To DMX and everyone else who wants a piece of George Killerman, this is not the way to go about it. A staged fight with thousands of people watching and with rules of conduct is not what I had in mind for George..... Just sayin.
Meanwhile, another man who tried to take the law into his own hands is on trial for the murder of yet another young black male.
This killer claims that the young man's music was too loud, and when he tried to tell him to stop, the young man (or someone in his vehicle) pulled a gun on him.
The man fired nine shots into the vehicle, and when it was over, seventeen year old Jordan Davis was dead.
Now, like George Killerman, he is claiming that he feared for his life.
"Coming on the heels of the Trayvon Martin trial, the Dunn trial is likely to once again put Florida's controversial stand-your-ground law into the spotlight.
"Even if they do not use it as a defense, it will be in the background," says Lance deHaven-Smith, a Florida State University public policy professor. "It raises a question of whether the stand-your-ground law encourages overreaction to situations that are deemed by some people as threatening."
The law, Professor deHaven-Smith notes, doesn't specify whether a threat must be real for someone to invoke self-defense as a justification for attack, but just whether that threat is perceived.
While deHaven-Smith expects heated debate in the state about the law as the trial takes place, he notes that the Florida legislature is about three-quarters Republican and is unlikely to revise it." (Source)
Hmmm, just a "perceived" threat.
Well, a car full of black teens is always going to be a "threat" to some people, so this might explain the Florida legislature and their mind -set when they passed this particular law.
"This case has never been about loud music. This case is about a local thug threatening to kill me because I dared to ask him to turn the music down," Dunn wrote in a letter to First Coast News, a local television station, in the fall. "When Mr. Davis opened his door and said, 'You're DEAD expletive! This expletive is going down NOW,' I was convinced that the loss of my life was imminent, I had no choice but to defend myself, I am NOT a murderer. I am a survivor."
Mr. Dunn, we will wait to see how a jury feels about your story.
Fortunately Jordan Davis might get justice, because in his case, unlike with the case of Trayvon Martin, there were witnesses.
Trayvon, should not have attacked George Zimmerman.
@NSangoma, typical asinine, elementary, dimwitted, hyperbolic, delusional reaction from a shoe shining house negro.
Nat Turner
Looks like granny and other liberals won't get their litter of blood.
How are they gonna satisfy their bloodlust now?
Watchingf part of this trial on CNN, interesting. The defense attorney was attacking Jordan's friend rapid fire style. The most interesting part were the Twitter comments. I wonder what we seem like to other countries.
Stand your ground while possibly well intentioned is being misconstrued as the I can attack anybody for anything law. Too bad young folks have to die before we figure out this is a bad law.
R.I.P. Aviation pioneer Cornelieus Coffey.
PilotX. Good point.
"Too bad young folks have to die before we figure out this is a bad law."
Those young "folks" will figure out eventually that it is a bad idea to jump someone unless you are damn sure they don't have a gun.
DMX was smart to back out before he got his punk ass Trayvoned on national television. What a bitch!
Cornelieus Coffey was real achiever, who made it through discrimination to make something of himself, unlike PilotX who gets by on AA and quotas.
They sure don't make negroes like they used to.
RIP Mr. Coffey.
"This case has never been about loud music. This case is about a local thug threatening to kill me because I dared to ask him to turn the music down," Dunn wrote in a letter to First Coast News, a local television station, in the fall. "When Mr. Davis opened his door and said, 'You're DEAD expletive! This expletive is going down NOW,' I was convinced that the loss of my life was imminent, I had no choice but to defend myself, I am NOT a murderer. I am a survivor."
Case Closed.
Lesson for the 'teens': Don't threaten to kill someone unless you are damn sure they don't have a gun on them.
Field, I am going on record to predict this trial will result in a HUNG jury!! This is the racialist handicap based in white privilege in America. Under normal conditions this trial outside of the south would be a slam dunk conviction of all charges against Dunn, however considering the current circumstances a hung jury is most likely.
FN said...
The man fired nine shots into the vehicle, and when it was over, seventeen year old Jordan Davis was dead.
9 shots?
It took LAPD 100 shots to hit an unarmed woman only twice.
Guns are more dangerous in the hands of the government.
Especially for innocent people.
"George Killerman might be infamous, but he is not a celebrity, and he is not someone whose actions we should be celebrating."
Field, are saying George Zimmerman is NOT famous, is not a celebrity? Infamous is in the eyes of the beholder. It depends on where you are standing. To have almost fought DMX, George had to be a celebrity. That's what the fight was all about.
Anonymous Colonel Corn said...
Cornelieus Coffey was real achiever, who made it through discrimination to make something of himself, unlike PilotX who gets by on AA and quotas.
Yet despite all the advantages of being born a cracka in America, you STILL ain't shit and ain't neva' gonna' be shit.
@PilotX, those clowns within Florida’s Legislature knew exactly what they were doing when they implemented this “stand your ground” law. They knew that the end result would be that quite a few people would unnecessarily die, particularly blacks. They (the law makers) are collectively racist, but by no means are they dumb people. In essence, it’s a scapegoat law which allows them to point their finger at how the law is constructed and utilize the “perceived threat” portion as a way to justify the killings of innocent people and at the same time protect cracka-ass perpetrators from being convicted. Even further, they already know that bad laws equate with tyranny, oppression and bad results. Therefore, I wouldn’t go as far as you have and state that the law is being misconstrued. Why? Because it was a terribly flawed law with a specifically designed purpose to begin with.
Nat Turner
Prediction on the trial in Florida: Dunn will walk free. Those teens were in the wrong for talking back and threatening Dunn. Whites become afraid for their lives when bm act or talk angrily.
BM should learn from Obama: NEVER show your anger toward a White person. Be soft, reasonable and understanding of whatever Whites do or say to you.
Remember, they ALWAYS have the upper hand. This is their justice system which will prosecute any bm regardless of the evidence. Our peeps in Oakland know this fact very well. That's why they only get angry at other Blacks. Granny knows this well.
The best thing a bm can do in America is to stay OUT of the IN-justice system, and not do anything that would cause a policeman to shoot you on BART or anyplace else in Oakland or Richmond.
Field Negro,
George Zimmerman has had his life irretrievably damaged by a chance encounter with a drug addled young thug. That does not change the fact that George Zimmerman (GZ) has made some poorly considered choices since saving his life from the crazed assault from Traygone.
The speeding, the crazy girlfriend, the fight and those mediocre paintings...
America will be a quieter place when GZ gets back to normal or moves overseas. He is running out of luck, IMHO.
My bet was on DMX. The system would have demanded his win, no reason I can't make some shekels off his labors, just like a guy laboring in the field.
Ms. Queen slurred...
"Yet despite all the advantages of being born a cracka in America, you STILL ain't shit and ain't neva' gonna' be shit."
You are correct, I am not shit. You...I am not so sure what you are. But I do know what you are not.
You will never be a doctor.
Natty hair Turner is on to something.
Sure blacks make up the most successful % of stand your ground claims.
Racist crackas knew this would be the case.
What Natty hair Turner knows is minorities (specifically blacks)commit most interracial crime. Racist natty hair folks fear crackas being able/motivate to fight back or at least be on equal ground as they.
Natty hairs biggest fear is when they do a racist black mob/knockout attack,or rape 99 year old white grandmothers, crackas will go Bernard Goetz on them.
NSangoma is right. I will add Trayvon's racism and homophobia also played a part in his death.
"KinkyCon said...
Looks like granny and other liberals won't get their litter of blood.
How are they gonna satisfy their bloodlust now?"
You tell us where you are going to be at any appointed time, and we'll show you.
Anon@12:27, if u are a black man you need to man up and stop being afraid of "Mr.Charlie". It s ok my brother, we are here for you.
No one should have to change how they live their lives just because they are afraid of "The Man".
As long as you are not breaking any laws and being respectful of others you should be allowed to do whatever the hell u want. Isn't this America 2014? :)
Such violence!!!! Who needs the media perpetuating stereotypes when some are willing to prove stereotypes true.
Anon@12:27, YOU are the MAN now.
Crackas don't run our great nation.
It's now BRA. Black Run America.
So look in the mirror and say
"WHO DA MAN????"
Than go out and get you a snow bunny. Show whitey who da man???
Nat Turner, tempting though it is to assume the legislators knew what they were up to, the sad truth is they didn't. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity or (in this case) laziness. The Stand Your Ground law in Florida was drafted by ALEC, a right-wing organization that churns out boiler-plate legislation on issues like gun ownership and immigration and then hands the pre-written legislation to state legislators who are happy to promote it because it means they don't have to do any work themselves. The legislators have been wined and dined and possibly bribed at meetings sponsored by ALEC so are happy to the bidding of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the NRA, and various corporations.
The actions of people like Mr. Dunn do partially explain why the sales of adult diapers are climbing. There appear to be a lot of people wandering around who are scared s***less every time they see a person of color.
KinkyCon, project much?
@Nan, good points brother, especially the last two sentences, LOL!
"The actions of people like Mr. Dunn do partially explain why the sales of adult diapers are climbing. There appear to be a lot of people wandering around who are scared s***less every time they see a person of color."
Mr. Dunn is one of the many wanna be cops that seem to inhabit the land of Mickey Mouse.
Vigilantes that would establish/impose/execute 'their' idea of what law and order should be in the land of Donald Duck.
Apparently they feel that the police are not doing a good enough job of it,and so they must step in and keep the status quo.
Musak is the order of the day, and Lord forbid anything else should assault their delicate,shell like ears, and perhaps even make their feet tap a little, or HEAVEN FORBID their hips want to move!!! B-I-G- N-O- N-O :)
They will kill!
Sad! The hatred runs deep in the land of the Magic Castle, Goofy and all the pretty princesses!
An hour long attack on a power station and we are just now hearing about it?
Must be the fault of another youtube video.
Was KinkyCon really drunk at 7:58 in the morning?
I know Denver is a dull place but Jeeze....
"There appear to be a lot of people wandering around who are scared s***less every time they see a person of color."
It is rational to fear a population who feels entitled to commit violence against you in an environment where the government works to make you defenseless and the media lies to you that none of it is happening.
We will stand our ground for the stand your ground laws. This is the red line that won't be crossed.
"Was KinkyCon really drunk at 7:58 in the morning?"
Comment time displays on this blog are Eastern Time. Denver is in the Mountain Time Zone, so it was only 5:58. Just getting started.
Field, you claim to be a lawyer, therefore you must realize that the Davis case has nothing to do with Florida's Stand-Your-Ground law.
Stand-Your-Ground deals only with the issue of retreat in the context of lawful self-defense. It does not authorize any greater degree of force, nor does it allow you to use force under any lesser degree of threat. You must still meet every other qualification for lawful self-defense—innocence, imminence, proportionality, and reasonableness. If you are the aggressor in the fight, for example, you don’t qualify for self-defense in the first place, and Stand-Your-Ground has no application. In particular, Stand-Your-Ground in no way authorizes a “shoot first, ask questions later” approach to self-defense, despite what so many political activists have claimed.
Whether or not Dunn has a valid self-defense claim is left to the jury. But that doesn't stop you and the rest of the Leftist media from propagandizing against self-defense laws. That's how you roll.
The Purple Cow said...
"KinkyCon said...
Looks like granny and other liberals won't get their litter of blood.
How are they gonna satisfy their bloodlust now?"
You tell us where you are going to be at any appointed time, and we'll show you.
The violent negro tendencies surface. You're too old and stupid to be anything but a slow moving target.
"Yet despite all the advantages of being born a cracka in America, you STILL ain't shit and ain't neva' gonna' be shit.
SHouldn't you be a resident by now? 4 years ago you got your grant money and said you were accepted by the best medical schools in the country...
You lying sack of Shitskin, fraud.
You will never be a Doctor.
I DO believe the attacks on Dr Nuwang, aka DQAE, aka Dr Queen are unmercifully racist. You folks should be encouraging the aspiring doctor to "continue" until death. That encouragement should not have any preconditions on whether she is telling the truth or a BIG FAT LIE. So, show some mercy....let's do something for racial harmony. Kinkycon, and Dr Privilege, you are going to hell for shaming Dr Queen(if that's possible).
dear DQAE, on behalf of Whites AND Blacks on FN, i apologize. i mean, who the hell do they think they are? there is no way they can tell if you will never be a doctor. i mean, it takes some of us longer to finish college but most finish despite the long years it took.
'keep on truckin', DR....and don't worry about the LIES....as you have often said about them, "they're jealous of the Queen."
Blogger field negro said...
Anon@12:27, if u are a black man you need to man up and stop being afraid of "Mr.Charlie". It s ok my brother, we are here for you.
No one should have to change how they live their lives just because they are afraid of "The Man".
As long as you are not breaking any laws and being respectful of others you should be allowed to do whatever the hell u want. Isn't this America 2014? :)
7:21 AM
Mr Field, you have some nice theories but they are far from reality for bm. You must know that Obama has not shown ANY anger when he should have. He cannot show anger even though the GOP, Tea Party and Stormfronters say the most vile insulting things about him and his family. My God, they even threaten his life. That's the privilege of being White. A bm will be shot dead if he is 'perceived' as angry because Whites like Dunn will 'fear' for their lives.
Mr Field, how many bm must die before you take a close look at your theory of how things ought to be vs. how things 'really' are?
Ms. Queen will hang around in college her whole life, but will never get into medical school. Someday, when she's in her 80's, you'll see her on CNN, getting an honorary degree from some medical school for hanging around trying for so long, and for being black. She'll hoot and holler, and wave that piece of paper in the faces of the working people who supported her futile quest all these years and tell them how it makes her so much better than they are.
She is the kind of walking, bejabbering stereotype that truly accomplished black people must find horrifying.
She will never be a doctor.
"The violent negro tendencies surface. You're too old and stupid to be anything but a slow moving target."
If meeting an unarmed skinny little kid like Trayvon Martin makes white people fear for their lives, meeting me would make you shit your pants.
Now I am convicted that Bill is a wingnut troll. This power grid story is the latest FOX Views propaganda meme.
Hey Colonel, did those two white pilots who landed at the wrong airport and almost caused an accident get by on AA and quotas? Just wondering, 26 years of flying and I have yet to land at the wrong airport. Looks like however I got to where I am I'm better than a lot of you white guys. Just saying.
Agreed we shouldn't celebrate Zimmerman. I don't know what specifically happened that night in his case, but regardless, he's an asshole.
The cultural (for lack of a better word) climate in which these incidents occur remains fucked up.
I will be interested in the forensic evidence in this latest case. Witness testimony one way or another is weak.
Either way it's a tragedy, of course.
"Now I am convicted that Bill is a wingnut troll."
No, not BILL! The fair arbiter of double standards? Say it isn't so Field!
field negro said...
Now I am convicted that Bill is a wingnut troll.
It's illegal to be a democrat in Philly?
This power grid story is the latest FOX Views propaganda meme.
CNN news is now considered part of the faux news propaganda?
How far left does one have to be to consider cnn right-wing?
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Hey Colonel, did those two white pilots who landed at the wrong airport and almost caused an accident get by on AA and quotas? Just wondering, 26 years of flying and I have yet to land at the wrong airport
Well PilotX those white guys probably got fired, but you have nothing to worry about. You can land anywhere you want but no one can fire the black guy.
Being black means never having to say you're sorry.
Just ask President "You can keep your doctor, period" Obama.
Flaps up, bucko.
SHouldn't you be a resident by now? 4 years ago you got your grant money and said you were accepted by the best medical schools in the country...
I have NEVER announced on this site exactly where I am in my program. EVER. So you can take your lies and stuff them up your non existent flat ass!!
Suffice it to say that when I'm done, I'll have more education than everyone in your family could live three lifetimes and have you stupid anal orifice.
And you and your elk will be addressing me as Dr.
On second thought, your Mama is a HUGE *itch, elk probably fits to a tee, ROTFL!!!!
Suffice it to say that when I'm done, I'll have more education than everyone in your family could live three lifetimes and have you stupid anal orifice.
And you and your elk will be addressing me as Dr.
I believe the word you are looking for is "ilk".
"Elk" is a large species of deer.
Some education you have there. Quantity is no substitute for quality. I don't think anyone will ever be addressing you as "Dr." anytime soon. Or ever.
You will never be a doctor.
Actually they probably won't get fired. You are just full of it today aren't you colonel? Where do you get your misinformation from? BTW, I'm too good at my job to land at the wrong apt sir. Ha!
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Actually they probably won't get fired. You are just full of it today aren't you colonel? Where do you get your misinformation from? BTW, I'm too good at my job to land at the wrong apt sir. Ha!
Ha is right!
So is the fact that you've probably flown a few of these racists pigs around, LOL!!
"Convicted"? c.o.n.v.i.n.c.e.d. Damn auto spell check. :)
Oh yeah Doc, when I leave the flight deck to say goodbye to the pax some, mostly white males, will shoot a look of pure contempt but as always I just smile and wish them a good day because like the Colonel they resent any blah person with more education/status than themselves. Man, you know they long for the days when they could just string us uppity negroes up but now they can only post stupid shit on blogs. Kinda feel sorry for em in a way but as my granddad used to say "never feel sorry for a white man, it's his own fault if he can't make it with all the advantages he has".
" when I leave the flight deck to say goodbye to the pax some, mostly white males, will shoot a look of pure contempt"
This never happened.
And you would know this how exactly? I'll wait for your response.
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