In this latest case its latest victim was a gentleman from the majority population. (h/t my twitter fam Robin for this story.)
"A Virginia couple was shocked to find a police officer in front of their home when they returned from running errands, but they were even more surprised by the reason for the cop's visit-- to question whether or not they were in fact their children's parents.
Joseph, a white man who didn't want his last name revealed, and his black wife Keana told Fox5DC that they were outraged after the policeman told them a security guard at their local Walmart had suspected Joseph of kidnapping his three young daughters.
"He asks us very sincerely, ‘Hey, I was sent here by Walmart security. I just need to make sure that the children that you have are your own,’” Joseph said.
"I was dumbfounded," Keana said. "I sat there for a minute and I thought, ‘Did he just ask us if these were our kids knowing what we went through to have our children?’
The couple, who have been married for 10 years, have a four-year-old daughter and two-year-old twin girls. Joseph had taken the girls to a Walmart near their Prince County home to cash a check and left after spending a short time in the parking lot. After speaking with the officer, they called the store demanding an explanation.
According to Keana, she was told a customer was alarmed after seeing her husband and children.
"Well, the customer was concerned because they saw the children with your husband and he didn't think that they fit," Keana told the news station. "And I said, ‘What do you mean by they don't fit?’ And I was trying to get her to say it. And she says, ‘Well, they just don't match up.’” [Source]
Lord have mercy! And you all wonder why I don't like Walmart.
The Lovings must be turning in their graves.
Finally, if you think that political spin and cover ups are new in this country, read this story and get back to me.
The selective outrage over all things O is amusing to me, because I know the true motivation of his political enemies.
As I have said many times in the past, his presidency is what it is. He may not end up on Mount Rushmore, but he will not go down in history as another Carter, Bush or Nixon, either. The lunatics on the right who are declaring that his presidency means the end of the republic as we know it need to take a serious look around them, grab a history book, and check their motivation for those statements.
Lord have mercy! O'Reilly has demanded that Obama go Bulworth immediately! Things are really getting very hot for Obama. No one wants FOX on their ass because it's only a matter of time before they fall.
"A Virginia couple was shocked to find a police officer in front of their home when they returned from running errands, but they were even more surprised by the reason for the cop's visit-- to question whether or not they were in fact their children's parents."
Come on Field. You know darn well that in VA those kids didn't fit with their father. I mean, he could have been kidnapping those kids. How many black kids do you see with a white father in Virginia or anywhere South? NONE.
I bet the alarmist at Wal-Mart was Black, trying to do a citizen's civic duty. What gets me is that the parents were upset over this as if it never happens in Virginia. probably happens ALL THE TIME--IN VIRGINIA!
I bet even Purple Cow has experienced the cops stopping his purple ass with his kids in the UK!
Field, if you really want to know what Obama's priorities are during his presidency, and thereby defines his legacy - take a look at what "trees" are bearing fruit at this point in his tenure as president.
The most obvious thing that jumps out from the political mix is the current lofty position of the DOW JONES - 15,307 closing today. The DOW JONES was 7,949 onJanuary 20, 2009 when Barack Obama first became president. Tapping my handy calculator it computes a historric recovery of the financial life blood of this country of some 7,358points UP!! I submit that Obama is the perfect champion of Wall Street as he has demonstrated that this is where his focus is centered. The other presidential duties and accomplishments are simply just a part of the daily requirements of the job.
The brillance in this matter is the way that Wall Street and Obama have been able to camoflauge the real focus of his presidency such that the press is likely to remain ignorant for years after Obama has left office. The real brillance has been the use of Obama's racial identity as the perfect "red herring" which as a singular data point has been able to totally fool the entire nation for years.
This will be Obama's legacy....
Field said....
"The thing about the big R is that it affects all of us both black and white."
That's always been my contention; you can't dehumanize without being dehumanized.
As for that VA cop, I suspect that he read much more meaning than simply race into the "something wrong about them" description, the pursuit of which is the correct response for a conscientious cop.
I agree with ya, Walmart is evil. More proof of that.
On another tip I kinda know the deal with that, my cousin's daughter looks exactly like her mother so she has very prominent Latina features and doesn't look blah. I was in a grocery store withher and I was worried that somebody would do the exact same thing and say I kidnapped her or something. I know I shouldn't have to feel that way in 2013 but I guess your thread proved my paranoia justified.
And lastly the point about Repubs overreaching is right on. I just wonder how their sheeple followers keep on looking for the wolf when their little boys keep crying.
"the policeman told them a security guard at their local Walmart had suspected Joseph of kidnapping his three young daughters."
A white man just can't catch a break in Obamerica.
Next thing you know, he'll probably get audited by the IRS.
PilotX said...
I was in a grocery store with her and I was worried that somebody would do the exact same thing and say I kidnapped her or something.
But you benefitted from Black Privilege, and no one said anything for fear of being called racist.
If you had been white, they would tossed your ass across the hood of police car as soon as you left the store with your Old Milwaukee and bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
As for that VA cop, I suspect that he read much more meaning than simply race into the "something wrong about them" description, the pursuit of which is the correct response for a conscientious cop.
Look at Whitey, making excuses for the cop, because the guy that got hassled was white.
If it had been a black guy, Whitey would be first in line for the lawsuit.
The day one of your clients beats you into a coma because he "didn't get paid" will be a day when the world gets a little bit brighter.
Nipsy said (when referring to PilotX): “But you benefitted from Black Privilege, and no one said anything for fear of being called racist.
If you had been white, they would tossed your ass across the hood of police car as soon as you left the store with your Old Milwaukee and bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos.
Black Privilege????, huh, I won’t even dignify that nonsensical comment. And as far as the white guy being tossed across the hood of a police car, you forgot to add the dingy, wife-beater tank top, tobacco chew in his mouth and a pair of spur adorned boots.
omg fn!!!!!!!
as a lawyer, u do know that u NEVER
defend anyone by comparing them to to superior persons...right?
you do not dare compare hobama to any president!
because he is FAR worse than all of them combined!!!!!!!!
global gun running
global gitmos
insane endless spending
gutting medicare/medicaid
msm rule
biased media
slobbering blind fans
opium wars
kill lists
eternal global drone/robot wars
american corpses/targets
his own cia history
irs gestapo
blackish hitler swag
"the repubs are out to get him" will no longer fly
and how far the hobama nazi slogans have
from the vapid
"hope and change"
to the vexed
"it is what it is"
now that IS truly a gd shame indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reps = dems
it is hobama who GOT the repubs!!!
by being the most effective racist evil global warlord bankster mf ever
it is that which will be hobama's legacy
cc that warlock hobama who still has his nazis under a gd global death spell
"The selective outrage over all things O is amusing to me, because I know the true motivation of his political enemies."
Would you mind sharing what you know is the 'true' motivation of his political enemies? I haven't a clue. I thought it was because he was a Democratic President who couldn't get anything through the Congress, in addition to being unable to get very few of his people appointed by the Congress.
In short, this President is unable to get much done because of grave disharmony between the WH and Congress. However, it sounds like you 'know' something that the rest of America doesn't know?
"As I have said many times in the past, his presidency is what it is. He may not end up on Mount Rushmore, but he will not go down in history as another Carter, Bush or Nixon, either. The lunatics on the right who are declaring that his presidency means the end of the republic as we know it need to take a serious look around them, grab a history book, and check their motivation for those statements."
His Presidency IS what it IS...pray tell, what is it according to YOUR history books? And what makes you think he is a better President than Carter or Bush, when his weak behavior and war policies are nearly exact replicas of them?
Field, it sounds like you are trying to make 'excuses' because he is Black. Remember what Obama said at Morehouse? "No excuses."
"Virginia is only for lovers if both lovers look the same."
Herr Field, please forgive mu not understanding of the title of your post but I am from Austria. I am wondering Why people must look like each other in Virginia?
Very few people look alike unless they are twins. Are you referring to skin color and race? I am of the impression that the USA has gone through a post-racial renaissance where such matters are irrelevant.
"But you benefitted from Black Privilege, and no one said anything for fear of being called racist."
Too bad this blah privilege is a new thing. I know a few sistas and brothas who could have benefitted from it. And don't worry, I never leave home without my blah privilege card.
Your trolls are a hoot.
"But you benefitted from Black Privilege, and no one said anything for fear of being called racist."
Uh, seeing that I live in a blah neighborhood how exactly does that work? Other blah people are afraid of being called racist? Genius I tell you.
I have white friends who adopted two African-American children, a brother & sister, they initially took in as temporary foster care kids. No law against that either.
My friend from Austria, welcome to America. In Austria you all would not have this problem.
Actually Anon@12:20, I know something that Americans already know but are afraid to admit it to themselves.
PilotX said...
"But you benefitted from Black Privilege, and no one said anything for fear of being called racist."
Uh, seeing that I live in a blah neighborhood how exactly does that work?
From my understanding of "blah" culture, no one can ever snitch to the police for any reason. Therefore your fellow blahs will always ignore and cover up your misdeeds for you. Isn't that how it works?
If the lovers "look" the same that is Teh Gay and if there's anything conservatives hate as much as Melanin it's Teh Gay!!!
Hi Field,
This is off topic, but I would like your opinion (and your bully pulpit) on Louisiana Sen. Vitter's amendment to the Farm Bill to prohibit anyone who has been convicted of a violent crime from ever receiving SNAP benefits. I read it in Colorlines, if you want more detail. Thanks.
"From my understanding of "blah" culture, no one can ever snitch to the police for any reason. Therefore your fellow blahs will always ignore and cover up your misdeeds for you. Isn't that how it works?"
So your first ignorant comment was misguided huh?
PilotX said...
So your first ignorant comment was misguided huh?"
No. Read slowly.
White people wouldn't say anything about you because they would be called racist.
Black people wouldn't say anything about you because they would be called a snitch.
Ergo, you get to walk out of Piggly Wiggly with your Courvoisier and pork rinds unmolested.
Actually Sammy, I think cognac is a better drink than whiskey. And u do know that pork rinds are a fave of the Southern white male, right?
Anne, thanks for the 411 on that. I actually have a couple of friends who are elected officials in da boot, I will ask them about it.
Hey Field, are you keeping up on the unfolding IRS drama in DC? The question now regarding the IRS scandal is whether the White House knew it was targeting conservative groups. Here’s the answer:
Douglas Shulman, who led the IRS during the politically-charged targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups, visited the White House 118 times after that probe began, raising new questions about his claim he never revealed details of the probe to the president’s staff.
But Shulman says he didn’t talk to anyone in the White House about the issue at hand. Then what was he doing there over 100 times? Shulman’s answer:
Asked why he visited WH 118 times, Former IRS Commish Doug Shulman, cited the Easter Egg Roll as one reason.
The arrogance of Obamunists almost exceeds their corruption.
No, actually I an not. I will wait until the next RNC convention to see wingnut politiciians and their minions make a fool of themselves.
No, actually I an not. I will wait until the next RNC convention to see wingnut politiciians and their minions make a fool of themselves.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Obama on CNN now on Gitmo and having dialogue with the crowd ! Good stuff!
kudos to the british sheroes!
the cia created and rules al quaeda
eternal boogey men = eternal wars for oil/opium/gold =
eternal hatred = eternal bloodshed...
cc hobama the global warlord bankster...shame!!!!!!!
Wasn't the very first thing Obama was going to do when he became President five years ago to shut down Gitmo immediately?
STEPHEN says...
"No, actually I an not. I will wait until the next RNC convention to see wingnut politiciians and their minions make a fool of themselves."
Dont mind STEPHEN..hes still celebrating from 08....
The wake up call for him isnt until 2016....
Im elated its probably going to be sooner...
Click on Frustrated Negro for your daily dose of Criminality from the EMPIRE....
see barry o before his blackish swag/michelle beard etc...
Piggly Wiggly said...
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
As for that VA cop, I suspect that he read much more meaning than simply race into the "something wrong about them" description, the pursuit of which is the correct response for a conscientious cop.
Look at Whitey, making excuses for the cop, because the guy that got hassled was white.
If it had been a black guy, Whitey would be first in line for the lawsuit.
The day one of your clients beats you into a coma because he "didn't get paid" will be a day when the world gets a little bit brighter.
I had no idea to what "race" or races the cop belonged. I was actually thinking about how a suburban cop is dispatched and responds to call involving possible kidnapping of children. Investigating at the scene isn't really an option for him/her at that point. Similarly, if there is one situation to which suburban dispatchers give the benefit of the doubt, other than "cop down" it's a "something's wrong with a child" call.
If I could prove that the original call was motivated by malice, I would happily represent the "white" father. Though it is interesting that you can't seem to conceive of my belief in equal rights applying equally to a wronged white person; very interesting.
So few of my clients have had any expectation of personal justice that I'd welcome it for the novelty alone, but since it's the very expectation of justice that tends to compel it from those who'd deny it, I'd also consider it a sign of long-term victory.
Actually Sammy, I think cognac is a better drink than whiskey. And u do know that pork rinds are a fave of the Southern white male, right?
I enjoy both, though I prefer a decent whiskey to the best cognac, and a fine beer to both. And pork rinds are called chicirones where I come from.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"Though it is interesting that you can't seem to conceive of my belief in equal rights applying equally to a wronged white person"
In your world, belief in equal rights means fuck the white man. White people were the only ones who ever thought "Civil Rights" meant fairness and equal rights. They were scammed. In truth, it was always just about power.
Your motivation is hate, not empathy.
I have to agree that the cops ASKING if the man was the father of the kids is not racIST. It's racIAL, but not racIST.
Racism would be saying a white man CAN'T be married to a black woman, or CAN'T raise the children. Even asking and then using that information against someone might be racist, but just asking isn't, all by itself.
There are ethnic differences between people, and being scared to discuss them at all is both a symptom and cause of racism.
Being afraid to ask an honest question would be the racist thing - especially when the motive was to assure the safety of some kids. Some little black kids, btw.
Hell, I think it's kind of bold and decidedly UN-racist to walk up and ask a racial question without trying to impose some type of unfair judgement on the man. Just checking, you know?
I can understand why it hits a nerve - why the man might be defensive about the racial nature of the question, and why he might be even more defensive of his fatherhood of the children - but I just can't come down on the side of calling this a racist thing.
Racism, in my opinion, is letting someone's ethnic origins determine how you treat them - not merely asking a question based on their ethnicity.
I mean, look, I'm mentally-ill and while I don't exactly LIKE being scrutinized for that because I am not a threat to others or myself, I can certainly understand someone respectfully asking questions when their concern is honestly motivated by the need to ensure public safety. So if someone asks me, "Do you have thoughts of hurting yourself or others?" I don't get all bent out of shape about it. I understand why they ask, even thought no, that does not apply to me, and yes, it is a stereotypical idea about mentally-ill people in general. Better safe than sorry, and my hurt feelings or whatever are not more important than public awareness and safety.
If I was that guy, I'd just say thank you for having concern and happily show the fears were unjustified this time.
I'd be really interested to hear in what sense that story was about rac-ISM.
Although . . . I will say the "doesn't fit" comment was out of line. I think that's a vocabulary problem, though.
quantum...while I often disagree with some of your comments, I always respect your opinion and your candor.
Keep bringing em.
Unfortunately..Obama seems to have morphed into Bush!!!
Among other things since becoming president, Barack Obama has:
Signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.
Initiated, and personally oversees a 'Secret Kill List'.
Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.
Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.
Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.
Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.
Maintained a presence in Iraq even after "ending" the war.
Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.
Secretly deployed US special forces to 75 countries.
Sold $30 billion of weapons to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.
Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia.
Opened a military base in Chile.
Touted nuclear power, even after the disaster in Japan.
Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.
Did a TV commercial promoting "clean coal".
Defended body scans and pat-downs at airports.
Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.
Deported a modern-record 1.5 million immigrants.
Continued Bush's rendition program.
One difference is that unlike Bush...who authorized 54 drone strikes during the 8 years of his presidency..Obama authorized over 300 during the first 3 years of his presidency..with a reported 3000 innocent civilians murdered. Included in that 3000 were 176 children...and a 16 year old American boy who went looking for the remains of his father who had been previously killed by Obama drones.
quantum0d0 said...
I mean, look, I'm mentally-ill and while I don't exactly LIKE being scrutinized for that because I am not a threat to others or myself, I can certainly understand someone respectfully asking questions when their concern is honestly motivated by the need to ensure public safety.
You sound pretty damn sane to me.
That story is not about racism; it's about common sense.
The site is about racism chasing, which is the antithesis of common sense.
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