This young man did such a good job of applying himself and putting in work, that he was accepted to all eight Ivy League schools that he sent applications to.
"In the next month, Kwasi Enin must make a tough decision: Which of the eight Ivy League universities should he attend this fall?
A first-generation American from Shirley, N.Y., the 17-year-old violist and aspiring physician applied to all eight, from Brown to Yale.
The responses began rolling in over the past few months, and by late last week when he opened an e-mail from Harvard, he found he'd been accepted to every one. School district officials provided scanned copies of acceptance letters from all eight on Monday. Yale confirmed that it was holding a spot for Enin.
The feat is extremely rare, say college counselors — few students even apply to all eight, because each seeks different qualities in their freshman class. Almost none are invited to attend them all. The Ivy League colleges are among the nation's most elite." [Source]
The young man's parents must be proud. Although I suspect that they are not surprised. I am pretty sure that this is the kind of outcome that they expected when they were training their son to value education and to put in the hard work needed to get it.
Yesterday was the deadline to sign up for Obamacare, and from the looks of things the goal of seven million people signing up has been met.
(That sound you hear is the head of various wingnuts exploding. The poor folks over at GOP News can't even keep their graphics straight. )
I am not a huge fan, because I would have preferred a single- payer system and not this watered down product that we have now. But still, it's better than what we had before. And while right wing republicans are screaming for us to repeal it, they still have no alternative.
Unfortunately for them, though, the numbers are changing. And, as was predicted, the more accustomed people get to having Obamacare around, the more satisfied they will be. All the anecdotal horror stories about how bad Obamacare was have changed to stories about how great it is, and how it has actually been saving lives. Poor Ted Cruz found out about this new reality the hard way.
In some red states the uninsured rate has been cut by 40%. They still hate the HNIC, but they might want to thank him for being able to enjoy their lives on earth just a little longer.
Enjoy your victory lap O, and get ready for phase two of the republican resistance. Those Koch boyz don't like to see their money going to waste.
...."In a highly unusual rebuke, the American Association for Public Opinion Research today said...
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Thanks for the laff, I needed that. This wasn't a public opinion survey you moron, this was a serious scientific study in a well respected scientific journal.
Read this numb nuts, you might learn something...
Quote Neil Kahn
"No, as usual, you are wrong."
Ahhh yes, and so to prove your point rather than quote from a reputable news source, you chose to quote from a magazine owned by far-Right billionaire nut job, Philip Anshutz - priceless.
"When Anschutz started the Examiner in its daily newspaper format, he envisioned creating a conservative competitor to The Washington Post. According to Politico, "When it came to the editorial page, Anschutz’s instructions were explicit — he 'wanted nothing but conservative columns and conservative op-ed writers,' said one former employee."
Wow that Cow really got burned today. i smell hamburger...
"This young man did such a good job of applying himself and putting in work, that he was accepted to all eight Ivy League schools that he sent applications to."
His major accomplishment was being born black. How'd he mange that?
"Wow that Cow really got burned today. i smell hamburger.."
That's all you got huh?
Kinda lame even by the Right's abysmal intellectual standards,.
BTW, Hamburgers are made from pigs. You know what pigs are, right? Fat, pink, evil smelling?
Nighty night.
"The feat is extremely rare, say college counselors — few students even apply to all eight, because each seeks different qualities in their freshman class"
But they want that one quality Kwasi brings - 100% diversity!
The Purple Cow said...
BTW, Hamburgers are made from pigs.
Is there anything this guy isn't wrong on?
"Anschutz’s instructions were explicit — he 'wanted nothing but conservative columns and conservative op-ed writers,' said one disgruntled employee."
So being conservative (the largest ideological group in the US, btw) makes one's reporting immediately discredited?
The fact that almost every other media source has nothing but liberal columns and liberal op-ed writers should point to the need for such a paper (it's a newspaper not a magazine, you got that wrong too).
Facts is facts, Cow. Your losing streak continues unabated.
Nice job! Good to see successful young brothas. All 8!
Well Field, the ACA is the first step in universal health care. We all know it's inevitable but it won't happen overnight despite BiB's wishes. Ha! The success of the ACA is the Republican's worst nightmare. For years they've been telling us how awful it is and how it will kill grandma but when it kicks in and they see the positive benefits they'll see who was lying and who wasn't. Remember Ronald Reagan warning us about Medicare and how it was the first step to socialism? Fast forward to today, just try to get rid of it. I wouldn't want to be a Republican if this works as advertised because then they look like fools, unless of course then they'll pretend like they were behind it all the time and their voters may fall for it, they ain't the brightest bulbs in the pack.
"So being conservative (the largest ideological group in the US, btw) makes one's reporting immediately discredited?"
um, yes.
Anon@6:33PM, what were your college entrance scores?
Just curious. Because I am guessing that you are a white guy who resents black folks.
And, god forbid, one of those Negroes achieves something that your dumb ass could only dream about.
Just a guess. I might be wrong.
PlantationPilot said...
"Remember Ronald Reagan warning us about Medicare and how it was the first step to socialism?"
Um, don't the events of today bear him out?
Why don't you try thinking for a change?
field negro said...
Anon@6:33PM, what were your college entrance scores?
I could tell you my SAT and ACT scores, but you wouldn't believe me. But I'd bet my left nut they were higher than yours.
The point is that everyone knows the reason all eight Ivy League schools accepted this young man is because he is black.
He is probably a good kid and just maybe he is the smartest dude in the world, but it's much more likely that his desirability to these schools has something to do with their 'Diversity' fetish.
I hope he is the real thing, and does well, because it's the affirmative action no accounts like Barack Obama who do the most damage with their Ivy League diplomas.
Until there is no such things as affirmative action, preferential admissions, quotas, disparate impact remedies, and minority set-asides, ALL black achievement is suspect.
All the candy-coated handouts to unqualified black folk rob deserving blacks of the real admiration they deserve.
Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.
I tip my hat to you Kwasi Enin. Keep up the good work young man and always reach for higher goals beyond being a life long entertainer for Amerikkka's elites and oligarchs!
@Anon 7:46pm
We don't. Thanks for being wrong. Good night.
Kudos to the kid for getting accepted by all 8 schools.
I would buy the "diversity acceptance" argument if he got accepted by 3 or 4 at the same time, but I'm not buying it from all 8. All 8 elite schools would not have accepted the same guy if he already didn't meet their high bar for acceptance.
I'm disappointed that he even wants to go Ivy League. A LOT of smart people graduated from the coiffed halls, but a LOT of morons (like the Wall Street types that wrecked the economy) came out of there too.
Since White folks are whinging on Affirmative Action again, tell you what, Field? Let's give them a trade- we'll give up AA, if THEY give up 100% control over hiring or acceptance/entrance to US. While living overseas, I've heard of some interesting hiring practices that can certainly balance the scales a lot better than AA does.
"This young man did such a good job of applying himself and putting in work, that he was accepted to all eight Ivy League schools that he sent applications to."
Brother Field, Kwasi Enin did a great job by valuing education and desiring to make something of himself. This is not so unusual for Africans, which his name indicates.
However, for AAs, it's so unusual that I still have yet to hear of an AA who values education without his AA brothers and sisters calling him "White"...like you often call me.
The black community needs an overhaul in valuing education, resisting sex in order to prevent OOW children, healthy parenting that is non-existent among AA communities, ....the list goes on for AAs. It's no wonder that Africans from Africa don't want to be associated with AAs.
So your post is misleading and you need to clarify it. I live in the bay area and I can tell you there are "zero" AAs enrolled on the UC campus. A few are in Junior College but struggle there. Please clean up your post for accuracy.
I don't care about the healthcare stuff, but thanks for the sharing the story about that young scholar to be. Dude is top tier!
Anon9:40pm, thanks for the comment. My experience as an African American with Africans from Kenya, Egypt, Uganda and other countries in Africa, has been one of hurt disappointment with them. They are just as prejudiced against AAs, if not more, than Whites from the deep South...something for Granny to think about, seeing how she is AA. I feel sorry for her.
agentX said...
Let's give them a trade- we'll give up AA, if THEY give up 100% control over hiring or acceptance/entrance to US. While living overseas
OK, but we insist on ending all entitlement programs first before we can let the world in. In a world with 6 billion poor people, you can't have a welfare state and mass immigration at the same time, it will break the bank. Everyone who comes here has to be 100% on their own, and then we'll see how things sort out.
Although I warn you, open borders aren't working out real well for blacks as it is. But, hey, your call AgentX. Have your people contact my people and we'll get this deal done.
"but a LOT of morons (like the Wall Street types that wrecked the economy) came out of there too."
That's the old saying, "I met alot of dumb Ivy League grads but I've never met a poor one.
"Um, don't the events of today bear him out?"
Um, no.
"All the candy-coated handouts to unqualified black folk rob deserving blacks of the real admiration they deserve."
All the candy-coated handouts given to unqualified white males didn't seem to taint their image any. We'll be fine. Last I checked no one is out on my corner handing out Ivy League scholarships.
field, the numbers re:obamacare are bogus:
"Unfortunately for them, though, the numbers are changing."
Sure field. The numbers change when you don't mention the aca or obamacare by name. When you do, the number is about 26% in favor of the bill.
Latest AP poll...
While O is taking a victory lap, DEMOCRATS are running anti-obamacare ads and running from O like he has ebola.
As always, never let the facts keep you from spreading manure throughout the fields.
PlantationPilotX said...
All the candy-coated handouts given to unqualified white males didn't seem to taint their image any. We'll be fine. Last I checked no one is out on my corner handing out Ivy League scholarships.
That's because pimps don't hand out Ivy League scholarships, they slap hos.
And, earth to Pilot, affirmative action is for everybody except white males.
Apparently, they are so superior, they don't need it. At least that's what you, and every proponent of AA thinks.
And please, no images of your taint.
anon@10:58pm, take it easy on PilotX. Emotionally, he's weak, and can't take the truth.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Until there is no such things as affirmative action, preferential admissions, quotas, disparate impact remedies, and minority set-asides, ALL black achievement is suspect.
As is ALL white achievement ie Bush II.
It's called legacy.
Jealous of the white man much. Bush accomplished more is his life than you will ever in your sad pathetic life.
Get over yourself.Hoe bag.
My experience as an African American with Africans from Kenya, Egypt, Uganda and other countries in Africa, has been one of hurt disappointment with them.
I have NO problems with Africans, in fact I enjoy attending school with them even though they're competitive as hell, LOL!!! And I took it as a compliment when 2 Nigerian classmates told me recently that I have "African" habits, those being an emphasis on education, family, and culture which they said they find rare in Black Americans. And I couldn't disagree with them.
Of course, when they found out it was I that had the perfect 100% perfect average after the midterm in an Advanced Biomedical Informatics class we have together, they didn't have ANY choice but to bow down to the Queen!!!
And with ancestors from Ghana as well, my response to this post is, of course!
Anonymous said...
Get over yourself.Hoe bag.
Colostomy/douche bag!
Wow, this guy doesn't know about all the decades of white male affirmative action. Trust me kid, ask a blah opperson over the age of 50 about white male AA. I don't let it bother me though, I don't hold it against them because there are some qualified white males out there. Only thing is we didn't call it AA, it was called James Crow. I mean if it makes you fell better if you look at all blah folks as somehow underserving of success because you believe we all got handouts and are unqualified. Whatever helps you get through the day sparky.
So DQAE and Dr. Nuwang are the same poster?
So AA is like"James Crow"?
Should we repeal these "James Crow" laws or do you support "James Crow", Pilotx?
And there is a lot of misunderstanding of what AA is. In its purest form it isn't a quota or a handout to unqualified applicants, it's a program to recruit underrepresented groups. For example, if your company has a large number of white males and you want diversity you recruit at colleges that contain diversity. Now if the recruiters hire unqualified people that means the people doing the recruiting are unqualified. If the results are bad that's a problem with HR but we all know the real reason these guys hire unqualified blah folks. Most of the time a racist white male is in charge of creating diversity so what does he do? He hires an unqualified blah so he can say, see they're unqualified. If they hire a qualified blah it would challenge their racist beliefs and we all know that can't happen. And we all know this dirty little secret. And these fools now want the rest of us to give up so they won't call us AA hires? Sorry, not going to happen.
Do you support Jim Crow Kinky?
Do you agree that white males had a huge advantage for decades Kinky?
Anon 9:40-
to your point:
some of us have been paying attention for awhile now.
Black Americans would do well to wake up. all Black skin does not equal friend. our Black cousins are Real clear about who is who. it doesn't really matter 'cause from what i can see...wherever they come from, high achieving Blacks LOVE to give it all back to whites anyways.
PlantationPilotX said...
Wow, this guy doesn't know about all the decades of white male affirmative action.
That's because there never was white male affirmative action. What you are referring to is called reality.
"I live in the bay area and I can tell you there are "zero" AAs enrolled on the UC campus. A few are in Junior College but struggle there. Please clean up your post for accuracy."
Thanks to Ward "chicken shit house n*gga" Connerally's anti diversity position in the 90's, there haven't been many Blacks at ANY of the UC's in YEARS.
That's cool, schoolsl like Stanford and Harvard were/are happy to welcome them with open arms.
Kinky.Con said...
So AA is like"James Crow"?
Should we repeal these "James Crow" laws or do you support "James Crow", Pilotx?
'Civil Rights' was never about justice, just power. It is about who will rule who.
Today, in BRA, discrimination against blacks is forbidden, and discrimination against whites is mandated.
Jim Crow was evil, but Affirmative Action is good.
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.
"Thanks to Ward "chicken shit house n*gga" Connerally's anti diversity position in the 90's"
Anti-diversity = Objective standards.
If we have a problem with set-asides at these Ivy League schools , welcome to a situation that has an aura of unfairness. But, please ask your parents and grandparents how did they feel when a whole race of people were not allowed to attend these schools. I understand that your generation may not see the significant nor the impact of a race crushed at some many things in our society.
Let's be thankful that this young man is not out doing negative things that so many of my young Brothers are locked into. This young man's has brought a sense of comfort and pleasure to this surveyor of so many negative "daily news" blips. A big Black Panther fist salute to him.
Ps... I know all these so called "thugs" can be transformed -if they are in the right place- right time. Look at the number of African Americans that are carrying America's money maker (sports)on their shoulders. Reality by default. We must continue to encourage to do more than sports and music. I want to see some medical, scientist, business owners and teachers that carry the African American to their rightful place in this American experiment, And yes, we have the above in my family.
It was so refreshing to see a Black male without a microphone or a ball in his hands. Yes, yes we have a lot of Black males in the industry but as I travel around the Black male is absent in the other 99% of American life. I just used that percentage for my feelings of disgust.
One last thing- in order for O to get the 7 mill number- his administration had to keep moving the goal posts and fudging numbers.
We still don't know how many uninsured have bought policies.
Or how many bought new plans because they couldn't keep their old plans.
How many have paid? How many have just signed up? How many receive subsidies?
Funny O doesn't want to release those numbers...
@12:01, there has NEVER been objectivity in America. NEVER.
Ms.Nǚwáng said...
I have NO problems with Africans, in fact I enjoy attending school with them even though they're competitive as hell, LOL!!! And I took it as a compliment when 2 Nigerian classmates told me recently that I have "African" habits, those being an emphasis on education, family, and culture which they said they find rare in Black Americans. And I couldn't disagree with them.
Of course, when they found out it was I that had the perfect 100% perfect average after the midterm in an Advanced Biomedical Informatics class we have together, they didn't have ANY choice but to bow down to the Queen!!!
Well, that must have been awkward, It gives me the creeps just reading it. What are you, like 30 years older than them?
Did you get a gold star on your midterm? A smiley face? I hope so. You really need the affirmation.
Advance Biomedical Informatics sure is a fancy name, but it kind of sounds like it has something to do with filing patient records. I'm sure you'll be real good at it, as you already know the alphabet.
It's great you've found something to do. Hopefully you can get a job before reaching mandatory retirement age.
You will never be a doctor.
The Queen WILL be a doctor, YOU won't.
AA was created to nullify the effects of james crow. Read about its history because you seem to have false beliefs about what it was created to accomplish. Then again racist white like to use AA as an attack on all blah folks so I know there won't be any research done.
@ Dr. Nuwang,
Congratulations on your midterm. That's right, keep going. No matter what negative remarks these demons on here slang at you. Keep your head up and keep up the good work.
You're almost at the finish line.
I just dropped by for a minute, but I'm going get back in my bed.
We're experiencing cold weather and rain out this way. It's been raining cats and dogs here as that old saying goes. Hopefully, it won't rain this weekend and the weather will be a little bit warmer.
I have a baby shower to attend this weekend. After that, I hope to go do a little shopping around for another computer.
That's good news about Erin, that makes two this week. There are more and more to come.
Oops, I meant *Kwasi Enin*. I broke my reading glasses. I'm using my old pair.
"I live in the bay area and I can tell you there are "zero" AAs enrolled on the UC campus."
That's not true! There are many AAs enrolled on the UC campuses. Maybe, not at UC Berkeley, thanks to that Pete Wilson's paid flunky the oreo Ward Connolly who like Uncle Rucker Clarence Thomas got his and wants to burn down the bridge for others.
Well, I'm going to say goodnight. I'm going get back in my bed. It's a little too cold for me.
Anon@6:46, I hope u have some extra nuts lying around. If u think your scores were higher than mine your trailer is leaking some serious fumes. :)
BTW, do u know what the O Level and A Level exams are? If u do, we can start another discussion about scores.
I didn't do well at O level and A level field, I was a bit of a wild child in high school, a full on marxist revolutionary with 'Seize the Time', Wretched of the Earth and Chairman Mao's Little Red Book in my pockets instead of text books. I only got four 'O' levels.
It wasn't until I graduated high-school that the situation I was in finally dawned on me and I started studying hard at 6th form college. Consequently I didn't make university until I was 21 just as my mates were graduating.
Still, better late than never.
Does anybody remember 'text books'? I tried to explain to my kids the concept of lumping big heavy books of subject knowledge around with you everywhere you went, but they just didn't get it.
The paradigm of a world without the Internet is completely baffling to them.
Has anyone else noticed that those of us here doing things that are not only impressive to the general population, but are rare occupations for people in general, are the ONLY ones here maligned about our credentials on a regular basis??
By a racist piece of shit and a jealous n*gga wench that makes comments on this site ALL DAY LONG????
Oh the "successful Black folks" irony, ROTFL!!!!
Hey Granny, you take care of yourself and I'll keep praying for your health and strength!!!!
It wasn't until I graduated high-school that the situation I was in finally dawned on me and I started studying hard at 6th form college. Consequently I didn't make university until I was 21 just as my mates were graduating.
Still, better late than never.
No one knows this better than I do!!! And you'd be surprised at the number of people that live a life time wishing they had done one thing or another and never did, usually out of fear of the unknown!!
Or folks like Assnon, who are so inherently stupid they can do nothing else but take shots at strangers on the internet 24/7.
I guess all it wanted to be when it grew up was a COWARD and it's done a superb job, it's mother and father/uncle must be so proud!!
Granny, "That's not true! There are many AAs enrolled on the UC campuses. Maybe, not at UC Berkeley, thanks to that Pete Wilson's paid flunky the oreo Ward Connolly who like Uncle Rucker Clarence Thomas got his and wants to burn down the bridge for others."
2:49 AM
I am referring to Berkeley, which is the top campus of the UC campus. Anybody can go to some of the others.
But you have to have brains to go to Berkeley, which ranks as one of the top schools in the world.
Let's face it. The majority of AAs in the bay area are uneducated and can barely read. I would be surprised if they finished high school.
You know this. Everyone in the bay area know this. Don't play like you don't know and DON'T blame someone else as the reason Blacks don't go to CAL.
FN said...
the goal of seven million people signing up has been met.
49 million people uninsured and the goal was 7 million? Huh?
uninsured people increased to 49.9 million in 2010
I wonder when the Obama administration releases the number of signups that actually paid their first premium.
The Purple Cow said...
BTW, Hamburgers are made from pigs. You know what pigs are, right? Fat, pink, evil smelling?
This explains why you are a socialist.
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
AA was created to nullify the effects of james crow.
So we mandate universal, government enforced racism in order to fight any potential racism in the citizenry.
"But you have to have brains to go to Berkeley, which ranks as one of the top schools in the world."
Which explains perfectly why BOTH of my BLACK parents are graduates of CAL BERKELEY.
Oh my, I've dispelled yet another racist, ignorant myth, top schools are how we roll in my BLACK family andmany others as well.
Anonymous Bill said...
I wonder when the Obama administration releases the number of signups that actually paid their first premium.
Probably after the Rethugs release the numbers among them that paid their taxes.
And I took it as a compliment when 2 Nigerian classmates told me recently that I have "African" habits, those being an emphasis on education, family, and culture which they said they find rare in Black Americans. And I couldn't disagree with them.
Imagine the outrage if a white person had complimented a black person in this way.
Strange that Nigerians see American Blacks the same way America's rightwing does.
Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Anonymous Bill said...
I wonder when the Obama administration releases the number of signups that actually paid their first premium.
Probably after the Rethugs release the numbers among them that paid their taxes.
So you agree with me, NEVER.
Anonymous Bill said...
Imagine the outrage if a white person had complimented a black person in this way.
Why would a White person say something like this to a Black person in the first place?
BTW, I interpreted their comment to mean that despite how much Blacks have been oppressed in America by Whites, I've not only succeed in the face of racist oppression, but I have also maintained connection with the values of my African ancestors.
But then people of African descent have throughout history been the epitome of resilient!!
Blogger focusedpurpose said...
Anon 9:40-
to your point:
some of us have been paying attention for awhile now.
Black Americans would do well to wake up. all Black skin does not equal friend. our Black cousins are Real clear about who is who. it doesn't really matter 'cause from what i can see...wherever they come from, high achieving Blacks LOVE to give it all back to whites anyways.
11:48 PM
Dear FP, thank you for your comment and your post. It seems that you are one of the few, if not the only AA, who is awake in this matter.
I know from experience and observation in our country that AAs are considered 'below', at the bottom of the barrel, when it comes to POCs. Africans from the continent of Africa agree with white racists who stereotype us as uneducated poor shiftless human beings who are taking up space and air in America.
This 'another' group against us that miraculously, AAs seem to not notice...or is it DENY? There is something very wrong with us that we can remain so asleep that we don't even notice how our black brothers and sisters from Africa see us. Being an AA is a scary thing to me because it is like being part of a group who is waiting for extermination over a miserable time, while casting our eyes away from this truth.
Now, I have one question for you: Does the Bible talk about AAs specifically, or about ALL Blacks? And, if HE is talking about ALL Black skinned people as the chosen people, then why are we divided NOT ONLY in America, but on the planet?
PS. I keep hoping Still A Panther2 would speak to this truth, but even he remains in silent mode about this unbelievable cancer that is growing to destroy us. AAs need courage and the will to wake up.
Bill said...
So you agree with me, NEVER.
So you agree Rethugs don't pay taxes?
Ms.Nǚwáng said...
Has anyone else noticed that those of us here doing things that are not only impressive to the general population, but are rare occupations for people in general, are the ONLY ones here maligned about our credentials on a regular basis??
No, actually, it's only you who catches shit over your credentials on a regular basis, because only you claim credentials you do not have.
Hey Field... While you fight with the angry Trolls, and celebrate
O-Bombers supposed victory Lap to Single Payer....
The supreme Court has just decided to GUT all Aggregate Limits on Campaign Contributions....
Whats that mean to the Laymen political theorists here ??
Both parties will be completely beholden to the Highest Bidder...
Its time to ditch the two party system .... unfortunately Most people know who Kim K is , but have NO idea who Supreme Court Justice Scalia is....
Carry on...
Ohh Before I forget...
Good Post about the Kid getting accepted into all those schools...
Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Bill said...
So you agree with me, NEVER.
So you agree Rethugs don't pay taxes?
Of course there are some right-wingers that don't pay their taxes for a number of reasons. Cheating, legal tax breaks written by rich politicians, ignorance, too poor, too lazy, etc.
To think otherwise would be batshit crazy.
And you agree the above paragraph also applies to dems?
"Both parties will be completely beholden to the Highest Bidder..."
Both parties ARE completely beholden to the highest bidder, it's called democracy.
The Constitutional Republic is dead, and now we are in the looting phase.
@ BiB:
Personally, I agree with the notion that campaign contributions are speech and speech can't be regulated so I like this decision. I'd like it even more if I were a campaign consultant because a lot of money is going to be flowing into campaigns across the country.
"We(African Americans) engage in self-oppression when we refuse to look out for our own interests. This is a large part of why African-Americans continue to suffer as a group. Our self-defeating behavior is part of the reason why other ethnic groups, including foreign Blacks, have been able to advance while we fall further behind. The only thing that remains constant is our position at the bottom of almost every measurable social index.
The core problem is our general refusal to properly understand our unique history, our unique struggle, and our unique situation within this country. Many African-Americans refuse to understand that other so-called people of color (including many of our foreign Black cousins) are actually RIVALS for many of the resources and opportunities that our people's struggle created. We want to believe that we are in "coalitions" with other people."
---Muslim Bushido
Many thanks to FP for the link!
In 'some' ways, I fear it's too late for AAs to stop that oppressive train which is well on its way, gaining momentum.
Other Blacks from the continent of Africa and islands are hungry for advancement and are supplanting us by 'using' our unique history to help themselves move ahead at our expense. The pathetic thing about this silent movement is that AAs are helping them to put the last nail in our coffin. It's as if we are comfortable being always last and irrelevant. It's scary, because no one is talking about it, including AAs.
Whites welcome this change because once AAs are gone, it relegates the vile history of slavery in America to irrelevancy.
Anonymous Bill said...
And you agree the above paragraph also applies to dems?
"Blacks at Ivy League schools are over three times more likely to be immigrants than blacks in America's general population, a study published in February's American Journal of Education and coauthored by Princeton researchers suggests. Within the United States, first and second-generation black immigrants make up 13 percent of the total black population. In contrast, data from the National Longitudinal Study of Freshmen found that international black students---either first or second-generation---made up 23 percent of blacks attending public universities and 41 percent of those attending Ivy League schools." (emphasis added)
"This is just the beginning stage of this trend line. I could compare it to the point in the 1960s when the Moynihan Report came out warning about the rise of single-parent Black families. We ignore this situation at our own peril. Many of us depend on set-aside programs to either pay for, or to get into, much of higher education. If these resources created by our civil rights martyrs continue to be systematically diverted to other people, then we're in a lot of trouble as a group. Any future depends upon access to higher education.
What will we do when the percentage of immigrant-origin Blacks among Black college students reaches 51%? Or 75%? Or 90%?"
"Other Blacks from the continent of Africa and islands are hungry for advancement and are supplanting us by 'using' our unique history to help themselves move ahead at our expense."
Allow me to put a few things out there as it relates to this American Blacks versus African Blacks.
1) I don't think ANY African Black should benefit from affirmative action because they are NOT the descendants of slaves.
2) OTOH, Am.Blacks can't blame Blacks from other nations for taking advantage of opportunities, opportunities that many Am. Blacks grew up with yet passed on them and made irresponsible choices. So don’t hate the player, hate the game!
BTW, the ONLY Am. Blacks crying for "help" are the ones too damn triflin' to compete.
Step up YOUR game and you won't have a problem!
"What will we do when the percentage of immigrant-origin Blacks among Black college students reaches 51%? Or 75%? Or 90%?""
Where was your feigned "outrage" when Asians started taking over all the top spots at the county's best universities and began to become overrepresented in technical/medical fields relative to their numbers in the geeneral population?
It's ridiculously LAME to NOW have issues with who's got access to higher education because the people taking over look like you.
Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Allow me to put a few things out there as it relates to this American Blacks versus African Blacks.
Do you believe a racist treats African Blacks different than American Blacks?
Comment by anon at 11:49AM was a quote from an article from Muslim Bushido:
some of us have been paying attention for awhile now.
Black Americans would do well to wake up. all Black skin does not equal friend. our Black cousins are Real clear about who is who. it doesn't really matter 'cause from what i can see...wherever they come from, high achieving Blacks LOVE to give it all back to whites anyways."
But hasn't the FN said he's from Jamaica? If the FN wasn't born there, aren't his parents natives of Jamaica?
Dear Bill, I would be interested in YOUR opinion of this article, re: native AAs and African immigrants:
Bill asked, "Do you believe a racist treats African Blacks different than American Blacks?"
12:33 PM
No, they won't. However, African Blacks DO treat American Blacks differently, yet use AAs Civil Rights to advance themselves in American schools of higher learning:
"What will we do when the percentage of immigrant-origin Blacks among Black college students reaches 51%? Or 75%? Or 90%?
It looks like we'll do something similar to what we do in terms of Latino immigration. We stand and watch while legal and illegal Latino immigrants work at construction jobs in Black residential areas. Soon, we'll be watching our foreign Black cousins and their children go off to college while we remain behind in our slums.
Here's another money quote from the story,"What to do with the conclusions of the study depends on admission officers' definition of affirmative action, Massey said. 'If the purpose of affirmative action is to redress past wrongs and redress former slaves and people victimized by a century of Jim Crow, then you want to favor native blacks perhaps,' he said. 'If the purpose is to reflect the diversity of American society, then you want to favor immigrant blacks.'"
This ties into why I have extremely ambivalent feelings about Black immigrants who are pushy about claiming the label "African-American" for themselves. Other people re-defining our category to suit their needs helps to obscure situations like the one described in the article. After all, how does one measure or track this situation if immigrant-origin Blacks are claiming to be "African-Americans"? I also start to wonder if some of them are so quick to claim this label when there's nothing to be gained from calling oneself "African-American." Do they call themselves "African-American" just to reap the benefits of our struggle? Or do they do this out of a real sense of solidarity with us?"
---------Muslim Bushido
Anonymous Bill said...
Do you believe a racist treats African Blacks different than American Blacks?
Yes I think some do, emphasis on the word SOME.
Just like some Slave owners treated light skinned Blacks different from darker skinned Blacks.
Am. Blacks are simply the modern day "Blackies" and African Blacks are "lighskineded".
Dr.Nǚwáng said...
1) I don't think ANY African Black should benefit from affirmative action because they are NOT the descendants of slaves.
I agree, but the fact is affirmative action has been extended from the descendants of slaves to everyone who is isn't a white male.
Indians (from India), who are one of the most successful minority groups, qualify for affirmative action.
Chinese, also one of the most successful minority groups, qualify for affirmative action.
Hispanics, who break the law by sneaking in illegally, immediately qualify for affirmative action, as well as welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare.
White women, who are the largest single gender/racial group in the country, qualify for affirmative action.
Blacks who come here from Africa are typically in the top 1%, both intellectually and financially, of their home countries. Yet the day they step off the plane, they are qualified for the same preferences as any American born descendant of slaves.
BTW, Barack Obama's daughters, members of the 0.1 %, attendees of the most exclusive private schools in America, will also qualify for race-based preferences when they apply to Harvard. (Not that they'll need them, as legacy applicants with an ex-President as their father.)
This is the problem with race-based preferences that do not consider justification based on individual circumstances.
In fact, this is why "social justice" is an invalid concept. Justice applies only to individuals. When you try to apply the concept to groups, it necessarily means injustice for some individuals.
Am. Blacks would do well to have their own businesses. It's the ONLY way to ensure financial security and success.
I've got mine (though I don't have much time to build it now), my kid is building hers at the ripe ol' age of 17, and Field has his.
MANY Blacks in America ARE paying attention to trends, including studying in STEM fields and building/owning businesses.
This ain't an Africans/Caribbeans are stealing opportunities from Am Blacks kinda thing. Am. Blacks, especially the so called educated ones, need to get off their asses, stop depending in Gov't jobs like the FDA and USPS which are being taken over by Asians and Latinos anyway, and start MAKING some things happen!
Furthermore, pontificating about the plight of Am. Blacks is just USELESS!!! If you're so concerned, develop a program or two to educate Blacks about opportunities. Because here, you're preaching to the choir, rather hypocritically I might add because you appear to be the epitome of what you seem to despise in Am. Blacks!
"........will also qualify for race-based preferences when they apply to Harvard. (Not that they'll need them, as legacy applicants with an ex-President as their father......
Do you understand the words that you're typing? Race is just ONE metric on an application for a job, school, ect. ect.
Where's your "outraged" against a metric for the disabled? Or Veterans?
Dr.Nǚwáng said...
"Where's your "outraged" against a metric for the disabled? Or Veterans?"
If your point is that all group preferences are inherently unfair, then at one level you are correct.
I honestly don't have much outrage helping the disabled or those that have served our country.
The goal should be to keep all doors open for everyone, that the only barriers be the requirements of the position. Some people deserve a leg up; most of the people who benefit from racial and gender preferences do not.
Please note that Dr Nuwang is a sell-out and an uncle tom. That's what happens to some Blacks when they taste success. They turn their noses up and against their own kind...very much like Whites do.
All these years she has been talking about the inequalities against Blacks. Now she stands against them with her white counterparts and African immigrants.
Of course, your good loyal friend, Granny will defend anything you say, whether it is against Am Blacks or not. This is the curse of slavery, and Jim Crow. It never ends. It drives emotions and thinking.
Fyi, You will never be white; and you will never be a doctor.
What's the point of talking to the same person with IDs of:DQAE, Dr Queen, Dr Nuwang, Flying in my Forties, and God knows what else. This person is psychotic and does not know who she is.
Furthermore, she lives in fantasy of being a medical student doctor when in fact she is not.
It makes no sense to have a conversation with a person of this sort. She has no integrity and is very sick. One day she is defending Blacks and the next day she is against them.
Talking to DQAE is like talking to a crazy homeless person.
I see the resident n*gga wench has decided to fly in on her raggedy ass broom and annoy us all with her presence.
Shoo fly, don't you have a pile of shit to land on?
And, earth to Pilot, affirmative action is for everybody except white males.
Apparently, they are so superior, they don't need it. At least that's what you, and every proponent of AA thinks.
The worst racists are liberals, mostly white ones, who assume that blacks and hispanics are so inferior that only affirmative action in perpetuity would give them a remotely fair chance. (That this also keeps a lot of liberal white social workers and bureaucrats employed is, of course, merely incidental.)
The system of education that white liberals have inflicted on inner city blacks is a crime against humanity. No amount of money that they toss at it helps to overcome the elimination of discipline liberalism has caused. It’s neither racist to note this…nor wrong.
Also, the various college and university minority “studies” programs, because they give a useless pseudo-education, and at very high cost in both money and time, are racist in their effects.
Field, I read your blog almost daily and mostly leave either (a) having learned something, or (b) with somethng to ponder, or (c) both. Today is my first post. I concur with the shout-out to this extraordinary young man, but you'd be doing him more of a service by referring to him as "accomplished" rather than "smart". People who use "smart" for high-performing students, or "talented" for musicians/athletes, etc., negate the years of discipline and hard work that necessarily go into acheiving anything at a high level. "Accomplished" honors the effort.
Many thanks to FocusedPurpose for the link to Muslim Mushibo.
It was an excellent article, thought out very deeply about the condition of African Americans; and how their history from slavery to Jim Crow to present IS unique and needs to acknowledged by AAs themselves. Unfortunately, most AAs have no clue.
It appears that African immigrants are taking advantage of the civil rights laws that Black Americans marched and died for.
Even worse, these immigrants look down on us. My question is "why"?
Anon@4:49, point taken.
"Even worse, these immigrants look down on us. My question is "why"?"
Let's start with the (at least) 75% out-of-wedlock birthrate among black Americans (descended from black American slaves). In other words, the whole baby daddy/baby mama culture American blacks currently have going on is embarrassing to black Africans and/or their children.
Let's continue with the South Side of Chicago and continue with most of present day Detroit.
Rappers and their obsessive use of the n word and calling black women "bitches and hos" as if that's their name. Get the picture? Do I have to go on?
anon8:09pm, thanks. You make it clear as a bell. Your comment makes it so obvious.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
anon8:09pm, thanks. You make it clear as a bell. Your comment makes it so obvious.
It should since you're talking to your damn self.
@Dr. Nuwang
No, Anon 9:24 pm was talking to me. And thank u anon 9:24.
The good "doctor" is delusional. If she/he/it can't see the writing on the wall for black Americans, I don't know what to tell you. A 75% OOW birthrate is downright perverse when u really think about it.
Btw, did anybody else read about the black woman in Texas who stabbed her 4 year old son multiple times killing him? Her mug shot was scary. Go to the Newsone website. It happened several weeks ago.
Yesterday was the deadline to sign up for Obamacare, and from the looks of things the goal of seven million people signing up has been met."
Why should ANYONE believe the numbers coming from those people who lied over and over and over and over.....remember "If you like you doctor you can keep your doctor"???
FN..you haven't forgotten..have you?
Accomplished indeed. President Obama's push for the ACA in the early part of his presidency will insure a great legacy; best since LBJ. Let's get out the vote in November, people.
"the best since LBJ"
Ed is a real comedian.
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