Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Is this the big one?

They finally have him now. Benghazi, Fast & Furious, his birth certificate, the IRS....they all pale in comparison to the latest "No Drama Obama" piece of drama.

Let's see him try to get out of this one.

 Cooking the unemployment books to win an election is downright Nixonian.

But wait..... 

"Conservatives are working themselves into a froth about what they believe is the next HUGE OBAMA SCANDAL: allegations that the unemployment numbers were cooked just ahead of the 2012 election.

This scandal may turn out to be just as devastating to the Obama administration as the IRS, Benghazi and Fast & Furious scandals. Not devastating at all, in other words. In fact, this one seems even flimsier than those pseudo-scandals.
New York Post columnist John Crudele, citing one anonymous source, claims that Census Bureau employees have been ordered to make up responses when surveying households for the Labor Department's monthly unemployment report. Crudele claims to have evidence from 2010 that one Census survey-taker was caught making up numbers to meet a quota. Crudele's anonymous source claims there were other incidents of surveyors making up numbers, that Census officials encouraged such shenanigans, and that fake-number generation ramped up ahead of the 2012 election.

This, Crudele suggests in a daring leap of logic, probably explains unemployment's drop to 7.8 percent in September 2012 from 8.1 percent the month before. That drop was reported on Oct. 5, 2012, just a month ahead of Election Day, and immediately seemed suspicious to conservatives like former General Electric CEO Jack Welch, who tweeted:

'Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can't debate so change numbers..'
"Conservatives were aflutter again on Tuesday about Crudele's column, with CNBC forehead-vein-farmer Rick Santelli declaring himself and Welch vindicated, and failed GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain tweeting:

'They faked the pre-election unemployment report & the employee who did it says he was under orders from superiors..'

But sorry, Herman Cain, no. "The employee who did it" does not say that. In fact, there is no such employee in Crudele's report. Crudele cites only an anonymous source who generally claims that numbers were made up. The "employee" who allegedly "did it" is one guy who allegedly made up numbers in 2010, which careful readers will note was two years before the election. That employee was not accused of raising or lowering unemployment figures -- just of making up numbers to meet a quota of households.

Update: CNBC's Steve Liesman reports that the alleged "employee who did it," Julius Buckmon, has not worked at Census since August 2011. It's highly unlikely Buckmon threw the 2012 election from his couch.

Obviously, if the Census Bureau is telling employees to make up numbers one way or another, that's a problem. Neither the Census Bureau nor the Labor Department had anything interesting to say about Crudele's report when contacted by The Huffington Post, although a Labor Department spokesman said the Commerce Department was investigating the claims. The Census Bureau, which is a part of the Commerce Department, did not confirm or deny that statement.

Still, it's not possible for one employee alone, or even a few, to have altered the unemployment rate by submitting false data -- Census surveys 60,000 households in one week, a massive task involving about 2,200 workers. That makes a rate-moving conspiracy highly unlikely.

"This fraud would have to be so widespread, to affect enough of the survey takers to affect the top-line numbers, that it seems implausible on the face of it," said Heidi Shierholz, an economist who studies unemployment at the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank.

The 0.3-percent decline in unemployment in September 2012 was not an unusually large change, Shierholz pointed out -- the unemployment rate tends to be volatile. Unemployment also fell by 0.3 percent in November 2011, less than a year earlier. September's drop, though large, was not out of line with the overall trend in unemployment, which has continued to decline steadily, if slowly, in the year since the election.

And cooked or raw, these monthly jobs numbers aren't precise measures, anyway. The Labor Department says it has 90 percent confidence them. That means a reported 6 percent unemployment rate might really be 5.8 percent, or it might be 6.2 percent. For an 8 percent unemployment rate, the variation would be slightly wider.

In fact, if Obama really is cooking the unemployment numbers, he needs to send them back to the kitchen -- this has been the slowest job-market recovery since World War II. One month's unemployment report did not change that.
Update: The Census Bureau just put out a statement completely denying Crudele's report:" [Source]

Damn it! Another good scandal gone to waste. I hate when that happens.

But wait, I think I spoke too soon, I think there is another scandal brewing on the horizon. Wait for it....wait for it......OBAMA SNUBS 150th ANNIVERSARY OF THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS.

Over at FOX they are outraged, and conservatives are beside themselves that the first African American president would not go to the place where the union army fought valiantly to make us a more perfect union.

Scandal? Not so much. Turns out quite a few presidents before "No Drama Obama" turned down the opportunity to speak at Gettysburg.

"Yeah, but Field, what about God? That Muslim left out the word God in his reading of the Gettysburg address."

Seems there is an explanation for that too. Sorry.

Oh well, keep searching. A good scandal is sure to come along.

Hey, I hear the First Lady was on BET. Surely there is a scandal in there somewhere.  



Unknown said...

haha, that's rich.

It doesn't matter what he does. They hate him because he hates America.

Black Sage said...

Damn it! Another good scandal gone to waste. I hate when that happens.

But wait, I think I spoke too soon, I think there is another scandal brewing on the horizon. Wait for it....wait for it......OBAMA SNUBS 150th ANNIVERSARY OF THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS.

LOL, I'm not a fan of Obomber, however, super trolls and conservatives have been aiming at him for quite some time now and they've been unable to shoot straight enough to really nail him. Keep trying, perhaps the next propagandistic, skullduggery or hackneyed plot will do him in!

Anonymous said...

Dumb one.

They already admitted it.

Damn it must suck to be so racist you only see skin color and don't care who thinks you are stupid.

NSangoma said...


Did you forget something, field booty?

Staffer hurt, 9 students in custody after Overbrook High School fight
10 pupils fight at Overbrook High School, nurse hurt

Overbrook High School, is in Philadelphia isn't it field?



Now here is the STEPHEN that we all KNOW , and LOVE...

Incessantly spinning fairy tales about this criminal administration....

I emplore you to watch this video H. Rap Brown talked about O-Bomber long before he was selected to further the agenda of the military industrial complex...with a side of Wall ST


Why is this administration allowing JP Morgan Chase to pay a fine of 13 BILLION dollars admitting wrong doing in the mortgage crisis of 2008??

Just announced today..

Why has there been NO PERP WALKS
for any of the Too Big Too Fail Banks...??

Why do the Dept of Justice ALLOW "Too Big to Fail" Banks to exist ??

Just a slap on the wrist , (equivalent to a few months profit)

I know..I know.... it isn't O-Bombers fault...

Its the mean nasty Racist Republicans you keep crying about every day....

Carry on....

PilotX said...

Fox wouldn't exist if not for these fake scandals. What would Rush talk about?


And if you STILL arent upset at the concept of JP Morgan paying a 13 Billion dollar settlement...

Consider the FACT that Ben Bernake under the Federal Reserve has been buying up 85 Billion dollars a month in Mortgage Securities for the last 4 years... Quietly called Quantitative Easing QE1,2,3 to ensure interest rates dont explode.

PilotX said...

13 billion and an admission of wrongdoing versus nothing. I'll take door number 1.


I'll take door number 1.

NO You obviously like number#2 all over you ...

for such a weak minded stance given the unique set of facts involved with this case.

ESPECIALLY because it deals with sub prime loans split and bundled with other high risk loans into AAA rated portfolios, and resold to hundreds of investors.

Anonymous said...

The JP Morgan did "nothing" for mortgages under water.

What did this do for anyone? $13 Billion? ...give me a break. Another publicity stunt that works on fools like PilotX

Anonymous said...

When is Field going to post the latest on the ratings on Obama and his signature policy called Obamacare, a sure loser?

Cal said...

Pseudo scandals? Just what the hell does this guy have to do to get you to stop being his bitch? Faking the unemployment numbers, using the IRS to attack opponents, lying about healthcare, dead ambassadors, crossed red lines, dead Mexicans, Solyndra, spying on American citizens...

WTF man?

PilotX said...

Well BIB just jump on the impeach Holder bandwagon with the gop and see how far that will get ya. If a hefty fine and admission of guilt is nothing then you can have what's behind door #2, NOTHING! The financial services industry has billions it can use to steer elections thanks to Bush SC appointees. Methinks getting what you realistically can is a good deal but in your fantasyland in which the president waves a magic wand and fairies and unicorns appear you'll get what you want. He may grant your wish right after he singlehandedly passes universal healthcare.

field negro said...

Cal, he has to start acting like his predecessor.

Pilot, do u think BLACKISCLUELESS was this outraged when W was running the country into the ground?

I know, I don't, either.

The Purple Cow said...

"Pseudo scandals? Just what the hell does this guy have to do to get you to stop being his bitch? Faking the unemployment numbers, using the IRS to attack opponents, lying about healthcare, dead ambassadors, crossed red lines, dead Mexicans, Solyndra, spying on American citizens..."

How's that working out for ya Cal?

Millions of torch-waving citizens bearing down on the White House demanding a lynching are there?

Republicans must be WAAAYY ahead in the opinion polls, I guess?



Oh dear.....

Black Sage said...

Since this country’s inchoate inception, wrongdoing, controversies and cover-ups have lingered around each and every administration. Therefore, Obomber’s whirlwind of supposed failures isn’t anything new at all. The only thing that visibly different is Obomber’s biological characteristics. Konservatives are continually manufacturing tales simply because he’s BLACK! And due to this fact, every supposed misstep is keenly focused upon, magnified, polished with an O’Reilly twist and temporarily hailed as his down fall.

It just makes me wonder, where in the hell were these folks when Bush stored drugs on an oil platform to eventually distribute to the black communities? What ere were they during the Iran-Contra controversy?

Time and time again, we’ve seen these stories targeting Obomber wither away just as soon as a pair of fresh eyes gets a hold of the story, unaffected by presidential ambitions and political jaundice!

Unknown said...

dam right black sage

Cal said...

Obama is not "Black". He is not descended from West Africans brought here as slaves centuries ago. He is the son of a white woman and a an East African citizen of Kenya whose ancestors were not slaves.

He was raised by white liberals in Indonesia and Hawaii and hardly even saw a black face until he was in his mid twenties. He went to rich man schools and never had to work a day in his life. He never faced any hardship or discrimination because of his skin color. Quite the opposite in fact.

He never associated with Blacks until it became expedient to do so. He adopted his Black identity purely for reasons of political gain.

He expropriated the political capital of Black America built up through centuries of injustice and spent it all on building the myth of his birthright.

This is the biggest swindle of Black America since Reconstruction.

Black Sage said...

@Cal, I refer you to the "One Drop Rule", you fat idiot!

Unknown said...

'Obama is not "Black" ... He never faced any hardship or discrimination because of his skin color.'

Is this some way of admitting that the discrimination has affected the average black American since 1961 (the year Obama was born)?

NSangoma said...


That night, a group of teenagers attempting to knock Michael Daniels out with a single punch wound up beating and stomping him to death, according to police. A 15-year-old and a 13-year-old have been arrested, and Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler said more arrests may come.

Who dey daddy field? Where dey daddy at?


Anonymous said...

obama is black like zimmerman is white.

Cal said...

Obama's failures and crimes are his alone, not Black America's.

Yet Black America will defend this lying sack of shit to the end.

Go figure.

repubs are hypocrites said...

This sounds like the familiar story of the last few days of the Obama administration’s rollout of the exchanges. But, actually, those quotes, and that scenario, are taken from the Bush administration’s efforts to implement the Medicare prescription drug benefit in 2005 and 2006.

Not only was Bush’s rollout “anything but smooth,” but administration officials had “some trouble getting the [online] tool up and running” and had to delay its debut for weeks. What’s more, computer glitches caused low-income beneficiaries to go without needed medications and sent pharmacies the wrong drug information. Before it was all resolved, Dr. Mark McClellan, Bush’s head of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), appeared at hearings before the House Committee On Energy And Commerce, laying out the flaws in the law’s implementation and detailing how the administration would address them.

As the House Energy and Commerce Committee holds its first hearing on the implementation of the the Affordable Care Act on Thursday, it’s worth noting that some of the very same Republicans who are lashing out against Obamacare, arguing that the botched rollout is proof that the government cannot implement effectively and should repeal the law entirely, gave the Bush administration a pass and urged Americans not to pre-judge such a complicated process. At least four of the Republicans still on the committee had argued that early implementation hurdles should not taint the entirety of reform:

REP. JOE BARTON (R-TX): “This is a huge undertaking and there are going to be glitches. My goal is the same as yours: Get rid of the glitches. The committee will work closely with yourself and Dr. Mark McClellan at CMS to get problems noticed and solved.” [Barton Statement via, 2/15/2006]

REP. TIM MURPHY (R-PA): “Any time something is new, there is going to be some glitches. All of us, when our children were new, well, we knew as parents we didn’t exactly know everything we were doing and we had a foul-up or two, but we persevered and our children turned out well. No matter what one does in life, when it is something new in learning the ropes of it, it is going to take a little adjustment.” [Murphy Floor Speech via Congressional Record, 4/6/2006]

REP. MICHAEL BURGESS (R-TX): “We can’t undo the past, but certainly they can make the argument that we are having this hearing a month late and perhaps we are, but the reality is the prescription drug benefit is 40 years late and seniors who signed up for Medicare those first days back in 1965 when they were 65 years of age are now 106 years of age waiting for that prescription drug benefit, so I hope it doesn’t take us that long to get this right and I don’t believe that it will. And I do believe that fundamentally it is a good plan.” [“Medicare Part D: Implementation of the New Drug Benefit,” 3/1/2006]

REP. PHIL GINGREY (R-GA): “I delivered 5,200 babies, but this may be the best delivery that I have ever been a part of, Mr. Speaker, and that is delivering, as I say, on a promise made by former Congresses and other Presidents over the 45-year history of the Medicare program, which was introduced in 1965 with no prescription drug benefit. And what we have done here is add part D, the ‘D’ for ‘drug’ or, if you want, the ‘delivery’ that we have finally provided to our American seniors.” [Gingrey Floor Speech via Congressional Record, 4/6/06]

repubs are hypocrites said...

stop listening to these sale out negro's and white folks. seek it out for your self. Obama is a great president,

The Purple Cow said...

Quote Cal

"Obama is not "Black". He is not descended from West Africans brought here as slaves centuries ago."

So you have to be descended from slaves to be black?

I've got some Nigerian friends who are going to be shocked when I tell 'em they are no longer black.

Cirze said...

Grasping at straws.

Even made-up straws is all they have.

But remember . . . Crossroads under KarlKKK just released the gazillions it's got budgeted for the 2014/16 elections and all these straws will be the platform of Truth.

It's not gonna be pretty.

Keep their noses to the grindstone, Field!


BARBBF said...

The Butchering of Gaddafi Is America’s Crime

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

“Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared like ghoulish despots at a Roman Coliseum, reveling in their Libyan gladiators’ butchery.”
Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife [4] up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones.
Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.


Are you aware that there are reports from non-US media that the slaughter of Black Libyans is still happening? I do remember Obama declaring that it was necessary to come to the aid of the "democracy-seeking" rebels (which have now declared Sharia law) to avoid to massacre of 6,000 Libyans. There were reports as of this past September that the number of civilians murdered as a result of the NATO invasion..which was supported by Obama was over 50,000. The NTC admitted to the deaths of 30,000. All Obama supporters..especially those people of color..should be proud.

Anonymous said...

""Obama is not "Black". He is not descended from West Africans brought here as slaves centuries ago.""

Obama's mother was white. His father was a Kenyan.

Obama is not descended, on his father's side, from black American slaves. This does not mean that Obama is not "black", it does means that he does not belong to the same ethnic group as black Americans who are descended from black American slaves.

Anonymous said...

not on today's topic, but you might enjoy this item, Field:

"After LAX Shooting, Young White Males Fear Racial Profiling"


Bill said...

The Purple Cow said...
How's that working out for ya Cal?

A new CBS News poll finds that Obama’s approval rating has plummeted to 37 percent, a nine-point drop from his 46 percent rating in October. His disapproval rating is at the highest CBS News Polls have indicated, climbing to 57 percent.

I'm not sure about Cal, but it's not looking good for Obama.

This is bush like approval/disapproval numbers.

These numbers prove it's more than right-wingers that are giving up hope.

Bill said...


The knock out game is starting to get national attention.

Will FN cover this or does this not fit the FN agenda.

Today's agenda is try to cover for Obama, just like the bushites did for bush.

Bill said...

Anonymous said...

not on today's topic, but you might enjoy this item, Field:
"After LAX Shooting, Young White Males Fear Racial Profiling"

An article custom made for FN.

PilotX said...

Man Field, how about that nuclear option? IMHO, they should have let the Repubs do it in 2005 when they threatened to do it. The Bush got everything he wanted anyway so it wouldn't have made a difference. Maybe now BIB will be happy that Barack may be able to implement his agenda.

PilotX said...

Yeah right, white males will get profiled. In other nes pigs started flying! Ha! Must be a satirical site.

PilotX said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PilotX said...

The knockout game is nothing new. It's getting national attention because other folks are getting hit in the head. Bill, like others, is just late to the party.

Anonymous said...

President Obama isn't hated because "he hates America", he's hated because he had a "BLACK" father!! "Black" is despised in America. Too bad this wasn't realized 500 years ago. For 500 years Caucasians have been pains and harboring pain on every part of the Africans' anatomy. Creeps!!!!!

The Purple Cow said...

Quote BARBF-the-Nazi

So Barb would you have the Libyan people continue to live on their knees? The Libyans killed Gadhaffi for a reason, that reason being that he was a murdering fucking psychopath.

"Trying to maintain his dignity..."

...are you fucking kidding me? If he was so concerned for his fucking dignity perhaps he should have refrained from killing 10000 of his own people. Perhaps he should have refrained from imprisoning, torturing and raping hundreds of girls in the cellar of his Palace?

Doncha think, BARBF???

The Arab spring is an attempt by the Arab people to free themselves from decades of oppression by some of the most vicious repressive regimes the world has ever seen.

It will not be a neat clean process, revolutions rarely are, but the process has begun, it cannot be stopped.

The fact that you, BARBF, think that millions of Arabs should continue to live under the yoke of vicious fascist tyrannies simply because it suits America's foreign policy shows just what a perfectly vile human being you are

The Purple Cow said...

"Obama is not descended, on his father's side, from black American slaves. This does not mean that Obama is not "black", it does means that he does not belong to the same ethnic group as black Americans who are descended from black American slaves. "


Do you even know what an ethnic group is?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

The GOP's problem is that they're prevented from tranferring the taxpayer's money into their own personal coffers. Michelle Bachmann with her dizzy self is upset about that farm money her and her family were collecting. Paul Ryan is upset about that little sweet oil deal that his family would have profited off of if he could have passed his bill to steal grandma and grandpa's check and hurt the poor people. Paul Rand is upset because Obamacare puts a dent in him robbing sick folks and accepting kickbacks. I could go on and on, but I'll stop right there for now. Its all about the money.

The GOP has not learned their lesson yet. They're a stiff-neck bunch of folks. Look like they would get tired of being defeated in their B.S. and the light shined on their hatred. I guess not. They keep coming up with all these fantasies. Funny part is that the President is not running for another term. If I were the GOP, I would stop because this time he might make them look so bad until they'll never be able to recover from the shame and disgrace.

Interesting that they want to give people who receive food stamps drug test when members in their own party are snorting coke. The way Michelle Bachmann keeps coming up with all those far out illusions about the President, I swear she acts just like an undercover dope fiend herself. Wow! They want to privatize low rental housing and charge seniors more than their social security check. Do they realize that poor people have to eat, buy toilet paper, and soap too? I guess they expect them to use corn husk for toiletry needs.

Anonymous said...

@Purple Cow:

Do you even know what an ethnic group is?"

My Webster dictionary defines the word ethnic as "a member of a minority group who retains the customs, language or social views of the group".

With the aforementioned definition in mind, blacks descended from black American slaves are a distinct (ethnic) group. As are blacks descended from Nigerian blacks, Kenyan blacks, or blacks from other countries. Each group has its own "customs, language or social views".

Anonymous said...

Ok PilotX. Only the po neegrow be profiled.

PilotX said...

Pretty sure no blah people discriminated against Barack because his father was from the continent. Especially second generation folks have the same blah experience as folks who's ancestors have been here for a while. Only somebody outside our community would bring that up that as an issue.

Cal said...

The point was, moron, that Obama has no cultural, social, or even genetic ties with Black Americans, whose mantle of moral debt he took for his own shoulders.

He has less in common with the average American black than the average American white does. His 'blackness' is an act.

Keep clapping, loser.

Anonymous said...

NSangoma said...

That night, a group of teenagers attempting to knock Michael Daniels out with a single punch wound up beating and stomping him to death, according to police. A 15-year-old and a 13-year-old have been arrested, and Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler said more arrests may come.

Who dey daddy field? Where dey daddy at?


10:10 AM
You fool. Don't you know we don't talk about where their fathers are? Nobody knows who their fathers are, you fool. That's the problem in our fathers. Hell, ask the mothers of these boys where and who their fathers are. I bet they couldn't tell you.

Accept the fact that it is part of our culture not to know. It's the same problem that permeated our race during slavery. Nobody knows who is who. Thanks to uncaring racist slave-selling Whites.

Anonymous said...

Father's Day, the most confusing day of the year in the 'hood.

field negro said...

Anon@7:53, I bet when u thought of that line a light went off in your head and u said, I just thought of something brilliant to say.

Anonymous said...

Mr Field, it was brilliant, and it's true in the hood...and so?

PilotX said...

"I don't identify with other blah Americans becauses my ancestors weren't slaves" said no one ever.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Cal, sorry you don't seem to think Obama is black enough to try to combat systemic oppression.

Here are some points I recently came across about systemic oppression in the United States:

- Systematic oppression continues to be integral to the social systems in the United States

-White Supremacy is a thread in US systematic oppression. White Supremacy is an extremely well documented ideology and slavery was not the final instance of injustice against black Americans.

-The dominance of the owner and middle classes is a thread in American history

-We all participate in this society-therefore we all participate in its systems of oppression whether we want to or not

-Only by recognizing something can we do something about it.

The rhetoric of Barack Obama seems to support addressing systematic oppression or systemic inequalities between white and black American communities.

It hasn't been easy, especially with such stalwart opposition from Republicans.

Nor is Barack Obama a perfect person.

Nor can inequalities have a magic wand waved at them and just disappear.

David Blaine said...

I wish I could wave a magic wand at Bryan and make him disappear.

He really brings the stupid.

BARBBF said...


It is expected that Lincoln be removed from his position as “hero” and relegated to a more appropriate position, to somewhere near the status of “Columbus” and “Hitler.”
We demand that Abe Lincoln's dishonest and shameful face be removed from the "occupied" and desecrated area called “Mount Rushmore” immediately.

see online petition at

Text of Order to General Sibley, St. Paul Minnesota:

"Ordered that of the Indians and Half-breeds sentenced to be hanged by the military commission, composed of Colonel Crooks, Lt. Colonel Marshall, Captain Grant, Captain Bailey, and Lieutenant Olin, and lately sitting in Minnesota, you cause to be executed on Friday the nineteenth day of December, instant, the following names, to wit [39 names listed by case number of record: cases 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 22, 24, 35, 67, 68, 69, 70, 96, 115, 121, 138, 155, 170, 175, 178, 210, 225, 254, 264, 279, 318, 327, 333, 342, 359, 373, 377, 382, 383].

The other condemned prisoners you will hold subject to further orders, taking care that they neither escape, nor are subjected to any unlawful violence.

Abraham Lincoln,
President of the United States"

"On December 6 (1862) President Lincoln notified Sibley that he should "cause to be executed" thirty-nine of the 303 convicted Santees, Execution date was the 26th of December. At the last minute, one Indian was given a reprieve. About ten o'clock the thirty-eight condemned men were marched from the prison to the scaffold. They sang the Sioux death song until soldiers pulled white caps over their heads and placed nooses around their necks. At a signal from an army officer, the control rope was cut and thirty-eight Santee Sioux dangled lifeless in the air.

A spectator boasted that this was
"America's greatest" public execution."

Dec 27 1862 (Saturday)

rent slave said...

Speaking of the birth certificate,why don't you put your money where your mouth is by asking the Iowa Futures to post a prop for the document's authenticity?Not enough Soros' money could keep that prop from soon having a worth of zero.

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Nanaja said...

Netflix has confirmed that it will include video games as part of subscription packages at no extra cost.In a letter to investors, it said it was in the early stages of expanding into games and those for mobile would be added to the platform first."The time is right to learn more about how our members value games," it said on Tuesday.
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Nanaja said...

In the rugged crags of Barranco de Ávalo, a ravine on the small Canary Island of La Gomera, two local 12-year-olds were practicing their Silbo Gomero, the local whistling language. For an entrancing few minutes, Irún Castillo Perdomo and Angel Manuel Garcia Herrera's lilting warbles reverberated around the barren gorge and soared proudly into the air like eagles in flight.
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Nanaja said...

They were accompanied by 70-year-old retired Silbo Gomero teacher Eugenio Darias, whose grandfather used to own and work on this very same land. He told me that the boys' whistled conversation was similar to any they would have over text message or in the playground, but the focus was instead on the six differentiating sounds that make up La Gomera's protected whistle language.
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Nanaja said...

While it's true that most children their age would sooner pick up their phone and tap away, this small Canary Island invites them to think differently. Thanks to Darias, their threatened tongue has been a compulsory school subject since 1999 – and almost all 22,000 residents can understand it alongside their mother tongue of Canarian Spanish.
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Nanaja said...

from 207 countries will compete over the next couple of weeks, all vying to get their hands on the medal they've worked so long for.
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Nanaja said...

With the Covid-19 pandemic still raging worldwide, that metaphorical tunnel is still being traversed, but Friday's opening ceremony offers a glimmer of that light."I think it will be a moment of joy and relief when entering the stadium, a moment of joy in particular for the athletes because I know how much they are longing for this moment
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Nanaja said...

Masks quarantine saliva tests Make no mistake these are an Olympics like no other.With Tokyo in a state of emergency throughout the Olympics after a spike in Covid-19 infectionsagain.
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Nanaja said...

from either Japan or overseas, being permitted inside venues.As for the athletes, they are under strict restrictions too. They must wear a face mask at all times - except when eating, drinking, training, competing or sleeping - and minimise physical interaction with others, and are being tested for Covid-19 every day.
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But unfortunately the virus has affected the Games already, before they have officially started.
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but they are here. At last.With an unexpected additional year of preparation under their belts, more than 11,300 athletes
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But Titmus managed to close the gap 50 metres before the finish, powering home for gold in the Tokyo Aquatics Centre."I can't believe it, I'm trying to contain my emotions," she said afterwards.
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He is competing in three individual events - the 50m and 100m freestyle, plus the 100m fly - and will feature in a further two, possibly three, relays.
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In a nail-biting finale, the British pair watched on as Cao Yuan and Chen Aisen conducted their final dive and broke into wild celebrations when it became clear they had ended China's golden grip on the event, dating back to 2000.
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For Daley - now 27 - it marks a first gold medal at his fourth Olympic Games and he wept with joy on the podium, while Lee - four years his junior - can contemplate gold at the first time of asking.
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A Jewish funeral is expected to take place for Estelle Hedaya in New York on Tuesday, the AP news agency reports.
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Her family and friends described her as outgoing and fun-loving and said she loved to travel and try new things, like salsa dancing.
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Dean touched home in one minute 44.22 seconds, securing a British record in his debut Games.
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It is the first time since 1908 that two male British swimmers have finished on the Olympic podium together.
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The 21-year-old Dean had a difficult build-up to Tokyo after twice contracting coronavirus in 2020, which at one stage left him unable to "walk up the stairs without coughing and wheezing".
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Unable to train for three weeks on each occasion, he told BBC Sport it had been a real setback "physically and mentally" prior to the Games.
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He came out of nowhere in the final 75 metres to pip world champion Gregorio Paltrinieri by 0.24secs, while Mykhailo Romanchuk took the bronze medal.
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Making her first appearance in an Olympic final, Britain's Alys Thomas finished seventh in the 200m butterfly but put in an impressive performance as she touched
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Luke Greenbank qualified quickest for the 200m backstroke final with a time of 1:54.98 but Brodie Williams was unable to progress as he finished 15th.
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Anna Hopkin finished fourth in her 100m freestyle semi-final, securing her spot in the final by just 0.01sec but Freya Anderson just missed out as she finished 11th overall.
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Finally Molly Renshaw and Abbie Wood both booked their places in the 200m breaststroke final by finishing third and fourth in their respective semi-finals.
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Milak broke American Michael Phelps' 13-year-old Olympic record as he took gold in one minute 51.25 seconds.
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They split 10 minutes before I entered the pool and in that moment I knew the world record was gone. I lost my focus and knew I couldn't do it
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Milak, who switched his damaged swimwear for a spare just before the final, finished four metres clear of Japan's silver medallist Tomoru Honda as he posted the third-fastest swim of his career.
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I wasn't swimming for the medal, I was swimming for the time. I said earlier I wanted a personal best. And my personal best is a world record.
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Muir though is Great Britains major medal hope in the event and having decided not compete in the 800m, her Tokyo campaign started with a routine heat as she came home behind Canada's Gabriela Debues-Stafford."It's really nice to get that first run out of the way and feel comfortable," said Muir, who was seventh at Rio 2016 and fifth at the 2019 World Championships.
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If Muirs progression was straightforward Hassan who is due to compete in the 5,000m final later on Monday, was made to work in the final 300m so she could make up ground and take on the field after her fall.Ethiopia-born Hassan - who runs for the Netherlands after arriving in the country as a refugee aged 15 - is expected to challenge for a medal over 1500m, 5,000m and 10,000m in Tokyo.
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In the womens 100m hurdles final Jasmine Camacho Quinn won Puerto Rico's first ever track and field gold by powering home in 12.37 seconds, edging out America's Kendra Harrison (12.52) and Jamaica's Megan Tapper (12.55)."For such a small country, to give little kids hope, I'm just glad I'm the person to do that," Camacho-Quinn said afterwards.
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How many times have we heard that the Olympic tournaments should move away from "boring 72-hole strokeplay"? This, though, was thoroughly exposed as a lazy and erroneous evaluation by events at the Kasumigaseki Country Club last week.When there are only three prizes and a complete absence of place money, as is the case in Olympic golf,
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Every shot counts meaning all four days, including rounds where players traditionally jockey for position, were captivating. For the second Games running, the men's tournament boiled to a thrilling climax.When Schauffele held his nerve to make a composed par from the trees on the 72nd hole to succeed Justin Rose as men's champion
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Eventually, seven players entered a shootout for bronze. In the UK, fans rooted for Paul Casey while countries with less established golf audiences, such as Chile, Colombia and Taiwan, followed fortunes of their representatives.CT Pan, the lowly world number 208 playing for Chinese Taipei, ultimately made the podium by beating the American giant Collin Morikawa
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USA's Sydney McLaughlin smashed her own world record with a sensational run as she took Olympic gold in the women's 400m hurdles at the Tokyo Games.McLaughlin, 21, powered down the home straight to finish in 51.46 seconds as she shaved almost half a second off the old mark to reel in compatriot and rival Dalilah Muhammad.
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However, there were signs she was still feeling the effects of the ruptured Achilles she suffered in December while competing in the high jump.Johnson-Thompson struggled to get close to the 1.98m mark she posted at the Rio Games, clearing 1.86m as she lost ground to Belgium's Nafissatou Thiam, who won gold five years ago.
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There were concerns about players and staff having to quarantine for 14 days on their return to Australia, with the country's borders currently closed because of the pandemic.
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Those measures would mean players would only return to their NRL clubs two weeks before trial games for the 2022 season begin.The number of those who would be affected is significantly higher when the women's and wheelchair events are taken in consideration.
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The postponement would be a major blow to English rugby league, a sport that has been hit hard by the financial fallout of the pandemic.The UK government has provided rugby league with more than £32m in loan support in the past year.Austral
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It could have been even better for England had Dom Sibley held KL Rahul at second slip on 52 during Anderson's skilful spell.Rahul remains on 57 not out, with the dangerous Rishabh Pant on seven.The weather forecast is mixed for the remainder of the match, and warnings are in place over thunderstorms due on Friday.
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For a while it looked as though England were suffering a hangover from a dismal first-day batting display, their mood as dark as the clouds that slowly engulfed the ground.Rahul and Rohit Sharma batted beautifully throughout almost the entire morning session, sharing 97 for the first wicket.
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There was little wrong with England's display - they arguably bowled too wide and failed to test Rahul and Rohit with the short ball - but the home side seemed lacking in energy, spirit and fight.Then, when Rohit, on 36, sloppily helped a bouncer from wholehearted Ollie Robinson to long leg, England were transformed.
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Manchester City midfielders Kevin de Bruyne and Phil Foden will be "out for a while" because of injuries, says boss Pep Guardiola.De Bruyne, 30, suffered ankle ligament damage at the European Championship and played with a tear in Belgium's quarter-final defeat by Italy.
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Foden, 21, missed out on England's loss in the final because of a foot problem.Record signing Jack Grealish will be on the bench for Saturday's Community Shield match against Leicester City.
On Thursday, 25-year-old Grealish became the most expensive British player of all time by moving from Aston Villa to Man City for £100m.
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Guardiola said: "He [Grealish] is not ready to start at all, he was one week training alone but he'll travel with us tomorrow, to settle with the team, for meetings, and he will be on the bench and we'll see what happens."After we'll see what happens but from the beginning, no way."
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The Premier League champions come up against FA Cup winners Leicester in the curtain-raiser to the new season, with kick-off at 17:15 BST on Saturday.Leicester manager Brendan Rodgers said it is "a fantastic game for us" and that he was "glad we are there".
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The ex-Liverpool boss added: "We won the FA Cup and against a very good side. It will be a wonderful occasion. Wembley, full house and a chance to get hold of something at the end of it. Manchester City are a fantastic team."
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Maria LasitskeneHigh jumper Maria Lasitskene won one of the Russian Olympic Committee's 20 gold medals at these GamesRussian athletes are going home with their most medals since 2004 even though their team, flag and anthem were officially banned from the Tokyo Olympics.Competing as the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) as punishment for a state-sponsored doping scandal, their athletes won 20 golds among their 71 medals.It meant they finished fifth in the medal table, surpassing the tallies they had at Games including London 2012 and Beijing 2008 when they competed under their own flag.
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They have won three more medals than they did in London and 11 more than in Beijing, as well as 15 more than at Rio 2016 when they competed under a neutral flag. In terms of golds, they won one more than in Rio and matched their number from London.Their gold-medal tally could have been even higher here had they not missed out on victories in events they have dominated for decades, such as the rhythmic gymnastics, while being restricted to 10 competitors in track and field limited their medal chances there.
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Nanaja said...

ROC president Stanislav Pozdnyakov has deemed these Olympics "successful" for their team, but critics say the success makes a mockery of the sanctions, and their athletes have at times faced questions about whether Russians should even have been in Tokyo.In the arenas the Russians have handled this scrutiny calmly, with swimmer Evgeny Rylov saying American Ryan Murphy was entitled to voice his opinion that his race was "probably not clean" given Russia's doping past.
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And high jumper Maria Lasitskene who missed Rio 2016 because no Russian track and field athletes were allowed to compete there, said she could understand the misgivings."What happened five years ago probably should have happened. It shattered many careers, including mine, but probably I had to stand strong so that this [gold medal] would now hang around my neck," she said after her victory on Saturday.
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You have to get over that you have to accept that. You have to understand that there are people who think you should not be here at all. And I understand them too, and I know why they think that, but I put too much of myself into this to just give up."More than 300 athletes across 30 sports competed as the ROC in Tokyo and their successes included golds in the men's and women's team gymnastics events, four wrestling golds and top spots in shooting, fencing and swimming.
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Nanaja said...

Netball Australia with the support of World Netball  has announced its goal for the sport to debut at the 2032 Brisbane Olympics.The 2020 Tokyo Games saw many sports feature in the Olympics for the first time including karate skateboarding and sport climbing.Netball has been included in the Commonwealth Games since 1988.
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England won gold at the last event in 2018 and will defend their title in Birmingham next year.What better way to deal with the hangover of the Olympics ending than getting excited about the prospect of netball being in in Brisbane? It would be brilliant current England head coach Jess Thirlby told BBC Sport.
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The Roses Commonwealth victory and the 2019 Netball World Cup in England where New Zealand won their fifth title, have boosted the popularity and growth of the sport.We want our junior netballers to dream of Olympic glory in the sport they love, Netball Australia chief executive Kelly Ryan said.We want our netball fans, who are the proudest and most passionate supporters to cheer on their favourite athletes as they compete in the green and gold with the whole world watching on.
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Our sport deserves to be played on the biggest stage.Netball Australia will work with World Netball the Australian Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to pursue their Olympic bid.Netball and Olympics: What is holding the sport backThirlby added: "It is played in over 70 nations across the world, some of which, the likes of Malawi, are nations that haven't medalled this time around in Tokyo.
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Nanaja said...

So it really offers up the chance for other nations to actually get on an Olympic medal table.We appreciate it s not yet played, most probably, broadly enough within the men game. That is something I feel pretty confident about that in 10 years time the game will reach a much broader audience.
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Nanaja said...

New Zealand Olympic cyclist Olivia Podmore has died at the age of 24 Cycling New Zealand has said.Podmore competed at the 2016 Rio Games the 2018 Commonwealth Games and was her country's keirin champion in 2017.We at Cycling New Zealand are deeply saddened with the sudden loss of our young cyclist Olivia Podmore a social media post by CNZ read.
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Olivia was a much-loved and respected rider in our Cycling New Zealand squad and the wider cycling community.The post added: "Many people are understandably devastated and trying so hard to comprehend what has happened. We have been and will continue to provide support to our staff and riders the cycling community and those that were close to Olivia.
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Tributes have poured in across social media  including one from British cyclist Callum Skinner.Our sport our movement has lost another before their time. Rest in peace Olivia Podmore he wrote on Twitter.Cyclist Lizzy Banks added Yesterdays news of Olivia Podmore's passing is truly devastating. I want to share to raise awareness of the struggles so many face.
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A reminder to check in to ask how it's going and most of all to be kind. My heart goes out to those closest to her. A very sad day for cycling.UCI Track Cycling said Words cant express how saddened we are to hear of the sudden death of Rio 2016 Olympian Olivia Podmore.Our thoughts are with her family friends and  CyclingNZL. RIP.
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Nanaja said...

Paris St-Germain will look to sell up to 10 first team players to help balance the books following their signing of Argentina captain Lionel Messi 34. Senegal midfielder Idrissa Gueye 31 Spain midfielder Ander Herrera 31 and 28year old Argentina striker Mauro Icardi are among those who could be moved on. Sport - in Spanish Manchester City are planning to open new talks with Brazilian goalkeeper Ederson 27 and England midfielder Phil Foden 21 over new contracts at the Etihad.
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Nanaja said...

To a generation of athletics fans, Darren Campbell was the face of British sprinting.His 200m silver at the 2000 Olympics and 4x100m gold four years later earned him widespread respect and fame.Yet for years the source behind his inner drive remained hidden from public knowledge.This is the story of how Campbell emerged as a talented teenage sprinter while leading a double life as a gang member; how a twist of fate foiled a planned pub robbery.
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Nanaja said...

Campbell, now 47, rarely spoke during his career about his experiences growing up on the Racecourse estate in Sale - a council estate on the outskirts of south Manchester.As he prepares to guide the current crop of British youngsters through the Tokyo Games as Team GB sprint coach, he has decided to lay it all out there - "the good, the bad and the ugly" - in a bid to inspire others.
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Nanaja said...

Campbell and his younger sister Sophia were raised by their mother, Marva, in a two-bedroom flat on Sale's Racecourse estate.He met his father for the first time, aged 13, at a sports awards ceremony. That was when he decided to drop his paternal surname - Grant - in favour of his mother's, Campbell.I told my mum: one day I'm going to be famous and I don't want my dad to take the praise
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Nanaja said...

Born in 1973, Campbell had already told anyone who'd listen that he'd one day compete at the Olympics. He'd been inspired by Carl Lewis' performances at the 1984 Games in Los Angeles, where the American sprinter won gold in the 100m, 200m, long jump and 4x100m.By that time, the budding young athlete had already been competing for Sale Harriers for four years, enrolled after his mother was bowled over by his first school sports day.
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Campbell's mother was a constant source of strength and inspiration to her son. She was a strict parent - Campbell describes her as "the most feared on the estate" - but the fact she often worked two or three jobs meant he also spent plenty of time with his extended group of friends, for whom trouble was never far away.Initially it was a brotherhood, a group," he says Unfortunately, as time went on it became
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Nanaja said...

Olympic 100m champion Lamont Marcell Jacobs has said he will not compete again until next year.In response to a question on social media about when he would next race, the 26-year-old responded with "2022".Jacobs followed up his shock 100m victory in Tokyo with another gold as part of Italy's 4x100m relay team.His manager Marcello Magnani said injury was not a factor in the decision to take a break, but the time off is a preventative measure.
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It is simply that Marcell has given so much this year, all he had, so to insist [on competing] would only mean risking an injury," Magnani added.European indoor 60m champion Jacobs, who only switched away from long jump in 2018, produced one of the biggest surprises in Tokyo when he won 100m gold in in 9.80 seconds.It was only in May that he broke the 10-second barrier for the first time.He was next scheduled to run on August 21 at the Eugene Diamond League meet in the United States.
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Nanaja said...

British number one Johanna Konta has pulled out of the Canadian Open with a knee injury.The 30-year-old was due to face 15th seed Coco Gauff in the third round, with the American now advancing to the quarter-finals in a walkover result.The event in Montreal was Konta's first since the Nottingham Open in June.She pulled out of Wimbledon when a member of her team tested positive for Covid-19, then missed the Olympics after contracting the virus herself.
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On her return to action, Konta got past Zhang Shuai in the opening round after the Chinese player retired with a leg injury when 5-2 down to the Briton in the second set, having claimed the first.Konta then fought back from a set down to defeat third seed Elina Svitolina to set up the third-round meeting with Gauff.Australia has some of the strictest Covid-19 protocols in the world.
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Nanaja said...

England and Wales Cricket Board chief executive Tom Harrison says he is "confident" this winter's Ashes tour of Australia will go ahead.England players are seeking assurances that they will be able to be joined by their families in Australia.People come first. That is our view and we will continue to take that approach said Harrison.These are very reasonable requests we are asking the Australian government to give some leniency towards.
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Nanaja said...

Chelsea had everything apart from a goalscorer last season and there were too many times where they created chances and didn't put the ball in the back of the net.Lukaku changes that because we know he will score goals. He guarantees lots of them actually, which is why they have gone all out to get him and were willing to spend so much to bring him back to Stamford Bridge.
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Nanaja said...

He is going to be a huge signing for them. Put it this way, he can be the difference between them being champions or not. That's how important he is.We are talking about one of the best strikers in the world - that's how good Lukaku is. At 28, he is at his peak and I think he has improved a lot since he left Manchester United for Inter Milan in 2019 because of the experience he has had in Serie A.
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Nanaja said...

He is a better all-round player now, plus he is hungry and has got something to prove at Chelsea after he was allowed to leave when he was younger.Lukaku is arriving at a club that has everything else in place to win the title, although there are a few sides who will have something to say about that.
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Nanaja said...

It's been a short break from football for everyone this summer but after such an enjoyable Euros I can't wait for the Premier League to get started again.There is plenty to look forward to in the coming season, including seeing some of the major signings that have already happened - and there are more to come.
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Nanaja said...

Alan Shearer joins Gary Lineker and Ian Wright for Match of the Day this Saturday at 22:20 BST on BBC One and the BBC Sport website for highlights of seven Premier League games.Joining Manchester City would be a brilliant move for Harry Kane, but if it happens I don't think it means the Premier League title race is all over.It's not going to be as straightforward as that for City, especially with Chelsea signing Romelu Lukaku.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม  โรงเรียนบ้านมะขามเอน

D-balls said...

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