Hey, I am not mad at them, the supremes gave them a way to do it and they are taking advantage of the law. It's the American way: The man with the most money wins.
"WASHINGTON -- Democrats appear to be winning the fundraising race at nearly every turn in Senate contests and doing well enough at the House level this year. Their congressional party committees and super PACs are on record pace ahead of their Republican counterparts, while the majority of Democratic incumbents in key races boast a financial advantage over their opponents. And yet, it's still likely Democrats will be outspent by wide margins.
The reason can be summed up in three words: the Koch brothers.
The two billionaire industrialists, Charles and David Koch, and their dual networks of undisclosed donors and "dark money" nonprofits, have emerged as the largest independent political force on the Republican side. Already, groups linked to the Kochs have spent more than $25 million on television and radio in crucial 2014 House and Senate races, according to Democratic media-buying sources. Other reports, which also count spending on digital advertising, show a total that is closer to $30 million." [Source]
Personally, I guess it's cool to spend tons of your own money on things you care about. But why aren't they open and up front about it ? Why all the "dark money"? It's as if they are ashamed to be identified with their money.
Anyway, I sure hope the money isn't going towards electing more folks like Susan Atanus into office. I mean that would be downright scary.
Susan, in case you were wondering, has some strange ideas about how the lord works.

"On Tuesday, Illinois Republicans opted to nominate Susanne Atanus as their party’s choice in the primary for that state’s 9th district by a margin of almost five percentage points. Earlier this year, Atanus drew attention by telling The Daily Herald newspaper that as a “God-first conservative Republican” she believes many of the plights of the last several decades, including droughts, tornadoes and diseases like autism and dementia are God’s punishment for gay marriage and legalized abortions.
“God controls the weather,” Atanus said definitively in January. “God is angry. We are provoking him with abortions. We are provoking him with same-sex marriage, gay rights, civil unions.”
Lord, I know that according to Susanne you are a right wing "conservative Republican", but please have mercy on us all.
I am glad that one of my favorite congressmen, John Lewis, can sing and dance to Happy by Pharrell. But with all that "dark money" out there helping to get wingnuts like Susanne Atanus elected to public office, I can guarantee you that he won't be happy much longer.
Why all the "dark money"?
Because nuts like you (and Granny) accuse them of being evil incarnate for donating to your political opponents.
In truth, they are 59th on the list of big donors, a list dominated by Democrat donors, including most billionaires.
Obama is the most funded candidate in history, and most of his money came from big donors.
You are on the side of Wall Street, Big Business, and the Super Rich.
The middle class can thank God for the Koch brothers.
"Lord, I know that according to Susanne you are a right wing "conservative Republican", but please have mercy on us all."
Ha ha, yeah, Susan is kind of wacky.
No shout out for the passing of Democrat Fred Phelps? You know, the "God Hates Fags" guy? Yes, Democrat politician and anti-racism activist Fred Phelps is dead. Phelps' five runs in Democratic primaries peaked in 1992's Democratic U.S. Senate primary in Kansas at over 30% of the Democratic vote.
But before that, Phelps made his name as one of country's most prominent Civil Rights attorneys (like Whitey, only successful).
From Wikipedia:
The first notable cases were related to civil rights. "I systematically brought down the Jim Crow laws of this town," he claims. Phelps' daughter was quoted as saying, "We took on the Jim Crow establishment, and Kansas did not take that sitting down. They used to shoot our car windows out, screaming we were n***** lovers," and that the Phelps law firm made up one-third of the state's federal docket of civil rights cases.
Phelps took cases on behalf of African-American clients alleging racial discrimination by school systems, and a predominantly black American Legion post which had been raided by police, alleging racially based police abuse.
Phelps' law firm obtained settlements for some clients. Phelps also sued President Ronald Reagan over Reagan's appointment of a U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, alleging this violated separation of church and state. The case was dismissed by the U.S. district court. Phelps' law firm, staffed by himself and family members also represented non-white Kansans in discrimination actions against Kansas City Power and Light, Southwestern Bell, and the Topeka City Attorney, and represented two female professors alleging discrimination in Kansas universities.
In the 1980s, Phelps received awards from the Greater Kansas City Chapter of Blacks in Government and the Bonner Springs branch of the NAACP, for his work on behalf of black clients.
I would hope that you negroes could find it in your hearts to show a little appreciation at the passing of this great Kansas Democrat.
These RWNJs (right wing nut jobs) like Nugant & Atanus are worth more than all of the kock brothers billions to the Democrats.
Field, "Personally, I guess it's cool to spend tons of your own money on things you care about. But why aren't they open and up front about it ? Why all the "dark money"? It's as if they are ashamed to be identified with their money."
Brother Field, I'm not that much into politics, but what is "dark money"? If it is what I think it is, it's Blacks contributing to the Republican cause.
So it stands to reason why those Whites want to cover-up that they are accepting Negro money. They can't afford to have Whites like Kinky Con and Bill find out that they have hand their little white hands out for rich Black donations. Whites are so two-faced....I know Granny will agree with me.
Brother Field, thanks for using the term "dark money" in your post. I have learned a new term. That's why I come to FN, to learn new things.
"On Tuesday, Illinois Republicans opted to nominate Susanne Atanus as their party’s choice in the primary for that state’s 9th district by a margin of almost five percentage points. Earlier this year, Atanus drew attention by telling The Daily Herald newspaper that as a “God-first conservative Republican” she believes many of the plights of the last several decades, including droughts, tornadoes and diseases like autism and dementia are God’s punishment for gay marriage and legalized abortions.
“God controls the weather,” Atanus said definitively in January. “God is angry. We are provoking him with abortions. We are provoking him with same-sex marriage, gay rights, civil unions.”
Susan is correct. We need to put GOD-First in our lives because we are making a mess of everything without HIM.
FYI: GOD is Supreme and Sovereign. We should not be provoking our Creator by violating Divine Law...nothing but misery will come of that....droughts, earthquakes, tsunami, insects, and other things that will hurt us like dimentia and other diseases will plaque us. We must turn from our sinful ways or perish.
“God controls the weather,”
The Science is Settled.
Amen, brother.
@ Whitey's Conspiracy:
When your career helping negroes get paid for failing tests and getting fired draws to a close, do you plan follow in the footsteps of fellow Democrat Fred Phelps in preaching to America about the evils of anal intercourse?
Like Brother Phelps, you could use the same deep shame and inner conflict that drives you to decry the Sin of Racism in others and pivot to decrying the Sin of Homoism in others.
I think it would be very liberating for you. And there's an opening right now.
Sleep on it.
george Soros spends more money on politics than both the Koch Brothers combined. He just indirectly caused the crisis in the Ukraine and our possible nuclear annihilation by Russia. His NGO's stirred that "revolution" up. His fingerprints are all over it. Indisputable.
"Dark money",indeed.
But you're worried about the 59th largest donors (combined) in the country?
Granny, you are wrong about the Koch Brothers. They are just trying to make America a better country.
"Fred Koch was against the civil rights movement, saying that it is communist threat and that the white children should not go to school with black children, because that would lead to mongrelization of the races..."
My dear Granny, 'mongreliztion of the races is exactly what happens when there is black and white interracial relationships and marriages. Obama has even used the word "mongrel" to describe himself and others with white blood.
I recognize that you live in East Oakland where 99% Blacks are uneducated and over 50% probably haven't finished high school, and have no interest in completing high school. Thank God these stats are as bad in the rest of the country.
Granny, do you understand the consequences of "mongrelization"? I mean, really?
You see, the Koch brothers are just trying to slow that process down. That doesn't make them bad or wrong, it just means they have a different opinion from you. Quite frankly, they know a lot more than you do. They are worth billions. But you are still in East Oakland.
I mean, there is no comparison. Money talks, bullshit walks. That is why I am leaving the Dems and joining the GOP. You should consider the same and try to get out of that hell hole in Oakland before it's too late.
Remember when Democrats were all for dark money and billionaires buying elections?
Yep. When Democrats get bet at their games they want to change the rules.
Hypocrisy,thy name is Democrat.
Dear Mr Field, please explain or at least clarify what "dark money" means. Please keep in mind from this day forward that you have a diverse group of readers and posters who come from all walks of life, financial levels and educational levels. You have people on FN like Granny and Dr Nuwang who don't understand these terms.
Thank you.
Blogger Kinky.Con said...
Remember when Democrats were all for dark money and billionaires buying elections?
Yep. When Democrats get bet at their games they want to change the rules.
Hypocrisy,thy name is Democrat.
12:29 AM
"Dear Mr Field, please explain or at least clarify what "dark money" means."
Dark money is what Granny spent at Your Black Muslim Bakery.
Dark indeed.
Oh Lawd, granny has anonymous people foaming from their mouths. Someone call a doctor. Please tell him to be on standby.
Tonight was a smidgen of what I have lined up for the future.
Wow! Another condescending educated anonymous who looks down on people. I despise those arrogant types who lord their education and their financial level over people. Thinking they’re all that and a bag of chips. Dumb ass fool has not learned how be humble. That’s how you can tell they’re not in a certain class of wealth. Anonymous is clueless and an educated fool. LOL!
Anonymous you could have saved that money. The same education is free at the library. In fact, when a teacher assigned you a paper, where did they send you? Pssst…THE LIBRARY!
@Anonymous 12:47,
Fyi , I’ve never spent a dime or set foot in a Muslim Bakery in my entire life.
Actually, you call yourself taking a sick dig at me regarding my cousin’s Chauncey Bailey’s death on the sly, which is very low class on your behalf, but then I expect that of you considering your prior comments and psycho personality. I hope you don't think that your comments are going to silence me because you would be more wrong than two left shoes.
Thanks for your interest in my retirement anonomous klanner, but I've no such plans. There's far too much to do before my dirt nap to just quit. In fact even now I'm broadening my practice into immigration law so that I can help undocumented immigrants stay here and become Americans.
BTW, let me tell you the real definition of dark money.
Dark money is what YOU paid to suck a RODENT's penis and what your MOTHER paid with the change leftover to suck an AIDS patient's penis. Don't lie about it because it is so obvious because your daddy was half RODENT and snake and him and your mammy produce YOU a piece of RODENT, pedophile after birth. Now, that's dark money!
Like I said before...PLUCK YOU and your whole family!
Mr Phelps has been such an effective gay rights operative -no one's done more to shift our cultural norm from suspician of to solidarity with gay people than he and his family- that Gay Rights Inc is going to really miss him. He's been their perfect foil.
Hey Whitey, good morning to you.
Whitey excuse me and my comment to anonymous, but I'm sick of playing games with them.
Morning Granny No excuses needed. When mosquitos bite you've gotta scratch.
@ Whitey,
Thank you. No disrespect to you or any of the other people I respect on here including myself, but enough is enough! Some psycho anonymous people take it a little bit too far when they take sick digs at murdered deceased family members thinking they're performing some spectacular feat to silence a voice.
Personally, I guess it's cool to spend tons of your own money on things you care about. But why aren't they open and up front about it ? Why all the "dark money"? It's as if they are ashamed to be identified with their money.
I'm pretty sure it's not that the Koch's are ashamed to be identified with their money. They probably have a swimming pool of money they dive into and roll around in, like Scrooge McDuck.
It's that the politicians receiving that money don't want to be associated with scumbags like the Kochs.
As for Susanne Atanus, that supremely loony broad doesn't have a snowball's chance in Illinois' 9th congressional district. This is yet another example of Republicans brilliantly shooting themselves in the nuts. Which I can only celebrate.
Dang, can you believe it? Does that mean that the Koch brother’s father was an undercover COMMUNIST fooling with Stalin, a traitor, and racist?
Oh Lawd, somebody please help me figure this out because I am so distraught over this discovery...snicker, snicker. I’m just an old woman, a concerned citizen who is deeply concerned about the welfare of our poor unfortunate and working class American citizens.
Lord knows I want everyone to enjoy joy, peace, and happiness. However, that is kind of hard to do when we have to deal with assholes like anonymous who take digs at dead family members and those Koch bothers trying to buy the government, so that they can dictate those communist values that they accuse the President of having.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Dang, can you believe it? Does that mean that the Koch brother’s father was an undercover COMMUNIST fooling with Stalin, a traitor, and racist
It he was hanging out with communists, it means he must have been a Democrat.
I wonder if PurpleCow is going to whine about these partisan links.
I'm guessing since PurpleCow is a hypocrite he won't even mention it or like usual make some lame excuse.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
In fact even now I'm broadening my practice into immigration law so that I can help undocumented immigrants stay here and become Americans.
Smart career move, Whitey. Hispanics are where it's at. You can pivot right along with the Democrat Party, as it embraces its new pet minority.
Mexicans will do the jobs blacks won't do. They don't commit near as much crime. Most importantly, they loves their socialism, aren't shy about collecting government assistance, and will vote reliably democrat.
All through Democrat controlled urban America, Mexicans are ethnically cleansing blacks from neighborhood after neighborhood, surrounding the newly gentrified white areas with a brown buffer zone.
Serendipity? Or urban planning? Whatever, change is a comin'.
Yes, blacks are on the way out. The question going forward will be what can brown do for you?
Whitey knows.
NC democrat Verla Insko asking Dr. Conover what percentage of prostate cancer patients are women.
More of that right-wing war on women.
Please don't make fun of the democrat asking about women and prostate cancer, she supports Obamacare.
Eek!!! >42% of the children suspended from PRE-SCHOOL!! are African American!!!? And, the "suspension" rate goes higher; gets worse as students progress through elementary and middle school.
Observation of students' behaviors in an urban, i.e., "predominately black" public elementary/middle schools will suggest that this is NOT news; nor is it startling. The bulk of these behaviors can honestly be described as:
1. Threatening the safety of others.
2. Disruptive and interfering with the learning of others.
And, if you have ever visited a zoo; observed the behavior of the primates, well, you get the point...(Yeah, I said it).
And, I am pissed that "FakeNews", Bill O' has identified the source: Something integral/within black culture. I dunno; but methinks that embedded within black culture; and by definition, "Staying Black" means to be the opposite of any and every idea associated with "White/European" civilization (which I think is overrated).
BTW,(here, in the deep belly of the bible-belt beast, this same demographic group is too self-medicated and sedated with European Christianity to be of any consequence).
We, as a people, seem to be infected with the 3-headed disease of: Ignorance ... Greed ... Envy.
Willie Lynch's prophesy has come full circle again and again.
Just keepin' it real, homes.
"More of that right-wing war on women."
Any attention to men's health issues is by definition a war on women.
Field Negro is the nutjob here. He refuses to denigrate that criminal George Soros who funded that stench in the White House.
So you're contributing to americas destruction..great, thanks alot!
Real classy lady you are. Such an angry old woman. Uneducated, angry and hateful!
This coming from a fellow brother of color.
I wonder if she kisses her Grandkids with that mouth?
This guy knows whats up. Blacks will cause there own extinction. .well the mexicans will but you get the drift.
The racist black folks who just couldnt seem to want to adapt to a civilized society will be gone like the wind...and it wasnt because of the color of thier skin.
Anon 12:17 speaking da truth..droppin facts.
Poor parenting, rap/gang culture, black genes= problem childs.
Yo field man you needs to be writin about impordant stuff dat affects da black communties like brothas kilin each other every day and sistas aborting our babys like crazy.
You writin about stuff dat dont do nothin for us! I mean come on Field. Young niggas cant even go to school witout blastin each otha or sellin dat rock. You lookin like a sell out Field!
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
BTW, let me tell you the real definition of dark money.
Dark money is what YOU paid to suck a RODENT's penis and what your MOTHER paid with the change leftover to suck an AIDS patient's penis. Don't lie about it because it is so obvious because your daddy was half RODENT and snake and him and your mammy produce YOU a piece of RODENT, pedophile after birth. Now, that's dark money!
Like I said before...PLUCK YOU and your whole family!
4:03 AM
Whoa! Those Negoes in East Oakland are some angry old people.
What a filthy ugly mind/heart comment. What kind of a person is Granny?
And can you believe she justifies her words and nutty behavior as "enough is enough"? Whoa! That's the kind of reason brothers and sisters shoot each other in the streets of east Oakland.
How would you like to have a grandmother like her? Lord have mercy....I wonder what God thinks? I wonder what she is going to say to God on Judgment Day...Well, God you see I thought some anonymous was 'PLUCKING WITH ME!'-- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"
Yeah, I am sure God will agree with her...LOL
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
BTW, let me tell you the real definition of dark money.
Dark money is what YOU paid to suck a RODENT's penis and what your MOTHER paid with the change leftover to suck an AIDS patient's penis. Don't lie about it because it is so obvious because your daddy was half RODENT and snake and him and your mammy produce YOU a piece of RODENT, pedophile after birth. Now, that's dark money!
Like I said before...PLUCK YOU and your whole family!
4:03 AM
Whoa! Those Negoes in East Oakland are some angry old people.
What a filthy ugly mind/heart comment. What kind of a person is Granny?
And can you believe she justifies her words and nutty behavior as "enough is enough"? Whoa! That's the kind of reason brothers and sisters shoot each other in the streets of east Oakland.
How would you like to have a grandmother like her? Lord have mercy....I wonder what God thinks? I wonder what she is going to say to God on Judgment Day...Well, God you see I thought some anonymous was 'PLUCKING WITH ME!'-- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"
Yeah, I am sure God will agree with her...LOL
I see that power is back on in the trailer park.
Dude,call your cousin,she hasn't been on a date in awhile.
Anon@2:24,the scary thing is that if you actually talked like that you might get pass the 8th grade.
I'm a grown woman and anonymous is lucky that was all I said. I meant every single word of it.
Like that scripture says, We all sin and fall short of the glory of the Lord.
Do you sin?
Work out your own salvation and don't worry about mine because I am definitely not worried about yours and I could care less what you think or say about me because I am not here on this earth to live up to your expectations.
Furthermore, you don't have any heaven or hell to put me in thank God for that, especially the way you loved to falsely accuse folks with your fake white ass.
Granny, we are feeding the trolls. But I had some scraps left over so I said what the heck.
Why make all these misleading claims about the Koch Brothers?
Because the Democratic Party has a lot invested in the proposition that the Koch Brothers are boogeymen and the Keystone Pipeline is their boogey-baby.
In the pages of the "mainstream" media press, the truth is whatever the Democratic Party needs it to be for this particular two-minute hate.
@Field, LOL!
They're upset because of what I posted about their employer...the Koch brothers.
That was just the tip of the iceberg.
I thought that Palin was just a secessionist, but now, I see that she is a bona fide racist. I remember the Birch Society back in the day. You should see the white man's bible. It is full of hate. I have it in my files somewhere.
"I'm guessing since PurpleCow is a hypocrite he won't even mention it or like usual make some lame excuse."
What ARE you going on about now, you silly little boy?
The Purple Cow said...
"I'm guessing since PurpleCow is a hypocrite he won't even mention it or like usual make some lame excuse."
What ARE you going on about now, you silly little boy?
Dishonest little man.
Read the sentence you selectively edited out.
You edited MY POST by cutting it in half in a lame assed effort to make it look as If I was saying something I wasn't. That's the dishonesty I aaas (rightly) accusing you of.
What are you going on about you silly little boy?
I still have no fucking clue what you are rattling on about you dim-witted little twunt.
Explain yourself properly before you accuse others of being dishonest.
Confucius he say, man who hides behind semi-literate rantings deserves to be misinterpreted.
While you are here Bill, can I ask, are you a short person?
There is more than a hint of 'Little Man Syndrome' about you.
I'm guessing you are about 5'9" tall or so, am I right?
Im a big polish man that can break you in half.
"Im a big polish man that can break you in half."
Dream on, fat boy.
I think that's your dream, PC. A nice big kielbasa.
Blogger field negro said...
Anon@2:24,the scary thing is that if you actually talked like that you might get pass the 8th grade.
4:04 PM
Maybe so... But you are STILL A SELL-OUT.
The Purple Cow said...
I'm guessing you are about 5'9" tall or so, am I right?
This is the third time you've guessed my height wrong. DUH! And only a dumbass would guess the same height all three times.
Obviously since you keep talking about height you have got some issues with your height.
YOu should try to accept yourself as you are PurpleCow.
Who is this woman? She looks like she just escaped from the nearest mental institution. White folks you're looking crazier by the minute with all your hatred. You need to learn how to dance or something.
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