Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Everybody got guns."

"You got a gun. I got a gun. He got a gun. Everybody got guns"

Those classic lines were from Gyp Rosetti in an episode of Boardwalk Empire after a good old fashion gangster standoff. Of course he could have been talking about the citizens of America in 2013. Everybody in America got guns; even kids in middle school.

"ATLANTA (AP) — A student opened fire at his middle school Thursday afternoon, wounding a 14-year-old in the neck before an armed officer working at the school was able to get the gun away, police said.
Multiple shots were fired in the courtyard of Price Middle School just south of downtown around 1:50 p.m. and the one boy was hit, Atlanta Police Chief George Turner said. In the aftermath, a teacher received minor cuts, he said.
The wounded boy was taken "alert, conscious and breathing" to Grady Memorial Hospital, said police spokesman Carlos Campos. He was expected to be released Thursday night.

Police swarmed the school of about 400 students after reports of the shooting while a crowd of anxious parents gathered in the streets, awaiting word on their children. Students were kept at the locked-down school for more than two hours before being dismissed.

Investigators believe the shooting was not random and that something occurred between the two students that may have led to it." [Source]

But then it's not only middle school students. Now seven year old kids are packing as well. Sadly, though, when everybody has a gun, tragic things happen. Like, for instance, you leave little Johnny in the car to go and pump some gas, and he shoots himself in the head with the gun you were keeping in the car for protection from those gang bangers.

A 3-year-old boy fatally shot himself with a gun he found in a car while his family stopped for gas early Wednesday in Tacoma, police said. It was western Washington's third recent shooting by a child.

"It is incredible in light of the other ones," said Tacoma police Officer Naveed Benjamin. "You would think people would take more care, not less."
The Tacoma-area family had stopped for gas about 12:30 a.m. The father put his pistol under the seat and got out to pump gas while the mother went inside the convenience store, Benjamin said. [Source]

Here in Philly it's pretty easy to get a gun. Most kids in the hood can get a gun easier than they can a nice bicycle. Guns are so plentiful here that young mothers going to school put them in their diaper bags right along with the formula and baby wipes.
"A young mother carried her baby, along with a loaded gun in a diaper bag, into a Philadelphia school where she had gone to sign up for classes, police said, one of two gun-in-school incidents reported in the city as the national debate on gun control raged in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., massacre.

In the second incident Thursday, a high school student hid a gun in his shoe, but it was found when he walked through a metal detector. His gun was not loaded.

But the weapon carried by 21-year-old Kelly Jones in the bottom of her pink-and-white diaper bag was fully loaded, police say, and Jones -- who was accompanied by her aunt and her baby when she was caught with it -- now faces criminal charges. [Source] 

Of course it was "fully loaded". What else did you expect? Cock it and pop it. That's how we get down here in the "city of brotherly love".

Finally, speaking of guns; as of me writing this post that survivalist nut job in Alabama still has that young boy held hostage in his bunker.

 "The superintendent's assistant said the young boy still being held by the gunman appeared to have been chosen at random.

"Emotions are high, and it's a struggle for us all to make sense of something so senseless, but let us keep this young student, his family and Mr. Poland's family in our thoughts and prayers," Bynum said in a statement.

The Southern Poverty Law Center reported on its Hatewatch blog that a chief investigator with the Dale County Sheriff's Office identified the gunman as 65-year-old Jimmy Lee Dykes, although Reuters could not independently verify the gunman's identity.

Investigator Tim Byrd said Dykes' friends and neighbors described him as a "survivalist" who did not trust the government, according to the law center blog.

"He was standoffish, didn't socialize or have any contact with anybody," Byrd told Hatewatch." [Source]

I bet he watches a lot of FOX NEWS. Or maybe he cut back after fellow survivalist Glenn Beck, left.

Let that little boy go Jimmy Lee! He is not a part of the government.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mr. President, you have a daughter, and she looks like Hadiya.

This is crazy. I just blogged about all the killings in Chicago last night and sadly I learned that a beautiful young lady who actually performed for president Obama's inauguration, was taken from us by some low life thug who was dropped off by some sperm donor.

If hearing about the Newtown tragedies was the saddest day of Mr. Obama's presidency, hearing about this little girl should be the second saddest. Actually, given the fact that she was shot just a mile from his home in Chicago, and that she actually performed at his "coronation" ,you could argue that this little girl's death should hit home even more. He has a beautiful daughter who is almost her age. From all appearances this poor child represented everything that was good about being a young teenager: Honor student, volley ball player, and a majorette in the King College Prep High School band. Sadly, though, she is no longer with us.

"Police say 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton was shot in the back Tuesday and later died at University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital. An unidentified boy was shot in the leg and is being treated at the hospital. No arrests have been made." [Source] 

"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon." Mr. President, you have a daughter, and she looks just like Hadiya.

And the beat goes on. Not only in a hood near you, but in all of Americana. In Phoenix, Arizona today, some old dude shot up an office complex and is still on the loose. In Midland, Alabama, some nut case went on a school bus, took a six year old child, and shot the school bus driver to death. (The NRA now calling for armed school bus drivers in 5...4...3..2..) That genius is still hiding out in a Glenn Beck style survival bunker.  

All this on a day when the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings in Washington on gun control. There was Gabby Giffords, who was lucky to survive a shooting herself making a passionate plea to lawmakers to use common sense.

And, of course, there was Wayne LaPierre. It's amazing that the cuffs on his white shirt stayed so clean with all the blood on his hands.



Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bury your children and shut up.

You gotta love those gun nut folks. I still can't believe that they heckled the father of a six year old child who was slaughtered at Newtown.

"Parents of children killed in the Newtown school shooting called for better enforcement of gun laws and tougher penalties for violators Monday at a hearing that revealed the divide in the gun-control debate, with advocates for gun rights shouting at the father of one 6-year-old victim.

Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse was killed in last month's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, asked people in the room to put themselves in his position as he questioned the need for any civilian to own semiautomatic, military-style weapons.

"It's not a good feeling. Not a good feeling to look at your child laying in a casket or looking at your child with a bullet wound to the forehead. It's a real sad thing," said Heslin, who held up a large framed photograph of himself and his son." [Source]

And speaking of guns, I need to know just WTF is going on in Chicago? Eighteen murders over the first ten days of the year and five murders this past weekend alone. Last year you hit the 500 murder mark in the windy city. It couldn't be because the Cubs suck. They have sucked for awhile now, and you all weren't shooting each other like the city is one big f*****g violent video game until recently.

Over at my man Rippa's website he has the story of a woman who lost four children to gun violence. FOUR! Mr. Obama, you should be crying with that lady at a press conference in the White House. You are from Chicago, maybe the knuckle heads there will listen to you, because they sure as hell ain't listening to anybody else.

Anyway, we need to come up with some serious answers to these killings taking place in some of these cities across America. (And I don't mean the dumb s*** that racist conservatives like Bill O'Reilly like to say. Bill doesn't think that it's bad parenting, poverty, easy access to guns, or any of those issues that is causing the uptick in gun violence. No sir, Bill believes that it's because "white people stopped buying drugs in the hood". Brilliant!)

Hopefully we can find some solutions quickly, or places like Chicago will be ghost towns before we know it.

*On a personal note, I will be on the aforementioned Rippa's blog cast tomorrow night talking about gun control and the issue of urban violence. I don't like to do blog talk radio, but Rippa and I go way back, so it's all good.

Just this once, yawdie.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Swiss Tina, tower of hate, and a new delicacy in North Korea.

Before I start this post let me just say rest in peace Leroy "Sugarfoot" Bonner. "Skin Tight"! Whaaat? Some of you Negroes don't know nothing about that.

The funk will never be the same. 

So anyway, speaking of funk, it looks like Tina Turner has renounced her American citizenship and is now a citizen of Switzerland.

"Turner has been living in the Zurich suburb of Kuesnacht since 1995, after moving to the country with her longtime manager, German record executive Erwin Bach. "I'm very happy in Switzerland and I feel at home here," Turner told the German newspaper, Blick. "I cannot imagine a better place to live." A representative for Turner told Switzerland's Zuerichsee-"

Oh lawd Tina, what will the good folks of Tennessee think?

Still, I can't really say that I blame her now that we know what lies in the hearts of our fellow  Americans. Take for instance this latest story out of New York.

"Welcome to the 1,776-foot tower of hate.

Shocking Daily News photos show bathrooms throughout 1 World Trade Center rife with repugnant graffiti — appalling scrawls that range from the N-word to sexist slurs and ethnic insults.

“Whites only,” reads a Jim Crow-era taunt over the urinals in one bathroom of the 104-story building.

Other anonymous offenders target President Obama — who visited the construction site just last June: “Where’s Obama’s birth certificate!!!!”

The soaring symbol of American resilience now bears the markings of lowlifes.
“It’s filthy, it’s shocking,” said Marie-Anne Sanchez, 37, who was visiting from Paris with her fiancé. “This is a holy place. People died here. I don’t like this. It makes me sad.”

A worker at the site told The News it’s difficult to walk into 1 WTC, commonly known by its previous name, Freedom Tower.

“We’re all supposed to be there as one, the whole 9/11 thing,” the worker said. “When you walk through the gate, you get a strong sense of pride.

And then this is what you see. It’s so negative. It shouldn’t be on these walls.”
The plywood men’s rooms, spaced every five floors in the $3.8 billion building, bring racism and sexism to new heights — and lows.

Edgar Aguilar’s jaw literally dropped when a News reporter showed him photos of the filthy language.

The most vile comments are near the top of the gleaming structure that will have 15,000 window panels when it opens in 2014. There, the breathtaking view is tempered by the vile commentary, the insider told The News.

“Most of it’s racial,” said the insider. “Most of it — I mean, there’s a lot of stuff with the N-word. But pretty much every race is covered: Spanish people, Irish people, Jewish people, women.”
The N-word, he added, “is written all over the place, to be honest with you. That’s a big deal. It’s there.” [Story & Pictures]

The animals who attacked us that day are laughing from hell.

Oh well, as bad as some of our neighbors are here in America let's all be thankful that we don't live in North Korea.

"News out of North Korean in notorious unreliable, but food shortages in the country have gotten so bad and people so desperate that there are now reports of men murdering their own children for food. These startling reports were compiled by independent reporters commissioned by Asia Press, a independent press agency focusing on Asia, and were published by the Sunday Times. And here's one of the most disturbing thing you'll read this morning:
The source said: "While his wife was away on business he killed his eldest daughter and, because his son saw what he had done, he killed his son as well. When the wife came home, he offered her food, saying: 'We have meat.'
"But his wife, suspicious, notified the Ministry of Public Security, which led to the discovery of part of their children's bodies under the eaves."
And another from Gu Gwang-ho, one of the Asia Press's citizen journalists said:
"There was an incident when a man was arrested for digging up the grave of his grandchild and eating the remains."
The big question here is whether this is all true or new urban legends. Considering this is North Korea and taking into account the country's propensity to keep secrets and publish propaganda pieces—we'll likely never get real confirmation from their end. But Asia Press has worked with citizen reporters in the famine-struck regions of North and South Hwanghae for the past year, and The Independent considers their reports credible.
RELATED: North Korea Has Found a Secret Unicorn Lair, Apparently

Sadly, this isn't the first time we've heard reports of cannibalism from North Korea. Back in 2003, during another food shortage there were refugee accounts that people in the country began killing and eating their children and then selling their children's corpses. The Telegraph's Mark Nicol reported at the time:
Aid agencies are alarmed by refugees' reports that children have been killed and corpses cut up by people desperate for food. Requests by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to be allowed access to "farmers' markets", where human meat is said to be traded, have been turned down by Pyongyang, citing "security reasons".
And then there's the fact that we know North Korea was devastated by storms and flooding in the summer of 2012. You can't hide a tropical cyclone. Thing have grown so desperate, that they almost took South Korean aid this September, which is a big deal considering the rocky relationship between the two countries and the North's fierce pride of independence. Reports of previous famines have been well documented and Asia Press claims that as many as 10,000 people may have died because of the "Hidden Famine" this year." [Source]

For once I am speechless.






Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lupe's fiasco, and father knows best.

Obamaholics are mad at the rapper, Lupe Fiasco for his anti Obama rant at a pre-inauguration party, recently. Dude, like others in the black community, has some issues with his Oness. I am not mad at him. I like it when artists (and bloggers) are outspoken and speak out about what they believe in.

Besides, although I have some issues with Lupe Fiasco (dude said he doesn't vote), I actually agree with some of the lyrics in the song that he is catching heat for.

"He performed his hit “Words I Never Said.” The song, with its heavy political messaging, turned into a half-hour onstage stay that culminated in the rapper being escorted offstage.

In the song Lupe spits, “Limbaugh is a racist/ Glenn Beck is a racist/Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn’t say sh*t.”

He continues. “That’s why I ain’t vote for him/ next one either/I’m a part of the problem/ my problem is I’m peaceful/And I believe in the people.” In the song he also digs at pharmaceutical companies, the media and sub par school systems."

Folks are saying that there is a time and place for everything, and that the rapper was out of line when he chose to speak out at a time when the president was getting his shine on. I happen to disagree. It's always a good time to speak your mind.   

Finally, we had a gun show here in Philly this weekend and it was packed. Assault rifles were flying off the shelves, and there were long lines to make a purchase and take home the perfect tool for killing. What gun control? I hope that Obama and Uncle Joe realize that they have their work cut out for them.

Heck folks are using their automatic weapons to discipline their kids now.
One gun lover in Minnesota pulled his gun on his daughter and threatened to shoot her because her grades were too low. Hmm, let's see now; a bullet from an AK-47 or A's in school? "I think I am going to try really hard now dad".

"A St. Paul man has been charged with terroristic threats for pointing an AK-47 rifle at his daughter during an argument over the fact that she got two B's instead of straight A's in school.

According to the charges, 52-year-old Kirill Bartashevitch recently purchased the AK-47 due to fears that such weapons would be banned under President Obama's push for gun control legislation.

St. Paul police learned of the Jan. 13 incident after Bartashevitch's daughter sent a text message to a Central High School classmate, saying her father pointed an AK-47 at her. The message was seen by the classmate's mother, who reported it to a school social worker.[Source]

Where is Ward Cleaver when you need him?

*Pic of Lupe Fiasco from

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I finally saw Django Unchained

and my gut is telling me that I liked the movie. Maybe it's because it reminded me of the house Negro field Negro dichotomy here in America, or maybe it's because I kept making comparisons to Stephen and Clarence Thomas in my head throughout the entire flick. It was long, but I didn't really notice and that's always a good sign. The acting, as is to be expected with A-list actors, was also good.

I watched it with Mrs. Field, who didn't like it quite as much as I did. Girlfriend, you must understand, is from the South, and members of her father's family were share croppers not that long ago. Watching movies about slavery and pre-civil rights America always sets her off. She also had issues with all the blood and over the top gore. I guess I should have warned her about Tarantino and his heavy hand with the ketchup.

I could also understand why some other black folks had problems with it. (Not you Spike.Reginald Hudlin produced the damn film and the last time I checked he was a brotha.) You didn't know quite what to make of what Tarentino was trying to say about  racism and its stain on America's history. It wasn't over the top funny and satirical like Blazing Saddles (although I found some scenes to be close)and it didn't take a serious historical look at slavery like Amistad and Roots. It was just a spaghetti western about a very dark time in our country's history.

The over the top use of the N-word bothered Mrs. Field a bit, but I wasn't as bothered by it. I understand that the word can be used as a form of artistic expression ("Sucka Nigga" is still one of my favorite hip hop songs of all time), or to stay true to a formula in a play or a movie. Although I am not naive enough to think that many white folks who went to see the movie didn't get some form of satisfaction from the word being used so often in such a public and open forum. Surprisingly, though, even though there might have been two other black folks in the entire theater, there was no laughter after every N-word as some of my friends told me that they experienced.  

So three out of five stars for Django Unchained. Although, sorry Quentin, I am not holding my breath while I wait in anticipation for the sequel. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Doctors are not roaches, and " American Idol" has a Negro problem.

I am glad they caught the dude who allegedly killed that doctor here in my fair city. She was killed in the WSZ so I knew that it wouldn't take long for them to catch her killer. It seems that it was the exterminator who did it. (You can't make this stuff up.) Yes, the exterminator.

Congrats to Philly's finest for a job well done. Although I suspect that her place in the human pecking order made it happen that much faster. A pediatric surgeon ranks right up there with priests and major league shortstops.

Dude said he strangled her because she belittled and made fun of him. That's certainly possible. Doctors, like lawyers, can be rude. But not rude enough to strangle to death.

Man you Americans sure are angry these days. I blame the republicans. Maybe Obama should just leave you with your guns. I shudder to think of the other ways that you will find to kill each other once your guns are gone.

Finally, as people get angrier, they are starting to get more sensitive. Muslims in Europe are accusing Lego of racism . And here in America you Negroes who were on American Idol are accusing them of using the big R against you as well.

"The hit talent show "American Idol" has been waging an off-key campaign to boost ratings by playing the race card, a New York lawyer claims.
The attorney, James Freeman, said the show has been juicing-up the drama by publically revealing that some black contestants have arrest records - and then using that as an excuse to boot them off the show.

Freeman said he has submitted a letter to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission asking for permission to sue the show on behalf of nine humiliated African-American contestants - all of them male.

But Freeman declined to release a copy when contacted by The Daily News - and said he could not explain how the celebrity website got the letter.
"I don't know how they got it, but they got it," Freeman said Friday. "I'm not trying to litigate these claims through the press."

There was no immediate response from FOX Broadcasting to the potential suit, but "Idol" Executive Producer Nigel Lythgoe called the allegations "ridiculous."
"We treat everybody the same ... no matter the race, religion or sex," he told "I think we've always had a fantastic share of talent from contestants both black and white ... I don't think I've ever seen racism at the show." [Source]

Yeah, like racism is going to come up to you and say, "Hi, I am racism, you must be Nigel". Let me stop.

Anyway, I am not going to chase the big R with American Idol just yet. I mean come on dog, they have Randy Jackson. Besides, I know that a lot of you Negroes have warrants, but you need to tell "the man" before you go on his show.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

"Dumb America".

Let me preface this cut and paste post I am about to drop on you by saying that I love the South and most of the people living in it. (Well, maybe not most.) My lovely wife is a Southerner, (I see you Opelousas) so that ought to tell you how much love I have for the region.

There is a lot about the Southern culture to love, and yet, unfortunately, there is a lot not to love as well.

The wonderful essay below was sent to me by Greg Fuller, and I had to share it with my fellow -enlightened- field hands.

 "George Packer’s recent New Yorker comments on the South made me sort out my own complicated feelings about the region. Both sides of my family are from the South: my mother’s from Georgia, my father’s from Virginia. Though my parents left Atlanta soon after I was born there, we often visited southern relatives in Atlanta, Louisville, and Birmingham. I preferred those who had stayed in the South to those who moved north. My Irish grandmother in Atlanta was a warm-hearted Catholic, while my English grandmother in Chicago was a pinched Christian Scientist always correcting her family. But even apart from the contrast in grandmothers, I always liked the South, though my northern accent made me an outsider there as a child (the family “Yankee”).

One reason I like the South is that I am conservative by temperament—multa tenens antiqua, as Ennius put it, “tenacious of antiquity.” A sense of the past helps explain why America’s southern writers were to the rest of America, in the twentieth century, what Irish writers were to England. The English had Oscar Wilde, William Butler Yeats, Sean O’Casey, Bernard Shaw, James Joyce and Samuel Beckett. We (whose relevant region is larger) had Flannery O’Connor, William Faulkner, Thomas Wolfe, Richard Wright, Eudora Welty, Ralph Ellison, Robert Penn Warren, Truman Capote, Harper Lee, John Crowe Ransom, Erskine Caldwell, Andrew Lytle, and Carson McCullers.  

The South escaped one of the worst character traits of America, its sappy optimism, its weakness of positive thinking. The North puffed confidently into the future, Panglossian about progress, always bound to win. But the South had lost. It knew there was an America that could be defeated. That made it capable of facing tragedy, as many in America were not. This improved its literature, but impoverished other things. Yet poverty did not make the South helpless. In fact, straitened circumstances made it readier to grab what it could get. In its long bargain with the Democratic party, for instance, it not only fended off attacks on its Jim Crow remnant of the Old Confederacy, but gamed the big government system through canny old codgers in Washington—the chairmen of the major congressional committees, who sluiced needed assistance to the South during the Great Depression.

Under the tattered robes of Miss Havisham were hidden the preying hands of the Artful Dodger. Southerners were not really trapped in the past, since they were always scheming to get out of the trap. They were defeated but not dumb. With dreams of an agrarian society, they might denounce the industrial north, but they got the funds to bring electricity to large parts of the South from the government’s Tennessee Valley Authority. They wanted and got government-funded port facilities, oil subsidies in Louisiana, highways and airports and military bases.

But the current South is willing to cut off its own nose to show contempt for the government. Governor Rick Scott of Florida turned down more than $2 billion in federal funds for a high-speed rail system in Florida that would have created jobs and millions of dollars in revenues, just to show he was independent of the hated federal government. In this mood, his forebears would have turned down TVA. People across the South are going even farther than Scott, begging to secede again from the Union. Packer notes that the tea is cooling in parties across the rest of the nation, but seems to be fermenting to a more toxic brew in the South. No one needs better health care more than the South, but it fights it off so long as Obama is offering it, its governors turning down funds for Medicaid. This is a region that rejects sex education, though its rate of teenage pregnancies is double and in places triple that of New England. It fights federal help with education, preferring to inoculate its children against science by denying evolution.

No part of the country will suffer the effects of global warming earlier or with more devastation than the South, yet its politicians resist measures to curb carbon emissions and deny the very existence of climate change—sending it to the dungeon with evolution and biblical errancy. One doesn’t need much imagination to see the South with lowered or swollen waters in its rivers and ports, raging kudzu, swarming mosquitos, and record-breaking high temperatures, still telling itself that global-warming talk is just a liberal conspiracy. But it just digs deeper in denial. The South has decided to be defeated and dumb.

Humans should always cling to what is good about their heritage, but that depends on being able to separate what is good from what is bad. It is noble to oppose mindless change, so long as that does not commit you to rejecting change itself. The South defeats its own cause when it cannot discriminate between the good and the evil in its past, or pretends that the latter does not linger on into the present: Some in the South deny that the legacy of slavery exists at all in our time. The best South, exemplified by the writers listed above, never lost sight of that fact. Where are the writers of that stature today in the Tea Party South? I was made aware of the odd mix of gain and loss when I went back to Atlanta to see my beloved grandmother. She told me not to hold change between my lips while groping for a pocket to put it in—“That might have been in a nigger’s mouth.” Once, when she took me to Mass, she walked out of the church when a black priest came out to celebrate. I wondered why, since she would sit and eat with a black woman who helped her with housework. “It is the dignity—I would not let him take the Lord in his hands.”

Tradition dies hard, hardest among those who cannot admit to the toll it has taken on them. That is why the worst aspects of the South are resurfacing under Obama’s presidency. It is the dignity. That a black should have not merely rights but prominence, authority, and even awe—that is what many Southerners cannot stomach. They would let him ride on the bus, or get into Ivy League schools. But he must be kept from the altar; he cannot perform the secular equivalent of taking the Lord in his hands. It is the dignity.

This is the thing that makes the South the distillation point for all the fugitive extremisms of our time, the heart of Say-No Republicanism, the home of lost causes and nostalgic lunacy. It is as if the whole continent were tipped upward, so that the scattered crazinesses might slide down to the bottom. The South has often been defeated. Now it is defeating itself." [Source]

Unlike the author I do not have a "conservative temperament" so this is why the worst aspects of the South are even more galling. The fact that I happen to be black makes the scope of their ignorance even more (if I may use a Yiddish word) mishegaas to me. 

But I get it. What the author said makes sense. It is why the Tea Party, no matter what they say, will never be able to convince the rest of us that their movement wasn't just about rejecting the "prominence" and "authority" of this black man who dares to call himself their leader. It is why no matter what he says or does they will reject it, even if they happen to lose their nose in the process. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Just another boy next door, and Hillary vs. Rush and the boys.

I have some bad news for you Negroes in America, there seems to be a shortage of chicken wings. I am not kidding. This heartbreaking news comes from some outfit called The National Chicken Council. I swear they will do anything to f&^% with black folks in this country. Now they have an organization that actually controls the flow of chicken. But hang in there my brothers and sisters, this cannot last long, just remember, white folks love chicken just as much as we do.

So anyway, once again some little "angel faced" monster commits a heinous crime and once again we have to hear what a "good kid" he was and how "troubled" he must have been to do what he did. I love how we always make excuses for certain kids in this country. We can't explain why someone so close to home is so inhuman and free from moral restraint, so we have to make excuses for them.

The latest is this little monster out in New Mexico.

 "Relatives of a New Mexico teenager accused of killing his mother, father and younger siblings with an assault rifle, then telling police he hoped to shoot up a Walmart, are described as stunned by his actions and "heartbroken over this senseless tragedy."

Though surviving relatives conceded in an unsigned "family statement" that 15-year-old Nehemiah Griego is a "troubled young man," the statement also described him as an outgoing boy who loved music and hoped one day to serve in the military.

"We know him as a bright, curious and incredibly talented young man. He was a brother, nephew, grandson and cousin," said the statement, obtained by the ABC News affiliate KOAT in Albuquerque from former New Mexico state Sen. Eric Griego, the suspect's uncle."

Oh really?

Is this why he shot his two year old sister in the head at point blank range, and held up his dead mother's bloody head to show off to his brother? What an angel

I have to tell you, I live in Philly, which is a pretty tough city, and I grew up in Jamaica when some serious political violence was going on, and I have never heard of someone shooting a two year old family member in the head at point blank range. That takes cruelty to a totally different level. Even the most depraved killers among us have their limits on things they will and will not do.

"Griego then packed up the guns, including two shotguns, as well as ammunition for the rifles, and planned to drive to a Walmart to shoot additional people -- but ended up at his girlfriend's house instead, Houston said.
Around 8 p.m. on Sunday, the pair drove to Calvary Church. Griego told people his family had died in a car crash. Someone on the church's staff then called 911, Houston said.

"At this time, Nehemiah had been contemplating this for some time. The information that Nehemiah had contemplated going to the local Walmart and participating in a shooting in there is accurate," Houston said. "There is no information at all that he went to church to cause anyone bodily harm there. The suspect also contemplated killing his girlfriend's parents."

Just another boy next door.

Finally, some of these GOP politricksters are becoming seriously unhinged. They are blaming "psychotropic" drugs and welfare moms for gun violence, and  they have declared that his Oness only respects and upholds the Soviet Constitution.  What a lovely bunch.

I saw some of them on display for a minute today. Something about a hearing on the consulate attack in Libya. (Not an embassy wingnuts; a consulate.) They couldn't wait to get a piece of the lady from pig sooie country, but , in my humble opinion, it backfired. They looked like they were trying to score political points for their FOX viewing friends and it was a major fail. Lame jokes and unnecessary cheap shots do not a congressional hearing make. Besides, when you blocked a bill that would have helped to create better security in Benghazi you pretty much lost the battle before it even started.

“I bring greetings from many of our mutual friends in Arkansas,” Cotton began.
He noted that a number of House Democrats at the hearing have wished Clinton well in her future political endeavors and wanted to add his own special brand of well-wishes to the chorus.

“Some of our peers on the other side have expressed their ambitions for your future, I just wanted to say that I wish you’d have won the Democratic primary in 2008,” Cotton said. His joke was met with silence from his colleagues.
“I did pretty well in Arkansas,” Clinton replied."


Rush, of course, thought that Hillary was full of bull sh*t, and he wanted to know "What did she to save anybody"?

Rush, just remember, four people died in Benghazi, but thousands died in Iraq. You should have been asking that question a few years ago.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Let the choir sing.

Another day in America and another mass shooting in a public place. *yawn*

We won't mess with Texas. Just keep those guns coming, Cowboys.

Anyway, now that the pomp and circumstance of the inauguration is over, we can focus on the reaction to the crowning of his Oness for his second term.

I have read a lot of articles and listened to numerous wingnut pundits bemoan the tone of the president's speech. Too partisan, too progressive, too liberal, and too angry. "It was a call to arms for the left. He didn't uplift and inspire us, he was no Lincoln". Whatever.

The essay that got most of my attention was written by Michael Gerson for the Washington Post. In it he declared that Obama "shoved idealism into its grave."

"The compression of these ideological mood swings into four years has left an impression of political instability, perhaps bipolarity. Both parties overreach. Their tone is often frantic and overheated. They focus mainly on energizing the faithful rather than persuading the undecided.

Such polarization has deep roots. Parties, communities and regions have sorted themselves by ideology, producing citizens who operate in separate partisan worlds. Partisan media outlets succeed through the reinforcement and exaggeration of grievances. Most House members represent safe districts in which their greatest political fear is offending those who vote in primaries.
What can a presidential inaugural address do to oppose these centrifugal forces? Probably not much. Maybe admit some mutual fault and call for a new beginning. Maybe direct attention to unifying national values beyond current controversies. Maybe just assert the moral duties of kindness and civility we owe each other in a democracy.

This year, however, the influence of such a speech remains untested because it was not attempted. President Obama set an unobjectionable goal: “a nation that rewards the effort and determination of every single American.” He asserted that this objective can only be achieved “together, as one nation, and one people.” But he proceeded to define an agenda, in some detail, that could have been taken from any campaign speech of the 2012 election. It involves the building of roads and research labs, promoting clean-energy technology, protecting entitlements from significant change, passing equal-pay legislation and immigration reform.

Those who oppose this agenda, in Obama’s view, are not a very admirable lot. They evidently don’t want our wives, mothers and daughters to “earn a living equal to their efforts.” They would cause some citizens “to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote.” They mistake “absolutism for principle” and
“substitute spectacle for politics” and “treat name-calling as reasoned debate.” They would have people’s “twilight years . . . spent in poverty” and ensure that the parents of disabled children have “nowhere to turn.” They would reserve freedom “for the lucky” and believe that Medicare and Social Security “sap our initiative,” and they see this as “a nation of takers.” They “deny the overwhelming judgment of science” on climate change, don’t want love to be “equal” and apparently contemplate “perpetual war.” [Source]

I must be missing something here. Gerson admits that there is extreme polarization, partisanship, and ideological extremes in the country, and yet it's president Obama who must reach out to his political enemies and take the high road? I have a newsflash for Mr. Gerson; President Obama won the election. I think he tried being a nice guy but that didn't work out so well for him. His political opponents deeply despise him on a personal level, and they will never meet him half way, so why should he reach out to them?  

"For Abraham Lincoln, even the gravest national crimes involved shared fault. For Obama, even the most commonplace policy disagreements indicate the bad faith of his opponents. In his first inaugural address, George Washington described the “sacred fire of liberty.” In his second, Obama constructed a raging bonfire of straw men.

This will, no doubt, please the president’s strongest supporters, who are grateful that he has given up the pious balderdash of bipartisanship. They welcome his sharper political edge. They describe him as “wiser,” “wary” and more realistic about the unchangeable obstructionism of his opponents. "

Sorry Mr. Gerson, those men are not made of "straw", they are very real. His opponents are showing "bad faith". Where have you been for the past four years when they were refusing to shake his hand and shouting him down in the middle of his State of The Union Address?  Oh, and let's not forget how they remained silent while leaders of their party questioned his legitimacy.

Dana Milbank joined the ranks of the clueless and uninformed by writing pretty much the same thing. Obama was "preaching to the choir" he declared.

"President Obama began his second inaugural address with a reminder that this ceremony, like the 56 inaugurations before it in U.S. history, was a unifying symbol.

“Each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution,” he said from the West Front of the Capitol, his voice echoing across the Mall, where hundreds of thousands of people waved American flags. “We affirm the promise of our democracy.”

Thus ended the warm-courage-of-national-unity portion of the proceedings.
What followed was less an inaugural address for the ages than a leftover campaign speech combined with an early draft of the State of the Union address. Obama used the most visible platform any president has to decry global-warming skeptics who “still deny the overwhelming judgment of science.” He quarreled with Republicans who say entitlement programs “make us a nation of takers.” He condemned the foreign policy of his predecessor by saying that “enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war.”

“We cannot mistake absolutism for principle or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate,” the president informed his opponents.

Not that they were listening.

George W. Bush declined to join former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter at the ceremony (Bush’s father missed it, too, although he has been in poor health.) Mitt Romney sent regrets and, it appeared, the vast majority of House Republicans skipped the proceedings as well.

With Republican citizens also shunning the event, the crowd gave huge cheers for liberal favorites .." [Source] 

I think that Mr. Milbank should take the time to read his own essay again. This time I hope he focuses on the part where he says that republicans were missing and were not even listening.

Yes, President Obama was "preaching to the choir"; he had to. It's pretty hard to preach to someone who won't even come into your church.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The most depressing day of the year?

Today, as some of you might or might not know, has been declared the most depressing day of the year. Something about it being a Monday, and dreary, and all of the holiday bills coming due around this time.

Of course, if you are an Obamaholic, -or a Ravens or 49ers fan- today isn't so depressing for you at all. Now if you are a racist, on the other hand, you probably can't wait for the day to end.

Today is MLK Day and that Obama fellow just got sworn in for his second term to be your leader. (Loved the anthem Mrs. Jay-Z.) I hope the guns are locked away. It's enough to make any god- fearing racist want to put one of them to his head. Over at FOX NEWS they are beyond depressed. Imagine having to cover the inauguration of the guy who you have been trying to get rid of for the past four years.

It must be tough being a wingnut these days. Hang in there people. Four years is not such a long time in the big scheme of things.

Finally, one of the things that President Obama spoke about in his inauguration address today was gun control. And with that in mind, I want to touch bases on a case out in New Mexico that has not been getting enough news attention as far as I am concerned.

So there is this 15 year old boy who allegedly took an AR-15 assault rifle and slaughtered his entire family.

 "Police described a “horrific” scene after they arrived at the New Mexico home where a teenage boy allegedly killed his two parents and three siblings late Saturday night.

The five family members were found in their rural home outside Albuquerque. Police identified the victims as Greg Griego, 51; Sarah Griego, 40; and their children Zephania Griego, 9; Jael Griego, 5; and Angelina Griego, 2.
Their alleged attacker was identified by police as another family member, 15-year-old Nehemiah Griego, the Associated Press reported.
The boy was arrested and charged with two counts of murder and three counts of child abuse resulting in death, according to the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department. He has been placed in a juvenile detention center, according to police.
Police found multiple weapons, including an AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle, near the scene of the shooting, according to the AP.
“The victims all had multiple gunshot wounds, and there appeared to be multiple weapons, including an assault-type weapon,” Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department deputy Aaron Williamson told Reuters.
“There’s no other way to say it, except that we have a horrific crime scene down there that we are working on it,” Sheriff Dan Houston said on Sunday.
While little was known about the alleged shooter, a picture began to emerge Monday of his father. Greg Griego, identified as a pastor at Calvary, a local church, was remembered as a caring family man.
“Greg loved his family, he loved his church, he loved God, and was very involved with and had love for people in prison,” Calvary executive director Brian Nixon told NBC affiliate KOB-TV. “He headed up our jail ministry, he had a passion for people and to help them.” [Source]
Apparently he loved his guns as well. I guess he didn't read the part in the book of Exodus that talked about his God being a jealous God. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

They only appreciate their guns.

I love the concept of a day of service that flows from the celebration of MLK Day. Here in Philly we do a pretty good job with this particular day, and I hope that we continue down this road. Giving back to your community is a good thing.

Anyway, as the gun control debate rages on here in America, folks on one side of the debate are giving us some comic relief to go along with all the talking points.

 "Gun Appreciation Day hasn’t gotten off to such a great start: two people were shot in Raleigh, North Carolina after a gun accidentally discharged at a safety check point before the show. Both victims were taken to a hospital immediately and the fire department shut down the show for the rest of the day.

Officials at The Dixie Gun and Knife Show called emergency crews to the scene at 1 PM Saturday. A witness told WRAL that the victims were one man and one woman. The man was hit in the hand, according to the victim’s report, and the woman in the side." [Source]

I am thinking that the NRA needs to start spending more money on teaching their members about safety.

And then there is the case of the armed school guard leaving his weapon in the bathroom of a school that he was hired to protect. It gets better. Dude was a retired police weapons inspector. "So field, what's your issue with armed guards in schools?"

"Young [the school director] said the school has been in contact with local authorities about the matter and wouldn’t discuss any possible repercussion for the officer, calling it “a personnel matter.” Young also declined to name the security officer.

Experts on gun violence believe that armed guards are unlikely to deter or head off school shootings. Guards also have a track record of abusing students, often in a racially discriminatory fashion." [Source]

Finally, O was sworn in today, and tomorrow he will take the oath of office with MLK's bible (not the Koran as wingnuts are alleging) which is a nice touch. I think he will use Honest Abe's bible as well. I love the symbolism. And it should be a proud moment for the country. Unfortunately it will be a proud moment for only 50% of the country. The other 50% will be cleaning their guns, stocking up on food, and preparaing to move to Glenn Beck's new territory within America. 

Good luck with that.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Staying on the plantation, and Joseph's guns go shopping.

Before I get into tonight's post, I would like to congratulate the GOP for making efforts to reach out to minorities and women at their retreat in Williamsburg, Virginia. (Nice choice.)Although I do have one little issue to quibble with them about: Fellows, the next time you want to hold a breakout session on diversity and minority outreach in your party, you might want to reconsider having it in a room called the "Plantation Room". I didn't make that up. "The Plantation Room"!

The following is from the New York Daily News:

"House Republicans gathering to discuss minority outreach picked an odd venue for the retreat — a former slave plantation.

Weary GOPers left Washington Wednesday for the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg, Va., where they’re recuperating and focusing on unity after last year’s rough-and-tumble fiscal cliff fight with Democrats.

Panels will take place in the resort’s “Burwell Plantation” room, named after the family that once owned the plantation. The luxury resort is now owned by billionaire Philip Anschutz, a conservative political donor." [Source]

Anywhoo, I want to talk about this "patriot" who found it necessary to do his shopping in J.C. Penny with his AR-15 strapped firmly to his back. Other shoppers were understandably a little unnerved. I guess in a "civilized" society we don't like to see our fellow citizens walking around like it was in the days before we became civilized. We are used to this kind of stuff in Third World countries , the Middle East, and in Texas, but not in America for crying out loud.

"A Utah man brought a rifle and a pistol with him to a J.C. Penney department store to demonstrate that guns can be safe in the hands of law-abiding citizens.

On Wednesday, Cindy Yorgason was shopping at the J.C. Penney in Riverdale when she saw a man with a rifle slung across his chest, extra ammunition and a sidearm in a holster on his right hip, according to KSL 5 TV. She took some photos and posted them to Facebook, where images quickly went viral.

"He was in the wrong place and shouldn't be doing this at this location," Yorgason told KSL, adding that she didn't feel threatened at the time.

The rifle-toting shopper was later identified as 22-year-old Joseph Kelley. He revealed that he was carrying an unloaded AR-15 and the handgun was a loaded Glock 19C, according to The Salt Lake Tribune, adding that he is a firm believer in the Second Amendment.

He said he brought the guns to J.C. Penney to show that firearms are not dangerous in the hands of law-abiding citizens.

"I felt no negative vibes from anyone," Kelley told the Tribune. "I think it went rather surprisingly well." [Source]

Of course it did Joseph, you live in Utah. Besides, you never know when that tyrannical government led by the Kenyan might come to get you. I mean one minute you are in J.C. Penny buying a cashmere sweater for the Mrs., and the next minute you are being handcuffed by Eric Holder's agents. It's enough to drive any law abiding citizen crazy.

Friday, January 18, 2013

This was not a part of his dream.

Every year around this time I have to say this: LITTLE GIRL SCOUT PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! I DO NOT WANT YOUR DAMN COOKIE!

So anyway, as we approach MLK day here in America, let us not forget, my American friends, that it is also Gun Appreciation Day, tomorrow.

Calm down Negroes, I know that MLK lost his life because of a gun, but the leader of this grand exercise says that MLK would have approved and that he is just honoring his legacy.
Now clearly this is one hell of a stretch, and yet, I am willing to let it slide. Consider the source.
But sorry my wingnut friends, I cannot let the latest news about one of the sponsors of Gun Appreciation Day go without commenting.
"It’s Gun Appreciation Day Eve, the day before some Americans will mark the Martin Luther King Day/Obama inaugural weekend by visiting gun ranges, gun stores, and gun shows armed with copies of the U.S. Constitution, American flags, and “Hands Off My Guns” signs “to send a loud and clear message to Congress and President Obama.”
Although Gun Appreciation Day chairman Larry Ward assures people that Martin Luther King would have approved of his demonstration, the group’s sponsors include a White Nationalist party called The American Third Position, which “believes that government policy in the United States discriminates against white Americans, the majority population, and that white Americans need their own political party to fight this discrimination.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated A3P a “white nationalist hate group,” and the Anti-Defamation League calls them a “white supremacist political party.”

Also from the Anti-Defamation League:
Publicly identified leaders of the A3P are its chairman William D. Johnson, a California lawyer who has run for office in Wyoming, Arizona and California; and four directors: Kevin MacDonald, an anti-Semitic professor of psychology at California State University-Long Beach; James Edwards, a Tennessee-based white supremacist who runs the Political Cesspool radio show; Tomislav Sunic, a white supremacist author and radio show host and Don Wassall, a white supremacist who founded the racist and anti-Semitic American Nationalist Union.
American Third Position is one of dozens of Gun Appreciation Day sponsors, and although there is no fee to become a sponsor, Gun Appreciation Day’s approval is required:
Obama, Feinstein and the rest gun grabbing, opportuniists are dead set on passing Gun Control Legislation this Month.

This is the ‘line in the sand’ moment for those of us that love the Constitution. Americans need to make a powerful statement that will put the fear of God in our politicians that are thinking about infringing upon our Second Amendment Rights.

If you have an Political or Member Organzation, Non-Profit, For Profit, PAC, Blog, Newsletter and/or Facebook Fan Pageand want to help spread the message of the first ever national Gun Apprecation Day we want to add your group to our website as a sponsor.

No cash required (we will accept contributions to help us buy ads Online and On Air) , we just ask that you spread the word to your memebers, fans and followers every day until and including January 19, 2013...
Most of the Gun Appreciation Day sponsors are gun retailers, or other firearms-related businesses, along with gun advocate groups. Oddly, GAD was able to snag the sponsorship of Men Who Support Women Against Gun Control, but haven’t yet landed Women Against Gun Control. The Angry Pepper, a Connecticut-based food company, is also a sponsor, as is Puerto Rico Armed Citizen, which appears to have signed up before American Third Position did." [Source]

Show me your friends and I will show you who you are.

Finally, this racism chasing is getting out of hand. First Colin Powell and now the folks at West Point.

"A study for the Combatting Terrorism Center, a think tank associated with the United States Military Academy at West Point, warns of the threat posed by rightwing extremists. It identifies the potential for violence in groups defined a “far-right,” and provides a “[C]onceptual foundation for understanding different far-right groups and then presents the empirical analysis of violent incidents to identify those perpetrating attacks.”

“In the last few years, and especially since 2007, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self-identify with the far-right of American politics,” the report’s executive summary reads. “These incidents cause many to wonder whether these are isolated attacks, an increasing trend, part of increasing societal violence, or attributable to some other condition.”

The report warns of three categories of rightwing extremists that represent terroristic threats: “[T]he Racist/White Supremacy Movement, the Anti-Federalist Movement, and the Christian Fundamentalist Movement.”
The report notes that it focuses only on those groups that have perpetrated violence and not political causes which are deemed extremist but have no violent incidents attributed to them.
The federal government has been wary of coordinated rightwing violence since early in President Barack Obama’s first term. In April, 2009, the Department of Homeland Security authored an unclassified 9 page report entailed “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” [Source]

Oh lawd! I don't know what to tell you Negroes. These extremist are serious. Maybe you all need to be loading up on some automatic weapons as well.
MLK wouldn't be pleased, but desperate times ...


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Notre Shame!

I think Manti Te'o's girlfriend was at the RNC this past summer. That was her in Clint Eastwood's chair. Let me stop. This is not funny. You can't even trust your heroes anymore. First Lance Armstrong and now this dude.

I love how Notre Dame is in full spin mode. Why didn't they let us know about this alleged "catfishing" hoax weeks ago? Shout out to Deadspin for breaking a story that the so called "real" journalist in this country were afraid to touch.

And then, of course, there is Lance. He will be on Oprah's couch tonight crying a river and coming clean to America. (At least we hope he does. He certainly didn't come clean to his staff.) He is hoping that Americans will be in a forgiving mode and that all the  good things he did to raise money for cancer research will overshadow the fact that he is a fraud who made millions on a lie.

Let these stories be a lesson to you gullible souls out there: nothing is ever as it seems.

And this just in: It seems that Lance did confess to Ms. O. I have to catch that on my tele tonight. Now if I could just find her network.

Finally, happy birthday Mrs. First Lady! I hope that you have many more. Hopefully your husband will be around to enjoy them with you. Unfortunately if these wingnuts have their way he will not.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The NRA gets personal.

If President Obama wanted to let his black side flow and get physical with those NRA folks, I honestly couldn't blame him. I mean those people are going after the man's children for crying out loud! Now it just got personal.

"In a sign of how brutal, emotional and deeply personal the coming battle over gun violence is likely to be, the National Rifle Association on Tuesday accused President Barack Obama of hypocrisy for having Secret Service protect his daughters even as he opposes the group's call for armed guards in schools.

The Web video, first obtained by The Blaze, opens with a narrator asking, “Are the president’s kids more important than yours? Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their school?”

The 35-second video makes no effort to hide the tension and animosity between the NRA and Obama, even stepping into the recent "fiscal cliff" debate. The video continues:

“Mr. Obama demands that the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes but he’s just another elitist hypocrite when it comes to a fair share of security,” as an altered image of the president peers over a stack of dollar bills, followed by images of “Meet the Press” host David Gregory, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Vice President Joe Biden." [Source]

When they start going after your kids you know it's serious.

But they didn't stop there. Wingnuts are talking impeachment as well. Something to do with his executive orders and gun control. Actually, O has had less executive orders than all the other American presidents in recent history. But who cares about facts? 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The gun debate takes an ugly turn.

"Why white folks focus on dogs and yoga
While people on the low end tryin to ball and get over
Lyrics are like liquor for the fallen soldiers
From the bounce to the ounce, its all our culture
Everyday we hustlin, tryna get them custom rims
Law we ain’t trustin them, thick broads we lust in them
Sick and tired of bunchin it, I look on the bus at them
When I see them struggling, I think how I’m touchin them
The People"

I love those lyrics from Common, because they adequately represent, from a rapper's perspective, how we get down here in America.

This brings me to Ann Coulter. Ms. Coulter weighed in on the current gun debate and she declared that the reason we have so much crime in America is because of minorities. Of course what people like Ann Coulter and other ignorant racist on the right don't realize is that poverty and crime pretty much go hand in hand. There are proportionately more poor people who happen to be people of color in this country than white people, so guess who is going to commit more crime?

Ms. Coulter might want to take a trip to Moldova, Albania, or anyone of those Eastern European hell holes to see how white folks get down when they don't have s^%*.

So anyway, I am still waiting for one of her black ideological soul mates to check her on her statements. Of course we all know that this will never happen. Allen West, Michelle Malkin, Mia Love and the other house dwellers who wash Ms. Ann's clothes and clean her house would never speak out against the ignorant crap that she says.

Sadly, though, this debate over guns in America is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

And speaking of the gun debate, the convicted felon, James O'Keefe, punked my man Touré, recently.

"James O’Keefe, the undercover videographer behind Project Veritas, published a new video Tuesday in which his crew visits the homes of journalists who have published or defended the publishing of the names of local gun owners in New York and New Jersey. Pretending to be an anti-gun advocacy group, O’Keefe’s crew asks those journalists if they would display a sign which declares that their home is “proudly gun-free” – the journalists all declined.
One of the people that O’Keefe’s group met up with was MSNBC host Touré . Despite his advocacy for stricter gun laws and his defense of the outing of gun owners, Touré also refused to display the sign.

“I agree with you in terms of gun control,” Touré told O’Keefe’s faux-gun control activists.

“We can assume that you’re not a gun owner yourself,” an activist asked.
“No,” Touré replied. “I’m not a gun owner.”

“What are the chances we can get something on this door,” another activist asked. “Something that just says, you know, ‘this building is proudly gun free?’”
“I’d have to talk to my neighbors,” Touré replied. “I honestly don’t know if they – what they feel on this issue.”

“Good luck, you guys,” Touré concludes after rejecting the activists’ proposal.
Touré protested the Project Veritas video on Twitter, saying that he treated the individuals who came to his home with nothing but respect.

O’Keefe responded by defending the public’s right to know whether Touré has a gun in his home or not." [Source]

Poor Touré learned the hard way; never be kind to a wingnut stranger.