They want you for participating in some "suspicious activity".
That is so vague. I mean "suspicious activity" could be anything for crying out loud.
That's why this is somewhat problematic for men of color in that state. Unless, of course, you happen to be a well known black man in West Virginia. (Whatever happened to Major Harris?)
For instance, you might be walking down the street and minding your own business, but because you happen to have a copy of the Wall Street Journal you get arrested. Yes you could; because in West Virginia a black man reading the Wall Street Journal just might be viewed as "suspicious." Do you see where I am coming from? This is messed up on so many levels.
Oh well, this is all just a sign of the times. The more things change.....
But here is a scary thought: A few years ago, before the Internet and social media, this wouldn't even have been a big deal. Just business as usual here in some parts of America.
Good ole boys and gals would meet in the town square and exchange pleasantries about the whole thing.
"Hey, you seen any suspicious Negroes, lately?" "Nah, not yet, although I did see one down at the Piggly Wiggly and he was checking out mighty fast." "What he look like?" "Bald, dark skin, bout 5'10' 5'11'." "Did you get his license plate number? We might have to inform the sheriff about this."
Oh lord! Hey, at least it's not Oklahoma.
What about these ole boys and gals?
SEE IT: Customers walk over dead body after Michigan man killed in store doorway
Recently released surveillance footage shows the moment Jheryl Wright was shot and killed in the doorway of a Kalamazoo convenience store — and the five minutes customers walked over his body to get in and out.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/customers-walk-dead-body-michigan-man-killed-store-doorway-article-1.1564163#ixzz2qWZkz6Tf
Right. Just business as usual in urban America.
Ah come on, field. The law there is pretty honest and upright. They won't jail 'any' black man, just the one who looks suspicious. That would be a leftist bm like you who causes trouble everyday...WRITING POSTS!
Now you must admit that you stir up shit every day. YOU, PilotX, PC, UTS(very uppity) are always starting suspicious shit. I'm giving up on you FN leftist Negroes. I've done all I do to get you folks to change(women like Granny and Desert included).
A conservative bm in WVA has nothing to fear because he is a righteous man that the citizens of WVA are proud of.
Wherever they may dwell, black men are always getting noticed for their criminality.
Why is that?
Black Jack said...
Wherever they may dwell, black men are always getting noticed for their criminality.
Why is that?
10:27 PM
Brother Jack, I really don't know the answer to your question. But I would love to hear your theory about it. Since the birth of this nation it has always been a mystery to me why black men were always wrong. I mean, it defies the law of averages. Please explain it to me.
Rubin Carter told you any negro will do.
This is their way of questioning the President. So Mr. Obama what were you doing on the night of............
Susan Smith claimed "a black man" took her car and children. Set off a mad search for "a black man". If you were such in South Carolina or North Carolina, you were subject to search and seizure without any due process because you were "a black man".
"A Black Man" carved some letters in a Pittsburg woman's cheeks near election time, just because he wanted her to vote for President Obama. Seriously, "a black man" did not do it to her, but it got her so much sympathy because so many people wanted "a black man" to have done it.
This WVA wanted tag (dead or alive) was billed as a mistake, but it was not. "A Black Man" is still hunted because of his skin. "A Black Man" is the most hunted man on earth, and this WVA article served notice that if we "suspect" you, then we can arrest you. Others get due process, but not, not "a black man".
Baltimore is a city where blacks have organized to lobby on behalf of exclusively black police (Vanguard Justice Society) and to promote the collective interests of only black firefighters (Vulcan Blazers:
"Last May, firefighters at a Baltimore, Md., fire station came under scrutiny for displaying a deer with an afro wig, gold tooth, gold chain and a cigarette hanging from its mouth.
Marvin "Doc" Cheatham, president of the Baltimore chapter of the NAACP, went ballistic, charging, "There is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department."
As it turns out, it was a black fireman who dressed up the critter. Cheatham refused to apologize for his accusations of fire department racism, maintaining "there is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department."
On Nov. 21, a hangman's noose was found at the fire station with a note, "We can't hang the cheaters, but we can hang the failures. No EMT-1, NO JOB." The noose and note turned up on the heels of an investigation into allegations of cheating on the test that emergency medical technicians must take for certification.
Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, a black, in a written statement said, "I am outraged by this deplorable act of hatred and intimidation. Threats and racial attacks are unacceptable anywhere, especially in a firehouse." Doc Cheatham said, "We're going to demand that this be handled as a hate crime. This thing really needs to end here in Baltimore city." The incident prompted a federal investigation.
Last week, Donald Maynard, a black firefighter-paramedic, confessed to having placed the noose, note and drawing depicting a lynching on a bunk in the firehouse.
City officials said Maynard was recently suspended, prior to his confession, from the department Friday for failing to meet requirements for advanced life-saving training. A spokesman for Mayor Dixon said there would be no criminal charges filed.
In response to Maynard's confession, NAACP President Cheatham still blamed white racism, saying, "It really saddens us to hear that evidently things have reached a stage that even an African-American does an injustice to himself and his own people as a result of a negative culture in that department."
The black population (be it criminal, elected official, or proud member of the Vanguard Justice Society or Vulcan Blazers) of Baltimore represent the absolute worst concentrated black population in America.
The promotion of black power via politics (as state policy) equates to the equivalent of an electromagnetic pulse being detonated over the city/state/nation where this idea is loudly, proudly, and vividly expressed -- after all the major airport in Baltimore is named after the first black Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, who famously said about racial discrimination, "You guys have been practicing discrimination for years, now it's our turn."
Funny: when whites advanced white power/supremacy as a policy of the state, we got to the moon; when blacks advanced black power/supremacy in cities like Baltimore and Detroit, it brought about scenarios no horror/science-fiction writer could ever hope to replicate.
We all know why Baltimore died.
@ Anon 10:37pm-
the plan is to get rid of Black folks for once + for all. folks ain't seen nothing yet...
though if they wanted a sneak peek all they'd need to do is look at His Word.
not only is He not sleeping nor dead...He is a wonderful, awesome, living- Almighty Yah.
i forgot to say last thread...i, agree this whole thing will backfire. this is why i pray that the enemy's minions will bicker + fight among themselves.
Almighty will rewind this madness on out. lol. Ancient of Ancients brotha style;) there is a song in my spirit with mad bass + flavor when i think of the Goodness of Yah! when He scratches or re-winds the track, it is...BANANAS! i AM in Love with Him + never want to stray too far. even when i don't feel Him touching me...i know He is there. He is just...original cool, like that;)
i don't know if you know about this card game. came out in mid '90s. gov't bullies were dispatched to knock + chat with the creator of the game.
the game still came out + predicts many things that have come to pass. get familiar:
it is funny folks were reading that post, when you mentioned something that made me think of it;)
the Universe is in sync. He has this all under control. THIS is why we are instructed to NOT walk by sight. His are called to walk according to their faith + win;)
FN, you seem to advocate disarming violent thugs...
what about you call the police departments what they are?
add some israeli military training + steroids to the uber violent thugs that need to be disarmed across america;)
Crystal Mangum claimed she was raped by white men. Set off cyber lynchings and revenge rapes. If you were a white man, there was no innocent til proven guilty.
White police officers smeared dog poo on a black woman and throw her in a bag. Why? Because they were racist. Seriously, Tawana did that to her self. White police officers were falsely accused. It got her so much sympathy because so many black people wanted "white police officers" to have done it.
Sure these were all race hoaxes, but maybe they were not. A white man is the most hunted man in black run america. Obama has already served noticed. Innocent until proven guilty and no rush to judgement only applies to minorities.
Airborne Ranger, "This WVA wanted tag (dead or alive) was billed as a mistake, but it was not. "A Black Man" is still hunted because of his skin. "A Black Man" is the most hunted man on earth, and this WVA article served notice that if we "suspect" you, then we can arrest you. Others get due process, but not, not "a black man"."
Not every bm is hunted because of his skin. In fact, because of his skin color a bm is honored and held to the highest untouchable level. I am sure you can think of a few bm who are untouchable? I can.
The point is, the American justice system has come a long way to provide justice to bm. The problem is we have too many black lawyers who are selfish and don't give a damn about their own people. THEY are the ones who send so many bm to jail and prison because they are so apathetic and incompetent. I know because I see it every day.
From "Brooklyn Bounce: The True-Life Adventures of a Good Cop in a Bad Precinct", Chapter 15:
"I worked in the ghetto. For six and a half years I put on a uniform, a nightstick, and gun... and patrolled the streets. I was part of a mostly white precinct, policing a predominantly black and Hispanic community. I was one of two accusing white faces staring out the window of a blue-and-white Chevy or Chrysler on the midnight tour. Everyone we saw was a felon, future-felon, or victim. I was one of New York's finest.
The precinct I worked in was Brooklyn's 75th, known for its record-breaking homicide, felony, and drug arrests. We were one of the precincts that boosted the city's murder rate. Statistically, were were off the fucking scale.
Fucking niggers.
Motherfucking niggers.
I've been spit on by little kids.
Cursed out by teenage mothers.
Been called "cracker" by criminals.
And every night - every fucking night- I've gotten those long stares, filled with challenge and hate, by the very people I'm sworn to protect. How can you respect or protect people who hate you? Who hate your very presence.
What do you want to know about racial tension in the ghetto? East New York is mostly African-American and Hispanic. The majority of cops on patrol there are white. What more do you need to know? We are divided by skin color, economics, and lifestyle.
The police in the 7-5 are an occupying force, far removed from its residents.
We are the white faces in the blue-and-white cars. We are the outsiders, the interlopers, and the authority that is not always fair or benign. You might get smacked for copping an attitude when an officer pulls your car over and tosses (searches) it for a gun. You might get shot for reaching too quickly toward the glove box for your registration. You might get called a nigger, hamster, skell, bone, or scumbag just for hanging out in front of your own house.
Night after night I've gone into homes of people who have the least in our society. I've gone into their living rooms, bathrooms, and bedrooms. I've seen the shabbiness, the cheapness, the hopelessness of their lives. I've seen it all and it's vile.
In their own homes, they tell us detailed stories while displaying their wounds. They show us their grief, anger, and shame. Oddly, it doesn't make them more human because most of us in the 7-5 have seen it too often. For us there is no story, no grief, no wound that is not included in the Penal Law. Every horror, tragedy, and indignity matches the numbered paragraphs and its subdivisions the Penal Code.
As ghetto cops we bear witness to the worst imaginable crimes: knowing that most are committed by black males between the ages of 15 to 25. Thousands of crimes and hundreds of arrests - all age 15 to 25. If you're shot in the ghetto, the odds say that a black male between 15 and 25 pulled the trigger. Yes, black, mostly black, but also could be P.R. (Puerto Rican), Columbian, or Dominican. These are the facts.
Every cop wants to go home at the end of their tour. It's always better to be safe than sorry. You're a fucking criminal until the cops knows differently."
"This is my clear and succinct message to white Americans. How long will it be before "you people" realize you have elevated someone to the office of president who abjectly despises you -- not to mention his henchman Holder. Combined they are the most vile and disgusting racists -- not you."
Looks like Allen West is at it again. He should be coon of the century. Maybe the gop should run him as their candidate. Ha!
Alan West is a good man.
Esau/Edom is in the house tonight!
wm are hunted + haunted by the sins of their fathers...
as it is written.
before pale folks turn up the whine too much, know this:
the party has not even started.
ya'll still got guns + fantasies about "rights" + this is ya'lls land notions clogging up your mentals/spirits.
+ ya'll painted Messiah white while using that image to spill blood everywhere your feet have landed...just because.
time is re-winding Blackwards;) you will eat your slurs as you bow down + declare the one name given among men. old world order...while the devil lies + white lies+ lies...
who you gone believe racist pale devils?
what's written?
or what you heard, Esau/Edom?
lol. i laugh because it is all Good. whatever... is truly...clever;) + defeated + written..
this right here:
"Webb conceded that many of the progressive critiques of the corporate media were correct, saying:
If we had met five years ago, you wouldn’t have found a more staunch defender of the newspaper industry than me … I was winning awards, getting raises, lecturing college classes, appearing on TV shows, and judging journalism contests. So how could I possibly agree with people like Noam Chomsky and Ben Bagdikian, who were claiming the system didn’t work, that it was steered by powerful special interests and corporations, and existed to protect the power elite? And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly misplaced my bliss had been. The reason I’d enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn’t been, as I’d assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job … The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn’t written anything important enough to suppress.
Webb would later be vindicated by a Department of Justice report claiming the CIA did violate rules to help suspected drug traffickers and testimony by the CIA Inspector General who admitted before Congress:
CIA worked with a variety of people to support the Contra program..."
rinse + repeat...
"committing suicide"- new school= die by the hand of others.
you got to Stand Up and Speak on it though.
in a way that makes the others/hidden hand take notice.
if your head/spirit is right...it is quite the honor, really. think about it.
i was born to resist. let's go! never frozen afraid in Him.
this is why i name my "list" out the gate. come see me on the Real;) knowing that i AM with Him, of whom THIS is written:
Psalm 114:7- Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Sovereign, at the presence of the Almighty of Yacob;
i AM with Him;) THAT One...that the earth obeys + trembles in the face of.
"I taught high school for one year in Deerfield Beach, Fla and in the end, it was such an enjoyable experience breaking up fights daily, that I decided to return to the combat zone of Afghanistan." --Allen West
West said the violence he saw was "perpetrated 8 out of 10 times by black students," adding that it had nothing to do with race, but had everything to do with "a lack of discipline and control."
"The violence was so bad, West said, that a child was stabbed while he served on the faculty of the school."
So FN fans, there you have it...the funky truth which FN folks like PilotX never wants to talk about.
What truth? That Allen West is an idiot shuffling tap dancing Tom? Already knew that.
"Baltimore is a city where blacks have organized to lobby on behalf of exclusively black police (Vanguard Justice Society) and to promote the collective interests of only black firefighters..."
Give it a rest Kersey, OK?
Your blog is boring, your tweets are boring, YOU are boring. Maybe the shit you write passes for halfway interesting in the fucking tedious hell-hole that is Denver, Colorado but here in the civilised world, not so much.
PC, "Give it a rest Kersey, OK?"
Give truth a rest? Never.
PC said, "Your blog is boring, your tweets are boring, YOU are boring. Maybe the shit you write passes for halfway interesting in the fucking tedious hell-hole that is Denver, Colorado but here in the civilised world, not so much."
Yeah, yeah. The 'boring' you see is your own. And watch your mouth, igmus.
line all things up with the Law...if you believe.
these folks will make a sharp left, on script, from time to time;)
there is enough truth in the linked posts above to pass it along...
"Yeah, yeah. The 'boring' you see is your own. And watch your mouth, igmus."
Fuck you, the days when racist cunts like you got to tell men like me to "watch your mouth" are long gone sunshine, and they are never coming back.
And that's a fact you are going to have to live with for the rest of your days.
CJR investigated the news item and published their findings here:
It was a mistake...
"The item was published in The Dominion Post on Saturday and it did not include a full description of a suspect sought by the Monongalia County Sheriff's Department in connection with stolen credit cards. A short including all the missing details was uploaded to our online site, TheDPost.com, Saturday night. Naturally, we had to wait till Sunday to run the corrected material in the print edition of The Dominion Post.
Thanks for seeking an explanation. Incredibly, too many in cyberspace are simply assuming that we run a racist newspaper here-nothing could be farther from the truth."
Speaking of suspicious activity...whatever happened to the supposed fight to bring Trayvon Martin's killer to justice? Why no word from the NAACP or NUL or US Department of Justice?
Pls have someone remove comments which include profanity..and also the "N" word. I hope this is possible.
Barbbbbbbfffffff, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
I've got a website for you where I'm sure you will be very happy...
You gotta love the priorities of democrats.
Obamcare, unemployment, foreign policy and democrats finally find something to whine about.
Four Democratic senators are criticizing the celebrities who were shown during Sunday night’s Golden Globes Awards puffing away on e-cigarettes.
Which raises an interesting point....
While joe blow was paying for his own insurance, it was his right to smoke. Now that young people are supposed to pay for Obamacare, should smoking be legal?
Is the ONLY reason smoking is still legal because of the taxes collected, does the Obama administration put tax $$ before the well being of we the people?
Cities are banning smoking, other cites are legalizing smoking pot.
The Purple Cow said...
Fuck you, the days when racist cunts like you ...
Tell us, how did your mommy treat you as you were growing up?
As if you haven't already made it clear.
FP said"
"committing suicide"- new school= die by the hand of others.
you got to Stand Up and Speak on it though.
in a way that makes the others/hidden hand take notice. "
This is one of the reasons Ill post here, and my own blog when Field wants to take out a pitch fork for Net neutrality ,but wont even LOOK at a story about this administration allowing drugs to flood inner city streets...
You could take a pitchfork up on that too.
A stinging report by the Senate Intelligence Committee released Wednesday concluded that the attack 16 months ago that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, could have been prevented, singling out the State Department
The NY time is reporting that Benghazi could have been prevented?
A spontaneous protest over a video could have been prevented?
Quote Bill 'the slightly irritating twat
” Bill said...
The Purple Cow said... Fuck you, the days when racist cunts like you ... "Cunts?"
Awwwwwwwwww, I’m sorry Bill, I know you are desperate to achieve ’Cunt’ status, but I’m afraid the committee has reviewed your work and we have come to the conclusion that you are still at the ‘Slightly Irritating Twat’ stage of your Far-Right development.
However, rest assured that the rest of the committee and my good self will continue to review your work going forward, and should a change of status be justified we will of course contact you immediately.
Now I know what you are thinking - you spend 87.3% of your meaningless life on this website abusing black people, and then along comes this new guy Paul Kersey and he achieves ‘Cunt’ status straight away! That’s just so unfair!!
But you see, look at the hard work Kersey has already put in; he has already “done the hard yards” as you colonials say. He already has his own white supremacist website…
Do you Billy? Do you? No I’m afraid not.
Secondly, he takes his name from a fictional character that shoots down Darkies in the street – do you? No, you are just plain old ‘Bill – the slightly irritating twat’.
Just not good enough Bill, you need to up your game if you want to rise up through the ranks from ‘Slightly Irritating Twat’ to full on ‘Cunt’. I’m afraid the committee does not hand out ‘Cunt’ classifications Willy Nilly, as it were.
If you want, I can raise the subject at our next meeting, and see if I can get you a temporary ‘Dog-Faced Twunt’ classification, but that’s the best I can do I’m afraid.
”Tell us, how did your mommy treat you as you were growing up?”
Well thanks for asking, Billy. I would say I can’t complain, it was a big bustling, noisy house, with four brothers plus Chester who was a Jamaican boy we adopted. Then there was the Nigerian kids Mom fostered while their parents studied at UK universities – there was Tunde, Olu, Femi and Godwin, of those that I can remember. So it was an interesting, slightly chaotic, but never dull life in our household.
Thanks for asking.
How about you Billy?
How did your Momma treat you?
I know about those terrible things your Uncle Bubba did to you behind the trailer-park toilet block, but rest assured your secret is safe from me.
Dooooooooohhhhhh, there I go again – me and my big mouth. What am I like hey?
What Am I Like…
“It remains unclear if any group or person exercised overall command and control of the attacks or whether extremist group leaders directed their members to participate,” the report said. “Some intelligence suggests the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day’s violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video.”
BTW, Bill, would you like to take a guess as to by how much the Republicans voted to cut the embassy security budget in the months before the attack?
Go on buddy, take a guess..
(Remember, the committee is watching...)
The Purple Cow said...
Quote Bill 'the slightly irritating twat
When I ask you back up your words you go crickets.
When I ask you to provide a link you go crickets.
But when you want to build yourself up by trying to knock others down you can sure find a lot of words to write.
Did you notice on the last thread I once again proved you lied?
Every day I catch you lying.
The Purple Cow said...
BTW, Bill, would you like to take a guess as to by how much the Republicans voted to cut the embassy security budget in the months before the attack?
There you go again. One trick pony, if you can't blame republicans you go crickets.
And besides...
What difference at this point does it make?
New analysis of rocket used in Syria chemical attack undercuts U.S. claims
...are challenging American intelligence assumptions about that attack and suggest that the case U.S. officials initially made for retaliatory military action was flawed.
The case the Obama administration was flawed? Seriously?
If you like your doctor.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
"Yeah, yeah. The 'boring' you see is your own. And watch your mouth, igmus."
FP said, "Fuck you, the days when racist cunts like you got to tell men like me to "watch your mouth" are long gone sunshine, and they are never coming back."
6:58 AM
Men don't use filthy language like you do. But "boys" do. They curse, yell, and use vile language to try to overcome their insecurity and immaturity. It 'never' works. It always has the opposite effect of what a 'boy' like you intended.
You have shamed yourself and you lack the consciousness to see it. That's too bad because you will never be a man.
So, watch your mouth... "Boy".
"When I ask you back up your words you go crickets.
When I ask you to provide a link you go crickets."
Where? When?
You're a fantasist, Bill-o
"Men don't use filthy language like you do. But "boys" do. "
Yeah 'cuz on the trailer park 'real men' write white supremacist blogs or spend all their spare time on websites telling black people they have never met how much they hate them. YEAH that's what 'real men' like you do, right? ell fuck that."
"They curse, yell, and use vile language to try to overcome their insecurity and immaturity."
I curse - correct.
I yell - incorrect
Use vile language - hang on what's the difference between cursing and using vile language? Are you just repeating yourself for dramatic effect?
If so, it's a bit lame, sunshine
" It 'never' works. It always has the opposite effect of what a 'boy' like you intended."
I'm not trying to make an effect, for the simple reason I don;t care what you think about any subject on Earth.
I swear because I hate you, I find swearing an excellent vehicle for demonstrating hatred. I hate you, I hate your lifestyle, I hate your values, I hate your politics, I hate your clothes, I hate your friends, I would hate your wife, but of course you don't have one.
Do you get it now? Let's not retend we are simply having a discourse of the internet. I hate you, you hate me, that's the way it's supposed to be. I'm a Socialist, you are a fascist - we're not supposed to be friends. Expressing hatred in genteel terms is hypocrisy of the highest order.
"You have shamed yourself and you lack the consciousness to see it. That's too bad because you will never be a man."
Bla bla fucking blah.
So, watch your mouth... "Boy".
So, watch your back..."boy"
"And besides...
What difference at this point does it make?"
At this point? None obviously
But on the day of the attack, you don;t think a reduced security budget might have had an impact? Your team were happy to push through security budget cuts to help fund tax cuts for billionaires, but when four Americans die you have a hissy fit.
The Purple Cow said...
"When I ask you back up your words you go crickets.
When I ask you to provide a link you go crickets."
Where? When?
Playing dumb?
Not a trick I would use but it appears to be working for you.
"Playing dumb?
Not a trick I would use but it appears to be working for you."
It's not a trick, show me the examples of where you have demanded information from me and I haven't supplied it.
Hey Kersey, I've found a picture of your Momma...
Bill, did u know that the Ambassador refused extra security? He thought he was safe.
Did u know that your wingnut buddies voted against extra $ to beef up Embassey security!
hold up.
we got mistakes/jokes/devilish folk getting stuff off their chest in the comment in thread. i see my name in biz where it does not belong.
folks need to fix that, if it is simple human error at play.
@ September-
you are confusing yourself adamantly. all indignant, like a pasty defeated she-devil...
nevertheless, i did my part to provide you with some clarity on the thread you first slithered back @ me, addressing me with your confusion.
which Almighty is not the author of btw. you may want to humble yourself + get to know Him/His Word...
your Knowledge of His Word/Him is what is "wanting"...but i suppose it is easier to twist/project as you come at me all defeated + sideways. repping the duality all day set, on the low, whether you know or not. i.see.clearly + bold enough to call it.
for the record, i AM not attempting to "silence" you. you decided to "ssslither back to hell", your choice of words lol, of your own volition. i simply agreed with your wise choice, knowing you might slither back out in 3 mos. that appears to be your pattern. we did not just meet + i pay attention;)
either way, my position STILL is:
bring it.
if you feel so inclined.
it will be my pleasure to use His Word to put you together, that He might get the Glory;) told you this already, too.
you need to catch up or wait for the next messenger, it appears...
i told you before if you felt like coming against His Word/Him to "let's go"...remember? if forgetful, it is written in the comments. go look. see. know that when you serve the devil, he makes you look dumb as he deceives you...then he destroys you. your reward for disobedience to His Word/Him.
wages of sin= death. as it is written.
now...when you come again...know that some of US understand what "kaffir" means on different levels.
so watch your mouth defeated devil.
plus stop talking to me about Allah/Islam. you sound dumb.
ssssSeptember's much needed clue:
fp's confession that those who come against her might know who they step to:
i AM with Almighty Yah...
walking in the Power + Authority of Yahushua Messiah....Almighty made manifest in the flesh, who died for my sins.
lioness from the tribe of Yahudah.
be clear.
so...when i call out defeated devils...i AM just plain talking the facts of the matter. the way i know, is by their fruit. those that come against His Word/Him according to His Word/Him are His enemies.
i AM with Him which means they are my enemies as well. though i do Love them enough to pray for them. that they might seek + find Him.
real simple stuff, really.
while class is in session- let US look at how His Word/He indicates one is to know a "false prophet" + devils when they see them:
1 John 4: 1-6
1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of Almighty; because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of Almighty. Every spirit that confesseth that Yahushua Messiah is come in the flesh is of Almighty.
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Yahushua Messiah is come in the flesh is not of Almighty; and this is that spirit of anti Messiah, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world.
4 Ye are of Almighty, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.
5 They are of the world; therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
6 We are of Almighty: he that knoweth Almighty heareth us; he that is not of Almighty heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
those that don't know Him/His Word do err, indeed;(
hope my efforts to shine His Light helps;)
stop acting like a defeated devil. then should you encounter one of His Bold Chosen Ones- they won't have occasion to call you out.
that way you won't feel offended + victimized.
Seriously falseprofit ... I don't feel offended or victimized. You are a master manipulator just like your Father, Shaitan. I would never call a human being an infidel ... but then again, I don't have an Invisible US vs. THEM SUperbeing Friend. Don't play psychology with me by telling me what I am feeling. You have no idea, you fool. You just don't hear anyone but your own Ego echoing in your hollow head ... and you name it "almighty." You are the one with the labels, calling people devils, snakes that don't march to your tune.
watch your mouth you defeated devil.
I will watch mine when you watch yours, you false prophet of Beelzebub.
you speak like a pale pasty leprous devil also. i know i must REALLY set you off. lol. that's why you all fixated on me. lol.
ha! I'm getting to you, you wiley witch. You can't leave me alone now. Hurl those insults.
I don't "not believe" so much that there may be a Supreme Being as much as I don't believe in people like YOU. Bloated arrogant ego that you are. You just gotta lash out because I said you had an invisible friend. Hurt your big fat pride.
I feel sorry for you, and any child you happen to come upon and poison with your manipulations and your lies.
PC, "I'm not trying to make an effect, for the simple reason I don;t care what you think about any subject on Earth.
I swear because I hate you, I find swearing an excellent vehicle for demonstrating hatred. I hate you, I hate your lifestyle, I hate your values, I hate your politics, I hate your clothes, I hate your friends, I would hate your wife, but of course you don't have one."
If you don't care what I think then why are you responding, little man?
Is it because you are full of hate? Boy, you need some religion cause you are living in hell. I expect you will self-destruct soon, very soon. I suspect that your white wife has either left you or is having an affair while you are 'hating' on Whites.
My, my. You are a strange purple Negro. Start praying before you lose yourself.
BTW, I'm not White. I'm Black like you, but you can't tell because you don't know what it is to be Black and 'dignified'. You and I live in different worlds. Stop embarrassing yourself, boy. You are coming off like some uneducated mindless uncle ruckus from the cotton fields.
someone is all salty + testy...
quick question:
in whose authority do you come against me?
said another way:
who you?
there are many strange false defeated ones...from ancient to brand new...
your little defeated one seems super hissy 'round about now.
all caught up in their feelings + projecting like mad.
answer that question.
or spew until you say something that it makes sense to respond to. you are not new. you know exactly how this is about to go down;)
field negro said...
Bill, did u know that the Ambassador refused extra security? He thought he was safe.
Did u know that your wingnut buddies voted against extra $ to beef up Embassey security!
Is Obama responsible for the attacks, of course not.
Could Obama have prevented the attack, of course not.
Was the attack about a youtube video?
On 9/11?
Blogger focusedpurpose said...
FP said, "hold up."
"we got mistakes/jokes/devilish folk getting stuff off their chest in the comment in thread. i see my name in biz where it does not belong.
folks need to fix that, if it is simple human error at play."
LOL..As Field often says, "Oh Lawd!" I can assure you it was an error, my Sister. Please forgive.
I was in a rush to leave but wanted to 'slam and shame' that purple creep before I left....I didn't have time to check for errors. Again, I apologize.
Did you notice that 'he' didn't notice? That proves that "'Boyz' N the UK' miss s**t too."
PC is so messed up he doesn't even know his name, or even worse, his gender...ROFL.
PC and September both hate GOD and their thoughts are similar.
Could they possibly be husband and wife? I'm taking bets folks. Bill, place your bet. There's big money in this. And here's the bonus: you get to meet PC in person. lol
PS...Wear a vest.
all of this from the same super heated, clearly upset mouth:
" Don't play psychology with me by telling me what I am feeling. You have no idea, you fool."
"ha! I'm getting to you, you wiley witch. You can't leave me alone now. Hurl those insults."
despite me telling folk ahead of time how this would go down.
i have no insults for you sssSeptember. i have His Word/Him.
you don't believe in folks speaking His Word.
THIS does not offend me.
what you will not do is disrespect to silence.
you are behaving precisely how you accuse me of behaving. this exchange was initiated by you. it is you that is getting next level. contrary to what you seem to have convinced yourself of...
i AM really not concerned with you, your thoughts, your agreements, disagreements, childhood traumas by folk preaching Scripture while behaving badly...so traumatic ALL children must be saved from Scriptures, let your wounded inner child out to speak in public tell it...
that's not telling you how you feel.
that is what appears to ail you as you sound off all amped up. you have done it from the beginning when addressing me. i AM not the first to take notice. if you listen when you come barreling onto the thread determined to tell folks where you think their place is. then getting mad when getting regulated instead of regulating. lol. throwing the slurs 'cause that's all ya got left. lol. po' thang...
please know amidst all the shrill, entitled, rude, super snakey, snarky, racist, pale lady flow:
i AM a child of integration that does not suffer from internalized oppression. as such i put pale folks in their proper perspective. especially those bold enough to on the low throw racist slurs.
on a good day...you are not on my level. you lack what you need to get me hype. stop lying + pretending with yourself. it is not a good look.
now show these folks who you are.
we'll both call it as we see it.
your "kaffir" quip helps me understand why this UNIVERSAL LAW is jamming up your mentals. got you thinking folks playing "psychology" with ya. lol.
freud being the father of THAT madness. read + catch up. OR just shut up. you will appear wise that way. despite your pitiful condition. or not. whatever you decide is all Good.
Proverbs 1: 7- The fear of the Sovereign is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
so ssssSeptember...based on the words you type...you identify yourself.
i just reserve the right to call it.
for another personal issue that you need to take to Him in your prayer closet. not project it shrilly my way...complete with slurs...while pretending i AM attacking you is this fact, as written:
Genesis 49:10- The sceptre shall not depart from Yahudah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
if you don't accept that there are people this applies to...again, your personal business. i AM not troubled in the least by you exercising your free will. go argue with Almighty about what's written, since you think that wise. i did not write the book. i just know what is written + will call it.
you can hiss + throw fits until Shiloh come. it is what it is.
i AM not arrogant. that is more projection. you are both arrogant + UNinformed. knowledge wanting. aka patience building;) do you, chica. stop projecting it on me. + i have given you His Word that will help your condition.
what i AM is bold.
UNtwist + pay attention to what is written. then pray for Him to help you recognize:
Proverbs 28:1-...the righteous are bold as a lion.
now i know you hate the US vs them. since the them lose + you stand outside of His Word. i get that. again, your personal business, which i am not in...
i AM called to give His Law. not bicker with folks that just don't like my style. throw some racism on it and it gets to be pure comedy. sssSeptember, you were here when i told folks i don't know how to act.
i still don't know how to act.
by yielding my life to Him...He shows me how to righteously clown folks that are bold + outside of His Word.
see not only are His People bold. so is the devil. too bad so sad if folks reserve the right to act like pasty, shrill, entitled, racist, strange nameless g-d worshiping, defeated, bold devils yet are too sensitive to hear about it.
that's the world for ya.
devils think they are supposed to run amok in silence.
that will be a never. not on my watch...
"This is one of the reasons Ill post here, and my own blog when Field wants to take out a pitch fork for Net neutrality ,but wont even LOOK at a story about this administration allowing drugs to flood inner city streets...
You could take a pitchfork up on that too."
not sure what all the pitchfork references are about. i don't like the visual nor the implication, so i will pass;)
i AM speaking beyond the beast/dragon/government.
Black folks should be REALLY clear on the fact that the united states of satan government does not like US.
not sure what more the hold outs would need at this point.
the bigger fact of the matter, for me, is WHY Black Americans continue to participate in the madness?
when that gets bottom lined...
the convo becomes spiritual. there is no way around this Truth for me.
ya'll can tote pitchforks as you feel led.
i AM going to keep focusing on Him/His Word. which will heal all the madness we see. i believe.
Black folks would do well to look within for solutions. not outward. yes, our enemies are making $ hand over fist taking US out. on many different levels. these devils start BEFORE the baby is born...
as indicated from the beginning...until they pull the plug on the internet, my energy will be focused in other ways.
each + every politician currently in the system...needs to go.
until that happens, folks are shouting at corrupt, compromised,coked out, corporate, political puppets. who really don't care. their perks make it all worth the while...according to their understanding.
they will knock it off as soon as the devil stops loving evil...at least that is what all signs indicate.
Anon 8:03pm- lol!
8:25pm- no problemo. that's why i suggested human error;) benefit of doubt + slow to anger. no stress. much Love! lol at you trying to talk sense to PC.
@ September my 8:22pm comment was for you. if you care to answer...
Falseprofit, all I know is that I seek Truth. I may not know what it IS, but I know what it IS NOT. And what you spew is NOT IT. What you vomit has all been said and done many times before, and has ended in bloodshed because someone thinks they're the Chosen Ones and has delusions of grandeur. It's really pathetic, and I won't stop pointing it out. I wouldn't be true to my Conscience if I didn't. If that bothers you or cramps your style, too bad, I could care less. I made my point, and will get better at it. Thanks to you.
lol @ poor little ssssSeptember...
somebody has done a real # on her.
good luck to you. you will need it as you attempt:
coming against me successfully + keeping Scriptures away from the children of the world.
po' deceived thang...
who you? THAT is STILL my question.
i don't expect any answers. CLEARLY you have none. just keep coming back for more. you will be REAL Good before it is all said + done.
i AM glad there is something...at this point in the game, you feel compelled to thank me for;) you ain't seen nothing yet.
lol @ poor little ssssSeptember...
somebody has done a real # on her.
Ha ... and who done the number on you?
good luck to you. you will need it as you attempt:
coming against me successfully + keeping Scriptures away from the children of the world.
coming against you successfully? And how do you measure that success? Each time I do, I sharpen my sword, I know my enemy more. So even if it is not "successful," (by whatever measurement you are using; but your measurement don't matter, only mine) I examine and learn. I win either way.
Children need to learn the scriptures and need to dig into them thoroughly to see them for what they are. The old testament is full of slaughter and blood and testosterone. It is ugly and bloody, hate-filled and racist. Like you.
po' deceived thang...
who you? THAT is STILL my question.
Who me? I BE.
i don't expect any answers. CLEARLY you have none. just keep coming back for more. you will be REAL Good before it is all said + done.
I have some answers ... I'll probe for more once in a while, to get to know the enemy. It's a win-win for me.
i AM glad there is something...at this point in the game, you feel compelled to thank me for;) you ain't seen nothing yet.
I learn from every human being ... not just Jehovallah's Prime Pickin's. So far its all been old, tired, crusty, dusty stuff with a few interesting bits thrown in. Ramp up your game a bit. What has being a black hebrew israelite done for you?
silly, woefully ignorant, label loving sssSeptember-
you are lost.
with a grip of labels + confusion.
so you have abandoned the Islam schtick now you are on with another label. lol.
i don't do labels. i AM with Him. He has does much for me. you wouldn't know because you think Him "imaginary."
now...bring your silly, ignorant, confused, double talking behind up thread. i will get you together there.
ps. you do know i did not write the OT, right? lol. you do know how you "feel" about OT = your personal business, right?
dumb, racist, defeated she devils=pure comedy;)
don't be afraid pale lady. bring your slow thoughts up thread...it will be my pleasure to whack you in your pale, empty head with His Word until you slither on back to your defeated Yahless witch convention...
Just wondering about the numbers of Afrikan babies elders etc who have died from tainted water?
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