"Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan joined editorial board member Mary Kissel on Monday where she advised President Barack Obama to give in to the GOP’s latest demands in order to pass a resolution which continue to fund the government.
She said that it would be “wise” of the president to agree to an 11 month delay of the Affordable Care Act in order to fix its flaws and sell the American people on the law’s benefits. Noonan began by observing that Obama is not quick to appeal to the negotiating table when dealing with the Republicans in Congress.
“I think the president, at least in the early years of his presidency, had this sense that if he talked straight to the American people, he would be doing a [Ronald] Reagan or a [Richard] Nixon,” Noonan said. “This president has often tried to do that, but it doesn’t work. It’s almost as if things are stuck.”
When asked how Obama could resolve this crisis, Noonan said that it would be “wise” to partially capitulate to the GOP’s demand to delay the ACA by nearly one year. "
Here is hoping that Barack Obama is not listening to Peggy Noonan or any other republican right about now.
There is a reason for that. Their political instincts are just not that good.
"Of all people, Obama would know if he is in trouble. When it comes to national presidential races, he is a finely tuned political instrument: He read the field perfectly in 2008. He would know if he’s losing now, and it would explain his joylessness on the stump. He is out there doing what he has to to fight the fight. But he’s still trying to fire up the base when he ought to be wooing the center and speaking their calm centrist talk. His crowds haven’t been big. His people have struggled to fill various venues.
This must hurt the president after the trememdous, stupendous crowds of ’08. “Voting’s the best revenge”—revenge against who, and for what? This is not a man who feels himself on the verge of a grand victory. His campaign doesn’t seem president-sized. It is small and sad and lost, driven by formidable will and zero joy.
I suspect both Romney and Obama have a sense of what’s coming, and it’s part of why Romney looks so peaceful and Obama so roiled. Romney ends most rallies with his story of the Colorado scout troop that in 1986 had an American flag put in the space shuttle Challenger, saw the Challenger blow up as they watched on TV, and then found, through the persistence of their scoutmaster, that the flag had survived the explosion. It was returned to them by NASA officials. When Romney, afterward, was shown the flag, he touched it, and an electric jolt went up his arm. It’s a nice story. He doesn’t make its meaning fully clear. But maybe he means it as a metaphor for America: It can go through a terrible time, a catastrophe, as it has economically the past five years, and still emerge whole, intact, enduring. Maybe that’s what the coming Romney moment is about: independents, conservatives, Republicans, even some Democrats, thinking: We can turn it around, we can work together, we can right this thing, and he can help." [Source]
Thank you Peggy, the fact that you have not been banished to an island with no running water just goes to show you how stupid some folks are in this country.
Anyway, I see that shutdown train coming down the tracks, and President Obama should not do anything to stop it. It was the republicans who hijacked it and pushed the engineer from the controls. Now they own every part of this looming disaster from the controls to the caboose.
Besides, his signature domestic legislative achievement will be going through no matter what.
Still, in less than four hours bad things will start to happen. We won't notice it right away, but eventually we will. I feel for the folks who are facing furlough and uncertainty with their jobs. Sadly, thanks to the 27th Amendment, the clowns in Washington who set this shutdown train in motion will not have to worry about getting paid. (Senor Cruz has already said that he will continue to cash his check.) Maybe if they did they would not have been so quick to climb up on this phony moral high ground that they are standing on.
"Speaker of the House John Boehner

“The House

Oh shut up tan man, the bars in D.C. will still be open, so you will be fine.
The most divisive president in history-continues to be the most divisive president in history.
This isn't the 1990's. Polls show Obama, dems and reps will share almost equal blame.
I will agree with you on Peggie Noonan. She is stoopid.
She voted for Obama.
Where is the prayer bible lady by the name of FP? It's funny when the shit hits the fan, nobody in the spiritual area or religious area can be found. Guess God only works when things are not too bad.
God knows we need help.
So what happens now? Is it the end of America as we know it?
Peggy Noonan knows what she is talking about. I like Peggy, she's a person of integrity and compassion. The media and the nation will miss her when she's gone.
BTW, she is right. Obama would do well to negotiate and give in to the Republicans. It would make him look reasonable against a sophomoric right wing House.
He WILL have to give in, sooner or later. The Repubs won't do it. They are much stronger in heart than Obama could ever be.
Desert, yes it is the end of America as we know it. Actually, it ended with Obamacare....let's hope America won't go under because of it. However, it sure looks like that is what is going to happen.
Lord have mercy on our souls for we have sinned....Christ have mercy.
Field you should be nicer to Republicans. Obama should delay the mandate.
Why? Because Republicans are going to be the ones that have to fix obamacare long after Obama has left office and moved back to Kanyan.
The right wing loons have really gotten comfortable in your comment nest FN :-), they must not be practising safe sex either as they seem to be multiplying by the post!
Peggy is waaay off base, time for pasture lady.
Cheers, gaz.
What's up with the proliferation of comment/posts from right-wing mutants? Yeecchh! Thought they were going to surrender their passports and citizenship upon re-election of "His Blackness".
Here's to sincerely hoping the so-called "government" comes to a screeching halt.
field, "Here is hoping that Barack Obama is not listening to Peggy Noonan or any other republican right about now. "
It's too late. Obama always listens to Peggy. Why? Because she usually has good advice to give him. Seriously, Peggy usually gives good advice. The problem is you FN Negroes are prejudiced against Peggy because she is White.
Well maybe the gop will spend all of their ammunition on the shutdown fight and have nothing left when it comes to the debt ceiling. Even dumbassed Reagan knew we have to increase the debt ceiling.
"Besides, his signature domestic legislative achievement will be going through no matter what."
What does it say about Obama that his signature domestic legislative achievement is disastrous failure?
And what is his signature foreign policy achievement? Benghazi? Fomenting riots in Egypt in a failed attempt to hand it over to the Muslim Brotherhood? Or having Putin piss all over the red line he didn't draw in Syria?
What a complete and utter failure this man's Presidency has been. His successes are all disasters for America.
First, Reagan was not a dumbass. Secondly, he was strong, not weak like Obama. Third, he was White. That makes a huge difference in America. Even regular FN Negroes must acknowledge that painful truth.
You see, if Obama had been White, we wouldn't be where we are now where everybody is divided and crazy. Nothing makes sense anymore because we have a bm in the WH...He must suffer the consequences of being a bm in America. Position, status, money does not matter if you are Black...That is an unwritten but known fact in America. That won't change.
So let's get down to bidness- is the shutdown 'rayciss' or not?
"You see, if Obama had been White, we wouldn't be where we are now where everybody is divided and crazy"
If Obama had been more than half white, he never would have been elected President. He'd probably be a realtor in Hawaii.
Affirmative Action is no way to pick a President.
PilotX, lacks sophistication and respect. EVERYONE respects Reagan because of the great things he did. He was the first President to begin the idea of a "colorless" society. It started working then, and has been progressing ever since. We are now at the beginning of a post-racial era. Racism is on its last leg.
Obama wants to drag us to Liberal Paradise where everyone is treated equally, everyone gets free food, everyone gets free healthcare, and only the police and guards have guns.
Just like prison.
The budgeting process has completely broken down in recent years, and the two men most responsible for that breakdown are President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. For three consecutive years - 2010, 2011, and 2012 - the Democrat-controlled Senate did not pass a budget bill because Reid knew that it would be a political liability to do so. Passing a budget that detailed the Democrats' plans for spending and revenue as official policy would have exposed the "something for nothing" swindle that Reid and his colleagues are perpetrating on the American people. Republican challengers campaigning against Democrat senators could have cited their votes for the budget bill, saying that the incumbent voted for this, that, or the other unpopular component of the measure.
Reid and the Democrats knew this. They knew very well that the federal deficit was spiraling out of control, that there was not enough tax revenue to pay the mushrooming cost of entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment, et cetera), and certainly there wasn't enough revenue to pay for all the boondoggles and giveaways the Democrats voted for in the name of "stimulus." Adding to this, there was not enough revenue to pay the cost of Obamacare, which Democrats rammed through Congress in March 2010 on a party-line vote. Passing an actual budget would have made clear the unsustainable fiscal nightmare into which Democrat policies have plunged the nation during the Obama Age, and so Harry Reid simply didn't pass a budget for three years.
Inevitably, there will be serious fiscal and economic consequences for what has been done in Washington since 2009. Democrats, however, cared less about such real-world matters than they did about the short-term political gain to be had by promoting the pleasant fiction that liberal "generosity" with taxpayer money (including trillions of dollars in deficit spending) had no real cost.
To actually pass a budget would be to admit and own what they've done. So they finance the beast through crisis instead.
Or to be succinct: Peggy Noonan sure is awful.
Hattie said...
Or to be succinct: Peggy Noonan sure is awful.
Anyone who criticizes our Dear Leader is awful.
Congratulations to you for pointing out this heretical agitprop!
Continue to obey!
Anon...i keep pointing you to Scriptures and a relationship with Him. you seem to want an idol. no bueno.
there is nothing i AM going to tell you that Moses, Messiah has not already...
we are called to search the Scriptures that we might have Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.
my daily bread looks like this:
Proverb (corresponding to day)
Psalm (corresponding to day)
then formulate based His Guidance, pray without ceasing for His leadership- that you might have the mind/heart of Him- a lesson plan for daily Scripture study.
i am studying Malachi...though reading Proverbs 30 lead me to John 3:13. lol. i LOVE Scriptures! i can have what appears on the surface to be a REALLY bad day...yet, strangers give me hugs+ show me mad love. i KNOW that is Him. folks pretending He is dead...are in fact the dead ones.
folks worried about the Wrath...He ALREADY told our forefather Abram about...
dig that. take a moment and sit with it. i mean- there are NO sneak attacks folks.
...are in need of less sin and more info. true info-not the nonstop psych ops that are used to induce fear. which makes folks more emotional and controllable.
He has NOT given me a spirit of fear, but one of sound mind, power, AND love. i KNOW THIS and could not care less what other folks think about my belief. ONLY He that can redeem my soul matters. for real. my prayer is that more will go to Him and get some of His Power. IF we will only believe. we must know our own strength in Him.
this is why it is so difficult His people, my people:
free your mind...believe Him. believe His Word. walk His Word. Stand on His Word. you.can't.lose.
UNIVERSAL LAW coming @ you next comment;)
going forward i AM ignoring all disrespectful haters. test me on this...please. lol. folks had best believe that i AM His One sent to shut this madness down.
just edited a pure uncut rant. LOL! will be quiet until stuff is funny;) learned that last week. lol!
"Inevitably, there will be serious fiscal and economic consequences for what has been done in Washington since 2009."
Because we all know everything done pre-Barack caused no harm and did not add to the deficit. Carry on.
PilotX said...
"Inevitably, there will be serious fiscal and economic consequences for what has been done in Washington since 2009."
Because we all know everything done pre-Barack caused no harm and did not add to the deficit. Carry on.
He has doubled it. In five years.
It took 43 Presidents 208 years to accumulate the debt Barack Obama has in only five years.
And this is only the start of what Obama's massive expansion of government dependency will cost.
Liberals and math...SMH.
FP-"folks worried about the Wrath...He ALREADY told our forefather Abram about...
dig that. take a moment and sit with it. i mean- there are NO sneak attacks folks."
What is the Wrath? Where do I find what HE told Abram?
gotta share something first:
met this young brotha- folks from Jamaica, college student studying to become an engineer. initial meeting a few weeks ago.
this young man has the depth and wisdom that it is hard to run up on in old men nowadays.
when i first saw him, of course, i had to tell him to pull his pants up. he is into books but folks gotta be cool, too! lol. he indicated that he was having a bad belt day. today proved him not to be a liar. pants up as he walked and talked to me. testing to see if he would know the difference, i moved to his left side as we crossed the street. brotha man promptly/gently re-directed me to his right side;) for my protection. i could not have been more proud if i had raised him! if only more men knew they had dominion and exerted it purely...not through perverted means.
he broke down some things to me that this post would be too long if i went into full detail. suffice it to say the Scripture that indicates that in these last days, Almighty would pour out his Spirit on the young...is no joke. this is why the enemy is coming double time for them. seeing that fact of the matter...yeah, gotta Stand Strong on His Word KNOWING that we are made Strong in Him. the victory is in the praise folks.
we must not be afraid of our own babies. even the ones that seem scary at first glance due to their size and sagging pants. lol! brotha man is all of 19.
Isaiah 53:1-6:
1 Who hath believed the report? and to whom is the arm of the Sovereign revealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of Almighty and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Sovereign hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
seeking His Face must be a very strong desire in our lives. some folk will need to abort their mammon, new sex, or whatever the idol chase is per individual...and chase Him instead. we are called as His to seek His Face. as soon as more do...they will be able to discern the sheep from the goats and pick a side...BOLDLY.
Genesis 49: 24-25
24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty Almighty of Yacob; from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Yahuthim.
25 Even by the Almighty of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above...
"we are called to search the Scriptures that we might have Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding."
Yes, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding is what every human person needs. But 'how' to search the Scriptures? I hear much about the Scriptures but no one tells 'how'? and 'where'? to start as a beginner who knows nothing.
I'm not looking for an idol, I am looking for information from those who have heard HIM, and now love HIM. How did you come to know HIM? Was it by accident? Were you 'always' a believer? Is there a specific 'path' you have followed or is it a 'do it yourself'' recipe? there is a part of me that doesn't feel worthy of HIM and HIS love.
The effects of fighting in a hostile white society have left scars(wounds) of mistrust, feelings of less than, not enough and other crap that goes against my dignity as a spiritual being. I admit I am lost and do not know where I am going and which way to turn.
Are you afraid of death?
I don't know....just some questions in me that arise that probably make no sense to anyone. Maybe they aren't important. Still they hassle me. I would love to answer them before I die, which isn't too far off for a human being.
Anyway, God bless you for the info you shared. You seem to be the only one on this blog who has found something precious and worthwhile. Everyone else is busy debating and arguing over stuff that goes in circles. I'm tired of that....I've seen it a million times. It takes me no where except a 'dead' end. You seem to have found something where you are really going somewhere. You are quite fortunate and blessed.
Wrath as i AM using it here =:
1. strong, stern or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire.
2. vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger.
Proverbs is the book of Wisdom. those that don't fear Almighty are fools in the biblical sense...literally + every other way.
i have already shared that those that are running things MUST line their hoax/hollyweird production up where it looks like Almighty. if folks don't know Him...they WILL be fooled+damned for eternity...as it is written.
full stop.
argue if think you are that smart...wasting time is a sin, so i will auto ignore all biblical fools. those banking on reincarnation (another shot at it) better hope they come back as a blade of grass...since that reincarnates daily;) folks...not so much from what i can tell. i know folks personally that have passed and indicated they would holla if they could. lol!
Proverbs 1:1-7
1 The proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Yahuthim;
2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;
3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity;
4 To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.
5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.
7 The fear of the Sovereign is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Almighty's Wrath lining up as described to Abram BEFORE he was blessed Abraham...father of all nations...
Almighty Himself speaking in the following Law...
Genesis 15:13-14
13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
according to Universal Law a matter is established in this manner- so expect the enemy to your soul to copy Almighty. His flock, however, will know His Voice:
2 Corinthians 13:1- This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or more witnesses shall every word be established.
a visit to Acts 7:6-7 will be your confirmation of what is written in Genesis.
the Truth written is the heritage for the natural branch Yahuthim...who are treated as outcasts of society in all parts of the world where they are scattered...as well as for the spiritual Yahuthim who are grafted in through their belief.
however, there are no shortcuts. the spiritual Yahuthim will have to come in His Spirit and Truth- just as the sleeping/spiritually dead natural branch Yahuthim. there is NO CHOICE but for ALL to BOW DOWN to His Word.
the evil one does not allow for lukewarm worship either. don't be fooled. satan intends that folks won't be able to eat (rich or poor world wide) if they don't bow down to his defeated self. all this 'choice' is but a lie/illusion to keep folks in rebellion against Almighty until all is revealed and escape alive too late.
don't let it happen to you...those having difficulty to honor Him WITHOUT a guillotine...probably will clam up with one. no bueno. just saying...
FP, your opinion on this video:
FP, "Proverbs is the book of Wisdom. those that don't fear Almighty are fools in the biblical sense...literally + every other way."
I have heard many times over my lifespan to not fear anyone on earth except the Sacred. Why must one fear the Sacred? Isn't the Divine good, kind, loving and pure?
Why would I tremble in the Presence of God? Why wouldn't I be happy? I'm sure I am not understanding properly but what can I say? it's where I am at this time.
FP, thanks for your spiritual information and guidance for study and practice. As always, it's very helpful. I am frustrated that I can't move faster but for some reason I haven't been able to see very far. It's been a step at a time, giving my consent to HIM a step at a time. It's slow by worldly standards.
Anon who said in part:
'I'm not looking for an idol, I am looking for information from those who have heard HIM, and now love HIM. How did you come to know HIM? Was it by accident? Were you 'always' a believer? Is there a specific 'path' you have followed or is it a 'do it yourself'' recipe?
Anon, after knowing true hurt+ loss...i called out to Him. i asked Him if He were real to reveal Himself to me.
He did.
i pray you do the same. go to Him and from your soul pour out your hurts and ask Him to reveal Himself. commit to seeking His Face daily.
every man i have ever known has lied to and hurt me. ( don't cry for me because i am a sinner and give every bit as much as i get...i am not built to be the aggressor though. i don't start ish. i shut it down- scorched earth style before i knew Him.
the Scripture that indicates that He is NOT a man that He should lie...that He led me to in my Obedience. when He said sit down and read...i obeyed Him. (hard headed azz me. yep, sure did. that's how low i was. if flying high, i probably would have kept moving that sit my behind down and read to the next day's business;)
for some reason...i BELIEVED when He said he would not do my like a man had...if i would follow Him.
there is a part of me that doesn't feel worthy of HIM and HIS love.
yep, THAT'S the devil. his defeated lying azz ALWAYS tries to accuse Almighty of lying. IF Almighty says He loves and forgives you...who you gone listen to?
The effects of fighting in a hostile white society have left scars(wounds) of mistrust, feelings of less than, not enough and other crap that goes against my dignity as a spiritual being. I admit I am lost and do not know where I am going and which way to turn.
THIS is the first step. those that know all and got it all figured out...are hopelessly lost. to know you need to pull over and get your spiritual gps in working order...is the beginning of the light journey.
confession: i don't like white people as a collective and quite frankly struggle daily with treating the super entitled/hard baked white is right lie folk with patience. lighting them up is 2nd nature for me. Almighty doesn't like this;( this is NOT Messiah's example. MY attitude as His Light/servant must change. His Word never will...
do understand that because our forefathers rejected Messiah when He came only for us...our walks have had to mirror His. where folks just eff with us on sight + hate us without provocation. we can't verbally transporter style kick them in the head. we have to Love them...as loving Him and each other are the greatest commandments of all.
NONE of us know the end from the beginning. it is only through following Him that his mysteries are revealed. those that walk closely with Him...He reveals the needed Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. THIS is why we are urged in His Word NOT to lean on our own understanding...but Him and He will direct our paths.
Are you afraid of death?
no. when i first came into Understanding i thought of every worse case scenario, as fuel to remain in the matrix. a slave.
then i ran into a few Scriptures that straightened that right on out for me.
those that love their lives here on earth...will love it to eternal death. those unwilling to lose their earthly lives are unworthy of Him. IF we understand that to die in Him is to spend eternity with Him...frankly i feel more sadness/angst with the birth of children than the death of anyone.
will come back with a bit of Universal Law He showed me and encouraged me to post here...BEFORE your question;)
there is someone here that Almighty keeps sending me for...He indicates the soul is vulnerable and my Obedience to Him may be a positive influence...so here i AM giving Yah Almighty the salute.
please know...your questions make perfect sense. NO...i was NOT always saved, or knew Him. in fact, i appointed myself to the role of heckling folks that would not shut up about Him. lol! plus i had red azz behind wayward azz bm...putting them on blast was like desert. then He whipped me into shape;) LOL!!! i AM bound to give Him some praise!!!
IF He saw fit to save me...it's anybody's game to walk in victory+ His Power IF they choose. i AM a shameless witness of His Goodness;)
forgive any typos my friend.
Quoting shit from your bible, now? Yeah, that'll help!
America is just so fucked, get out while you still can people. Your entire political class is dysfunctional, and your future is in their hands.
there are so many typos i AM aggravated. lol! i AM also fatigued and NOT done with what i planned to accomplish today. so if you will pardon typos and take the message...i would be much obliged.
those that would seek to grade me harshly...have your own personally assigned plane that hovers above dumping unidentified ish over your house on the regular...try THAT for awhile then holla back on the writing skills. it is sheer determination + His Mighty Arm that fuels me. i AM bound to give Him some praise!
i pray folks will focus on the message. those that need to take a red pen to my comments, feel free to print out and sit in corner for task. a dunce hat would be fitting as well;) majoring in minor things= dumb.
i don't have an opinion on the video. IF i can learn to love white folks that i don't even know...then folks should be able to love their own kin. full stop. we are called to love one another. IF his brother insists on calling the Bible 'bull'...THAT disrespect could mean a parting of ways until brother fixed his reckless mouth. i see folks marrying same sex as no different than one of your siblings or aces marrying someone you don't care for.
MOST gay folks ALREADY know what Scriptures say about their lifestyle/choice/can't help themselves/born that way/disorder/new normal/ attach applicable label. as long as they are NOT insisting the Scriptures are wrong or getting straight hit 'em in the face buck disrespectful wild...i STILL don't see why that would be my business. just as men juggling 20 women is NOT my business...unless i am in the harem. i know whorish men and women. if i hated all sinners according to what is laid forth in Scriptures...i would hate me + everyone else. all i ask is for folks NOT to expect me to cosign them contrary to His Word. that won't happen. close blood relatives may take a hike + anyone else that would have me to depart from His Word/Him.
the gays i know in real life...get this. they don't insist i must love their foreign to me homo loving in order to love them. just as harem juggling men may not expect me to endorse their mess either. i can still love folks whose choices i don't agree with.
i said all of that without watching video. i confess i AM a wee bit sick of gays at the moment. there is a bm gay neighbor that walks on his tip toes and annoys me to no end with his perpetual azz kissing of white folks that leverage his need to kiss their azzes to eff with me. he is usually 3-4 nonbm deep as well. on the heels of last week...as a straight woman...i need a break from the life. before i take to kicking the chit out of degenerate golden calf kinsey again and smacking down 'homo hater' erroneous labels.
in the house you grew up in...did disobeying daddy make your blood run cold...thinking he would find out?
did your mom threaten you with 'telling your daddy' every time your impudent stubborn refusal to heed her word got too much to bear?
in the house i grew up in...such was the case.
how much more so should we fear our sacred heavenly Father that created ALL of what we see and cannot see just yet?
i see it more as reverence of His Almighty greatness!
now...IF folks were in the room with ________________ fav celebrity they would fall right into the reverence. BO's lying azz could get some of that special consideration...how much MORE worthy is Almighty!
hey purple cow-
maybe you did not get the memo...what is happening in america is happening WORLD WIDE. get out and go where? lol.
folks DO err for not knowing Scriptures.
we are not on the world system. we are called to come out from among them. those that love the world are an enemy to Him.
as His...we are called to be anxious for nothing. finding Him is like searching for a needle in a haystack.
the world teaches that 'the devil is in the details'...i say, Almighty is in the details. look for His Face and be prepared for Him to knock your socks off.
2 Cor. 12: 9-11
9 And he said unto me, My grace is made sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Messiah may rest upon me.
10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reporaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Messiah's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
11 I am become a fool in glorying; ye have compelled me: for I ought to have been commended of you: for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing.
i urge you to take a look at Isaiah 56: 1-2 and Isaiah 57: 1-5.
Is. 57 addresses a fear of inevitable flesh death...one of the many passages.
much love + abundant blessings Anon!
Many thanks FP. You have no idea how much this helps in getting my spiritual bearings.
One last question: When you say, "Universal Law", are you referring to 'specific' verses or does it mean the entire biblical Scriptures? Isn't part of the bible historical and not Divine Law?
Sorry. I know I have a very long way to go in understanding, but I might as well ask the ignorant dumb questions and become a little smarter than to stay ignorant and dumb forever. I won't let my fear of shame prevent me from asking.:)
PC, stop trying to interrupt good wholesome conversation of which you know nothing about nor can or want to understand.
Take your sick diseased disbelieving criticizing UK ass to bed.
BTW, are your in-laws in Minnesota taking your advice and moving out of the 'dysfunctional' USA to live with you and wife?
Prepare yourself for good old 'white' American 'in-laws' for company. You'll be the only colored one in the bunch. The thought is enough to make a Negro reach out for God.
we are ALL a long way from understanding. i pray for Almighty to show me what He knows that He thinks i can handle.
keep in mind...even the 'smartest' among us can only see what lies ahead- in part.
Almighty can see around the corner;)
those that follow Him understand all things...because He delights in revealing His mysteries.
Anon- the Old Testament is prophecy. New Testament the fulfillment of prophecy.
in order for those on the receiving end of the Psalm 83 conspiracy to prevent them from becoming a nation to awaken...they MUST come into the knowledge of their history.
the enemy has white washed all things. so our true history as a nation has been whitened.
do we know that at one point in history there was an effort to discredit Moses with the accusation of his being an Egyptian? folks had to abandon that...because continuing down that road would mean to UNwhitewash the Scriptures.
Scriptures is UNIVERSAL LAW. if one that has been led to believe they are 'Christian' would go to Acts...which is the account of the 1st church...you will see it sends folks back to OT. see the Hebrew feasts. see the Sabbath being observed.
as Messiah said...He did not come to abolish the law and prophets. He came to fulfill the law and prophets.
it is a sick joke of the enemy to convince the true Hebrews that they are Gentile...which is what the notion that our whole focus should be on NT does. NT is the rest of Universal Law. once one become proficient...it is hard not to see how the Scriptures work together to reveal Almighty to those that seek Him.
your questions are not dumb and bless me more than these words can convey. faith comes by hearing. by sharing His Word...it edifies not only the hearer(s) but the speaker as well.
we are all in this together. life is and has always been a circle:)
this is why the enemy works to divide us along color, economic, gender- ANY line they can find to exploit.
"hey purple cow-
maybe you did not get the memo...what is happening in america is happening WORLD WIDE. get out and go where? lol."
Absolutely not true. I suggest Europe, Canada, much of the West Indies, lodas of places, you just need the guts to make the move.
"PC, stop trying to interrupt good wholesome conversation of which you know nothing about nor can or want to understand."
Firstly god-botherers like you don't get to dictate where, when and over what subject I voice my opinions. I voice my opinions. Unlike you I live in a functioning democracy. Secondly, there is nothing to understand, the 'scriptures' of which you speak have no value, they were written 2000 years ago by people who lived in tents and thought Earth was the centre of the universe and the stars were mere glimpses of heaven. Your scriptures have largely been utilised as a method of control of the proletariat.
"BTW, are your in-laws in Minnesota taking your advice and moving out of the 'dysfunctional' USA to live with you and wife?"
They've been dead this last fifteen years or more - so no.
more proof that hobamascare is a horrid casino
that hobama is the worst most inept prez ever!!!
what a gd shame!!!!!!!
PilotX said...
when it comes to the debt ceiling. Even dumbassed Reagan knew we have to increase the debt ceiling.
So you are pointing out Regan was smarter than Obama?
Here's what Obama said about the debt limit...
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies.
Of course to you, Obama raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership success, exactly the opposite of what Obama said.
Leadership failure, his words.
why is it ok for hobama to ignore millions of americans who rejected hobamascare???
god bless MORE of the new poor via that ruthless bankster hobama
why is it ok for hobama to ignore the constitution via ndaa/africom/dhs/fema/ww3 etc???
why is it ok for hobama to be a dick-tator?
why is it NOT ok for the repubs to be equally unmovable????
reps = dems
and they are all fleecers of the american sheeple!
cc fannie lou hamer
there appear to be some serious problems with the 2000++[age ObamCare law:
1. Employer Mandate Bombs
"The ObamaCare employer mandate requiring businesses to provide their workers with health insurance will be delayed by a year, the administration said." [The Hill] If ObamaCare is so fantastically awesome, why delay the awesomeness until after the 2014 midterm elections?
Well its painfully obvious the people cant count on either party to do the "Right Thing"
This is a case of "O" trying to show toughness , and the GOP pandering to the worst of the worst in their party....
In other news....
One year after the Obama administration asserted "Executive Privilege" regarding "Fast and Furious" docs...
U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee..
Peeling the onion back slowly , but surely...
"the GOP pandering to the worst of the worst in their party...."
Those who call for a sane fiscal policy and a government that works within the bounds of the Constitution are the "worst"?
Dude, you need a new perspective.
The Purple Cow said...
America is just so fucked, get out while you still can people.
What happens to the UK when, in about 30 years or so, it is a Muslim-majority country? When London is much more like Karachi then it is an European city? Do you think your daughters and granddaughters will still like it then?
Hey look! The Panda camera is down because those evil Republicans didn't give Obama everything he wanted. Who do these Republican Representatives and Senators think they are? A opposition party that was elected to pursue the interests of the 48% of American who voted for them? A party currently in the minority whose job is to retard the President's agenda and look out for the interests of the sizable American minority?
Heck, I received a letter from my insurance company this week telling me they're closing my plan at the end of 2014, but I completely forgot because REPUBLIKKKLAN SHUTDOWN!!! Sure, according to this chart it looks like I'm going to have to pay 100% more per month for a health insurance plan with less coverage than the one I already have, but what does that matter because SHUTDOWN!!!
Do you fools honestly think that Americans will be more angry about the increased costs for their insurance, their inability to sign up for new insurance on healthcare.gov, losing their current individual insurance, losing their employer provided insurance, or having their hours cut back to part time than they are about SHUTDOWN!!!!
KoN said...
sane fiscal policy ....
WHat kind of hallucinogenic substance are you on??
Shutting the Govt down just becauuse you dont get the cuts you want is childish, and most Americans feel the same way...
That certainly doesnt excuse this administration for not implementing a 1% sales tax on derivative transactions to avoid any essential cuts , and to balance a budget.
You want to still play partisan politics while Rome is burning....
This is exactly why the GOP is regarded as petulant children.....
"Shutting the Govt down just becauuse you dont get the cuts you want is childish, and most Americans feel the same way..."
Not just giving the 52% majority everything they want, even if it means destroying people's healthcare and driving the country towards bankruptcy is childish?
Dude, this how the government is supposed to work, not by the tyranny of the majority, but by a system that recognizes everyone's interests and demands that those in power listen to those who are not.
The media paints the GOP as "petulant children" because the media serves the interests of their Democrat partners. If the roles were reversed (as they were ten years ago), Congress would be portrayed as bravely standing on principle. You know it.
even if it means destroying people's healthcare and driving the country towards bankruptcy
I notice how you conviently did not mention the remainder of my post regarding what this administration hasnt done regarding avoiding the shut down...
You know dammm well the party that you are carrying water for would NEVER agree to a Wall St Tax on derivatives...
In comparison to the plan I mentioned ,and the drunk fools in congress...
Petulant children would be an accurate description...
Smh! No comment.
This blackmail-shutdown is part & parcel of the same white supremacist vandalism that tore the country apart over the preservation of slavery. The republiklan can no longer claim to be a loyal opposition; they are traitors conspiring to doom the country for their own personal political benefit.They cannot tolerate a black president, even one as personally decent as Mr. Obama, and especially one who plays by the rules & still beats them.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Smh! No comment.
That's good, cause your comments are usually wacked!
hobama is an INCESSANT liar
and the shut down is his newest lie/distraction
a ruse to mask all the hobamascare lies
Crack Cocaine Flick
by Raymond Nat Turner
Swear to me this is
Just a terrible film,
A video I can
Eject or push the
“On” button “Off” on.
Assure me that its
Clumsy plot and one
Dimensional, shallow
Characters will vanish,
If I exercise my finger!
In this flick, Drone Man’s
Set to do drive-bys,
With the world divided
Between “NO” and “HELL NO!”
Still, he, his handlers,
Hype-men, et al, Wall
Street gangs—gangbangers
In Brooks Bros. Suits—
And saggin’ seniors are
Grabbin’ their crotches
And twerkin’ Sunday
Talk shows, shouting “Yes,
We can; Si se puede!”
Rewinding, I find
Drone Man didn’t lie—
He just omitted
A word from “Regime
Change you can believe in…”
Raymond Nat Turner can be contacted at upsurgejazz.com.
Raymond Nat Turner © 2013 All Rights Reserved
that bankster hobama is a global warlord
and he just bombed fed jobs
cc his global drones.scams etc
You’ve got a friend…
by Raymond Nat Turner
Hawkishly watching your “activity log”
Like shadows of the groundhog
Or barks of a German Police dog
Eying your “posts” and “news feed”
Ogling ads and messages you read
Protecting freedoms: wars for greed
Drone Man wants to be your “friend”
“Like” the trillions his wars spend
“Like” his wars until they end…
“Comment” after clicking “like”
“Post” your dislikes and your “likes”
“Like” his new signature strikes!
Drone Man “tagged” you in a note
He wants you to get out the vote
Like tubes down a “detainee” throat
Drone Man asks, “What’s on your mind?”
To put you in his Gitmo bind—
He’ll say, “Update your status”
As he keeps comin’ at us
Raymond Nat Turner can be contacted at upsurgejazz.com.
Raymond Nat Turner © 2013 All Rights Reserved
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
This blackmail-shutdown is part & parcel of the same white supremacist vandalism that tore the country apart over the preservation of slavery. The republiklan can no longer claim to be a loyal opposition; they are traitors conspiring to doom the country for their own personal political benefit.They cannot tolerate a black president, even one as personally decent as Mr. Obama, and especially one who plays by the rules & still beats them.
Republicans are traitors for doing the same thing Obama and the Democrats did when Bush was President. Now that we have the Sacred Halfrican as President, dissent is no longer the highest form of patriotism, it's racism.
You are such a twisted little cunt.
amoral fertile pookies rule the world
amoral fertile drunken pookies rule the world
hobama is a bankster joker
hobamacare is a casino joke
more proof that dumb deaf blind black racist hobama nazis are insane
while buybull loving homohating hypochristians are blaspheming god and cursing/envying peaceful political gays...
black hobama nazis are evil fools have NO honor!!!!!!!
cc africom/hobamascare/ndaa/ww3/jobless/homeless/hopeless etc
kudos to homohater dl hobama busting pastor manning!
black hobama nazis are evil fools who have NO honor!!!!!!!
cc africom/hobamascare/ndaa/ww3/jobless/homeless/hopeless etc
kudos to homohater dl hobama busting pastor manning!
false flags and deliberate distractions are real
cc that hologram hobama
hobamascare fails trump fed furloughs!!!!!
the sheeple are fooled and fleeced anew
cc the part time/laid off nation!!!!!!!
FP, thanks for the lessons. I will make good use of them. Unlike PC, who apparently has his shit together and thinks God and the USA is screwed up. Obviously, PC thinks he is above God...that poor sick lost sap. But I'm afraid he is right about one thing:
America is dysfunctional as well as crazy. And it's not just the politicians, it's the voters as well. Crazy voters voted crazies into Congress to run the country, leaving our fate in their hands....smh...Stick a fork in, we're done.
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