Holder is fast becoming the best AG ever. He is now calling for the restoration of voting rights for ex- felons, which is something many of us have been calling for over the years.
"Attorney General Eric Holder called on a group of states Tuesday to restore voting rights to ex-felons, part of a push to fix what he sees as flaws in the criminal justice system that have a disparate impact on racial minorities.
“It is time to fundamentally rethink laws that permanently disenfranchise people who are no longer under federal or state supervision,” Holder said, targeting 11 states that he said continue to restrict voting rights for former inmates, even after they’ve finished their prison terms.
“Across this country today, an estimated 5.8 million Americans – 5.8 million of our fellow citizens – are prohibited from voting because of current or previous felony convictions,” Holder told a symposium on criminal justice at Georgetown University.
Now into his fifth year as attorney general and hinting that this year might be his last, Holder survived political controversies that, early on, placed him on the defensive. Now, he is doubling down on the kinds of issues that have long held his interest during a career in law enforcement – prison overcrowding, overly harsh mandatory drug sentences and school disciplinary policies that he says push kids into street crime." [Source]
Selecting Holder as his AG is one of the best things that President Obama did while in office. And I really wish that he will stay on for O's full term, but I doubt it will happen. I just hope that this is not the last we will hear of Mr. Holder.

Sadly, though, when I see her in those black and whites dancing with Bill "Bojangles' Robinson, my memories of her aren't fond ones.
So, in a word, her passing is a bit complicated for me. America will miss her. I will not miss the memories she brought back.
*Pic from The Grio.
It takes a real douchebag to denigrate Shirley Temple on the day she dies.
Just sayin'
Why do criminals vote democrat?
Eric Holder?
Eric has lied to Congress multiple times, push for pardoning the worse tax cheat in history and is quit corrupt.
Because he wants to let Democrat felons(rapists, murderers, child molesters) to vote, wants affirmative action school punishment and to release drug dealers on the streets.
That makes him the best everrr?
Dear FN fans, because it is Black History month, I'd like to pay homage to an upright wholesome bm who is has risen from the shacks of Mississippi to become a Supreme Court Justice. Below is a brief part of what he has said regarding race in America today:
Thomas added that “[t]he worst I have been treated was by northern liberal elites. The absolute worst I have ever been treated…The worst things that have been done to me, the worst things that have been said about me, by northern liberal elites, not by the people of Savannah, Georgia.”--Clarence Thomas
I am in full agreement with CT. When I lived in Philly I experienced racism there that would make my home state of Oklahoma look liberal.
It's a damn lie that Whites in the North are less racist than the wonderful Whites in the South. I am looking forward to leaving racist Oakland and going back to Geogiawhere I can live in peace and harmony with Whites.
What I like about Holder is that he stands for equality and justice for POC. And he has not be silent about it...unlike Obama who has said absolutely NOTHING.
More black mob violence.
What would Eric "my people" Holder say if white mobs were attacking blacks?
I dig AG Holder. We should be pushing for restoration of citizen's rights after they've served their time. Why continue to punish folks? I have an idea but I hope I'm wrong.
Clarence Thomas is not worth the dung you can pick up with a knitting needle!
How many times can you refer to a 57 year old man as "Elderly." Go jump in a lake you idiot... or substitute whatever more harsh suggestion you can think of... because you deserve it!
C'mon Granny, give old Clarence a break. He has to know how much of an underachiever he is. He has the potential to be great but he chooses not to live up to it. Maybe one day.
Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Clarence Thomas is not worth the dung you can pick up with a knitting needle!
2:57 AM
Granny, you are not being inclusive about our race. Do you realize that CT wants to do the right thing as a Supreme?
Face it. You don't like Conservatives, esp if they are Black. You are prejudiced, but you call others racists.
Amen, Granny.
That Clarence fellow has some issues.
The man was a sexual predator like his pal Bill O-Liely
BTW, when is that Anita Hill doc coming out? I can't wait to see it.
Sorry Bo Jangelz.
Maybe she is at peace now jigging with some happy Negro in the sky. Maybe. ;)
Blogger field negro said...
'Amen, Granny.
That Clarence fellow has some issues.
The man was a sexual predator like his pal Bill O-Liely
BTW, when is that Anita Hill doc coming out? I can't wait to see it.'
Oh, I get it. Whenever I comment about CT, you and Granny make sure you put me down for having a little love for CT.
You two really need to go to Church and learn how to love. CT is a good man and should NOT be talked about in the way you do.
I don't see you talking about Obama ignoring our entire race as if we don't exist. I hear you even mentioning about the disgrace of a race whose unemployment rate is TWICE that of others, and still getting worse!
Why aren't you putting Obama down? Why CT? He hasn't done anything close to hurting us the way Obama has.
You and Granny have prejudiced mines....you are not objectively fair at all.
Field, you are angry at O'Reilly because he asked Obama the hard questions no other reporter would dare ask in an interview.
I love reading the postings of FN: it is like listening to WURD....
....all racist, all the time!
Saint Anita is a lying fraud like Saint Crystal and Saint Tawana.
Her hoax fell apart and despite leftwing hate and jealousy, Clarence Thomas is one of the most respected justices.
No amount of liberal spin will change that.
Sexual predator? You mean like Melvin Reynolds? Bill Clinton?
What's that he who lives in glass houses thing?
Maybe AG Holder can be nominated for the SC? What do you think Field?
@KinkyPorn Man, you have some serious undiagnosed emotional issues. I sincerely hope that you get the help you need while sitting on a Psychiatrist's sofa.
"Across this country today, an estimated 5.8 million Americans – 5.8 million of our fellow citizens – are prohibited from voting because of current or previous felony convictions" Jeezus! That many?? Do other citizens know that figure? Something we are doing is very, very wrong. Like mandatory sentencing, at least.
"school disciplinary policies that he says push kids into street crime" If he's referring to the speed at which schools expel troublemakers, I always thought those were the very ones that schools should hang onto tightest--as in detention, remedial study halls, etc. To throw out the problem kids would seem counter-intuitive. Jus' sayin'.
"dancing with Bill "Bojangles' Robinson" Nobody can see those now without squirming, but keep in mind she was the first "white girl" ever to dance with a black man on camera. The fact that that constitutes breaking the "color barrier" is sad indeed, but it was (so to speak) at least a baby step.
Why not Pilotx? Dems put the kkk on SCOTUS.
Corruption and racism matters not to the Democrat party. Well, least when it's their kind of corruption and racism.
Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Maybe AG Holder can be nominated for the SC? What do you think Field?
12:11 PM
Well, you have have a President who would nominate Holder...There are none. When are you going to stop dreaming and start living in the real world?
"dancing with Bill "Bojangles' Robinson" Nobody can see those now without squirming, but keep in mind she was the first "white girl" ever to dance with a black man on camera. The fact that that constitutes breaking the "color barrier" is sad indeed, but it was (so to speak) at least a baby step.
12:45 PM
Hey, that was a big step for America, considering that the end of slavery hadn't been that long. It takes the human mind and heart centuries to adjust and still it will be contaminated.
Another big step was Sidney Poitier in "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?"
To Sir With Love was another one.
The one that made me squirm was Denzel Washington in Flight where he made love to that white addict. It was horrible. That movie has cost Denzel. You won't be seeing him in any more movies soon.
I think Holder would be a much better standard to uphold the legacy of Thorgood Marshall(A Phi) than uncle Clarence.
Pilot I would love to see him on the SC
Blogger field negro said...
Pilot I would love to see him on the SC
5:17 PM
Wow. Another dreamer. FN seems to have a lot of dreamers.
Welp. Obama has infuriated a lot of people on the left with his push for a socially conservative Judicial Nominee Judge Michael Boggs to serve on the US District Court in Georgia.
So, I ask PilotX and Field once again, who or what President would nominate Holder? It sure as hell won't be Obama. That means NO ONE wants Holder to serve on the SC.
You Lefties are such losers.
Here's the link where there is an all-out revolt against Obama's nomination:
Sorry, I mean Thurgood.
The Dunn case is in the hands of the jury. Let's see where this goes.
but keep playin'...while the key players keep playin' their parts.
every last one of 'em.
as long as folk have decided the banksters are UNstoppable...everything else is more wag the dog.
don't let that stop the bm worship though.
Shirley Temple Black was a great Republican.
BM have so much hate and violence in their hearts.So much angry for non-bm.
Bill Robinson was a kind- gentle soul. A great dancer.
I wish more bm were like him.
You got that FP, the banks own our government.
Anon@5:53, you were beaten not once, but twice
"Mitt by a landslide".
Field, your comment makes no sense.
"Mitt by a landslide"???
What does that have to do with your dream about Holder? What does Mitt have to do with NO President ever nominating Holder for SC?
What is wrong with you? Can't you read? Can't you comprehend enough to stick to the point? Your mind is so scattered that you say the first thing that pops up on the stage of your mind. That's not a good look, Mr Field.
field negro said...
Pilot I would love to see him on the SC
I would love to see him on the gallows.
He is a disgrace to his office and a force for evil.
Do they still have "gallows" in America? Or are u just remembering your Klan days?
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