"That Denzel sure has a sexy walk." Or, "Love me some Idris Elba, but that walk isn't cutting it." And on it goes.
I think you all know where I am going with this post. If you guessed the latest comments about the president from republican 2016 presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, go to the head of the class.

Mrs. Field thinks that president Obama has a sexy walk. And before you say she is partisan and cannot be objective in how she views sexy, for the record, she thought that W had a sexy walk as well. "I know you don't like him, but you have to give it to President Bush; I love that cocky confident walk of his."
President Obama has a way of running up and down the steps of those presidential flying machines. You have to believe that if he ever fell it would be breaking news on FOX and they would show nothing but that fall 24/7on their Obama obsessed network.
Maybe that's what has Donald Trump so pissed off. He is waiting for that Gerald Ford moment and it won't come.
Now I know that a lot of you Negroes are going to cry racism. You think that this is yet another white man trying to stereotype a black man and make him in his image of the pimp caricature.
But you Negroes need to embrace it. Ignore Donald Trump.--- The man has something living on his head for crying out loud!--- When Donald Trump makes ridiculous statements like this, it only diminishes his brand and the political brand he represents. Just like the birth certificate fiasco, it shines a light on just how petty and totally out to left field these people are.
"The way President Obama runs down the stairs of Air Force 1, hopping & bobbing all the way, is so inelegant and unpresidential. Do not fall!"
"Of course it's unpresidential". At least when we compare it to the other presidents we have had. But give us a chance, we never had a brother (albeit a half one) in this position before.
Hopefully, a walk like this will soon become the norm. I know that Mrs. Field will like it.
It seems like Trump knows how to pull strings and make liberals jump.
If democrats don't consider Trump someone important, why do they keep talking about him?
Isn't there anything else for Field to write about?
Something positive about some kid getting good grades or doing something to help others?
Is it that good hair thang that drives the fields crazy?
"republican 2016 presidential hopeful'
See what field there. Lump the Donald in with Republicans. Smear two birds with one sentence.
Trump’s donation history shows Democratic favoritism
The real estate mogul and “Celebrity Apprentice” host has made more than $1.3 million in donations over the years to candidates nationwide, with 54 percent of the money going to Democrats, according to a Washington Post analysis of state and federal disclosure records.
Brother Field, I hate to say it, but I agree with Trump. He has said what I have been thinking all along whenever I see the O man go up and down those steps.
There is NOTHING sexy about his walk. What gets me is the sisters never ever mentioned about 'anybody's' walk until Obama showed up with his ghetto walk. That proves bw, no matter what their financial class is, loves the ghetto man. It's a damn shame.
My God, don't bw have anything better to do? Like take some action to move themselves forward? Guess not.
Blogger Kinky.Con said...
"Is it that good hair thang that drives the fields crazy?"
Damn you, Kinky! Must you always go for the jugular?
Bill, I actually consider Trump to be" someone important".I said as much in my post.
Pay attention.
The man is leading the republican field of presidential candidates for crying out loud.
Which polls is he leading?
Why is Trump spending time watching and critiquing how another man walks?
Field, "The man is leading the republican field of presidential candidates for crying out loud."
9:12 PM
Brotha Field, this is too much to believe. You have stretched the lie too far beyond believability this time.
What made you suddenly consider Trump to be so important? Did he give you a discount rate on a room in Atlantic City?
I don't think this one is racism, particularly.
I think it's just Obama Derangement Syndrome: Republicans hate Obama so much they get vexed about literally anything he might conceivably do. They could find fault with the way the man breathes.
"Hopefully, a walk like this will soon become the norm. I know that Mrs. Field will like it."
Oh pleeeze. What would President Hillary look like hustling up and down the stairs?
BREAKING NEWS! In the Trump journal of American News, it was reported that Donald Trump has a sexy walk.
Field, "But give us a chance, we never had a brother (albeit a half one) in this position before."
Who is "we"?
I'm sure Mr. White Privilege who lost his daddy's money more then once hated The President's walk when he came out to announce that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. The was a straight Parliament/Funkadelic 'Gaming on Ya' strut. Wingnuts and Clarence Thomas didn't get the swag at all but we did.
An interesting story about a ww girl who hid a loaded gun in one of the cavities of her body while trying to smuggle it into jail.
Whites are so creative. Kinky, can you explain this?
field negro said...
Bill, I actually consider Trump to be" someone important".I said as much in my post.
Pay attention.
The man is leading the republican field of presidential candidates for crying out loud.
9:12PM, 04/23/2014
The time/date FN jumped the shark.
It's interesting how differently we see things. Just flew a trip with a brotha and it was refreshing to be on the same wavelength. Didn't get the ABC, all blah crew, but it was still cool.
On the topic at hand I've been told I have "a walk". Not sure if that's a goood or bad thing but I guess it's better than not have a walk.
An interesting article in the WSJ:
"If Bill Clinton was the first black president despite appearances, then perhaps Bill O'Reilly ought to be considered the first black prime time cable news host.
Time and again, Mr. O'Reilly has used his platform at Fox News to speak honestly about the problems facing the black underclass. While most television commentators prefer to focus on what others should do to help blacks, Mr. O'Reilly maintains—with logic and history on his side—that blacks must first help themselves.
For a recent segment on the Easter weekend shootings in Chicago, which left nine dead and 36 wounded, Mr. O'Reilly played a clip of the city's police chief calling for more gun control laws. The host then pointed out that Chicago already has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation and that plenty of jurisdictions with fewer such restrictions experience much less gun violence.
Mr. O'Reilly's guest for the segment was Corey Brooks, a black pastor and community leader in the Second City. Mr. O'Reilly said that, "according to the police, the killings are predominantly young black males involved in drug gangs. This has been going on for years now. It's embarrassing. It shouldn't be happening in America."
The pastor's response mentioned in passing "dysfunctional break-ups of the family," but his larger point was to insist that what plagues the black poor is largely beyond their control. "You're dealing with young black men who are hopeless. You're dealing with a situation where the educational system is awry. You're dealing with a situation where you have an influx of drugs and hopelessness." Mr. Brooks called for a "better educational system," more "resources" and "more utilization of summer programs and things that these young people can do to enhance their lives."
The pastor is right that we need better schools in our inner-cities, but as Mr. O'Reilly has been saying for years, better schools won't help people who don't value education to begin with. Nor will more jobs help people who lack a work ethic. And so long as having a black man in the White House trumps having one in the home, the situation is unlikely to change. Ghetto residents do not need more people making excuses for black pathology, which is mostly what they get from cable commentators, especially the black ones. What blacks need is an honest conversation about black culture. Mr. O'Reilly is providing a public service by conducting one."
This article originally appeared on The Wall Street Journal
Shady_Grady said...
Why is Trump spending time watching and critiquing how another man walks?
Because he is a media attention whore.
Lucky for trump, some people consider him important and give him the attention he desires.
@Shady, what do you expect from a man that wears a rug in his head?
@ Pilot, I'm guessing that "walk" you have is similar to the one I observed on the only other Black Pilot I've known. But then I've observed it a LOT with successful Black men.
Now that I think about it, I think a man has to have a certain stature to pull it off, standing at least 6 feet tall. ( Kanye Shrug)
Hotdog! If you want to know about black people, just ask a white man who has white supremacist views. Smh!
Say it ain’t so. Not the white guy who thought that Blacks didn’t use silverware to eat with or as Bill said out his own mouth:
“There wasn’t one person in Sylvia’s who was screaming, ‘M-Fer, I want more iced tea,”
“You know, I mean, everybody was — it was like going into an Italian restaurant in an all-white suburb in the sense of people were sitting there, and they were ordering and having fun. And there wasn’t any kind of craziness at all.”
Not the white guy who implied that all Blacks are uncivilized and that lives in seclusion far away from Blacks, and who has never lived in a Black neighborhood, nor does he hang out regularly in Black neighborhoods or walked a day in Blacks’ shoes.
O’Reilly mocked those who said the criminal justice system is unfair because of the disproportionate incarceration of black men for” selling drugs.” O'Reilly helps maintain and proliferate these false perceptions and stereotypes.
Yet, we have many Blacks being released for crimes they didn’t do after they’ve spent most of their lives in jail. I read about a woman 74 years old being released last week who spent 30 years in prison for a murder she did not commit. Smh! It makes me want to volunteer and help those lawyers in any way I can to free more innocent people.
Not the white man on Fox We Make It Up News who keeps lying to his viewers about being raised in middle class family. However, the real deal is that his father William O’Reilly sent him to Chaminade High School and Marist College, which were private schools and Harvard University and left him a multimillion stock portfolio when he died in 1986. That's Bill idea of middle class. Anyone below that income are considered peasants in his book I guess.
An another white guy who wears a ridiculous looking hair implant that I swear is out of the 40’s and resembles those hair processed/conk styles that pimps used to wear only theirs looked better has the audacity to make a comment on the way a black man walks. Trump is so irrelevant and insecure and he seeks attention from the President to become relevant, but the President continues to ignore him as he should.
Trump needs to stick to figuring out how he mismanages his finances so much and finding a better hairstylist. I mean it’s not like he lacks the money to hire a better hairstylist or rather hair implanter. Because his hairstyle is not elegant or sexy. It looks like someone glued a mop on his head.
Shame on you for choosing this NON story as your next post Field...
As entertaining as Trump , and Chris Crispy have become you chose the easy fish in a barrel....
He does provide for some comedic reprieve on Twitter, however so I can let this one slide.
I wonder is that thing on his head surgically glued on??
Never mind...LOL Trump gave me a laugh for the day heres a link
to something I found amusing earlier...
"Damn you, Kinky! Must you always go for the jugular?"
Give it a rest kinky, your sock-puppeting is convincing body.
I actually don't think Trump wears a hairpiece. I suspect it is his real hair, but he wears it in a very weird style designed to camouflage his baldness.
Some guys used to do the "comb-over" with the long hair on the sides, but I think Trump's is more of a "comb-forward."
Whatever. Put it together with his penchant for applying fake-tan cream that turns him orange, and he's one strange-looking dude.
So Pilot, best my London mates came up with is this gig, which is supposed to be THE Reggae gig of this weekend.
It's for a slightly older 'Gray Rasta' crowd apparently.
Then this listing is for a slightly younger crowd...
If neither of those appeal here is a Rasta website with the best reggae listings page...
(Warning: website graphics will do your brain in.)
Then there's The University of Dub, of course.
(I might buy one of their T-Shirts)
Finally, here's some cool heavy Dub* for you to listen to from my man Tikiman.
*Arguably, Dub-Techno.
Man if that's his real hair he might want to consider the look that I go for:no hair at all. :)
Yes Bill, Mr. trump is a very important figure in the repub party. As a loyal republican u should know that.
So Pilot, the key to talking to white people in London is in using rhyming slang. You can use these classic rhymes here, but if you just use any word that sounds like what you want to say, that will be fine. They will just think it’s a new slang word they haven’t heard yet.
Here’s a paragraph in Londonese, followed by an English translation.
I went down the apples and pears to answer the dog and bone. Turns out it was my strife calling from the rub-a-dub up the frog and toad, asking to borrow some bread and honey. She needed more dosh because she had met one of her old septic chinas and they had decided to go on for a ruby, but she was boracic.
I went down the stairs to answer the phone. Turns out it was my wife (trouble & strife = wife) calling from the pub up the road wanting to borrow some money. She needed cash because she had met one of her old American (septic tank = yank)friends (China Plate = mate) and they agreed to go on to an Indian restaurant for a nice meal, (Ruby Murray =curry). Sadly however, she was out of cash (boracic lint = skint).
Thanks for the links. That wiil come in handy after a day of touristy non-sense. Damn, looks like Imma need a translator like when I hang with Yawdies.
So, uh, off topic, but since you're on the racism-chasing beat here on this blog ... everyone's favorite "welfare rancher" down in Nevada just made some charming statements to the press. Given all of his other charming, "patriotic" political ideas, it should come as no shock to anyone that he's got some interesting opinions about race relations, too.
Today's words of wisdom from Cliven Bundy:
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.
“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
Field, how are going to post about Cliven Bundy's racist comments while ignoring all the racist comments said about Clarence Thomas?
Truth is: Barack Obama has more class and poise than Donald Trump could ever dream of. Trump is just another wealthy, big-mouth grifter.
I agree that the President has a very cool walk--most tall, slender brothers do, I've noticed. They have a way of moving their bodies that is unduplicated by any other men on the planet. There are no other men who can put so much poetry and sex appeal into something as simple as a walk.
I can't say I have seen many white men in my time whose walks caught my eye, and The Donald is definitely NOT one of them. The only celebrity that comes to mind is Zak Bagans, the paranormal investigator, but his walk and his extraordinary good looks aren't the only things that make him exceptional.
Hotep Fiweld
making it plain ia back
Field i am in Baltimore to meet with a freedom fighter and former POW recently released after decades and just stopped by and saw your article about Trump
My fam liked it so i decided to add my spin Please forgive me and bear with me i only added a few lines but posted your orig on my page
Here Goes
My orig article:
Its well past time for Afrikans other CHILDREN" to rise above thees labels and remember our story. The way O has been treated is universal for all people with a tone? RIZE people we have work to do.
Now, I am not happy with O or what he has accomplished because
1 He was not voted in he was selected
2 O never had to suffer and worry about anything and he was/is unprepared
3 O cannot guilt trip, come to Chi and become a comm activist and Senator without paying the penalty
Having said that O has never known who he was, and as a matter of fact he even looked uncomfy at Elmina? duh! Hello!
So tonight i am going to add a comment from a friend and do it MY WAY
My colleagues orig story
My side my rendition:
Mrs. Garcia (Me) has some "must haves" that every man should have in his repertoire to be considered sexy. One of them is his walk. It never fails; I always notice the walk.
"That Denzel sure has a sexy walk." Or, "Love me some Idris Elba, but that walk isn't cutting it." And on it goes.
I think you ladies know where I am going with this post. If you guessed the latest comments about the president from republican 2016 presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, go to the head of the class.
Now I know that a lot of you Negroes are going to cry racism. You think that this is yet another white man trying to stereotype a black man and make him in his image of the pimp caricature.
But you Afrikans need to embrace it. Ignore Donald Trump.--- AND ignore orielly, hannity and all of the rest "IT DOES NOT MATTER"
Trump, has something living on his head for crying out loud!--- When Donald Trump makes ridiculous statements like this, it only diminishes his brand and the political brand he represents. Just like the birth certificate fiasco, it shines a light on just how petty and totally out to left field these people are...
Trump is the son of slave masters!
"The way President Obama runs down the stairs of Air Force 1, hopping & bobbing all the way, is so inelegant and unpresidential. Do not fall!"
"Of course it's unpresidential". At least when we compare it to the other presidents we have had. But give us a chance, we never had a brother (albeit a half one) in this position before.
Hopefully, a walk like this will soon become the norm. I know that I will like it. LOL!
Now RIZE our mighty people! And bring back the bop in the beboppin! Thanks field
I love Barry's walk. It is very masculine and exudes virility. The bully campaign to emasculate this president is ridiculous. Hating ass haters with their low T counts need to be mindful of their glass houses.
President Obama, if we didn't KNOW the country before you came into office, we damn sure KNOW it now and what a country it is. You're all that and a bag of chips to me. They're just mad that you have bounce to your step and don't need a stretcher to get where you're going like the others. You're alive to the max. and sharp as a tack. Thank God.
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