Sadly, money always wins out in the end.
BTW, I hear that George Zimmerman declared that he is homeless in that interview. If he is, I would like to personally prepare a place for him right here in Philly to stay.
Speaking of the Michael Dunn trial, I guess Don Lemon might not be moving over to FOX Views after all. (And he tried so hard to be the straight shooting black man who isn't afraid to call out his own people.) Apparently he pissed off the white establishment over there and today they let him have it.
"Before the verdict in the Michael Dunn trial was announced Saturday (found guilty of four charges, including second-degree murder, but a hung jury on the question of first-degree), CNN’s Don Lemon very clearly expressed on the air how outraged he was at the whole thing, saying it should be a very clear, open-and-shut case for the jury.
Today Fox News anchor Gregg Jarrett fired back with some pretty personal barbs aimed at Lemon and his knowledge of the law.
Jarrett blasted Lemon for lacking objectivity about the case and called it “pathetic” that Lemon would feel personally affected by the case. He said, “The sum total of what Lemon knows about the law and this case… could be written on the head of a pin. And there would be plenty of space left over.”
He concluded by tweeting, “What a pompous, pretentious jerk.”' [Source]
"Lacking objectivity"? That's rich. A Fox Views host attacking someone for lacking objectivity. News flash, he is a black man in America; he should be personally "affected by the case".
But the reverse race- baiters over at FOX would never see it that way, they are too busy defending the Michael Dunns of the world and their right to kill innocent teenagers.
Of course FOX and their news people had a chance to show us how to cover a story the proper way but....wait....they never touched this story.
Hmmm, I wonder why?
Still, I am glad to see that Don Lemon fired back at this clown.
Don, I might have to remove you from the house. In fact, I am calling the Drop Squad right now.
My wife agrees. Don is trying to get his blah card back.
Sure Wayne. Fox News never Dunn or Zimmerman..
The only clown here is you Wayne. Facts always trump lies and spin.
"BTW, I hear that George Zimmerman declared that he is homeless in that interview. If he is, I would like to personally prepare a place for him right here in Philly to stay."
What a tough guy you are.
"they are too busy defending the Michael Dunns of the world and their right to kill innocent teenagers"
Who are "they"? I notice you didn't list examples.
Of course this is a lie too.
Haters gotta hate.
Race hustlers gotta hustle.
Isn't this guy one of the examples of a "straight news" anchor at Foxnews? His comments weren't straight news, he sounded like the trolls that come on in the evenings, and early mornings.
Yesterday, Don Lemon was a House Negro/Uncle Tom, apparently because he thought for himself and wasn't sufficiently racist.
Then he displays some racial chauvinism and is seen having a public spat with someone from the liberal bogeyman Fox News and voila, he is a bona fide "Field Negro".
See people, that's all it takes, get in line and hate on the designated object of hatred and you get the official stamp of Field Negro. You can then come onto the plantation and dance with Field and Don Lemon.
It's sooooo easy.
"See people, that's all it takes, get in line and hate on the designated object of hatred and you get the official stamp of Field Negro. You can then come onto the plantation and dance with Field and Don Lemon."
Or go onto the whiteman's plantation and jig on Fox and get the "free thinking" stamp of approval from white folks who secretly (and not so secretly) hate your Black ass. White folks loves them some jigging negroes, always have. Sing, dance, smile and talk about how wonderful massa is and they'll pat you on the head and tell you how special you are, how much not like the other niggers you are. Yessa boss, sings me up right away suh!
I love it when white folk tell us how we should act.
Party of Science: Democrats More Likely to Think Astrology is Scientific, Unclear on the Heliocentric Model
But global warmening which hasn't happened at all for 17+ years is Settled Science all you rethugglican deniers!!
"Or go onto the whiteman's plantation"
Would that be the Democrat plantation you live on?
Just askin'....
"Would that be the Democrat plantation you live on?"
Is that a trick question? Here's one for you. Which party has the higher percentage of white people A. The Democrats or B. the Republicans?
I'll wait for your answer.
"But global warmening which hasn't happened at all for 17+ years is Settled Science all you rethugglican deniers!!"
First off WTF is "global warening"???????????? Wow, Republican intelligence in action here folks. No wonder the don't understand climate science or any science for that matter.
Sarah? Is that you?
"White folks loves them some jigging negroes, always have. Sing, dance, smile and talk about how wonderful massa is and they'll pat you on the head and tell you how special you are, how much not like the other niggers you are"
That's why Chuckie Schumer, George Soros, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, David Axelrod, and Rahm Emmanuel just love the job slave-catchers like Field do for them. You are priceless!
Shame on CNN. Even convicts can't abide a child murderer in their midst.
"BTW, I hear that George Zimmerman declared that he is homeless in that interview. If he is, I would like to personally prepare a place for him right here in Philly to stay."
'What a tough guy you are.'"
Now see, I was going to put him up at the Four Seasons for a few days and treat him to some cheesesteaks.
Come on Field, let Don out of the House, lol!!
Field, "BTW, I hear that George Zimmerman declared that he is homeless in that interview. If he is, I would like to personally prepare a place for him right here in Philly to stay."
Brotha Field, that is so sad. Zimmerman is doing the best he can and he still isn't making it. My heart aches for him.
And where is his Daddy?
Field, why haven't you put that sorry ass Florida prosecutor in the HN box? That worthless so and so needs to be fired and his license taken away for good.
There should be a law against incompetent prosecuting criminal lawyers who leave wide open holes for the defense to drive through.
The prosecuting attorney never brought up the issue of race during the trial. That left a big gap for the jurors to ignore.
Why the uproar over something that rarely happens? White on black murder is so rare most states have none these days.
Of course, one reason this got a lot of attention is that it's a classic "man bites dog" story.
Blacks killing whites is so common that it's not news. But when a white kills a black, especially if it looks like the killing was unjustified, then it's big news.
And there's also the ideological angle. I'm not denying that.
Wow, black "teens" shoot a white baby IN THE FACE and the national/international media are silent, yet the Dunn case was the only show in town.
Dear Brothas and Sistas, attached to this comment is a link that shows Watters asking simple questions to Americans in Grand Central Station.
I am ashamed to say that the dumbest person in that survey of ignorance was a Sistah. Damn! out of all those people the Sistah didn't know a damn thing about American history.
I will never call a white person stupid again because we have some imbeciles in our race. Field, you know this is true.
Granny, eat your heart out:
Kinky Con, where is your blog? I am interested in joining you.
"Why the uproar over something that rarely happens? White on black murder is so rare most states have none these days."
Same reason racist whites like yourself get upset about non-existent knock out games. Most states haven't had any. Most crimes against whites are committed by fellow whites but you stormfront types are all paranoid about getting clocked by a brotha. Save the bs kinkboy.
"I will never call a white person stupid again because we have some imbeciles in our race. Field, you know this is true."
Yeah, we know all whites are super geniuses. Just ask Ms. What do I read is a gotcha question.
"Blacks killing whites is so common that it's not news."
Less common than whites killing whites.
"That's why Chuckie Schumer, George Soros, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, David Axelrod, and Rahm Emmanuel just love the job slave-catchers like Field do for them. You are priceless!"
Why are those the only Dems you mention? You forgot some of the prominent blah folks in the party such as James Clyborn the 3rd highest ranking member in the House on the Dem side. Who's the highest ranking blah person in the House on the Republican side? Oh that's right, the Republicans don't have ANY blah members in the House of Representatives. The peoples' house on the gop side don't see fit to elect ANY blah folks. Why is that? Racism? Laziness? Hmmmmm. I guess you would be happier of Field caught slaves for Reince Priebus, John Bohner, Virginia Fox, Louie Gohmert, Paul Broun, Karl Rove, Sarah Palin, the Koches and Rick "my job is not to make blah peoples' lives easier" Santorum? Really? That's your play? No thanks, I'd rather avoid what Bobby Jindal calls "the stupid party".
Alabama Terri Sewell (D)
California Barbara Lee (D)
Maxine Waters (D)
Karen Bass (D)
Gloria Negrete McLeod (D)
District of Columbia Eleanor Holmes Norton (D)1
Florida Corrine Brown (D)
Alcee L. Hastings (D)
Frederica Wilson (D)
Georgia Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D)
John Lewis (D)
David Scott (D)
Henry "Hank" Johnson, Jr. (D)
Illinois Danny K. Davis (D)
Bobby L. Rush (D)
Indiana Andri Carson (D)
Louisiana Cedric Richmond (D)
Maryland Elijah E. Cummings (D)
Donna F. Edwards (D)
Michigan John Conyers, Jr. (D)
Minnesota Keith Ellison (D)
Mississippi Bennie Thompson (D)
Missouri William Lacy Clay, Jr. (D)
Emanuel Cleaver II (D)
New Jersey Donald Payne, Jr. (D)
New York Gregory W. Meeks (D)
Yvette D. Clarke (D)
Charles B. Rangel (D)
Hakeem Jeffries (D)
Nevada Steven Horsford (D)
North Carolina G. K. Butterfield (D)
Melvin Watt (D)
Ohio Marcia L. Fudge (D)
Joyce Beatty (D)
Pennsylvania Chaka Fattah (D)
South Carolina James E. Clyburn (D) Tim Scott (R)
Texas Al Green (D)
Sheila Jackson Lee (D)
Eddie Bernice Johnson (D)
Marc Veasey (D)
Virgin Islands Donna M. Christensen (D)1
Virginia Robert C. Scott (D)
Wisconsin Gwen Moore (D)
Read more: African Americans in the 113th Congress | Infoplease.com http://www.infoplease.com/us/government/113-congress-african-americans.html#ixzz2teITff9q
Notice racist troll didn't mention any of these names. Why is that? Notice something that all but one have behind their name? And the one outlier wasn't elected, he had to be appointed. Yeah, your party might need some help catching a few slaves because then you might have ONE blah person in your entire party.
Hmmmm, so let's do the math, non hillbilly math. If there are 43 members of the House on the Dem side and there are 200 Dems in the House that means 21.5% of the Dem representation is blah people. What are the stats on the gop side? I think even a hillbilly can figure that one out. 2014 and the gop can't find ONE blah person suitable to represent them in the peoples' house? Is the party itself to blame? I wonder what Newt "I'm going to the NAACP to tell them they should want jobs not handouts" Gingrich thinks about this? How about Bob "soon to be in jail reinstitued confederate history month is his state" McDonnell thinks about this? Maybe David "I had alot of tea party supporters who wanted me to run for president in 2012 as a Republican" Duke can shed some light on this topic. I know, Rand "did you know blah folks used to be Republicans" Paul can definitely help us out.
My FN brothers and sisters, I think we got it all wrong about the Whites on FN. They aren't racists. They are here because they love us and want to help.
Please, just give them the chance they deserve. It's up to us to work in harmony with them moreso than the other way around. They are the majority of this country and made the plans that made this country great....of which, we are fortunate to be a part of.
We need to take a page out of Clarence Thomas's book on how to get along with Whites. If we followed his formula, I am sure there would be a wonderful racial harmony between Blacks and Whites never seen before in America! It's worth a try.
"During Jim and Jane Crow, black men and women had to get off of the sidewalk and avert their eyes when white people approached. African-American communities were destroyed by white rampaging mobs because the very idea of black success, genius, and dignity was "offensive" to white sensibilities.
For the White Right and its authoritarian populism in the present, Barack Obama is guilty of the major offense that is being black and successful and President of the United States. For a black man to have such achievements is a triumvirate of success, one that is intolerable to the white supremacist ethos which drives the contemporary Republican Party, and the racially resentful human mediocrities who are attracted to its authoritarian populism and the psychological wages of whiteness such an association provides them.
Michael Dunn killed Jordan Davis because the latter was not sufficiently "respectful" towards a white man. The legal decision exists separate and apart from that basic fact."
"My FN brothers and sisters, I think we got it all wrong about the Whites on FN. They aren't racists. They are here because they love us and want to help. "
I know you think you are being funny, but actually you are demonstrating what a simple-minded little twat you are.
Kindly fuck right off.
Quote Kinkey
"Haters gotta hate.
Race hustlers gotta hustle."
...and yet you are both of those things.
Hypocrisy much?
Anon @ 1:01
Please, just give them the chance they deserve. It's up to us to work in harmony with them moreso than the other way around. They are the majority of this country and made the plans that made this country great....of which, we are fortunate to be a part of.
Anon, I know you think you were trying to be sarcastic/funny, but you bring up a good point.
Blacks agitated to be allowed to integrate into white neighborhoods, schools and businesses, but don't feel the need to attempt to assimilate into the mores of the white communities they insist on block busting.
Then they seem genuinely shocked when their refusal to assimilate and adopt to the mores and values that made the white communities they block busted peaceful, safe and successful is met with not only resistance but deserved hostility and contempt.
And you pretend to be genuinely puzzled as to how both Martin and Davis ended up dead, and Zimmerman and Dunn didn't end up with Murder 1 convictions.
A little slow on the uptake. You would think by now, "message received",and blacks who venture into white communities would adjust accordingly, but nope. Clueless.
Anon @ 1:12 said:
"During Jim and Jane Crow, black men and women had to get off of the sidewalk and avert their eyes when white people approached. African-American communities were destroyed by white rampaging mobs because the very idea of black success, genius, and dignity was "offensive" to white sensibilities."
You bring up a very good point. Since the idea of black "success", "genius" (snort) and dignity is "offensive" to white sensibilities, then why don't you collectively teach those whites a lesson and LEAVE?
I mean, the artificially created black middle class and boule in the US has the funds to repatriate themselves back to their place of historical origin, where everyone will look like you, and you will have unfettered, racism-free opportunity to soar to the highest heights of success. After all, you continually remind whites the only thing preventing your success is "systemic white racism". So go. Head for a place where "systemic white racism" doesn't exist. It's not like the concept of migration to seek a better life is unknown in the black community - there was the great migration from the South, over thousands of miles, to the north and west, seeking "economic opportunity" (ie: better handouts). Blacks from all over the globe have no problem migrating here, seeking their gibmedats. So, it can't be a fear of migration. It clearly isn't the fear of "success" or the recognition that you can't survive without whites paying the bills and providing the artificial opportunities for you to pretend you have value in Western civilization. It must frost your cookies to realize the majority of whites see you as obsolete farm equipment cum high maintenance, low value parasites on civilization.
So leave. Go. Take your talent, your capital, your "genius" and create something great from scratch - just like the white entrepreneurs who founded this country did, carving a nation out of the wilderness.
Show us up. Prove us wrong when we say you're incapable of sustaining a civilization independent of whites. Your people have never been able to do it in the entire continuum of human history, but hey! give it a shot. Put your money and your talent where your mouth is and go for it. Otherwise, STFU.
Same reason racist whites like yourself get upset about non-existent knock out games. Most states haven't had any. Most crimes against whites are committed by fellow whites but you stormfront types are all paranoid about getting clocked by a brotha. Save the bs kinkboy.
You're a lying piece of garbage. There are plenty of sites that document and catalog the non-stop "knock out assaults" committed by cowardly blacks against the most vulnerable - especially the elderly. You even video them yourselves and post to WSHH for street cred. Savages.
More and more people are beginning to wake up and understand the widespread nature of the typical feral negro, and are beginning to demand that these "Polar Bear Hunting" assaults be charged as attempted homicides. It's time to realize the seriousness of the crime and charge it accordingly.
The mainstream Prog media that tries to protect their pet Negros can't keep the truth out anymore with the availability of the internet and independent media to all. No matter how much they deny the wilding at the state fair, or that two reporters were dragged from their car, and on and on and on, it doesn't mean it didn't happen, and it doesn't mean someone isn't documenting it.
We are at Peak Negro and NFS (Negro Fatigue Syndrome) of the monkeyshines has set in. You've been pretty cocky since the pResident fart sniffer took up residence, but be aware that when the pendulum of history swings, it usually swings back the other way much further in over compensation. It was in response to the heavy handed tactics of the Northern carpet baggers in the post-Civil war era and their deployment of their pet Negros into the South to disrupt and destroy the historical white power structures there that led to Jim Crow, Segregation and all that followed.
So keep it up. Go on. Revel in your status as coddled whiners and paid off agitators (Pigford, anyone) while the music is still playing, because it won't last much longer.
Remember though - Jury Nullification - it ain't just for Negroes anymore. Neither I, nor anyone I know, would ever vote to convict a Dunn or Zimmerman for essentially doing the world a favor. Warehousing generational feral felons isn't cheap, but the alternatives are limited when the $ybrina Fulton$ of the world refuse to keep their legs crossed.
"So leave. Go. Take your talent, your capital, your "genius" and create something great from scratch - just like the white entrepreneurs who founded this country did, carving a nation out of the wilderness. "
Yeah! great idea, nazi-boi.
We could exterminate the people already living here, then enslave a few million white people, and build a new nation on their sweat and blood, while we busy ourselves raping their wives and children.
Fantastic idea, thanks for the tip.
PC shows us he is an expert on hate and race hustling.
Facts continue to trump hate and race hustling.
Wayne continues to lie about Fox News.
Dunn not guilty? That's still a lie.
White on black crime is almost to the point of nonexistent.
So keep the racial paranoia at high levels.
Keep chasing the imaginary "they".
Stay stupid for the cause..
"Prove us wrong when we say you're incapable of sustaining a civilization independent of whites"
Detroit. South Central. Oakland. Harlem. Baltimore. Africa.
Blacks are more than capable of sustaining a civilized society.
Need more examples?
"Blacks are more than capable of sustaining a civilized society."
Now, now, let's not go overboard here. I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.
Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis TN, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let's not forget Detroit, the tourism capital of the world!!
Ed over at ginandtacos.com has a good blog today about the Dunn case. The illogic of the verdict is absolutely exquisite. "He committed a felony against the three teens whom the bullets missed and committed no crime against the one he managed to hit."
He sees it as part of the sweepstakes for Most Demented State, with Florida looking pretty good lately. Though admittedly the competition is fierce.
"PC shows us he is an expert on hate and race hustling."
No, that would be you kinky-boi. All you have to live for is to compensate for your tiny likkle penis by coming here and slagging off black folks.
It's the only thing that makes you feel like a man.
We sort of feel sorry for you and your storefront buddies.
The Purple Cow said...
Kindly fuck right off.
You still sound pretty bitter.
Any comments about socialism failing people in Venezuela?
Why does socialism always mean people go without?
Do you have enough toilet paper?
How lucky for you, guess that explains why you live in the UK instead of Venezuela?
It's easy to call yourself a socialist when you don't have to live it.
EXCLUSIVE: National clown shortage may be approaching, trade organizations fear
Midterms are only a year away. According to all the polls there will be a lot of clowns out of work.
"It's easy to call yourself a socialist when you don't have to live it."
I do live it. I've lived in Europe all my life.
Time Magazine wants a piece of the hypocrisy/double standards game.
Obama Plays Water-Guzzling Desert Golf Courses Amid California Drought
Not too much hypocrisy talking about the drought then going to play golf on a private golf courses in the desert.
Poor old Bill....
Nothing new, just another story about a democrat politician and child porn.
Ex- US congressman Mel Reynolds arrested in Zimbabwe
Reynolds, an Illinois Democrat, resigned from his congressional seat in 1995 after he was convicted of 12 counts of statutory rape, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography.
Democrat party family values.
No double standard for mel violating immigration laws, democrat child molesters in america don't believe in immigration laws either.
Child porn laws is racist!
Poor old Bill, talking to himself...
PC, "We sort of feel sorry for you and your storefront buddies."
10:40 AM
We? who is we? Speak for yourself. Don't include others in your opinions.
I don't feel sorry for Kinkycon nor do I think he is poor and uneducated. And if you believe he is, then what the hell are you doing wasting your time and life communicating with him?
The way you respond, tells a lot more about you than it does about him. Wake up, fool. And don't ever include me as a fellow Black because I don't agree with most of what you think. And, for the record, I don't agree with Kinkycon either.
"We need to take a page out of Clarence Thomas's book on how to get along with Whites. If we followed his formula, I am sure there would be a wonderful racial harmony between Blacks and Whites never seen before in America! It's worth a try."
1:01 AM
If only this could become a reality, our country would be in harmony instead of disharmony.
PC, do you know Supreme Court Justice of the United States Clarence Thomas? We call him "Your Honor". He is one of the great Black Justices ever to serve on the SCOTUS. You should 'study' him, his life and opinions...it will help your social ability. Granny and Dr Nuwang too.
The Purple Cow said...
Poor old Bill, talking to himself...
Not really.
I've got you talking about me.
Twice already today so far.
Guess you don't see your hypocrisy in that.
Anonymous said...
And if you believe he is, then what the hell are you doing wasting your time and life communicating with him?
It makes PurpleCow feel better about himself when he insults people.
Feeling better about himself, that's the payoff for him, otherwise why would he continue to do it.
"We? who is we? Speak for yourself. Don't include others in your opinions.
I don't feel sorry for Kinkycon nor do I think he is poor and uneducated. And if you believe he is, then what the hell are you doing wasting your time and life communicating with him?
The way you respond, tells a lot more about you than it does about him. Wake up, fool. And don't ever include me as a fellow Black because I don't agree with most of what you think. And, for the record, I don't agree with Kinkycon either."
Hell-oh-oh, you ARE kinky.com. Did you seriously think I wouldn't recognise your clunky writing style?
For a white supremacist to invent a sock-puppet is par for the course, but to invent a black sock-puppet takes into you the realms of extreme idiocy on your part.
Now grow up and debate like a man why doncha?
Poor old bill is still talking to himself I see.
Still, he may as well.
It's not like anyone else is listening.
The Purple Cow said...
Poor old bill is still talking to himself I see.
Still, he may as well.
It's not like anyone else is listening.
3 times for the day and counting.
Thanks PurpleCow
Poor old bill is still talking to himself I see.
@Purple Cow: Are you 12 years old?
Just curious.
The Purple Cow said...
Poor old bill is still talking to himself I see.
4 and counting.
Thanks PurpleCow.
If you want, you can refer to me as Pavlov.
Bless your little heart purple cow.
You try so hard to defend the lies and b.s. of this blog owner and socialism in general.
PC, "Hell-oh-oh, you ARE kinky.com. Did you seriously think I wouldn't recognise your clunky writing style?
For a white supremacist to invent a sock-puppet is par for the course, but to invent a black sock-puppet takes into you the realms of extreme idiocy on your part.
Now grow up and debate like a man why doncha?"
12:57 PM
You are so far off base you should jump off of Big Ben. You can't even recognize your own people. You are constantly mistaken about race identity of posters on FN. You know what that means? It means YOU know nothing about your people. You are NOT a Field Negro. YOU are like Obama, disconnected from your own kind.
Nevertheless, you can call me Kinkycom if you like. I don't care but you sound like 'blind' blathering foolish idiot.
Purple Cow, isn't it past your bed time in the UK? Go to bed, little boy.
"I still can't believe that CNN found it necessary to let George Zimmerman pimp himself out to them"
Field, I wonder how much that slot on CNN normally cost?
Gezim found out a long time ago that the simplest mind is the easiest mind to hypnotize and knows he should be good for at least another $500,000 of donations from the, "I'm a grown man, scared of a 17 yr. old boy fan club."
Wave your hands in the air if you're a true player!
Kinky con man, the wealth gap in America validates Socialism more and more every day.
PC enjoys life in a Socialist country, so he doesn't have to go out of his way to defend it.
Anon@2:57, u are not black.
"Midterms are only a year away. According to all the polls there will be a lot of clowns out of work."
All of the clowns are in the gop. They should learn to share.
"So leave. Go. Take your talent, your capital, your "genius" and create something great from scratch - just like the white entrepreneurs who founded this country did, carving a nation out of the wilderness."
Nope, we built this mutha fucka and we ain't going nowhere. Sorry cracka. Why don't YOU leave this blog asshole. That would be progress.
"White on black crime is almost to the point of nonexistent."
But white on white crime is rampant but racists like kinkboy won't mention this. Wonder why. Hypocrisy! Double standard!
"Haters gotta hate.
Race hustlers gotta hustle."
Kinkboy is to ignorant to see he's referring to himself. Sad but what do you expect from trailer trash?
"Fox News celebrated Black History Month with several five-second spots highlighting the accomplishments of African-Americans. The brief tributes in February stand in sharp contrast with Fox's pattern of race-baiting and offensive rhetoric on race throughout the rest of year."
"You are so far off base you should jump off of Big Ben."
I will, no problem. Big Ben is 7'6" tall, so that shouldn't be a problem.
I swear to god, you people are so fucking clueless it's incredible.
"You are constantly mistaken about race identity of posters on FN."
Here's the thing kinkyconman, you started your sock-puppet rat with:
"We? who is we? Speak for yourself."
Which is exactly the meme that you have been pushing as kinkycon for the last week or so.
As I say, you are so incredibly fucking clueless, beating you up in debates feels like kicking a puppy.
Amazing how these racist whites have the nerve to tell black people to go back to Africa. Yet, all of those white people's ancestors came from other countries too. They keep forgetting or either are ignoring the fact that this is a STOLEN COUNTRY.
I was born here, so I have a right to be here. In addition, two of my great-grandmothers were full-blooded Native Americans; therefore, I have more right to be here than most whites.
Now, we have them telling us that we have never built a thriving community, which is also FALSE. That's how misinformation spreads when you think that whites are the only people who exist on this earth and your history is the only one that exist worth studying. Our ancestors built many thriving communities right here in the U.S.
Greenwood in Oklahoma, was so successful until they called it BLACK WALL STREET. It was a sustained black community, until jealous whites burned it down to the ground:
There were many black communities.
Five Points District in Manhattan where Wall Street sits today.
Weeksville in New York
Freeman's Village, VA
Allensworth, in CA
Freedmen's town, Houston, TX
Davis Bend, Miss
Muchakinock, Iowa
Buxton, Iowa
New Philadelphia in ILL
Pin Oak Colony in ILL
Blackdom in NM
Kiblah (The Bottoms), Ark
Boley, Brooksville, Clearview, Grayson, Langston, Lima, Red Bird, Rentiesville, Summit, Taft, Tatums, Tullahassee, and Vernon.
There are many others.
*There were many others*
Purple cow likes kicking puppies and talking about penis?
Is PC into beastailty? I hear that's a common thing among socialist.
"Fox News celebrated Black History Month with several five-second spots highlighting the accomplishments of African-Americans."
Five seconds is about enough time to cover discovering uses for the peanut and developing the art of dunking a basketball.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
They keep forgetting or either are ignoring the fact that this is a STOLEN COUNTRY.
I was born here, so I have a right to be here
Wait a minute, if this is a "stolen country", you do not have a right to be here. Be gone, usurper.
"white on white crime is rampant"
Not true steve. White on white crime has been declining for decades.
When FN posts about it, i will be more than happy to post on the topic.
Recessions, high unemployment, poverty, race riots and collapsing welfare systems.
Socialism is collapsing all around us. Indeed, you do run out of other people's money.
I know this Granny's type, always trying to gain some moral advantage by claiming Native American ancestry. 95% of black people who say so really have white ancestry instead. She is as phony as the blonde haired, blue eyed Senator Fauxcohontass of Massachusetts.
I know this because I am Native American.
You see what kinky bio did there folks?
It's lie dead clever and stuff. This is what he did that's so brilliant.
In one response I said that beating him in a debate was so easy it felt like kicking a puppy.
Then in a different post, I said (quite correctly) that he comes here to mitigate his grief at the microscopically small size of his penis.
So what kinky did then that was so genius, was, he said that because I mentioned puppy's in one post, and penises in another - therefore I must like kicking puppy's and therefor I must be into bestiality!
Did you see what he did there?
I mean that's just genius logic, right there. How can I as a mere black man compete with such brilliant wit and repartee?
Clearly when there are white people out there in their trailer parks who are capable of such wit and erudition, we as simple black folks can only watch and learn...
Chief Windbreaker, what Tribe do u belong to?
Monte Negro, go back to your moonshine, your ignorance is showing.
Blogger field negro said...
Anon@2:57, u are not black.
3:25 PM
Well, if I'm not Black, then neither are you, uncle tom. You are black on the outside but you are NOT Black on the inside.
I bet your defense record involving our folks is abysmal. You and PC need to STFU.
Give it a rest white boy.
Oh, come on. Don Lemon was never Fox News material.
He might have pissed off some black people with all that "pull your pants up" stuff, but he's not some integrity-free hack like Crystal Wright that will say whatever words are put in her mouth in return for a paycheck.
"Clearly when there are white people out there in their trailer parks who are capable of such wit and erudition, we as simple black folks can only watch and learn..."
Yep, all whites are just so brilliant. We don't stand a chance. You have to admit that sometimes it's kinda hard to kick a puppy if they're quick. I'd say beating kinkchump is like kicking a sleeping puppy.
Yes, I do have white ancestry as well, but I hate to disappoint you, but I also have Native American ancestry, and my DNA proves it.
The reason that certain folks want to deny it is because Blacks would get those benefits that Native Americans get and they don't want them to have it. Nonetheless, I don't need them, nor am I trying to get them, but if I wanted to I could without a problem. Some of my kinfolks are getting those benefits.
Anony 6:51,
I sorta agree with you to a certain extent and haven't written Lemon off yet, but I am watching him more closely now.
But now, Clarence Thomas is definitely Fox material without a doubt or any hesitation on my behalf. Jessie Lee Peterson and Rev Manning are definitely Fox indoctrinated Fox flunkies.
"Not true steve. White on white crime has been declining for decades."
Who the fuck is Steve? All crime has been declining so nothing new there. But we notice you keep dodging the point, the vast majority of crime against whites is committed by whites. Oh yeah, you must have gotten brain damage from getting knocked out so many times by maurading teens. Or too much meth and moonshine.
Anon6:36pm, what does it matter whether Field thinks you are Black or not? Do you want to be defined by someone called Purple Cow or FN? It's better they think of you as being different.
Our folks have never stood together or supported each other anyway.... it's every Black for her/himself. A brother can't trust anyone, esp his own kind.
It used to be a ploy of Whites to divide us against each other. That pattern has been so ingrained into our race that we do it automatically to ourselves.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 (UPI) -- Violent crime in the United States decreased in the first six months of 2013, compared to those months in 2012, the FBI reported Tuesday.
The FBI's Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report, released Tuesday, noted all offenses in the category of violent crime, including murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, aggravated assault and robbery, declined in 2013.
The statistics, based on information submitted by 12,723 law enforcement agencies, show the number of murders declined by 6.9 percent, forcible rapes declined 10.6 percent, aggravated assaults decreased 6.6 percent and robbery offenses were down by 1.8 percent.
Offenses in the property crime category, specifically burglary, larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft, show declines as well.
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2014/02/18/Violent-crime-down-in-2013-FBI-statistics-show/UPI-43911392761684/#ixzz2tio9O8Mg
"Violent crime in the United States decreased in the first six months of 2013, compared to those months in 2012, the FBI reported Tuesday."
That's because there are so many negroes in jail now.
Anonymous -Jesse Lee @7:02,
You need to seek help for your internalize racism, so that you can learn to stop hating the color of your skin.
I see you!
Anonymous said...
Oh, come on. Don Lemon was never Fox News material.
He might have pissed off some black people with all that "pull your pants up" stuff, but he's not some integrity-free hack like Crystal Wright that will say whatever words are put in her mouth in return for a paycheck.
6:51 PM
I agree totally. Don Lemon has NEVER been FOX material. He has a mind of his own and he thinks for himself.
Field has a habit of trying to beat down Blacks who don't say the things he thinks they should say. Don will never be the model of a Black that Field deems is Black.
You might have noticed that Field considers Blacks who disagree with him as: Whites, Uncle Toms, or FOX material. He has a very narrow viewpoint of Blacks in the same way he views Republicans.
"In 2012, 69.3 percent of all persons arrested were white, 28.1 percent were black, and the remaining 2.6 percent were of other races."
Looks like the vast majority of people going to the pokie are white Lionel. I'm sure you and your uncle/daddy will be there soon.
Kinkycon logic, or should I conservative logic. The vast majority of crimes against whites is committed by whites, 84% of white murder victims are killed by fellow whites, but they never mention it because the numbers are "declining". Interesting logic. A whole 431 whites were killed by a blah person, epic proportions huh? Interesting statistics though, most women killed were killed by whites. Seems white boys have a problem with women and if this blog is any indication I can see why. Big bad white boys like to off girls. I knew these folks were sick but damn. And let's not talk about how they like to rape. Guess you gotta be good at something.
"You might have noticed that Field considers Blacks who disagree with him as: Whites, Uncle Toms, or FOX material. He has a very narrow viewpoint of Blacks in the same way he views Republicans."
He is right, Tom.
PilotX doesn't understand statistics, or really any math very well.
Blacks comprise 13% of the population. If criminality were the same among different races, blacks would be expected to commit 13% of murders.
But in truth blacks commit over 50% of murders.
It is true that most crime is committed within the same race, however, when it is inter racial, blacks are 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa.
Go figure.
"It is true that most crime is committed within the same race, however, when it is inter racial, blacks are 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa."
50 times huh? I would LOVE to see how you got that hillbilly math. I'll wait.
Looks like definite hillbilly math. 431 white victims killed by a blah person, 193 blah victims killed by a white. Hmmmmmmmm, can somebody please multiply 193 by 50 to see if our trailer park mathmatician is correct?
Colonel Corn said...
It is true that most crime is committed within the same race, however, when it is inter racial, blacks are 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa.
Go figure.
Figure on this.
From 0 - 1990, Whites killed so many Blacks and people of color, the number can't be measured.
So get back to me when the numbers of Blacks killing Whites reaches the billions.
"So get back to me when the numbers of Blacks killing Whites reaches the billions."
he won't even get back to us about how he came up with the 50X number. My guess is he pulls it out of his ass. how about whites are 10X more likely to get killed by a fellow white but yet their paranoid asses jump when they see a blah person. They are certainly goofy.
"50 times huh? I would LOVE to see how you got that hillbilly math. I'll wait."
This is from the same crowd that brought us Romney by a landslide. Figures.
It's all right here if you care to look:
What's hillbilly math?
Father + brother = first boyfriends
Is that what happened to you Whitey? Did daddy rape you?
Get over it you sad little puke. Be a man and stop trying to fuck things up for normal people.
Black people don't respect you for pissing on your own.
Looks like your buddy is accusing you of being a race traitor Whitey. That didn't end well back in the day.
Squeal Like a Pig, you have no idea what it is to piss on your own unless you are Black. Our race is riddled with uncle toms, sell-outs and so-called field negroes. there is no one to trust.
"It's all right here if you care to look"
Nah, we prefer our statistics from official sources.
Man these trolls are straight out of Stormfront.
I am sure WC is used to their kind.
"Man these trolls are straight out of Stormfront."
Nope, they're straight out of the GOP party = Council of Conservative Citizens.
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