Sunday, August 04, 2013

America and the F word.

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Conservatives actually like to claim that it is liberals and not the right wing who are the real fascists in American politics. One of their more high profile thinkers even wrote a book about it. Yes, as laughable as it might seem, some clown named Jonah Goldberg actually found enough words to fill up a book with this theory.

Anyway, in case you were wondering what makes a fascist, I have found the following characteristics outlined in an article by a respected Doctor who has studied fascism. (Thank you twitter fam)

Read it and tell me who more fits the bill.

"Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread
domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections." [Source]
America is a constitutional republic, right?

*Pic from




Anonymous said...

Glen Beck!

Glen Beck,Glen Beck, Glen Beck! and all his followers :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Field, after reviewing those 14 points I have concluded that they fit the Liberal Dem agenda precisely because they appear NOT to be Liberal. Come on, surely you know that? I bet even Whitey and Desert would have to agree that the Liberal agenda is well-hidden in those points.

If it pertained to the GOP, it would be obvious because the GOP believes in transparency. But this is rather opaque. And that smacks of Liberalism.

BTW, I have noticed that you have not mentioned 'a word' about NDAA, or the NSA. They BOTH fit within those 14 points you listed.

I would like to say to you, "Mr Field, you ought to be ashamed of yourself", but I know it's a waste of time because I know you are 'shameless'.... Liberals like you and Obama have no shame.

FYI: Not too long ago, it was discovered that humans were the only species that have shame. GOD gave us the 'gift' of shame so that we would know when we have done wrong. It's acts like an inner moral and ethical monitor. Some call it The Witness.

Brother Field, since you and Obama have no shame, I am curious to know, WHAT ARE YOU?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"FYI: Not too long ago, it was discovered that humans were the only species that have shame.
Where do you get his erroneous info LOL!

All species in the animal kingdom have shame! There are many documented cases where it is entirely apparent!

Anon! Have you no shame!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

I bet he's on Google at this very moment. Looking for "what animals have shame" LOLOLOLOL!

And you wonder why I love the Anons!:)

Anonymous said...

Field, "Conservatives actually like to claim that it is liberals and not the right wing who are the real fascists in American politics. One of their more high profile thinkers even wrote a book about it. Yes, as laughable as it might seem, some clown named Jonah Goldberg actually found enough words to fill up a book with this theory."

FYI, Mr Field. Mr Jonah Goldberg's book made the NY Times best seller list. Also, Goldberg is considered a scholar and a damn good one. His book is an important contribution to history, and literature.

Anonymous said...

Desert, "All species in the animal kingdom have shame! There are many documented cases where it is entirely apparent!"

Sorry Desert, but it's YOU who is wrong.

Vladimir Soloviev, put shame at the heart of his ethics in his "The Justification of the Good". In it he writes, "The feeling of shame is a fact which absolutely distinguishes man from all lower nature."

Soloviev defines humans as the animals "capable of shame."

The great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has been quoted re: shame "as the source and safeguard of spirituality". Nietzsche went deeply into the meaning of shame in his attempt to understand what it means to be 'human'.

If you know anything about the Bible, Adam and Eve's separation from GOD because of disobedience was accompanied with the suffering of shame.

Psychologists and philosophers are discovering more and more about shame, both healthy shame and toxic shame. The funny thing is, what they are learning today, the bible seems to have already least it appears that way. In other words, what science, philosophy and psychology is discovering seems to be confirming the Bible. It's a little weird, but sometimes the truth is weird to us human mortals.

Finally I DO have some knowledge about what I am talking about. It has been my field of interest for over
30+ years.

You spent a career as a nurse? No wonder the health field is so screwed up. It's full of people with minds like yours. Your ignorance is astonishing.

field negro said...

Hey Anon, I sure hope u feel some of that shame for insulting a woman who has dedicated her life to helping the sick. You should be ashamed of yourself. Or is your shame selective like your sense of morality?

StillaPanther2 said...

How can one disparage a profession by one commenter on a blog site? Forty years as a nurse and physician assistant and have seen so many dedicated and proficient members of my profession. There are not so good in all professions, but I can say- odds are you will meet/need a medical professional at some time and pray you will see the majority and not the small minority. PS There is such a shortage of nurses at present, so please encourage someone today to join us. StillaPanther2

Anonymous said...

Thank you Field! :)

Vladimir Soloviev, was one of those mad philosophers, he just pulled that name out of his hat.

Puhleeese Anon, if you're going to quote someone be real okay!

The Bible, the Bible! Of course I know about Adam and Eve!! Jesus! Pleeeeeze. Even you kow about Adam and Eve. Lawd have mercy!

Anyway Okay, as usual you have no links and no scientific proof.

I do. But I'm going to let YOU search some more cos I'm a mean girl!Hehehehehehe!

Pay no mind to Anon! Look's like he's had a little to much to drink:D

and you wish you had nurses like us over there by you :P

Anonymous said...

StillaPanther2 said...
"PS There is such a shortage of nurses at present, so please encourage someone today to join us. StillaPanther2"
Indeed! But there's a saying here "Las cosas se toman segun de quien vienen" roughly translated:

'Things are taken accordingly from whom they come'

or "a jackasses words do not reach the heavens' But I'm sure he's gonna argue know and say they Lololol!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche"
By the way Nietzche was mad as a hatter too! :)

Just about the only thing he ever said that made any sense was "if it doesn't kill you, it'll make you stronger"

Somebody please give that man a medal :)

It really doesn't take a genius to figure that one out Anon!

Anonymous said...

Field, "Blogger field negro said...
Hey Anon, I sure hope u feel some of that shame for insulting a woman who has dedicated her life to helping the sick. You should be ashamed of yourself. Or is your shame selective like your sense of morality?"

11:27 PM
You've got some nerve to talk about being ashamed. Take a look at the infinite times you were called shameless by AB and Me. You are the pot calling the kettle black, sir.

I too care about the sick... the mentally sick....people like you.

Anonymous said...

Oy vey! I'd love to see some credentials just for once!

Tinker, tailor, soldier,sailor.
Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief.
Doctor, lawyer or Indian chief?

What are you?

Anonymous said...

Desert, It's quite evident you sucked as a nurse. Isn't that why you are no longer in the field?

StillaPanther2: If you served in RVN as a nurse, I have great respect for you. You have skills and experiences many stateside nurses don't have. In addition, your comments, past and present, indicate a caring heart has been a part of you for some time.

But to be honest-- I have been hospitalized several times during my lifetime, and the nurses have been pure shit. Not only that, I have visited friends, relatives, even bosses who have complained about the incompetent and uncaring nurses.

You can't tell me incompetent nurses are in the minority because my experience along with a lot of people I know will vehemently disagree. As far as I am concerned and I bet the general public will agree:

Good nurses, are like good lawyers and good mechanics..."they are hard to find."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"But to be honest-- I have been hospitalized several times during my lifetime, and the nurses have been pure shit. Not only that, I have visited friends, relatives, even bosses who have complained about the incompetent and uncaring nurses.

You can't tell me incompetent nurses are in the minority because my experience along with a lot of people I know will vehemently disagree. As far as I am concerned and I bet the general public will agree:

Good nurses, are like good lawyers and good mechanics..."they are hard to find."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WWhine, whine, whine! As my patient you know what I would tell you?

Got any cheese to go with that whine sir? LOLOLOLOL!

Then we would laugh out loud at you with the rest of the nurses, but behind your back. Your 'bare back'


But on a serious note, I'm glad you made it and are well.

It's not easy being hospitalized and if it weren't for all the good nurses that put you back on your feet where would you be now?

Because the doctor comes in,checks you, gives the orders, but the nurse makes the care plan for your recovery, and monitors you sweetie!

But I guess you know all about that, being as you're such a genius!

Aren't we lucky to have you :D

Anonymous said...

Take note, everyone. I rest my case about nurses. Stay out of hospitals. Your life may depend on

Anonymous said...

StillaPanther2, taking note of Desert's comment, do you get not see what I'm talking about? She's common...typically bad. I bet even you wouldn't want her for a nurse.

Anonymous said...

Field, "Anyway, in case you were wondering what makes a fascist, I have found the following characteristics outlined in an article by a respected Doctor who has studied fascism. (Thank you twitter fam)"

Field, You are a fascist, just like Obama. Fix that. Ask for forgiveness from God, and the entire black race, including me.

BTW, I'll be in Philly next week. We should sit down and go over your life. You really need to get some order and manageability in your life. Let me help you, bro', before you are completely lost. I'll even buy lunch, and you can pick your favorite vendor for the dogs, sauerkraut, and chips. How does that sound to you, fella?

Anonymous said...

America is fascist?

Starting in the 1960s, America made $5 trillion worth of transfer payments in the form of social welfare programs (welfare, EBT, Section 8, municipal public housing, WIC, Medicaid, SSID, etc) to Blacks.

America-at-large has and continues to subsidize several failed Black-majority municipalities (Detroit being the prime example) with federal grants and "emergency" budget allocations at the state level.

How much money has been poured into after-school programs in Black communities? Black "role model" programs to make up for absentee Black fathers? Diversity initiatives in government, schools, and even corporate private sector workplaces?

You've got to be kidding me. This is fascism?

America has teenage Black kids wearing $150 Jordans and Bash Mobbin' whitey on the Chicago lakefront for his/her iPhone, and you're making it sound like they're in a Polish concentration camp or Solzhenitsyn-era Siberian gulag.

In 2013 America, if a Black kid so much as graduates from high school without a criminal record and with a B average or above, they're pretty much guaranteed to receive a fat college scholarship, probably something close to a full ride.

The problem isn't "fascism" or "institutional racism", it's culture. Ignant ass lumpen-proletariat culture produces ignant ass lumpen-proletarians who are unemployable. Simple equation.

That and genetics, to some extent. I do believe that individuals (or at least males) of sub-Saharan "Black" African descent have a higher natural or instinctual tendency towards violence, sadism, and predation of the weak, even of those within their own social group (whether thats a tribe in Africa, or the African-American community at large in North America.

Anonymous said...

omg fn!!!!!!!!

who has ever been more fascist
than that bankster hobama/hitler 2.0???????!!!!!!!


b manning
banksters wild
"super congress"
fema camps
msm lies
press censorship
recess appts


Technically speaking, it’s more like fascism. Socialism is where the government owns the means of production. In fascism, the government doesn’t own the means of production, but they do control it — and that’s what’s happening with our health care programs and these reforms,” Mackey told NPR.
Although Mackey relented and repented of having spoken ill of President Obama after enduring a full-on flogging by the state-run media (aka the mainstream media), his description of the Obama administration’s policies is apt.

In his brief but brilliant article, Catron recounts one of the stops on Mackey’s forgiveness tour where he told Norah O’Donnell of CBS, “That word [fascism] has an association with dictatorships in the 20th century, like Germany and Spain and Italy.” Catron then pointed out a few other associations:

He might have added that an important feature of these regimes was “government-controlled health care,” as he has now decided to call it. Another distinctive feature that they shared was a conspicuous dearth of free expression, particularly where unpopular government programs were concerned.

Fascism is a political system defined by the Random House Dictionary as "a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

If one breaks that definition down into its component phrases, the definition becomes a frighteningly accurate description of the Age of Obama. A quick glance at headlines since January 2009 reveals the dictatorial bent of this administration: legislating by way of executive order, the nearly absolute denial of due process and habeas corpus to those branded by the president as “enemy combatants,” the frightening scope and sophistication of the surveillance state, and the assumption of control over some of the largest segments of industry (auto manufacturers, banks, insurance, health care). All there. All the parts present and contributing to the whole of American fascism in the making.

BARBBF said...

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

UNFORTUNATELY..Item 2 sounds a lot like what's going on now. This administration is involved in execution and assassinations by drones. So far the number of deaths reported are over 3000 men and women and 176 children. Why do I think the actual number is under reported. What was especially troubling to be was the targeting and assassination of an American citizen..and later his 16 year old son..who was out looking for the remains of his father..who he had not seen for 3 years.

Black Ink said...


W's Patriot Act best supports your premise.

The Republican Party undoubtedly has more in common with fascist principles than does the Democratic Party.

However, would you not also agree, Field, that if we used the same bullet point reasoning technique we could also conclude with at least the same degree of certainty that the Democratic Party has more in common with communist principles than does the Republican Party?

A critical point that is left out of your reasoning is: which American political party advocates the smallest possible central (Federal Government) with states' rights being most empowered and which party seeks to create the largest central government with states' rights marginalized?

A critical question since we both know that the most important element for either Fascism or Communism to succeed in controlling its people is to have an omnipotent central government.

In the final summation the Democrats Communist agenda is a much greater threat to our freedoms than the Republicans limited fascist similarities.

Anonymous said...

who has ever been more fascist than hobama/ the PIC prez:



sexist WH wage gaps



complete erasure of a home owning middle class

national gentrification

2 mf selections/as misery indexes soared/soar

vera baker


ebt profits for jp morgan

gutting public ed

gutting medicaid/medicare

PIC funds/

"sweetie" press gaff


scotus/corps are human

scotus/hobamacare is a tax

dna arrests

hobama tv/msnbc/all msm

false flags at sandy hook & boston

osama ruse/second 9/11


Anonymous said...

hobama nazis are willfully blind and suciidal


even as u listed these fn

did you truly NOT know that you were superbly describing hobama???

cc ndaa!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I do agreed but I will add that most of those characteristics are very American+USA more so than a particular political party. I know neo-cons have pushed the buttons but both parties have done so since the Korea War with inflated military first as an outgoing speech about the military industry complex-an outgoing warning from our little president.

We are march along to these slogans(because god can ONLY bless america) because we are american so let stop blaming one party. Bush invades; Obama uses drones=see!

Anonymous said...

It absolutely amazes me the number of comments attacking your brilliant piece. You are SPOT ON with this one. Your piece fits the republican party of today to a T. The resulting hateful comments you receive support my thesis. If it wasn't hitting them on the head, they wouldn't be so angry.

All I came to say Field is this: keep up the good work! You are simply the best. Sorry Mrs. Field, but I think I love your husband (don't worry I have one of my own whom I also love).

Anonymous said...


nothing is more amazing than hobama nazi blindness

hobama has been the most repub prez in history

u r a pissy hobama nazi cheerleader

the pablum is in your pom poms

carry on
that bankster hobama exposes all of u hobama nazis daily

Since the forces financing Republicans are the same as those financing Democrats the directors of US political theater have the power to play games with us. For them, Obama is the preferable alternative. Only the First Black President could have disbanded the peace movement and rolled into town promising to “cut entitlements” without provoking a firestorm of protest. Only the First Black President could have accepted a Nobel Peace Prize with a war speech, and invaded an African country without millions of protesters in the street worldwide. Only the First Black President with a strong Democratic majority in Congress could have resumed offshore drilling after the Gulf BP disaster, and blocked any new regulation on the oil industry. Only the First Black President could have given GM back to its managers after sticking the unions with its underfunded health care and pension load. Only candidate Obama could have come in off the campaign trail in September 2008 to whip Democratic votes in the Democrat-dominated congress for the $3 trillion Bush bailout, and only the First black President could have quintupled down on that bailout, giving the banksters $15 trillion more once in office.

This accounts for the fact that although the Democratic presidential candidate won his nomination by telling voters he opposed the war in Iraq, by the time he sewed up that nomination, he was appearing on the Bill O'Reilly show to praise the war in Iraq and endorse the Cheney-Bush “surge” [7]. It explains why candidate Obama, after promising (but mostly only before labor audiences) to renegotiate NAFTA, walk a picket line and pass legislation that would make more unionization possible, president Obama pushed to extend “free trade” agreements everywhere, cracked down on federal workers, demonized teacher unions and more. It explains why Obama literally claims to walk in Martin Luther King's footsteps when it suits him --- on the campaign trail he declared himself “Joshua” [8] to Dr. King's “Moses” --- but manages to ignore black unemployment and mass incarceration, the wave of foreclosures which are inordinately concentrated among nonwhite households, and maintains the US position as in King's words “...the number one purveyor of violence in the world today.”

When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?

Anonymous said...

hobama is a peace prized global warlord!

what a gd shame!

Anonymous said...

negroes I hope you have not for gotten your new saint shaaliver who was made a good negro by the nypd.

Anonymous said...

In a Field Nego utopia, everyone would happily share property and wealth, free from the restrictions that class-based systems require. The government would control all means of production so that the one-class system would remain constant, with no possibility of any upper or even middle class citizens rising back to the top.

Field Negro's 10 essential tenets of utopia:
1. Central banking system
2. Government controlled education
3. Government controlled labor
4. Government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles
5. Government ownership of agricultural means and factories
6. Government controlled health care
7. Property rights confiscation
8. Heavy progressive income tax
9. Elimination of rights of inheritance
10. Government controlled regional planning

In the communist society that Field Negro wants us all to live in, the government has supreme authority through its total control of land and means of production.

Field Negro's wants the government to re-distribute the use of land and property among the people and set a standard of equality -- both economically and socially.

Field Negro forgets the prophetic words of his historical nemesis, Winston Churchill, " the problem with Capitalism is that there is an unequal sharing of the wealth; whereas the problem with Socialism is that there is an equal sharing of the misery".

Anonymous said...

"All I came to say Field is this: keep up the good work! You are simply the best. Sorry Mrs. Field, but I think I love your husband (don't worry I have one of my own whom I also love)."

11:06 AM
Right...Just because you have a husband doesn't mean anything, esp in your case. Anyone who flirts with another man is an untrustworthy wife. I feel sorry for your husband.

You only prove that it's just not the bm who is playing around, it's the bw too. In fact, if the bw wasn't playing around, the bm wouldn't have anyone to play around with.

Hmmmm. I think I'm on to something. This might be the solution to all our ills.

Anonymous said...

Blogger AlwaysConcerned said...
It absolutely amazes me the number of comments attacking your brilliant piece. You are SPOT ON with this one. Your piece fits the republican party of today to a T. The resulting hateful comments you receive support my thesis. If it wasn't hitting them on the head, they wouldn't be so angry.

Really? are you serious? what's so brilliant about it? please explain, if you can.

PilotX said...

Still fearing a communist takeover in 2013, your trolls are proving the truth to this post.

Anonymous said...

who has censored the press more than that fascist bankster hobama????

cc hobama tv/msnbc/msm/helen thomas/abc in the wh/etc

cc hobama's muzzled lap dog/bottom bitch al sharpton

Rev. Al Sharpton and President Barack Obama have a thing going on - and I predict it will turn out badly for both of them.

Sharpton has assumed the role of Obama's political muscle among what passes for Black leadership. His job is to bully into submission those Blacks that dare to even suggest that African Americans need to agitate for their own interests, to speak Truth to Power, even when that Power is represented by a Black man in the White House. In his capacity as the president's junkyard dog, Sharpton verbally savages even the mildest critics of an administration that has greatly expanded U.S. wars while overseeing the biggest transfer in history of public wealth to private pockets. Sharpton bit into Tavis Smiley [4] when the talk-show entrepreneur proposed that Black America formulate its own political agenda, separate from Obama's policies, which have seen Black unemployment, evictions and foreclosures reach Depression-era levels. Sharpton snarled that folks like Smiley were trying to hold Obama to a "double-standard," demanding more from a Black president than they would from a white Democrat - which is absolute nonsense, since so-called Black leadership has made virtually no demands on Obama since he announced his candidacy three years ago.

Like Shakespeare's Othello, Sharpton has "done the state some service," and Obama knows it. The administration has thrown its Black junkyard dog the red meat he craves: public recognition that Sharpton is a player in the power game - "Obama's New Partner [6]," as the Wall Street Journal put it. The Washington Post has made it all but official, that Sharpton and Obama are a political couple [7]. One right-wing Washington outfit [8] called Sharpton a "shadow member of the Obama cabinet," which is, in one sense, quit unfair, since every day is show time and bright lights for the Rev. Al Sharpton, who only seeks the shadows when he's getting paid for services rendered.

Which brings us to the very serious down-side to Sharpton's emergence as a the newly-crowned principal Black defender of White House Power. Rev. Sharpton, who has often stated that his two main mentors in life were soul singer James Brown and boxing Mafioso Don King, has up to now enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the national corporate media. To put it bluntly, they love him, and have needed him, as their flashy caricature of a Black leader. Sharpton's sleazy dealings are legendary in Black activist circles, but he has only once been deeply scrutinized by the media. That was in 2004, when the New York Village Voice revealed that Sharpton's presidential campaign was largely financed by Republican dirty-trickster [9] Roger Stone. Now that Sharpton has truly hit the big time, the media spotlights will surely burn him to a crisp. Al Sharpton's financial dealings cannot stand serious scrutiny. His service to Power is going to cost him dearly - and President Obama will find himself covered with the slime, as well. Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

reps = dems

house nig decoder:

trolls = slayers

cc the jobless homeless hopeless unchanged hobama nazis
slain by that repub PIC prez hobama


Anonymous said...

Blogger PilotX said...
Still fearing a communist takeover in 2013, your trolls are proving the truth to this post.

12:45 PM
why do you falsely accuse 'anons' who want independence for blah people? are you another blah like Sharpton or JJ who doesn't want freedom for blahs?

what is your deal?

focusedpurpose said...

'“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.'

WHEN fascism comes to america? somebody is NOT paying attention...

i told you last post...all roads lead to rome. i tend to agree with the cross assertion...monkey business all day at the vatican.

AB, i knew you would have a field day. lol. it was just too easy.

Benito Linguini said...

Who created that poster at the top of your post, field????

Lemme guess....

Anonymous said...

Queen FP!


That scandalous bankster FASCIST Hobama makes it EASIER each day...even as his blind adoring Nazis dare to ignore his deeds/their own doomed reality!

It is truly akin to Jews cheering the heat in the ovens that slew them....Shame!!!

We'll have US troops in more than thirty African countries enforcing Western land grabs and the corporate neoliberal order, and keeping Africa barefoot, sick, hungry and afraid, but well-armed. And we'll have an even larger overall military budget with more troops and more overseas bases than under George Bush.

During the Clinton and second Bush administrations, the US bankrolled, trained and supplied the armies of 52 out of 54 African nations to ensure that the continent remained the poorest and most war-torn on earth. Under its first black president, the US has stepped up the game with actual deployments of drones, mercenaries, special forces and other US military units in more than thirty African countries to enforce the neoliberal order in which Africa's wealth is diverted from its people into the economies and overseas bank accounts of the West and a handful of native kleptocrats.

Martin Luther King told us decades ago that the number one purveyor of violence on this planet was the US government. Barack Obama, who many fancifully associate with King, hasn't changed that one iota.

The day Barack Obama leaves the White House we'll still have the world's biggest prison state, with three quarters of its inmates black and brown, the insane 40 years War On Drugs, and a black person murdered by police, private security or vigilantes every day or so.

The best the Obama administration and its allies in Congress could do to address the 100 to 1 cocaine to crack penalty disparity was cutting it to 18 to 1 without changing the sentence of a single person already serving unjust time. Hundreds of thousands of black and brown youth are still doing years for mere grams of crack or minute scraps of marijuana. The police and prison state will, as before, remain the nation's preferred means to address poverty, homelessness, mental illness, immigration and many other social, economic and medical conditions.

The Obama administration will have closed and privatized more public schools than at any time in US history.

This is already an accomplished fact. Under President Obama, the US Department of Education has extended the authority to certify school systems to private agencies controlled by champions of privatization like the Gates, Walton Family, and Eli Broad Foundations, and allowed the same actors to write its Race To The Top program, which allocates federal education dollars to the school systems that disband, privatize, and hand over their assets to private actors the quickest.

When Obama leaves office, it will be legal and acceptable for US presidents to unilaterally murder with or without announcement of cause anybody, anyplace on the planet within the reach of US drones, special operators and mercenaries.

When Obama assumed office the US was secretly imprisoning and torturing thousands in at least a dozen countries around the world. We are told now that torture and secret jails are used less often now, that the preferred expedient

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Take note, everyone. I rest my case about nurses. Stay out of hospitals. Your life may depend on
2:31 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"taking note of Desert's comment, do you get not see what I'm talking about? She's common...typically bad. I bet even you wouldn't want her for a nurse.
2:40 AM"
Yeah! Doctor in the house! Aren't we lucky to have you! ;)

field negro said...

Anon@2:56am, it doesn't sound good. I don't associate with unhinged strangers.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"BTW, I'll be in Philly next week. We should sit down, I'll even buy lunch, and you can pick your favorite vendor for the dogs, sauerkraut, and chips. How does that sound to you, fella?
2:56 AM"
Field, do those hot dog vendors have chairs or is it his custom to sit on the sidewalk! LOL!

Hey buddy, you're talking to a lawyer. Hellooooo!

Me thinks in this heat you might want to sacrifice yourself and treat him to an air conditioned restaurant! at the very least!

Gosh,No class w-h-a-t-s-o-e-v-e-r-!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

Field when I get to Philly I will treat you to the best restaurant there. Promise!

I'm saving up for it cos I know you Virgos have expensive tastes :)

I want lobster, and you can have whatever your little heart desires and champagne too! That's how much I think of you!


Anonymous said...

free speech is a relic under fascist big bro hobama...shame!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AB, you are great. Thanks for driving home the truth. Some thirst and long for it.

Anonymous said...

Blogger field negro said...
Anon@2:56am, it doesn't sound good. I don't associate with unhinged strangers.

2:01 PM
Well, Mr Field. When you come from the hood, you can't afford much. But I had hoped to see you anyway even though I am poor. But you are right, you are in another class and never shall the black poor and the black middle class mingle. You are worth 'more' and I am worth-less so why would you deign to have lunch with me? I hope you will have a change of heart sometime in the future.

BTW, Conservatives who have money, have no problem meeting with those of us with little money(think JLP). They want to help lift us up, not tear us down. But you Sharpton Libs won't have anything to do with us....SHAME!!

Anonymous said...

My ever-laughing Desertflower,

Methinks a flowering cactus would have no issue with the heat. Brother Bennett is a self described Field Negro who by definition is conditioned to the harsh southern sun of summer and should have no problem eating in the relatively cooler streets of south Philly. Now if whiney Wayne the whitey-hater is really a House Negro well by all means get the man some A/C for his slaw dawg.

Fo class sista don't be showing yo azzzzz!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"My ever-laughing Desertflower,

Methinks a flowering cactus would have no issue with the heat. Brother Bennett is a self described Field Negro who by definition is conditioned to the harsh southern sun of summer and should have no problem eating in the relatively cooler streets of south Philly. Now if whiney Wayne the whitey-hater is really a House Negro well by all means get the man some A/C for his slaw dawg.

Fo class sista don't be showing yo azzzzz!
Hahaha! You bet Ima laugh at your ish!

Now I KNOW you really live in a fantasy world!

"Field Negro is conditioned to the harsh southern sun of summer"

Negro pleeeze! Are you crazy? You think Mr.Bennett Esq. burnt the midnight oil and became a lawyer to do that? GTFOH, LOLOL!

BTW, happy hotdog eating!Maybe you can win a contest or something! Ahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

anon 1458:


too many refuse to see any truths about hobama...tragic!



some sanity from tom j

is this a sign of a hobama gurl tiff?

al v tom????

cc msnbc/hobama tv/that bi pimp hobama etc

Anonymous said...

Delusional Desert Dum Dum,

May I humbly recommend Bookbinder's and a nice vintage Cristal for your Lobster debut with the House Negro formally known as Field Negro.
Be advised that Mrs. Wayne Bennett is not to be trifled with. She is a LADY of the highest character, unlike yourself, who will not take kindly to your pathetic pandering and inappropriate hustle.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Delusional Desert Dum Dum,
May I humbly recommend Bookbinder's and a nice vintage Cristal for your Lobster debut with the House Negro formally known as Field Negro.
Be advised that Mrs. Wayne Bennett is not to be trifled with. She is a LADY of the highest character, unlike yourself, who will not take kindly to your pathetic pandering and inappropriate hustle.
5:10 PM"
She can come with us if she likes. I'm not a jealous person :)

Anonymous said...

Desert, "BTW, happy hotdog eating!Maybe you can win a contest or something! Ahahahahaha!"

3:22 PM
You are getting your Anons mixed up. Can't a smart Sistah like you tell the difference? Guess not. Welcome to Anon hell, Desert-Cactus. It's hot isn't it? LOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"You are getting your Anons mixed up. Can't a smart Sistah like you tell the difference? Guess not. Welcome to Anon hell, Desert-Cactus. It's hot isn't it? LOL"
Well since there's no way to differentiate, I guess it's a case of if the shoe fits wear it :)

Yes it's very hot here, hurricanes a coming

Anonymous said...

dear Mr Field, just wondered what you and your FN Negroes think of this video link re: Gay men holding hands on a bus. The bus driver sent them to the back of the bus just like the Jim Crow days:

Anonymous said...

Desert, "Yes it's very hot here, hurricanes a coming"

7:33 PM
Won't you be in Philly? so what difference will it make?

field negro said...

Desert, lunch is on me when you come to my city. :)

Anon 3:07, stop projecting. No one mentioned your income or status, I simply said that I don't eat with "unhinged strangers".

I would be glad to eat from a food truck (BTW, we have some good ones here) with someone who can actually carry on a conversation, but somehow I don't think you fall into that category.

"May I humbly recommend Bookbinder's and a nice vintage Cristal for your Lobster debut with the House Negro formally known as Field Negro."

Thanks for the suggestion, but I will pick the restaurant for my lunch with Desert.

Besides, Bookbinders is no longer with us. You must not have been around these parts for some time; they have been having a tough time keeping open.

Anonymous said...

Field negro said...
"Thanks for the suggestion, but I will pick the restaurant for my lunch with Desert."
:))) Yeah! Thas what I'm talkin about! ;)))

Anonymous said...

Field, "Anon 3:07, stop projecting. No one mentioned your income or status, I simply said that I don't eat with "unhinged strangers".

Sorry. It was your gurl Tresed who said it.

"I would be glad to eat from a food truck (BTW, we have some good ones here) with someone who can actually carry on a conversation, but somehow I don't think you fall into that category."

Oh, I am a great conversationalist. I have been on several radio talk shows as well as MSNBC and THE FACTOR. FYI, you don't end up on those shows unless you can talk, esp on the Factor with O'Reilly. You see, O'Reilly won't have anyone on his show who doesn't have an above IQ and can hold a conversation...which is probably 'why' you won't be on his show. Or, MSNBC for that matter. The best you will 'ever' do is Jesse Lee Peterson's radio talk show. Hell, my dog can get on that show. lol

Anonymous said...

Blogger Desertflower said...
Field negro said...
"Thanks for the suggestion, but I will pick the restaurant for my lunch with Desert."
:))) Yeah! Thas what I'm talkin about! ;)))

8:19 PM
You ain't nothing but a leach! You are disgusting. Dear StillaPanther2, do you see what I mean about nurses? They really suck.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Field, I know you want to stay under the radar re: the condition of our community, but we really need to stay on top of this terrible situation until something is done. We have talked for decades and not a damn thing has been done.... TNB..Let's not let our mouths let this thing die out. I am grateful to O'Reilly for keeping this horrible situation alive:

" As we have seen over the past two weeks here many civil rights people simply want to talk and talk and talk. They don't want to do anything. If you, Mr. President disagree with my suggestions I would like to know why because those things that I have just laid out would help the situation immediately. "

-- Bill O'Reilly

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"You ain't nothing but a leach!
8:32 PM"
"ain't nothing"? Your grammar leaves SOOO much to be desired...X0

I do wonder about you......

and jealousy will only get you ulcers:)))

Anonymous said...

"and jealousy will only get you ulcers:)))"

who are you calling jealus? I is trying to git you to do the right thing and leave that man alone.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"who are you calling jealus? I is trying to git you to do the right thing and leave that man alone."
yeah,yeah, I know, you only have my best interests at heart! :) (riiiiiight), but,FYI I will never leave him alone:)

Now lets go on to the other post, the new one about the movie :)))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My god, yes all your points are valid but you miss is that it's both sides. Obama is just as bad or worse than Bush. I was suckered into voting for both men. Bush in 2000 and Obama in 2008 and 2012.