Honestly, Donald Rumsfeld should know better than referring to an ape when comparing the first black president to something. It's sad, really, you would think that we can do better than that in this country.
Rumsfeld is a man of some stature. He is not some ignorant redneck posting anonymously on the Internet from his mother's basement.
Understandably, black folks are upset:
"I’m not sure what’s more exhausting: The invocation of primates when discussing Black people, much less the first Black man to be elected president of the United States, or the people who pretend not to know the racist implications behind the comparison.
Now begs the question whether former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will follow suit.
In an interview with FOX News’ Greta Van Susteren on Monday, Rumsfeld offered a harsh critique of President Obama’s diplomatic dealings with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Rumsfeld went as far as to say he doesn’t fault the Afghans for supporting Vladimir Putin.
Rumsfeld explained:
By golly they have trashed Karzai publicly over and over and over. I really think it’s understandable given the terrible, terrible diplomacy that the United States has conducted with Afghanistan over the past several years.”Then came the unfortunate inclusion of ape talk:
A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It doesn’t take a genius.Rumsfeld is referring to the extension of a 2003 agreement that recognizes the American military presence.
As of now, Donald Rumsfeld has yet to apologize to President Obama for comparing him to an ape. I’m not sure that walking, blabbering example of curmudgeonliness will say he’s sorry, though he certainly should." [Source]
And then there are the folks over in Belgium:
"A Belgian newspaper is under fire for an image it printed showing President Barack Obama and the First Lady as apes.
The progressive newspaper De Morgen is being accused of racism for the image along with an article it published just prior to Obama's visit to the Netherlands Monday morning.
The image clearly depicts the couple as two apes-- an editorial decision that has been slammed as "stale racist drivel." [Source]
Oh my, racist "progressives"? Who knew? Anyway, some folks from De Morgen will be sending out feelers to FOX Views, soon. Because you can never have enough racists in the cable news business.
Come on field..we know people calling other people Apes is downright childish.
Why not post about important things that actually affect the black community like high abortion rates, out of wedlock children, families with no father in the household, and rampant crime from our youth?
We also need to control our kids from getting suspended and expelled at 3 times the rates of other kids.
Field we gotta stop being so sensitive to what folks say about us. Its 2014..sticks and stones may break my bones..you get the point.
Im more concerned about Obamas lack of care for the black community. Hes done nothing but increase our unemployment.
Field, "Understandably, black folks are upset:"
No, it's not understandable...not anymore. You would think we would stop being upset over the same old intentional name calling crap.
You see, it's not the name calling that is upsetting us, it's our reaction to the name calling by the likes of Rumsfeld or other Republicans who throw those terms out TO upset us.
It continues to prove one thing: How we feel about ourselves is based on what Whites likes Rumsfeld or any other White says about us. This is the pathetic thing about us...And I am sick and tired of all the FN posts whining about what Whites have said about us.
It sends a message that we believe our self-worth is determined by what is said about us. This sucks because at a subtler level we are admitting we agree with White hatred toward us.
"I’m not sure what’s more exhausting: The invocation of primates when discussing Black people, much less the first Black man to be elected president of the United States, or the people who pretend not to know the racist implications behind the comparison."
You damn right it's exhausting. However, Field never seems to never tire of wallowing in self-pity and sucking sewer scum. I guess he knows the 'true' meaning of what it is to be Black?
You will never be black
Why wont he/she? Or matter of fact why isnt he/she black?
It's not like Obama had many options when it came to the Crimea, but he should have learned by now not to say something when he's not going to do anything. He just looks like a damn fool, over and over.
I think this hurts Hillary's chances. People are seeing what happens when you don't have a man leading your country, and it's embarrassing.
Anonymous said...
Come on field..we know people calling other people Apes is downright childish.
Why not post about important things that actually affect the black community like high abortion rates, out of wedlock children, families with no father in the household, and rampant crime from our youth?
We also need to control our kids from getting suspended and expelled at 3 times the rates of other kids.
8:04 PM
Anon, you are not alone. I agree and so do others:
Brother Field, you used to complain about Anon Inc needing to upgrade its trolls.
Well, YOU really need to 'upgrade' your posts. Man, you have GOT to do better. This ape and monkey business has GOT to go. It's totally played out.
When Rumsfeld can get you to post about bs like this, you either need to upgrade, or just get out of the biz of blogging and chasing the 'little tiny r'.
Brother Field, trust me. Our peeps aren't interested in stories like this. We are interested in jobs, jobs, and more jobs. We are interested in lowering OOW children. We are interested in reducing black on black killings. We are interested in education. We are interested in programs to help us become better parents for our children.
In other words, our community is a catastrophic mess and Obama hasn't done a damn thing for us and neither has any black leader or politician done much of anything for us...except run their damn mouths! We are going down, Field.
Why won't you post about the deep suffering in our community instead of talking about 'right wingers'? I mean, WTF?
With our unfortunately hoglike countenance we white folks ought to avoid animal comparisons.
I don't understand why you are going ape-shit over this stuff.
It's all nothing but monkeyshines.
Field, you are getting beat up tonight. Where are your friends like Granny, PC, PilotX and DQAE? Take it from me, it's risk business having friends like them. They always run when things get a little warm....TNB.
Get yourself a new set of friends. Right now, the only friend you got is WC. I tried to tell you that Whites are more trustworthy than our own folks. But you aren't listening.
Instead you are busy criticizing Whites like Kinky Con and Bill who, given a chance, could become your best friends. They will make much better friends than DQAE or PC. Hell, PC isn't even American. As a matter of fact, Purple Cow hates America.
Field, you really must learn how to pick your friends. Go see a relations therapist.
These people ought to be ashamed of themselves. Probably some of the Koch brothers' or Fox We Make It Up friends.
Apparently, the Dutch paper wasn't trying to BE racist. They were making a joke ABOUT racism that lots of people didn't get, and now the newspaper editors just look like dicks. (The joke was that Vladimir Putin had sent in the picture of the ape-Obamas to the newspaper, and that he was actually the racist one.)
Rumsfeld, on the other hand, is simply an idiot. No other explanation required.
"Field, you are getting beat up tonight. Where are your friends like Granny, PC, PilotX and DQAE? "
With love,
Why does that person posting above say "we"? Who is "we", exactly? The person is not black, and they are the same one with all the OReilly fox views links.
Talk about a one trick pony. :)
"Apparently, the Dutch paper wasn't trying to BE racist."
Belgian newspaper.
The Netherlands --- Belgium.
Two entirely different countries.
But yes, this cartoon was published in their Saturday morning section called 'The Daily Herald' which is a weekly satirical magazine.
It was intended to satarise Putin's racism and the generally high levels of racism found in the old eastern block countries. But it was a stupid joke that back-fired catastrophically, and the paper has rightly apologised last Monday.
De Morgen isn't a bad paper at all, I read it quite regularly when I could;t get hold of De Volkskrant or when I wanted to read up on a particular soccer game, because it takes sport more seriously than De Volkskrant.
I bet if this was a group of white dudes raping a sista...we would never hear the end of it from the media. Man, brothas sure do love rapin white chicks huh Field?
These people should also be Ashamed of themselves granny.
Youre not white. You never will be.
Blogger field negro said...
Why does that person posting above say "we"? Who is "we", exactly? The person is not black, and they are the same one with all the OReilly fox views links.
Talk about a one trick pony. :)
7:08 AM
Which 'one' posting 'above' are you trying to 'de-Black'? Just remember, once you are born Black, there is no way to be White, no matter how much you want them to be. God won't change them to suit Mr Field.:)
Learn to 'embrace', not 'deny'.
Anonymous said...
Youre not white. You never will be.
1:09 PM
OUCH! Condemned forever.
Anonymous doesn't seem to understand that we have families and friends that we spend quality time with, we clean up our houses, cook, take showers/bathe, go shopping, work/go to school, do volunteer work, watch television, mow lawns, work in the garden, read books, have hobbies, participate in community meetings, support our family members'sports or other activities, get out the house and go places, take trips, workout at the gym, go to martial arts and boxing practice, practice at the gun range, and sleep, etc. In other words, we don't stayed glued to the computer 24/7 and come in our spare time. Even Field doesn't stay glued to the computer 24/7.
Anonymous, you need a hobby or to get involved in your community and do something besides wearing your eyes out staying tuned to a computer screen 24/7. :)
The truth hurts, doesn't it FN?
field negro said...
Why does that person posting above say "we"? Who is "we", exactly?
Chick Hearn used to ask callers when they said "we" if they had a frog in their pocket.
Hey Field..I guess blacks are just as racist as you claim whites to be. This poor man
Thanks for the concern granny. .but I do plenty to keep busy. Thanks to these things called smartphones I dont have to be glued to a computer screen all day.
Do you want me to list all the stuff I do besides work?
Their low IQ certainly makes them less compatible with modern white societies supporting things like water, sewer, transportation, medicine, engineering, science, literature and all of the things created by the whites. Blacks are unable to contribute to these modern societies and their natural tendency is to destroy them, but modern society benefits blacks greatly and blacks enjoy the things that are created by whites. But the truth is that once the blacks completely destroy the societies built by white people things will revert back to the primitive life to which blacks are so well adapted. It is quite possible that blacks are genetically better adapted than whites to live in an environment of filth and squalor where raids on neighbors and cannibalism are a completely normal and acceptable way of life.
Yo field..this is some straight up sick twisted devil shit here.
By the way Granny..you seem like a genuinely nice woman with a big heart. Too bad theres not more sistas like you.
Lmaoo. Tell em...
"Do you want me to list all the stuff I do besides work?"
Lemme help you with that list:
1) Watch Bovine/human porn.
2) Pick boogers.
3) Eat them.
4) Envy Black mens penis'.
5) Pick boogers.
6) Eat them.
7) Listen to Faux news all day.
8) Fruitlessly use "extenders".
9) Pick boogers.
10) Eat them.
Hey FN.
Are you going to write about the "urban youths" who assaulted those white kids from Temple?
I think not: it ruins your favorite narrative ("urban youths" are not responsible for their criminality...it is the fault of white people).
Lmaoo nice list queef.
It must suck being so hateful.
Nah..he dont wanna write about that stuff. All black crime is a "myth" to him. All those young violent criminals are sweet innocent angels.
Hey queff...what medical profession are you supposedly in?
Anonymous 6:19,
I have one of those smart phones too, but I hardly use it. The only thing I use it for is if I'm away from home and need to call home for something. Other than that, I hardly even turn it on, which irks my children and grandchildren. They just want to know where I'm at like I'm a baby and need their permission to go somewhere. :)
But, I have their number, yes I do. If it's the grandkids, they're trying to hit me up for some money. I swear they think I'm a bank or a money tree. :)
I tell people that when you're a parent, you're at the apprentice level, but when you become a grandparent you've reached the journeyman level.
Uh, there are enough racist sites that keep a running tally of any negative activity committed by a blah person. Why do you need another? Keep going to stormfront if you want that type of shit. Most of us prefer a site like Field's that gives us positive stuff we do or are we allowed to post such or should we just let you guys tell us what to post since our IQ's are so low?
I love you granny
I dont like or agree with storm front.
Good Brotha field,
I see that you have an Anonymous infestation. You know, they are like rats, only coming out when they cannot be seen, nibbling on things. But little do they know its not hard to snap their necks. Especially the red - necks!!..LOL
Anyway, look at the gall of Fox News to bring Rumsfeld out from his rock and give an opinion on Foreign Policy. That is literally too much!! Here is probably the WORSE secretary of defense EVER and they think he should have an opinion on foreign policy?? Hell, maybe we should ask him about the Iraqi liberation/celebrations!!...
B1 your comment was on point.
It is not the "Obama as ape" trope that should concern us, it is the fact of having a minimally qualified community organizer for president that is troubling. This man is no match for Putin, and everyone knows it. Look for Putin to march on Kharkiv in the near future, and look for Obama to respond by further cutting the size of America's military.
There's something wrong with these old half dead looking wrinkled prunes. You can turn us all into chimps if you want. Whatever you do the African will always look better than you. Most of you look as though you're waiting for the undertaker to take you away for burial.
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