One of the people who came out of the Afrosphere movement and who writes very insightful and thought provoking articles is a brother from Texas by the name of Eddie Griffin.
I recently got an e-mail from Eddie with a wonderful article about the recent happenings in Washington, which I think is worth reading:
"I.R.S. Witch Hunt: First Stop
By Eddie Griffin
Witch hunts are always ugly. Innocent witnesses are badgered into submission and potential defenders intimidated into silence. The accused is always the unpopular and hated. And, for sure, no one is more hated than tax collectors.
But before a congressional lynch mob gets this fire started, we need to store sanity to the evidence-gathering process. For starters:
A Sept. 28, 2010 letter from Senate Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Max Baucus to then-IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman demanded deeper scrutiny by the agency of 501(c) organizations’ political activities.
Specifically, the letter called on Shulman to “survey major 501(c)(4), (c)(5) and (c)(6) organizations involved in political campaign activity to examine whether they are operated for the organization’s intended tax exempt purpose… Baucus specifically referenced a Sept. 16, 2010 Time article, “The New GOP Money Stampede”… Baucus also referenced “a group transforming itself into a non-profit under 501(c)(4) of the tax code,” ensuring, as the Time article put it, that the group would “not have to publicly disclose any information about its donors.” That “group” Baucus referenced was actually Crossroads GPS.
Why does Sen. Baucus seem to suddenly have a case of amnesia? In Congress started this inquiry into non-profits acting as political fronts, why are they now looking for an apology and a pound of flesh from Douglas Shulman?"
Because hypocrisy rules the day in American politics. People choose political sides and then pretend that they care more about the country than the political gang they belong to.
Fortunately, most of the people in America seem to be coming around and are beginning to understand what is really going on.
"Because hypocrisy rules the day in American politics. People choose political sides and then pretend that they care more about the country than the political gang they belong to."
You are no different you hypocrite. No one has EVER read a fair and balanced post written by you.
Without a doubt, you care more about the Dems and Obama than you do about the country. You really ought to keep quiet when it comes to self-righteous moral judgment, because you have none.
Field, "Fortunately, most of the people in America seem to be coming around and are beginning to understand what is really going on."
No, the voters are not coming around. In fact, MOST Democrats don't even know what's going on and they seem to not give a damn. Democratic voters are the laziest and dumbest people on the planet.
The ones who DO care and are informed citizens, are Republicans. Obama is toast.
From a political angle I want to say that Nancy Pelosi has been a loyal soldier for Obama and the Democratic Party. In addition, she is a very attractive lady, the best looking woman in Congress.
Hey Field, with Memorial Day around the corner, will you have a special edition encouraging everyone to do a marathon of comments on Monday?
This IRS scandel runs deep and it leads to the WH. I still predict that Obama is involved. Eric Holder is toast. One down, one more to go! Look for it right after Memorial Day.
Field, are you sweating bullets yet. I am so sorry all Obamaholics' weekend holiday will be spoiled. I guess those leftist Negroes won't be barbecuing on Monday. Lawd have mercy it sure looks like the Great Black Hope may be going down. Brother Field, I am so sorry, I know it hurts.
"Witch hunts are always ugly."
Yes, like what just happened to Jason Richwine. But you rather enjoyed that particular witch hunt, didn't you Field?
"Fortunately, most of the people in America seem to be coming around and are beginning to understand what is really going on."
They'd better not be, for your sake. The day American people understand what is going on, is the day Obama and all the socialist traitors get run out of town on a rail.
But don't worry, the media is keeping everything under wraps:
There will be three higher ups taking the 5th next week. Whoa unto Obama when that happens.
They will NOT sacrifice themselves for the beige man in the WH. This is Obama's Waterloo. It's over. The bm in the WH has failed terribly.
Hey Field, what do you think of those Muslims in London beheading a British soldier? Do you still support the Muslim cause? I ask because I value your opinion. You have been right in every instance.
BTW, I know you are not a Christian, but are you Muslim?
Meanwhile, in the REAL WORLD...
The headline reads:
that is, after last week's:
Fortunately or not for the wingnutts psychological equilibrium though, they don't live in the real world. They live in the neo-confederate cowboy/action-hero land of Tbagistan where facts are ideological
Conservatives are no longer worried about facts. They need a scandal to take down the orez and any old scandal will do. Fast and Furious didn't seem to do the trick so Issa jumps on Bengazi and that peetered out so now as Hova would say "on to the next one". We're talking about a party that believes abstinence only education will work so let's not over estimate the intelligence of this bunch. Wishing and hoping is their strong suit so if they pray hard enough there will be an impeachment. Don't worry Field, the IRS thing will blow over and we'll have some other -gate so like a cat chasing a laser they will run off in some other direction when they finally figure out there is no there there.
What 'facts' lead you to conclude that the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS is something to dismiss out of hand?
What 'facts' do you have about the AP/Fox bugging scandal that make sure it will "blow over"?
And Benghazi is just getting started, as insiders are just beginning to talk.
You are wishing PilotX, not thinking.,0,6409946.story
Politifact's impartialness is debatable, but even so, there nothing in what you linked to that debunks the core concern of either of those scandals, and actually calls out the democrats version more than the republicans.
The La times article:
"It is not clear what Obama knew about the seizing of the reporters' records."
That's your fact?
Dude, you can't be serious.
May 21, 2013 |
Exclusive:Republicans won’t let go of their conspiracy theory about some nefarious “cover-up” in “talking points” for Ambassador Susan Rice’s TV interviews on the Benghazi attack. But they should at least have better skills for detecting a real cover-up, since they’ve had direct experience, as Robert Parry documents.
There have been nine public hearings and countless hours of commentary about the so-called Benghazi “cover-up” – really some bureaucratic back-and-forth about “talking points” for a second-tier official’s appearance on TV. But none of the outraged members of Congress or the news media seems to have any idea what a real cover-up looks like.
In 2011, I gained access to files at the George H.W. Bush library in College Station, Texas, showing how Bush’s White House reacted to allegations in 1991 that he had joined in an operation in 1980 to sabotage President Jimmy Carter’s negotiations to free 52 American hostages then held in Iran.
What those files revealed was how to run a cover-up! Its framework was set on Nov. 6, 1991, by White House Counsel C. Boyden Gray, who explained to an inter-agency strategy session how to contain and frustrate a congressional investigation into the so-called October Surprise case. The explicit goal was to insure the scandal would not hurt President Bush’s reelection hopes in 1992.
Of course, the ultimate epitaph on the so-called "IRS Scandal" is going to cite Mr. Obama's cosmic run of good luck. Like a gift from heaven, the only substantial hint of scandal in 4+ years of his administration comes amid months and months of the republiklans desperately trying to stack ben-gazi mole-hills into watergate mountains, and all of the wrong-doers are republiklan appointee holdovers. You can't buy luck like that.
Rice was sent out to lie about Benghazi, to say it was all about a YouTube video, expressly to "cover up" Hillary's incompetence.
Talking about what somebody says might of happened in 1991 is not germane to the current scandal.
You are floundering, X.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
and all of the wrong-doers are republiklan appointee holdovers
You can say that all you want Whitey, it still won't be true.
That is a lie for the consumption of idiots. I guess you can't get enough.
Meanwhile, I'm still dead.
STEPHEN said...
Fortunately, most of the people in America seem to be coming around and are beginning to understand what is really going on.
Now I dont know or your stupid or just willfully ignorant.....
the term witch hunt
is redundant regarding hobama
because he is a bona fide warlock
cc his best peer pal jay z
we are all trayvon
we are all assata
see hobama's demonic fema camps here
while you still can:
Either Obama’s lying, which is entirely possible, because he’s a compulsive liar, or he was as ignorant as he seems. Those Leftist media figures who are not in total denial have latched on this as the excuse to protect their idol, now that they know there’s a lot of clay mixed in with his feet. He’s a little too disengaged, he’s not a micro-manager, he’s too pure to know what evil lurks in the heart of men, etc.
John Fund, however, has a very different idea, and I think he may be on the right track. His version of events posits that Obama has never actually been president. We’ve been operating, instead, under the shadow presidency of consigliere Valerie Jarrett:
So if Obama is not fully engaged, who does wield influence in the White House? A lot of Democrats know firsthand that Jarrett, a Chicago mentor to both Barack and Michelle Obama and now officially a senior White House adviser, has enormous influence. She is the only White House staffer in anyone’s memory, other than the chief of staff or national security adviser, to have an around-the-clock Secret Service detail of up to six agents. According to terrorism expert Richard Miniter’s recent book, Leading from Behind: “At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving” the mission for May 2, 2011. She was instrumental in overriding then–chief of staff Rahm Emanuel when he opposed the Obamacare push, and she was key in steamrolling the bill to passage in 2010. Obama may rue the day, as its chaotic implementation could become the biggest political liability Democrats will face in next year’s midterm elections.
A senior Republican congressional leader tells me that he had come to trust that he could detect the real lines of authority in any White House, since he’s worked for five presidents. “But this one baffles me,” he says. “I do know that when I ask Obama for something, there is often no answer. But when I ask Valerie Jarrett, there’s always an answer or something happens.”
"Rice was sent out to lie about Benghazi, to say it was all about a YouTube video, expressly to "cover up" Hillary's incompetence."
So this "scandal" is all about what the ambassador to the UN said on Meet the Press? Yeah, start the impeachment proceedings immediately!
"John Fund, however, has a very different idea"
you should have stopped right there.
"John Fund"? The wingnut echo chamber gets louder and louder.
I will enjoy posting about the Socialist in the WH three years from now as I do now. Somehow I don't think that little impeachment "thingy" is going to happen anytime soon. I might be wrong, but that would be a first.
To the Anon above who wants to know my opinion about the beheading in Londond, I think it was horrific and sad. (If i am not a Christian for the reasons i lay out, how could i possibly be a Muslim? Some folks are willfully ignorant.)
There will be more individual acts of terror as folks fall deeper into ideological ignorance.
I note you did not speak of the terrorist act on the streets of New York against that Gay man the other day. Let's hope that u are as equally outraged at those actions.
Field, "I note you did not speak of the terrorist act on the streets of New York against that Gay man the other day. Let's hope that u are as equally outraged at those actions."
Too much terror in the world, can't get to them all. However, I noticed that you didn't either. Are you gay?
cc your blindly beloved hobama
tell bankster "bruh" u really do need your gun!!!
cc fema/dhs/ndaa/martial law etc
All the news that fits to print said: “They'd better not be, for your sake. The day American people understand what is going on, is the day Obama and all the socialist traitors get run out of town on a rail.”
Nope, you’ve got it all wrong, … truthfully, when the American people understand what is going on in Washington, it will be the day that the American PEOPLE come together and force march the RepubMafias and DemoMobs out of town in their birthday suit.
a super pookie judge:
field negro said...
"I note you did not speak of the terrorist act on the streets of New York against that Gay man the other day"
A Gay man was beheaded on the streets of New York by people screaming "Praise Jesus!"?!?!
How did I not hear of this?
IgnoramusX said...
"So this "scandal" is all about what the ambassador to the UN said on Meet the Press?"
No Skippy, there is usually a reason for lying.
In this case, the lying was to cover up the failure of the President's Middle East policy highlighted by Libya, where we had just illegally overthrown the government for the benefit of the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda, who showed their gratitude by killing our amabassador who was there to run guns to al Qaeda in Syria in another illegal operation done for the benefit of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Hillary Clinton had denied requests for additional security, and had ignored intelligence warnings about an attack on the anniversary of 9-11. Once the attack started the consulate held out for 8-12 hours, waiting for help that never came. Someone, probably Obama, had ordered all potential rescue units to stand down. Someone didn't want an "incident" in the middle of a campaign, so someone else died.
Then the entire administration tried to cover up what had happened, by ridiculously claiming that the whole incident was a "spontaneous reaction to a YouTube video". They vowed to get the guy who made the video, and they did. In fact, he's still in jail. But despite the fact that five individuals have been identified in Libya as being involved in the attack, the administration has failed to pursue them.
To summarize:
Incompetence: Failure to address security deficiencies that had been repeatedly pointed out, and failure to act on direct intelligence of an attack on 9-11. This is on Hillary.
Corruption: Running guns through God-knows-who in Libya to supply God-knows-who in Syria. This is on Obama and Hillary.
Fecklessness: Not allowing the military to come to the aid of the besieged consulate staff because you didn't want to escalate an incident that highlighted the overall failure of your Middle Eastern foreign policy in the middle of an election campaign. Obama.
Deception: Sending out your entire administration to lie about the event, blaming YouTube, and stonewalling congress about what actually transpired. Susan Rice's career was sacrificed to save Hillary's. That's on Obama.
What is clear when one looks at this scandal as well as all the other scandals coming to light is that the Obama government is about politics before country, revenge before law and morality, and cover-ups above and beyond everything.
Whether or not this is an impeachable offence cannot be known without all of the facts, but shouldn't you, as an American, want some accountability for this whole mess?
Obama: Hey, You Know Who Should Be Promoted? Victoria Nuland, Shepardress of the False Talking Points:
The White House announced Thursday that President Barack Obama intends to nominate Victoria Nuland as assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs, a position that requires Senate confirmation.
Nuland, who has served as the State Department spokesperson from 2011 until earlier this spring, came under fire from Obama administration critics last week after leaked e-mails revealed she raised concerns with the CIA-prepared talking points on the deadly terror attack last September 11.
Specifically, Nuland asked that references to al Qaeda and previous CIA warnings about threats posed to U.S. diplomats in Libya be scrubbed from the document that was used by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on news talk shows to explain the administration’s understanding of events in Libya.
It's very odd how those who lie are promoted and those who tell the truth are demoted.
You'd almost think that, despite his protestations, Obama did not actually want the truth to come out at all.
Hey wingnut named Dead Ambassasor, remember when Raygun was running that coke operatjon to fund murderers in South America? Those are facts. Not FOX News and wingnut talking points because u can't get over getting your asses kicked in the last election.
field negro said...
Hey wingnut named Dead Ambassasor, remember when Raygun was running that coke operatjon to fund murderers in South America?
No, but that would make a good book. You should write it.
In any event, Reagan is not running the country now. He is dead, like me. It is important to hold the people actually in charge accountable. This is serious business, running the most powerful country in the world. People could get hurt. I should know.
Obama eked out a win the last election. Now it looks like he did so by lying about his foreign policy, suppressing the Tea Party vote by harassing their organizations with the IRS, and suppressing reporting by bugging reporters who didn't go along with what they were being fed.
Not cool.
Show a little integrity and pretend you care. It would do you some good.
Show some consistency and stop being hypocrite.
Why didn't people of your ilk hold Raygun accountable? I know why. Because he was in your political gang. So to you, and people like you, "integrity" is a thing of convenience.
How cute.
And I can't pretend to care when I don't. Not about this.
I know what most people who actually can think for themselves in this country already know: the political game is rigged, and it doesn't matter who is in power. At this point it's all just a game. A game, BTW, which your side lost.
your false god hobama often praises raygun as his own god
raygun is hobama's hero!
cc eternal opium wars/cbc/africom etc
gitmo = holding cells for poppy farmers robbed by hobama
cc hobama's additional global gitmos in benghazi etc
cc benghazi/global gun and drug running/wwiii/africom etc
gitmo = holding cells for poppy farmers robbed by hobama
cc hobama's additional global gitmos in benghazi etc
cc hobama's own global gun and drug running/wwiii/africom/rex 84/fema/cointelpro 2013 etc
the crack dealing racist raygun would adore the blackish hobama indeed
delusion and denial will never stop hobama/the new hitler/nixon...
hobama makes raygun look afrocentric, compassionate, and humane...etc!
what a gd shame on the sheeple!!!!!!!
cc ndaa/wwwiii/black homeless/jobless/gunless/hopeless...
hobama and his beard michelle are both far more racist than raygun
what a gd shame!
Both the president and first lady gave back to back commencement addresses to historically black colleges. At Bowie State University in Maryland Michelle Obama told the proud graduates that they in fact had little reason for celebration. Obviously they got the memo about the importance of education, hence the caps and gowns. Mrs. Obama didn’t care because she warned them about the mythical black people who deride the educated as “acting white.” Having resurrected those phantom creations she turned her attention to those misled black children who want to be “ballers” and “rappers.” Assuming that her audience had such dubious career plans, they clearly decided to get college degrees as a hedge against failed sports and entertainment careers.
“He wants white people to be assured that he is still their guy.”
The next day her husband did her one better at Morehouse College in Atlanta. The poor graduates were not only forced to sit in a driving rain but were also insulted by a rank and ambitious politician. Just as his wife refused to congratulate the young people for their success, the president felt compelled to point out that there are black people who make excuses, and don’t take care of their kids, and make bad choices and blah, blah and oh yes, blah. As in 2008, the black people in the audience were part of the stage setting for the real audience, which was totally white
"Too much terror in the world, can't get to them all."
Great admission, so no more asking Field why he didn't post about any one certain act.
"No Skippy, there is usually a reason for lying."
You mean like Iran-Contra? You're right.
when will u sober up from your drunken hobama love?????
cc ndaa/raygun/assata/hitler/africom/wwiii/etc
There appears to be no depth too low for black America to fall in the age of Obama. Most of us still worship a man who has nothing but contempt for us, our history and our aspirations. We can be used as pawns in a dirty game and be deliriously happy with the man doing the using. We haven’t seen anything yet. The second term will be even uglier than the first.
I cant believe you actually post such foolishness....
Hey wingnut named Dead Ambassasor, remember when Raygun was running that coke operatjon to fund murderers in South America? Those are facts. Not FOX News and wingnut talking points because u can't get over getting your asses kicked in the last election."
...Well STEPHEN....
can you explain Why Obama loves Reagan so much...??
Hes currently running the same type of clandestine gun running activities as Reagan.....
You can check the links on my earlier post for proof...
Do you even read anything or do you just look at the pics , and decpiher that way... ?
Your are utterly hopeless...LOL
Click my name for an illustration...LOL
"can you explain Why Obama loves Reagan so much...??
Hes currently running the same type of clandestine gun running activities as Reagan....."
For the same reason PC and Field have been telling you for over 3 years now. Barack is a moderate Republican President circa 1985 or so. So of course, no punishment of the banksters, continuous wars ect. He will do what all other Republican presidents have done in the past but he was elected because he is slightly better than the modern version of Republicans who are insane.
Thank u X. It is so refreshing to read something from someone who is actually sane,
Some of these trolls are partisans pretending to be independent.
They are so predictable.
hobama is slightly better than who???
how so???
by what measure????
hobama is worse than all prezes combined!!!
including his hero raygun!
his own bloody legacy proves that daily!
field negro said...
"At this point it's all just a game"
Maybe to you, Mr. Jamaican defense lawyer, who will leave America once his lucrative government gig is up, and will leave no descendant to deal with the mess that the country is being "changed" into.
For myself, born and raised here, committed to this country to the end, and who has several children who will have to face the reality of a fundamentally transformed America, it is definitely more than a game.
But to you, no one can be held accountable if someone else has ever done anything wrong. Does that work in court? Can you get Shitavious off for murder because D'Labia was never prosecuted?
Just take your Goddamn money and leave the future of the country to those who have a real interest in keeping things going for more than about 10 years.
It's not gong to feel like a game much longer.
how is hobama better than any prez????
which one???
in ANY way???????
elaborate!...pray tell asap!!!!!!!
Al Akhbar said...
A Gay man was beheaded on the streets of New York by people screaming "Praise Jesus!"?!?!
No, a gay man, Mr. Mark Collins was chased out of a Papaya King and into an alley in Chelsea, and then shot point blank in the head because, according to the man who killed him, he and his companion "looked like some kind of faggot wrestlers or something."
BTW Field, Peggy Noonan's been obviously out of her depth for her entire career. She can turn a phrase, in her own timeworn style, but her ideas were never better than luke-warm porridge, and that was 30 years ago. Today she's so out of touch that even the Tbaggers she's desperately sucked up to since dismissing them as delude bumpkins on that live-mike in 2009, aren't buying her shtick -and they'll believe, literally, anyone who says anything that confirms their own beliefs.
cc debt/spending/endless countless illegal wars/wwiii/africom/ndaa/fema/dhs/serial false flags/martial law etc
For the same reason PC and Field have been telling you for over 3 years now. Barack is a moderate Republican President circa 1985 or so. So of course, no punishment of the banksters, continuous wars ect. He will do what all other Republican presidents have done in the past
So basically your admitting that your famed Hero is just a replica of a PREVIOUS REPUBLICAN Administration....
and You nor STEPHEN have the intestinal fortitude to resist speak out...or stand up for whats right...
Just a couple of feckless trophy shniners ...
Just Happy to feel like your part of the EMPIRE....
Say it with me...
O-bomber is funding Syrian Alqeda Members ....while telling America that hes dismantling them across the globe...
and your in COMPLETE support of this...
I got it....
'No, a gay man, Mr. Mark Collins was chased out of a Papaya King and into an alley in Chelsea, and then shot point blank in the head because, according to the man who killed him, he and his companion "looked like some kind of faggot wrestlers or something.'
And this act ties into some larger cultural context, as did the Muslim beheading?
"BTW Field, Peggy Noonan's been obviously out of her depth for her entire career"
She supported Obama in 2008.
field negro said...
Thank u X. It is so refreshing to read something from someone who is actually sane,
Some of these trolls are partisans pretending to be independent.
They are so predictable.
1:25 PM
You forgot to include yourself. YOU are soooo predictable. YOU have the same defense which YOU say over and over again--with a little help from your lacky, PilotX. LOL
"So basically your admitting that your famed Hero is just a replica of a PREVIOUS REPUBLICAN Administration...."
Never said he was a hero, where'd you get that?
"and You nor STEPHEN have the intestinal fortitude to resist speak out...or stand up for whats right..."
Do I have to agree to your definition of what's right to qualify as "doing something" in your eyes? What do you except post on a blog all day long? Is this how you resist the empire? Big man you are.
"O-bomber is funding Syrian Alqeda Members ....while telling America that hes dismantling them across the globe..."
Two things, they may have determined this is in the country's best interests and the Syrian issue is a mess with no good alternatives (just like Afganistan). If you have a better idea of what to do in Syria why not communicate it to the State Department instead of bickering with three people here who you obviously can't sway? Just say'n.
BTW Frustrated, you may have answered me before but whom did you vote for in '08 and '12?
Frustrated Negro said...
I cant believe you actually post such foolishness....
Hey wingnut named Dead Ambassasor, remember when Raygun was running that coke operatjon to fund murderers in South America? Those are facts. Not FOX News and wingnut talking points because u can't get over getting your asses kicked in the last election."
...Well STEPHEN....
can you explain Why Obama loves Reagan so much...??
Hes currently running the same type of clandestine gun running activities as Reagan.....
You can check the links on my earlier post for proof...
Do you even read anything or do you just look at the pics , and decpiher that way... ?
Your are utterly hopeless...LOL
Click my name for an illustration...LOL
1:09 PM
Thank u Frustrated Negro. It is so refreshing to read something from someone who is actually sane and deals in FACTS. Unfortunately Field and PilotX can't handle FACTS. In other words, they can't handle the truth about Obama. Those poor saps can't see past his skin color. How pathetic.
"So basically your admitting that your famed Hero is just a replica of a PREVIOUS REPUBLICAN Administration...."
duh. Glad you have pretty good reading comprehension. American presidents have come down to the cliche about lesser of two evils. One party that continues Reagan's trickle down non sense, beats down unions, ships jobs overseas and steals from the poor to give to the rich. And you have the Republicans who are just bat shit crazy. Not much real choice but I guess it's better than Presidents Bachmann, Santorum and Palin no?
PilotX, "BTW Frustrated, you may have answered me before but whom did you vote for in '08 and '12?"
Jesus Christ, Pilot. How many times must one answer you? Do you have early on-set of Dementia? Your memory is shot. The only thing you can remember is how great Obama is and how 'right' Field is. You are such a sorry Negro. Remind me to never get on a plane that you are might to forget to lower the landing gear!
"Do I have to agree to your definition of what's right to qualify as "doing something" in your eyes?"
No you can choose to believe in fairy tales if you choose to...
"What do you except post on a blog all day long?"
Thats a personal question irrelevant to the discussion at hand...
Is this how you resist the empire? Big man you are.
I resist the EMPIRE by NOT voting for criminals disguised as politicians...
I also resist by speaking out every opp I have...
I also resist by voting Green Party or Nothing if the choices arent there...
You know the lesser of two evils argument is fine with me... Acknowledge that this guy is just as bad as Bush ...
but you cant sit here and vociferously defend him on every issue... Its crazy...
That stance is what I take issue with....
"American presidents have come down to the cliche about lesser of two evils. One party that continues Reagan's trickle down non sense, beats down unions, ships jobs overseas and steals from the poor to give to the rich."
Im so glad that you have finally admitted this is the structured premise of the Dems in power right now...
BTW Frustrated, you may have answered me before but whom did you vote for in '08 and '12?
I answered that in a previous post where your buddy STEPHEN called me a GOP troll....
"It's not gong to feel like a game much longer."
Yes it is. It's been a game for as long as this republic has been here. The only difference now is that you don't like the beige guy calling the shots.
But nice try.
X, that fraud frustrated (white dude pretending to be a) negro is a republican and he voted for republicans in 2008 and 2012.
This is why he comes off as bitter loser who is praying for a take down of the dude in power. A takedown that he will never see.
which prez was EVER more racist and evil than that global warlord warlock blackish bankster hobama?
even his fellow dl racist abe lincoln freed slaves
hobama has enslaved us all anew
even his crack dealing hero ronny raygun solely flooded south central with drugs...intially...pre-the expansive rick ross
hobama's africom wars for opium/oil/gold have made the entire world a fatal ghetto
i beg anyone to reply for fn:
"I answered that in a previous post where your buddy STEPHEN called me a GOP troll...."
Obviously I didn't see it so........who got your votes?
So let me get this straight Frustrated, you're a lefty and are upset Barack isn't progressive/liberal enough for you?
X, that fraud frustrated (white dude pretending to be a) negro is a republican and he voted for republicans in 2008 and 2012.
Thats the best argument you have??
You cant deny what im posting ;because its TRUTH....
So the best you can do is call me a Republican....
Great Job ...Great Job
So basically your saying a Black person couldn't hold the degree of disdain that I do for your beloved savior??
so now again... Obama is gun running to confirmed terrorists .... a situation very similar to Reagan and the Iran Contra scandal, and your ok with that...
See unfortunately we dont have a time machine ... So we cant go back and protest or speak out about Ronny Reagan, but we Damm sure can do it right here right now with this crook...
Got it...??
Your free to post another love story about Obama and the mean Republicans...
Your not ready to argue with Grown Folks...
I have to remember to start taking it easy on you...
Stephen doesnt really understand political science ... cut him a break...
Go Eddie!
Thank you, Field.
"Thats the best argument you have??"
WTF are we supposedly arguing about?
"So basically your saying a Black person couldn't hold the degree of disdain that I do for your beloved savior??"
Who is my beloved savior? Assumptions anyone?
"so now again... Obama is gun running to confirmed terrorists .... a situation very similar to Reagan and the Iran Contra scandal, and your ok with that..."
First off I am not intimately familiar with the situation. Don't take it personally but I won't just take your word that the administration is arming so called terrorists. No opinion one way or the other.
"Your not ready to argue with Grown Folks..."
Once again, didn't know we were arguing. If so I need a few details about with whom I'm arguing.
"I have to remember to start taking it easy on you..."
Trust me, I don't take this as seriously as you may want me to. Words on a blog are not life or death so step back and take a breath.
Now I've answered your questions can you return the favor and answer some of mine?
1. Without referring to a previous post for whom did you vote for in the '08 and '12 elections?
2. You seem to be advocating for left leanigng policies is this correct?
3. If the answer to number two is the affirmative then is Barack not liberal/progressive enough for you?
I ask these questions for a reason because if you want to have a serious debate/argument I just want to know where you stand on certain issues so I can find common ground and understand where the differences lie.
Oh sorry man,I see that was intended for Field. Well, the questions are still valid if you care to respond.
Pilot X, if they were meant for me he will be disappointed. I don't argue with wingnuts. You can't change their minds and they don't use logic or reason.
Do u notice he didn't answer your question about who he voted for?
Yeah, he/she claims to be a lefty but besides tearing down the prez it never addresses any left issues. That is kinda strange.
Dedicated to the Frustrated one.
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