I can't say that I blame them. I mean who would want to be associated with a political party that includes this guy? (Really Alex? The NYPD is a hit squad?)
"The organization's board of directors voted Tuesday morning to scrap party identification from its title and be known simply as "The Main Street Partnership." The group's new president, former Ohio Republican Rep. Steven LaTourette, told Yahoo News that he plans to begin conversations with Blue Dog Democrats and centrist groups in the coming months.
"The goal is to try and fill the void that is the middle," LaTourette, who resigned from Congress this year, said. "The American political system is like a doughnut: You've got sides, but you don't have anything in the middle, and it would be my goal to work with Republicans and Democrats who want to find the path forward to getting things done and compromise." [Source]

Finally, speaking of crazy republicans,did you see where Rush Limbaugh said that liberals are seeking to "normalize pedophilia"? Now now Rush, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Let's just leave it at that.
rush is an insane racist sexist witless whale...
even rush is spot on re: hobama
what could be extreme than hobama and his "dems"?????????
cc hobama's extreme jobless/homeless/hungry/ebt'd/ndaa/africom/fiscal cliff chaos/taxes/wwiii/fema/dhs/dna arrests/PIC etc...
Wayne why don't you post your censoring rules. Put out a list of banned words.
The only extremists are leftist/progressive/liberal/communist/marxists.
You are trying to normalize pedophilia.
"Pedophiles may be wired differently. This is radical stuff. But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality. Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia “is a sexual orientation” and therefore “unlikely to change”."
The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls “the sexual liberation discourse”, which has existed since the 1970s. “There are a lot of people,” she says, “who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we’re wrong about paedophilia.”
Social perceptions do change. Child brides were once the norm; in the late 16th century the age of consent in England was 10. More recently, campaigning organisations of the 70s and 80s such as the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and Paedophile Action for Liberation were active members of the NCCL when it made its parliamentary submission questioning the lasting damage caused by consensual paedophilic relations… A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them. And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests – as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says – that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are “nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes”.
The idea, apparently, is to embrace pedophilia as a normal part of the human condition so that we can help those with the “orientation” refrain:
Liberals are sick and disgusting and then outrageously try and paint people against depravity as extremists.
No - you are sick and changing the name won't heal you.
I have been reading your stuff for years and you always hit the bullseye with your observations. Never stop doing what you do.
I remember hearing the radio interview given by Malcolm X, saying that if he is killed it would be because the Black Muslims didn't like him buddying up with the non-black Muslims (the Arabs that Malcolm had met in Mecca, e.g.).
I'm sure that Way6ne would have mocked that, too.
Wayne, Wayne, Wayne... by intimating that Limbaugh is a child molester, you have committed defamation per se.
What kind of cereal box did you say you got your degree in?
I guess it's not pedophilia when you screw little girls in the Dominican Republic, is it Rush.
Steven D
Whatever happened to the Alex/RushLimbaugh teabagging rightwing-nuts who threatened to leave these united states upon re-election of the POTUS?
"Wayne, Wayne, Wayne... by intimating that Limbaugh is a child molester, you have committed defamation per se.
What kind of cereal box did you say you got your degree in?"
Tell him to sue me.
But remember, I hold no malice towards the man.
But remember, I hold no malice towards the man.
I hope you don't hold anything towards the man, especially considering you were looking at his picture when you posted this entry.
Damn you guys get sicker by the minute.
Have you always had this shall we say - evolving preference or is it something that just "popped" up recently?
A fat bloviating pill poppin child diddling racist hypocrite.
Number 1 talk show host in America.
God Bless Barack Obama.
There is still hope.
No, no, Wayne... defamation per se carries with it the presumption of malice. It's built in. There is therefore not the burden on the plaintiff, as a public figure, to prove malice. Look it up, and show some built-in class by admitting that this is correct. Be a good sport.
"I can't say that I blame them. I mean who would want to be associated with a political party that includes this guy? (Really Alex? The NYPD is a hit squad?)"
Field, this is serious. He needs people to believe him cause his life is on the line in NYC. What makes you think he is not on a hit list?
Field, "Finally, speaking of crazy republicans,did you see where Rush Limbaugh said that liberals are seeking to "normalize pedophilia"?"
Well, they did "normalize gay marriage" didn't they? That was against Biblical Teachings Normalizing pedophilia will happen just like killing Blacks on a daily basis is "normal."
Racist Limpballs is a Child Raping Sex Tourist Pederast as well as being a Chickenhawk Coward. Just like his favorite musician Ted Nugent another child-raping Chickenhawk Coward.
Where the white men at?
"A man took a trip out West after a harrowing divorce proceeding. He stopped in a bar, and after a few drinks, stated to no one in particular, "Lawyers are horses' asses." One of the locals spoke up on hearing this: "Mister, watch what you say. You're in horse country." LOL
Field, the lawyer, wandered home at 3 AM. His wife, Mrs Field, became very upset, telling him, "You're late! You said you'd be home by 11:45!"
Mr. Field, the lawyer replied, "I'm right on time. I said I'd be home by a quarter of twelve." ROFL.
"Lawyers are safe from the threat of automation taking over their professions. No one would build a robot to do nothing." Lord have mercy..LOL
I hope Whitey is reading about his professional life here...Yep I am sure Whitey is reading. That's why he is speechless. He never knew we knew so much about litigation. HAHAHAHA
So are you dodging Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan fiasco?Alex was right.No matter how heated he got.America the police state is here.
Why did Piers try to avoid the fact that the Uk has high violent crimes even though they have no guns?
Blogger uptown steve said...
A fat bloviating pill poppin child diddling racist hypocrite.
Number 1 talk show host in America.
God Bless Barack Obama.
There is still hope.
And chains -
Where the white men at?
news: "$1M donations wanted for Obama inauguration"
Because you know, Obama is for the little guy. Now there's no way he would be as bad as corporate raider Romney, but the idea that Obama is a "man of the people" is ludicrous.
filter test: nig
and oh yeah, the health care corporate executives will be attendees, and also will be big BIG donors at the partying. After all, Obama pushed through for them mandatory health insurance, giving them millions of forced customers. So much for freedom.
cc any lie rush has told about hobama
Is there any doubt that a certain political party in Washington is becoming a bit extreme? Consider the following: A popular republican group has removed the word "Republican" from their title. The group formerly known as "The Republican Main Street Partnership" is now just "The Main Street Partnership".
Field this group is a bunch of RINO's. They should go all the way..in fact we should rename them liberals and progressives all at once - The Communist party. It's true and you know it.
Now admit it and stop Putin me on.
Why did Piers try to avoid the fact that the Uk has high violent crimes even though they have no guns?"
Because it isn't true. Britain has a completely different definition of what constitutes violent crime that the U.S.'s
The republican party is extreme? You're a retarded bigot. Have you ever had an original thought in your worthless, Klansman life?
'Nuff said.
Aloha from Maui....
Why do I keep getting an
HTTP 404 Error every time I try to
access that last link you have labeled as "it at that" in the last sentence of your blog on Tuesday Jan. 8?
dear field and fn fans, you once raved about katt williams and his comedic talent. I still wonder about Katt because I see nothing funny about him.
Also, he has been arrested numerous times and continues to ignore the law. is he so precious and held in such esteem in the black community that he is considered above the law? in addition, he is violent and a poor example of a human being who is supported by Blacks. why?
please explain.
more proof that hobama is a racist global warlord
and worse than gwb!!!!
Funny how repubs have to get voted out of office before they act sane.
"To ignore conscious is neither right nor safe. Here I stand and will not be moved so help me god".
Wow Field, you're getting free legal advice from your anons. Your blog can save lots of people lots of money.
Puss Dimbaugh...just goes to show all clowns don't have big red noses and long shoes
Question: How do you greet a lawyer with an IQ of 50?
Answer: "Good morning, your honor."
I haven't been around these parts for awhile but didn't Romney say that Obama won by giving blacks and latinos "gifts"? Well Field and anybody else....I didn't get mine. If anyone can tell me the number to call to get my Obama "gift" please post it here. Thanks in advance.
Steve, your gift is that you get to keep your Affirmative Action job.
uptown steve said...
I haven't been around these parts for awhile but didn't Romney say that Obama won by giving blacks and latinos "gifts"? Well Field and anybody else....I didn't get mine. If anyone can tell me the number to call to get my Obama "gift" please post it here. Thanks in advance.
Obama just used you. He knew no matter how bad it got you would be racist and vote on how he looks. You be dumb that way. Blacks never could see what and who were good for them and always seem to shoot themselves in the muh-dick.
Latinos are the future of this country. Blacks as always have been passed by.
Blogger uptown steve said...
I haven't been around these "parts" for awhile
I bet you say that to all your boyfriends.
What up Steve-O!
What up Pilot?
Hey assnon, if latinos are the "future" of this country then whites are getting passed up too, right?
Is that why you goobers are so anti-immigration? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
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