I don't care if you are the president of these divided states or just a hard working young black man, it's hard out here having to deal with the dreaded extreme color arousal syndrome.
"A 19-year-old college student from Queens says he was handcuffed and locked in a jail cell after buying a $350 designer belt at Barneys on New York's Madison Avenue because he is "a young black man."
Trayon Christian told NBC 4 New York on Wednesday that he saved up from a part-time job for weeks to buy a Salvatore Ferragamo belt at Barneys.
When he went to the store to buy it in April, he says the checkout clerk asked to see his identification. After the sale went through and he left the store, he was approached by police about a block away, and asked "how a young black man such as himself could afford to purchase such an expensive belt," according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Manhattan Supreme Court.
Officers hauled Christian to the local precinct, where he showed police his identification, as well as his debit card and the receipt for the belt, the lawsuit says.
Police still believed Christian's identification was fake, and eventually called his bank, which verified it was his, according to the complaint. Christian, who has no prior arrests, was released.
He told NBC 4 New York that questions were racing through his mind while he went through the painful experience of being handcuffed and taken to a cell.
"Why me? I guess because I'm a young black man, and you know, people do a credit card scam so they probably thought that I was one of them," Christian said. "They probably think that black people don't have money like that."
He later returned the belt to Barneys because he says he "didn't want to have nothing to do with it."
He is suing the city and the luxury department store for unspecified damages as a result of "great physical and mental distress and humiliation." [Source]
Young man, I hope you win your lawsuit and get enough money to buy a thousand Ferragamo suits.
Finally, the right is upset with democratic congressman, Alan Grayson, who declared in no uncertain terms that the tea party and the KKK was pretty much the same thing. ("If the hood fits")
Over on Fox they are calling it race baiting. Pot meet kettle. Sean Hannity was beside himself with rage. He brought in one of his house Negro friends, Niger Innis (yes, that's his name) to cheer on his hypocritical rant.

Anyway, I love this commentary from someone named Michelle (Obama) Gardner.
"I wonder if Hannity will ever invite his new colleague Ben Carson onto his show to discuss his long history of race baiting. So, its all fine and dandy when Carson (and the entire GOP for that matter) refer to Blacks Liberals as "slaves" and the Democratic Party as a "plantation" and Obamacare as the worst thing since slavery. Meanwhile, they're indignant at heated racial rhetoric coming from the left? Isn't referring to African Americans as slaves the height of racial insensitivity given the history????
Yet Republicans do it all the time, especially Black Republicans.
They lash out all the time at the Black community for rejecting them. So, rather than responding to that rejection like mature adults they whip out the slave references and hide behind their skin color to justify such irresponsible rhetoric. They then go on Conservative media and embarrass themselves further by repeating such nonsense amongst people who frankly already have misconceptions about the Black community. They get patted on the head for being "courageous" , "telling it like it is", "thinking for themselves", "not being PC", but primarily for saying what White conservatives think, but could never ever say.
What's more is that this type of thing doesn't happen with other groups. Think about it. Most Jews in this country are Democrats. Yet, Republicans wouldn't dare refer to Liberal Jews as having a "concentration camp" mentality or the Democratic Party as being a "concentration camp". Most importantly you couldn't pay a self-respecting, Conservative minded, Jewish person enough money to stand in front of CPAC, or Values Voters Summit, or a Christian Coalition Conference, or Faux Newz and say some crazy shyt like that!!!!
I have to wonder myself why black conservatives are always so angry."
I know why, they want a bigger house.
Unless this young man has at least 100K in a prepaid college plan, he SHOULD have been arrested for spending that kind of money on a belt.
Matter of fact, I'd like to whoop his ass WITH that belt for buying it!! And his parents too!
Malcolm X speaking on Martin Luther King, Jr...
"He got the peace prize, we got the problem.... If I'm following a general, and he's leading me into a battle, and the enemy tends to give him rewards, or awards, I get suspicious of him. Especially if he gets a peace award before the war is over."
so familiar? applicable today? lol.
Ecclesiastes 1: 9-10
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
10 Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
secular for the non believers:
nwo= Ancient World Order of the uninverted/unperverted variety.
those that love lies-esp little/GIANT white ones, will have a very hard time.
No surprises here, Niger Innis, Ben Carson, C.L. Bryant and that ultimate avuncular, Clarence Thomas, are always ready at the drop of a hat to defend their sickness to crawl back onto the RepubMafia’s plantation. Mud soaked fields, nor torrential rain can stop them.
These adamant Negroes must stick to the script given to them, pledge their allegiance to the maintenance of this slaveocracy, unendingly please massa and continually confirm their self-hatred on national tel-lie-vision.
In all likelihood, massa cannot ask for anything more than obedient, sheeple conditioned Negroes!
FN aid...
declared in no uncertain terms that the tea party and the KKK was pretty much the same thing.
I wonder if any of the black people the KKK slaughtered would share the opinion they are pretty much the same thing.
Niger Innis (yes, that's his name) to cheer on his hypocritical rant.
Hhhmm, MSNBC spells his name differently.
Bill O’Reilly Jr. foolishly said: “I wonder if any of the black people the KKK slaughtered would share the opinion they are pretty much the same thing.”
That would be impossible for them to have an opinion since they’re already DEAD!
fake nig:
only hobama nazis see any accuracy in this ignorant slander
the kkk = racist lynchers
the tea party = lynched by that racist massa hobama
u hobama nazi nigs will wtfu soon
and then u too will brew belated bitter tea by the KEG...bet!!!!
that racist bankster hobama makes the kkk look like inept slackers
cc africom/jobless/assata/homless/PIC/MIC etc
I know that all dissent is patriotic. I know that Republicans and Democrats are distinctions without differences. I know that elections are ruses for sheeple who vote. I know that racists are everywhere in every organization. I know that racists rule every bastion of political power in Washington, DC. Why should the Tea Party be the only political organization in America that its solely judged by the racists within its ranks?!
As America perishes and global poverty becomes a smart bomb by design, no president has ever been more racist than Hobama. Hobama is a legendary drone for racist white male banksters. Hobama completely ignores black people until he needs mindless voters or grinning wait staff for his frequent and opulent parties. Hobama is the glaring President of Wall Street as he incessantly reminds black people to remember that he is certainly not their Black President!
Abraham Lincoln had a black agenda. John F. Kennedy also had a black agenda. Yet, the blackish Hobama flaunts his refusal to fashion any black agenda beyond funding the Prison Industrial Complex that cages millions of blacks in America. Hobama generously funds the Military Industrial Complex that devours droves of black corpses as fodder for its endless global wars. Hobama has funded DNA arrests by racist cops who publicly and routinely execute blacks. Hobama’s blindly racist and amoral lapdogs/bodyguards like Al Sharpton and Tom Joyner demand that blacks pretend to ignore Hobama’s bloody red serial betrayals.
"That racist bankster hobama" . Here we go........
We know AB, we know. Don't worry, just three more years.
u stupid filthy holy evil bitch unfocsed pastor:
u slander mlk further????
u r equatibg mlk with that serial illegal global warlord hobama???
what a gd shame!!!!
even a trip to your church's flea infested altar will not clean your lying soul
newsflash mf:
mlk was anti-war
and executed
like tavis says:
holy evil nigs like u never deserved mlk
and u holy evil mfs never ever will
How shocked would King be by the huge racial wealth gaps that still horridly permeate all arenas in 2011?
How appalled would King be to see how the blackish Hobama has gentrified cities and campuses, under the brutal bastions of a new systemic Jim Crow elitism?
How dejected would King be by the new slavery of America’s super sized Prison Industrial Complex?
How stunned would King be by the endless trillions that fund the Military Industrial Complex and make the cost of the Vietnam War he loathed look paltry?
How heartbroken would King be to witness Hobama’s costly, bloody, serial, and global wars?
How shocked would King be by the randomly fatal ruthlessness of Hobama’s beloved predator drones?
How repulsed would King be by Hobama’s internet spies, who make that monster J. Edgar Hoover look tame and inept?
How would King be emotionally wounded by the black agenda-less Hobama’s burgeoning black misery index?
How horrified would King be to witness what the blackish Hobama has done, to assist white banksters, as they have slain poor people of all races globally, for decades to come?
How mortified would the scholarly King be to see how Hobama and his corporate charter school cronies have deliberately destroyed every vestige of public education?
How disgusted would King be about sagging pants and slacking students?
How passionately would King pray for scapegoated and abused teachers?
How depressed would King be about Hobama and his banksters’ erasure of affordable public housing?
How disillusioned would King be to see that Hobama and his banksters have foreclosed the black middle class into nonexistence?
How deeply ashamed would King be by the tragic state of black “parenting”?
How painfully would Bayard Rustin and King marvel at the homohating hypocrisies of black hypochristians?
How revolting would King find the homohating antics of his suspect daughter Bernice, and her former BFF/fellow gaybasher/gay tree jumper for Jesus, Eddie Long?
How disgusted would King be by the rabid colorism and white supremacy that rule the mindless lives and self hating progeny of droves of young black men?
How deeply offended would King be by the blind and foolish Hobama Nazis who pretend that the rabidly elitist and disgraceful warmonger Hobama is his clone?
How diligently would King and Malcolm X march and toil to defy Hobama and his bankster rulers?…
fake nig:
so...when will u act/post like you know????
about ndaa/africom/assata/ww3/fema camps/gun grab etc???
hobama nazis 2006:
"yes we can"
hobama nazis 2013:
"yes we know"
is that really all???
what a gd shame!!!!!!!
when will you hobama nazis ever act like you know?????
This is getting scary.
If AB is in fact a real person, does anyone reading this know how to get in touch with her family or friends? I think we have an Internet troll emergency on our hands.
Serious, :(
Damn FN. I don't know how you deal with this ish!
That open thread was like a meeting of the Tourettes society.
Anyway, keep on keepin' on.
Field, "I have to wonder myself why black conservatives are always so angry."
They are angry for the same reason ALL Blacks are angry: First, we are angry because we are Black, although we secretly won't admit it. Secondly, we are unloved in America. Third, we even treat each other as though we are less than human...we kill each other at alarming rates.
Fifth, it doesn't matter whether you are Liberal, Dem, Repub, Conservative, or Independent. We are ALL uncle toms calling each other uncle toms.
And lastly, we can't even solve our own community problems. That is shameful. Who likes being a part of that? It's like being cursed.
Field, let me reiterate once again: there is nothing wrong with AB. She is TNB, when angry.
What about Dr Nuwang, is she crazy? I think so because she is a compulsive liar, which is definitely TNB.
That poor kid. He worked his ass off to save enough money to buy that belt he admired so much only to be treated like shit by the store and the police. This is another example 'why' Blacks are angry in America. We are constantly being humiliated by the white establishment and then trashed by our own people like Dr Nuwang said about the kid.
"The thing you have to understand about wingnuts is that they are very hypocritical."
More racism the self-proclaimed chaser of racism won't chase.
Brooklyn group of black youths blocks white couple's car, bloody victims in racial attack: cops
A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple's car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.
“Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”
The confrontation erupted about 7 p.m. Monday, as the marauding group crossed Avenue U at E. 58th St. near Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin.
Ronald Russo, 30, and his wife, Alanna, apparently had the green light and the husband honked at the group to get out of the way. The rowdy kids started kicking the car, according to the criminal complaint. Ronald Russo got out to check on potential damage to his vehicle.
And that’s when all hell broke loose.
Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.
In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf-----!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/brooklyn-youths-attack-couple-racial-attack-cops-article-1.1490901#ixzz2iNW978tI
You are right field. We understand your hypocrisy.
"Alan Grayson said...the tea party and the KKK was pretty much the same thing"
Sounds familiar....oh yeah I've been saying that ever since dick army & the cock bros first tbagged America.
"If AB is in fact a real person, does anyone reading this know how to get in touch with her...?
I'm pretty sure that it would involve tinfoil hats, feral cats, robots with gatts & monkeys with wings like giant bats.
Or, you could try twitter.
Apples and oranges much?
Is there a Jewish equivalent to this blog where Liberal Jews attack Conservative Jews for the way they vote, who they support, or what they believe?
Is there a Asian or Hispanic equivalent to field negro?
"The thing you have to understand about wingnuts is that they are very hypocritical."
Field never gets upset when Democrats bring out the slave references or when Democrats are race baiting.
How did Alvin Greene win the Democrat nomination with overwhelming black support?
The Democrat plantation is real- it exist. Just ask HHN aka field negro.
What's more is that this type of thing doesn't happen with other groups. Think about it. Most Jews in this country are Democrats. Yet, Republicans wouldn't dare refer to Liberal Jews as having a "concentration camp" mentality or the Democratic Party as being a "concentration camp". Most importantly you couldn't pay a self-respecting, Conservative minded, Jewish person enough money to stand in front of CPAC, or Values Voters Summit, or a Christian Coalition Conference, or Faux Newz and say some crazy shyt like that!!!!
The above statement pretty much sums up what it is to Black in America. We are the only group that this crap happens to; and we are the only group willing to shame our group.
Of course, we have been selling each other out since slavery. Nothing has changed. Bottom line, we are untrustworthy and everyone of us knows this.
I am in my late 50's and I can't count the number of times a brother or a sister betrayed me in favor of some racist White. I am sure 'every' Black has stories like mine.
Black Sage, "These adamant Negroes must stick to the script given to them, pledge their allegiance to the maintenance of this slaveocracy, unendingly please massa and continually confirm their self-hatred on national tel-lie-vision."
What about the CBC, Rev Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson? What about Field who goes on Jesse Lee Peterson's show twice a year?
Make sure you go see "12 Years of Slavery" when it hits the theatres. It might give you some perspective of what real Black dignity and courage is. Let me give you a hint: It's not trashing your fellow Conservatives and not saying a damn thing about obvious Liberal tomming Obamaholics on FN and in the MSM.
Field please answer a question for me.....why o why do u let this Alicia thing do this to your blog ...I used to really enjoy reading here but she just shits all over your blog site daily and u allow it???.....love Riba from Tulsa, OK.
Got some of those conservative negroes right here. Then again you also have some white trolls using slave language to try to shame us into conservative positions. Good post Field.
You miss Andy Reid yet?
Another day, another damned day being black.
Field, i'm sure you have heard about that white teacher beaten to death in Danvers,MA.
When i first heard about this beautiful 24 year-old teacher, i closed my eyes and prayed. Please, please, God don't let her killer be black.
Sonofabitch... The killer is black.
Is there a God? Why has God damned us Field?
It's hard enough for us negroes in this country. Why do we have to make things harder on ourselves?
I thought things were gonna be so much better for us now a black man ran things.
Filed i could use your guidance.
A concerned negro
I believe the better you are, the more envy you will attract…and your site most certainly does attract those trolls!!!
Keep up the fabulous work.
MLK was an illuminati puppet. Malcolm X called him out routinely.
Malcolm X, too, was preoccupied with white folks pre Mecca. lol. it is hard NOT to be when one sees clearly who has decided they are entitled to wage open war against Black and people of color around the world. those of us that know the Law recognize and call out esau.
wake up soon...scholar.
to MLK's credit...when push came to shove he tossed aside golden calves, stood up and told the Truth. try it if you can with kinsey. free yourself;) MLK showed you how its done. do you dare?
MLK was funded and protected as long as he was useful to dismantle the Black nation's infrastructure under the guise of integration. think. it is not illegal...yet.
after integration, the best and brightest tend to find themselves OUTSIDE of the Black community- as a testament to their 'success'...
Black families were MORE in tact under vicious jim crow laws.
when MLK decided he had enough of the nonsense -some folks need to get there with BO, kinsey, mammon, sex, ALL false idols, stat!- and stood up for Peace and Poor People...that's when he was left out there to be tossed from the freedom train. assassinated.
you are the scholar. why do you not know these things? i AM not being rude just direct.
maybe you could relent on posting 1,000+ comments to yourself at your own blog long enough to read up on something OTHER than BO? depart if you dare from the state approved lesson plan(s)?
i think that minor tweaking will do wonders for your disposition, credibility, Queen flow + spirital fruit;)
i didn't write history...i just understand the official version + the REAL story. which 'educators' seem not to know or they are sworn to secrecy. sshhh! lol! on many levels;) think Rhihanna's finger tattoo. THAT means something, too, for folks in the know.
be Love.
it both saddens and tickles me to see someone melt completely down.
i AM tickled whenever defeated devils dare to bomb rush like they got it like that...
i understand now the prayer: 'forgive them Father, for they know not what to they do.'
He blows my mind.
no sneak attacks w/heads up prior.
folks do err for not knowing Scriptures;(
'Is there a G-d? Why has G-d damned us Field? '
there IS an Almighty...
Deuteronomy 28
Leviticus 26
UNIVERSAL LAW that spells out blessings AND curses.
anytime you are ready, you can choose freedom.
emancipate yourself from mental slavery. none but ourselves can free our minds.
free your mind...the rest will follow. re-connect to your history= first stop on road to freedom. know the Truth...
i have apologized for contributing to the melt down that birthed this post:
it is still relevant as i now share a testimony;)
when i first sat to write that post, it was after a few blood in my eyes wrathful days;( LOL.
Almighty told me to be angry and not sound off. that post allowed me act in obedience. writing it allowed me to laugh...a LOT.
while i wrestled with Obeying Scripture and Him..it felt like Him saying give it to me daughter. it being my wrath and desire to go in at first whiff of disrespectful demon.
here's what i can tell you for sure- give Him all and He delights in blessing you anyways. lol.
read this post and know...folks got EXACTLY that coming to them unless they act like they recognize. ONLY He has shown me how to execute in a way that gives Him the Glory;)
that a testimony + yet another heads up.
will post an excerpt,next comment...because i AM that One;)
Hey Pilot Im really not conservative well economically I am ..
I'm rather Left of the party that calls itself the "Left"............
I wanted no Banker Bailouts......
Single Payer Healthcare......
Cannabis Legalization....... Mortgage Foreclosure Moratoriums. Death Sentence repeal......
1% Tax on Wall St derivatives.....
None of those things say " Republican" or " Democrat.. or "White" or "Black"
You see I'm much TOO Left for O-Bomber ,and probably some of the people like yourself who post protective defensive messages about him....
Just sayin...
Why is it that the most racist and hate-filled comments on this site are filled with misspellings and grammatical errors? My personal theory is that they are ignorant not just of social issues but also of basic English skills.
Sometimes all I can think is, "wow, that's pathetic."
couple of corrections:
here's what i can tell you for sure- give Him all and He delights in giving you what you want...undergirded by His Excellence- that He might get the Glory.
halleluYah! i AM a grateful witness/servant;)
last comment was a testimony + yet another heads up for what you may expect.
your excerpt from blog post you inspired by your 'femme' antics as promised:
'the 'crazed' blasphemous bw has a well known history + holds current #1 spot for melting down in this putrid manner over at FN, so we will call her bw #1 for reporting purposes. 'crazed' for Almighty of Scriptures alone is bw #2 for the understanding of all.
bw #2 has already told all with an ear to hear, that she was sent by Almighty; the Ancient of Ancients + King of Kings to deliver His Word to His People. then she proceeds to pray and share His Word which is needed for Strength/sustenance as our daily bread + sword of Spirit to fight daily spiritual battle all humanity is in currently...whether they know this or not. the two are reported to have peacefully coexisted for years over at FN. there was even mention of friendship, it is rumored. apparently the idea of a discussion of the kinsey report/studies that never happened is the cause of bw #1's latest spell. at least that's what the elder folk called it back in the day. lol.
after reviewing available evidence, it appears the blatant disrespect of Scriptures was what caused crazed for Almighty alone bw #2 to reach her time to subdue the earth, by any means necessary point...
this caused bw #2 to transporter movie style run up crazed bw #1's bad plaid/lumber jack boot wearing, new school bpa'd 'femme' attired body like the actor did the door in the film.
crazed bw #1 sustained a solid round house kick to her 'scholar' head by bw #2, which resulted in crazed bw #1 dropping to her knees. all present witnesses indicated she appeared to be bowing down;)
crazed for Almighty alone bw #2, produced what she called, her treasured, oldest copy of His Universal Law/Bible, so that salty devil could get as close to the Ancient Universal Law as possible then proceeded with focused purpose to beat crazed bw #1 about her big bug eye balls + blasphemous mouth area.'
heads up!
take a left, avoid it sis by taking heed:
'witnesses say she appeared to be praying aloud, as she beat bw #1, that Almighty would help the deceitful demon possessed crazed bw #1 either hear/speak according to the Law, flee or respectfully hold her peace when she hears RUMORS of bw #2's presence on the plantation to address the enslaved that seek to be free.'
here's what's so:
you will BOW DOWN...
address me with respect.
or not at all.
those are your options.
i AM not interested to discuss BO at this point in the game, so i can't imagine we'd have anything else to discuss.
because i love you, i will post UNIVERSAL LAW you will Obey as time permits. until that happens...you will have to take my word for it or look it up.
that said, i pray you understand + believe that fat meat IS greasy;)
either way it's all Good. lol! that's where we are...
The math teacher is dead in Danvers, Massachusetts Field, she dead. Take your racism chase there. Caution: no NRA involvement suspected.
Black Sage said...
Bill O’Reilly Jr. foolishly said: “I wonder if any of the black people the KKK slaughtered would share the opinion they are pretty much the same thing.”
That would be impossible for them to have an opinion since they’re already DEAD!
That was the point.
KKK = dead blacks
tea party = no dead blacks
Hey Pilot Im really not conservative well economically I am ..
Sounds like a smart person.
Liberal on social issues, conservative on money issues.
Instead of kidnapping and enslaving Africans, the Great Whites should have asked to BORROW them long enough to get the cotton picked and then returned them. Sure would have saved a whole heap of TROUBLE!!!! On second thought The Great Whites should have picked the crap themselves.
I guess the person at the store who sold him the belt and the police who arrested him and all those at the police station who interrogated him were all members of the Tea Party or at the very least Republicans and Obama haters!
I do hope he successfully sues the city and the store..but like one of the other posters..I wonder why would a college student save up from his salary to buy an overpriced "designer" belt. We used to call this "fuzzy thinking".
"That was the point, KKK = dead blacks, tea party = no dead blacks,"
Nope, you’re truly a funny fella, …. you’ve gotten it all wrong again. There is no difference between a dead black and a MENTAL dead black. Neither one of them are capable of speaking what’s on their mind.
Come to the Field Negro blog and communicate with religious nut cases, deranged Obama-hating nut cases who think HIV was invented in a government lab, far-right racist neo-nazi nut cases, and dim-witted conservative nut cases.
And a purple cow.....
Great indeed..
Black Sage said...
There is no difference between a dead black and a MENTAL dead black. Neither one of them are capable of speaking what’s on their mind.
And you believe the tea party is making blacks mentally dead?
"You see I'm much TOO Left for O-Bomber ,and probably some of the people like yourself who post protective defensive messages about him...."
I call bull shit.
BiB, you never take stances on issues that are important to the left. All you do is bash the prez and try to shame Black folks into doing the same. You are no lefty, your sole goal is to try to create Black discontent with the first Black president. Trust me man, we know your game. It's way too obvious. Nice try though.
fake nig:
u lie like hobama
god is watching you
i just phoned your law office weeks ago....
i have declined your linkedin invitations several times
u and god both DO know that you have all of my personal private unlisted phone numbers etc
because u cannot post one gd thing to defend the felled demonic bankster hobama
or refute my facts about hobama
u post beta male bs like this above
we do still see u "bruh"
does your kin know that you have turned gay enough to brawl with chris matthews for hobama????
i know NOTHING scarier than the fatal karma of lying hobama nazis like u
step lightly now "bredren"...i and i c u bum bloodcot!!!
your karmic debts are real
fake nig:
fierce smart black women who slay bera male hobama nazi bitches like u are very real indeed
u know i am real
and u tell equally real truths about hobama
shame on u fake nig!!!!!!!
fake nig:
u know that
i am a superb educator of both children and adults
because i will never be a bio mom
i teach each student as i would my own kin
whether they are 6 or 18-70
u have a child...no?
and u have cheered hobama as he has robbed her of her future/country/wealth etc
as i said
your karma is horrific u liar
fake nig:
fierce smart black women who slay beta male hobama nazi bitches like u are very real indeed
u know i am real
and i tell equally real truths about hobama
shame on u fake nig!!!!!!!
fake nig:
someday u will have to answer to god
for your bloody lies about me
your bloody complicity with hobama
will u then say again: "yes i know"......
u repulse me u hobama nazi slave
cc massa hobama
your beloved
plantation babylon is doomed
unfocused pastror:
u r a holy evil demented psycho bitch
cc mlk:
illuminati puppets are never executed by the state
they never die for poor people
illuminati puppets DO become bankster/prez
cc hobama
mx and mlk had started TOTALLY ignoring church nigs like u and becoming actual friends/allies....
yet another reason they both were publicly executed
while church nigs like u abandoned mlk and wounded him re:
the very same church nigs who now cheer hobama and africom
cc ya cuzzins u demonic shrew
eff u u holy evil bitch
Dear "god" please do not punish me anymore for my lies about AB. Just having her here is punishment enough.
fake nig:
i censor my blog posts because i refuse to allow dumb bitches like you to slime my blog....
cc fake nig who has archived your holy evil bs for posterity
u lie like hobama
god is watching you
i just phoned your law office weeks ago....
i have declined your linkedin invitations several times
u and god both DO know that you have all of my personal private unlisted phone numbers etc
because u cannot post one gd thing to defend the felled demonic bankster hobama
or refute my facts about hobama
u post beta male bs like this above
we do still see u "bruh"
does your kin know that you have turned gay enough to brawl with chris matthews for hobama????
i know NOTHING scarier than the fatal karma of lying hobama nazis like u
step lightly now "bredren"...i and i c u bum bloodcot!!!
your karmic debts are real
silly illiterate clown assnon:
ditto and amen!
nothing punishes proudly ingorant low info hobama nazi niggers like you than links which they must read or facts they must research
"yes i know"....
4 sure!
silly illiterate clown assnon:
ditto and amen!
nothing punishes proudly ingorant low info hobama nazi niggers like you MORE than links which they must read or facts they must research
"yes i know"....
4 sure!
kudos to me and my links that slay all of u lying clueless hobama sucking mfs!!!
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
Come to the Field Negro blog and communicate with religious nut cases, deranged Obama-hating nut cases who think HIV was invented in a government lab, far-right racist neo-nazi nut cases, and dim-witted conservative nut cases.
12:18 PM
Yeah, it is great isn't it? Which 'nutcase' are you?
I've always loved FN blog for its above average nutcases. It gives it "color". We are all 'color' aroused nutcases...very colorful.
Purple Cow, you help to add to the already growing nutcases. I thank you, and Field thanks you.
Field's Assistance,
Head of Field's Nutcase Division
A Div. of FN Corporation
PS. FN Blog is a Corporation
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Field please answer a question for me.....why o why do u let this Alicia thing do this to your blog ...I used to really enjoy reading here but she just shits all over your blog site daily and u allow it???.....love Riba from Tulsa, OK.
10:53 PM
Don't you see the beauty in all this on FN? That's why it's unique and people come here. It's beautiful! Field is a genius in my book to build a blog that attracts all kinds of humans on earth. We get to meet and see them ALL right here! It's a great 'watering hole' for humanity.
Oh wait...you're from Oklahoma...never mind.
Texas Republican Pete Sessions who, during the negotiations over the government shutdown, told President Obama, “I cannot even stand to look at you.”
Oh my! I wonder what is it about this president's visage that so angers "conservative" southerners?
Pilot says: "BiB, you never take stances on issues that are important to the left. "
What manner of "Gobbleygook" are you speaking about ?? Pathetic Pilot ?
I just gave you the issues that concern me , and the issues I speak about...
The supposed so called "LEFT" issues that you speak about...
Dont mean anything to me...
You are the "Psuedo Left"....
Your retorts are weak ...
You're completely un-principaled, and your arguments really dont say or have any substance within them.
I dont have to try and convince anyone of anything.
People that have ears , and eyes can do that themselves.
If you told the truth more often about this adminiistration...
I wouldnt lash out at you so often..
any and everything I say about )-OBomber is verifiable Fact...
You just cant STAND to see your precious symbol criticized..
Ohhh Woe is me...
Pilot thinks Im white...
What ever will I do....??
LOL... Good comedy on this blog...
hey coon assnon:
u r really arrogantly ignorant
cc your false felled god hobama
aids is bio war u fool
but your ignorance is far more toxic and lethal
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Texas Republican Pete Sessions who, during the negotiations over the government shutdown, told President Obama, “I cannot even stand to look at you.”
Oh my! I wonder what is it about this president's visage that so angers "conservative" southerners?
That story has already been debunked as a lie.
QUESTION: Just to follow up on that. In terms of the president talking to Republicans, can you rule out -- there was the number two Senate Democrat, Dick Durbin, said on his Facebook page that someone in recent exchange with the president said he can't even stand, this member of Congress, that he can't even stand to look at the president. Can you say whether that happened?
JAY CARNEY: I will say this, I spoke with somebody who was in that meeting and it did not happen.
coon assnon:
cc your bs to that bankster hobama/the ebt prez
go trade your ebt card for cash asap
and buy yourself a gd clue about aids
real conspiracies are proven daily
thus they are facts
nigs are illogical
cc that holy evil bitch unfocused pastor
who pretends that aids is a plague sent by god to homo men
as she is too stupid to fathom that such homohating blind insanity makes us lesbians god's chosen people....
Wow...just wow!
Brava! What a performance, Alicia! What a tour de force! Oscar-worthy!
Now, wipe the tears out your eyes and the spittle from your mouth, so you can see. All of us are still standing in the place since you started your tantrum. None of us have broken a sweat from your vulgarity and idle threats.
It is interesting that you continue to refer to yourself as a lion and those who disagree with you as hyenas. Did you know that hyenas are much more intelligent, pragmatic and resourceful than lions? Also, their social structure is much more complex and cohesive and their successful kill ratios are higher than lions. Interestingly, it is the female, not the male, who control the pack. You can read more here:
Hyenas are doing something right. Unlike lions, they are not an endangered species. They are not the most attractive beasts, but there is nothing insulting about their behavior.
Enough with the zoology lesson, and back to the topic at hand. There are many of us who are just plain sick and tired of the subject of ALICIA. We're just plain sick and tired of the rants and the insults. We are all sick and tired of the other crap that seems to surround ALICIA. She is like a stagnant infestation with this pervasive stench that permeates and mutates everything that is good and decent about this blog. She is like vermin, crawling in a gutter and before anyone realizes it we're all crawling right there along with her, stooping to the same, low levels that she does. She seems to bring out the worst in too many.
As a longtime reader of this blog, I have watched a number of intelligent and incisive posters of ALL political persuasions leave due to her obnoxious and abrasive behavior. The thing that was most decent about this blog -- a diverse group of regular readers and posters who could argue their points coherently, is diminished by her venom.
Alicia spews venom with little regard for herself and other Black people. And what is most heartbreaking is that she actually has two viable messages that many in Black America need to hear: loving one's self and one's blackness and the President is not exempt from critique and criticism because he is Black. Unfortunately, she taints her message it until it becomes vitriolic rhetoric.
Field is in a precarious position now and there does not seem to be an immediate answer to his conundrum. He could continue to allow anonymous posts or ban all comments. Alicia seems hell-bent on posting to this board as evident by her vacillation between posting as herself or anonymously (which would likely circumvent any efforts to ban her specifically). In the meantime, I will read Field's posts, but I will avoid the comments sections until she is gone.
we scholarly rebels told u so
insurers are dumping millions of insured by the millisecond
hobama and his corporatist stacked scotus made his hobamascare the law of the sold out land asap
so that when we all finally saw its scams and flaws and thefts...
rejection would be no option for any of us
hey fake nig:
what u hobama nazis know now????
channeling TI: "what u know about dat????
hobamascare is a pharma corp casino/forced medical scam monopoly
and all of u hobama nazis nigs BETTER own it
as you CHEERED it on
lying trifling geezer assnon:
let me be clear
i despise all of u hobama nazi niggers
of all ages
u r not africans
u r coons
pen a letter like this to hobama about africom asap u silly old mf
ask him for a kinder tamer african genocide....ok????
only coons cheer fake nigs who love hobama
africans would demand that fn post truths about africom and hobama
where is your mf blog?????
go kkkop there asap
buh bye now
u bitch made geezer mf
and take your retarded cane with u u crusty dusty mf
i postas anon when i am blocked by firewalls etc all day
i post on my own pc with my google after 1700
u r late u old coot
cc your tech moron selective bs to the cloned vulgar holy evil cursing hobama nazi
mfs herein
i am offended by your lies as you are by my language
i am a comm scholar
i speak to u fools in your nasty native tongues
and i do so fluently
i always have and i always will
get over that asap u goofy old geezer!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Texas Republican Pete Sessions who, during the negotiations over the government shutdown, told President Obama, “I cannot even stand to look at you.”
Oh my! I wonder what is it about this president's visage that so angers "conservative" southerners?
Oh My! i wonder what it is about "southerners" that makes white liberals lie about them?
it is completely hilarious to me
that the very same deaf blind hobama loving mfs who ignore
are completely wounded and mortified and compelled to flee when i am only cursing mfs who curse me herein
i pray that hobama's hitler swag affects u all equally someday...SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
genocide trumps words
buh bye u blind old bat shit crazy geezer!!!!!!!!
hobama, how do u perpoetusally trick these deaf blind fools so???
"I just never curse them.
I rob them and slay them and betray them and lie to them...
But, I never ever curse them."
what a gd shame!!!!!
hobama, how do u perpetually increasingly trick these deaf blind fools so???
"I just never curse them.
I rob them and slay them and betray them and lie to them...
But, I never ever curse them."
what a gd shame!!!!!
spaced repetition for the slow lost 'scholar' one who appears hellbent on playing herself:
i said it before and will say it again:
i AM sent by Almighty with His Mouth to give His Universal Law. declare yourself His enemy based on nonsense you hallucinated if you must.
because i AM in control of the spirits in His Power+ Name, let me tell you how this will work...
you come for me, if hosted devils got you convinced it makes sense. i will happily with a heart full of praise for Him ignore you...until He says flip it. then i will do just that...that He might get the Glory;)
so show these folks how perverse your wicked heart can be. it is written folks speak that which is in their hearts...show 'em how real it gets on the spiritual battlefield.
know this as well:
Luke 21: 15-18
15 For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.
16 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.
17 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
18 But there shall not an hair of your head perish.
i AM committed to saying what i need to say:
like i mean it... with Love:
ps. there is another lion written of in Scriptures.
1 Peter 5: 8- Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
i already told folks the defeated one has to look like Almighty. lol.
duality all day. as it is written, you shall know them by their fruit.
grow me in patience + obedience while i AM about my Father's business. His are righteous + can't.lose + as bold as lions.
bring it;)
7:23 AM
melt down devil;)
as with any exorcist...there will be demon spew. it is to be expected. lol.
is next;)
it's all Love...
It might be time to move your blog to a different service, to get rid of that AB (Aryan Brotherhood) stuff!!
how can any bold old fool be so upset about my cursing
while simultaneously
so unfazed about hobama's REAL curses upon the entire race/globe
they do not even notice that fake nig will NEVER post one gd word about
ww3 etc????
and then some old geezer dares to claim I hate blacks?????
old nigga pleez
i hate YOU!!!!
and ONLY all of u silly mfs who are are not blacks
u r feces colored coons who adore that blackish turd hobama!!!!!!!!
mix that with your maalox and fatally choke on it mf
amazing how i slay u all solo
then u feign offense to make that real slaying
damn i am good!!!!
ab = (hobama nazi) ass beater
u have all been slain
with regal lioness ease
done solo to boot!
my secret:
i read and research ALL i post...
and u do not!!!!
amazing how i slay u all solo
then u feign offense to MASK that real slaying
damn i am good!!!!
unfocused poastor:
i would never ask u to bow down u holy evil bitch
demonic bitches like u stay so low that it would be redundant
but thanks for your retarded kudos
go clap with that geezer
unfocused poser pastor:
i would never ask u to bow down u holy evil bitch
demonic bitches like u stay so low that it would be redundant
but thanks for your retarded kudos
go clap with that geezer
sane folks are offended by your blatant lack of self respect, decency, feminine spirit, etc. because they are... sane.
get it, yet?
spaced repetition for the slow, lost, scholar, played herself one:
you 'other' yourself and do NOTHING for the cause of decent gays that simply want to be free of persecution.
your behavior is worst case scenario nightmare for hets that have been programmed to believe that gays are 'queers'...your behavior is not only queer but peculiar + demonic.
good job...NOT.
dig this:
just as soon as you start singing like a canary about the documented Truth of depraved satanic kinsey which props up 'gay rights' movement...is when you may expect the BO worshipers to clue up and shout out the BO Truth.
not a moment sooner.
look up 'hypocrite'...scholar.
you are welcome for that much needed clue;)
melt down...
followed by BOW DOWN.
The hatred is mutual, I assure you. Instead of advising someone to take Maalox, you should be taking some Pepto Bismol to cure your verbal diarrhea.
you are closer to the Truth.
you will not BOW DOWN to me.
correct statement.
in Love, i AM trying to make sure you are not caught unawares.
that's all.
as you were...
unfocused pastor:
cc your racist homohating bs to that swf mjj and his grammies
no real het spends as much time as u do fretting over gays
ask jesus to save your pedophile dl face...???
the greater irony is this indeed:
u r obsessed with dead white men
u ignore that half white living peer demon hobama
u spew a racist white sexist religion...
u r a holy evil joker in evangelist drag
what a cursed shame
eff u u holy euro evil mf bitch
go fix your effed up "blog"
AB, u should try to read and comprehend what Anon above wrote. It was well written, and I am sure well meaning.
That person, like u, also has issues with O, yet u disparage them and curse and rant as only u can.
Your rants are getting pathetic.
What's a FN to do? I will consult with Anon. Inc. since u sometimes post as anonymous.
Hopefully, we can come up with some answers.
fake nig:
man up asap and post about ndaa as u post such lies about me
u r a spineless soulless liar and a coward
u posted both u beta male bitch
yes i know
cc hobama asap
ask him to be kinder and gentler as he slays u hobama nazi drones
unfocused pastor:
holy evil church niggers like u abused and betrayed and abandoned mlk
as they refused to stand with him against vietnam war
the very same holy evil nigs hobama loving coons like u and fake nig STILL slander mlk today
by pretending that mlk bears ANY resemblance to that cia bankster drone hobama
and his endless wars for pil/opium/gold/africom etc
shame on u sinful holy evil buybull toting/hobama amoral mfs!!!!!!!!!
“We commemorate the life of Dr. King without having the license to do so, like the pastor who recites the word of God as he molests his children and cheats on his wife. We don’t deserve Dr. King, and our decision to memorialize him while rejecting him is entirely reflective of the hypocrisy to which our nation has become accustomed. One must also wonder how Dr. King might feel about a country that continues to oppress the people he claimed to represent: We can’t profess to love a man and simultaneously destroy the people he cares about the most.”
– Dr. Boyce Watkins – ThyBlackMan.com
“Dr. King and the liberation movement he represents will again suffer a brutal blow this week when all are permanently entombed under the violent euphemism of “memorial.” The dedication of this $120 million stone sculpture is to be a national tribute to a man whose entire body of work was designed to destroy the very structure that now claims to honor him. It is no honor. It is a burial. The very entities against which the movement that produced King have struggled for centuries have now attached themselves to him as if to claim victory over, rather than along with, that man and that movement. This memorial should be seen as the hostile, disingenuous aggression against Dr. King that it is and should continue to be a reminder of the absolute absence of sincere change in this society.
It is fitting that this memorial is placed so as to sit “along the axis of the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials” permanently fixed between two of this nation’s greatest representatives of enslavement and anti-Blackness. It is fitting that this memorial is being established by the very segments of this society King worked strongest against, and to which he offered his most biting criticism. And, it is fitting that this memorial be established at a time when King’s words and deeds are least known or followed, while a Black president presides over the falling conditions of Black Americans and the falling bombs over African homes. And, it is fitting that the dedication of the memorial will come 48 years after his most famous speech and 44 years after he would call his dream a ‘nightmare’.”
– Jared Ball – Black Agenda Report
I revere and adore Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He defiantly fought for poor black people, who were abused and tortured by racism and elitism. He sacrificed his life for justice and love. Dr. King chose to dedicate his entire being to expanding the American dream beyond all boundaries of race and class.
No American has ever deserved to be eternally honored by every race in every way as Dr. King. But, under the spirit crushing and blackish betrayals of the rabidly elitist Hobama, the countless, apolitical, mega rich, mega church cloned pulpit pimps, who disgrace all who are sincere and noble; racist politicos who slander King’s rebel legacies; and the diverse madness of varied ahistorical liars and fools, we rarely dare to dream today. Tragically, Dr. King’s dream has been deliberately twisted into a global nightmare.
I remember King’s glaring and grossly unfulfilled dream. I mourn. I honor. I question. King truly cared about poor black people. He fought and died for us. If King could see what we have become since he was publicly executed, would it swiftly slay him anew? Many more questions abound:
fake shady nig:
u and god know that i am real
and god sees your incesssant lies herein.....shame!!!!!!!!
mlk said
silence is consent
your silence about hobama's evils...ndaa etc...
is consent indeed
mlk is my hero
i will NEVER be silent
eff u 2
i AM thankful for ABnormal behavior.
those wishing it would stop...are too much in the flesh;) it is written that such antics will always be in this spiritual battle. offline i have folks sitting outside of my house trying to intimidate when i come outside. lol. i count it all joy. keep it coming;)
nor be quiet;)
know that it is my constant challenge not to deliberately mash buttons to see how many follow up comments will be posted here. lol. i can't contribute to that type of trauma for folks reading along though. lol. everybody doesn't understand and personally crack up when playing with devils;)
as i reach out and tickle folks' 'scholar' mentals and watch the profane demonic melt down...i would REALLY like to see how far over 1000 comments i could call forth...
you know if someone will post 1000+ comments to themselves a little mental massaging could really help them hit new obsessive comment posting records;)
with BO links for days.
it has been well established that lying,even with proof, is just a part of ABnormal behavior-when not discussing BO...
you REALLY thought i wasn't...
gonna call it, when it comes to gay folks' forbidden idol? while you blast sleeping Blacks in the harshest of ways for theirs?
your bad.
you will be ok, if you choose to be.
free will.
the love of Truth makes it difficult to entertain the notion one censors out ALL other comments with the exception of their own 1000+ BO linked to be damned comments...
i guess folks are just throwing up all types of nonsense. awww.
but let's just say for kicks and giggles that this is the truth. wouldn't a reasonably bright person come to the conclusion that maybe they should revisit how they are delivering their message, if ONLY their comment(s) are allowed to stand?
all that pitiful little assertion did was help me understand that ABnormal truly thinks only what she spews is of significance.
no one here is held hostage in your indoctrination holding cell aka classroom, lady.
snap out of it...
wise 'educators' would go to work seeking to learn from their students as much as they hope to impart knowledge.
ps. children must forget or have good sense manipulated away. grown folks are usually hard baked programmed + hard hearted. THIS is why we are to seek Him...like a child.
i AM accused of being 'fake' by those that are clueless.
what you see is Discipline and a commitment to bringing Him no shame.
i know the Law and am called to give it to others...i would be most foolish to accept an invite to act a fool and to break His Law.
there will be no devilish gotcha moments...too much at stake.
please know that i AM a brute without Him. i freely confess this, that He might get the Glory.
i reasoned as i 'but i, but i' Him with my petition to regulate ABnormal that i needed to do it because of the disrespect to Him. i love Him THAT much.
He sent me back to His Law;)
as i bring His Light, Obeying His Law is crucial.
so i will.
those considering leaving or asking for a ban on ABnormal, please note:
like the system that enslaves US through our belief/energy dumped in it...ABnormal requires energy in order to meet with success.
what we give energy to...thrives. what we cut off...dies.
put your minds to ignoring her negative name calling rants, if you can/choose.
i can/will-no doubt- until she manages to contribute something of value in advancing His message.
then i will leverage and edify Him. the spirits are subject to me. i put them to work;)
His Chosen Mighty Ones are called to Stand, Speak and subdue the earth. it all belongs to US. despite the hater lies, i have already indicated that i will stand in the gap and intercede for AB. i meant that. so i will deal direct yet consciously work on not administering whacks.
please know, my brute nature wants to reach out and verbally rip her heart out. squish the cold, vile hardened thing between my fingers. out of sheer spite, break ALL her wife's help her think she got a 'husband' toys and set her whole house on fiYah with them in it...in His Name. watch what flies out of your mouth devil. BOW DOWN. eye for eye OT/old school under the Law Hebrew with some fp og flava.
it is no accident that it is written that hell hath no fury like a woman...
alas, we operate under Grace. love Him. love one another. vengeance belongs to Him.
i stand down in obedience.
so...i set aside my will and lean on His Understanding for how i AM called to operate.
He gifted me with many Storms + His Light. i want to unclothe a demon. have it butt nekkid in the field, showing whole big lost behind. there will be no Strong Mighty Storm. bright Peaceful Light + direct Truth will do the trick;)
those used to whack her...please take it easy and don't make me laugh.
i don't consider ABnormal my enemy. she declared herself His enemy...which makes her my enemy + defeated;(...for now.
i will come back in a bit with His Law + Act Right.
forgive any typos
this right here:
'I revere and adore Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is one of the greatest Americans who ever lived.'
so 1st grade. here let me round it out for you:
I revere and adore Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is one of the greatest Americans who ever lived outside of Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves because he loved Black people, so.
there you go...
as you denigrate Messiah, you unrepentant devilish heathen.
follow NO man. MLK was a man. may he rest in peace. he FINALLY realized he was being used to lead his people into a burning building. then he stood up + paid with his life.
greatest man eva?
i won't tell that lie. i like to read stuff folks don't want me to...
you are consistent though. kinsey= hero.
mlk = greatest man ever..
AB= hot melted down defeated mess. help her Yah. please Father.
FN- some demons are only loosed through fasting and prayer...as it is written. looks like you might be doing THAT or censoring your comment section;) He works in mysterious ways!
much Love! LOL!!!
FP, sometimes even AB can go too far. There is only so much b's and ngrs I can take.
Have mercy. :(
i said i wouldn't laugh nor see if i can get the spew posts up in #s.
it is so tempting.
i just know if she can post 1000 to herself...i could get her up to 2000 with just a bit of mental massaging.
nope. won't do it.
FN, i see fasting + prayer in your future;)
before it is all said and done folks will see clearly who is who. and in what spirit folks come.
there is a perverse hateful demon on this thread. it has been hiding pretending to 'care' for Black people.
His people, my people- know this:
there is a segment of the homo community that has deep seated hatred for society. someone's true colors are showing if one pays attention.
gays consider themselves separate from hets-complete with own dictionary. they just want to be 'equal'...whatever that means. some black gays HATE black hets (notice ABnormal INSISTS that BO is 'het' despite knowing he likes men, has boyfriends, frequented bath houses.)...
those that seek to have wives despite being women...usually compete HARD with men. the sick ones like to brag about taking menfolk's wives. while crying sexism when menfolk snap-crime of passion style on that lesbian behind.
pay attention and see.
then decide to give no place to evil. it is here seeking to steal, kill + destroy.
Lady Bug ABnormal-
did you ever consider FN might not be censoring you? maybe the vile filth of your reprobate heart He does not want to pollute the souls He sent His message to, over here in the field?
just because you are too foolish to know Him, does not mean He is not real.
every vile filthy curse you lobby at anyone going forward- i return to sender with permanent fix. may you find yourself with double portions of what you have visited upon others. as each syllable sent out returns magnified...may your non seeing eyes get buggier+ bigger...and open;)
enjoy the fruit of your mouth, Lady Bug...
It took 500 years of beatings, hangings, fornication, rape, to turn Africans into European clones, now they realize they don't like Africans. Too late now! We even have your surnames. Turned us into 43 million Black "White" freaks, just like yourselves, who are now your relatives. Ain't you some kind of INSANE FOLKS; and US too? Now we don't fit ANYWHERE. Mofos.
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