Now he did it. This will be the worst scandal of the summer. I wonder how he will get out of this one.
"If you were hoping for one more overblown controversy to end your summer, your wish has been granted. President Obama put his foot on his desk in a White House photo, and although it admittedly does look a little cheesy, people are outraged over the leader of the free world placing his foot atop the Resolute Desk because it’s undignified and beneath the office of the president… although technically it’s in the office of the… the point is, people are not happy.
Here’s the image that has everyone freaking out so much: [See above]
And here’s a sampling of some of the measured, thoughtful reactions to the president’s sole-ful stance:

This is not, amazingly, the first time the president has come under fire for putting his feet up on the desk. This has happened time after time after time after time.
Which is why it’s important to point out that this is not the first president to have so callously desecrated the Resolute Desk.

Those are pictures of George W. Bush and Gerald Ford, obviously making a mockery of all that we hold dear."
Yes, but there is one little difference......
Anyway, there are so many substantive issues that we could be debating this president about--- and questioning his judgment on-- but the right chooses to focus on where he decides to put his shoes.
Wait a minute, Obama is about to attack a foreign country on false pretenses, and you serve up a post on a few 'conservatives' who are upset about him stepping on his desk?
You are one smooth Media Matters Negro.
Hi Field,
You left out the part with Obama's fingers pointed in the gunshot position.
Reagan sold arms for hostages, had no retaliation to the Beirut bombing, and vowed to veto a vote to apply sanctions to South Africa...not to mention ballooning the deficit...and the racist Right has the absolute nerve to complain about feet on an inanimate object?
Ten years ago, James Clapper, now the Director of National Intelligence, said he was “unquestionably sure” that Saddam’s WMDs had been moved out of Iraq. Top Iraqi generals stated that the WMDs had gone to Syria. But all that fell on deaf ears.
John Kerry’s senate career began with a bang when he traveled to Nicaragua to obstruct President Reagan’s policy of arming the anti-Communist Contra rebels. Now Secretary of State John Kerry is taking part in arming the Free Syrian Army rebel allies of Al Qaeda and pawns of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In his Sandinista days, Senator Kerry had said that America should not subvert its values “by funding terrorism to overthrow governments of other countries”. Since then John Kerry has changed his mind. It turns out that he was only against funding terrorists to overthrow the governments of other countries before he was for it.
Barry got 99 problems but putting his feet up on his own goddamn desk ain't one.
Well, the Bengazi and IRS things didn't work out like they planned so they have to invent something to be outraged about. And remember, according to Bill it's not racial.
Feet up on a desk, as well as or combined with leaning back in the chair with or without the hands behind the head,pillowing it, is body language to denote power and dominance of the situation over the other persons involved.
In any given situation, only the person with the most power and control will assume this stance.
The language of the body communicates as much or more as the spoken word.
In the POTUS case, he is not only putting his feet up, but actually 'stepping' on the desk.
This body language denotes that he is attending something which he feels very strongly about. A situation which he wants to step on and dominate.
and he is clearly communicating that with his action.
Field, you know as well as I know that Obama shouldn't have his foot on that desk. That is outrageous for someone like him to be doing so.
Now I will acknowledge a couple of other Presidents had their feet on the desk but they didn't have the soles of their shoes on it.
Some Presidents can do it and it's OK. But Obama is not one of them. He looks really cheesy and destructive in that picture. And where is his jacket? His staff should let him know it's not cool.
I swear. When black culture hits the oval office everything starts to crumble. As a bm I am embarrassed as I am sure Field and others on FN are.
I pray the next black President will be a conservative. They know how to act.
Desert, you know nothing about psychology or power. As a matter of fact, neither do we Blacks in the states. WE know a lot about the two P's= poverty and powerlessness, though.
Like Field, We still love Obama-- we'd rather have him dump on us than the wm.
PilotX said...
Well, the Bengazi and IRS things didn't work out like they planned so they have to invent something to be outraged about.
Yep, looks like the Obama administration got away with letting a diplomatic staff get killed so as not to reveal what was going on in Libya, and with using the IRS to intimidate and punish political opponents for the purpose of voter suppression, at least so far, anyway.
Nothing earns the respect of PilotX like corruption and the abuse of power. You ought to be all tingly over this latest war, right?
Since no one's looking, I'll let you nitwits in on something that's not a secret.
Libyan oil production went from about 1.5 million barrels a day to its current level of about 180,000 barrels a day because the country has been torn apart by fighting militia groups.
No one's in charge.
Maybe that's the future for Syria. At least when Islamic nations are torn apart by muslims fighting each other, they're not causing mischief elsewhere in the world.
If Obama has the nuts to fire a few dozen cruise missiles at Assad and seriously damage his capacity for killing civilians, he can turn Syria into a totally dysfunctional state of near anarchy that lose its ability to serve Hezbollah and Hamas.
Actually that photo is quite revealing.
The POTUS entire body seems tensed much like a stretched rubber band waiting to be released into action.
There is tension in his face, the hand that we see outstretched with index finger pointing, everything is energized, intense, coiled. Ready to pounce!
Biden, on the other hand, looks pensive, worried, troubled and most importantly, thoughtful!
Hmmmm... what could possibly be going on there ;)
Obama has been president for five years now, and the country is going to complete shit. Seriously, things have never been worse economically, culturally, and spiritually. It didn't start with him, but he has done nothing t halt the decline, and in fact the destruction has accelerated. Stop supporting this madness.
"he can turn Syria into a totally dysfunctional state of near anarchy that lose its ability to serve Hezbollah and Hamas."
He can do anything; He is the One.
The question is why does Israel feel a Syria run by al Qaeda is preferable to one run by Assad?
"Wait a minute, Obama is about to attack a foreign country on false pretenses, and you serve up a post on a few 'conservatives' who are upset about him stepping on his desk?
You are one smooth Media Matters Negro."
The most transparent administration ever, at least with their distractions.
The Syrian Rebels were trained in Turkey by the CIA at our military base. When a reporter brought it to the press in this country, she was told they couldn't report it. The video is on youtube, type in truth about Syria, you might learn more things like pipelines that have been planned to pass through there to get to Asia. Also the real reason why we don't want Iran to have Nuclear power. It doesn't have shit to do with them making a bomb. We are lied too all the time, and people need to check stuff out for themselves.
Wesley R, " Also the real reason why we don't want Iran to have Nuclear power. It doesn't have shit to do with them making a bomb. We are lied too all the time, and people need to check stuff out for themselves.
10:00 PM
Are you saying, Obama is a liar? that would be unprecedented because he has never lied to the American people since he has been in office.
Now, before I attack you for false accusations, would you like to retract your comment? Just tell the truth, which is what Obama has done all along.
Field, there is a mark next to the comment section. It looks like an ink mark that is quite bothersome. In addition, I am concerned that some folks will attribute that nasty mark at the end of your post to a Negro being a messy Negro. Please clean it up...thanks.
If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on the same side as al-Qa’ida.
If it is true that it is actually Obama’s terrorist friends and not the Syrian government who have been using poison gas as some suggest, can we bomb the terrorists instead?
If local problems in faraway countries between fractions that are both hostile to the USA are worth risking a major confrontation with Russia over, why don’t we just invade and occupy the entire planet?
If Congress has no say even in whether we go to war anymore, why don’t we just disband it?
If a president can plunge us into a war that only 9% of the public supports, why do we keep calling this a representative republic?
If it is not treason to support your country’s worst enemy, what would be?
You forgot about Reagan and the future dope dealer-in-chief, Bush, via Iran Contra, flooding the streets of American' inner cities with cocaine, which was a part of Iran Contra (see also Gary Webb's "Dark Alliance). America's prison population grew by 800% since then. Bush, who online sources reveal used his offshore oil platforms as drug depots, was quoted as saying, "If people knew what we've done, they'd string us up by the nearest lamposts."
"You forgot about Reagan and the future dope dealer-in-chief, Bush, via Iran Contra, flooding the streets of American' inner cities with cocaine, which was a part of Iran Contra"
I forgot about it because I am not an insanely deluded nutcase. Offshore oil platforms as drug depots? Are you fucking serious?
Killed by Mitwit Robme & Bibi in a CIA safehouse in Benghazi? AZ republican DEA agent selling gps chip info to Mexican DDs but you want to blame Holder,? Right.
So, Mitt Romney killed Ambassador Stevens. Hmmmm.
Now I see...
Obama is Bush without the redeeming qualities. That formerly peace-loving liberals continue to support him confirms that nothing they say can be taken at face value.
The relentless assault by RepubMafia claques targeting that brown fella in the Oval Office continues unabated. This worn and tired narrative exists primarily because of his hue. The heavy usages of euphemisms by Repubs are no longer effective at camouflaging their collectively mean spirited, restless and racist hearts!
Perhaps next time, they’ll argue that it’s not a big deal that ObomBer place his feat on his desk while in the Oval Office, but that the shoes must be Salvatore Ferragamo brand!
Reality is Racist!
Bomb Syria!
What do you people teach your children?:
God will address the wicked.
Obama’s insistence on framing black racism as black anger, as a response to white bigotry rather than bigotry itself, is why the national conversation on race that he insists on having every time he takes a tumble in the polls never goes anywhere.
Racism, like any form of xenophobia, is unfortunately indigenous to the human character. To privilege one form of racism over another is to justify it and to dehumanize its victims as deserving of abuse.
If black racism is described as anger and white racism as bigotry, then white people are held responsible both for their own bigotry and for the bigotry directed at them. To liberals, this is simple social justice, but to anyone who has made a study of bigotry this is characteristic of the way that bigots fault their victims for the hate and violence that they direct at them.
Instead of wondering why the President has has feet on his desk and where his jacket is, one should be asking himself, "Why are the men of the world so insane, that no one can survive around them anymore?" Here, they're shooting babies in the head and committing such atrocities, it's hard to listen to the news anymore.
All over television, ugly folks just talking, talking, talking, blabbing, blabbing, blabbing, non-stop.
The whole world is just on a major, major gang-banging kick, it seems. Seems most everyone is just an underlying MURDERER. Life means NOTHING to NO ONE!!!!!!!!
This is not the first time these pinheads have clutched their pearls and fainted over the president having the temerity to be so casual. This, despite the fact, as pictured above, many of his predecessors did the same.
alpha males are posting about hobama's foot on syria
NOT his desk
cc africom/ndaa
your incessant evasions are increauingly glaring fn....
alpha males are posting about hobama's foot on syria
NOT his desk
cc africom/ndaa
your incessant evasions are increasingly glaring fn....
alpha males are posting about hobama's foot on syria
NOT his desk
cc africom/ndaa
hobama is a bush boy by blood
hobama is a 3rd generation cia agent/red diaper baby
he is the false amoral bisexual evil prophet akhenaten
by cursed reincarnation
may god bless us all
put your hobama nazi feet on this asap:
cc gold/oil/syria/ndaa/africom...
cowards and karma are real
cc hobama and his nazis
put your hobama nazi feet on this:
cc africom/syria/ndaa
from hobama's wm uber hobama nazi/hobama gurl chris m
black fool hobama nazis have out nazi'd actual nazi pat b
Israel understands that as they lease Syrian land in the Golan Heights, l and illegally kept in the '67 War, it's easier to do so w/o a strong Syria to perhaps intervene...
your incessant evasions are increasingly glaring fn....
alpha males are posting about hobama's foot on syria
Now you know STEPHEN isnt no Alpha male...LOL
STEPHEN is afraid he will have to admit that he was wrong about O-Bomber the whole time.
It takes a "REAL" Man of courage to stand up and say "No this is Wrong" " I will not support this"
STEPHEN is completely delighted to continue playing partisan politics casting the Republicans as
the "Mean" "Evil" party...
All the while WORSHIPPING at the Altar of Global Imperialism while he placates himself with the "Symbol" that is "O-bomber"
He absolutely LOVES being the Fake Field Negro in House Negro attire...
I get angry with STEPHEN , but it really is Comedy to see avoid meaningful issues...
Cat on a hot Tin roof... LOL
Lease the land for oil expllration and extraction, which is potentially HUGE!
A: you're either young, ignorant, and/or grossly uninformed. Or,
B: attempting to deploy the mutant trickery of deny while assail the sanity of the person exposing U.S. Domesfic genocidal policy.
What makes you stupkd is that anyone can datamine my points, using boolean operators and discover thd truth for themselves. Amoral mutantts will psychopathically say and do anything, even without a shred of plausibility of denial. So, silly mutant, I suggest you carry yojrself back to your Stormfront/Fauxnews hole in the ground where willful ignorance is celebrated and promoted.
a poker game trumps african genocide
cc that racist sxist amoral drone john m
reps = dems = demons
cc jm's peace prized global warlord peer hobama
cc that racist sexist amoral drone john m
Serious question: Does anyone here believe a single word that comes from this administration anymore?
Today's news:
President Barack Obama said Wednesday the "red line" he previously spoke of regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria wasn't his own, but the world's. "I didn't set a red line. The world set a red line. The world set a red line when governments representing 98%" of the world's population "passed a treaty forbidding (chemical weapons) use, even when countries are engaged in war," Obama said in Sweden.
It's not in that running update but Obama also said it's "Congress' credibility on the line" because they passed the Syrian Accountability Act...back in 2003 and the ban on chemical weapons a year or two before that.
So what did Obama actually say in announcing his, er, a red line?
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized,” the president said a year ago last week. “That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”
Hmmm....not mentioned: "The World" or Congress.
Even David Gergen wasn't buying that. He pointed out that passing those things didn't commit the US to war, they committed the US to do something that they'd figure out latter if push came to shove which it has.
I would have loved to have seen Kerry and Hagel run this, "Hey, it's not the President's credibility on the line, it's yours. We're just trying to help you" gambit yesterday at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. That might have been interesting.
It's absolutely amazing how little responsibility Obama takes. The only way he can even remotely get away with this nonsense is that he has a willing set of accomplices in the media.
President Nothing.
that LIAR in chief/racist global warlord warlock bankster hobama
is an amoral coward and a fool
only hobama nazis believe any word he spews
cc syria/ndaa/africom...
Robme & Bibi (with MOSSAD executing the dirty deed) attempted to orchestrate Robme's very own "October Surprise" which he openly, publicly called for when he found himself down in the polls (Biden even mentioned this in a fit of incredulity during the VP debate). It worked too. It closed the gap, but then hurricane Sandy & my favorite re"THUG"lican turncoat, Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie, made the Mitwit look small to nonexistent. Omce again, Robme stood to gain by the perfectly timed bit of electioneering and he indeed called for it. (Notice how quiet Libya has been, since) I know that it's hard to fathom that a rich white from the THUG party would perpetrate an act of treason and have someone killed for political gain, but Reagan & Bush slung drugs via Iran Contra, too, as a byproduct of the very first "treasonous" "October Surprise." Don't be naive.
Bush's redeeming values are looking to be heard at the Hague, Netherlands where he, along with his ENTIRE cabinet, have arrest warrants issued for them. That makes Bush, like Joseph Kony, a fugitive from justice dispensed by the International Criminal Court - the very same place where the Nazi were tried for war crimes. Only a crack addict would ascribe redeeming value to war criminal Bush. So just say no to drugs.
Please explain how Mitt Romney, private businessman, denied security reinforcements from being sent to Benghazi, orchestrated a terrorist attack on the consulate there, prevented the administration from sending military help, and then kept the survivors from testifying to congress?
He also somehow got the entire Obama administration to repeatedly tell a ridiculous lie that the whole incident was just a spontaneous reaction to an amateur Youtube video.
How does a man with such amazingly nefarious powers then lose the election?
This should be fascinating.
You don't understant that whites are hardwired, are biologically determined to be racist, sexist, and xenophobic. Their genetically recessive trait, that has compelled them, somewhat, to lynch with their fear of "race-mixing" and their irrational fear of biological race extinction/annihilation has revealed them to be the most virulent, invasive strain of mutant humanity that presentlt plagues the earth. I submit to you that members of the parent African human species have no such biological fear, as they are neither genetically recessive nor dying out as is the Caucasian "lehal mutation" subspecies (See Also Usatodays articles "More Ethnic babies born than White Babies" & "More White Deaths Than Births.")
You liberals should love George Bush, he destroyed the Republican credibility on fiscal responsibility and military competence that had been built up over decades.
Someday, conservatives will love Barack Obama for doing the same thing for the Democrat's credibility on responsible use of the military and on caring for the working man. A war criminal who imports 50 million new wage slaves is going to wreak havoc on the Democrat's brand.
American politics has devolved to this: Two parties with the same masters, neither of which cares one whit about the interests of the people.
The Republican base has grown disgusted with the party. Once the Democrat base sees what their own party has become, they will turn from it as well. Maybe then there will be an opportunity for the people to reassert their interests, if it is not too late already.
Thus, the aforementioned triumvirate are biological defense mechansims that should always be properly contextualized with the scope of the "White Man's Burden."
Ben, who do u believe?
The secret trips to The Dominican Republic, guy?
PilotX said...
Well, the Bengazi and IRS things didn't work out like they planned so they have to invent something to be outraged about. And remember, according to Bill it's not racial.
Using your logic, wouldn't that prove FN is racist because he posted pictures of white presidents with their feet on the desk just like the racist conservatives posted about a black president with his feet on the desk?
Or is there another double standard that I'm not aware of.
Just like that old story about crying wolf. Calling all opposition to obama as racist minimizes the real racist shit that happens.
Speaking about black unemployment, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver said “The president knows we are going to act in deference to him in way we wouldn’t to someone white.”
Is that racist?
Shit, considering Cleaver admitted he wasn't going to treat Obama the same as he would a white president with black unemployment this high, is that racist? Imagine what you would say about a white congress critter saying he wasn't going to complain about high black unemployment under a white president because the president was white. Another double standard?
Or like I say, politics as usual.
Anonymous said...
You don't understant that whites are hardwired, are biologically determined to be racist, sexist, and xenophobic. Their genetically recessive trait, that has compelled them, somewhat, to lynch with their fear of "race-mixing" and their irrational fear of biological race extinction/annihilation has revealed them to be the most virulent, invasive strain of mutant humanity that presentlt plagues the earth. I submit to you that members of the parent African human species have no such biological fear, as they are neither genetically recessive nor dying out as is the Caucasian "lehal mutation" subspecies
Wow, that's not a racist and xenophobic statement.
Gee, why would white people have "irrational" fears when there are people of your mindset out there?
Look at your own words and ask who the racist hatemonger is.
field negro said...
Ben, who do u believe?
The secret trips to The Dominican Republic, guy?
I would like to believe my President.
Well wait three more years and try and pick one to your liking. "Landslide Mitt" lost, remember? :)
First of all, the place in Nenghaxi was a CIA safehouse, which cuts your diversionary tactic off at the knees. By the way, for other treasonous electioneering acts, see Thom Hartmann's "Can Republicans Win Presidential Elections Without Resorting to Treason & Fraud."...
PilotX said...
Well, the Bengazi and IRS things didn't work out like they planned so they have to invent something to be outraged about. And remember, according to Bill it's not racial.
In your opinion...
Why did the Obama administration lie about what happened in Bengazi, blaming it on some youtube video?
Unlike those with bush derangement syndrome, *I* wouldn't have believed it was an inside job by Obama and WIlliam ayers.
What did Obama have to lie about?
Your Re"THUG"lican kinfolk LURED the so-called "illegals" here to "in-source" and undercut poor black and white labor so that's not a viable argument against this Opportunist-In-Chief who has been a Democrat-In-Name-Only and has governed as a moderate republican.
Rethuglicans are not pushing amnesty, democrats are.
Get real.
Yes, Obama lied and statesmen died. Or is it the other way around?
We know that W lied and THEN people died.
"Can Republicans Win Presidential Elections Without Resorting to Treason & Fraud."...
Talk about projection.
Man alive...
field negro said...
Yes, Obama lied and statesmen died. Or is it the other way around?
We know that W lied and THEN people died.
So that's okay, since it's all even now.
Does this cycle ever end?
Uh, those are facts. Since when do facts become hatemongering? Is your collective not dying out? Is there another creature on the planet that kills for sport akin to lynching wherein genitalia were cut off, where women and children gathered around, clearly along with the males enjoying a "natural" Dopamine high? Why does the truth sound like hate to you? Please explain because that is a mutant response that I've never understood. Thx!
The Youtube video served as a not-so-clever diversionary tactic, but it did provide the necessary confusion and outrage that enabled Mossad to do the killing. Mitwit & Bibi did get away with murder.... Oh, and too bad it turned out that it was a republican civil servant in Cincy who authorized the scrutiny of the 501s, there. Did he have good reason?
No, the THUGS just lured them here. Now, you all want to behave subhumanly towards those you sought to exploit, after having put the screws to poor black and white labor. Amazing...
Anonymous said...
Uh, those are facts. Since when do facts become hatemongering? Is your collective not dying out? Is there another creature on the planet that kills for sport akin to lynching wherein genitalia were cut off, where women and children gathered around, clearly along with the males enjoying a "natural" Dopamine high? Why does the truth sound like hate to you? Please explain because that is a mutant response that I've never understood. Thx!
Your lies do sound like hate because they are hate. You are obviously a miserable person.
The fact that you refer to white as mutants underscores your objectification of humans as something else, for the purpose of justifying their murder.
That makes you a psychopath.
And you are not alone, judging by the epidemic of black on white violence in America today.
Your people are the ones who kill for sport and see violence against others as their right. That is truly "mutant" behavior.
u hobama nazis can no longer speak of gwb to defend the indefensible hobama...EVER AGAIN!!!\
hobama/gwb 3.0 is FAF worse!!!!!!!
referring to gwb ONLY PROVES that hobama is so VERY MUCH WORSE than gwb now...
cc ndaa/wwiii/dailed swindleus/syria/africom/nsa/fema/fbi/dhs/cointeplro 2013/assata etc
Watch the Youtube video and factcheck and decide for yourself...
re: white violence
slave masters
serial killers
Anonymous said...
"The Youtube video served as a not-so-clever diversionary tactic, but it did provide the necessary confusion and outrage that enabled Mossad to do the killing. Mitwit & Bibi did get away with murder.... Oh, and too bad it turned out that it was a republican civil servant in Cincy who authorized the scrutiny of the 501s, there. Did he have good reason?"
So the sins of the Obama administration are all actually Republican plots?
Seriously dude, get yourself some thorazine.
u hobama nazis can no longer speak of gwb to defend the indefensible hobama...EVER AGAIN!!!\
hobama/gwb 3.0 is FAR worse!!!!!!!
referring to gwb ONLY PROVES that hobama is so VERY MUCH WORSE than gwb now...
Well wait three more years and try and pick one to your liking. "Landslide Mitt" lost, remember? :)
Tip Toeing around as usual unable or afraid to confront or speak on what is happening...
So STEPHEN... Do you still stand by your symbolic drone bomber on Syria Strikes??
Its like he is saying :
Now how ya like me now its not like your kids have to clean up in hea!!!!@!
Do u believe he didn't know? jajajaja
A special kind of crazy.
I bet she smells of urine and a raging yeast infection.
re: white violence
cc the new nazi hobama's fema camps/hobamacare's designer poverty/section 8 ghettos/afriom/ndaa/wwiii etc
But you and the rest of those who classify themselves as white did in fact MUTATE from members of the parent African human species, as can clearly be extrapolated from Animal Planet's "How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears." Aren't you, technically, a mutant and aren' you not, most specifically, a "lethal mutation" that presently imprisons more blacks now than were enslaved in 1850, that undermined the VRE and, concluded by letting members of the parent African human species that they are not free as evident by the Zimmerman verdict. Mutants here lead the ENTIRE world in imprisonment. What's wrong with using precise language to call a "spade a spade?"
Anonymous said...
But you and the rest of those who classify themselves as white did in fact MUTATE from members of the parent African human species, as can clearly be extrapolated from Animal Planet's "How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears." Aren't you, technically, a mutant and aren' you not, most specifically, a "lethal mutation" that presently imprisons more blacks now than were enslaved in 1850, that undermined the VRE and, concluded by letting members of the parent African human species that they are not free as evident by the Zimmerman verdict. Mutants here lead the ENTIRE world in imprisonment. What's wrong with using precise language to call a "spade a spade?"
Maybe what you call mutation is really just evolution.
By that logic, you are just a mutated gorilla.
Think hard, crazy man.
I love it Field:
The best deal is there is noone who will take the black house in 2016 from the git on the puntang club (GOP) and legit rape women I have big $$$ on that
I dislike Pres Obama's BS but he is in ya face letting the ole boy network know that he is going to do this in thier faces
Arrogant brother! Now it would be nice if he had hutzpah! as well about the Syria issue
Its like he is saying :
Now, how ya like me now its not like your kids have to clean up in hea!!!!@!
Do u believe he didn't know? jajajaja
I love it IMPEACH ME MUTHAFUCKAS! Bring it, and kiss my blacklicious Kenyan ass snd STFU crakkas!
Thus says the Afrikanlicios Cuban!
Yes beeeitches i am still hea! back from a much deserved vac
YES! nasty you double dipping faggot ass crakkas/ house negros etc bring what you got i still have a few penis pumps for sale and some toys!for you little dick beeitches jajajaja
In the words of Cuban legend Mongo Santamaria its Afro Blue time ya'll
Dominoes anyone or chess? ??
But you and the rest of those who classify themselves as white did in fact MUTATE from members of the parent African human species, as can clearly be extrapolated from Animal Planet's "How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears."
So is that where the "Polar Bear Hunting" game, aka "Knockout" came from?
Are you down with that?
Anonymous said...
Uh, those are facts. Since when do facts become hatemongering? Is your collective not dying out? Is there another creature on the planet that kills for sport akin to lynching wherein genitalia were cut off, where women and children gathered around, clearly along with the males enjoying a "natural" Dopamine high?
PLEASE!! side look!
Milagros in fill regalia and colour asked PROUDLY"
What would a little dick white dirty ass crakka like anonymous know about genitalia? Other than those he maybe be looking to committ fellatio on at gunpoint( the only way he can get an agreement) or perhaps he desires bumping butts for sport while video taping his sick exploits
Hush you little beeeithch I'm talking!
This creepy crakka wanna be Afrikan comes here first as pale man from Arkansas, then as an educator from broketroit. In retrospect in reality ANONYMOUS is just that an unknown possible outlander whose people have trashed him now he plays on those he thinks are week All one has to do is read and pay attn
Hush anon your a sad excuse for a man and i wouldn't screw you with a plunger which is more your style
Bring it beeitch! Hurry up SEE I SAY WHAT I WANT AND THERE IS nada YOU CAN DO?
You see, most black people remain in denial as to just what you all, technically, are and, technically, what we're dealing with on these shores. Many refer to you all as being devils, but the JudeoChristian Habit-trail does't explain your unique, psychopathic racial personality, whereas Aesop's Fables does (see the Tortoise and the Scorpion). Many Blacks give mutants WAY too much power by calling you all devils, as the devil, by his wager with the German-named "God" regarding the proverbial, biblical Job. Thus, while being referred to, technically, scientifically, as to just what you are may hurt your feelings, the greater good of blacks truly understanding what you are, why you are and how you are - outweighs any misplaced nicety.
Apparently it's left to Al Jazeera America to report the truth that the American media refuses to:
The report by an independent panel of five security and intelligence experts describes how the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya, which left Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans dead, exploited the State Department's failure to address serious security concerns at diplomatic facilities in high-risk areas.
Among the most damning assessments, the panel concluded that the State Department's failure to identify worsening conditions in Libya and exemptions from security regulations at the U.S. Special Mission contributed to the tragedy in Benghazi. Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy approved using Benghazi as a temporary post despite its significant vulnerabilities, according to an internal State Department document included with the report.
Ed Morrissey notes that it's a small miracle that this report utters the name "Patrick Kennedy" at all, because the laughinstock "Accountability Review Board" deliberately looked only at low level people and wouldn't even question Hillary Clinton, for example-- explaining, in an incredible Admission Against Interest, that "[w]e knew where the responsibility rested" in advance of the inquiry itself.
Yes, you did "know where responsibility rested," or, rather, you knew where you where instructed to find it rested. You don't have to conduct an investigation when you already have the Official Approved Conclusion in hand.
When we see this sort of behavior in the corporate world, we rightly laugh and roll our eyes cynically. Yes yes yes, it's always "low level employees" who did these terrible or stupid things without the knowledge of the people being paid a million or more a year. Of course! Of course low-level dummies routinely run circles around their Masters of the Universe managers and corporate officers.
The fact is the United States Government is, in fact, a corporation, yes, a sort of corporation, a perpetually existing fictional person. And yes, all that bad behavior the liberal drive-by media is determined to expose in the Corporations You Guys exists to twice the extent in Government, Incorporated.
Anonymous said...
You see, most black people remain in denial as to just what you all, technically, are and, technically, what we're dealing with on these shores.
I agree; most black people are sane.
Please seek help.
John Kerry saying *under oath* that Tom Friedman is "most often" correct is the most damning indictment of Obama's foreign policy I've seen.
We are truly being led by a gang of idiots.
The wager between god and the devil implicitly mkes them peers and when you consider that the devil, in the end, wins the competition for the most souls in either place, well... Thus, I ask you that were you me andvyou were watching your fellow members of the parent African human species being killed off and being re-enslaved/imprisoned, wouldn't you tell themwhat the truth was, especially if you noticed that they remained in a borderline insane denial resulting from Christian obeisance?
Who is re-enslaving blacks?
This DINO, Opportunist-in-Chief, has governed as a moderate republican, had 5 republicans in his cabinet, more than any modern Democrat, refused to bring the Bush cabinet on charges, refused to have the Pentagon audited after $600 billion walked outta Bush's WMD/Iraq fiasco Green Zone. This POTUS dressed up as FDR on time and the new yorker mags, but refused to tie BAILOUT and TARP to a jobs plan that would've ushered in a 2nd New Deal. So, no, some Blacks know that this hawkish, drone-wielding, Reagan loving, Romneycare nationalizing POTUS for the republican that he. You "THUG"licans cannot stand him because he's not white. He definite fits the scoundrel profile,,well, though,, a prerequisite for being a reTHUGlican, doesn't he?
The thing about obama's foot being on the desk is that it is resting on a copy of the Constitution.
fatal pookies rule all public schools
cc matt damon
more proof that gz is an unarmed child kkkiller/pookkkie
Anonymous said...
Who is re-enslaving blacks?
The Gubmint is.
Their job today is to terrorize white people and cause general mayhem.
For this they are paid in food stamps and Obmaphones.
Hey, it beats picking cotton.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
more proof that gz is an unarmed child kkkiller/pookkkie
Zimmerman is a hero. He should run for congress as a democrat.
"Why did the Obama administration lie about what happened in Bengazi, blaming it on some youtube video?"
That was the initial intel I believe. It takes time for an investigation to find out exactly what happened. First reports are usually wrong. Similar to aviation accident investigations. I don't thin k it was anything nefarious.
"Using your logic, wouldn't that prove FN is racist because he posted pictures of white presidents with their feet on the desk just like the racist conservatives posted about a black president with his feet on the desk?
Or is there another double standard that I'm not aware of."
Uh no, I think it provs the opposite. Field's point was that there was no outrage when the white guy does it know what Bill, you don't seem as interested in a real discussion only the "gotcha, you blahs are racists too double standard game". Sorry man but I don't have the energy to explain to another white guy how historically and culturally things are different for balhs and whites. My recommendation would be to take a blah history course but of course to you that would probably be racist because there are no white hostory courses. Sigh.
Mutation in your case is one DEVOLUTION as opposed to evolution for two critical reasons. First, you and your collective are dying out, Look up the term "Lethal Mutation." It pretty much tells you why your collective is ephemeral or moribund. Second, you share the skin color pigmentation with that of a monkey, (which is why it's illegal to shave a monkey) which must make "whiteness" a regressive trait, considering melanin was an evolved trait taking the place of all of the hair that covers monkeys. If being caught up in a 40,000 to 100, 000 year Ice Age (named Wurm by the Germans), caused whites to devolve, meaning acquiring white skin/melanin deficiency and aquiring a "lethal mutation" program such that they're dying out, advocating rape, usurping black voting rights and telling the world that it's perfectly ok to hunt blacks and kill them a la Zimmerman. No, whites, based upon your own evidence, primarily in that you all were the product of a exogenous or endogenous accident (read: Ice Age), you are a byprodict, due to the harshness, of the process of DEVOLUTION. Shocking, isn't it? Don't get mad at me, get mad at your very own scientists.
Obama is not a politician; he is the Highest Exemplar of a Cultural Type. He therefore does not represent just a politics but pinned to him are the aspirations and hopes for validation of a cultural cohort, the New Class.
The media could no more disown him than they could their own White Grandmother.
The only thing keeping me sane is viewing things in these humorous (but true) terms, a bunch of people who think They're Doing Politics but are really only engaging in perpetual self-flattery.
I guess I get very annoyed when I see this going on on the right too, with the various overheated arguments between RINOs and Traditionalists which, let's face it, are overheated precisely because they're Not Really About Politics but rather vindicating and championing one's cultural heritage.
We need to put that aside. Government isn't about vindicating a cultural cohort's minor preferences and mode of life, it's about creating a set of policies which will promote the most cultural cohorts to live their lives in peace, without interference.
And Bill as I explained in the other posts we would first have to agree on a definition of racism before we could have a discussion on the matter as most blah folks have a different idea of it than whites. Without such agreement this would be a waste of time.
" (which is why it's illegal to shave a monkey) "
I couldn't read past that. You are too much.
for you my sis:
please do not read nor comment in haste.
Almighty+the whole world is watching...and there is much at stake.
this post is addressed to AB.
however His Law applies to all in the Universe.
i appreciate FN's comment section because it helps me to better see what His people need by way of life saving bread. He sent me here wise as a serpent. the other side should be very afraid. the liars. the dupes need to come on out.
thank you FN. i love you and pray daily for your soul...and the souls of your whole house+houses of readership, in Almighty and Yahushua Messiah's Mighty Names. thank you Father for the blessing even now.
AB and others that have comments deleted:
some comments are deleted all over the web...because there is too much Truth in them. how would folks remain sleeping if they listened to the Truth. Faith comes by hearing the Truth.
consider it a compliment;)
may i just share how much it thrills me to hear the voices of the brothas that came before...and left too soon.
as i googled nwa's eff the police...folks have helicopters flying low. fire trucks racing around. LOL. man please. i AM an adrenaline junkie. even IF my Father would let you touch me...i would STILL be like:
you see me?! bring it bishes!!! what's up? tupac voice...death row BASS...all day.
i love you tupac.
ice cube/suge knight...somebody needs to confess some sins up in here. He showed me Truth re: Easy E. and others.
folks need to grab a box of tissue and start letting stuff out. be free. confess. turn from sin. move on. the devil LOVES secrets. that's why i don't have any. everybody's business is nobody's business. so who cares? who would dare to judge me but a fool that can only expect harsh judgment in return x 2. that is Universal Law.
secrets leverage his defeated azz as he threatens to reveal. how about that devil...i AM an open what?
He had me show you in part how it's done. i have already spoken with those that i have sinned against for the most part. list too long to knock out too quickly, but it will get done. nobody wants to do it...that's why we are sinful at best;) yet Obedience to His Word is greater than sacrifice.
may i suggest that folks get busy confessing and turning that they might be protected and free?
folks are only afraid because they don't know Him nor His Law.
blessings to all!
You mean that complete joke of a document that allows America to lead the world in imprisonment, with over 60% being of African American extraction? You lucky it's not up the crack of his behind...
"No, whites, based upon your own evidence, primarily in that you all were the product of a exogenous or endogenous accident (read: Ice Age), you are a byprodict, due to the harshness, of the process of DEVOLUTION."
Wow, so either the Ice Age returns, or white people go extinct?
If white people go extinct, how long do you thing the "parent African human species" can keep the lights on and the planes in the air?
Y'all better be hoping for some colder weather.
That was a joke that I simply couldn't resist adding, but it IS illegal to shave a monkey, as it is considered animal cruelty. Do tell, pray tell why? Can't the monkey be taught to tan, paint it's alabaster flesh as thought it were going to a sporting event or color themselves as though they were a member of the blue man group.
Queen FP:
my busy life is a blur...
but i will rsvp asap
anon sage above:
silence = consent
silencers = consenters
like huey/mlk/malcolm etc
i will never be silenced
especially not by beta male hobama nazis
i adore tupac too
i wish he was here to sit fire about that blackish hoax hobama
my site is in migration...
see asap:
like assata/harriet etc
i will never be silenced
especially by male hobama gurls/male bitches
see asap:
i wish upac was here to spit fire about that racist blackish bankster hoax hobama
cc syria/africom/wwiii
i wish tupac was here to spit fire about that racist blackish bankster hoax hobama
Queen FP:
i just
Queen FP:
i responded in 2 parts
please post all
Let's face it, the teabaggers really just want to see POTUS's sack. LOL
eaxh day that bankster drone hobama proves that he is truly sackless
Sandy248 said...
Let's face it, the teabaggers really just want to see POTUS's sack. LOL
You gotta squint to see them BB's.
BIB, "Tip Toeing around as usual unable or afraid to confront or speak on what is happening...
So STEPHEN... Do you still stand by your symbolic drone bomber on Syria Strikes??"
1:41 PM
IMO, Field is an R chaser, not a rational thinker of politics. He's a lawyer, for God's sake. How many lawyers do you know know what the hell they are doing? Congress is full of lawyers and look at the mess we are in. The Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch, and the Supreme Court are full of lawyers and look at the political mess we are in.
Look at how little Field knows politically by reading his past posts, esp with Obama. Hell, Field doesn't even know much about sports...he is usually wrong.
I DO believe he is adequate as an R chaser. Let's give credit where credit is due. Keep up the good racist work, Field.
It was clear from Libyans interviewed that Ambassador Stevens was comfortable enough to be staying at a CIA Safehouse. One openly wept as he was being interviewed, which got me to thinking about just how quiet Libya was before and after Mitwit Robme financed the offending movie and Bibi Netanyahu arranged the contract killings through Mossad.
Robme got the October Surprise that he brazenly, publicly asked for, which was seriously treasonous enough for Biden to mention during the VP debate. For more visual representation of just how republicans engage in treasonous acts to manipulate elections, please see on Youtube, Thom Hartmann's "Can Republicans Win Presidential Elections Without Engaging in Treason & Fraud?"
Israel stayed silent despite having prior knowledge that the marine barracks in Lebanon were gonna be bombed on Reagan's watch, according to former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky in his work, "By Way of Deception."
The Israelis bombed the King David Hotel in order to manipulate their own people to cotton to the Balfor Proposition. Then there's the Israeli's bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty. Further research on Netanyahu, personally, yielded this telling quote: "It's Bibi's job to create NEW Pearl Harbors!" Datamine the info contained herein to ascertain just how deep the rabbit hole of U.S. - Israeli "electioneering" goes...
The thing is - Africans and Asians airlines fly just fine and Pilot X as well as blood relations fly perfectly fine.
So why do you suppose that your own people kept you in the dark about just how whites came into existence? Why wasn't this information made common knowledge in U.S. Text books? I' ve gotta admit that it was likewise clever of your fellow creatures to remove Egypt out of Africa in your textbooks to create a double whammy.
All of the aforementioned was done to preserve your fragile to nomexistent self esteem and go thwart the critical thinking of members of the parent African human species, but instead filling them with cognitive dissonance and fear. Bravo, mutant, bravo!
So, Field pointing out racism is racist? Only a mutant with hardwired, biologically determined racist, sexist, and xenophobic tendencies would conclude such a thing, You creatures are hilarious!
Not if whites go extinct, but when. Hey, don't look at me. I didn't mark you creatures for death. Nature did. It's funny how you mutants, you invasive subspecies, have expended so much energy hilding back members of the parent African human species in order to feel good about yourselves. Do you have any idea how truly vile and reptillian your collective actually is?
"Do you have any idea how truly vile and reptillian your collective actually is?"
No, I always considered myself kind of a good guy. My family is pretty cool too.
BTW, the average African American is 17% mutant. I expect that might be a problem for you.
"The thing is - Africans and Asians airlines fly just fine and Pilot X as well as blood relations fly perfectly fine."
Who makes the planes?
How many African or Asian nations can make the titanium alloy blades for jet engines?
How many African nations can build and maintain the refineries to produce jet fuel?
How about the computers and navigation systems necessary for a modern aviation infrastructure?
Slowly, inevitably, the world's air fleet would become unusable. The turbo-generators that supply electricity would breakdown one by one, and the lights would go out. The internet would crash. Agricultural output would plummet along with fertilizer production and farm machinery wrecks. Pharmaceutical and vaccination production would crash. Billions would die of disease and starvation.
If your wish came true and all the white people on earth vanished, you'd last about two years. Tops.
Be careful what you wish for.
PilotX said... know what Bill, you don't seem as interested in a real discussion only the "gotcha, you blahs are racists too double standard game".
That wasn't my my point.
I was trying to point out that all things blamed on racism at the government level is usually politics as usual.
I don't really believe Emanuel Cleaver is racist when he said he wouldn't complain about black unemployment because a black man is in the white house.
Politics as usual.
Party before people.
You creatures are the ones who are mervifully dying out. Do you understand that? Your point is scientifically irrelevant. Entities that classify themselves as white remain ashamed and embarrassed such that how they came into existence has not been codified nor disseminated within the U.S. Educational system. You don't find that strange? It's hard to parade the SHAM of white supremacy if everyone knows that the alleged master race is not only a mutant subspecies, but is on nature's permanent recall list . Unlike other ephemera like the Cicada, you all won't be coming back. So you all can continue to run your game as though none are any the wiser, but some of us know better.
Fyi - the POTUS, scoundrel that he be, enjoys UV protection from the Sun that none of his maternal forbearers and kin are allowed, by nature. Think about that for awhile.
The science fact of whites being a devolved supspecies, due to color mutation (not Albinism) , in fact a "Lethal Mutation," is not subject to wishful thinking. What's the sense of me or any melanated person who understands science to wish for the inevitable? You and everyone else who looks like you, need to internalize that reality if it can permeate the Nitzchean psychosis that your collective remains within the throes of. So, you see, no matter what you all lie, cheat, steal and claim authorship of, humans are starting to figure out. Nature made a mistake and built a self-destruct mechanism into it's mistake regardless of the denial of all parties involved.
Hell FDR built sections on to the desk to allow him to hide his wheel chair and continue lying to the world about it.
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