But first, I have a couple of questions for you.
The first one is for you black folks who come to the fields:
What do you think about Pharrell's comments to Oprah about being "new black"?
Is he speaking truth, or is he just another rich black person with no clue about what's going on in the real America?
This is what someone commenting over at Bossip had to say:
"I like Pharrell and I really appreciate that he thinks outside of the box but I think PR wise he needs to leave the subject of race alone cause things can get really inflammatory when you try to sanitize or "package" the black experience to caress and absolve white folks eardrums of their legacy of hatefulness. The insulated blacks that are living that life and are blessed to be in his position are always kowtowing and pandering to the notion that white folks don't have zero, zip, zilch to do with why our communities are so torn and well…it's such a disgraceful lie. Whites have had a 400 year head start, jim crow,
institutionalized racism and have used colorism to keep blacks pressed through divide and conquer tactics. These are the facts so China "exotical" Pharrell can have a boy bye!" Ouch!
The second question is for you white readers:
Do you believe that teacher Gil Voigt should have been terminated for his comments to a black student about president Obama?
I am interested in all of your thoughts.
*Pic from Jarvez.com
I'm not sure that Gil Voight should have been terminated for that one comment. However, he has a history of saying racially insensitive things to students and therefore, I believe he does not belong a a position of mentoring teenagers, especially children of color. The school will be a better institution without him.
"Voigt, who is white, told school officials that what he actually told the teen was that he doesn't think the nation can afford another president like Barack Obama, "whether he's black or white.""
Mr. Voigt is correct, but I don't think teachers should interject politics into the classroom. It's not fair for adults to abuse their position and hit kids over the heads with ideology.
If we are going to fire him however, there are about a million teachers who trashed Bush in front of their kids, and there have been about a million more who have praised Obama while attacking his opponents over the past 5 years.
But some cows are just more sacred than others.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”- Voltaire
Yup. Pattern and practice, pattern and practice...
Millions? Identify 20 by name and school.
Brother Field, I watched the video with Oprah and Pharrell and it was great. Thank you for linking me to it.
Re: "The New Black" I agree with Pharrell wholeheartedly when he said:
"The new Black is not a pigmentation of skin, it's a 'mentality' that is either going to work for you or it's going to work against you."
His comment reminded me of what BIB was trying to say about how some of us keep trying to talk to Whites in the old ineffective way that leads to nowhere.
Pharrell's views on life was quite refreshing and freeing. There was deep wisdom coming from that young man. He definitely is connected to the Universe, and to people.
He's beautiful.
Do you believe that teacher Gil Voigt should have been terminated for his comments to a black student about president Obama?
Yes. Even if he was misquoted as he claimed; it's not even close. I don't see how the board could have had any remaining confidence in him as a teacher -especially of minority children with his history.
And in the fair's fair column: the so-called "patriots" would have made sure that the same happened to any teacher expressing a similar (even non racially-charged) opinion of W. So it's not simply liberal PC (as will be claimed below).
"I don't live my life trying to be Black."
I like that. It gives new meaning to being Black.
The teacher reminded me of the one who told Malcolm X he could not be what dreamed he could be.
NBA playoffs are beginning this weekend. The western conference is going to be good for sure.
I'm not debating what the Little Pharrell boy says, but he should not speak for "black" people, nor should he try to negate the experiences of "black" people. Coming from him, it's down right insulting and irrelevant if you ask me.
With his Filipino mother (no she is NOT black, his lying ass) and his ambiguous biracial looking wife, he needs to go sit his effing half breed 'pilopino' brain washed ass somewhere and shut the fuck up... both he and that Tiger Woods.
The "new black" indeed. Black people really need to stop trying to claim some of these confused mixed up bastards pretending to be "black" only when it's convenient.
Trollonymous, "The "new black" indeed. Black people really need to stop trying to claim some of these confused mixed up bastards pretending to be "black" only when it's convenient."
TB, in all seriousness, what is being Black to you?
What IS Pharrell or Tiger Woods if not Black?
Finals for the next TWO WEEKS for me, and that started earlier today.
Anon 12:03 am,
It's acknowledged that being/claiming "black" will always be up for discussion due to one's heritage, appearance and racial experiences etc. Yes, there will always be exceptions among some biracials, just as there are "black" people who detests every and anything associated with being "black".
But I have issues with biracial individuals telling obvious looking "black" people how to think or act, especially when the biracial is likely influenced by a non-black parent/household/environment.
People like Pherrell will tell you they are "biracial" in a nano second (as if it's suppose to mean something) but the minute they want to use the n-word or put black people down, they click their heels three times and become "black".
And the only people who seem to think Tiger is "black", is black people... no one else, not even Tiger. The man rather be his own make believe mythical creature than to be associated with blackness. Take that.
That's why he nor that rapping ferret should ever be able to speak for "black" people. Let them talk shit about being the "new biracial" and leave blacks alone.
"I am not going to post anything tonight because I want you field hands to do some thread jacking."
What is thread jacking?
Trollonymous Burgundy, "And the only people who seem to think Tiger is "black", is black people... no one else, not even Tiger. The man rather be his own make believe mythical creature than to be associated with blackness. Take that."
I really don't know much about Pharrell, but he seems to relate to his "Black" side.
However, you have a very good point about Tiger. He has made it clear that he is not, and does not want to be Black.
He doesn't consider himself Black and neither do Whites consider him Black.
So 'why' do some of our folks still consider Tiger a brother? It's strange.
Here is an interesting article about why Tiger calls himself a "Cablinasian", and why Blacks are pissed off about it:
"... and why Blacks are pissed off about it:"
Yeah, them "blacks" they all think the same thing don't they?
Every single one of them.
This debate reminds me of a quote by the famous son of Trinidad, Gil Scott Heron. Talking about the 'black power movement of the 70's, he said:
"We weren't trying to be black, we were already black, we were just trying to be Americans."
Wait a minute. Tiger did not deny that he is black. In fact, he claimed black as a part of his race. What he was saying is that he is multiracial. He's a little bit of everything because of the different mixtures of races in his heritage with his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, etc. Smh!
It's like blacks telling him, "You you have to deny your mother or father because of the color of their skin. Discriminate against your own flesh and blood. However, blacks don't want to be denied because of their own skin color, discriminated against.
Did Tiger really deny blacks or did blacks deny him?
Cablinasian" = Caucasian, Black, Native American, and Asian.
He's a little bit of all of them. That's all he was saying. Could it be a misunderstanding of what he meant?
Great comments.
But Tiger, by his actions, (ahem ahem, white women) shows that he is probably more comfortable in a white world (if there is such a thing) than a black one.
I know folks try to run away from their blackness, but I suspect that until the rest of America subscribes to this "new black" concept, a black person (no matter how exotic looking) will always be black.
Amon@12:48, would a little Google kill you? Try it. It will tell you all about that phrase.
As a white high school teacher, I support the firing of Gil Voigt. I am amazed at the semi-overt racism of many of my colleagues, and wish the administration would take a much harder line over such comments. I have no problems with political arguments in class (I learned tremendous morality and self awareness listening to several of my teachers) but obviously Voigt's comments (even what he claims he said) were directed at a young man's desire to become president, and should not have been uttered. Shame on a teacher for not supporting every student's dream.
So for the white people's section of the survey...
I think it should be a damn felony for any teacher to piss on the dreams of any man or woman, young or old. Just say anyone. He had a position of trust, however, in which people opened up to learn from him, with an implicit suggestion that they would be safe doing so. Apparently not.
I think his hate speech, for many years, is as damaging to as many lives as any gun this soul-less excuse for a human could have brandished in the classroom.
I think for that alone he should be in jail. The damage and pain he used his trusted position to deliver over the years shouldn't be just disappeared.
If you heard Neal deGrasse Tyson talk about the barriers to his dreams in school and in society - this teacher (and there are many more out there) is the kind that builds those barriers every day, costs us more than we know.
about 1:01:32
About Gil Voigt - he should be fired, definitely. It wasn't just one racist comment but a long history of them. He has no business in a classroom. I'm pleasantly surprised he was actually fired.
So, Field, its either black or white readers. Interesting!
Im always fascinated by the response of Black people whenever a person of color talks about race it often times fall on the lines of for us or against us and I think its ok for Black people to have different opinions on how one manuevers around race and/or racism
i raise the question and i'll raise it again, where on the map can i find black land, and what is you color culture, color name, and what language do you speak after your black self. and no one can't answer me. all these by words black, colored, negro, this is not our nation name.. Hebrew Israelite is our nationality. wake up we not black.. Black is not a person place or thing.
"Interesting"? No. Reality ? Yes.
People view certain situations based on their life experiences. If you have a problem with that I am not the one you should be questioning.
Tomorrow is Sunday, ask the big gal upstairs why that is the case when you go to church.
72 year old white man. . . Yes, the science teacher should have been fired. A history of such remarks reveals he cannot remain professional when with his students. He is free to make such comments away from work - but not in school.
Whitey's Klanspiracy said...
"And in the fair's fair column: the so-called "patriots" would have made sure that the same happened to any teacher expressing a similar (even non racially-charged) opinion of W."
This is a remarkably uninformed comment. Obviously, you had no children in public schools during the Bush years. My kids were constantly barraged with anti-Bush diatribes. A simple Google search turns up hundred of examples. I would bet my life that the ratio of anti-Bush to anti-Obama statements made by teachers to kids in American schools exceeds 1,000 to one.
Only someone who lives their life in a bubble would say something like Whitey did.
Yep, fire him. (White guy vote)
Anonymous Trollonymous Burgundy said...
The "new black" indeed. Black people really need to stop trying to claim some of these confused mixed up bastards pretending to be "black" only when it's convenient.
If having a Filipino mother makes this nobody not really black, I guess having a white mother would render the same verdict, right?
Our president sure found it convenient to be black once he started his political career. Prior to that, he hardly even saw a black person until he was in his twenties.
Abandoned by his Kenyan father when only a few months old, he was raised by his white mother and her white parents, with a few years of an Indonesian stepfather thrown in. He attended rich, white private schools where he was the only blackish student there. All of his friends and acquaintances growing up were white. When he got to Occidental College, he hung out with Persians. When he went to Columbia, his roommate was a gay white guy.
It was only when he wanted to get into Harvard did he start asserting a black identity. When he filled out his census form, he skipped over the multi-racial box and just checked 'Black', like the people who raised him never existed.
But Barry Soetoro gets to be black, and Pharrell does not.
I guess what Mr. Burgundy is saying is that you are only "black" if you say things he agrees with. So 'black' is not a race but an ideology. A racist ideology. Kind of like for the author of this blog, a "House Negro" is someone he disagrees with, and a "Field Negro" is someone who serves the current dominant power structure.
Leftism has embraced racism as its motivating animus after class warfare failed to deliver it power. Racial nationalism has succeeded where class envy failed.
There has never been a more racist ideology than modern Progressivism.
"I think for that alone he should be in jail."
A true progressive here!
Good thinking comrade!
Field Negro thought the law should be enforced with the bundy ranch people.
I wonder if FN believe the laws about immigration should be enforced.
Or is there a double standard?
One wonders what the Government Media's take would have been had Mr. Bundy been black. But of course, the BLM never would have mobilized a paramilitary force to dispossess a black rancher of his property, for the sake of a Chinese solar farm brokered by Harry Reid's son.
Those poor undocumented cows....too bad they can't vote.
Checked out that bossip link that FN linked to. Reading the comments I wondered why...
Stormfront calls white people that don't believe their crap not white enough.
Democrats call black people that don't believe their crap house negros.
A non said:
"Obviously, you had no children in public schools during the Bush years."
No, but I had grandchildren in them; in a liberal town in a liberal region in a Democratic super-majority state. My local school district, just like that in Cincinnati, expects respect for the students and their parents to include the diversity of the population and political and religious neutrality in the classroom, and comes down hard on violations of these basic policies both to prevent their re-occurrence AND punish professional misconduct.
I stand by my statement: If Dub-ya had been so vilified in either Cincinnati or my own town's schools by a teacher, especially during his post 9/11-Pre Katrina, Mission Accomplished, cult-of-personality years, the so-called "patriots" wouldn't have let it rest unresolved, and the districts themselves would have fired them. But, they would have fired them for the right reason: the highly unprofessional offense of bringing personal partisan politics into the classroom. this teacher's racist intimidation of black students is also a separate unprofessional firing offense.
Granny is defending Tiger Woods, no big surprise there. The same Granny who LOVES telling everyone how much white people blood she has running through her veins.
Anonymous 1:56,
So, what if I have white blood running through my veins? Does that make me less than human? I also have Native American, Jewish, Asian, Eastern Indian and Hispanic flowing through my veins. People migrated throughout the history of the world and they mixed blood.
However, I'm still a black woman, who lives as a black woman, enjoys being black, loves being Black, and claims black 24/7. I married a dark chocolate black man and he and I had milk chocolate children. When I was younger, before I got married, I dated Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, vanilla BLACK males because black is my flavor. My mother was dark chocolate and to me she was the most beautiful woman in the world. (she was pretty too). My grandchildren and great grandchildren are chocolate. Yet, I belong to a multiracial family. Belonging to one will teaches you a lot about people, especially racist.
Over three-fourths or more of the Black population has white blood running through their veins. Quite a few whites have black blood running through their veins too. A lot of them are discovering that through DNA test. Mixing wasn't all that one sided back during slavery days. It's history.
Yes, we have an extremely ugly racist history that still exist in this day and age. My fight is not against who is screwing who or who anyone chooses for their mate. I feel like that is their business because I'm not about to let anyone tell me who to pick for mine.
I'm not here on this earth to dictate who should sleep with who. My fight is against injustice and inequality towards the people,whom I identify with as an individual.
Defending Tiger, or is it that I understood what he was trying to say. I did not keep up with Tiger, nor did I keep up with golf because it is a boring sport to me, so I really don't know why black people disown him. Because I had no interest in him. I liked boxing.
Folks claim that they want to have and honest discussion about race, but they let their biases, prejudice, and racism get in the way. Therefore, that discussion will never ever take place. Those three obstruction blocks stand in the way, they will never accomplish it. Too many people are willing to hold on to that hate in their heart.
"Im always fascinated by the response of Black people whenever a person of color talks about race it often times fall on the lines of for us or against us"
Nah, they're both guilty of that concept in one way or another.
A problem is viewing the world through binary lenses only.
Francis Holland wrote an interesting piece on Color Arousal.
I love Francis.
Whitey's Klanspiracy said...
"I stand by my statement: If Dub-ya had been so vilified in either Cincinnati or my own town's schools by a teacher, especially during his post 9/11-Pre Katrina, Mission Accomplished, cult-of-personality years, the so-called "patriots" wouldn't have let it rest unresolved"
But here we are in the post Obamacare, Benghazi, NSA surveillance, IRS gestapo, record low employment, 18 trillion dollar debt years, and saying anything except what a Great Dear Leader Obama is will get you fired.
The town I live in is liberal-leaning, but far from a progressive stronghold. My children got a steady stream of anti-Bush, anti-Palin agitprop from middle school through high school and on into college. This is not an isolated experience, as a cursory review of the issue beyond what MSNBC or the New York Times tells you would show.
No amount of complaint from any "patriots" has been sufficient to dampen this indoctrination, let alone to get anyone fired.
You are a seriously deluded man.
Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth
So, what if I have white blood running through my veins? Does that make me less than human?
It does to a lot of people, including most who post here.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"However, I'm still a black woman, who lives as a black woman, enjoys being black, loves being Black, and claims black 24/7. "
Curious, that in today's America, anyone with the option to live as white or black picks black (or anything else but white). Not only that, non-white people from all over the world do whatever they can to come to this wasteland of White Privilege.
Millions washing ashore year after year…their offspring multitudinous mouths. Every new maw representing another tick of the clock. Another precious moment of finite lives spent laboring to feed, house, heal, and “educate” the eagerly oppressed.
And eager they are. Despite being reliably advised of the vicious racism that awaits, they clamber and swarm for entry. They climb, swim, and dig to enter an American hellscape where microaggressions are thick as corpses in the Ganges. Where innocent EBT-Americans may at any moment suffer the bitter sting of a disapproving glance…none to offer solace but the silent walls of Section 8. Yet despite this ceaseless white torment, they persevere. Countless prognathic profiles in courage.
Why is that, Granny?
You have to ask them that question. I can't answer it for them.
I happen to be content with who I am as an individual. In other words, I am comfortable with who I am.
When I meet people, I try to look for the good in them. If the bad out weighs the good, I don't fool with them. It's as simple as that.
Speaking of the bad outweighing the good, our President is a nasty little prick:
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"Anonymous 1:56,
So, what if I have white blood running through my veins? Does that make me less than human? I also have Native American, Jewish, Asian, Eastern Indian and Hispanic flowing through my veins. People migrated throughout the history of the world and they mixed blood."
I have never known a Negro who spends so much time talking about how much White blood they have in them.....and now let Negroes on FN know they also have Native American, Jewish, Asian, Eastern Indian and Hispanic blood running thru them....
Hmmm. Let's see: 44.5% White, then there is Native American blood; then there is Jewish blood; then there is Asian blood; then there is 'Eastern' Indian blood; then there is Hispanic blood....
Hmmmm. That's 'damn near' every race in the world. Where's the African blood? Probably no room for that. I mean, the body can only take so much blood from the races of the world ...before it looks weird and goes crazy.
And the mind can only take so much before it gets totally lost in 'fantasy'. No wonder you and DQAE are such good friends.:)
No wonder you are defending Tiger Woods.... Thinking Blacks disowned Tiger--instead of the other way around.
*Nope, it is clear, "without a doubt" that Tiger disowned Blacks.*
It's 2% or 1% of the each of them.
If I were you, I wouldn't let anyone have that much control.
Hell yeah, that Gil Voigt dude should have been fired. He's nakedly racist. There's not a lot of ambiguity about what he said.
If you're teaching a class and you spout off with obviously bigoted stuff, you shouldn't be shocked when you get canned. You're not being paid to teach hate.
Granny keeps track of the percentages too. I bet she had a self accomplished smile on her face as she typed.
- The other Anon
Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America.. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation.. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.... This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants.. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??
Barack talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids...? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.
"You're not being paid to teach hate."
Unless it's the right kind of hate.
Anonymous, you both put too much on your baseless assumptions. LOL!
Anyway, you do know what charts look like don't you?
Well, it's like this when you take the DNA test, they give you color charts with percentages on it to break down your DNA. They give you different visual charts that show you everything you need to know.
There are comparison charts that let you compare how much DNA you share with another person and where that DNA is located at, ancestry composition charts, maps, countries of ancestry, and all sorts of different and interesting stuff. In addition, they give you a relative chart with all of those whose DNA matches yours along with a chart telling you how much DNA you share with that person. Moreover, they give you videos that explain the specifics of DNA.
In fact, some black people luck up and actually are reconnected with an African relatives in Africa or or Caribbean or South America. I've connected with a couple of mine.
Actually, the chart lists European, African, Asian, and Native American for the breakdown of percentages.
The Spanish and Eastern Indian part is included in the European chart as part of the white percentage breakdown,why I don't know. Save space I guess.
The African chart is separate, Asian and Native American are together, but separate in the breakdown.
African Americans average about 20% white. Some more, some less (down to zero).
Most whites have no African ancestry.
Anon @ 8:28
No, the teacher should not have been fired.
Nothing any niglet says, anywhere, anytime, is ever credible.
Anon @ 8:27 pm
Blacks fail to realize or appreciate that we are in the post- government, post-negro phase of the decline of the Empire.
The pandering to the underachieving negro as a way to award oneself virtue points no longer has the cachet it once did.
Even an Ivy league degree no longer has value for the upper classes, due to the sell-out to the negros under the extortive "no justice, no peace" racket.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Actually, the chart lists European, African, Asian, and Native American for the breakdown of percentages.
The Spanish and Eastern Indian part is included in the European chart as part of the white percentage breakdown,why I don't know. Save space I guess.
The African chart is separate, Asian and Native American are together, but separate in the breakdown.
9:24 PM
I find it interesting that Granny tells all FN Negroes that she is 44.5% White, and has 'other' non-black percentages in her blood, but hasn't given a 'clue' to how much African blood she has...That's called "unconscious bias" toward non-blacks, and "unconscious prejudice" toward Blacks.
Anonymous 11:05,
First: if you're gonna quote me, why don't you keep it accurate.
I said this, "44% of my blood relatives are non-black."
Which, also, means that it is not limited to just whites. And it was 44%, not 44.5%. Stop exaggerating, over-dramatizing, and trying to build mountain out of a molehill.
Second: Don't you know how to add and subtract? They teach you that in elementary school.
Third: In what way does my racial makeup take skin off your back or interfere with your personal life?
Fourth: Are you racist?
Fifth: I didn't realize I had that much power over you. Oh my,I'm shocked!
Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Anonymous 11:05,
First: if you're gonna quote me, why don't you keep it accurate.
I said this, "44% of my blood relatives are non-black."
Anon 8:27 pm,
Do you actually believe a word of that willfully racist farce you wrote? The second paragraph alone discredits you and highlights the audacity of your undeserving white privileged ignorance. I read that as the lashing out of a typical white modern racist. Nothing new.
And he is President Obama. Regardless if he's black or blackish, both he and his black first lady has already made History. There is nothing you can do to ever change that. Absolutely Nothing. Too bad for you.
I know you are hurting inside. But your poor finances, cheating spouse, disrespectful children, your head lice and other personal dilemmas are all self-inflicted, black people did not cause them. I wish you peace and happiness to help you move on, good luck.
I'll tell you what, go back, and read what I said.
I have so much power over you. It's unbelievable.
Btw, Calm down. You screaming and hollering like you done lost your mind. What you trying to do wake up the dead? You not turning colors are you? When a person gets as angry as you are right now and starts yelling that could be unhealthy. Just calm down, take a deep breathe, and breathe slow a little at a time.
I have so much power over you. Oh my goodness.
Since you need instruction on what to do next.
Go back the thread that I first mentioned it. Take your time and read it slow.
Oh my gosh, I have so much power over you.
"African Americans average about 20% white. Some more, some less (down to zero).
Most whites have no African ancestry."
Clear proof that white men rape more than black men.
Burgundy, you left out a few, but I am sure the pathologies and afflictions you mentioned for our Stormfront friend are all spot on.
Idiot@8:27, I dare say that we would never want to have a conversation on anything with the likes of you. I suspect that all of your conversations start and end with the words: white power.
Unemployment under Obama is higher than it has been since FDR.
I must say that I love this site. when I read the comments about pharell stating that there is a new black I immediately called him a coon and was about to recommend him for our new website www.coonwatch.com (launch date 5/1/2014). However, after I actually read his comments I can't say he was cooning. the most important take away for me was that he was talking about up lifting yourself. however, defining it as a new black is crazy. it should have been presented as what we can do individually as we deal with the white supremacy all around us.
"Coonwatch.com", huh?
Send me a link when you launch.
Idiot@8:27, I dare say that we would never want to have a conversation on anything with the likes of you. I suspect that all of your conversations start and end with the words: white power.
8:09 AM
Brother field, don't you think you are being too hard on anon? My God, man. What has happened to you?
Sorry Anon, but as I get older my allergic reaction to stupid gets worse.
White reader here. I've only ever commented on this blog once before (in the thread about the kid who was admitted to all 8 Ivies). My gut is that there is more to the story about Gil Voigt than we know. It's difficult to fire a teacher in a unionized environment. We've seen teachers who have had sex with students keep their jobs. I sense that there was a history with Gil Voigt and the comments in question -- which may or may not have been his actual words -- were merely the straw that broke the camel's back. My experience with the MSM is that in general the best you get from them is "wildly inaccurate", and from their they often descent into various levels of Hell. I suspect we distant readers will never know what exactly went on with Gil Voigt.
White lady speaking: Of course he should have been fired. Teachers shouldn't make racist comments.
Field, I've been reading you for years and never read the comments--toxic! Sheesh.
Happened on by. Hadn't heard about this Gil Voigt character. I'd have fired him in a heartbeat. Not only for making a bigoted statement, but for being too stupid to teach anyone anything.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
White lady speaking: Of course he should have been fired. Teachers shouldn't make racist comments.
Field, I've been reading you for years and never read the comments--toxic! Sheesh.
1:41 PM
Welcome! Please join us. Maybe you can help gentrify FN.
A middle-aged white guy from the suburbs (former Oklahoma sundown town) here. As reported, I'd say it's a pretty easy call to fire Voigt.
I think it would be trickier (a closer call) if it had been a one-time thing, in which case, I'd probably advocate the liberal course of giving him a second chance, while putting him on notice that for a second offense--he's gone. I agree w/ those who said the racism and the 'raining on a student's dream' are both the punishable offenses.
We don't need any more discussions about race. Whites and Blacks despise each other. We were forced to live together and it's not working. Case closed.
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