I see that not much has changed since I have been away. The Fox News folks and their trolls who hang around web sites are still looking for a scandal that they hope will bring the beige one down.
So far, though, it doesn't seem to be working. The president's approval rating is actually going up, and the economy chugs along while he cuddles a charmed republican governor for all the world to see.
That cry you hear is from republicans who are trying to take back the White House in 2016, and who want to close the popularity gap with those evil dumbocrats.
So what do you do if you try to push a scandal and the public doesn't cooperate"? Well, if you are Fox News, you keep on pushing and hope and pray that there is a smoking gun somewhere to link the Teflon man to some of these stories.
Meanwhile, they are wondering how Americans can already have scandal fatigue when they were never engaged in the first place.
What they need is a scandal with something salacious in it. (Think Bill and Monica.) I bet they thought they had one Tuesday when they saw that lipstick all over Obama's collar. Sadly for them, though, O had an answer for that as well.
The irony of all of this is that a looming scandal actually brought down a popular Tea Party politician.
"Representative Michele Bachmann, the Minnesota Republican whose status as a leading voice of the Tea Party movement in Congress has faded in the wake of a failed presidential bid and a widening investigation into her campaign spending, said Wednesday that she would not seek re-election.
“I fully anticipate the mainstream liberal media to put a detrimental spin on my decision not to seek a fifth term,” she said in a gauzy network-television-quality video posted on her campaign Web site. “They always seemed to attempt to find a dishonest way to disparage me. But I take being the focus of their attention and disparagement as a true compliment of my public service effectiveness.”
Mrs. Bachmann spent heavily in her last Congressional campaign and eked out a victory by less than two percentage points. She would have been one of the Democrats’ top targets in the 2014 elections, but her decision not to run by no means guarantees them a victory in the conservative-leaning district.
In addition to a tough fight for re-election, Mrs. Bachmann also faces growing legal troubles. The Office of Congressional Ethics, a quasi-independent House agency that acts like a grand jury to examine allegations of ethics violations, has been conducting its own review of Mrs. Bachmann and her staff since early this year." [Source]
In her farewell video Michele actually said that she is not leaving because of the looming investigations or the fact that she is down in the polls to her potential opponent.
"The Star Tribune of Minneapolis reported this month that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was also conducting an inquiry, joining the Federal Election Commission and the Iowa Senate Ethics Committee on the growing list of investigative bodies examining her campaign activity.
Among the allegations Mrs. Bachmann is facing is that her campaign improperly used money from an affiliated political action committee, MichelePAC, to pay a fund-raising consultant who worked for her during the 2012 Iowa caucuses. Her campaign has also been accused of making secret and improper payments to Kent Sorenson, an Iowa state senator and popular Republican conservative leader in the state, in advance of the caucuses. And she has been accused of improperly using her presidential campaign staff to help promote her book, “Core of Conviction.” [Source]
Oh ohh. It looks like we might have a real scandal on our hands. I wonder if FOX News will cover this one.
I thought Bachmann was leaving because crazy pills are no longer covered under Obamacare...
Obama is the teflon man? John Gotti was the teflon Don. Just because the charges didn't stick doesn't mean they aren't true. But I like the way you compare him to a gangster.
Welcome home Field
I can't see Mrs. Bachmann being convicted on what they have on her now. Hell, put her husband on the stand in her defense and any jury'll believe that virtually anything she claims got past her did.
Mr. Obama has been blessed with opponents blinded by their own prejudices, and the wisdom to exploit it. Nothing more; nothing less.
"Oh ohh. It looks like we might have a real scandal on our hands"
Keep shamblin' Bojangles, keep shamblin'.
The Lamestream media's ability to gloss over serious violations of the Constitution is nothing to be proud of. As your boy turns the country into Chicago, "change" is going to come down hard on everyone. I just hope it gets your black ass before you can run back to Jamaica.
So, the "Lamestream Media" is all for Obama. Buuuuuuttttt....the AP 'scandal' is the straw that broke the camel's back.
So, the Bachmann is not going to run again. Buuuutttt...the Tea Party (aka the "I wanna be a libertarian, but I can't spell anarchy") is going to show increased support from the IRS 'scandal'.
The best part of the whole deal is the contortions that the right wing has to go through.
"Three rules of FN forum: 1)Anon's who say they're black; are not, 2)Anon's who post links are considered the MENSA of their trailer park, 3) Conservatives lose every time, without fail.
Welcome back, Field.
From the previous thread:
Anonymous said...
Frustrated Negro, these are some good questions. However, you're proposing these questions to the wrong person, I mean, it's not as of he's some type of oracle. Field Negro doesn't know shit! This is why he's not a partner at his own law firm.
8:46 PM
Field doesn't know shit? You have GOT to be kidding. Please tell me it's not true. I have been following Field all these years and just NOW you tell me that he is just another Negro who doesn't know shit?
The more I think about it, the more I think you are right. Lord have mercy on my soul. But I am thankful for Frustrated Negro who brings some balance to FN with the Truth! Thank you, Frustrated Negro. But you had better be careful, Field has been known to throw people off of his blog who has a propensity to tell the truth.
God bless you, Frustrated Negro. It's people like you that gives me hope for humanity. I just wish there were more of you.
Jay Carney pronounces the White House "satisfied" completely with the IRS' "responsiveness" to inquires about the scandals.
Of course they're satisfied. They're not snitching. Mobsters don't mind if you take a pinch, they just don't want you to rat out the higher-ups when you're caught.
Note that the White House could have criticized the IRS officials for their lack of candor, and thus lobbed a shot across their collective bow, urging them towards greater honesty.
They chose not to, but instead to laud them for their parsimony with the truth. This is not an accident.
This is the White House giving Douglas Schulman, Steve Miller, and Lois Lerner the Across-the-Room Air High Five.
Carney also referred a report to the Justice Department for an opinion as to whether the head of the Justice Department lied under oath. He did.
The New York Times has decided not to attend Eric Holder's Secret Briefing on Government Openness. The AP will also passing on this farce. Via Politico:
"We believe the meeting should be on the record and we have said that to the Attorney General’s office. If it is on the record, AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll will attend. If it is not on the record, AP will not attend and instead will offer our views on how the regulations should be updated in an open letter," AP spokesperson Erin Madigan said in a statement sent to POLITICO. "We would expect AP attorneys to be included in any planned meetings between the Attorney General’s office and media lawyers on the legal specifics."
The Democrats have utterly debased the American government. There is nothing left.
"So far, though, it doesn't seem to be working. The president's approval rating is actually going up, and the economy chugs along while he cuddles a charmed republican governor for all the world to see."
Field, you don't know shit. FOX NEWS has reported that the scandals continue to have legs and Obama is worried. And what about Eric Holder? Why is it you NEVER post about him and his moves as an AG? That's because you are 'blinded' by your own leftist views....disgusting....You don't know shit.
Where is da Desert? She usually has something positive to say about da Field. Looks like she's hiding. Well, PR is a good place to hide.
Anonymous said...
"Where is da Desert?"
It's 12:05 am, I'm making a last minute cake and extremely tired but almost finished.
FYI The Field defends himself quite capably.
He needs no one to intercede for him :) On the contrary,
Fox or the Right don't need to "bring him down", he's self destructing and bringing down the Left all be his lonesome.
Turn that light on a watch 'em scatter.
Desertflower said...
Anonymous said...
"Where is da Desert?"
It's 12:05 am, I'm making a last minute cake and extremely tired but almost finished.
FYI The Field defends himself quite capably.
He needs no one to intercede for him :) On the contrary,
12:14 AM
See? there you go again, defending him. As a prosecuting attorney, I rest my case.
Field's dry wry sarcastic comment, "Oh ohh. It looks like we might have a real scandal on our hands. I wonder if FOX News will cover this one."
FOX covers Everything, unlike the far left media which covers basically NOTHING...like Field does. The only folks who follow and believe FN's shit are people who claim to be pilots and claim to bake cakes in PR.
FYI: PRs don't eat much cake. They like to stay slim and trim. That's why no one in PR is fat.
BTW, why did Field go to PR anyway? He has no clients in PR and he sure as hell wasn't on vacation. Hmmmm. As a prosecuting attorney, I think I will investigate this.
Are you starting to tremble, Field? You should. I always get my man. I think I'll time your demise to end with Obama's.hehehe...I'm going to enjoy this.
Field, you really ought to stop getting your information from Mother Jones. It is bullshit and keeps people ignorant.
Anon@9:41pm, relax, Raygun was known as 'the Teflon President" as well. It's nothing personal to your boy.
Sometimes folks can be a bit too sensitive. Leave that to the wingnuts.
Anon. stop messing with me. I was NOT in PR. Although it is a beautiful place.
What happened to the GLEN BECK disaster lmao
----------------------------------------Milagros said:
Also bro i love you but i must reach back into the Gosnell fiasco
Pearl Gosnell, 51, has spent two years on house arrest and could be sent to prison Wednesday for racketeering and performing an illegal abortion. Her husband, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, had turned down a plea offer that would have let her keep their house and stay home on probation with their teenage daughter. Thus says the media (google this)
Now as you know i am not'ANTI CHOICE rather, i am anti abuse/murder so IF' what the pros says took place took place (which i have some concerns about) ???????
Moreover on the other side, my son, i am never ever going to accept the media reasons for trying to debase her husband any further by saying that Gosnell turned down a plea bargain and left her hanging.
For eye Milagros, this is a simple case of standing by her man, and no matter what went down NO ONE here was there furthermore, when a person is standing at the doors of freedom and incarceration they will say anything.
Its like a house negro, who has been beaten raped and tormented, but when the slavemaster tells the slave to enter through the back door and there is no such door HE WILL MAKE ONE! smh!
After a lot of thought, i know from the preponderance of evidence that something happened in that clinic which was perhaps not what it should have been. However,! i cannot prove it and neither did the prosecution.
Rather, what they did do was appeal to the savage side of abortion thereby blurring the view
Stillspekaingtruth2power))) playing chess and taking castles
ps Oh trust me i will be back
Field said:
Anon@9:41pm, relax, Raygun was known as 'the Teflon President" as well. It's nothing personal to your boy.
Sometimes folks can be a bit too sensitive. Leave that to the wingnuts.
Anon. stop messing with me. I was NOT in PR. Although it is a beautiful place.
Afrikan said
Voce acha que existe um packete bomba necessaria?
i am going over some of my comments and you know that i very seldom have a rebuttal for anyone
. WHY?
I am strong secure and spkmypece! Allowing anyone who wants to, to tip the light fantastic and lose! lol)))))
All of the people here have a right to have their opinions and as a barrister LOL i refuse to debate anyones right to free speech..WHY?
All opinions make me stronger in my love for the first amendment. (Even though i choose to only read what you and one other bloggers put here for our benefit).
Suffice that, unless one is talking about CUBA the law or my mama they will get no feedback here.. unless they want a blast from the PENIS PUMP! )))) Oh my goodness i am mean!
Moving right along i know that someone here overstands ))))
Lets step back to OKIE The dust bowl
i find it hard to accept that people are still walking around looking for PICS and momentums.
In Cuba last Yr we never saw people worried about finding momentums, not after any of the many canes that have hit my country have i seen the behavior seen in amerikkka
i cannot fanthom or overstand that thinking esp after surviving Katrina duh!
This past week while in Santurce( burb of SanJuan) my husbands uncle asked me why people are not simply grateful to be alive and why they would even consider seeking lost items?
Its not like they will die if they don't have them. What about the babies animals elders?
My reasoning is like this, Field We went thru KATRINA and this family lost all ALL@ including a few babies under the age of 12 mths SO, after the 2nd biggest disaster and fiasco of the bushwackers adm i ask WHO CARES ABOUT A mucking PIC?
What must be done is pull up ya pantalones and get busy. If your going to stay rebuild, build an underground shelter( if you think mother earth cannot destroy that)
I am sick and tired of weak whining crybabys sucking tits
OR for those who have a problem with me here pull out your checkbook and or GO to Oklahoma and pull up your sleeves
In fact wait for the next disaster and travel
Whatever you decide to do, stop whining and faking as if you care. The only thing your really concerned about is bottom line
Most of the people who suck tits have little penis't that can't even float or are unwilling to share anything they have with a homeless person or family unless they are family
What will happen the next time ARE YOU PREPARED?
We live in a section of Tampa Bay that has old basements however we know that when its time its time. We are ready for any hurricane that hits. It is what it is!
Get real and get over it. Unless and until you have been through it and overstand what is really important you will never accept what is really important nor will you ever see the true pic
I'm coming RED its the BIG ONE! smh
3 keeping a promise to my king that i will travel with him and help him We have our own law firm we work for noone!
We employ 10 people and our firm has been involved with some mind boggling cases
anyone who has to "push" for a scandal from the prolific scandal creator hobama is redundant/bombarded by peer "pushers"....
as that bumbling banskter hobama clones nixon, he would do well to evade hobama nazis' denial and rapidly recall that nixon also ruled the msm, to a FAR lesser degree...
yet even nixon was "pushed" right out of DC.
impeach that failed felled endless global war criminal hobama NOW!!!!!!!
cc benghazi/africom/irs/eric holder/NDAA/wwiii/global guns/opium/oil etc
But I am thankful for Frustrated Negro who brings some balance to FN with the Truth! Thank you, Frustrated Negro. But you had better be careful, Field has been known to throw people off of his blog who has a propensity to tell the truth.
God bless you, Frustrated Negro. It's people like you that gives me hope for humanity. I just wish there were more of you.
Your certainly more than welcome....
I only post when STEPHEN gets really outta hand with the O-bomber praise , and worship services...
Sometimes you have to burst that pregnant bubble filled with lies , and hypocrisy...
I know Stephen gets upset when I take down some of his foolish posistions...
This is why Im starting my own blog...
Its going to be called " A Black Mans Outlook" look for the link real soon... Im wasting my talents
see that bankster hobama's real "pushers" here:
Furthermore, we cannot forget Obama’s most important role as Wall Street’s personal protector, ensuring the banks maintain record profits in the age of austerity after the sequester he demanded chokes the life out of government function and he threatens to cut Social Security and Medicare so that now he can wryly tout a worthless decrease in the budget deficit, while America is still mired in recession despite the illusion of recovery.
These are the reasons Obama shall be unscathed by these scandals. He is too effective at assuring the wealth gap metastasizes in growth while poverty is at its highest amount since the early sixties. Meanwhile, the Black community, who so blindly fawn over his soul deadening policies, continue to cheer even as he puts Black Liberation heroine Assata Shakur on the FBI’s most wanted list. This is the “hope and change” we got in America’s first Black president.
I’ve used this quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in several articles when talking about Obama and the Black community. I find it relevant even now:
“The majority of Negro political leaders do not ascend to prominence on the shoulders of mass support. Although genuinely popular leaders are now emerging, most are still selected by white leadership, elevated to position, supplied with resources and inevitably subjected to white control. The mass of Negroes nurtures a healthy suspicion toward this manufactured leader, who spends little time in persuading them that he embodies personal integrity, commitment and ability and offers few programs and less service. Tragically, he is in too many respects not a fighter for a new life but a figurehead of the old one.” – Martin Luther King, Jr
bachmann to hobama =
scandal molehill to scandal volcano
cc jp morgan/goldman sachs/oil/gold/opium/swindleus/austerity/homeless/jobless/hobamacare casinos/africom etc
"push" on this scandal:
hobama's illegal gun running & secret gitmo ii in benghazi
cc mexico redux/eric holder/africom etc
Someone from Minnesota told me that Marcus Bachmann was running off with Lindsey Graham.
Anonymous said...
"BTW, why did Field go to PR anyway? He has no clients in PR and he sure as hell wasn't on vacation. Hmmmm. As a prosecuting attorney, I think I will investigate this."
:o I deny everything!!! and Field too! ;)
(But.....are you reeeally a prosecuting attorney??? *voice dripping honey,furiously batting eyelashes* oh my, I just love those....)
Wesley R said...
Someone from Minnesota told me that Marcus Bachmann was running off with Lindsey Graham.
Wesley is a homophobe.
"Publicly released records show that embattled former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House at least 157 times during the Obama administration, more recorded visits than even the most trusted members of the president’s Cabinet. Shulman’s extensive access to the White House first came to light during his testimony last week before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Shulman gave assorted answers when asked why he had visited the White House 118 times during the period that the IRS was targeting tea party and conservative nonprofits for extra scrutiny and delays on their tax-exempt applications.
By contrast, Shulman’s predecessor Mark Everson only visited the White House once during four years of service in the George W. Bush administration and compared the IRS’s remoteness from the president to “Siberia.” But the scope of Shulman’s White House visits — which strongly suggests coordination by White House officials in the campaign against the president’s political opponents — is even more striking in comparison to the publicly recorded access of cabinet members....
Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama’s friend and loyal lieutenant, logged 62 publicly known White House visits, not even half as many as Shulman’s 157. Former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, to whom Shulman reported, clocked in at just 48 publicly known visits. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton earned a cool 43 public visits, and current Secretary of State John Kerry logged 49 known White House visits in the same timeframe, when he was still a U.S. senator."
It's getting harder and harder to pretend Obama wasn't directing the abuse of IRS power against his political adversaries. Even the lamestream media isn't buying the "Obama didn't know anything" line any longer. And the fact that many of the most liberal institutions are now refusing to attend the Attorney General's off-the-record meeting tends to indicate the severity of the threat to the administration. Not even polls will save him.
"The president's approval rating is actually going up, and the economy chugs along while he cuddles a charmed republican governor for all the world to see."
Man you didnt even wait for the 2nd paragrpah to start lying....
Then to cover your blatant lie... You used a link from 10 days ago...
Dammm at least be honest about things... This is one of the things that get me frustrated...
I guess you take your transparency cues from O-Bomber
Click my name for more info....
Have you ever wondered why white, working-class families in places like Chicago fought so bitterly against integration? How could a group of people be so intolerant?
Perhaps they knew something about the low-impulse control and poor future-time orientation exhibited by a sizable portion of this population, and the generally less civil nature of the potential black neighbors in their community (and the deleterious effect they’d have on the property values, school system, and business community the white residents had carefully cultivated).
In 2013 America, that is not an opinion one can state publicly without experiencing social and professional ostracism. However, it appears to have been quite prophetic.
Memorial Day weekend 2013 in the Windy City was a manifestation of the apocalyptic vision many of those white, working-class families had of a future when integration had occurred.
Actually, it’s a future where the white, working-class family has effectively been destroyed, ethically cleansed and displaced from a city whose economic conditions that long ago attracted black migrants were because of their sacrifices and sweat.
Six dead, 22 wounded in Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend of 2013, the most tragic perhaps being the shooting death of 17-year-old Leetema Daniels.
Over this same weekend, a suspect in the shooting death of 6-month-old Jonylah Watkins was arrested – Koman Willis is charged with fatally shooting her father, all because he stole a ‘video-game console’ from him.
Willis was "a fairly well-known figure in the neighborhood and a convicted felon with more than three dozen arrests dating to 1996".
Only in a broken judicial system could a individual with more than three dozen arrests still have his freedom – a freedom to avenge the theft of his unmentioned ‘video game console’ by firing wildly at the Watkins family and killing the six-month-old.
Have any of the thugs you've gotten off ever shot a baby, Field?
Maybe, just maybe you get the idea why the white, working-class families of old protested integration.
"Im wasting my talents"
no you're not, ha!
"Have you ever wondered why white, working-class families in places like Chicago fought so bitterly against integration? How could a group of people be so intolerant?"
Um, I'll take ignorance for $1,000 Alex.
"Perhaps they knew something about the low-impulse control and poor future-time orientation exhibited by a sizable portion of this population, and the generally less civil nature of the potential black neighbors in their community (and the deleterious effect they’d have on the property values, school system, and business community the white residents had carefully cultivated)."
You are really not from Chicago. Check the history of white "working class" whites. Their murder rate was historically higher than us blah folks and many were looked down upon because they immigrated from such exotic locales as West Virginia. There was a good story about the trailer park type invasion of Chicago in the Reader a while back and how dangerous their neighborhoods were. More white ignorance of history.
Trust me, we don't want to be around you moonshine swillers either. I'm sure my hood and home are much nicer than your doublewide.
For your edification Kersey. See, even klanners like you can learn something from us darkies.
Thank you Pilot X. I know that you actually LIVE in Chicago. Unlike a wingnut who is looking for straws and trying to expand his echo chamber.
"It's getting harder and harder to pretend Obama wasn't directing the abuse of IRS power against his political adversaries. Even the lamestream media isn't buying the "Obama didn't know anything" line any longer. And the fact that many of the most liberal institutions are now refusing to attend the Attorney General's off-the-record meeting tends to indicate the severity of the threat to the administration. Not even polls will save him."
He will not be impeached and Hillary will win in 2016.
Get over it and start looking for a viable candidate who didn't already fly over the cuckoo's nest.
Field, why aren't you talking about Eric Holder and his abuse of the press? That is the trouble with you leftwingers. You just can't call a spade a spade.(no pun intended.)
Like i say the some still don;t get it! that is sad
However please do not kick them off PLEASE don't!
Pres barak H Obama will not be impeached in fact the wingers love him and The stock market adores him! ..We sure do!
FORWARD! AFRIKANS there is nothing to stop us but us and that ain't happening Why? There is too much weakness amongst cave men and not enough brains
There are 4 pillars of brain health and hooch kills cells brain cells Go figure
What is a prosecuting atty? Please help me As we say in the bay Who says that?
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