The Supreme Court, in a 6-2 ruling, is making sure of it by declaring that voters in the state of Michigan can ban race from being considered by that state's flagship university in admissions. (I see you Uncle Clarence)
Personally, I would have no problem with this concept if America's history was a little different. Sadly, though, we know that is not the case. We know that the history of this country is such that she is not quite ready to put everyone in a similar situation and expect that we are going to have equal results.
This is not only true when it comes to race; it is true when it comes to poverty as well. I have no problem with a college or university using things such as economic background, geography, and race to create a diverse student body. Unfortunately there are some folks in the majority population who always default to us against them (the them being those black folks) when it comes to this particular discussion.
When we talk about affirmative action, we often think of those Negroes with their "hands out". I suspect that this is why the Supreme Court decision today was so popular in certain circles.
We forget, of course, that white women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action, and that many successful small businesses got that way because of affirmative action.
"Justice Anthony Kennedy said voters chose to eliminate racial preferences, presumably because such a system could give rise to race-based resentment. Kennedy said nothing in the Constitution or the court's prior cases gives judges the authority to undermine the election results.
"This case is not about how the debate about racial preferences should be resolved. It is about who may resolve it," Kennedy said.
In dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the decision tramples on the rights of minorities, even though the amendment was adopted democratically.
"But without checks, democratically approved legislation can oppress minority groups," said Sotomayor, who read her dissent aloud in the courtroom Tuesday. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg sided with Sotomayor in dissent."
Justice Sotomayor must have not gotten the memo: There are no more "minorities" in America. In the new "color blind" America we are all one. *sarcasm off*
This is the most disappointing decision in my lifetime. :(
I predict that there will be significantly FEWER American born Blacks attending state schools like Michigan. And I specify American born Blacks because Africans are easily identified by name.
Field, watch this video. It will bring you into the 21st century as far as race is concerned. Even Tucker could relate to the brother:
Granny won't have to worry about all this race, minority stuff. Hell she looks White with all the white blood in her.
FN, "Justice Sotomayor must have not gotten the memo: There are no more "minorities" in America. In the new "color blind" America we are all one. *sarcasm off*"
Mr Field, our color blind society began during the days of Reagan. He started the momentum toward a color-blind society, followed by a post-racial nation today.
Brother Field, do you think our peeps are less intelligent than Whites?
If so, we need affirmative action to level the playing field.
People don't realize what slavery and Jim Crow can do to a race.
"People don't realize what slavery and Jim Crow can do to a race."
Yes..and many of those are black folks today who never experienced those things yet still whine, bitch, and complain that they cant get ahead in life because of it.
I think black males need to improve their 47% HS graduation rate before they have to worry about getting into state schools..especially one as prestigious as Michigan.
Great prediction there though..way to go out on a limb!
Alexander Solzhenitsyn once asked: “Can a man who is warm understand a man who is freezing?” Today the US Supreme Court answered Mr. Solzhenitsyn in its University of Michigan Affirmative Action case and stated emphatically, “YES!”
The conservative leaning court was overwhelmingly pusillanimous in their collective opinion. It was a historical affront to the very constitution, a presupposed guiding judicial principle that they so dearly claim to be a living document. Well, today and with this decision, the conservative justices can no longer make this claim either. If it wasn’t a fatal blow, the plinths upon which the constitution rested, was certainly dismantled.
I have a question, in a country where blacks are only a mere 12% of the population, vacuous of political or economic power, a shared historical connection that suffered through the brutality of slavery, Jim Crow segregation and Black Code Laws. Why in the world are white folks, conservatives, Tea Party members and others of this feeble minded ilk, shudder in fear of us, presumably an inferior, powerless group of people???
"Brother Field, do you think our peeps are less intelligent than Whites?"
Generally, yes. I mean seriously just open your eyes..go outside and look around to find out the easy answer to that question.
Anon @ 10:51 foolishly said: "Yes..and many of those are black folks today who never experienced those things yet still whine, bitch, and complain that they cant get ahead in life because of it.
You appear smart when you speak YOUR truth, not SOMEONE else's!
No one is shuddering in fear. They are simply making it an even playing field for everyone by eliminating AA.
Performance and merit are the only things that should be considered for jobs, schools etc...NOT COLOR.
Pretty simple concept right? I mean isnt this what Martin L King wanted?
Its never enough is it? Dont worry, I know the answer to that already.
Care to elaborate?
If one did not live through Jim Crow and Slavery..how can they say they suffered from it?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Brother Field, do you think our peeps are less intelligent than Whites?"
Generally, yes. I mean seriously just open your eyes..go outside and look around to find out the easy answer to that question.
10:59 PM
Brother Field, do you think our peeps are less intelligent than Whites because of slavery, Jim Crow, or were we always less intelligent in the 'Beginning'?
Anon 11:07 stated: "Care to elaborate? If one did not live through Jim Crow and Slavery..how can they say they suffered from it?"
Through legacy, ... you moron!
Brother Field, please excuse me for using the word "we". It's just hard for me not to use that word without using ebonics....I despise ebonics.
Anonymous 10;19,
If I'm a slight shade darker than the President, what do you think they call me? Because black women are treated worse and very few black men stand up for Black women against the onslaught of racist whites.
The President had been called the "N" word and depicted as a savage with a bone in his nose called every single stereotype in the book that racist choose to label black folks with. So, do you honestly think that they give me a break or let me slide? Puleeze, you need to rethink that statement. In case you didn't know it, they hung and beat black women too back in the day. We didn't get no special treatment and still don't.
If there were Whites stealing away in the well airplane wheels, there would be a law to have them heated. But since it's just Africans hiding in those wells, they won't do it.
Granny, you know what I'm talking about?
Granny, "The President had been called the "N" word and depicted as a savage with a bone in his nose called every single stereotype in the book that racist choose to label black folks with. So, do you honestly think that they give me a break or let me slide? Puleeze, you need to rethink that statement. In case you didn't know it, they hung and beat black women too back in the day. We didn't get no special treatment and still don't."
Granny, things have changed. They aren't the same as back in the day. BW are marrying WM and far outnumber the bm in college.
BW are on a roll, and you know it. I am a bm, and I wish I were a bw...even some ww wish they were bw. You have the world Granny.
Anonymous, and BM are marrying WW too, especially BM who have climbed to top of the ladder of success and making big bucks.
Interracial marriages is nothing new. This country made laws against interracial relationships to control and to stop it and that was not that long ago. Then they changed it again an abolished that law. I suspect, they'll probably change it again in the future the way this country is headed back to Jim Crow slowly but surely.
So, how has it changed? Nothing is new under the Sun. The only difference to the dress is that more accessories are added to make it look different, but it's not.
I dunno, sometimes I think BM and WM are competing against each other and using women as trophies. :)
The whites argument against Affirmative Action, that same argument believe it or not is nothing new. Read "Whites Complain to FEPC" at the top of the page of the link I've provided. it illustrate the same old B.S. is nothing new.
Btw, that happened in 1951.
I hope the author can answer this honestly.
In 2010, whites made up 69.4% of University of Michigan students.
Asians made up 13.6%, blacks made up 4.4%, hispanics made up 4.2% and native americans made up .2%. The remaining 5% were foreign students
In the same year whites made 76.6% of Michigan, blacks made 14.2% of Michigan, Latinos made up 4.4% and Asians made up 2.4% (native americans made up .6%)
In other words University of Michigan is less white than the state as a whole is.
What in your opinion makes a university that is 70% white, 14% asian, and 4% black not diverse, and a university that is 70% white 14% black and 4% asian diverse in a state that is 75% white 14% black and 2% asian? Do you think that the demographics of the university have to match up with the demographics of the state?
You talk about affirmative action as if its some ploy to get universities all white, when in reality it means that asian students get more spots.
May cause racial resentment? Funny, we weren't worried about racial resentment for the centuries of white affirmative action. It was all good when it benefitted them but if it benefits another group? Whoa nelly! Slow that boat down. Needless to say I was shocked by this decision.
I love Clarence and his ilk. Joy Reid had a boot licking uncle tom on her show from Project 21 talking about Dr. King's dream. Psssss, "brother" we ain't nowhere near his dream and making sure fewer people who look like you go to college ain't making it come any faster. smdh
Roberts, Alito, Scalia and Thomas live in some alternate reality universe far from planet earth. On this planet there is no racial discrimination and unlimited contributions from the rich won't sway elections. Republicans should NEVER be allowed to nominate SC justices anymore.
I am sure that all those legacy admissions over the years for children of wealthy and connected white folks will continue.
Chris Christie's kid goes to Princeton. Go figure.
Anywhoo, if you don't think that slavery and other historical factors can affect families and an entire community in many ways today, then you are a moron,and there is no point in even trying to discuss this subject with you.
The issue is what next.
Affirmative action is not a constitutionally required program. It remains something that may be granted or in Michigan's case withheld based on political concerns.
I generally support affirmative action but politically it is a losing battle especially in so-called objective factors like test scores and grades.
In the workplace it's a little different as objectivity goes out of the window as we all know. But in terms of academic achievement it will become increasingly difficult to argue for a thumb on the scale, no matter how light. Even when it's justifiable it's still something subject to political decisions. What's given can be taken away.
So the larger question is why and how are black people lagging academically and how can we fix it, as whites (at least in Michigan) have made it clear that they don't care.
I think in part it starts early with rejecting stereotypes. This is difficult but it must be done. We can't count on anyone else but us.
Fake Field Negro said: “Anywhoo, if you don't think that slavery and other historical factors can affect families and an entire community in many ways today, then you are a moron,and there is no point in even trying to discuss this subject with you.”
There is nothing new here, a so-called judge or attorney, or whatever title that was unceremoniously bequeathed upon you, now blinded by Amerikkka’s quilted legacy of racism; a long running and continuing saga of pure imperialism. In other words, I got paid for performing as Uncle Tommy, now F#ck everyone else! Is this what you’re trying to say Fake Field Negro???
Why wouldn’t you want to discuss it any further? Perhaps it’s because your Uncle Tommy mask is coming undone and exposing who you truly are!
"So the larger question is why and how are black people lagging academically and how can we fix it"
It's about the value placed on education. As a STEM business owner, I can say that in the almost 2 years I've had my business, I've only had ONE American Black student. The overwhelming majority of my clients are Chinese and Indian.
I'll speak on how to fix it later.
It's real easy to sit back and criticize but what have YOU done for Black folks lately?
As I recall, Field works with Black male youth so my question to you is, WTF are YOU doing and why isn't what Field's doing enough for you?
Criticizing the efforts of Black folks who are in OUR communities trying to make a difference surely is NOT the answer and is so "coonish" it's laughable.
Sage, you might want to brush up on your reading comprehension skills.(I was actually agreeing with you) You are making some of the troll's arguments for them.
Just sayin.
Now now Doctor, I am sure Sage is out organizing rallies every day.....
Shady_Grady said: “I think in part it starts early with rejecting stereotypes. This is difficult but it must be done. We can't count on anyone else but us.”
Good point Shady, however, we as a people must do better in terms of stressing the importance of education and place less emphasis on sports or being a lifelong entertainer. To a certain extent, you’re essentially OWNED by these industries and you cannot be yourself wholly. You cannot uplift a people through showing them how to dunk a basketball, running for a touchdown or getting on stage and engage in episodes of comedic buffoonery!
Dr NUHag, you will never be a doctor!
Comprehension skills????? Reread your own post!
I'm off to work!!
@7:08 and THIS coonery ladies and gentlemen, is the reason Am. Blacks won't progress as a race.
And if I weren't en route to a inpatient Peds rotation right now, it would be disappointing.
Aww poor Black Stink, shuffling off to shovel $hit for da' White man.
I am not suprised. I am not even disappointed. AA was being destroyed before it was ever "implemented." White women get more than 80% of set asides. Whatever is left is fought for by all other minorities. Why not end it for women, for legacies? Because Whites want the game rigged for them and theirs.
Pathetic, intellectually lazy negros like Clarence Thomas, and Ward Connerly - You know, AA babies are more concerned with people recognizing their ineptitude, than what is right.
We, in the Black community have options... We can turn this around, we have the knowledge and the tools... maybe it's time to use them.
In fact I think Black Women need to get together and start working to save ourselves and ouright children. We can do this. Everything that has ever been done to destroy Us has backfired - this will too.
We fight for everyone else...how about we start working for ourselves?
Time to go OFFENSIVE.
Unintended consequences, something that that the Right Wing Cabal of the Supreme Court pays little or no attention to because of their haste to return back to the future. But with a rapidly changing demographic upon America Unintended Consequences have a way of coming back to bite you big time. Good luck with that, because in the end Republicans and their low intellect followers are going to need it more than they ever thought they would? It will be by your actions and hands today that you will suffer in the end.
So the days of government sanctioned racism is slowly coming to an end-and the people who bitching about the most are the ones who claim to be fighting/experiencing racism everyday.
Odd that.
Will field post about all the hate/death threats/racism directed towards Clarence Thomas today?
Will field call out the hate on the part of his liberal friends and those who think and vote like him?
Will Hank Aaron speak out and defend Clarence Thomas?
Or will Hank and field give the typical left wing wink and nod?
Oh my. We now know how crime rates are being lowered in Chiraq.
Rahmie and his buds are manipulating crime stats.
Rahm Emmanuel’s Police Superintendent Caught Faking Low Homicide Rate
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/chicago-police-superintendent-caught-cooking-books/#zCSeVio3WCd0043E.99
Yep. #CrimeIsDown
8 people killed. 45 people shot in Chiraq Easter weekend.
Maybe PilotX can enlighten us on #CrimeIsDown....
No surprises here.....I remember another Supreme Court..at another time voted that a "Negro" is only 3/5 a person.
Over 50% of food stamp recipients are people of color. The #GOPbudget takes food out of their mouths: http://goo.gl/kzQ4vH
People of color are 50% of food stamp recipients?
Is that racist for rich white Pelosi to point that out?
Hey Field...
You need to do a Post on the MASSIVE Clemency operation that could possible set free Thousands of prisoners sentenced under harsh drug laws.
Obviously O is turning a corner on Prison Reform which ties into the War on Drugs....
Its not enough, but I wont complain over a Forward motion in the right direction.
Fires hoses used on people protesting Obama.
In the old days, international protests against bush were proof of his failing policies.
"In the old days, international protests against bush were proof of his failing policies."
It's sometimes hard to work out what is going on inside Bill's head, but I'm sure that sentence makes sense to him at least.
"People of color are 50% of food stamp recipients?
Is that racist for rich white Pelosi to point that out?"
See what I mean?
As I say, reading his stuff you get the impression there is some kind of logic going on there, but it's some weird parallel universe shit.
Interesting read. I had no idea that white women benefited more from Affirmative Action than anyone else. I plan to read the link after this comment.
But yeah, maybe someone should tell Justice Sotomayor that we now live in a different America, a post-racial America, where skin color is an after-thought.
Oh, wait, I forgot we still have "thugs" walking the land. Smh.
denise, "Pathetic, intellectually lazy negros like Clarence Thomas, and Ward Connerly - You know, AA babies are more concerned with people recognizing their ineptitude, than what is right."
You are right. This is an astute observation. As a people, we are too busy trying to hide what Whites think is wrong with us that we don't see what's right with us. That has to change if we are to progress at all.
denise, "In fact I think Black Women need to get together and start working to save ourselves and ouright children. We can do this. Everything that has ever been done to destroy Us has backfired - this will too."
I've heard the same ole song for decades in our community: "we need to get together and do something about this." But it NEVER happens.
denise, "We fight for everyone else...how about we start working for ourselves?"
Yes, we DO fight for others and they end up moving ahead of us-- and don't even bother to say, "thank you." But why should they? They never asked us for our help in the first place.
denise, "Time to go OFFENSIVE."
Sister, after decades of hearing those words, I have concluded that there is no 'will' in the black community to "go OFFENSIVE."
Dairy Queen Wannabe Doctor said: "THIS coonery ladies and gentlemen, is the reason Am. Blacks won't progress as a race."
Pardon me, African Americans is not a race. We are a group of people, of the black race.
You will never be a doctor!
Dear Mr Field, I had it with so many people declaring that DQAE will never be a doctor!
I mean, maybe she will be a doctor, maybe she won't...maybe she is a liar, maybe she is not.
Regardless, I am sure interested parties would like a straight up answer. You OWE your FN readers to resolve this once and for all.
Therefore, I am asking you, I am urging you to write a post urging each poster here to vote their 'conscience' whether they think:
1.DQAE is going to be a doctor, or
2. DQAE is NOT going to be a doctor.
DQAE is NOT going to be a doctor!
She she's bereft of the required aptitude!
1st incoming poster votes,
"DQAE is not going to be a doctor".
Wow! this is a surprise.... I totally had not expected this from Black Sage.
I can hardly wait to hear from FP, Seeker, Trollonymous, Kinky Con, Bill, Field, WC, and Granny.
But the big mystery lies with the FN Anons....how will they vote? They are full of FN surprises! One Anon could be the tie breaker!
Stay tuned for more exciting voting on 'NO SPIN FN!'
Until we start to realize the benefits of HBCUs these types of actions.
Let us remember that while many speak of the inferior early education of African Americans might be due to the many inferior educators that we allow in our schools.
We need to stop waiting for others to accept us, it's not going to happen.
Fairness is not in the American Dream.
Since AA everyone has become a minority, and those that are consider it Reverse Discrimination.
It is my understanding (not verified by much research) that the primary black beneficiaries of affirmative action are continental Africans and/or black upper-middle class Americans. If this is the case, affirmative action is not accomplishing what it was intended to accomplish.
The issue with college admission really begins at around age 3. There are so many large and small environmental influences that affect a child's trajectory that if you're first reaching out to them at age 18 in the form of a minor boost in college admittance, it's too little, too late. Rather than wringing hands about affirmative action in university admissions, let's try to get resources to young kids, where they can really make a difference.
That said, the hypocrisy of Michigan voters on this issue reeks. Colleges look at all manner of factors in admissions, including legacies. They have dozens of agendas that they are trying to fulfill with each class. Singling out race as the sole factor that cannot be considered, out of all other demographic factors, is just mean-spirited.
The vote was 6-2, not 4, so it was more than just Roberts, Alito, Scalia and Thomas that voted to ban AA. It was all of the white males and one Oreo. The two against it were the only two women on the SC bench.
White males feel threatened. They've always claimed that Blacks were too incompetent/inferior to compete against them, but yet they always placed some type of obstruction block in front of them with unequal laws to insure that they had some type of advantage or head start. over blacks.
Example #1, in the past whites could kill blacks at whim and it was sanctioned by the judicial system and government. The obstruction then was a law that if blacks defended themselves and struck a white person back, it automatically meant a death sentence.
Example # 2, Was the New Deal, which excluded Blacks, but helped whites financially to rise up to middle class status.
Example #3, Denial of education for Blacks in several different ways. First, they did not allow them read or write. Second, they put obstacles in their way when slavery ended and blacks were doing sharecropping. Third, they put obstacles in Blacks way and forbid their entrance in colleges. Fourth, When AA program was first instituted as a law, they were busy trying to figure out a way to end it.
Employers and schools started purposely telling the lie that the reason they couldn't hire whites or the reason whites were being denied entrance in college was because they had to hire or because of special preferences for blacks. That was not true though.
Only blacks that qualify was the stipulation in AA.
You'd be surprise how many letters from so-called educated whites folks flooded the Office of Civil Rights with the "N" word, and Contractors like Dinwiddie who was at the top of the list for racist.
Educators came up with other inventive ways to deny blacks education by under grading their school work or labeling them with negative labels or inventive ways to kick them out of school and cooking the stats books. Btw, they still pull all those tricks to this day.
The Civil War in all honesty never really ended. Only difference is that now it is fought using stereotypes and lumping all black folks together as criminals or hoes or whatever other negative label they can come up with.
Interesting observation in Peds Inpatient/Outpatient clinic today.
The one teenaged mother I saw today (with her sick baby)was NEITHER Black OR Hispanic as the racists would have you assume, she was White AND unmarried.
So much for stereotypes!
Anonymous said...
Interesting observation in Peds Inpatient/Outpatient clinic today.
The one teenaged mother I saw today (with her sick baby)was NEITHER Black OR Hispanic as the racists would have you assume, she was White AND unmarried.
So much for stereotypes!
Jesus Christ, now you're trying to tell us you work in a clinic and are a Doctor and think a white single mom outshadows the 80% of black single mom's when YOU yourself are a black single mom with a live in boyfriend?
Annon: 5:29
BTW, the 6-2 vote should wake up a LOT of Black folks to the fact that Dems don't always "have their back".
so called people of color cannot be 50% of the food stamp rolls and white people be 72% at the same time.
the percent of oow births for Black women goes up and up depending on how rabid the racist.
in real numbers all the negative percentages (to be taken with a grain of salt) dwindle when you look at real numbers when comparing by race to the majority - there is a reason for writing them like that.
Dr. Nuwang just say what you keep glossing over... just say it... you are playing an insidious and disingenuous game that does not have to be. You encase false empathy (which we don't need) inside of stereotypes, bigotry, and misinformation.
Anon (@ denise) you are right. you have heard all of this before and before... but when is it going to sink in? when are we going to stop talking and put in some action?
All is not lost. We as a people have come very very far. The first step is to put ourselves, for once, first.
The African American community is very rich in so many ways... we are the only people who don't see it, don't use it, and don't benefit from it.
Yes, we are a scarred people... and people within and outside of our communities pick at the scab over and over again - so it does not heal.
Let White people and those who esteem to be granted whiteness say and do what they want. All this focus on Us... and they fail to see what is happening to them.
We have to change our mind think. We have to make those who portend to speak for Us and Our issues accountable. Yes, I am saying it rather we like it or not people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Micheal E Dyson et al... are seen as speaking for Us and Our needs. I do not agree with alot of what they say, or some of the things that they do - but I respect them for doing it. We must make them aware of the fact that before they speak for Us - they know and understand what Our thoughts are and how we feel... We cannot afford to keep getting off focus.
There are some Blacks out in the entertainment field who I really think want Our community to be uprighted and see our community began to thrive... but even in them, we have to be very careful, for the Codification of the Negro is one of the easiest things that can be done... all you have to do is throw some change their way.
And they go weak and silent. It is especially effective on Black Males.
I do believe that it will have to be the Black Woman to really, and as usual, do the heavy lifting... but this time, the Sisters are starting with themselves... and then our kids.
We are finally I feel getting to a point where we don't even bother with the brainwashed that only can see can't.
Hey Field... haven't been here in years... keep fighting the good fight Brother.
Oh and Dr. Nuwang disregard my comments towards you... your motives are your own.
I was especially proud to be led in rounds today by TWO BLACK PHYSICIANS!!! Yes!!!!!!!
The post is very informative and thanks for sharing this post with us.
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