Jesse Jackson, Jr. was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison, and his wife, Sandi, was given a year.
That's a big fall for a guy who was sitting on top of the world and who was a great politician and rising star in the Democratic Party.
"I misled the American people....I also want to apologize to my dad and my mother," Jackson said, wiping away tears. "I take responsibility for my actions and I'm very sorry for what I have done..."
You should be, Jesse. Hopefully you will take this time to reflect on all the good you could have done for your community instead of being locked away on our dime.
Unfortunately what Jesse Jackson did is not that unusual for a politrickster. Sadly, but for the double standards in American life, many others would be under the same type of scrutiny.
Take, for instance, Bob McDonnell, the governor of Virginia.
"Question: How is it that the Governor of Virginia hasn’t been indicted on corruption charges?
Virginia’s Governor Bob McDonnell has been quick to remind everyone that “he hasn’t broken any state laws” as revelation after revelation has come out (none of which he has denied…) on an endless number of undisclosed “gifts” from a rich businessman. Nothing was “wrong” under the law, but then — whoops — he then repaid the millionaire businessman. It appears clear, as it has for months, that the Governor violated state law by not disclosing the gifts.
The repayments the Governor has now made include $52,278.17 for a “loan” to the Governors wife in 2011 and $71,837.00 for two other “loans” in 2012 as well as $15,000 to pay for the wedding of McDonnell’s daughter. That transaction had McDonnell’s signature on it. Will McDonnell repay the $53,000 a lawyer protecting him in this fiasco billed Virginia? No word on that yet.
Additionally, the governor’s wife spent money from the governor’s PAC at Nordstom’s and Bergdorf-Goodman. Sounds a lot like what former Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr’s wife Sandi was prosecuted for doesn’t it? Is the U.S. Attorney in Richmond asleep? The Governor has received $120,000 in trips and gifts from a business man he then did a big favor for. The Governor hosted a product endorsement event at the the Governor’s mansion. What else has to happen for there to be an indictment?" [More]
Oh I know I know. *raising hand* Get a tan and an Afro wig?
Field, "Unfortunately what Jesse Jackson did is not that unusual for a politrickster. Sadly, but for the double standards in American life, many others would be under the same type of scrutiny."
Jesse and wife are part of a race whose collective karma is 'bad', very bad. The Gov of VA, however, is part of a group whose collective karma is 'good'. It has been 'good' for centuries in America. Hence, you cannot compare the two. I mean, it's like apples and oranges, or rather, black and white...the two are not the same, nor can you say they are 'equal'. I hope this clears everything up for you and some of your FN Negroes...It's KARMA bearing fruit.
I've been telling the youngsters for years, WE can't do what THEY do.
Thanks Wesley. It's true. I don't know why Field finds it so hard to understand. For centuries, it's been that way: "If you're White, you're right and innocent."
But, "if you're Black, you're wrong and guilty." It's in our National Psyche and in our unspoken laws.
Mr Field, Oprah understands it, why can't you?
BTW, how did your lunch with Desert go? haven't heard a peep out of her for some time.
'Jesse and wife are part of a race whose collective karma is 'bad', very bad. The Gov of VA, however, is part of a group whose collective karma is 'good'. It has been 'good' for centuries in America. Hence, you cannot compare the two. I mean, it's like apples and oranges, or rather, black and white...the two are not the same, nor can you say they are 'equal'. I hope this clears everything up for you and some of your FN Negroes...It's KARMA bearing fruit.
9:16 PM'
folks got jokes ALL day.
my latest post is for you. i threw a little something together for the jokers that think it is play time/nap time ALL the time.
so since the devilish hater a few threads back, mocked JJ, Jr...i decided to take another look. he, his dad, and any woman silly enough to get caught up with that arrogant, grand standing clan has been on ignore for me.
but lately he (Jackson fam in fact) has been on my mind...evil Anon called my attention to them.
if one pays attention...those that maintain their end of deals...they get to prosper. think sharpton in his new BO lapdog role.
jackson...blew that early on, recall? he wasn't feeling BO's 'talking down' way of addresss. now peep his situation (his house) now that Fuehrer sits on his the oval office.
side note: i need the mormons to activate. dang! 'when constitution hangs by thread hell.' need i point out it is being shredded?!!! exactly NOTHING pans out with that million(s) plus 'religion' that i can see. lol. just nothing. they can't stop fighting long enough to get anything accomplished. 'religion' makes folks look dumb.
'I've been telling the youngsters for years, WE can't do what THEY do.'
not skin color related in the least. because we are to TEACH them how they can come into the human circle.
left to their own devices white folks don't act right...not ever.
let's hope Spielberg does 10 commandments correctly...whitening everything means the Truth remains hidden...for some.
folks can always read for themselves as well. the world teaches 'white is right'...when this, in part, is what Scriptures teaches:
Numbers 12:1-10, 13-15:
1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
2 And they said, Hath the Sovereign indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us? And the Sovereign heard it.
3 (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)
4 And the Sovereign spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out.
5 And the Sovereign came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle. and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.
6 And he said, Hear now my words; If there be a prophet among you, I the Sovereign will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches: and the similitude of the Sovereign shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
9 And the anger of the Sovereign was kindled against them; and he departed.
10 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous.
13 and Moses cried unto the Sovereign saying, Heal her now, O Yahweh, I beseech thee.
14 And the Sovereign said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from the camp seven days, and after that let her be received in again.
there was another 'skin change' miracle that had to be edited out of the 'traditional' 10 commandments.
the spiritual Yahuthim need to come on and worship Him in Spirit and Truth...that's the only way in.
Galatians 3:28 is real clear about it not mattering in the grand scheme of things...why are folks afraid to tell it?
Here is an excellent video of O'Reilly slamming racism and ignorance. He is an upstanding, moral and ethical Irishman with integrity.
I bet none of you have thought of the possibility that the Supreme might be working through O'Reilly have you? Fyi, the Lord works in mysterious ways:
for your listening pleasure and enlightenment...
some folks can see it.
the way he calls it, personally cracks me up. if only he would clean it up and add some Him to it in a major way...but we all come as we are...i respect and support when the Truth is in the mix. it doesn't matter who tells it. tell it straight and we can flow...
Anon 11:00 PM-
IF white folks could save Black folks...they would NOT.
get real. please.
oreilly is jigging for the devil. Black folks worship and chase white folks with the vigor they should reserve for seeking His Face...then they would know begging or expecting white folks to give a damn is a fool's errand.
those pale skins that feel guilty do no favors. even their kindness is cruel for those that are wide awake.
convincing folks they are helpless is not friend behavior it relates to the lying liberals. 'helplessness' is not in keeping with Scriptures either. though i can appreciate the good hearted pale folks that mean well.
no one else is coming for us. we are who we are waiting for...we all only need the courage to believe and stand on His Word.
FP, thank you for the music and lyrics. Everyday and everywhere I look it feels like the 'beginning of the end.'
And I wonder, is it too late to repent? I read somewhere a long time ago that Christ won't recognize everyone who comes to be let into the kingdom. Some won't get in, no matter what. And some who were treated lowly will be considered highly worthy at judgment day. I am paraphrasing and probably don't remember exactly what was said, but I think I have it 'mostly'
Anyway, there is going to be a lot of trembling when that DAY comes. Also, a lot of folks will be surprised that GOD 'really' does exist, which is most of the folks on FN. lol
you were the last known person with DesertFlower...
she has gone missing ever since.
just sayin'...
DesertFlower, no one is mad at you. come on back to the plantation and let folks know you alright...since we going on lunch dates with internet strangers that write cryptic ambiguous blogs...then fighting with peaceful loving sistas that try to pull your coat for both appearance and safety.
(i think Amber alert if she doesn't show up soon.)
AB, you been pretty quiet, too, after inviting clowns to run up on you. holla @ your girl.
(Wendy Williams voice)
how you doin'?;)
FP, you call Whites pale, while the entire world sees white skin as pure and beautiful. Even in Africa, some tribes see Whites as Gods... Can you explain why the world sees it that way, even though they have Scriptures?
you were the last known person with DesertFlower...
she has gone missing ever since.
FP, as FN use to say, "you need Jesus".
If this is a re-post disregard, computer here at the hotel is acting funky.
Anyhoo, read somewhere that when an individual is given power they change and it's never for the better. Everybody will sell out but some have a higher price tag than others.
I wonder if they'll give him a date to show up at the pokie like Blago or just haul him off.
PilotX, it's human nature to sell out. If you don't have spiritual Principles to live by and be committed to in your life, you will sell out because you have no refuge or protection.
The human ego is greedy, lustful, prideful, gluttonous, jealous, and lazy. Count on it.
'FP, as FN use to say, "you need Jesus".
11:27 PM'
WHY did this crack me up? LOL!
i had him...then i found out not only had lying devils whiten him...they also changed his name.
i am good on 'jesus'/baal.
give me Yahushua...and we can flow. all day;)
Anon that asked-
folks think white is right because they listen to lies, more than they read and rightly divide the Word of Truth for themselves. full stop.
other Anon(?)-
yes...there are some that are scheduled for a rude awakening. this is why i don't rightly care about folks' effort to intimidate me. too much at stake and they can't touch me unless He allows. it my focus to thin out the numbers of lost ones. He does not want any to be lost. i don't either. i want what He wants.
i have more nerve than any devil. trust. to the thesaurus holding, need a lesson plan crowd- i seem 'unfocused'...this is fine. that just means they are dizzy from the spiritual circles run around their slow selves. lol.
with Him leading me...forget about it. the devils tremble when i awake and my feet hit the floor. they know i am awake and have made up my mind. this i know by the efforts to silence. let's turn it up! and stir it up!!! (there is a song in my spirit for everything. marley hit that song hard in my spirit. i feel my ancestors. daily.)
i know who i was created to be.
we are the Eves...mothers of all. this real durty devil is coming for the babies. damn that. time to go to spiritual war and pray these suckas down;) lol. for real.
Anon that wants further info re: paleness.
pale folks know that is not cute either...this is why they spray themselves orange, battle skin cancer and other drastic measures.
there are even those screaming reverse racism on tanning bed taxes. lol.
the world is azz backwards! you don't know?
pilot x...somewhere i read, there are 3 popular gates to hell:
1) lust
2) anger
3) greed
all deadly be avoided.
Desert is fine, the date went well, and she is just cooling out for awhile. :)
Jesse Jackson is being sent to jail and not a peep from the WH or ANY Democrats..Black or white. I was thinking yesterday of doing a search on the double standards when it comes to convicting whites vs Black politicians. During Obama's first campaign, Jesse was out front in reportedly threatening other Black politicians who were supporting Hillary Clinton. SEEMS LIKE THE LEAST OBAMA COULD DO WAS TO SAY HOW SORRY HE WAS FOR JESSE'S SITUATION. Unfortunately, this double standard does not just apply to the political scene. Racism is still "alive and well" in the USA.
FP, "pale folks know that is not cute either...this is why they spray themselves orange, battle skin cancer and other drastic measures."
lol. I have been noticing a 'lot' more folks walking around with orange colored skin. It looks strange.
dear field, i noticed that #people on blog this week have been low. what gives?
Q: How stupid can white people be?
A: As stupid as the "father" is in this article:
For bonus points, you'll get to see one of the "suspects", wearing a nice tan, and some kind of nasty hairdo.
Get it while the gettin's good, LaJarviustrayvon.
Fat Lips, "Q: How stupid can white people be?
A: As stupid as the "father" is in this article:
fyi, Whites still are in power and run America and the justice system.
So if Whites are stupid, and we are at the bottom, what does that say about our intelligence?
Go figure.
Not a big believer in the whole heaven/hell thing Ms. FP. But if that belief keeps people on the straight and narrow have at it.
Here's a smooth sophicated response to Russell Simmons criticism of Don Lemon. Quite honestly, Don is the image of straight dignified talking by a bm that our children need to see and understand...and NOT the Simmons/FN type.
We are in critical times and, imo, our survive as a race is at a the crossroads of "Do or Die". Field, Granny, PilotX, Black Sage, and others on FN offer nothing, let alone a solution, or even the 'will' or 'desire' lift us up out this deep profound hole we have dug for ourselves and most of all, our children.
Some of you folks have, and continue to criticize FP for pointing to a Spiritual solution, which has been the 'best' of recent three solutions thus far, imo. The other two were offered by Don Lemon and Bill O'Reilly, which Field and disciples have promptly chastised and degraded.
I am glad that neither Don Lemon nor Bill O'Reilly have rolled over for people like Simmons, Sharpton, Field and others who offer NOTHING except the usual decade-old way of "bitch, criticize others, but DO NOTHING".
For those who can see and hear, Don Lemon exposed Russell Simmons as the black predator he really is:
took me a while to understand why Howard U. students cheered the first O.J. verdict. Then I was a little smarter when Charles Rangel, NY congressman was exposed for ethical violations and CHEERED when he refused to resign.
Yep, thanks for pointing out, Field, that there is a bit of a double standard in these things...
More hate crime against bm in the Bay Area where Oscar Grant was shot in the back:
Field, if you post about white criminals you will get a lot more hits. We don't like to talk about our own
That's why we will never solve our community problems.
Junior had every advantage in life handed to him. Like all oligarchs, he took his right to whatever he wanted for granted, but unlike most spawn of the rich, he did it with a huge bulls-eye on hia ass the whole time. Stepping out of line while rich & privileged is one thing; stepping out of line while rich, privileged & black is still quite another in Ameriklan.
WC, you are exactly right. Humility isn't one of our strong suits. Never has, and from the way Negroes are talking treating themselves today, being humble is never going to happen.
FALSE-PRIDE & ARROGANCE permeates the black race. They continually keep us down on the ground all the time. Jesse Jackson Jr is a prime example.
"God helps the humble, and humbles the prideful."
anon12:53p, thanks for the video link. It was refreshing to watch Don Lemon tear Russell Simmons limb from limb.
Another refreshing video where Al Sharpton gets exposed for the lying predator he is:
Field????? duh!!!!!
I am posting this here with a ?? Are u doing side eye? I hope i am wrong
Counsellor Side eye? Me too And guess what? The more she talks the worse it gets I know that no stone will be left unturned
'Moving forward': Hannah Anderson makes 1st public appearance since kidnap ordeal
Barbara Scuito via KNSD
Hannah Anderson, 16, left, poses with friends during a fundraiser at a restaurant in Lakeside, Calif., on Thursday.
Police who searched the torched home of kidnapping and murder suspect James Lee DiMaggio found firebombs, ammunition, used condoms, and "letters from Hanna," court documents show.
The new details emerged as Hannah Anderson, the teenager DiMaggio took to the Idaho wilderness after killing her mother and brother, arrived at a fundraiser Thursday — her first public appearance since her abduction.
Flanked by protective friends and family, the 16-year-old did not speak as she entered the Boll Weevil restaurant near San Diego.
"Right now, she's with her family and, of course, with some friends, and she's just happy to be here," Hannah's father, Brett, told reporters outside the restaurant. "Hannah sends her love. She’s doing good day by day. We’ll just keep moving forward from here."
The 7th Alafia Making it plain
Used condoms torture 13 phone calls WTF really happened? Who really got screwed there?
Hannah Anderson was found safe and unharmed at the Idaho campsite where DiMaggio, 40, had taken her before he was killed by the FBI. He reportedly had multiple bullet wounds in his chest and one in his head.
A search warrant obtained by ABC affiliate KGTV says authorities arrived to a gruesome scene at DiMaggio’s home after the fire broke out.
Investigators found a pair of feet sticking out from underneath a green tarp in the garage.
Kidnapping victim Hannah Anderson, 16, of Lakeside, Calif., had been missing since Aug. 4. She was rescued Aug. 10 after authorities tracked her down to Idaho with a family friend.
A firefighter “lifted the tarp and saw the bottom half of a human torso, legs, and feet. Captain Gutgesell said that he saw a human body was face down and noticed the tarp was partially melted to the head, and what appeared to be human hair,” the warrant said.
The captain then discovered a crowbar next to the body and blood on the ground near the head. The body belonged to Hannah
I am a snoop its my career and i am dammed good at it
Something is FUNKY here
Anderson’s mother, 44-year-old Christina Anderson.
The family’s dog was found dead underneath a sleeping bag.
Read more:
F/n I am stepping out non faith I agree with this woman There are a lot of unanswered questions
Field my search found this i am concerned remember the Menendez bros?
i hope the popo do thier job right and i know that my mother wit is not gone
Milagros, why don't you research Jesse Jackson Jr and his family? He is a crook of the worst kind. He ripped off his own kind. That's wrong but you being a lawyer and all, probably missed that. BTW, this post IS about Jackson, do you understand? Probably not.
Hey Milagross....did you ever notice field never responds to your retarded ass?
Maybe your penis obsession creeps him out. Maybe you just need to learn English.
Cuba Sucks said...
Hey Milagross....did you ever notice field never responds to your retarded ass?
Maybe your penis obsession creeps him out. Maybe you just need to learn English.
Why should Obama say anything when Rev. Jesse, Sr. said he wanted to cut off Obama's balls during the 2008 campaign? Obama is probably saying 'good riddance to bad rubbish'. lol
AssAnon 11:23 said: "So if whites are stupid, and we are at the bottom, what does that say about our intelligence?"
Huh, it says nothing about our intelligence of blacks, it merely confirms the fact that we live within the clutches of a tyrannical State controlled by subspecimen whites!
Black Sage, "Huh, it says nothing about our intelligence of blacks, it merely confirms the fact that we live within the clutches of a tyrannical State controlled by subspecimen whites!"
1:18 PM
It may mean we are in the clutches of a tyrannical State, but it also means we aren't smart enough to break free. It says our captures, i.e. slave masters, are twice as smart as we are.
Hell, we are still killing each other, OOW is 70% and growing, uneducated and violent...I don't know about you, a race of people who treat their people as such, isn't too bright, lacks heart and Spirit.
black sage you are embarrassing yourself and our race.
Has anybody seen Field? I hope he is not stuck in Louisiana. I told him a long time ago to stay out of that state. But NOOOOO, he kept on going anyway. Field has a defiant mind and therefore does not listen. Looking back, if Field had followed all of my instructions he would be in a much better place today. The same goes for Black Sage, nicknamed and better known as "BS".
@Focused Purpose
"AB, you been pretty quiet, too, after inviting clowns to run up on you. holla @ your girl."
But AB, as you call her, is a "sinner" (according to the bible, you say). She's openly lesbian, after all.
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