who said that? Jack Welch and the clowns from FOX?
Man you wingnuts are really off the reality reservation.
Blogger field negro said...
I didn't know that the job number were phony. Who said that? Jack Welch and the clowns from FOX?
Man you wingnuts are really off the reality reservation.
Field, Field, Field,
Everyone is saying that, anyone who follows unemployment reporting and the economy.
LOOK at the numbers my friend.
How do you add a mere 114,000 jobs in a month and drop 0.3 % ?
This is rather amusing; +114,000 is fewer than the working-age population growth in the household survey (206,000) and yet unemployment decreased.
The household survey's unadjusted numbers, however, show some rather interesting figures, none of which make sense.
The labor force increased by increased by 386,000 while "employed" increased by 775,000 a net change off "unemployed and looking" of well north of a million people!
They went back and mysteriously found over 800k people were "reported" as having been suddenly employed over the summer that they missed. WOW this would mean that the economy was in a recession in July and August and now Miraculously BOOMED in September (despite shrinking of manufacturing and the horrible GDP) to its strongest rate in the last 30 years since January of 1983 under Reagan. Either that or they found a number say 800,000 they put into a job box that isn't matched by the U6 number which stayed exactly the same stuck at 14.7%.
Even basic math tricked them up, the U6 would have had to have decreased if suddenly 800k people found domestic jobs cleaning someones house as they have reported. Oh and don't forget the wonderful news they also took out another 500k people from the workforce to make the number go lower, imagine that only 119 k jobs added - yet 500k people just fell off the earth and the reports.
These numbers are a joke everyone knows it and it is really going to destroy Obama.
Oh and last note, Sollis also advised/strongly requested that all DOD contractors NOT provide WARN notice to the employees who will be laid off in Jan. She doesn't want those numbers posted in the unemployment reports until after the election. Completely illegal I might add, but it's ok, when employees who get fired sue they will pick up the legal costs - all part of lying to us and getting Obama re-elected by any means possible.
When it gets this crooked it will never be fixed, it crashes and burns.
Blogger field negro said...
I didn't know that the job number were phony. Who said that? Jack Welch and the clowns from FOX?
Man you wingnuts are really off the reality reservation.
Field, I didn't even hear about it from FOX. I looked myself to see what was reported.
And before you take up the liberal mantle of now attacking Jack Welch - you do know what he has accomplished and how he did so right? You attack him without question, assuming you know that the last 64 months that is sixty four months in a row, revisions to initial jobless claims has been not one single job greater than the reported number it was ALWAYS revised upward later because the Media can ignore the previous months real number. Now all of a sudden for the first time in 64 months instead of finding that they had to revise total unemployed upwards the usual 5-10k variance they find 800,000 people that took jobs in the HOUSING sector of all places, ,jobs they just happened to miss in prior months. Sheezzzzz.
800k would be almost 10% of the ENTIRE retail industry. Did the dot.com era suddenly happen during the creation of this report or is the economy still failing as every other indicator tells us?
Don't forget, every deceit costs a little bit of credibility. After you’ve lied enough, the set of people who believe you is reduced to you, yourself. And maybe that guy Chris Matthews while he flies into a rage and spits on your face.
Field, World Cup final is just about to start. Darren Sammy won the toss and Windies will bat first with Chris Gayle and Johnson Charles.
Time for the crowd to don their hard-hats.
It's on ESPN3 in Amerika.
Too bad anonymous wasn't brave enough to use a name. Must be he is ashamed of his comments and doesn't and to be associated with them...either that, ot he is afraid of the consequences
Go Windies!
The same Jack Welch who cheated on his wife for 40 years? He is a clown and a fraud.
Field Negro Said...
"The same Jack Welch who cheated on his wife for 40 years? He is a clown and a fraud."
Field, please stop, you are most definitely embarrassing yourself.
I guess Welch being a "fraud" depends on your definition of the word "is" if you are a liberal.
Celticsprite said...
Too bad anonymous wasn't brave enough to use a name. Must be he is ashamed of his comments and doesn't and to be associated with them...either that, ot he is afraid of the consequences
Oh My, what was said that you found untrue, inaccurate and embarrassing? Is the math incorrect?
What in the world could the consequences be?
Or do you really mean - this shit is over my head so I will just come up with something stupid to say to show I don't like it?
It is true, liberals are the group of Big Bird.
Sri Lanka defo wins the battle of the national anthems.
Windies new anthem is a mess and only Darren Sammy seems to know the lyrics.
Chris out early, but Marlon Samuels still in so there's still hope.
Field, "The same Jack Welch who cheated on his wife for 40 years? He is a clown and a fraud."
9:37 AM
Field, you ought to stop. Jack Welch is one of the greatest CEOs of all time.
And you know damn well that those job numbers have been cooked. A kid in Junior High can see that. But Obama and the Dems are very desperate now.
They know Obama won't beat Romney in ANY debate. I am sure some of you FN Negroes secretly know that....Romney proved that he was stronger, quicker and smarter. Not only did he dominate Obama, he dominated Jim Lehrer as well.
There is a receding loss of confidence in Obama across the country that comes with a humiliating loss like that. In desperation Obama cooked the books on the job numbers.
Face it. It's over for Obama. Even YOU must admit he has lost his edge over Romney and as a consequence comes the loss of his re-election as President in Nov.
And that suits me just fine. After he has degraded and ignored my people, I don't trust him and cannot in good conscience vote for him. But you FN Obama ass-kissing unconscious Lemmings will vote for any sorry weak leader who will take you over the cliff.
This is so depressing. Everybody knows those jobs numbers are bullshit....so depressing...put me in bed all weekend.
depressed Negro
field negro said...
I didn't know that the job number were phony. Who said that? Jack Welch and the clowns from FOX?
Man you wingnuts are really off the reality reservation.
Off the reservation...How racist.
Quote Depressed (alleged) Negro
"There is a receding loss of confidence in Obama across the country that comes with a humiliating loss like that."
So if there is a receding loss of confidence in Obama that means confidence in him must be increasing.
Excellent news.
Well Celtic, it takes a spine to stand by your words, even on a blog.
bath house barry is our first and last negro president because he showed every one what most of already knew.barry is nothing but a stupid affirmative action harvard liar who only knows alinsky commie bull shit.bongo boy is a failure at every thing unless you are a commie traitor trying to destroy america.this how we see most negroes in my country because you are racist criminals and lazy.
cal. girl do you want to suck bongo's joint?
PC, I am watching it on ESPN2 over here. Sri Lanka is 15 for 1 now. Dude for Windies just dropped a fly. Should have had it.
Can't let them get to 138.:(
OK, back to some pace bowling.
My boy just called and ruined it for me. It's on a delay. :(
Great win for the Windies.
Can't decide who is the coolest human being on Planet Earth, Chris Gayle (the long-time leader in this category) or Marlon Samuels.
Right at this moment I'm leaning towards Marlon.
Two yawdies so you can't go wrong either way. :)
Field, If the voters of America want to know what Mitt Romney REALLY WILL DO if he becomes president of the U.S. then someone should ask the people of MASSACHSETTS. We had to deal with Romney's policies for his term as Governor.
Romney did the exact same thing when he ran for Governor, namely hold steadfast to his declaration NOT TO RAISE TAXES, but give NO SPECFICS just how he intended to pull off this magical trick. Once Romney was in office he siezed upon RAISING COMMONWEALTH FEES for everything he could think of. The student fees at the University of Massachusetts literally exploded, and with all of this jacking up of the cost of fee based services it still proved insufficent in bringing the state's budget under control. Faced with this reality Romney proceeded to blame the Democrat majority legislature. Romney was backed in his bid for Governor by the Massachusetts High Tech Council which was composed of the leaders of most of the Massachusetts Technological Corporations (DEC, Prime, Data General, Raytheon, etc) and were extremely hawkish on Masschusetts taxes. This Council was higly activist and would not allow Romney any wiggle room on any form of tax during the time he sat in the Governor's chair. Does this scenario sound familiar?
Therefore we can expect that Romney will go after every small uniquely targeted program in the federal budget. For example I would expect he would exact heavy cuts to the budgets of NOAA, the NEA, and even severe cuts to the Government Printing Office and the venerable Patent Office. He has already announced that he will totally defund National Public Radio (NPR).
One word of warning to all of those folks who have retired from federal service and are living on a government pension. If Romney becomes president you are likely to see your federal pension quickly dry up. Although Romney is not talking about federal pensions and the Pension Guarantee Fund as sizeable federal expenses, you can bet that they will be prime targets for elimination in a Romney administration. This is the number one reason for anyone depending on a federal pension to be out there actively working for the re-election of the president.
Thank you Anon @ 4:43 PM. That was truly elucidating.
PilotX said...
Well Celtic, it takes a spine to stand by your words, even on a blog.
How liberal, courage - having a made up name on a blog. What a warped sense of morals you have.
Or maybe having a brain and understanding the points. You don't understand the points and it is just so inconvenient that you aren't able to just attack the source as your sole argument.
One word of warning to all of those folks who have retired from federal service and are living on a government pension. If Romney becomes president you are likely to see your federal pension quickly dry up. Although Romney is not talking about federal pensions and the Pension Guarantee Fund as sizeable federal expenses, you can bet that they will be prime targets for elimination in a Romney administration. This is the number one reason for anyone depending on a federal pension to be out there actively working for the re-election of the president.
Utterly ridiculous and has to be the stupidest thing I have heard an Obamabot state in minutes.
Stated by someone who clearly has no ideas how pensions are funded and from where. The only way federal pensions will dry up is if Obama is allowed to continue to borrow and spend trillions on nothing.
Every state that has gone bankrupt has done so under decades democratic corruption and incompetence. All conservatives led states are fiscally sound.
Barack is an affirmative action recipient? Damn that's a hella successful program. Can become the most powerful man on earth from aa? Then again we already knew that from W.
That the unemployment figures released by the Federal Government are a sham has been well documented for years. Just consider who they do NOT count -- the long term unemployed. If you have been unemployed for a long time, some politically sensitive statistician at the BLS or whichever part of the G is responsible for compiling these numbers has declared that you no longer exist. You are not part of the labor pool, and therefore cannot be counted as being unemployed. (Of course, should you get really lucky and find yourself a job in this economy, then you would be counted.) And if you are employed only part time but are looking for full time work, again you are counted in a way most favorable to whichever administration happens to be in power. The net result is to severely undercount the unemployed while overstating any uptick in employment in relation to the size of the labor force. The one number that the government has not yet quite figured out how to game to make it all look ok in America is the Labor Participation Rate -- the fraction of the adult population that is working. And this rate has been falling and falling and falling for many years now, down to what is I believe an all-time low. I'm not blaming Obama for the cooking going on with these statistics, as he did not start it. It's just that he has done nothing to insist that a more honest accounting be provided. And I'm certainly not saying that Romney would turn it around for America, because I don't. The central problem is that in 2008, when America needed a strong Democratic nominee to play the role of FDR II (and had such a candidate in the person of Hilary Clinton), it instead got Barack Obama. Such are the wages of identity politics, as practiced by you democrats.
Blogger PilotX said...
Barack is an affirmative action recipient? Damn that's a hella successful program. Can become the most powerful man on earth from aa? Then again we already knew that from W.
Poor Pile it, The Left submitted a far left racial empty-suit for your “first black president” and you fell for it. From the very beginning, the mainstream media exempted Obama from the usual vetting process of candidates seeking to be president of the United States. To this day, after fours years into his reign of terror, we still know very little about this man.
But in a mano-a-mano live presidential debate, there was no place for Obama to hide his incompetence. The Democrats and MSM could do nothing to protect their unqualified Affirmative Action president and it was embarrassing. ^The same guy who ducks all press conferences, only has them when questions are scripted and then answer no other questions, seeks to control the media and demonize those who actually ask questions.
This is why you should never promote people to positions in which they are not qualified in order to meet racial or gender quotas. Numerous black Americans are extremely qualified to be president of the United States. Barack Hussein Obama is not among them.
How did that Nobel Peace Prize in advance work out?
Maybe but had the Republicans offered a halfway decent candidate in08 who BTW was defeated in a manoamano debate, maybe the "reign of terror" wouldn't be happening. Nobody told you guys to nominate a braindead bimbo as VP. Barack may be an empty suit but compared to the alternative he looks downright regal.
White House Manipulating the Jobs Data? Unpossible...
ABC is reporting that the White House has told defense contractors to not issue layoff notices until after the election. They even went as far as to offer to pay for any legal fees associated with not giving employees proper notice - pardon, you will pay for any legal fees associated with the administration keeping the unemployment rate artificially low.
Two things:
1. Why aren't we hearing more about this from the mainstream media (rhetorical)?
2. Still think the jobs report yesterday was real?
Blogger PilotX said...
Maybe but had the Republicans offered a halfway decent candidate in08 who BTW was defeated in a manoamano debate, maybe the "reign of terror" wouldn't be happening. Nobody told you guys to nominate a braindead bimbo as VP. Barack may be an empty suit but compared to the alternative he looks downright regal.
I won't disagree with you, I didn't follow the race that closely then. Was Biden anything like he is now? He really is like someones old Uncle that you keep away from people you don't want to be embarrassed in front of, I can't see how he could have ever gotten away with antics like this during an election and can only assume the media went after Palin because she was of the kind they hate - Conservative Minority (woman) Liberals hate Black/Hispanic/Women Conservative more than anything because it highlights the failures of their theme which is we include people even though they aren't qualified and they can't do it without us.
Weren't McCain and Palin pretty much leading and then the crash occurred and Anyone but Conservative took place, then generously helped by most of us in America who thought it would be a good thing for racial solidarity to vote for the Black guy? Only to find out the first time he had opportunity he was racist and he just KNEW the police acted stupidly despite not knowing the facts.
So Anon, do u think Sarah Palin was qualified to be VP?
So Field, do you think Obama is qualified to be President?
"So Field, do you think Obama is qualified to be President?"
Well, he has been doing it for four years. So yea, I think he is qualified.
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