Personally, I am as Libertarian as it gets on social issues, but I don't need the black helicopter crowd telling me to put away my currency and start using gold.
Or that the government is trying to put me in a death camp in Mississippi.
Anyhoo, it seems like every day Rand Paul finds himself stepping into some new pot of hot water.
This latest brouhaha comes with some statements he made about sanctions on foreign governments.
"A top adviser to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Monday that Paul's comments about American sanctions and World War II are being taken out of context.
The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin reported Sunday on a 2012 video in which Paul said that sanctions against Japan and Nazi Germany might have contributed to their aggression.
"There are times when sanctions have made it worse," Paul said. "Leading up to World War II, we cut off trade with Japan. That probably caused Japan to react angrily. We also had a blockade on Germany after World War I that probably encouraged some of their anger."
After some criticism, Paul's senior adviser, Doug Stafford, issued a statement to The Washington Post clarifying that Paul is not opposed to having fought World War II and that the blame belongs on the shoulders of Adolf Hitler.
"World War II was a necessary war, a just war, a fully declared war, and an entirely victorious war; the megalomaniac Hitler was to blame for the war and the Holocaust," Stafford said. "Anyone who misstates Sen. Paul's position otherwise is writing fiction."
Stafford added that Paul has made clear that he believes sanctions are warranted in some cases." [Source]
I am glad he straightened that out. But I am afraid it might be too little too late for the always colorful Mr. Paul. The fact that he is being exposed by Jennifer Rubin of all people means that he is probably not the republican establishment's guy.
They all seem to be trying to clear the way for Jeb these days. Chris Christie, fresh off of being exonerated by...wait for it, his own investigation, must be getting nervous. There is only so much big money out there, and it takes millions and millions of dollars to run for president.
It didn't help that Chris might have pissed off one of the republican's biggest money guys whose ring they were all kissing this weekend. Just think, before all this Bridgegate stuff, Chris was turning away donors. What a difference a few months make.
Hillary's people, who are already measuring the drapes at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, would do well to remember that 2016 is far out. Two years is an eternity in politics.
Bush v. Clinton in 2016? Wow! And here I thought that only the Brits loved royal families.
This just exposes the right for who they are. They call the left the thought police but let a candidate say anything about guns other than they love them or even something accurate then they pounce like you won't believe. Could you imagine having to vote for Mitch McConnell after he waved a musket around at CPAC? Ugh. I hate to channel my inner Bill but doesn't this smack of...........
Nice job getting out the latest smear on Rand Paul so quickly, Field. It's essential when taking an opponents words out of context to spread the disinformation as quickly as possible. You know our motto: "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."
Good work, comrade.
"Nice job getting out the latest smear on Rand Paul so quickly"
What smear? Field simply reported what was going on with Sen. Paul. Are you using Bill logic now? Talking about a "controversy" is smearing people now? SMH. Perhaps Field should just ignore anything said about your choice of politicians when it's negative? I knew these righties were the thought police, now they're telling us what to read and write about. Bill would say something about now..........
Excuse me, but the Bridgegate scandal has taken up the entire US Media's investigative resources for the last six months, and I've been dead for over a year and a half. I know it's really important to get to the bottom of a lane closure on a bridge in New Jersey, but there are some other things that have happened in the world besides a politcally-motivated traffic jam.
It's almost as if the media doesn't think it makes any difference whether or not we ever learn the truth about Benghazi. Wonder why?
What smear? Field simply reported what was going on with Sen. Paul. Are you using Bill logic now? Talking about a "controversy" is smearing people now
You guys sure are cute when you jig together like this.
"It's almost as if the media doesn't think it makes any difference whether or not we ever learn the truth about Benghazi. Wonder why?"
Because we already know what happened, even released a Senate investigative report. Dead Ambassadors obviously can't read.
"You guys sure are cute when you jig together like this."
And you're cute when you post stupid shit.
Take it from me, I'm a real con-serv-a-tive, Jeb Bush should be the Republican nominee. He's the best for sure. Would I lie?
"Because we already know what happened, even released a Senate investigative report. Dead Ambassadors obviously can't read."
Democrat Senate investigates Benghazi and issues a report exonerating democrats of any wrongdoing - check.
Democrat Whitehouse investigates itself regarding IRS targeting of conservative groups and exonerates itself - check,
Christie's administration investigates Bridgegate and exonerates Christie - Bullshit!
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
my inner Bill but doesn't this smack of...........
8:50 PM
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Bill would say something about now..........
9:02 PM
Let me make something clear, I am NOT going to pay PilotX rent for the space in his head I'm occupying.
Bill said, "Let me make something clear, I am NOT going to pay PilotX rent for the space in his head I'm occupying."
9:25 PM
LMAO! Bill you are so insightful into Blacks like PilotX. Are you a psycho-analyst by any chance? If only Pilot would listen to you, he could be 'free'.
Instead, he resists you every step of the way. Yet, he thinks about you every day....Why does he do that? I think my brother in Chicago wants your 'attention' and 'approval'. Obviously, he doesn't know how to get it. But he can't let go...how sad.
"Libertarian nut-jobs" is redundant.
I don't know what the hell Rand Paul was thinking, with his weird talk about sanctions.
He must have been reading some history book written by a crackpot to come up with this theory that US sanctions had anything significant to do with either the German or Japanese war plans in the 1930s.
There are some real cranks among the libertarians. Like that Andrew Napolitano loon over on Fox, who's swallowed some of Dixie's stupidest conspiracy theories. According to Napolitano, those very reasonable (and not at all greedy or amoral) Southern gentlemen would totally have been willing to free all of their slaves -- if only that mean Mr. Lincoln had asked them nicely. The Civil War was completely unnecessary! Who knew?! And that whole secession thing? Apparently, it's a myth. Don't let the scary liberals tell you otherwise.
Revisionist history, laughable economic theories, science denial -- right-wingers are fans of all of these forms of willful ignorance.
Take things out of context to purposely distort the truth huh? How honest and admirable of you.
Hello "Dead Ambassador", do you get to talk to some of those dead American soldiers who died in Iraq,much?
I'm through with voting, I don't care who runs or why they're running. It's all about money and hatred. Sayonara.
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field negro said...
Hello "Dead Ambassador", do you get to talk to some of those dead American soldiers who died in Iraq,much?
I understand ($) why right-wingers lied us into war, why did all those democrats lie?
Was it all about Bechtel and Haliburton?
Oops, was I allowed to point out Bechtel profited off the war, considering their connection to Dianne Feinstein and democrats.
"Oops, was I allowed to point out Bechtel profited off the war, considering their connection to Dianne Feinstein and democrats."
Strange kid this Bill-oh, he appears to exist in his own little fantasy world.
The Purple Cow said...
"Oops, was I allowed to point out Bechtel profited off the war, considering their connection to Dianne Feinstein and democrats."
Strange kid this Bill-oh, he appears to exist in his own little fantasy world.
I enjoy it when you get pissy about my pointing out democrat shenanigans.
I noticed that once again, you had nothing to say about the content of my post.
Just attack the messenger.
People like you, hannity, rush are so predictable.
By the way Dead Ambassador, have you talked to the 650,000 (and counting) dead Iraqis who died as a result of the invasion of the allies illegal invasion of Iraq?
How about the 40,000 Iraqi children who died every year from 1990 to 2003 as a result of the American inspired economic boycott of Iraq? Have you talked to any of them?
Or are the deaths of brown-skinned people not worth of your concern?
"I noticed that once again, you had nothing to say about the content of my post."
That's because I don't give a shit, numbnuts. I'm not a Democrat, I am a Socialist. I have never voted Democrat, and I wouldn't if I could.
GM faulty cars.
GM government bailout.
GM recall.
'Nuff said
Yeah, for conservatives it would have been much better to allow the entire US car industry to collapse.
'Nuff said.
Foreign subsidized faulty cars.
American deaths due to faulty cars.
GOP supports faulty car maker with tax breaks.
GOP supported, foreign subsidized cars recall printed on page 11.
(There. Fixed it for you.)
The Purple Cow said...
How about the 40,000 Iraqi children who died every year from 1990 to 2003.
Or are the deaths of brown-skinned people not worth of your concern?
Only 1990-2003?
Why aren't the deaths of brown-skinned people during the obama regime not worth your concern?
And your 40,000 children per year number is batshit crazy.
So cars kill people do they bill?
Thanks for sharing
"And your 40,000 children per year number is batshit crazy."
According to UNICEF's figures pre-sanctions Iraq's infant mortality rate was 3.7% and falling, by 1998 it had risen to 12% and rising.
An LSHTM study showed that for the same period child mortality rose from 56 per 1000 to 131 per 1000.
I keep coming back to this blog but there never is much said. Is this the kind of empty useless rhetoric that goes on all the time?
What blog do the intelligent brothers and sisters visit?
"What blog do the intelligent brothers and sisters visit?"
This one...
field negro said...
Hello "Dead Ambassador", do you get to talk to some of those dead American soldiers who died in Iraq,much?
I sure do, and we have more coming in from Afghanistan nearly every day. Most have gotten here in the last four years.
The Purple Cow said...
By the way Dead Ambassador, have you talked to the 650,000 (and counting) dead Iraqis who died as a result of the invasion of the allies illegal invasion of Iraq?
How about the 40,000 Iraqi children who died every year from 1990 to 2003 as a result of the American inspired economic boycott of Iraq? Have you talked to any of them?
Or are the deaths of brown-skinned people not worth of your concern?
No, my brown-skinned, thin-brained friend, I can only talk to real dead people, not the figments of various left wing governmental organizations.
In fact, they say around here, the flow of dead Iraqi civilians in was pretty constantly high for the 30 years or so prior to the Iraq War, but then dropped off considerably.
You might want to consider the fact that propaganda doesn't work in the afterlife, and they have a special place for people like you who like to spread it.
The Purple Cow said...
Yeah, for conservatives it would have been much better to allow the entire US car industry to collapse.
Yes, it would have been much better to let GM and Chrysler declare bankruptcy instead of bailing out the banks and shareholders at taxpayer expense.
Bankruptcy is a long established process for allotting the losses resulting from a failed business venture, while allowing that business to start over.
Had the government stayed out, these companies would be healthier today. Instead, Chrysler was given to Fiat and GM is stumbling. Only Ford, who got no bailout, is doing well.
But the important part was that Obama's political allies on Wall Street and the Unions got their payoffs.
Government interference is why the effects of the "Great Recession", which was actually quite modest by historical standards (if you believe the Obama administrations GDP data), has dragged on now for almost 5 years after it's official end in June of 2009.
The Fed has kept interest rates near zero for five years and at the same time has pumped $4.23 trillion dollars into the economy, and we are barely staying afloat, with anemic growth and chronic unemployment. This even with a huge oil and gas boom that has occurred despite the administration trying to kill it.
Obama says repeatedly he wants to help the middle class and tax the rich, but all of his policies always soak the middle class in favor of the 0.1% and the dependent class who inhabits the Democrat vote farms.
He is lying. He is intentionally destroying the middle class, who represent the only bloc of resistance to his backer's agenda to turn the US into Brazil. Keep an excess labor supply to keep wages low. Smother businesses with stifling, selectively enforced regulation that only large corporations with well-staffed compliance organizations and government connections can navigate. Create a polyglot populace of competing ethnicities to dilute opposition to central authority. Weaken non-state sources of power like Churches, trade associations, and charitable organizations. Remove the military as threat by turning it into a socially engineered playground for women and homosexuals.
Our government has been co-opted by a tiny, hostile elite with absolutely no concerns for the interests of the masses. Wake up. We are all the middle class.
Anon@11:08, let me know when you find it. Although the fact that you are looking and can't find it should tell you more about yourself than black blogs.
Maybe YOU should start some "intelligent" conversation and let's see where that takes us. :)
"In fact, they say around here, the flow of dead Iraqi civilians in was pretty constantly high for the 30 years or so prior to the Iraq War, but then dropped off considerably."
Well it's a good job you are dead, because you appear to be a total fucking imbecile.
There are variety of scientific, peer-reviewed studies that show the voracity of the figures I have quoted, but of course you far-right types hate science don't you?
When reality shows you to be wrong you reject reality instead of re-examining your own views.
On an entirely different topic:
Thoughts and ideas re possible causes for the growing educational/academic achievement gap between America's white/asian > black/hispanic learners?
Blaming (fill-in-the-blank) doesn't help. But, "Why"?
Another aside:
FN... I'm sorry that this blog/site has become a magnet for the right-wingnut "ig-nats", toads and bottom-feeding bigots who frequent here.
Windes through to the semi-final of the T20 World Cup, Field.
Bravo and Sammy smoked it, Badree, Narine, Santokie unplayable as usual - Pakistan blown away.
Speaking of which, I'm not usually impressed by TV ads, but this Nike ad for the world cup is outstanding.
The Purple Cow said...
There are variety of scientific, peer-reviewed studies that show the voracity of the figures I have quoted, but of course you far-right types hate science don't you?
If you are still clinging to the long discredited Lancet study, I would advise you to distance yourself from that nasty bit of agitprop. Nor would I believe anything produced by the UN, an organization that is trying to tell me the oceans are going to start to boil if I don't submit to their control of the world's economy.
Peer review is not science. It is a gatekeeper process where papers are screened by experts, who judge if the experiments the manuscripts describe are credible, something of course they cannot do unless they have actually witnessed the experiments, which of course they have not.
Peer review has devolved into a charade. It's little more than the scientific version of union thuggery. Most published science papers are not reproducible, and what passes for science is simply not what you probably believe it to be.
I prefer to stick to reality, in the form of actual body counts and such. This is coming from someone whose body has already been counted. But numbnuts like you are still quoting statistics whose original source was Baghdad Bob.
Some people never learn.
Anonymous said...
Thoughts and ideas re possible causes for the growing educational/academic achievement gap between America's white/asian > black/hispanic learners?
It's not income:
Brick @ 12:12 PM-
tell these folk again.
especially this part right here:
"Wake up."
FN, just shut up on the dead american soldiers, already.
you don't care.
who but the children of the poor would you be discussing?
know ye not who comprises the cannon fodder for you to conveniently toss into yet another dumb convo. folk calling you out for dumb convo again. while you throw up the poor Blacks and Browns like a political distract/divide the people grenade?
these are the children of the poor, for the most part. have it your way and their mothers should have been sterilized- 'cause ANYBODY might need assistance. take a look at the No Limit record label negro's situation. he is sitting on 100+ million that his ex wife helped him acquire. she is on assistance right now. sterilized!
this is why i suggested folk get the ones that create the need assistance situations. then follow the original flawed let's sterilize folk logic and keep sterilizing those that might give life to criminals. those that refuse to be controlled. homosexuals. mentally challenged folk. etc. etc.
so just shut up already. please sir. you really have nothing more to discuss.
apply your own logic and it's a wrap on chasing racism, too.
'cause if donors will donate and folk just need to accept that wtheck logic...
well if you run through acting like wild mindless animals...folks can't get mad when other folk come through acting like it is hunting season.
think Oscar Grant. he was wilding out like he did not know he was a bm in america- much less a parent- before the cop with a hunting permit + paid vacay benefits got busy. Sean Bell had donated a whole family worth that was at home when he got "traditional" with the strip club visit + too busy with the wrong one at the strip club. we can keep going along those same lines through most every case...IF folk want to come as hard for Black MEN as they do for Black women and children.
So Dead Ambassador, did we just imagine those 4,000 dead soldiers that W and his lying set of Neocon friends sent to their deaths?
Or should we only worry about u and....BENGHAZ!
Drink, drink,....gulp.
then next level and get familiar with "long pork" + know some folk that are NOT agnostic + serve defeated lucifer with a vengeance- eat what they kill. there are plenty of UNprotected donor offspring.
or in other words, in the land of do what thou wilt- folk get what they get. folk out there believing in a big bang of nothing...
this is a spiritual battle of epic proportions. folks that fancy themselves g-d are deliberately playing with information and time to deceive the masses.
interestingly enough...
the "educated" that appear to prefer to sin for cash, are taught to self depop and therefore don't even reproduce at replacement levels. folks love stats- take a look. see.
those that refuse to get with self depop program and are quite fruitful + muliplying while sinning up a storm- are targeted by the "educated" ones for tubal ligations (how you doing moonwalking witch doctor? remember out of nowhere suggesting THAT wickedness to someone here? speaks volumes.) and other forced sterilization methods.
how's THAT for new school, well trained, slave catching?
folks with a lick of sense ALREADY know staying as FAR AWAY from mammonite/souled/sold out new school witchdoctors and hospitals = what time it is. for Real.
focusing on racist white folk seems to be the dumbest route to go 'round about now for Blessed Black people. they are the least of our concerns, really. only the really slow + young don't know that there is a powerful group of white folk that hate Blacks and are our historical, written of in Scriptures enemies.
here's the thing. these same ones hold contempt for humanity in general.
these folk are not even the white folk we see most times. it is the white folk we don't see that do the most and pay for it all to get done. lucifer's minions. they are not even why we suffer, though. they are simply used for that purpose.
we Blessed Blacks suffer for our fallen spiritual state. our collective steadfast refusal to turn to and follow Him/His Word. all described to a tee in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26.
but then back in the day, the elders would say:
if you ever want to hide something from a negro...put it in a book.
imposters are running through claiming our history. with many of us worshiping them for we believe they are the Chosen ones. what a twisted game. lol. see why folk treat Blacks like fools? i do. the Psalm 83'ers know the Truth. ssshhh! they just won't ever tell.
while we run around begging our historical enemies to love us + play nicely. while callously hating the UNprotected UNprovided for women and children of our own nation. they are the shame of our nation because they are the evidence of how far we have fallen. instead of truly loving ourselves...folk seek to destroy the poor. while pretending they care because it means political favor + $ for them.
while worshiping the wayward menfolk that seek to worship+ serve themselves and whatever they fancy. ANYTHING but Almighty, it seems. "donors"= worse than infidels according to Him/His Word. donors = oh well among wayward men. as if women regulate the behavior of men. of course foolish, woefully male identified females co sign the crazy.
a solid death wish on all levels.
i Believe because it is written that He/His Word will resurrect the dead. i have faith in Him/His Word.
i Believe sleeping souls will Wake.Up + Understand they overcome by the blood of the Lamb and their testimony.
ps. if bush and clinton has folk shocked...it simply means folk need some Real history lessons.
folk need to learn more about the Real america.
just as in england...
satanic families run the WHOLE horror show. your boy BO is all in the mix.
throw some nazis in there for good measure;) while folks sleeping on the black helicopters , white vans, and concentration camps.
just one of the many ways the Real america operates. don't think i ever heard a peep about it over here.
this could be why folk find the convos too low level. particularly for an educated political blog during the reign of fuhrer BO.
blessings all!
field negro said...
So Dead Ambassador, did we just imagine those 4,000 dead soldiers that W and his lying set of Neocon friends sent to their deaths?
Or should we only worry about u and....BENGHAZ!
It is much, much worse when a President sends troops in specifically to die under his insane rules of engagement for a stated cause he himself does not believe in. In truth these men are dying today for a campaign trick from 2008.
And I know my death, or anyone's death that can't be used for political gain, makes no difference to you or your ilk. Leftism's thirst is sated only by power and blood.
Drink, drink,....gulp indeed.
"If you are still clinging to the long discredited Lancet study."
Nope, two things you need to know.
1. The Lancet study was never discredited.
2. Two other independent statistical epidemiological studies have been performed by different universities. Both of them have confirmed the Lancet studies conclusions to be somewhat conservative in its estimates.
"Peer review is not science. It is a gatekeeper process where papers are screened by experts, who judge if the experiments the manuscripts describe are credible, something of course they cannot do unless they have actually witnessed the experiments, which of course they have not. "
What the flying fuck is this supposed to mean?
Is this seriously your debating point?
How old are you 12? 13? My kids are 14, if they came up with an argument like this I would make them sleep in the garden for a month.
Peer review is a system that allows scientists relevant to the field of study to assess if correct procedures were carried out, and if the results and conclusions made were reasonable.
This they did for the Lancet study and the two further studies that have backed up the Lancet's conclusions.
Furthermore, the system used in these studies was devised by the American government, and is the system recommended by the U.S. government for this type of study.
Learn some facts before you start shutting your mouth off next time, sunshine.
"It is much, much worse when a President sends troops in specifically to die under his insane rules of engagement for a stated cause he himself does not believe in. In truth these men are dying today for a campaign trick from 2008."
Am I right in assuming the Obamacare sign up figures did not go well for the Neocons? Given that they decided today of all days to resurrect the hoary old discredited chestnut of Benghazigate again....
Way too early to tell.
Rand is full of it about the causes of Japanese and German aggression. He just opens his mouth and this garbage comes out.
The Purple Cow said...
1. The Lancet study was never discredited.
The British medical journal Lancet published a study of civilian casualties in 2006 that estimated Iraqi civilian deaths at more than 2% of Iraq’s pre-war population, around 655,000. Later studies produced numbers of less than a quarter of Lancet‘s totals, and the authors of the study were largely discredited. Now a research association has publicly rebuked Gilbert Burnham for not disclosing his methodology, and Burnham may face action from his employer, Johns Hopkins:
In a highly unusual rebuke, the American Association for Public Opinion Research today said the author of a widely debated survey on “excess deaths” in Iraq had violated its code of professional ethics by refusing to disclose details of his work. The author’s institution later disclosed to ABC News that it, too, is investigating the study.
AAPOR, in a statement, said that in an eight-month investigation, Gilbert Burnham, a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, “repeatedly refused to make public essential facts about his research on civilian deaths in Iraq.”
Hours later, the school itself disclosed its own investigation of the Iraq casualties report “to determine if any violation of the school’s rules or guidelines for the conduct of research occurred.” It said the review “is nearing completion.”
Both AAPOR and the school said they had focused on Burnham’s study, published in the October 2006 issue of the British medical journal the Lancet, reporting an estimated 654,965 “excess deaths” in Iraq as a result of the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. An earlier, 2004 report, in which Burnham also participated, estimated approximately 98,000 excess deaths to that point.
In short, Burnham won’t reveal how he arrived at those numbers, which makes his research completely useless. Scientific studies have to reveal their entire methodology in order for others to attempt to duplicate the study and its results. Without duplication, results cannot be confirmed, and most scientists reject them — unless they serve political rather than scientific ends.
In Burnham’s case, politics certainly played a large role in his work. Last year, the Times of London revealed that George Soros provided almost half of Burnham’s funding for the study. Soros shoved millions of dollars into his highly vocal opposition to the war and George Bush, funding Democrats and the Democratic Party in their efforts to unseat Republicans over the last three election cycles. His contribution of less than $100,000 to Burnham’s efforts were chump change, and bought him the propaganda he needed.
AAPOR noted that Burnham’s refusal to share his methodology “violates the fundamental standards of science” and undermines survey research in general. Even Lancet has stopped supporting Burnham. It’s time to call Burnham’s work what it is: a piece of pseudo-scientific prostitution in service to a political john.
You are a fake intellectual using fake studies to prove fake propaganda points. Fuck you Cow.
The Purple Cow said...
Am I right in assuming the Obamacare sign up figures did not go well for the Neocons?
No, as usual, you are wrong.
The Obama administration claims to have signed up about 6.5 million people. Most of the people who've purchased insurance on the exchanges did so because they had insurance which was cancelled due to Obamacare, and were forced to buy more expensive insurance there. So five million or so of this alleged 6-7 million were previously insured. They just have worse insurance now.
By far the largest part of Obamacare's health coverage expansion has come from a) expanding Medicaid, and b) allowing young people to stay on their parents' coverage. The part where Democrats essentially blew up the health care markets, imposed the individual mandate, and caused premiums to rise and deductibles to skyrocket? That hasn't been such a success. If the Times number are correct, all of that -- placing new burdens of higher costs and narrower choices on millions of Americans, in addition to setting the stage for coming changes in employer-based coverage -- has resulted in two million of the previously uninsured gaining coverage.
So basically we, are in the process of blowing up our entire healthcare system (we will finish when the employer mandates kick in after the next two elections) for the purpose of getting 2 million uninsured people crappy insurance. It would have been much easier and cheaper just to have handed each of these people $10,000 and called it even.
I used to think this was crazy, paranoid, militia-weirdo type talk. Now, I'm not so sure. I think the odds are about 50/50 that I'll see some sort of secession in my lifetime. I wouldn't rule out civil war or a military coup or other banana-republic type stuff, either.
I just can't see how it's going to be possible to run a successful government for a nation the size of the United States with the "one-size-fits-all" approach favored by the left. Traditionally, governments that are tasked with administering huge, wildly diverse populations have done so by permitting a great deal of local autonomy. The central government takes a hands-off policy as long as everybody ponies up at tax time.
But liberals or progressives or whatever we're supposed to be calling them don't seem interested in that approach. Instead, citizens of Mule Hollow, Alabama, are apparently expected to embrace the lifestyles and values of San Francisco, California. There is simply no realistic way to make that happen that doesn't involve guns and tanks.
Once upon a time, our leaders, no matter where they fell on the political spectrum, were able to grasp that. But now we've got a political class that is so far removed from the nation it governs that I sometimes wonder if they are even aware that there are actual, flesh-and-blood people living in those vast flyover expanses between New York and California. And that scares me.
I mean, Eisenhower knew he could send federal troops to integrate a high school in Arkansas because he had an intuitive understanding that while white Southerners might be mad about it, they wouldn't consider it something worth taking up arms over. He knew how far he could push things without crossing the line. I'm not sure someone like Barack Obama understands that. He probably thinks he could send in troops to force gay marriage and gun control down the throats of Texas rednecks as easily as Eisenhower made Arkansas rednecks accept integration. He doesn't realize that would be tantamount to a declaration of war.
Maybe Obama won't make such a stupid miscalculation, but I think he has increased the likelihood that some future Democrat will.
Don't worry the federal govt. can't stop them from having kids with their cousins, so they will always be dumb.
field negro said...
Don't worry the federal govt. can't stop them from having kids with their cousins, so they will always be dumb.
Is that what happened to black people?
When you don't know who your daddy is, you never really know if she's not your cousin, or half-sister for that matter.
What happened to "black" people, is that we were forced to live with you scraggly haired, half-dead looking so called "people."
The Purple Cow said...
Am I right in assuming the Obamacare sign up figures did not go well for the Neocons?
The lack of numbers for the number of new enrolles that paid is is proof the figures are going good for neocons.
Did you ever ask yourself why Obama didn't release the number of new enrolles that paid? Not once?
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