That's the situation Keshia Thomas was faced with back in 1996 when the klan decided to march among a group of protesters in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
"When people are in a crowd they are more likely to do things they would never do as an individual. Someone had to step out of the pack and say, 'This isn't right....' “
To get an idea what Ms. Thomas had to go through, just look at the pictures in this post.
No doubt this was a profile in courage, and this young lady deserves a special shout out for letting her humanity shine through. Honestly, I can't say that I would have done the same thing.
"She put herself at physical risk to protect someone who, in my opinion, would not have done the same for her," he said. "Who does that in this world?"
Thomas, who had previously experienced violence, says that the man did not deserve to be attacked.
“Nobody deserves to be hurt, especially not for an idea."
She has never met the man she protected again, but months later a young man approached her in coffee shop and thanked her. When she asked what he was thanking her for, his reply was simple.
“That was my dad.” [Source]

How do you explain that to the boyz back under the hood?
"I saw that n****r woman pulling you away from the crowd. What the hell happened to you?"
If the klansman is dead, hopefully he made peace with his maker before he checked out. If he is still alive, he needs to realize that it's not too late.
*Pictures from the New York Daily News.
That is one very brave lady!
I don't know what I would have done either. Crowd could have turned on her and whomped them both!
To be honest, I'd prolly have run in the opposite direction!
Awesome ending klanners! Way to cap a rally. Tklanners just kinda leave it hanging.
I just wonder the exact moment he figured out he was in the wrong meeting place. The look on his face would have been priceless.
Demonstrating against black mob violence gets white man beaten by violent mob of blacks.
I remember this incident as vividly as if it took place just yesterday. How ironic it was for a black woman to have literally saved the life of a klansman at a klan rally? This was certainly not a white power moment. Furthermore, look at the countenance on his face, utter fear has set in and enveloped his psyche!
Rewind quickly to 1957 and conjure up images of black students being escorted to and from high school by armed National Guardsmen in Little Rock, Arkansas. Not one cracka stood up with enough courage to state that what the white mob was doing was WRONG! Oh well, I guess some folks really do have more humanity and respect for life than others, regardless of skin color.
"Demonstrating against black mob violence gets white man beaten by violent mob of blacks."
Doesn't take much to get a white person beaten by a violent mob of blacks.
Just walking down a street will do it.
Especially in Obama's Amerkkka.
How come we never hear about white mobs attacking blacks?
Michael Dean Miller pathetically said: “Demonstrating against black mob violence gets white man beaten by violent mob of blacks.”
You’re such a clown. What are you talking about? The majority of the people within the snapshot are white. Oh well,… I guess you weren’t one of them and was probably pulling your hood off to quickly escape down a nearby ally!
"When people are in a crowd they are more likely to do things they would never do as an individual. Someone had to step out of the pack and say, 'This isn't right....' “
The real story is how violent negroes are, that they will attack like a "pack" of whatever, and how exceptional it was for a black person to think like an individual, a decent one at that, and act to stop such behavior. On one day, back in 1996, this actually happened.
You know what else is really rare? A pack of white people physically attacking a lone black person because they didn't like what he had to say. In fact, I don't think that has happened in this country in over forty years.
"She put herself at physical risk to protect someone who, in my opinion, would not have done the same for her,"
That's what makes her special.
Black Sage,
I remember 1957 as clear as if it had happened today. My cousin was one of those students being escorted to and from high school by the National Guardsmen in Little Rock, Ark. Yep! Imagine how I felt watching my cousin on national TV being mobbed by angry white ADULTS. All of the nine students were only KIDS back then.
You know there are stray dogs and cats. Well, we had stray blah folks back then too and still do. What I mean by that is we have some blah folks that won't stick together. That's why bigots get away with stuff like that against black folks and continue to do it. A house divided will not stand and that's the truth and nothing but the truth. Other ethnic groups get it, but blah folks act like they're retarded.
Let me share something with you that the newspapers and TV didn't tell you. Those students not only had to deal with an angry white mob, they also had to deal with some stray blah folks trying to do them harm. As always racist had their little flunkies that would sell their mamma out if the price was right, but most of the time it's for crumbs off the table or a pat on the head.
Me, myself, and I are sick and tired of all the hate and bickering back and forth. It's too draining mentally and physically.
It came to me what if the reason people have diabetes is because they've lost the sweetness in their life, or unforgiveness was the causes cancer, or staying upset all the time causes high blood pressure, or heart attack was caused by too many failed relationships with people. Would that make people get along better with each other? I wonder about that.
I like the way som commenters pick dates and times to illustrate who they perceive as the aggrieved and helpless people in America.
Having lived - 1951 to present-during the height of the civil rights period I suggest that whites in America should never paint any of the races that they then and now dominated/dominate. I am against using the tactics of the suppressor. having been in racial melee, I know the free-minded Blacks of the 50s/60 did not attack defenseless and inferior foes. Ask the BGs of the day.
I will again with emphasis remind all the commenters on this cite that the African America race -with their pathologys "made in America". And common knowledge of white America jumping on third world countries with modern equipment and weaponry shows AA not the only cowards jumping on defenseless people. some commenter referenced gang of AA jumping on single whites. Whites don't need numbers because they send surrogates to be the mob... I.e. police, judicial system, welfare system, banking system, I could preach endless but I know the caring whites are ashame of their pass and the non-caring wish the old days were still here.
Did you know a Black man could be killed for looking twice at a white women, stepping on a white man's shadow or locking eyes with him. This is your history. Have you ever considered any excuse for AA cowards is enough. We are the only group of people in America that continue to love his oppressor at the behest of his own.
I don't know about you 12:01 AM, but I'm not "blah, black, minority, nig, jig, or any other name constructed by "whites" to describe the humans I most favor. I'm the production of two human beings that had melanin and hair to protect themselves from the hot sun. No more, no less. If there's anyone suffering from "retardation", it's you for falling for the B.S. names thrown our way by folks that look like they're a hop, skip and jump from the embalmers with the hair of the Labrador Retriever. Just because Rick Santorum couldn't pronounce "black", doesn't mean you have to fall for the "white" man's Okey Doke. Knock it off!!! Not cute!!!!
Look at that Little Rock High School today, a black wasteland! Just like all once fine white schools and cities. Evolution passed you by.
What she did was exemplary of the highest evolutionary adaptation of humans - cooperation. That's why she won, that's why the crowd permitted her to win, too.
It is not about the Klansman. He is the minority. He is one of us (people) but he does not represent us.
More importantly understand the angry mob does not represent us.
She does. She won. That is nothing but classic Darwinism.
The crowd could no more have beaten her for what she did in protecting the man who didn't really deserve it than they could sprout wings and fly away.
She is right - sometimes all it takes is for one person to step forth and provide the example of what being human is all about.
I've actually been in a very similar situation and had to stand up against an angry . . . well, crowd . . . for someone who didn't deserve it exactly. It was scary - but it was also amazing that it worked.
That is because it is NOT really all that surprising. There is something in us that recognizes that action. That's what I'm getting at.
Look - the crowd could have still beat the guy. They didn't.
"How come we never hear about white mobs attacking blacks?"
You never heard of Rodney King? How about John Burge?
That's right police don't count.
"Klansmen" don't outside of blogs and movies. Those organizations have been long gone for a long time now Filled-Negro, but you already knew that anyway.
this sista is a hero!
kudos to her!
i would never have saved him though...
karma = ass kicking
i will never save td fakes when the "decent gays" run up on her for the homohating bs she has posted!
td fakes = butch evil dl dyke td fakes/td jakes wannabee
this is the bio of the real bobby
and his haunted homohating mother/killer clone of td fakes
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Black Sage,
I remember 1957 as clear as if it had happened today.
I remember 2013 as clear as if it had happened today.
Anon@11:39, don't forget your family reunions.
Hi Granny, I'm sorry to hear that Amerikkkan terrorism hit close to home for you. Yes, I agree that amongst our own kind that there quite a few stray folks. However, I wouldn't count the black lady that save this klansman from certain death. I say this because killing him in the streets like a rabid animal, like what george blimerman did to Trayvon, wouldn't have changed any thing at all. Furthermore, why would any black person want to follow in the foot steps of white men whose behavior on this planet is on the sub-level of a cave man? Personally, I refuse to lower myself to his small level across the board in terms of dealing with other human beings. Just because the white man's behavior is that of a monster doesn't mean that we as black people should behave in the same animalistic manner.
I have a lot more to say about this but I'm currently on the clock. Again, sorry to hear that you've had to deal with Amerikkkan terrorists up close! Peace to you Granny! :)
quantum0d0 said...
What she did was exemplary of the highest evolutionary adaptation of humans - cooperation. That's why she won, that's why the crowd permitted her to win, too.
11:23 AM
Which goes to show that "the highest human evolutionary adaptation of humans" is possessed by the African American woman as well as the crowd.
Not by the Klansmen.
ROTFL @ comments by Field and AB!!!!
Ms.Nǚwáng said...
ROTFL @ comments by Field and AB!!!!
I am sure Queen would have been hooting and kicking the man's corpse until someone pulled her away.
She certainly is no Keshia Thomas. And she will never be a doctor.
Bill said: "That makes her special", when referring to the young lady that saved a klansman from getting a whipping.
Nahhh Bill, you've gotten it wrong again. She performed the role of a good samaritan. In short, what she did was the HUMAN thing to do.
the lady in this post is an example of being 'Love'...
though i will whack a demon in their profane blasphemous mouth with Scriptures on line- after warning; as a rule, i don't go around hitting people offline. nor do i condone violence or think i would watch inactively as it went down. hard to call it honestly until one is in that moment i have learned...
because my nature is rather lethal, brutish + ruthless...i AM still working on being Love. i truly thank my haters that help me see clearly the much work to be done;) it has always been my confession i AM a sinner saved by Grace. i AM also OG with Lady Lioness from the tribe of Yahudah...ALL day. Ancient Natural one twisted confused devil running up overly aggressive with their strap on over-compensating...a fool's errand indeed.
for those that think this about lesbian vs. het. you miss the point. i have white folks in my life. we will not EVER be cool enough for them to toss about the n word in my presence. i know Blacks that get that 'cool' with white folks.
gays on some super special extra equal bone to pick, deceitful nonsense + blasphemous sexist disrespect for good measure = shut down promptly.
fp has no permanent friends nor enemies...only permanent interests. others get this. as evidenced by the homo anon sissy that keeps hurling that accusation. he can't step into the light because he has been masquerading as a BWE blogger supporter. gay men + het women are only going to go so far in the march to justice. particularly when flipping het men is THE prize. het women at some point are just in the way...
those that don't know what BWE means may get familiar here:
i was there and AM one of the ones she references. it saddens me to see some bw have taken the call to exercise options to mean wm= success/better, in large numbers. i know first hand that these devils have declared open season on bw + hunt them like sport as a result. add some satanic calendar to the whole mess= folks may want to get some Strength beside their own. fast! bw missing in massive #s will start to make more sense when folks wake up.
i AM sure the woman of this post would agree with little, mr. begging for the beatdown says. however stomping him to death is uncivilized, unLawful animal behavior.
women everywhere are standing up. i saw another such photo of a woman in egypt. which america + her allies' bloody hands are all in the destabilization of that region. same ole usual suspects. same ole nonstop human sacrifice + suffering.
false prophets by definition take one AWAY from the Law of Scriptures.
i AM urging folks to follow Scriptures + follow Him.
take a look at the pope and get real familiar with the false prophet concept;) anything goes! embrace the powerful gay mafia + gay lifestyle! all gay everything starting in kindergarten! ssshhhh!!! mum's the word on all this nonstop ped activity starting with the clergy, spreading over into all governments + 'education' institutions! kinsey is a 'hero'! isn't this FUN?!!! everybody to heaven! who cares if you believe!!!
fools stay gobbling that madness. yet, i AM the false prophet. lol. okey doke;)
it's season has been declared on all that will Stand Strong + Speak His Word. so bring it defeated devils;) i AM honored you are here + so obsessed with what i have to say...
those that see darwinism rather than Almighty Himself- Creator of All- have indeed allowed themselves to be reduced to animal status.
recognize the game and see where that will lead one:
read what's written in link + notice someone else can't help but notice how divorced from what is...quite a few of the 'educated' tend to be. it is hard not to notice, really.
may Almighty spare me from ever suffering such a debased, degraded condition.
Psalm 49:20- Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.
slay = kill by violence. destroy; extinguish.
4.Informal. to impress strongly; overwhelm, especially by humor: Your jokes slay me.
5.Obsolete . to strike.
unless folks want to post another definition or clarify that the profane blasphemous puking should be received as 'jokes'...
what a murderous anti Scriptures spirit you host. one shall know them by their fruits...
kinsey. that's who i would like to discuss with the gay mafia. anyone wanting to step up and do that...all Good.
if not...go back to quoting Nostradamus and such as proof of your 'educated' status while pretending i AM obsessed with dead wm.
blank stare.
i did not write the gay nazi history nor Scriptures- which addresses both gays + those from the synagogue of satan. if folks can get past all the low class antics...notice somebody had to tell you that mr. BO is new school het. i would not be privy to the underground chi town gay rundown. but somebody is hip...while hate hate hating on that man who had a tranny prostitute nanny from his earliest days. THAT would not be confusing! add the ped communist davis in the mix...yes, we will discuss the homo connection. useful idiots may call it 'hate' if they want to...
the Truth will come out it is written.
'If the klansman is dead, hopefully he made peace with his maker before he checked out. If he is still alive, he needs to realize that it's not too late.'
what time it REALLY is...folks need to turn their hearts to Him.
the demons are out in force on this thread...halloween. i understand;)
I don't think it helps his cause that he is wearing a shirt that reads "You Wear Your X…I'll Wear Mine".
He is fortunate that someone came to his rescue.
Doctor Queen!
I miss you too my dear regal Sista!
Remember how MANY things we have disagreed about herein???
And, always civilly! Even when it was your cousin Jordan remember???
So many liars lie about me herein.
I never disrespect you Sista, because you are a Real Het/Sista/Woman/Genius/Doctor etc...who never disprespects me/all homos.
ONLY respect begets respect.
Much respect and Love to You Sista Doctor.
Happy Halloween!
PS: Every mf day is Halloween for that holy evil witch td fakes!
NSA and hobama broke me down...Like me:
"Did you know a Black man could be killed for looking twice at a white women,"
Not just men, children too.
ps. the boldest, most gangsta homos i know are on-line.
i don't believe in coincidence.
the violent offline ones stay whooping their lover/spouse/partner's behind. not my business to pry in. hets got it popping in that respect as well. anyone that needs+ asks my help (het or homo) if i can...i will. executed wrath is human nature in some instances from what i can see. definitely a call for emotional discipline.
menfolk in the know...understand it will be women that will stand up. in fact, they are asking for it.
what the enemy meant to destroy will be turned to Good.
it is a compliment that the woman with a wife...thinks me 'butch'. lol. yes. took that femme lie + raised you one with somebody else's mouth + gift;) Ancient Natural Femme possesses the most powerful card in the deck. know this. all to be used to help/edify the King...on so many levels. never to destroy.
i prayed for an Ancient Abraham, heart of David, ripping down all idols His Name. thanks for taking notice. 5'9, dark chocolate, mid back length locs, and a quick smile by appearance. not only all woman...but every woman. it's all in me.
folks on new school, embody the lesbian man hating stereotype, who think you about to bully hets- particularly this one- into silent acceptance of that which is outlawed...nope.
not on my watch.
especially not while being blasphemous bold...
lying, adultery, fornication, violence, etc is also outlawed. we all wrestle with something. i don't judge homo behavior in that hating way. i call things out + pray for others as called to do. i ask others to pray for me. therefore i AM not tempted by it. so no secret homo loves for me. thanks. only healthy, respectful, relationships with other folks that happen to be homo + het. really, who cares? just don't hurt the children. it becomes my business at that point. that's where we are. the predators are coming from all camps + hardly 'rare'...
gays constantly reminding everyone they are gay= annoying. that's NOT hate. when i have given that same annoying, every five minutes i AM het behavior has met with laughter+ prompt knock it off behavior.
society has long drowned folks in het immorality. it seems now drowning folks in the need for homos to marry + suck face publicly, cross dress, crash women public places, hatefully hassle women, adopt children they could never have naturally, etc etc etc is the world's answer. anybody protesting THAT is about to feel it. lol. i.don'
again. my calling it does not mean i support violence against gay folks. i never have...even before the snake in the middle of it all surfaced. anyone telling that lie needs to stop.
i mean gays just want to get married + be like what hets REFUSE to do/be in large numbers...
gays have a point there;(
anyone that will stand and call out the thing in the thing= homo hater + closeted.
strolling dead finds some boyfriends+wives...more than just BO.
there is a common theme running through all of this. think freemasonry, ancient mystery religions, sacrifice, duality, secret societies, homosexuality. we are sitting in Egypt, as indicated by the pyramid on the $bills.
jfk was a hero! yeah...what was he squawking about?
clue: secret societies that are really running thangs. i AM telling defeated satan/lucifer himself sits in the captain seat. his defeated minions stay paid + busy.
wake up + recognize.
anon, "If there's anyone suffering from "retardation", it's you for falling for the B.S. names thrown our way by folks that look like they're a hop, skip and jump from the embalmers with the hair of the Labrador Retriever. Just because Rick Santorum couldn't pronounce "black", doesn't mean you have to fall for the "white" man's Okey Doke. Knock it off!!! Not cute!!!!"
7:55 AM
Anon, thanks for your comment. FYI, PilotX has been the main black tomming culprit in promoting the word "blah" by Santorium. It is an insult to us but like the N-Word, we keep adding more insult to injury in support of the wm.
Your comment is refreshing because it's nice to know that there are 'some' of us out there with enough self-esteem and dignity NOT to perpetuate insults heaped on us by racists. Unfortunately, PilotX has plenty of support on FN. It's disgusting.
PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
"Did you know a Black man could be killed for looking twice at a white women,"
And there weren't 35,000 black on white rapes every year either.
Maybe there's a middle ground.
Granny, "I remember 1957 as clear as if it had happened today. My cousin was one of those students being escorted to and from high school by the National Guardsmen in Little Rock, Ark. Yep! Imagine how I felt watching my cousin on national TV being mobbed by angry white ADULTS. All of the nine students were only KIDS back then. "
Granny, I know all nine because I was involved. What was the name of your cousin?
folks may want to note the role of the Queen on chess board as well...
the civility left the kinsey exchange not at my hand. folks can gasp + grasp for support on the strength of lie...if they must.
devils hate to hear Scriptures. i get got lots for 'em;)
the response/reaction was so hostile uncivilized ghetto bad...folks had to censor a bit of decency into the mix;(
Black Sage said, "Furthermore, why would any black person want to follow in the foot steps of white men whose behavior on this planet is on the sub-level of a cave man? Personally, I refuse to lower myself to his small level across the board in terms of dealing with other human beings. Just because the white man's behavior is that of a monster doesn't mean that we as black people should behave in the same animalistic manner."
12:48 PM
I hear ya, BS. One thing that confuses me about our peeps though is we are killing each other much faster than the wm ever did to us. Can you explain this animalistic behavior and 'why' it's less than what the wm has done? Help a brother out, please.
As far as I am concerned, we are our worst enemies and think less of our own lives than Whites do.
Granny, "You know there are stray dogs and cats. Well, we had stray blah folks back then too and still do. What I mean by that is we have some blah folks that won't stick together. That's why bigots get away with stuff like that against black folks and continue to do it. A house divided will not stand and that's the truth and nothing but the truth. Other ethnic groups get it, but blah folks act like they're retarded.
Let me share something with you that the newspapers and TV didn't tell you. Those students not only had to deal with an angry white mob, they also had to deal with some stray blah folks trying to do them harm. As always racist had their little flunkies that would sell their mamma out if the price was right, but most of the time it's for crumbs off the table or a pat on the head."
Granny, you would have been the 'last' person I would have believed to use the degrading word, "blah" for our people. Rick Santorium used that word which was a word he used to indicate we were irrelevant. It's insulting.
focusedpurpose said...
folks may want to note the role of the Queen on chess board as well...
Yes dear, right next to her King.
So is that it, you're a bitter, lonely, middle aged Black woman? Because absolutely NOTHING else could explain why you're on Field's blog 25/8.
But now come on, the TD fakes moniker IS hilarious, ROTFL!!!
"And there weren't 35,000 black on white rapes every year either."
How many white on white rapes are there per year or does stormfront even care?
focusedpurpose said...
bring it defeated devils;)
the demons are out in force..;)
4:42 PM
focusedpurpose said...
devils hate to hear Scriptures;)
uncivilized ghetto bad...folks had to censor a bit of decency;(
8:01 PM
Why do people feel the need to tear others down? Can't understand it! It speaks volumes about their weak character,though, and lack of self esteem.
A content and happy person does not feel the need to insult and belittle others!
This is a political blog. If you're not here to debate politics, then why are you here???
the fellow that does the above blog doesn't really do Scriptures either.
i don't think his posts are because he hates gays.
then there's this:
notice Mr. Byrd getting lumped into the madness. yet when folks say gays keep trying to cling to Black folks with their agenda...folks act like people are making stuff up.
plus folks LOVE to scream about all the artistic and other contributions to society while ignoring stuff like this:
notice more nazi talk.
everyone pointing it out is not a hater.
it should be noted that when i first began to comment on FN, i was a 'lesbian bm hater with no man plus one eye, purple in color, race traitor because BO was THE man!' LOL!
here we go again because the 'gay rights' idol cannot be touched.
whatever + wake up.
plus look at the satanic calendar. folks can take something satanic and pretend it is not...if they want to. life is about choices.
yes...everyday is halloween. devils don't ever just go sit down somewhere. they stay busy + defeated;)
they will be busy again tomorrow...according to their calendar:
for those in need of a reminder:
those wanting to see how h-ly war will be done...take a look at Burma...there is testing in that region now. Buddha vs Allah
Black Sage said...
Bill said: "That makes her special", when referring to the young lady that saved a klansman from getting a whipping.
Nahhh Bill, you've gotten it wrong again. She performed the role of a good samaritan. In short, what she did was the HUMAN thing to do.
In the same situation, how many other humans would do the same thing?
Even FN said "...I can't say that I would have done the same thing. "
That puts her in a small %.
Actually, I said it on purpose and I found out what I wanted to know. The games people play. Smh!
Hey Dr. Nuwang and Desert Flower, I pray that all is well with both of you and that you ladies are truly enjoying blessings overflowing.
@Focused Purpose cites the Family Research Institute as her source of information about gays.
FYI, the Southern Poverty Law Center has classified the Family Research Institute as an anti-gay HATE group. Don't take my word for it, look it up.
So the "prophetess" (FP) gets her (false)info about LGBT people from a HATE group. Please keep that in mind when you read anything FP says about gay people.
Welcome back Dr. Nuwang.
If Focused Purpose (the "prophetess") thinks calling people "sissies" and such is ok then she should be ok with AB calling her the "b" word from time to time. I mean, if the shoe fits ...
If you can dish it out you ought to be able to take it. Didn't you learn that in school (or somewhere)? lol
You talk about AB not having home training, where is YOUR home training FP?
Focused Purpose said several threads back that you can read black agenda report for yourself instead of reading AB's comments.
How about this: you can read the Bible for yourself instead of reading what FP writes. How about that?
She should have let the mob kill him. Then he would be a good conservative.
Focused Purpose said:
"yet when folks say gays keep trying to cling to Black folks with their agenda...folks act like people are making stuff up."
This is an outright lie. Give me an example of how this is happening.
as i indicated before 'Dr'...i have yet to see you contribute anything of substance or besides small small talk.
as such, i expect pretty much nothing i say to make sense to you. devil dribble of course, you will find delightful.
go back to your never be a doctor exchange. THOSE exchanges are 'funnier'+ make more sense than what you contribute in the grand scheme of things;)
td fakes:
u do indeed have a permanent enemy in me
u lying demonic holy evil mf
i will not even save u from a karmic ass kicking in my NEXT lives!!!
u ALSO have a permanent query from me indeed:
td fakes:
u make the pope look moral and saintly
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Hey Dr. Nuwang and Desert Flower, I pray that all is well with both of you and that you ladies are truly enjoying blessings overflowing.
6:19 AM
Hi Granny! I'm okay, chugging along just managing my day, you know when you get to a certain age, you get those aches and pains :D
Thanks for asking and hello to Dr. Nuwang also!
td fakes:
more proof that u r a demonic coward:
u r now linking homohating cloned pal "bloggers"
only to ADD to the list of homohating fellow fools who will be mobbed by the "decent gays" when they run up on ALL of u ASAP....
u r now dragging them into the karmic beatdown that u have crafted and earned herein...
and fyi
we will NEVER spare or save NUNYA!!!!!
like sakia gunn, your peer dl homohatring posers's blood will be awash upon your shriveled shrew hands
cc glaad/nbjc etc
td fakes:
one thing u should never ever waste a single moment fearing is a "holy" war
truly UNholy evil mfs like u will be totally safe!
it is the karma evoked by your "holy" evil bs war on gays/gay sex/
and the gay love u ignore that will be FAR worse than any war when it rages upon u...
and u will NEVER be saved!!!!!!!
Hey Granny and Desert and all the other legit "field negros". :)
AB, I STILL think you missed your calling as a writer for commedians!
As for TD Fakes (that 'ish just cracks me up, ROTFL!!!), unlike you, I have a real HAPPY and FULLFILLED life. And while a LOT of my work these days requires I extensively use computers and read (scientific papers on the iPad, the collest thing EVER), I manage a terrific balance between progress toward my "Dr." title, living an EXTREMELY blessed life OFF the net, and enjoying Field's political commentary.
I'd suggest you try it except that: 1) You aren't that bright, 2) You aren't very satisfied with your "personal" life and 3) You aren't anything close to religious or spiritual.
TD Fakes? Bawhahahahaha!!!
Such a friggin' do-gooder she is. Who is she, a traitor to goodness?! As far as I'm concerned, all Ku Klux Klan members deserve to go extinct. And what that damn bitch did was interfere by stickin' her shitty nose where it never belonged.
If all anti-KKK folks wanna go all mobbish on the KKK, let 'em!
As for you, Dr. Nuwang, shove he laughter of yours up your ass.
"I totally agree with you."
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