It's just that invariably it is going to be the woman who is stuck raising that child (or children) that she cannot afford. I just wonder why you put yourselves in this position, that's all.
I mean if Joe Lothario has three or four children out there that he does not care for with women he no longer cares about, what makes you think that you are going to be any different?
Now this is going to sound harsh, and it damn sure is unconstitutional, (Skinner v. Oklahoma, I get it) but if I were King of the world birth control would be mandatory if you have to depend on any form of government assistance. Sorry. We can't just allow you to have children if you can't take care of them. At some point this becomes a public health issue. If you have three kids and you are struggling, you damn sure don't need another one.
"Lord have mercy Field are you going Nixon circa 1970 now?"
Nope. I would be very upfront with folks about what they are getting into.
"But Field, that's eugenics, how dare you? Do you know what the history of eugenics is with our people in this country? That's a slippery slope, Field. I am sure you know what will come next.
Yes I do, but desperate times......
Besides, I am not advocating for eugenics. Eugenics is *quotes from Wikipedia* "a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of people with desired traits (positive eugenics), and reduced reproduction of people with less-desired or undesired traits. (negative eugenics)
I am calling for none of the above. I could care less about the intelligence and traits of the people having these children. What I care about is the fact that they are not financially capable of taking care of them, and, in most cases, there is no support system in place to help them through tough financial times.
I write about this issue as someone who has a unique perspective on this particular problem in our society. I see tragic results of dysfunctional families as someone of authority in the family court system and as an advocate and defender in the criminal justice system as well. You have to believe me when I tell you that it's not pretty: Crime; poverty; and an endless cycle of hopelessness from generation to generation.
I had a lady tell me the other day that her daughter has two kids and she is only seventeen, but she is so happy because she is almost 18, and she will soon be able to get her own welfare check and take care of her own kids. Broke my heart. I didn't even have it in me to lecture her about what she had just said.
If you don't believe what I just wrote about check out this little bit of news that went down Sunday here in the Philadelphia area.
"UPPER DARBY — A 31-year-old mother of four is behind bars after her 2-year-old daughter was found running down a street naked Sunday afternoon.
Christina Staley, of the 7000 block of Clover Lane, is charged with four counts of endangering the welfare of a minor for allegedly leaving her four children — ages 2, 3, 6 and 8 — home alone in their Clover Lane home Sunday.
“Zero tolerance,” police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said on Monday. “You leave your children alone and you’ll get locked up.”
The temperature outside was about 35 degrees at 4 p.m., when police received a call that a little girl wearing no clothing had been seen running along Clover Lane, Chitwood said.
Neighbors directed responding officers to a house in the 7000 block of Clover Lane. When they knocked on the door, a 6-year-old boy answered, police said. Two other children were inside the house at the time, a 3-year-old boy and the 2-year-old girl. An 8-year-old boy returned to the house while police still were there.
“(Officers) asked where their parents were and the children said they had no idea,” Chitwood said.
Police called a cellphone number they found in the house. Staley reportedly answered, saying she was on her way home from that Pathmark on 69th Street, police said.
Staley reportedly told police she had gone to the store to pick up food and medicine, but she returned home empty-handed, police said.
Authorities are unsure if the children’s father is involved in their upbringing, but said Staley is their primary caretaker." [Source]
Yep, it's a pretty good bet that the sperm donor isn't "involved in their upbringing". Because.....well, that's what sperm donors do.
*Pic from Delco Times.
Upper Darby residents who found a 2-year-old girl running naked down their street yesterday called police, who discovered that the girl and her three brothers - ages 3,6 and 8 - had been left home alone, said police Superintendent Michael Chitwood.
When police arrived on scene at Clover Lane near Church, neighbors pointed officers to a house the little girl had run into, Chitwood said. A 6-year-old boy answered the door and cops found the 2- and-3-year-old children inside. The 8-year-old boy arrived home a short time later, police said.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/delco/Cops-4-kids-left-alone-child-wanders-naked-in-street.html#YwYi4XQd4yvuA1iw.99
When police arrived on scene at Clover Lane near Church, neighbors pointed officers to a house the little girl had run into, Chitwood said. A 6-year-old boy answered the door and cops found the 2- and-3-year-old children inside. The 8-year-old boy arrived home a short time later, police said.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/delco/Cops-4-kids-left-alone-child-wanders-naked-in-street.html#YwYi4XQd4yvuA1iw.99
Upper Darby residents who found a 2-year-old girl running naked down their street yesterday called police, who discovered that the girl and her three brothers - ages 3,6 and 8 - had been left home alone, said police Superintendent Michael Chitwood.
When police arrived on scene at Clover Lane near Church, neighbors pointed officers to a house the little girl had run into, Chitwood said. A 6-year-old boy answered the door and cops found the 2- and-3-year-old children inside. The 8-year-old boy arrived home a short time later, police said.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/delco/Cops-4-kids-left-alone-child-wanders-naked-in-street.html#YwYi4XQd4yvuA1iw.99
When police arrived on scene at Clover Lane near Church, neighbors pointed officers to a house the little girl had run into, Chitwood said. A 6-year-old boy answered the door and cops found the 2- and-3-year-old children inside. The 8-year-old boy arrived home a short time later, police said.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/delco/Cops-4-kids-left-alone-child-wanders-naked-in-street.html#YwYi4XQd4yvuA1iw.99
Not only do people need to be financially able to take care of kids, they need to be smart enough to have them. MANY people need to learn to swallow, or shoot away from the hole, beecuz thay're two stewpit to breed.
Why cant a large portion of the black population function at normal capacities?
They make it seem like rocket science to stay in school, dont commit crimes, stay away from drugs and raise your children right.
Check out Bill Mahr's show from Friday. The topic of birth control was discussed with his first guest.
"Why cant a large portion of the black population function at normal capacities?"
To give racist anonymous posters something to do besides smoke meth.
You should thank them.
Theres that word "racist" again. Whats the point of always saying that word. Will it help anything? Improve your community?
Im not following the meth comment to well? Care to elaborate? If I chose to endulge in a drug it certainly wouldnt be meth. What do you recommend?
Let me guess...weed?
"It's just that invariably it is going to be the woman who is stuck raising that child (or children) that she cannot afford. I just wonder why you put yourselves in this position, that's all."
Brother Field, you make a very good point. I never thought of it that way. It's always the bm who is at fault and that is as far from the truth as anybody can be. What's with the sisters who 'refuse' to take responsibility for their sexual shortcomings?
"Theres that word "racist" again."
Bet you hear it a lot.
"I mean if Joe Lothario has three or four children out there that he does not care for with women he no longer cares about, what makes you think that you are going to be any different?"
Brother Field, I agreed with the sentence before this one, but I must take issue with this one: BW have a lot of hope that they will be the 'one'.
Besides, as Bill O will tell you black love is blind and that's why there are so many OOW children out there. Our Sisters are "hoping" that she has the brother who has changed his ways, who wants to settle down with a giving loving sister.
Listen if alcoholics can recover, then sex addicts can too. I don't know if you know it or not, but our race is riddled with sex addicts. Which explains out of control OOWs.
Whites seem not to have that problem. They just don't seem to be as sex crazy, which means they tend to think and behave more adult like. I am hoping Bill O will be able to bring us to some sanity.
After Putin annexed Crimea, I really think we are headed for WWIII. The other dictators and criminals of the world will be emboldened to take some land they've always wanted too.
FP, is this what you've been talking about that's coming? Well, if it is, you must give O'Reilly credit for broadcasting it. I know. He irks you. lol...But can you love Billie Boy anyway?
"if I were King of the world birth control would be mandatory if you have to depend on any form of government assistance"
Wow, look at Field the conservative. Starting to understand the idea that we get what we pay for, and don't get what we devalue.
I would say that it would be hard to make birth control mandatory, but perhaps if there was a stipulation that you don't get more money for any kids conceived after you get on government assistance, the "lifestyle" would cease to be so attractive.
And don't blame Joe Lothario - he can't get pregnant, and he has no say in what she does with her pregnancy whether he is married to her or not. She can abort her baby against his wishes, or she can put him on the hook for 18 years of child support against his wishes.
With power should come responsibility, but when it it comes to "reproductive rights", she's got all the power and he's got all the responsibility.
And if he marries her it's even worse. With no-fault divorce, she can kick him out of his house, take his kids away, take half his money, and have her boyfriend move in.
We have made this unjust system and the results have been predictable. Women who are married to the government, having babies to get paid, and not having to put up with a man one minute longer than she wants to. Men who wisely avoid any entanglement with these women, but then mostly fall into lives without purpose. Instead of fulfilling their natural destiny to be husbands and fathers, builders of the community, and guarantors of the future, they are consigned to lives of idleness, prone to drugs and criminality.
Look ye at what your liberalism has wrought!
More info re: POT on the Factor. I tell you brothers and sisters, this POT legalization is very scary. I can't sleep at night thinking about what it is going to do to our crazy parents, let alone our poor kids...This is going to be a nightmare, the end of America:
King of the World, "And if he marries her it's even worse. With no-fault divorce, she can kick him out of his house, take his kids away, take half his money, and have her boyfriend move in."
You nailed it. Thank you. A poor innocent bm, who doesn't know what he is getting into, doesn't stand a chance against a pregnant sister.
Field, thanks for the post. I know those sisters like Granny and Dr Nuwang, will stand by you as they ALWAYS do. It must be wonderful to such bw who will follow you to the end of time.:)
"Not only do people need to be financially able to take care of kids, they need to be smart enough to have them. MANY people need to learn to swallow, or shoot away from the hole, beecuz thay're two stewpit to breed."
Welfare makes being stupid an asset in reproducing.
Working people don't have more kids than they can afford. When their taxes go up because they have to fund more people on welfare, they have even less kids.
After a few generations of this, the population is noticeably dumber.
"Yep, it's a pretty good bet that the sperm donor isn't "involved in their upbringing". Because.....well, that's what sperm donors do."
Field, Field, Field....I knew you would finally come around and see things the way Don Lemon and Bill O'Reilly see it. Congratulations! I knew by posting links to the Factor, that, sooner or later, O'Reilly would have an impact on all of FN. Why? Because Bill O is right and so is Don Lemon.
Your post brings tears of joy and gives me hope for our race....Thank you bro.
To hell with "eugenics", or whatever you wanna call it. The second time a young woman comes into ER to give birth; unable to support herself and still receiving government aid, tying her tubes should be MANDATORY; that should be the last child she will ever have.
To hell with "PC"; we the taxpayers should DEMAND mandatory sterilization (yeah, I said it) for those unable to support themselves and their first OOW child.
To hell with "PC"; we the taxpayers should DEMAND mandatory sterilization (yeah, I said it) for those unable to support themselves and their first OOW child.
12:45 AM
That would be like communism...a dictatorship. that is NOT what America is all about. OOW children is an innocent mistake. A compassionate society should allow for the 'innocent' to learn from their mistakes without sterilization.
However, if it can be proven in a court of law that the woman was not innocent but gave herself freely, then there should be some degree of punishment by a jury of 'mixed' races and gender. That is, six men and six women. That would be fair and non-discriminatory.
"However, if it can be proven in a court of law that the woman was not innocent but gave herself freely, then there should be some degree of punishment by a jury of 'mixed' races and gender"
There is this strange thing with humans when they're given or in a position of, power over someone else...
it's their psyche automatically validates and assume the righteousness of using that power.
Indeed if they were unworthy , they wouldn't have been given that power in the first place.
And it doesn't matter if that power is the ability to have children or to pass judgement
Anon above, what's with all the Bill O love?
And you must be new here, I have been blogging about irresponsible parenthood way before your hero ran out of topics over at FOX Views.
How about good quality sex education and free and easily available contraception?
Just a thought...
It's early but I will drink to that.
BTW Field, I know it's a long-shot, but do any of your wing nuts ever log in from Osaka Japan?
This is an excellent post. When it comes to the safety and welfare of children it's unfair to make them suffer because a woman has chosen to be irresponsible by continuing to have babies she can't afford. I recall my mother words after I got pregnant at the age of 15. She said, "You can only make a mistake once, passed that it's your responsibility". Economic social standing is the primary driver that dictates poverty. Sometimes a person is never able to crawl out of the hole they dig for themselves by being irresponsible. My motto is: What I do to myself I must suffer for but causing others intentional suffering is not acceptable, and it is I who should be held accountable. Life ain't easy as it is. The system is designed for the poor and people of color to fail. Why pour an accelerator on the flames that fuel the fire by having children you know you can't afford? My mother didn't have to repeat herself. I got the message the first time around.
No PC, we have to have abstinance only education and slut shaming. What, you think this is the 21st century or something?
TRUE FACT: most people receiving government benefits of all kinds are white, and most receiving cash assistance to support families do so for limited stretches - it's the law.
FN said...
if I were King of the world birth control would be mandatory if you have to depend on any form of government assistance.
FN channeling his inner racist.
When a white person suggests this it is considered racist. Double standard?
Please stop promoting racist attitudes. What's next, asking black welfare recipients to be drug tested?
Yes I do, but desperate times......
Ignore the trolls telling you to watch bill oreilly. Just because he says it's desperate times doesn't make it so. BillO is just another white man telling blacks how to live their lives. Don;t fall into his trap.
her daughter has two kids and she is only seventeen, but she is so happy because she is almost 18, and she will soon be able to get her own welfare check and take care of her own kids.
Ignore the extreme right-wing myths. The meme that black people take advantage of the welfare system is a lie made up by the people you call house negroes.
We expect better from you FN, you can do better than parrot the words of the people you hate.
Teen aged births have been declining for several years. This issue is about poverty - it is getting worse as good jobs are becoming more scarce. These problems exist just as much in poor white areas - but those are generally more rural - life is easier and safer with less population and strife.
"*Every time I do a post like the one I am about to drop I get in trouble. ---Especially with the sisters out there."
Why are you apologizing for calling this idiot out on her bs. We know that if a BM had done the exact same thing everyone would be calling for his head on a stick. Especially, FP. In fact she will probably show up shortly to say that it was really the baby daddy's fault. Let's count 5 4 3 2 ...
And what about the pregnant "sista" in Florida who drove a vehicle into the ocean with her 3 kids inside a week or so ago. Video of the incident showed her getting out of the vehicle and walking towards the shore leaving the kids inside the van. It's interesting that women like FP never talk about bw who do things like this except to say she needs "help".
Former Chicago city alderman Isaac 'Ike' Carothers spent 28 months in prison for taking bribes, and was released in March 2012. He's running for commissioner of the Cook County board, among the most powerful positions in the Chicago metropolitan area.
Carothers followed the family legacy established by his father, who once held the same position before going to prison for official corruption.
Why should a conviction for fraud and taking bribes stop you for running for office as a democrat.
At least the convicted felon politician treated government like the family business and followed in daddy's footsteps.
Why do democrats keep voting for felons? Is this the best the democrat party has to offer?
Why does Bill ask questions that are so obvious?
Bill is a liberal.
Hey FN! Want to adress this?
The Purple Cow said...
How about good quality sex education and free and easily available contraception?
Check and check.
We have mandatory sex ed starting in grammar school and free contraception passed out in middle school and high school.
These kids know what they are doing. These girls want to get pregnant.
Hey Field!
3 of Obamas sons attacted a 51 year old hispanic lady in Brentwood, NY.
Want to address this weekly occurance around the country?
Blogger field negro said...
Anon above, what's with all the Bill O love?
And you must be new here, I have been blogging about irresponsible parenthood way before your hero ran out of topics over at FOX Views.
5:02 AM
First of all, I have been on FN for years and I can tell you Bill O'Reilly is far more insightful, far more aware of racism, far more willing to help Blacks, esp bm, and far more willing to be disturbed by the TRUTH than most Blacks like you are willing to face.
You can't hold a candle to Mr Bill O'Reilly. Through his effort to align himself with the truth and to use his position at FOX to help us, he is fast becoming beyond reproach. Even the sisters trust him more than they trust you, because, like Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson, the CBC, and the NAACP--you are nothing but a windbag who does nothing to help our community.
You claim to 'know' so much about our suffering because you see it in court cases. But did you 'know' that 'knowledge' without action isn't worth a damn? At least O'Reilly doesn't just speak words about his knowledge about the black community(which really needs help), he takes action to try to help. That's what a true man should be like.
How many Black Male/Women Leaders do you know who are trying to do something to help? NOTTA...NOTHING...
Even JZ and Beyonce has sold us out with her nasty provocative music--all for 'more' money....and guess what? You got Negroes like Granny, defending that crap. You see, those kind of Negroes will "sell-out" their own race, mother and father if the 'price' is right. Which is TNB, and will get the support of ig-Negroes who will defend their wrong actions. It really sucks.
Why don't you do a post about the nature of characters like Russell Simmons, Beyonce, JZ, CBC, Al Sharpton, and the rest of those "in the money" who are making more and more money, off more and more suffering of their own race?
O'Reilly already has enough money. That's not his thing anymore. It's about people, principles, morals, ethics and doing what's right.
You need to take a different attitude about O'Reilly. He is far more trustworthy than those Negro "sell-outs" I have mentioned.
"Check and check.
We have mandatory sex ed starting in grammar school and free contraception passed out in middle school and high school."
You have no idea of what you are talking about.
Blacks historically has been more apt to carry pregnacies to birth. We, being unable to verify any information from government entities ,depend on people that continues to paint my race negatively.
Some commenter wrote that Blacks are more promiscuous than whites. Whites, being more affluent in our society have the means to "cover... their mistakes".More abortions are not done by Blacks. We only think that Blacks' rates are higher because Blacks depend on assistance from Government.. Thereby being seen as a race that have sex more often than another. Government don't tally the abortions from the private side. Can other medical commenters support this view- since we see first hand these aborters.
Blacks tend to not terminate also for reasons that the commenter mentioned. I think the number one reason is that they may see their children as a bartering chip, hold the Goverment and lovers (baby daddies).
The terms "baby daddy" and "baby momma" somehow isolate the members of the birth unit as individuals and somehow remove responsibility for the advancement of the unit. In life I have seen the start of this family abandonment. Historically the birth of a Black baby where the mother was unable to provide, the baby was supported by other family members. Remember, we have to see where/when this dysfunction begin in my race. But as long as we have people that are not held responsible for their choice....
SOME Men also use this malady as a means to always having a " piece when I want it", seeing that you got my baby. Maybe extreme measures may have to be put on the table. These broken birth units affect all of society. I have a brother that was a teacher at Lake Taylor in Norfolk, Va and his greatest desire was to be able to discuss issues with the boys. By law, as a teacher, he was not allowed to instill any messages in regards. Think about the police that meet these isolated kids daily. Tough measures MAY be a start.
Anonymous said...
You have no idea of what you are talking about.
You're so weak.
Says the brave the internet warrior.
The Purple Cow said...
Anonymous said...
You're so weak.
If he called you a "cuntface" would that be a sign of strength?
StillaPanther2 said...
Blacks historically has been more apt to carry pregnacies to birth.
Some commenter wrote that Blacks are more promiscuous than whites. Whites, being more affluent in our society have the means to "cover... their mistakes".More abortions are not done by Black
That's dead wrong.
Blacks are 13% of the population, but account for 36% of abortions. According to the Guttmacher Institute, abortion rates among Black women are much higher than we thought: They are four times the rate of white women. The report found that on average, 41 in 1,000 pregnancies among Black women (ages 15-19) are terminated compared to 10 among white women and 20 among Latinas.
In New York City, more black pregnancies were terminated by abortion last year than resulted
in live births:
StillaPanther2 said...
"I have a brother that was a teacher at Lake Taylor in Norfolk, Va and his greatest desire was to be able to discuss issues with the boys. By law, as a teacher, he was not allowed to instill any messages in regards."
Now why would the people who run our schools stop your brother from helping these boys?
They will not allow any message to reach these kids other than their own dystopic vision. The female power structure that runs the public school system is especially antagonistic against boys.
Our educational system is controlled by left wing fanatics who are teaching all of our children, black and white, destructive behaviors. Schools have become leftist indoctrination camps, churning out ignorance and dysfunction.
You want to save your children? Smash the federal government/national teacher union control of our schools. Destroy the monopoly. Return them to local control by our communities. Let communities instill their values in their children.
hey FN-
i skimmed this post so that i will be less likely to sin, by not bridling my tongue over here.
let me just throw this out there Right quick for you to chomp on + let marinate.
now, we know you aren't advocating anything. just diligently appearing to sortta kindda promote an anti Almighty defeated agenda;(
i have already covered that here many times + using many words. so i will save time today;)
following your logic + getting efficient and bottom line with it...what about we advocate along with the death panel/government health care plans of forced sterilization of poor women- deadhead sleeping Blessed Black ones, first of course. let's ALSO make sure to get the "donors" that "donate" to five, ten, fifteen deadhead think they special women/girls?
nip it in the bud.
those that marry one time then start "donating"...get them, too.
i don't advocate this in the least.
however, if "educated" folk that don't acknowledge Almighty think it the route to go. let's work smart not hard. it all begins with man. he is the head, created in the image of his head which =Him/His Word.
now look around and see who/what leads quite a few brothas, all colors, around?
see an opportunity to connect any dots, yet?
men are called to walk in the Spirit. living by every Word that proceeds from Him. that's what's written.
do what thou wilt begets many examples of the friends of the fools shall suffer.
it should go without saying the women and children of fools will sustain great trauma/damage + suffer greatly. this very post = evidence of this Truth. sleeping deadhead Black women would do well to:
turn to Him/His Word.
please, my sisters. let's save ourselves and save the babies.
since i do Believe. i don't advocate usurping folks' wills in the least. i simply suggest that folk turn their hearts and behavior to Almighty. the powers that be got plans for the babies of babies having babies. some with other babies. quite a few with UNchecked het ped predators that are perceived as "auto victims" of racism, without regard for their decisions/choices.
this is all evidence of spiritual wickedness and bondage...btw.
BW pay DEARLY for the forbidden, golden, bm calf/g-d. i pray that Messiah even, will pray for those Blessed Black women that find themselves ensnared in such a manner. Heavenly Father, i ask that you touch this situation and the hearts of those participating in it. turn them to You/Your Word. Father, my heart hurts for the babies caught up in the mix. heal US Father.
none of this is about color.
what is done to the least WILL happen to ALL. so those that seek to be calloused in the face of such pure uncut human suffering for sin, need to Understand.
ALL folk are only getting a coming attractions for humanity's pitiful, sinful, condition.
it is my prayer that many more Righteous ones will Stand Strong with Him/His Word...in keeping with His Word;)
we win.
that's what's written. so even as i address the condition...there is an upside. it stuck out at me in this chastening i received earlier;) skimmed post and felt led to share. despite a busy day on tap.
i AM SO glad He loves me and tells me so in His Word;) as he shows me...
Romans 2: 1-11
1 THEREFORE thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
2 But we are sure that the judgment of Almighty is according to truth against them which commit such things.
3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of Almighty?
4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of Almighty leadeth thee to repentence?
5 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of Almighty.
6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:
7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:
8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Hebrew first, and also of the Gentile;
10 But glory, honour, and peace to every man that worketh good, to the Hebrew first, and also to the Gentile:
11 For there is no respect of persons with Almighty.
ps. anyone could end up on government assistance. this is not just about poor Black women. but folks already know that.
i pray the young woman in the pic and her whole house will turn their hearts to Him/His Word...that He might heal their condition. in Messiah's Name.
please forgive any typos...typing fast;)
blessings all!
FP, as always, I appreciate your comments because they are insightful and speak to truth. I also appreciate quotes from the Bible because they humble me. I need a lot of humility in order to be hear the WORD of GOD and to become 'teachable' by HIS WORD.
FP said, "none of this is about color."
I agree. Before I could not see past my own color and the color of others. I was getting life all twisted by putting flesh before Spirit...I still do at times, but not so much as before. However, I bet most Americans worship the color and flesh of the body more than they worship HIM. GOD is more of an after-thought. Spiritually, that's very bad news because it's the kiss of doom and misery--a Spiritual Death.
I 'really' don't want to be in that number...I really don't... So I pray not to turn away from GOD, to praise HIS glory and to seek HIM, and some day 'find' HIM.
I 'know' HE is 'There' because I dimly DO perceive HIM, and HE slowly gets brighter the more I trust in HIM. The more I trust and rely on HIM, the more trustworthy and reliable HE becomes.
Keep Preaching, Sister. There are 'some' of us who hear your words but most of all, your faithful Heart.:)
Still a Panther 2, "SOME Men also use this malady as a means to always having a " piece when I want it", seeing that you got my baby. Maybe extreme measures may have to be put on the table. These broken birth units affect all of society."
Whether I agree or diagree, I have always appreciated your comments. I do agree some extreme measures need to be put in place. But not on the table. It needs to be put in the way we think. There needs to be a 180 degree turn in our thinking. That's what needs to change. At present, it doesn't take a genius to realize that our thinknig in our race is 'off', waaay off. It only is not working, but it continues to worsen our condition. It is destroying us and there seems to be no way out.
"If he called you a "cuntface" would that be a sign of strength."
No, because It's not me that has a cuntface, it's you.
(and I dare say, him.)
Simple really.
Is Purple Cow really a 12 year old boy?
That would explain a lot...
"Is Purple Cow really a 12 year old boy?"
No Bill, that's would be you.
Chicago seems to get it, Field.
CPS to expand free condom program to 24 schools.
The NBA players association should do something similar *cough* Shawn Kemp *cough*.
Truer words have never been spoken. So speak on it Field. I'm glad you said it cause I wouldn't have said it as nicely! That's why you're the BEST!
Hotep Field:
Now, here I am the only common sense sistah here LOL
I will not bash you about this article in fact, I am about to share it on my site and other places i enjoy as well. This is a great piece Gracias Son.
If we all take a moment and look back we will see that this phenom has erupted to the degree it has AFTER" more men had been imprisoned.
The Prison to pipeline phenom has escalated this issue of neglecting children to the point of no return. WHICH" if I may add( I will) came about when Bill Clinton did his due in order to prevent what was coming down the tube.
.Moreover, not only this issue but the pang of HIV, AIDS, drug abuse, domes viol, child sexual abuse, pedophilia rape et/al have all escalated since the break down of the family and the loss of self worth, and unity
Women ...single women of all races who had depended upon the GOV for so long became the beneficiaries of Pimp Daddy Clintons gift/legacy to poor men
In turn Women!!! All of my sisters euro, Spanish speaking Afrikan, etc who were either too weak, too stupid, or too willing to get up off of thier keesters and struggle for a better life are now paying a high cost which is passed down to thier children.
For many sisters who lacked that strong family tie, navigating the disappearance of baby daddy and the end to welfare as they knew it sent many to the streets. And it was daunting!
Suffice that. the mack daddys left behind saw the new faces of the new **little mamas**^ They saw her desperation and willing ness to do what she had to do to remain RELEVANT" once the checks ended ( no more money for each new child)And the shift into madness began.
Not, only are babies being negelected abused and straight up murdered on occassion. Afrikan women have serious mental health issues as a direct result of CHOICES they have been often forced to make, to say nothing of decisions made by the politrikshuns.
Men are not the only ones that schemes were planned for. Afrikan and poor women are in this plan as well. The plan is: Destroy the man and his woman will come around(SOME WILL)
Last Field; What is needed is some serious program shifts. And Field this is just the beginning:
Bottom Line
If you dont love the people you will eventually betray the people
Quote by
My colleague and friend
Chokwe Lumumba
Jackson Ms Mayor
Born: August 2, 1947, Detroit, MI
Died: February 25, 2014, Jackson, MS
Ps All of you ladies who have an issue with this GET over it. READ and look in the mirror does the shoe fit? If so get a better fit.
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