Every player who straps on the red white and blue uniform of the Los Angeles Clippers should consider Ali's courageous stance, and they should dig deep in their souls to try and understand their current place in America's history.

Their gesture last night while a good start did not go far enough. They should have boycotted the game altogether and refused to play for Sterling's team until the NBA takes a strong and definitive stance against him.
Anyway, the market will ultimately dictate what will happen to Donald Sterling, and apparently the backlash has already started. It should be interesting to see where this ultimately ends. We all know that America has ADHD when it comes to our current events. I suspect that in a few months Donald Sterling will be a footnote in what has been a sad couple of weeks for racial tolerance in America.
Speaking of racial tolerance, there is not a lot of it in certain parts of Europe.
The thing about an American racist is that he knows how to behave in public. (Not the Internet) Americans tend to be polite with their racism. Doing racist things in public is considered crass and boorish. This has not quite caught on yet in Europe. People still do racist and ignorant things, publicly.
This latest incident at a soccer match in Spain involved Barcelona star, Dani Alves, and his reaction was classic. It's probably not how I would have reacted, but I respect the man's poise.
Take a look here.
The good news: Barcelona went on to beat Villarreal 3-2.
The Reich Wing has been trying to pin Sterling as a Democrat. BUT, the truth comes out and...he IS a registered Republican!
Never trust your conservative posters, Field. All they do is lie.
Tim Cavanaugh was saying, fear not Republicans, this time you're off the hook in the racist department. Unfortunately that happens to not be true. Michael Hiltzik tweeted that he is a registered republican.
Mother Jones did followed up with more: Donald Sterling Is a Registered Republican
Well, according to multiple conservative media outlets, yes, it does matter. On Sunday,National Review ran a blog post originally titled, "Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat." The post breathlessly noted a handful of contributions he made in the early 1990s to Democratic politicians, including California politician Gray Davis and Sen. Bill Bradley, who had played in the NBA. (Sterling has owned his NBA team since the early 1980s.) The headline has since been changed to "Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Has Only Contributed to Democrats," with an update reading, "his official party affiliation is not known." Still, the Donald-Sterling-Is-a-Democrat meme already took hold within right-wing media
Men watch Fox News to look at Megyn Kelly's legs, not to listen to her views.
Interesting dynamic about being polite in public. There are some posters here who claim to use the n word to in the faces of blah folks. I personally don't believe her but that's her story.
They need to find a racist Dem so badly it hurts. Better luck next time.
"This latest incident at a soccer match in Spain involved Barcelona star, Dani Alves, and his reaction was classic. It's probably not how I would have reacted, but I respect the man's poise."
Field, this response was great. The next time a white person rolls a watermelon at me, I'm going to cut it open and eat it. Then thank them.
Well Good Brotha Field,
You know we cannot get a Tommie Smith, John Carlos moment. We cannot even get a moment when Jim Brown met with all the top black athletes of his day to support Mohammed Ali. Between the athletes and the other fools on TV telling them to play, the black athlete will not stand up.
Hell, they do not even know their own power. If ALL of the playoff black athletes said, we would will not play ONE playoff game more if Sterling is not dealt with in 24hours, the TV moguls would call Mr. Silver real quick. But no. All they could do is wear black!!
Plus note to Field and other brothas, notice how NO ONE will ask Mr. Silver to denounce the words of Sterling! No will question David Stern to comment on Sterling!!..Not going to happen!!
the Anonymous quote above at 9:01 was from B1Bomber!
'They need to find a racist Dem so badly it hurts."
Hurt no more. PX will be our huckleberry.
Field, "Their gesture last night while a good start did not go far enough. They should have boycotted the game altogether and refused to play for Sterling's team until the NBA takes a strong and definitive stance against him."
Field, it's easy for you to say. After decades of deterioration, murders, police brutality, uncle toms, Blacks hating Blacks, etc...Now you expect the players to boycott the games during the playoffs?
Forget it. That will NEVER happen when it involves primarily Blacks. The reason? We are too selfish and most of all, too fearful. It's that simple.
As AAs we KNOW we are a fearful race. But could we not be? From slavery to Jim Crow alone proves how scared we are.
I am just glad they had the weak nerve to show any kind of protest. However, don't expect them to be unselfish and put their jobs on the line for dignity of race...that won't happen. We don't have that kind of pride, mentality or heart. Hell, we still haven't gotten over slavery yet.
I bet Donald Sterling keeps the team and get fined with a warning. But that's about it.
Remember: Blacks are not taken too seriously and looked upon as by most Whites as Donald Sterling said on the tape. Besides, he has not said anything that is in not in the minds and hearts of most, if not all, Whites. The fact that an all-White jury will convict a bm or free a wm for killing a bm, is the reality in America.
Muhammad Ali couldn't even spell his name, let alone make a decision to be a draft dodger on his own. He did what he was told to by his owners.
None of these N-B-Aers is going to do a Goddamned thing until someone tells them to.
An old rancher being terrorized by government thugs clumsily expresses sympathy for the plight of negroes:
Racist! Burn him!
An old billionaire asks his whore not to rub it in his face she is fucking athletes by posting their pictures on Instagram:
Racist! Burn him!
The country's economy is in shambles. Millions are out of work. Our healthcare system is being dismantled before our eyes. Our foreign policy is collapsing in a series of disasters. Our schools are a cesspool of failure and deviancy. Our military is turning into a homosexual pillow party. Our phones are being tapped and our houses are being watched. Our Constitution is being shredded before our eyes.
And all Field Negro can do is post phony racism outrage stories the slave masters create to distract a frightened and delusional populace.
There is no one more in the House than you. No one.
Forget.... Protestng...
Thats only get gonna SOCIAL Justice.. Intangible ..and meaningless..
Theres no way you can tell me a few of these big money holders cant pony up to buy a damm NBA team, and leverage it with Black Star Players..
None of this Minority Ownership...
Waiting on the NBA, and waxing practically about the 60's aint where its at..
I took this as confirmation that Black people need their own industries.. Thats the prevailing thought that comes to mind.
Black folks gotta stop thinking about Who dont Like Us , and Why... instead of creating for ourselves....
So instead of aspiring to play for the NBA we have to shift that focus to owning a NBA team...
Thats the context... Im speaking of...
No more protesting or ACTS of protest....
I wish that white America would get as exercised about ongoing institutional racism and black America's open bloody wounds as we do when some old white bigot pisses in his own soup.
All white America does is cater to the whims of black people. This has to end.
"I took this as confirmation that Black people need their own industries."
Great idea! There's basketball, football, hip-hop, and um, uh, I guess that's about it.
Good thing we got Food Stamps.
You mean white liberal America, WC?
Because most white folk are too busy working and trying to survive the Obama Administration to get offended by words....
But i'm sure the grievance industry will be addressing those "open bloody wounds" the closer we get to the election.
Kinky Con
Good thing we got Food Stamps.
As IF Whites arent SUCKING up the LARGEST proportion of that Welfare Slice....
Look it up I'll wait....
My comment wasnt directed to you Anon ...
Dont wanna have to Verbally abuse you... But dont think your gonna disect my comments with willfull dishonesty, and ploy without me commenting...
Shit..I got off welfare when they stopped giving away free cheese.
let's be honest.....Damn that was some good cheese.
Kinky Con
"As IF Whites arent SUCKING up the LARGEST proportion of that Welfare Slice...."
They aren't. I know math is a "white thing", but the fact is blacks are three times as likely to be on government assistance as whites.
If that weren't true, why would black leaders start howling "Rayciss" every time someone proposes getting deadbeats off welfare?
If the Clippers players refused to play for their team, that would be a big sacrifice on their part. They're under contract, so they'd definitely lose all kinds of money and might get sued.
I dunno. Ultimately the rush to punish Sterling freaks me out a bit, since, really, what people are wanting to punish him for in this particular case are his beliefs, not his actions as a businessman. I don't see that as socially beneficial, since punishment almost certainly won't change his nasty views.
Then again, Sterling has actually taken racist actions in the past, so perhaps people view this as a "last straw" kind of thing.
The banana-throwing incident (really more of a banana-throwing trend) seems to me to be part of the whole European soccer hooliganism tradition. For some reason, part of the population there want to use sporting events to express their prejudices against other ethnic groups or countries. I don't understand this. American sports fans can be pretty rowdy, but they don't generally go to games looking to be racist or start riots.
Barack Obama is not the only one exploiting this nonsense. The mainstream media press is also at fault here because every time a racial incident occurs where Blacks are portrayed as the "victims" and the Nonblacks/Whites are portrayed as the "bad guys" as in the cases of Donald Sterling and George Zimmerman, the mainstream media always have to go out of their way to drag Obama into the situation by asking him at press conferences what his 2 cents are on those subjects.
The mainstream media just loves to throw more gas into the fire in these situations. They are the biggest perpetrators when it comes to racially dividing America.
PilotX said...
"They need to find a racist Dem so badly it hurts. Better luck next time."
Keep shuckin' and jivin' PilotX!
Ain't nobody gonna say nothing bad about Massa!
Donald Sterling is a very rich Jewish liberal of the kind that has sponsored the black cause since the early 20th century. He gets some media attention from owning an NBA team, so being involved in a business with mostly black employees is good for him. The NBA itself is run by nepotistic Jews, the new commissioner being the son of a friend and law partner of the last one. But- he doesn’t want blacks around him socially, and not even around his trashy gold-digger mistress.
The “Negro Problem” was what earnest liberals back in the 1950′s used to talk about what the US was going to do about blacks. In his 1963 essay, Norman Podhoretz had the temerity to say that in his personal experience, black people weren’t all that oppressed- in 1930′s Brooklyn the black kids were the ones doing the oppressing. Black people in the South were aggressive with poor whites, as Richard Wright tells us in “Black Boy” and in the North they had even fewer constraints. But in a general environment of assumed black inferiority, this could be still plausibly written off as an oppression issue.
The Brown v. Board decision in 1954 made school segregation impermissible, not from any legal principle, but on the idea that it reduced the self-esteem of blacks, causing their poor performance in various metrics.
The whole nation embarked on the project of raising black people’s self-esteem. They- and we- were told they were in no way inferior, and in many ways superior. They were encouraged to feel wonderful about themselves, and proud of themselves, and to respond aggressively to anything they perceived as a challenge. Walter Russell Mead calls this “the new culture of pride and assertiveness”, in his delightfully understated way.
We’ve had two generations of this now, of this heavily promoted and harshly enforced policy of black wonderfulness. It has worked, in one way. Black people have very high self-esteem, to the point of narcissism. According to the theory, they should now be performing as well as whites. But they don’t. And the argument goes on- hidden racism, that must be rooted out by any means necessary, or genetic determinism.
There’s another thing going on here though. Think of a person who doesn’t have that much going for them, but has been told constantly by parents and teachers they are great. They have a lot of help shoring themselves up and getting nice things they couldn’t get on their own. They view their unearned status and possessions as theirs by right, but can’t take any responsibility for their shortcomings. They have a certain superficial charm, that is nice in small doses, but a bad temper that makes it dangerous to be around them if they are thwarted, or frustrated or questioned in any way. Do you really want to be around such a person? Do you want people close to you to be around such a person? Some work and government functions may require you to, and you may be required to pretend you like them for social reasons, but you will avoid them when you can and your general opinion of the will be, “What a tool…..”
Multiply this problem by most of the black population and you’ve got a real problem.
This is why gays are the new blacks, and have been for a long time. Gays, or at least some portion, are much more socially attuned to what the elite like and make much better hangers-on.
Donald Sterling will get his whipping. It doesn’t really matter, because billionaires will still avoid socializing with blacks, and still want their trashy mistresses to avoid socializing with blacks. I’m baffled by why anyone would want to spend any time with Sterling or his “girlfriend” but there you have it.
BIB, "Dont wanna have to Verbally abuse you... But dont think your gonna disect my comments with willfull dishonesty, and ploy without me commenting..."
10:47 PM
My brother, you are too uppidy and you need to settle down. Whites can dissect your comments on FN whenever they want. You really have some set of balls, talking the way you do.
If you were working for Sterling he would straighten your black ass out real quick.
blacks are three times as likely
I know you want to sound smart and all , but "LIKELY" doesnt denote a statistical Fact...
Furthermore the subject isn't about Welfare ,and who is or isn't on it..
You would love to get a dialogue going about garbage, and innuendo.
Trolls R us Floating around in this toilet bowl.....
You have The Blaze... Brietbart, Drudge...Alex Jones, The Nationalist...
and your here with "BLACKISBEAUTIFUL"
on a site called "The Field Negro"
Go figure......
Field, I thought about them boycotting the game too, but let us not forget the messy business of those contracts. Those black athletes could get their underwear sued right off of them and lose their mansions and such. Where will all those poor white women sleep?
Anon said: "Field, this response was great. The next time a white person rolls a watermelon at me, I'm going to cut it open and eat it. Then thank them."
I thought it was brilliant and funny, he flipped the script on the silly racist, LOL. But Anon, please do not eat anything after this. That was a one time joke. The racist might now anticipate you doing so and lace it. Those people are so evil and deranged, they are well capable of poisoning their own mothers.
Brother Field.. I like the way you use our history to allow others a chance to see how we got here at this time. I swear you must have "been there" to bring such a powerful moment in the history of my people.
The raising of the fist by Brothers Carlos and Smith was another message to the majority oppressive race that we were no longer willing to wait for the fruits of civil rights. We will no longer allow civil wrongs to be openly applied to us. Noticed I said "openly".
I say "openly" because for the last 50 years a lot of social ills were still applied in he dark. It took 100 years from emancipation to civil rights, so maybe these current 'discussions" may bring some hidden racism out of the closet.
By the way- we were fearful that the US government was going to leave the Brothers abroad after such a racially strong presentation. With Brother Ali - we thought the CIA was going to lay him horizontal.
Moments like the two mentioned was so influential and made us (Black people) believe that soon we could have "full" membership in the land of the free. Boy--- I am sadden that 50 years later my race is still so sensitized to words. I would rather know my enemies than not. Are we going to have to wait until all the racists come out the closet? Or- if we are willing to show how a small amount of unity can go a long ways. Waiting for the majority to lead on this present beat-down of an NBA owner, will only show that we can be manipulated by money and " I want to be seen". But- I will wait also.
Brother Field.. I like the way you use our history to allow others a chance to see how we got here at this time. I swear you must have "been there" to bring such a powerful moment in the history of my people.
The raising of the fist by Brothers Carlos and Smith was another message to the majority oppressive race that we were no longer willing to wait for the fruits of civil rights. We will no longer allow civil wrongs to be openly applied to us. Noticed I said "openly".
I say "openly" because for the last 50 years a lot of social ills were still applied in he dark. It took 100 years from emancipation to civil rights, so maybe these current 'discussions" may bring some hidden racism out of the closet.
By the way- we were fearful that the US government was going to leave the Brothers abroad after such a racially strong presentation. With Brother Ali - we thought the CIA was going to lay him horizontal.
Moments like the two mentioned was so influential and made us (Black people) believe that soon we could have "full" membership in the land of the free. Boy--- I am sadden that 50 years later my race is still so sensitized to words. I would rather know my enemies than not. Are we going to have to wait until all the racists come out the closet? Or- if we are willing to show how a small amount of unity can go a long ways. Waiting for the majority to lead on this present beat-down of an NBA owner, will only show that we can be manipulated by money and " I want to be seen". But- I will wait also.
"The good news: Barcelona went on to beat Villarreal 3-2."
Quote Field:
""The good news: Barcelona went on to beat Villarreal 3-2."
No, no, no Field, a thousand times no.
That is not good news, Villarreal CF are my team in España, I'm a big fan of 'The Yellow Submarine'. O.K. they don't have F.C. Barcelona's Socialist roots, but they do show how a small club can mix it with the big boys if they are well managed.
The actual good news is that Villarreal have found the moron who threw the banana and given him a life-long stadium ban.
"The country's economy is in shambles. Millions are out of work. Our healthcare system is being dismantled before our eyes.
Yep, capitalism sucks doesn't it?
Anon@11:52 (the first one) they want to avoid their "trashy mistresses" yet they just love sleeping with them. Go figure.
BIB, don't you just love how the racist mind works?
” They aren't. I know math is a "white thing", but the fact is blacks are three times as likely to be on government assistance as whites.”
Well it might be that math is a white thing, but the truth it would appear, certainly is not. Everything you say is a lie.
African Americans represent 22% of poor people, and yet receive only 14% of government benefits. White people represent 42% of the poor but receive a massive 69% of government benefits.
[Source: http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3677]
The Right would have you believe that government welfare goes chiefly to an army of unemployed single black mothers, but the truth is more than 90% of welfare payments go to the elderly, the seriously disabled, and working households.
So to be clear, unemployed people under 65 and not seriously disabled receive just 9% of government handouts.
” Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.”
[Source: idem]
Further, a 2011 study from Congressional budget office shows that The poorest Americans received just 36 percent of benefits in 2007, this was down from 54 percent in 1979. So since the 1970’s there has been a swing away from giving benefits payments to the poor and giving it to the wealthier elements of society instead.
[Source: http://cbo.gov/publication/42729]
BIB, "You have The Blaze... Brietbart, Drudge...Alex Jones, The Nationalist...
and your here with "BLACKISBEAUTIFUL"
on a site called "The Field Negro"
Go figure......"
12:00 AM
BIB, I am enamored with you. Your the only brother who thinks 'outside' the box on how to move the black race forward through ownership of black businesses.
You are an unusual brother because you think White, but you are pro-Black. Too many like you would be dangerous. Fortunately, there aren't very many like you. Maybe 0.5% of AAs who think like you?
The remaining 99.5% will do what anyone of any color or race can accurately predict what AAs will always do:
1. bitch and be 'outraged' about it;
2. march about it;
3. protest about it;(if it's big enough, Al Sharpton and JJ will be involved, who once again will prove to all Whites that they are the leaders of the black race)
4. then wait for the verdict from the system owned and operated by powerful Whites;
5. be disappointed, and saddened(depressed) with the White verdict.
Being Black in America is no picnic. Thank goodness YOU, are rare. Hell even your ID says a lot about you. But I'm not worried about you motivating AAs. Hell, God Himself hasn't been able do it-- what makes you think you can?
You know, it will be interesting to see how a 'majority' of black players, along with black sportscasters, along with black NBA team owners can do against Donald Sterling.
Personally, I don't think there is enough "Black Power" to take on Mr Sterling....I hope I'm wrong, but betting on Black today has proven to be a bad bet....And that's from the SCOTUS right down to the brother in the street.
I would like to see Black win for a change. But I won't hold my breath.
"A brother"
You are not a brother. The Sharpton reference was the first giveaway.
Blogger field negro said...
Anon@11:52 (the first one) they want to avoid their "trashy mistresses" yet they just love sleeping with them. Go figure.
I don't see her as a trashy. Hell, if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have that racist arrogant SOB on tape.
Don't be like another white racist. Show some appreciation for what she has done because it amounts to a lot...Respect her...she's helping all of us.
Brother Purple Cow.... I can live with the math as well as the breakdowns. Welfare and government assistance in America will always be an elusive truth. There are government handouts in many areas where we cant/don't know about. One such drain for government dollars continues to be for-profit schools. They rely on getting ill-prepared students(?) to be a conduit for government handouts(?)- dollars.
The conversations about race in America is just like letting the cat out of the bag. You don't know who/what will be exposed. It is always good to have references for your positions. This notion that Black people and welfare is bringing America down has been exposed long ago not to be valid.
A tornado is the most wonderful occurrence for a RACIST. It will send the racist and his racism straight to the GREAT BEYOND!!
It certainly would've been unprecedented for the Clippers to protest the game immediately following Sterling's remarks, at least until NBA commish took action against Clips owner. It would've been even more significant had fans done much of the same. Also, since it appears Sterling has a history of making racist remarks, I wonder why it's taking the league so long to address the situation? Would it have mattered if the audio hadn't existed?
User removed Alves video, but that's one way of dealing with a racist situation, I guess. Hilarious.
"African Americans represent 22% of poor people, and yet receive only 14% of government benefits. White people represent 42% of the poor but receive a massive 69% of government benefits."
These numbers were created by the NYT and total bunk. Social Security is not a handout, it is a retirement program people pay into.
Go to the Census department site and get the straight numbers regarding transfer payments:
African Americans represent 13% of the population. As of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (about 3 times higher than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty. Whites make up 73% of the US Population and 38% welfare programs recipients. Blacks make up 13% if the US population and 39% welfare programs recipients. Blacks are about twice as likely as whites to have used Food Stamps during their lives (31% vs. 15%).
Math. It's a white thing.
ABC Washington Post poll.
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?
41 approve 52 disapprove
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Obama is handling The economy?
approve 42 disapprove 54
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Obama is handling the situation involving Russia and Ukraine?
approve 34 disapprove 46
This is where it gets bad for the democrats:
Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a...
Republican 21
Drastic under-sampling of republicans and Obama still sucks in the polls.
The Purple Cow said...
"A brother"
You are not a brother. The Sharpton reference was the first giveaway.
Black stormfront rears its ugly head questioning the racial loyalty of a black person.
Hell, even white stormfront believes all blacks think alike.
"These numbers were created by the NYT and total bunk."
Can't you fucking read? The numbers came from a report by the independent 'Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities', an independent think tank with an excellent reputation for impartiality, and the US government's own Congressional Budget Office.
"Social Security is not a handout, it is a retirement program people pay into."
Errr yes, I said exactly that - numbnuts.
"Traditional" welfare payments are only about two thirds of the close to $100 billion spent on corporate welfare, including $9 billion per year spent paying for farmer's crop insurance.
"Math. It's a white thing."
Truth. It's a black thing.
I think there's room for disagreement with you on this one, FN. Kareem has a different recommendation for response:
"Kareem hopes Sterling loses his franchise and that the Clippers players realize that their identities as individuals and a team are not defined by the "ramblings of a jealous 80-year-old man.'"
I like the idea that the players aren't playing for Sterling but themselves and the fans. I like the concept of ownership as a "privilege" that the league can rescind. It's pretty much high time they do.
Knicks executive and former player Larry Johnson had a decidedly different but still strong reaction to the racially insensitive remarks Clippers owner Donald Sterling is alleged to have made.
On Saturday night, Johnson tweeted: “Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!!’’
If you think the Jews are going to give up the NBA, you've got another thing coming.
"Truth. It's a black thing."
It ain't your thing.
Quoting leftwing front groups just proves it.
Math beats spin.
So a man makes some racist comments, he should lose everything. But a man willfully murdered and tortured innocent animals and you think he is a hero.
Maybe Sterling should just apologize and join the NAACP. Would you give him a pass then?
What did Sterling say that was racist?
America is insane.
Is there a word for that feeling when you agree with a general story, in this case that Sterling is a clown and an ass, but find the overall sense of the coverage and reaction, especially the shallowness of the overall understanding, so off-putting that you'd almost rather see him win just to watch all the self righteous MLK impersonators' heads explode?
If there isn't such a word, I hope someone coins it because you have summed up my feelings perfectly.
One stupid idiot like this Sterling guy is hardly as serious a problem for American society as the behind the scenes financial manipulations of bright scammers and more importantly, the refusal of "journalists" and owners of newspapers to do their damn jobs
Yes. The word is racist.
Anon@1:02, in your sick mind I am sure that nothing he said is racist.
America is not "insane", you and your ilk are.
Anotherbozo, I respect you; we can agree to disagree on this one.
field negro said...
Yes. The word is racist.
Everything is racist!
You are a buffoon.
"Anon@1:02, in your sick mind I am sure that nothing he said is racist."
So educate me.
What exactly did Donald Sterling say that qualifies as "racist"?
Judicial Watch Secures White House Email Stating That Primary Goal of Susan Rice Appearances Were to Establish That Benghazi Attack Was Due to "Internet Video" and Not "Failure of Policy"
The second "Goal" of Rice's appearances -- second only to a reassurance that Obama was working hard to protect the American people -- is this:
* To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.
In a series of model answers to potential questions, the memo states:
Q: What's your response to the Independent story [the UK newspaper] that says we have intelligence 48 hours in advance of the Benghazi attack that was ignored? Was this an intelligence failure?
We are not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent. The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US consulate and subsequently its annex.
Lying bastards with blood on their hands.
Read the emails and try not to vomit.
"So educate me.
What exactly did Donald Sterling say that qualifies as "racist"?"
You'd first need a brain to understand what qualifies as "racist". And since you CLEARLY lack one, explaining this to YOU would be moot.
"You'd first need a brain to understand what qualifies as "racist". And since you CLEARLY lack one, explaining this to YOU would be moot."
So you don't know either.
Hmmm. I guess no one really knows. So why are y'all so upset?
"So why are y'all so upset?"
I am also mystified by all the outrage over the comments by Sterling.
I've read them a couple times and I still don't get it. I thought the rule was that you couldn't say the 'N' word. You could not use such expressions as 'chimp out' or 'jungle bunny' or any of a number of terms meant to insult black people.
If you go over to Breitbart - a mainstream conservative web site - you will read these kind of terms used occasionally in the comments sections. If you visit the really motivated race focused web sites, you will read them routinely. No one seems to care.
But Sterling never uses racially disparaging language and at one point claimed to 'love' black people.
It clear to me that he doesn't personally like or admire blacks very much, but he is pretty circumspect about his language
Have the standards changed?
I follow a series of gun videos on YouTube. The author who has a bald head and tattoos (the signs of a white supremacist) has been accused of being a racist on that basis. In his own defense he asks - "How many of you have had a black person over for dinner this year?" Apparently he has black friends with whom he dines.
Maybe that should be the standard. Or maybe not. It's a mighty high standard. I can't meet it. Although at one time most of my daily acquaintances were black, I can't remember ever having any of them over for dinner. But I've often had Jews over. Do you suppose any of the black Clippers dine at home with Jews?
Sterling seems to not care to socially mix with blacks. My Jewish friends often defend blacks in the abstract but never seem to actually socialize with them in the concrete. I imagine if I were to tap their phones I might hear them making unflattering remarks about people of color.
But of course Jewish distaste for blacks is as nothing compared to the reciprocal black distaste for Jews. Blacks are all over the Web expressing their hatred for Jews.
Or am I wrong? This isn't the sort of thing you can just look up in Wikipedia.
Back in the 50s & 60s when Mr. Stirling was still Mr. Topowitz, an LA personal injury attorney, he made his fortune in real estate. The public face of his real estate operation was upscale and uptown LA, but it's heart was downtown in the large and growing redlined "Black Belt" centered around South-Central Ave. where there were no FDIC insured loans available. Here, he owned a large stock of those iconic 1920s SoCal bungalows that he'd purchased at fire-sale discount from fleeing whites which he then "rented to own" to prospective "owners" who paid large down payments (often more than Mr. Topowitz's purchase price alone) premium rents, charges for (Topowitz provided) improvements (often added solely to increase the price beyond affordability) taxes and all (Topowitz provided) upkeep on 30 year "leases" that were almost never completed. He was thus able to re-"sell" the same properties several times over at the same exorbitant rates. That's real institutional racism, not just racist old white man dyspepsia ala Cliven Bundy.
This all begs the question: His history being local and well known, how did this guy ever end up with his first LA NAACP honor?
"the independent 'Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities',"
"an independent think tank with an excellent reputation for impartiality,"
Dumb and dishonest are people on the left. They just assume you won't fact check them.
ABC news is reporting the LA NAACP will continue to work with Sterling if he gives up more money.
"We are negotiating with him about giving more moneys to African American students at UCLA, and so we are in preliminary discussions," Jenkins said.
It's good to know that it's not just rich white people that put $ before principles.
But the organization would be open to talking to Sterling, with whom they've worked for nearly 20 years.
20 years of working with a known racist.
It really is all about the money.
"Dumb and dishonest are people on the left. They just assume you won't fact check them. "
Go right ahead and factcheck, dipshit.
Let me know what you "find out".
The Purple Cow said...
Can't you fucking read? The numbers came from a report by the independent 'Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities', an independent think tank with an excellent reputation for impartiality,
Is this the same "independent" think tank founded by the guy that worked for both the Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton administrations?
Quote Detroitcuntica
"Truth. It's a black thing."
It ain't your thing.
Quoting leftwing front groups just proves it.
Math beats spin."
Oh my Lord, you are saying the Congressional Budget Office is a "left wing front group"???
That's sensational news!
Call FoxNews straight away, alert WorldNetDaily, tell 'em to hold the front page!!
(Jeeze, what a twat, this guy is.)
No surprise to me.
Many Media Matters employees feel betrayed by the unexpected and unexplained path our leadership has taken in response to our efforts to unionize.
Do as I say, not as I do.
“12 is about as old as i can handle,” Farnham allegedly said in one online chat in November, according to the charges. “i love them at 6 7 8”
Farnham – who twice co-sponsored bills in the House that toughened penalties for child pornography
A democrats that pretended to be against child porn gets caught with child porn.
Sounds like that Yee democrat in San Fran that was against guns except for the ones he was caught selling.
Sounds like the NAACP being against racism except if you are rich white like sterling and gives enough $$ to get lifetime achievement awards.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Pat, I am mystified that you are "mystified."But this is the new America.
Welcome everyone. Enjoy it while you can.
What did Sterling say that was racist?
Why can't anyone answer that question?
Oh my Lord, you are saying the Congressional Budget Office has been renamed the "Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities"?
Twat indeed....
Stupid for the cause is purple cow!!!!
Field, we're on the same page. I was just thinking yesterday about the courage of the Black Olympians who gave a Black power salute when they went to get their medals during the 1968 Olympic games.
And I was also thinking of the courageous stance of Muhammad Ali, who refused to go to Vietnam and changed his name from a slave name to a Black self-determination name.
Where is the courage of the present players? Is it subsumed by their love of money or just blind fear of standing up and being counted?
At least FORMER players like Charles Barkley are coming forward and calling for real penalties for Sterling.
Wearing black socks is not a protest. It's just a bad fashion statement.
Wearing shirts inside out WOULD have been a protest, had the Clippers players continued like that throughout the game.
Meanwhile, Field, I really feel for you for having to read or skim some of the comments that you get. Some of them are so inane that they don't even deserve the time it would take to answer them.
field negro said...
Pat, I am mystified that you are "mystified."But this is the new America.
Welcome everyone. Enjoy it while you can.
The New America where you can lose your job for having donated to a political initiative that was passed by a majority of voters and where you can be fined $2.5 million and given a lifetime ban from the NBA because of something* you said in a private conversation that was illegally taped.
Enjoy it while you can indeed. This will not end well.
* Something that no one, not even the racial grievance mongers who frequent the Field Negro Blog can say how it was racist.
Burn the Witch said...
* Something that no one, not even the racial grievance mongers who frequent the Field Negro Blog can say how it was racist.
So do you think posting under a username will garner you an answer to your dumb ass question?
FYI, there's a HUGE difference between changing one's username and posting on a thread under 10 different ones, an 50 additional times as "anonymous".
"So do you think posting under a username will garner you an answer to your dumb ass question?"
Dr. Sheboon doesn't know.
Doesn't anyone have a clue as to why they are outraged?
Another opportunity will go by. Being a teen Black Power activist in the 60s, the athletes raised fist was symbolic of the Black Power push for equality at a time when Brother Martin Luther King message no longer resonated with the youth of the day.
Brother Martin had been a tireless worker in the Black Power movement for more than a decade and we {Black Power movement youths} needed a boost and an event to move forward. Remember Brothers Carlos and Smith had careers that had not started. Their actions had an impact on their lives that we are as a people indebted to.
Today's athletes are not willing to risk any show of strength because THEY ALL have been conditioned to have the majority race love them. Look at the commercials- the majority of them have the Black athlete. not as strong men. but play-toys for the majority race's children. One such commercial has Brother Durant {Kevin} in his pajamas interacting in a little white boy's dreams. These athletes will not risk being unloved. But when you are not strong Black males, the majority know how you will react to ALL situations. Sad but true.
One last- when Miami Heat donned those hoodies {with hidden faces} prior to the Zimmerman case, I thought they would be vocal about some social issues. AFTER THE VERDICT you did not hear any lip-flapping by none of these overpaid pampered ... boys. Yes I said it. They are weak boys when it comes time for men to step forward, AND YES, I am still being a man when it comes to my people. StillaPanther2
Just heard the NBA commish. SMH SMH
Who do you think pays those bills? All those white fans who remained fans of the NBA long after it became a "black sport".
These aren't the Black Power days, these are the Blacks in Power days. Millionaire athletes are supposed to boycott the NBA because of what an 80 year old man said to his young girlfriend on the phone? Are you kidding me?
They have publicly shamed him, fined him 2.5 million dollars, threatened to take his team away, and banned him from even watching a game for the rest of his life. And you want what else?
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