What will ultimately cause our downfall is the stupidity of our citizens.
Take for instance the clowns who chose to make Halloween costumes out of a national tragedy.
"Today's REALLY? Halloween costume comes to us from a tipster by way of Quincy, MA where some brainiacs decided to slap on some blackface and dress up as George Zimmerman shooting a bloody Trayvon Martin.
The pictures are just starting to circulate online, and the girl who posted the photo has already deleted the photo from her Facebook account and her Instagram. The men in the photograph, on the other hand, are still active on social media. Until this morning, the man dressed as George Zimmerman had set it as his profile photo; he changed it and locked his photos sometime overnight.
None of the three pictured have made a public comment about the photo yet.
It's not clear if the woman's costume was intended to be part of the joke; but her costume is sold online as "Robyn da Hood". [Source]

Poor Julianne Hough didn't get the memo that it's never cool to go with the blackface look. Even during Halloween. The poor child had to take to Twitter to issue a public apology. Unfortunately for Julianne when you are famous and do dumb stuff you can't hide.
“I am a
huge fan of the show Orange is the New black, actress Uzo Aduba, and the
character she has created. It certainly was never my intention to be
disrespectful or demeaning to anyone in any way. I realize my costume hurt and
offended people and I truly apologize.”
You are forgiven
Julianne. You are just another clueless American who never bothered to read or
try to understand the history of the country of your birth. If you
did, you would have realized the ugly and
shameful history that this type of behavior represents.
I fail to see how the shooting of Trayvon Martin was a "national tragedy". The only "tragedy" was the millions of taxpayer dollars wasted in a show trial for a situation that didn't even merit charges. Zimmerman was no hero, but Martin was a thug who went looking for trouble, and found what he was looking for.
Just another day in America.
Anon11:31pm, without question you 'fail' to see a lot of things in life.
You are just another mean-spirited idiot saying apathetic dumbass things.
Just another day in America.
In the time it took that white kid to put on his makeup, a dozen black youths were gunned down in America by not George Zimmerman.
I'll take an insensitive, idiot teenager over a dead teenager any day of the week.
But that's just me.
since we are speaking of Trayvon Martin, i want to quote him a bit...may he rest in peace.
why are we talking about 'creepy crackas' when there are so many other more important items to discuss?
for sensitive white folks- 'whip cracka' is a slave term. i dropped the whip. i AM sure if you thought about it...you could figure out how it all came about. suddenly discovering your slave roots indicate folks are still hiding/hiding from rather than speaking the Truth in His Spirit.
IF these real 'smart', 'organized', 'superior', 'education' loving folk can't figure out BEFORE they do it that black face might be a bad idea; why would we waste time discussing it? particularly at this point in history? they know better. if they don't they should + will.learn.
so let me see if i can add something to the convo that will next level things...
get familiar with another calendar that is closely adhered to by those running thangs here on earth aka devils playground:
22 - 29 Sacrifice preparation: kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
28 - 30 Satanist high unholy days: Related to halloween. Human sacrifices.
31 All hallow's Eve (Halloween): One of the two most important nights of the year. Attempts are made to break the bond which is keeping the doors to the underworld closed. Blood and sexual rituals. Sexual association with demons. Animal and human sacrifice - male or female.
that said, why would anyone be shocked by the mess they just won't stop doing? it is a part of these folks' religion.
duped dum dums don't know this. no disrespect. those pulling the strings are not that kind in how they describe folks that will believe the in your face lies so many gobble like candy. folks that are just following 'traditions' without thinking...pick what feels good to describe condition. then STOP IT. please. for your own soul sake.
get familiar with whole calendar here:
now for those that want to next next level- get familiar:
believers + non believers alike are about to have a Revelation run.
folks are paying a great price to get US the info. we should at least take a look.
notice in the Law it tells US plainly it is not possible to fool His elect. one would need to be a total fool to not try to figure out how to apart of His unfoolable elect. lol. i made that word up i think;) you get the point.
it would be wise to take into account this full of Grace + Mercy heads up:
Matthew 24:24-25
24 For there shall arise false Messiahs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
Anon from last thread that wishes i would speak in English:
i felt a nick in the spirit with my maybe i AM not talking to you quip last thread.
hard to tell if folks are being boneheads. i tend to err on side of caution;) nevertheless, that is not good nor permitted. please forgive me even if you ARE a bonehead;) lol.
forgive any typos...
I can still see the sanford police officer holding the phone telling the other racists in the office that ol' george was on the phone again, and everybody in the room laughing. I can still see their faces when they stopped laughing after he told them that gzim shot somebody this time and to get their paper mache asses over there to investigate.
How embarassing, here's a white guy acting like a 17 year "urban" thug and getting away with it like so many of "them" do.
An 11:31p
"I fail to see how the shooting of Trayvon Martin was a "national tragedy."
The whole world was watching!
As for the little female actor...she's ugly black or white.
from the link i posted earlier re: project blue beam:
'The NASA Blue Beam Project is the prime directive for the new world order's absolute control over the populations of the entire earth. I would suggest you investigate this information carefully before dismissing it as fanatic lunacy. If we go further in the different reports we have presented, we find that the mind-control operations and technology include a transmitter that broadcasts at the same frequency as the human nervous-system, which transmitter is manufactured by the Loral Electro-Optical System in Pasadena, California. Loral, a major defense contractor, has previously conducted research on directed energy weapons for Lt. Gen. Leonard Perez of the U. S. Air Force who was searching for a weapon that could implant messages into the minds of the enemy while urging his own troops on to superhuman deeds of valor! The device employs electromagnetic radiation of gigahertz frequencies [microwaves] pulsed at extremely low frequencies (ELF). It is used to torture people both physically and mentally from a distance.'
folks telling you what is happening to them are NOT 'crazy' nor 'lying'...they are giving folks a heads up:
'Now, when we talked before about that kind of ray and the telepathic and electronically augmented communication, the kind of rays that are fed from the memories of computers which store massive data about humans, human language and dialects, and we said that the people will be reached from within, making each person to believe that his own god is speaking directly from within his or her own soul, we refer to that kind of technology and that kind of thinking that same psychologist was espousing, that is: we should be trained from birth that we should all do what society wants us to do rather than what we want to do for ourselves; that because they have the technology to do it, no one should now be allowed to have their own individual personality. This statement and these ideas are important because it is the basic teaching of the United Nations that no one owns his or her own personality. And that same psychologist claims that no one has any say-so about the kind of personality they acquire and there is no reason to believe you have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old personality is considered 'antisocial.'
'What is important in this declaration is that the new world order will be set up over the current system, meaning the old way of thinking and behavior and religion will be considered the 'old' and incorrect way of thinking and that they can change it at one of the eradication camps of the United Nations to make sure that anyone with this 'antisocial' behavior will be disposed of quickly so that other modified individuals will be able to fulfill the needs and agendas of the new world order without being distracted by the truth.'
sounds lovely, huh?
Proverbs 18:10- The name of the Sovereign is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
i AM with Him;)+ Good
get some...
or not.
free will.
fp, that's okay, I understand that your type of 'religious folks' are the worst kind. Have always been and will always be deceitful hypocrites to the very bone.
You dare to hide behind the Word of God. THE WORD OF GOD!!! How dare you?
In order to spread your mean spirited,poison over all you come in contact with. Quoting Scriptures and daring to twist them into demeaning hatred for all around you.
Your type of 'religious person' is very common,and very well known to those that become the target of your repressed and thinly veiled hate filled soul.
A small minded, petty, ignorant, repressed individual, that hides behind the Sacred Writings to troll. You've got some nerve, I'll give you that much.
Guess what, haven't you gotten the memo? God doesn't condone self aggrandizing, hate filled hypocrites like you. Especially those that dare to quote His Word in vain as you do, to demean,insult and oppress other human beings.
But he does forgive fools and foolishness committed out of ignorance,and stupidity, so maybe there's hope for you yet. Only God knows.
In the eyes of God,you're a LOSER,big time.
I will pray for you.
Hey fp should we wear tin hats? I don want those blue beam rays in my brain!
lol @ Anon 1:23am!
my apology still stands despite you being a bonehead;(
i should not have thought you a bonehead off the bat.
i would ask you what you are talking about...but you have already acknowledged that you have no clue nor understanding;(
all of this is in english btw.
thanks for your prayers...i ask Almighty Himself to tap them that they might be true Blessings. then back atcha!
Anon 1:28 am-
free will has not been eliminated just yet...maybe you could stop playing long enough to figure things out for yourself. you have to make some choices.
don't stress...others that care nothing for you will step in and tell you exactly what you will be wearing and not wearing if you play too long.
did you miss where i shared this was a sex cult that has hijacked the world?
'Now figure out when we hear that voice from the new world messiah who would be speaking from space to all of the sane (?) people of the earth who might give instructions to zealots and religious fanatics, we would see hysteria and social mayhem on a scale never witnessed before on this planet. No police forces in the world, even as a combined front, could deal with the disorder that will follow! A 1978 book entitled, 'Microwave Auditory Effect and Application,' by James C. Lynn describes how audible voices can be broadcast directly into the brain. This technology could actually allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear. Instead, it has been turned into a weapon to enslave the world.'
while folks are playing...
these devils care NOTHING for US. what could be used to help folks is instead slated for use to enslave.
but wait for the folks on tv to tell ya, if you think it all a joke;)
Mr Field, I suppose you are aware that you have a nut on your blog?
And I do not mean the honey roasted kind that you have with beer :)
Oh unfocused pastor, I'm so scared! Whatever should we do?
Please advise us as to how to proceed,
PS, Tin is not a good color for me though,,,is there anything else I can wear? Should we flee to caves? Help us! Please advise!
Fp, it's not easy being "insane in the midbrain" :D
focusedpurpose1:38 AM
lol @ Anon 1:23am!
my apology still stands despite you being a bonehead;(
i should not have thought you a bonehead off the bat.
i would ask you what you are talking about...but you have already acknowledged that you have no clue nor understanding;(
all of this is in english btw.
thanks for your prayers...i ask Almighty Himself to tap them that they might be true Blessings. then back atcha!
Anon 1:28 am-
free will has not been eliminated just yet...maybe you could stop playing long enough to figure things out for yourself. you have to make some choices.
don't stress...others that care nothing for you will step in and tell you exactly what you will be wearing and not wearing if you play too long.
did you miss where i shared this was a sex cult that has hijacked the world?
'Now figure out when we hear that voice from the new world messiah who would be speaking from space to all of the sane (?) people of the earth who might give instructions to zealots and religious fanatics, we would see hysteria and social mayhem on a scale never witnessed before on this planet. No police forces in the world, even as a combined front, could deal with the disorder that will follow! A 1978 book entitled, 'Microwave Auditory Effect and Application,' by James C. Lynn describes how audible voices can be broadcast directly into the brain. This technology could actually allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear. Instead, it has been turned into a weapon to enslave the world.'
while folks are playing...
these devils care NOTHING for US. what could be used to help folks is instead slated for use to enslave.
but wait for the folks on tv to tell ya, if you think it all a joke;)
AHAHAHA1 This is precious! And worth repeating! :D
focusedpurpose1:15 AMfrom the link i posted earlier re: project blue beam:__________________'The NASA Blue Beam Project is the prime directive for the new world order's absolute control over the populations of the entire earth. I would suggest you investigate this information carefully before dismissing it as fanatic lunacy. If we go further in the different reports we have presented, we find that the mind-control operations and technology include a transmitter that broadcasts at the same frequency as the human nervous-system, which transmitter is manufactured by the Loral Electro-Optical System in Pasadena, California. Loral, a major defense contractor, has previously conducted research on directed energy weapons for Lt. Gen. Leonard Perez of the U. S. Air Force who was searching for a weapon that could implant messages into the minds of the enemy while urging his own troops on to superhuman deeds of valor! The device employs electromagnetic radiation of gigahertz frequencies [microwaves] pulsed at extremely low frequencies (ELF). It is used to torture people both physically and mentally from a distance.' _________________folks telling you what is happening to them are NOT 'crazy' nor 'lying'...they are giving folks a heads up:_________________'Now, when we talked before about that kind of ray and the telepathic and electronically augmented communication, the kind of rays that are fed from the memories of computers which store massive data about humans, human language and dialects, and we said that the people will be reached from within, making each person to believe that his own god is speaking directly from within his or her own soul, we refer to that kind of technology and that kind of thinking that same psychologist was espousing, that is: we should be trained from birth that we should all do what society wants us to do rather than what we want to do for ourselves; that because they have the technology to do it, no one should now be allowed to have their own individual personality. This statement and these ideas are important because it is the basic teaching of the United Nations that no one owns his or her own personality. And that same psychologist claims that no one has any say-so about the kind of personality they acquire and there is no reason to believe you have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old personality is considered 'antisocial.''What is important in this declaration is that the new world order will be set up over the current system, meaning the old way of thinking and behavior and religion will be considered the 'old' and incorrect way of thinking and that they can change it at one of the eradication camps of the United Nations to make sure that anyone with this 'antisocial' behavior will be disposed of quickly so that other modified individuals will be able to fulfill the needs and agendas of the new world order without being distracted by the truth.'
Ooooooooo scaaaaaryyyy! you so smart unfocused pastor!
I'm beginning to actually feel sorry for you :D no really lolol
fp, you really are crazy aren't you? oh dear, so sorry. i won't pay any more attention to the gobblygook, er..I mean the "prophesy"
Totally clueless. Had a girl a few years ago dress like Isaac from the Love Boat, of course in blahface. I tried to explain why it was offensive but Ms. Clueless explained how I was really the racist. I finally gave up but did advise her to go straight home after the party and avoid gatherings of us darker people. All of em, clueless.
Did you know? Public Law 87-297 calls for complete
disarmament so the UN can "maintain internal peace".
51 million American acres are now UN designated!
Military capacity of US is 65% and UN is 800% of
our 1991 levels. The UN Children's Rights takes
responsibility away from parents and gives it to the
state. No mention of God in the UN Charter. AIDS
was UN-induced for population control (House Bill
15090.) HB 666 crushes our 4th Amendment Rights.
UN command of US troops (PDD 25).
keep playing devils;)
got ya stirred up, huh?
it's ok...you will BOW DOWN to His Word...as it is written.
FN you have some folks on a deep program over here. if what i AM saying is 'nuts' at this point in the game...your posts are starting to make perfect sense;) lol!
Why do you guys think these idiots are clueless? They aren't clueless, they're simply descendants from the most mean spirited race that ever existed.
And I didn't need to see the movie 12 years a slave to KNOW that ' ish for a FACT'
As for the "books" written in Field's comment section, I read a LOT in my real life. But even if I didn't, I don't understand how anyone has either the time to post, much less read this "goobly-goop" on a daily basis, LOL!!
focusedpurpose said...
Did you know? Public Law 87-297 calls for complete
disarmament so the UN can "maintain internal peace".
got ya stirred up, huh?
Wow, that's some wild stuff FP! But I'm wondering, if the government really has the mind control rays you wrote about. Wouldn't it be easier to just "zap" us? Instead of disarming us? Or maybe a combination of the two.
Those gun toting hillbilly's aren't going to go easy that's for sure.
Thanks for the great information.
Come to my house in these costumes and you will meet my legally registered gun for real. I would feel threatened....
Im sure we have other pressing issues other than ...what white folks decide to wear on haloween....
As if Shaming them or discussing it further is gonna make a difference.
dear tm:
rip tm
each day i visit this brain dead racist homohating demonic hobama nazi blog...
i KNOW that u are in a better place baby bro
CBS is exposing what PilotX calls a fake scandal.
Contrary to early WH statements, Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by Al Qaeda against the barely protected American compound
All it took was for the election to be over and then CBS would be safe speaking the truth.
fake nig:
these dumb racist kids are no more dumb or racist than u and td fakes
i am certain that td fakes will be dressed as kinsey this halloween
and u will dress as hobama...
Let’s cut to the chase…
How should white people act?
What guilt should white people have?
What can a white person do to right the sins of the past?
I ask because I’m white and I have no guilt. I had nothing to do with slavery, jim crow laws, the holocaust or any other crimes against humanity, why should I feel guilty?
more on real scares/hobamascares
more on hobama's scary lies/frights for decades to come....
cc msm cronies/ww3
td fakes:
karma is real
ask cb
u will get your holy evil karmic debt in full asap too
ditto for fake nig
and ALL hobama nazi/homohating demons
hobama puts the hobamascare in halloween
hobama puts the hobamascare in halloween
that racist bankster hobama hates his adoring snoring nazi fans...no???
cc haarp 2013/katrina ii...
"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'"
But Obama said....
I wonder how Obamacare is going to influence voters? I mean the voters that are forced to pay higher premiums for what was promised to lower premiums.
@Focus, keep dropping knowledge on the few clowns on this board regarding what type of gubberment we truly have. Don't pay any attention to the detractors. By the time they realize what's happening, it'll be too darn late to counter the effects!
AB, why do.you keep repeating the same thing over and over?
Quote:Dimbulb Bill
"I ask because I’m white and I have no guilt. I had nothing to do with slavery, jim crow laws, the holocaust or any other crimes against humanity, why should I feel guilty?"
I'll tell you why you should feel guilty, Bill.
Because the only thing that gives your sad little life meaning is that you spend all your spare time on someone else's blog telling people you have never met that you hate them. That's the only way you get to feel like a man.
Was that really the future you wanted for yourself, Bill?
C'mon TPC, take it easy on Billyboy. He's just a young knowitall conservative who sees things in basic simplistic terms. He'll be fine, just another brick in the wall.
dumb assnon:
why do hobama nazis keep repeating the same bs about that racist global warlord bankster hobama over and over????????
even when each day hobama proves that all of the bs u hobama nazis spew over and over again is all blatant lies???????
cc fake nig this bs the next time be blames ted c/repubs/g beck etc...ok???????
The Purple Cow said...
Because the only thing that gives your sad little life meaning is that you spend all your spare time on someone else's blog telling people you have never met that you hate them.
I expected better from you.
PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
C'mon TPC, take it easy on Billyboy.
When I talk smack about Obamacare you reply. When I ask real questions you act scared to reply.
dumb assnon:
does hobama know anything?????
except how to fail at his own lies????
kudos to fox news/all rebel media!
they have been consistently stellar regarding the naked emperor bankster hobama!!!
cc rush about his repetitions re: hobama
kudos to rl!!!!!!!
Well I think if people are no good and racists they should at least admit it instead of blaming Obama or playing the victim card.
Nah Bill I just usually ignore you totally. And now I will go back to ignoring you.
' Anonymous said...
AB, why do.you keep repeating the same thing over and over?
1:22 PM'
because she hosts a real slow lying demon that is determined to find out the hard way...+scripts only go so far. she's stuck. literally.
notice she gots nothing in the face of new info. ever. BO is as far as her understanding and demon contract allow her to go. she is afraid acknowledging the Truth about kinsey or anything else will throw her and all homos back into disorder land...which is what they have been classified as for longer than a minute.
because she is arrogant + puffed up + defeated, she will not humble herself and go to Scriptures and read it like she reads the mess that keeps her referencing animals + flowers when discussing human sexuality.
IF she would go to Scriptures she would see that woe to the one that spills the blood of another. woe to those that judge the sins of others. what if i told you that it is written...those that do judge, will be tempted by that same thing they judge. this is why i opt out of that madness. what folks do is their biz. i AM trying to get my Act Right on. He said call it. i say Yes Father;)
i did not make it that way. i just understand + will call it.
homegirl hollers about nazis while completely ignoring the homo nazi connection in all of this. how homos were used in nazi germany. how homos will be used in the nwo + now. how convenient. double back and get caught up. i already posted link to help folks get familiar + started cluing up.
took the weekend off, huh devil?
came back to see folks trying to rep for your lost cause yet you don't correct the record? i promise the Truth is not in you. dare to go right back to disrespect weighed down with irrelevant repetitive links?
i have already posted how this is going to go down. for those that understand or are trying to Understand Scriptures… i will post UNIVERSAL LAW that we must know in order to walk in His Set Apart Boldness + regulate the devils with His Word aka our Sword of the Spirit.
our weapon, if you will, in this Spiritual warfare. those of US rolling with Him don’t really need guns…though folks got ‘em;)
all demons demanding i stop 'hiding' behind the Word get tossed back to hell in Messiah's Name.
i told you fools, He sent me armoured up as it is written...fools come in their own strength + won’t make it.
Black Sage- i won't stop. i can’t stop. i AM with Him no matter what. with the Power of conviction...there is no sacrifice. it is TRULY all Good + a joy. i confess, i laugh real hard at times. we ALL got a job to do…those repping for the defeated flip side- make me laugh + pray for them more than anything else. it is written, whether they know or believe that a friend of the world = enemy of Almighty Yah. the arrogance tickles me. Wisdom hits my PRAY! button. i know Him and get fully He is NO joke + will NOT be mocked.
'Dr's that call what i AM saying 'gobbly goop' out themselves.
particularly when their contribution to the thread routinely makes no contribution, at all, outside of perversion + real real small talk.
none know better than the enslaved Hebrews depicted in movie you seem paid to promote. this is why it is laughable sleeping americans will flock to pay foreigners telling our story- while mocking + deny deny deny US, daily, as the awake Hebrews give His Law.
foreign Blacks eating of the fruit born of our suffering while trying to be cute + ignoring the stinking pile of poop that is their own backyards = no bueno + regulated.
get familiar with cut and paste also. it takes less than a minute. if it took longer, i would still share the info with those wise enough to know to take a look.
i posted the link for complete article + additional research clues for those that seek Knowledge as well as for those that refuse to read materials NOT on the State approved reading lists- yet, call themselves 'educated'.
the excerpts are for those that will be hard pressed to read even that.
hiding stuff in books is how folks stay in the dark btw...
Anon 9:13 am- ALL praises due to Almighty. He sent me with a message and the gates of hell will not prevail against it…as it is written.
please know they are already zapping + knocking/chatting with folks + cuffing/stuffing + raping/murdering folks. those not getting some are on the wrong side or not considered 'dangerous' enough, yet. those of US in the know aren’t stressed about any of that because it is Love of the biblical variety that moves US forward. i love humanity + see these durty devilish snakes! and THAT folks, Love, is what casts out ALL fear…as it is written.
if you check the link, you will see the researcher that highlighted the information was murdered. folks suddenly dying of heart attacks where there were no heart problems= manipulated. ELF allows such wickedness. Navy shipyard soul told folks...they Truth serumed lone crazy guy Holmes on tv. ANYBODY that bought the official Miriam Carey story= blank stare. where is her child + why won’t they release her to family that wants her desperately? read the link + see that taking the researcher’s children was on the menu as well. what’s up with THAT? who wants to get their hands on folks’ children? Lauryn Hill has to undergo mandatory therapy as a part of her punishment for ‘income tax evasion’…and it goes on and on and on…
CB is on the take down. i called this out before. you see gossipy ‘karma’…i see manipulated, controlled, MK'd puppet trying to break free.
folks hollering about being 'educators' + 'scholars' + MK Ultra...sure seem to have a hard time recognizing it when they see it. or maybe their assignment entails re-directing convo so that it is this Almighty + Scriptures blasphemous disrespect, homo loving, hate fest for HETS disguised as a daily linked to be damned bearded love him some gays BO meltdown?
in the absence of possible solutions+ positivity …i know, i know…’crazy’. lol. i.see.you+ call.you.out.deceitful.defeated.devil.
secular: folks need more information. dots. then they need to start connecting them...as we come full circle.
those foolishly attempting to throw shade- will be Lit up like the stubble they are...as it is written.
repping hard for the house of Esau= slave behavior/labor+ defeated.
i told folks already i relate to Harriet Tubman greatly. the flip side heard and promptly started to malign + degrade her legacy.
guess what?
i will STILL stand up and speak out...in His Name + Power as His are called to do. anybody that wants to flow similarly is able. i AM suggesting folks follow Him + His Word…not me. get that straight in your heads.
ALL devils may take their lying selves on back to hell to their waiting torments;) you will meet with greater success this way.
heads up!
td fakes:
why do never ever edit the evangelist on crack with tourette's bs out of said sinful lying sermonettes either....gd!!!!!!!
stop looping your demoni madness asap!!
cc ya cuzin jim jones asap
read Obadiah.
then act/speak like you know + tell other white folks you Love. time to wake up. arise. welcome the age of enlightmentment;) resurrection time!
get familiar with KJV Acts 7:6-7, Deuteronomy 28, Genesis 15:13-14.
whether you believe or not...all of this will look just like that when all is said + done;)
hope that helps!
ps. some white folks already know this...
td fakes:
read your posts herein ever???
scan up u dizzy mf!!!!!!!
per our own post
u r one doomed demonic bloody animalistic butch bitch
i slew u and gave u buybull flowers long ago
wtfu asap and ask jesus to give u a mf clue
Religion has destroyed spirituality. Religion is man-made and divisive. Spirituality is divine and unifying. Religion selects the designated few. Sprituality embraces the divine in us all.
For more spiritual truth on homosexuality in the bible read:
Their Own Receive Them Not: African -American Gays & Lesbians in Black Churches by Dr. Horace L. Griffin
The Good Book-Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart by Peter Gomes
The Church and The Homosexual by John McNeill
What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality by Daniel Helminiak
The Word is Out-The Bible Reclaimed for Lesbians & Gay Men by Chris Glaser
Homosexuality-The Test Case for Christian Sexual Ethics by James Hanigan
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why by Bart D. Ehrman
The Bible - various human authors and editions
And, see the superb and celebrated film on homosexuality and the church in Black America: “All God’s Children”.
True love is unconditional. God truly loves us ALL. Lastly, I quote Chris Glaser, the star of one of my best radio shows ever, from his book The Word is Out:
“Ephesians 2:10: ‘We are God’s work of art’…The gay community shakes our confidence in our own beauty by creating the cult of the body beautiful. The church shakes our self worth by creating the cult of heterosexuality and the cult of the perfect saint. But God sees to the heart of the matter and the heart of our matter…”
God bless you, where it matters…
focusedpurpose said...
Almighty + Scriptures blasphemous disrespect, homo loving, hate fest for HETS disguised as a daily linked to be damned bearded love him some gays BO meltdown?
Are you saying BO is gay??? :o
Isn't he married with children?
td fakes:
hitler hated his gay self
just as u do
that is why he was such a demonic mf
just like u
cc all of the gay fbi agents the dl married je hoover tortured
cc all of the homos that hitler killed in death camps
cc all your gay cousins whom hh gassed in ovens
millions of gays are married with children like hobama
they are called beards
ask td fakes
she can tell all about the homo hiding that cowardly lying gay mfs do
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hitler hated his gay self
just as u do
that is why he was such a dmeonic mf
just like u
read a mf gay book asap u butch buffoon
cc the homohating homo pastors that taught u to be a gd butch fool!!!
they are all up in your demonic "church" bet
4:38 PM
I agree 100%. This person FP is very obviously a repressed homosexual! What a pity, to waste a life like that, when they could be living in truth and happiness!
Hiding in the closet of religion tsk,tsk,tsk...
td fakes:
u r late
as always
my wife hates blogging
i spend most weekends with my wife
she says dumb evil people like u blog...
she evades toxic homohating homo fools like u
i prefer to devour them to keep my lioness fangs sharpened
thanks for proving to me that mhy wife knows best!
and thank u MOST for keeping my rebel fangs razor sharp herein!!!
u holy evil gd dl butch fool
tell jesus to help u grow a gay spine and stop lying like satan asap!!!!!
what mf law u mf????????????????????????????
td fakes:
u r bashing jews too now????
u generic holy evil hater!!!!!
this is only more proof that u r a gd satanic fool
u r illiterate and late as always
even as u lie about your own posts/buybull/homo self etc
"new news":
hobama and rahmbo have been outed for decades as bi whores
jesus was a jew
jews penned your buybull
td fakes:
take this test asap!!!
homohating homo shrews like u always ACE it!!!!
Like all bigots, gaybashers are blind. They are rabidly heterosexist. They are solely and vulgarly obsessed with gay sex. They absolutely ignore gay love.
Homohaters are pathological liars. They pretend that gender dictates quality parenting. Only genderless character truly does. They pretend that ideal families are like nuclear sitcom families. Most actors on those same shows were reared by single parents, divorced parents, and blended families.
Homohaters pretend that all gays are pedophiles.Most pedophiles are legally married heterosexual men who rape their own daughters and nieces. Most children are safer with the gay couple next door than their own heterosexual uncle.
In real lives in the real world, God creates homosexuals in every living species every day. We are who we are born to be. We thrive on the insanity of the arrogant ignorance of homohaters. Their incessantly stupid questions become more moronic each day. The timeless priceless quiz below demonstrates that expertly. Enjoy!
Alicia, we can only take so much of the B-word. Could you tone it down a notch? You are starting to come off as seriously deranged.
I am sure that even the people who agree with your points will concur with me on that one.
u r bashing jews too now????
this is only more proof that u r a gd satanic fool
tortured gay mfs like this sinful shrew are really confessing always
each slur is another confession
" u better be in misery like me!!!!...live a lie like me!!!!...jesus told me to hate myself!!!!...u better hate yourself too!!!"
jesus was a jew
jews penned your buybull
tell jesus to help u grow a gay spine and stop lying like satan asap!!!!!
no real talk is EVER censored!
focusedpurpose said...
'Dr's that call what i AM saying 'gobbly goop' out themselves.
particularly when their contribution to the thread routinely makes no contribution, at all, outside of perversion + real real small talk.
none know better than the enslaved Hebrews depicted in movie you seem paid to promote.
4:17 PM
Phuck you you crazy wierdo
"no real talk is EVER censored!"
I knew your "talk" wasn't real.
dear Field, if you acknowledge AB as a 'real' person, she will stop using the word 'bitch'.
You should have never questioned her existence...it's very insulting.
But you are good at insults on your own kind....you have called me White lots of times. Hell, I'm thinking about cussing here too. Your insulting ass deserves it.
folks swear they are 'femme' yet have no care nor heart for what it must feel like to be MO. folks begrudging her retail therapy even.
it can't feel good to watch you 'husband' go off on vacay with his man lover.
get it right...there are a grip of dishonest married to women gays. masquerading as hets...creating all types of problems in the natural order of things.
hets that recoil...are not all homo killing haters nor closeted.
at least folks are now calling BO the homo that he is...
now look at the BO gay political love that results in re-defining a het institution--- with that filter.
wake up.
it is no accident that folks rightly attach nazi to BO.
if folks only knew how accurate they were. the homos + nazis have a shared occult history. this may also explain why 'hero' kinsey himself had a well documented nazi ped connection.
what 'educators' WON'T tell you...start there...
het men need to pay attn. CB, like Lady Bug, has no self control in this spiritual battle. walking into planned situations is all that can happen as a result. CB appears to be moving of his own strength.
he has already tried to align himself with gang members for protection. i pray for him and all similarly ensnared.
it is interesting to note that het men are being put on notice...announcing you are not down with the homo flow= hate crime/homo hating.
surely the CB 'victim'- just as Lady Bug revised record 'victim' came waving the homo 'sacred' card in order to illicit that CB is not down declaration...prior to the nope, you won't get on my tour bus chin check? CB is not the 1st nor will he be the last. some gays are aggressive.
much as Lady Bug has met with nope...ALL idols get dented + ripped down with an Abraham flow. that goes for sacred jew idol, too. all these folks running the jew show do is heap degradation on others while trying to bully folks into not calling it...good Jews need to wake + stand up and call it. scapegoating jews + Blacks+ gays, etc = end game.
these homo devils are prepared to treat het men worse than women. Lady Bug seems to be a fan of sodomy vids;( she knows what i AM talking about. at least women get to reject what they perceive as unwanted advances still without risk of hate crime charges...
not meant to incite 'homo hate'...meant to cause all decent folks to take closer look.
as you were...
FP-"that said, why would anyone be shocked by the mess they just won't stop doing? it is a part of these folks' religion."
My dear FP, thanks for that comment. You have given the words that I just couldn't put together about what makes some Whites so wretchedly evil...It's their religion.
Whoa unto the world. They naturally enjoy destroying anything sacred...Pray.
"Racism is a white man's disease." --Einstein
Blogger field negro said...
"no real talk is EVER censored!"
I knew your "talk" wasn't real.
6:43 PM
Now see?
focusedpurpose said...
folks swear they are 'femme' yet have no care nor heart for what it must feel like to be MO. folks begrudging her retail therapy even.
it can't feel good to watch you 'husband' go off on vacay with his man lover.
get it right...there are a grip of dishonest married to women gays. masquerading as hets...creating all types of problems in the natural order of things.
at least folks are now calling BO the homo that he is...
now look at the BO gay political love that results in re-defining a het institution--- with that filter.
it is no accident that folks rightly attach nazi to BO.
that goes for sacred jew idol, too. all these folks running the jew show do is heap degradation on others while trying to bully folks into not calling it...
not meant to incite 'homo hate'...meant to cause all decent folks to take closer look.
7:05 PM
All the gays I know are more decent than you! You slandering,evil,wretch
Hey FP,do me a favor, suck my Jewish circumcised manhood.
ps. NO one is saying ALL gays are peds.
i AM refusing to co-sign the 'rare' gay ped LIE homo everything agenda pushing folks are telling...that's all. lying devils know good and well chicken hawking is a part of the life. folks already hate het peds. it's the gay ones folks insist on minimizing or out right lying about.
it really isn't even all that hard nor deep.
hope that helps the all gay everything/everybody starting at kindergarten defeated gay mafia;)
Anon, i will come back later. glad you found something helpful.
all white folks aren't bad. it is just time for decent ones to stand up and act/speak like they know the Truth. quietly wringing white privilege pointing at your Black friend won't cut it;)
repressed wm homos do the most...history is littered with them. raping boys/children + killing folks. hitler is barely scratching the surface...
@ 7:30pm- i AM sure your rabbi did already in infancy;) shortly after circumcising you...because THAT makes sense + is in keeping with the Law. NOT.
it is fitting that you folks are the true 'goy'...heathen as the day is long...
thanks for the teachable moment.
folks THAT was not an insult. that is the Truth. synagogue of satan ALL day...as it is written.
focusedpurpose said...
lying devils know good and well chicken hawking is a part of the life. folks already hate het peds. it's the gay ones folks insist on minimizing or out right lying about.
it really isn't even all that hard nor deep.
7:30 PM
You sure know an awful lot about the gay life dontchu now?
Hmmmmm...mine is real hard and goes in very deep :)
focusedpurpose said...
@ 7:30pm- i AM sure your rabbi did already in infancy;) shortly after circumcising you...
it is fitting that you folks are the true 'goy'...heathen as the day is long...
7:39 PM
So you define "manhood" as just a penis?
Is that so? What a trash ghetto lowlife!
focusedpurpose said...
'Dr's that call what i AM saying 'gobbly goop' out themselves.
Phuck you you crazy wierdo
5:56 PM
Thanks anon!!!
Go for it Ex-Europeans! Jump into buckets of black paint, (the sun doesn't work), blacken yourselves to resemble African genitalia as much as possible, (you'll be as "big" as you're going to get) and sing "Mammy" as loud as you can. It worked for Al Jolson; he made millions.
All this does, is ADD to your neverending RACIAL insanity. If only you had REMAINED in EUROPE!!!!!
Why can't I come to an intelligent and informative blog concerning all the black issues in America and abroad, without input from all these white undercover racists?
its bad enough you sour meaningful discussion with your rhetoric. I don't go trolling on websites,blogs, and video sites seeking out content I disagree with, just to comment on. I bet there are more white people trolling black empowerment sites as opposed to how many black people visit white nationalist sites.
I feel like some people use Halloween as an excuse to cover up their racist intentions by saying "it's just a costume" but at some point you have to draw the line. Especially when the costume is as tasteless as dressing up as the slain Trayvon Martin.
I think these ideas are important because it is the basic teaching of the United Nations that no one owns his or her own personality. And that same psychologist claims that no one has any say-so about the kind of personality they acquire and there is no reason to believe you have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old personality is considered 'antisocial.''What is important in this declaration is that the new world order will be set up over the current system, meaning the old way of thinking and behavior and religion will be considered the 'old' and incorrect way of thinking and that they can change it at one of the eradication camps of the United Nations to make sure that anyone with this 'antisocial' behavior will be disposed of quickly so that other modified individuals will be able to fulfill the needs and agendas of the new world order without being distracted by the truth.
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