We know this thanks to his "Blackxican" (thank you tweeter fam for that word)girlfriend who taped a lovers spat between the two.
"But Field, how can he be a racist if he has a half Latina and half Black girlfriend?"
This is not an easy question to answer. It's a sick and complicated pathology that seems to dog the racist. (Please note the racist trolls that flock to this, a black blog.)
Remember Frazier Glenn? He was the Klansman and white supremacist who shot up a Jewish center in Kansas, recently. Well it seems that ole Frazier was caught and arrested "mid-act" with a black male prostitute. Then there is our friend Thomas Jefferson. He had a serious thing for his slave, Sally Hemings; he even fathered some of her children.
Anyway, this is not Sterling's first go round with the racism rodeo. He was fined millions of dollars by the feds for housing discrimination and former NBA great, Elgin Baylor, sued him a few years back. In the lawsuit it was alleged that he (Sterling) was a racist and a sexist as well.
The NBA did nothing back then and the racist owner continued to own his team and his "million dollar slaves" that went with it. Now, unfortunately for the NBA, the chickens have come home to roost, and in the middle of what have so far been wonderful playoff games, this embarrassing revelation has come to the fore. So now the NBA is forced to address Donald Sterling.
The saddest part of this sordid episode is the behavior of the black coach Sterling hired, Doc Rivers. Rivers who now coaches for Sterling-- and previously played for him--- said that he had no idea that Sterling had those kinds of views about black people. Yeah right! He must have had his head up his ass for the past ten years. Or, he was too busy cashing Donald Sterling's checks to notice.
Poor Rivers left Boston and came to this. Talk about "jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire."
The next few days will be interesting. The usual suspects are out threatening boycotts and marches etc. , but it won't make much of a difference. The NBA will fine or suspend Sterling, and the folks who write and spin these things will write the obligatory letters of apology.
But those Negroes who continue to cash the checks will keep doing it, and Sterling will keep his team of Negroes. Even if he doesn't respect them and continues to see them as less than equals.
“We’re playing. We’re playing Golden State, and Golden State is our enemy right now. … We heard about all of the boycotts and all of the other stuff. That’s all stuff we could do. We choose to play. … The biggest statement we can make as men – not as black men, but as men – is to stick together and show how strong we are as a group. Not splinter. Not walk. It’s easy to protest. The protest will show in our play.”
Sorry Doc, the only thing that your "play" will show is that you still work for Donald Sterling.
*Pic from TMZ.
From the previous thread:
Blogger field negro said...
"Actually, she is Latino. And Sterling is a known racist. He was fined millions by DOJ for housing discrimination."
Latino, Asian, Indian...whatever, Sterling was with her and proves that as long a bw has enough 'other' blood in her to naturally long beautiful hair, she will attract wm, or any kind of man for that matter.
BUT, these men will not see her as Black. Brother Field, I have noticed quite a few sistas here in the bay area wearing long hair from India. I hear it's big business for east Indians to sell their hair to AA women.
Do you ever think we will ever 'accept' who we are or have some pride for our existence? I know in the bay area that will probably NEVER happen, but what about the rest of the country?
PS..you could have been nice enough to give a h/t to anon who posted the story in your previous thread. Why not give your peeps some credit? Must you steal it all for yourself?
Mr Field, I am from the days of Walter Cronkite. I don't think all these hidden recordings and videos that sensationalize every one's private conversations under the First Amendment is healthy or safe for America.
It only makes damn near EVERYONE untrustworthy. This goes against ethics and morals and therefore against God Himself. At the rate we are going in our country, things will soon implode on us like the Russians did at the Berlin Wall in November,1989.
I like what James Baldwin, Marcus Garvery, and Fannie Lou Hamer
had to say.
“People who treat other people as less than human must not be surprised when the bread they have cast on the waters comes floating back to them, poisoned.”
James A. Baldwin
“It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.”
James A. Baldwin
“The power of the white world is threatened whenever a black man refuses to accept the white world's definitions.”
James A. Baldwin
“Progress is the attraction that moves humanity.”
Marcus Garvey
“White Americans today don't know what in the world to do because when they put us behind them, that's where they made their mistake... they put us behind them, and we watched every move they made.”
Fannie Lou Hamer
Well, well, well. Brother Field, once again the trustworthy NAACP is once again honoring Donald Sterling with a covenanted Award. This should help Donald and ALL Whites and ALL uncle toms immensely.
Btw, this is the second time our wonderful watchdog NAACP has honored Donald for his 'sterling' achievements.
I'm sure Kinky Con and Bill and FOX will relate that Sterling isn't such a bad guy afterall:
Don't hold me to this, I think I read somewhere sometime ago, that James Baldwin said he was wrong about those quotes Granny posted.
Snoop Dog has some nice choice words for the owner of the LA Clippers....It's really quite elegant and moving:
Between the penis extender and Viagra, I'm not sure why this young Blaxican even bothers with this dude. IMHO, there Ain't that much money in the ENTIRE world.
FlyDoc formerly known as FlyNMy40s
FlyDoc will never be a doctor either.
"Doc Rivers...said that he had no idea that Sterling had those kinds of views about black people."
Everyone has those views about black people, even other black people.
And nothing Sterling said was racist. He was just telling his whore what the ground rules were.
"Everyone has those views about black people, even other black people."
Sadly, you are pretty close. It's very depressing, if you are Black.
depressed negro
Looks like the penis extender crew is in full effect, lol!!
I see DQAE, Dr Queenie, Dr Nuwang, Flynmy40s, and now FlyDoc has another personality emerging. Lord have mercy. That sister has more personalities than Sybil. lol
A person of her sort would never be admitted into Med School. Maybe Bowie, but no reputable Med School would accept her....she's crazy and has no idea who she is.
Anonymous said...
Between the penis extender and Viagra, I'm not sure why this young Blaxican even bothers with this dude. IMHO, there Ain't that much money in the ENTIRE world.
FlyDoc formerly known as FlyNMy40s
8:26 PM
Always looking for negative attention aren't you? As Anon once said, "you'd rather have bad breath than no breath at all." LOL
I feel sorry for you. I will pray for you to someday 'find' yourself and be happy.
I wonder if the NAACP is going to cancel their "Lifetime Achievement Award" for sterling.
Any surprise that the NAACP was going to give a lifetime achievement award to a known racist that only donated to democrats?
I wonder why FN didn't mention the NAACP connection.
I remembering reading years ago Sterling was a bad guy to play for. Had a rep for being cheap. Maybe there was more to it than that.
Just missed the exhibit at the RAF museum about the blah pilots from the Carribean who I guess were the RAF equivalent of the Tuskegee Airmen. I need to do some research on these brothas. I hate I missed it.
Also, I believe the proper term is "Blanish" and not "Blexican".
Anonymous Bill said...
I wonder if the NAACP is going to cancel their "Lifetime Achievement Award" for sterling.
Any surprise that the NAACP was going to give a lifetime achievement award to a known racist that only donated to democrats?
I wonder why FN didn't mention the NAACP connection.
9:35 PM
Bill, didn't you know that this award will the SECOND AWARD the NAACP will honor the honorable Donald Sterling with?
Yes, it's true. They love him. And it matters not to the NAACP that he is a racist. What matters is how much money he gives them. Come on, surely you and Field know this?
PX, Also, I believe the proper term is "Blanish" and not "Blexican".
9:40 PM
Well, you be wrong.
Well Bill, Field didn't mention Sterling's connections to the NAACP because it is not relevant to the story. Same answer you get everytime you ask this same pointless question.
It's so damn easy to yoke the chain of my Assnon stans, lol!!!
"Here Fido and Spot, jump higher next time!! Good muts", ROTFL!!!!
There goes Bill and his straw man again. I swear he must have a ton of Scarecrows in the back of his house. :)
Bill, at least you didn't confuse the NAACP and the "NCAA" like your friend on FOX News.
PX, Sterling's connections to the NAACP IS relevant to the story ONLY if you consider Sterling a racist and the NAACP a defender of Blacks.
From your own comment, you consider neither or you are just a zero with uncle tom sell-out tendencies....like the NAACP.
Depressed Negro, I thought u committed suicide by now.
Glad to see u are still alive.
Are u getting professional help for your condition yet?
Yes, brother Field, I am getting professional help. However, what has helped me the most was your post on depression in the black community. You validated everything I have been saying for years on FN.
Btw, why didn't you give me a H/T for that post? Why the hell won't you give me some 'uplifting' credit?
CrashPilotX said...
"Just missed the exhibit at the RAF museum about the blah pilots from the Carribean who I guess were the RAF equivalent of the Tuskegee Airmen"
You mean the British have their very own fictional negro hero airmen too?
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.
Btw, I was going to commit suicide off of the Golden Gate Bridge. But they have put up so many barriers to climbing that sucker that I got too tired before even trying. It pissed me off at the time, but after CA made BIB's favorite weed legal, I see no reason to do anything, except just lay back and take it easy. BIB, thanks for lobbying for that stuff. It's fantastic, man.
depressed negro
Granny, you have a message in the comment section of the previous thread.
Clippers owner Donald Sterling, accused of racism and embracing a "vision of a Southern plantation-type structure" in a lawsuit filed in February by Elgin Baylor, will be given a lifetime achievement award next week by the NAACP. . . .
How far left politically does a racist have to be to get an award from the NAACP?
"But Field, how can he be a racist if he has a half Latina and half Black girlfriend?"
Look at history. White racist have been killing people of color around the world for centuries, and raping their women. Nothing new that a bigot would want a sista.
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Well Bill, Field didn't mention Sterling's connections to the NAACP because it is not relevant to the story. Same answer you get everytime you ask this same pointless question.
A known racist getting an award from the NAACP is not relevant?
Is the NAACP going to honor the bundy guy from Nevada or aren't all racists equal?
That's why you are part white, Wesley. Roll with it.
For the record. To all it may concern, that woman is not a "black" woman. That's all I got to say. And don't the usual suspects have more important things to go after? Really?
Field, Frazier Glenn and that black male prostitute does not surprise me. I've always sensed that's why a lot of these vile racists hang out in the Fields, both genders. I'll bet that shirtless Ving Rhames looking pic of yours attracts most of them. (don't let that go to your head). Mrs. Field should have made you take it down a long time ago.
Field negro said...
"Depressed Negro, I thought u committed suicide by now. Glad to see u are still alive. Are u getting professional help for your condition yet?"
Field, didn't you write a sympathetic post about mental illness/depression in the black community just a few threads back?
And here you are provoking poor Depressed Negro to commit suicide. I hope he files a grievance with Anon Inc. You already lost your shirt, so I hope he sues your pants off.
"I'll bet that shirtless Ving Rhames looking pic of yours attracts most of them."
Is that why you are here?
Are you 100% black?
"Is that [pic] why you are here?"
No. It scares the crap out of me. And I'm not a vile racist, so that doesn't apply to me.
"Are you 100% black?"
No. I am 80% Troll and 20% Sea Serpent. No one has ever asked before, thank you for caring.
"And here you are provoking poor Depressed Negro to commit suicide. I hope he files a grievance with Anon Inc. You already lost your shirt, so I hope he sues your pants off."
Oh my! I thought I paid Anon Inc. for their services.
Please tell me that the check didn't bounce.:)
"No. I am 80% Troll and 20% Sea Serpent. No one has ever asked before, thank you for caring."
Your opinion is invalid unless you are 100% black.
"Oh my! I thought I paid Anon Inc. for their services."
Don't worry... Like a good neighbor, Troll Inc will be there.
Field, what is up with these captcha's? I'm being discriminated against! OMG. Those letters aren't even on my keyboard, and what on earth language is on the audio? What the h*ll is happening now?
Why do dogs hate black people?
“The power of the white world is threatened whenever a black man refuses to accept the white world's definitions.”
James A. Baldwin
Okay, that was laugh out loud funny.
I thank you for the humor.
I wish everybody would stop effing with me. It depresses me.
depressed negro
BUT, these men will not see her as Black. Brother Field, I have noticed quite a few sistas here in the bay area wearing long hair from India. I hear it's big business for east Indians to sell their hair to AA women.
The latest trend in the DC area is to either buy Asian hair, or straighten their own hair, and then attempt to dye it blonde or red.
It looks absolutely hideous.
No matter how hard they try, blacks will never be white. Yet they continue to go on making fools of themselves trying to "look" or adopt "white"-ness.
And liberals who love to adopt blacks as their political pets need to understand that blacks are not chocolate covered white people.
Black is not white.
"No matter how hard they try, blacks will never be white. Yet they continue to go on making fools of themselves trying to "look" or adopt "white"-ness."
No matter how hard they try, whites will never be black. Yet they continue to make fools of themselves by tanning for skin cancer, locking their straggly hair, and injecting their lips and now their flat asses with plastic cement. Looks absolutely hideous and pathetic to me.
Frazier Glenn Miller did it with a black dude? Wow, he was really rolling the dice betting his cross-burning brethren would not find out. I can't imagine they'd be in favor of sex with blacks or dudes. Major violation of the bigot bylaws.
And don't forget the whites who attempt to rap, sing R&B, and fail desperately trying to dance with actual rhythm.
Or blacks who try to do math.
Field, "Well it seems that ole Frazier was caught and arrested "mid-act" with a black male prostitute. Then there is our friend Thomas Jefferson. He had a serious thing for his slave, Sally Hemings; he even fathered some of her children."
Field, you ought to know from black history that during the days of slavery AND Jim Crow, it was "good luck" for the master to have sex with a bw. That still holds true today. What the hell do you think the plague called "Jungle Fever" is all about?
Kinky Con certainly knows all about it. When he felt he had enough "good luck" to last himself for a lifetime, he quit. But Bill Maher is still at it.
All of this shit is sexually depressing.
Field, I might have to take a trip East to Philly to check out some of those bridges I heard Philly has. Are they high enough? How much water is below?
In the bay area, if you jumped from the Golden Gate, you won't be coming up or rescued. there is something down in that water that snatches folks where they can never be found again. some say it's due to a sea serpent underneath. Trollonymous might know something about this, seeing how he is part serpent.
the police ought to arrest his ass on suspicion. I mean, there have been a lot of folks who have never been found. and I bet Trollonymous knows where they are. Hell, they might still be alive. Field, you need to do a post on this. This shit is getting depressing knowing there is a person on here who is part serpent. FN brings in all kinds.
depressed negro
Tuberculosis (AKA TB), aren't you the hypocritical little wench tonight? Talking smack about MY comments a few threads back, now look at YOUR hypocritical a$$?
Debt is the new slavery - especially student debt.
Millions of students have been led down a path of false promise, that removing themselves from the workforce and taking on enormous debt to earn a college degree - even if from a marginal school - would give them a ticket to the promised land of middle class security.
Instead, they are sold into a debt slavery they can never escape from, often buying a bogus product from institutions that are less than honest about the true prospects for their alumni.
No matter how hard they try, whites will never be black. Yet they continue to make fools of themselves by tanning for skin cancer, locking their straggly hair, and injecting their lips and now their flat asses with plastic cement. Looks absolutely hideous and pathetic to me.
I don't know any whites who do that. I do know those are habits of olive-skinned trash, like the "Housewives of NJ", but low rent southern barely Euros like Italians are not "white". Blacks seems to cast a wide net as to who they think is "white".
Privileged white kids like to slum and adopt the mannerisms of the ghetto (rap, clothing, etc) precisely because they know there is never any danger of them ever economically or socially ending up marginalized - aka black. Blacks also fail to appreciate that this is mockery, not appreciation, for black culture.
But thanks for playing.
Depressed Negro, for your information... Trolls, Sea Serpents and Latinos are busy fighting blacks in the streets of LA. They no longer have time to sit or swim under the Bay area bridge.
For the last time, I am 80% Troll. I'm only 20% Sea Serpent because I happen to have a tail. I don't know where you are getting your information, and I don't appreciate your accusations.
"Privileged white kids like to slum and adopt the mannerisms of the ghetto (rap, clothing, etc) precisely because they know there is never any danger of them ever economically or socially ending up marginalized - aka black. Blacks also fail to appreciate that this is mockery, not appreciation, for black culture."
That I agree with.
However, I'm sure in several generations to come, whites will swear they invented all of that too. You know how you folks roll.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Or blacks who try to do math.
12:41 AM
I know, right? We just returned from a visit to one of our rental properties, and found that in less than 6 mths, the neighborhood has flipped from a nice, quiet community filled with white retirees and middle income white collar types with the standard issue 2.1 kids to black. It only took 1 black family and a few breakins to bust that block.
White flight is now underway and we have less time to ditch and move than we thought. We were going to list in the spring, but saw two of our neighbors aren't even putting up signs - they are listing on the quiet and trying to get out before EVERYONE lists and kills the market for everyone.
The timing is crucial. You have to list high, when blacks want to get in to a neighborhood, because they think they're buying in a white neighborhood with "good schools" (not realizing the schools are "good" because they have no black students in them!), etc so they will pay a premium.... until the tipping point when they look around and realize they are now in a majority turd brown neighborhood and the school stats suck (in part, because .... blacks can't do math!)
The ironic part is, most of the whites fleeing are reclaiming a really nice part of the city close to culture and amenities that the blacks are leaving to buy into .... white neighborhoods...
Because blacks can't do math, they'll get screwed leaving the black neighborhood and buying into the white one, while the whites (if they time it right) will win leaving and buying into a "transition" neighborhood on the cheap before it's "discovered".
And Depressed Negro, please do not refer to me as a"he". Some of us Trolls are Hermaphrodites. Thank you very much!
Anon 1:23 am, you forgot to sign off with "white power!"
Ok, that was meant for Anon 1:19... Not my fault, that's what happens when you can't understand math. Time for bed.
Nah man, the Tuskegee Airmen were real enough. Now conservatives who advocate military action who actually serve in the military, that shit is a myth.
Hmmm.. I couldn't be with a man like like, lie next to him, whilst he insults and thinks the way he does. Still, whatever turn you on.
Having racist views and being sexually attracted the the opposite sex is nothing new though, so his desire is pretty much historically on point.. ( if nowt else)
Trollonymous, I apologize for misunderstanding your sexuality, and thinking you or your cousins might be at the bottom of the bay holding folks captive. My bad.
I had no idea that you were running the streets of L.A. against the Latinos and Asians. I thought there was nothing but a love fest there between ALL the races except the Whites. At least, that's what I gathered from Field's past posts about Blacks and Latinos.
I myself have always known Mexicans to the biggest racists on the planet. I am surprised that the Latino gf of Sterling is part Black. It would be interesting to learn how that happened. Of course, Field won't wade into such waters since he thinks Blacks should be supporting immigration and helping Mexicans get ahead. Of course, we all know they will be grateful to us. *rolling eyes*
depressed negro
Sterling proves that what happened with the Duke LaCross team was racially motivated. I knew it all along.
Maybe Bill will finally surrender to the truth.
I swear. You just can't trust wm.
I wonder if he stays with her. This would have never happened if he just gothimself a bunny.
This is one of the Reasons Black People have to start creating our own industries ..
There's absolutely NO reason that a small group of former Black NBA players couldn't up end the entire league by creating a league of our own ..
Imagine if they could only pull talent from the European or Latin American Countries.
Gotta hit these kind of people right in the pocket its the only thing they understand.
The apologies, fines, the public humiliation don't amount to much if he still gets to continue to make money...
The Sterling/girlfriend recording should be archived and played in every social science/black studies/American studies class in the nation: it's classic. I could supply my own: these fossils always think it's just a matter of "appearances," just a slight tweaking of conduct, associations, etc. and they'll be happy. My father wanted me to promise him I wouldn't marry a "negro" (this, out of the blue: I wasn't dating anyone darker than him) and was genuinely hurt that I wouldn't (so little to ask of a kid you're sending to college!). Yet Sterling is the real deal, a virulent racist who discriminated in housing and broke the law in big ways. He doesn't get it, never will. He (and my parents) just have to die out; there's no other cure...
Nothing will come of this, it will disappear. The guy is a Democrat and a BIG doner and organizer for the Dems. Nobody has to like you.
This is one of the Reasons Black People have to start creating our own industries ..
Caribbeans and Africans could easily do this and make it work. Blacks born in America? No freakin' way!!!
Wow Anotherbozo, thanks for your honesty and personal reflection.
Who cares about this old fugly dude and his racist views. He's in tune with more than half of "America". If that ole ugly mofo's getting any kind of "sexual" anything, he should thank his lucky stars. Blaxican chick's parents should be "oh, so proud". Never know what the hell our daughters/sons are going to do, that's for sure. Country was built on Master/Slave mentality. It's still ongoing. Should be no shock to anyone at this stage of the game. Tornadoes are coming, maybe some of these folks will be BLOWN to Holly Hell. We can dream can't we???
Chicago, the town that attending an anti-violence charity event and you get shot dead on the way home.
Woman a victim of same violence she fought against
No doubt if the shooter was white this would be an issue. A black shooter and it isn't even important enough for this blog to mention.
Imagine being caught on closed circuit TV kicking your girlfriend 117 times.
Just be thankful you are a big Obama donor so you can plead guilty and get 25 hours of community service.
If only people on the left were as concerned about the "war on women" as much as they were about the CEO of mozilla giving a political contribution they would go after his tech company.
Lucky for the guy that kicks his girlfriend 117 times, democrats don't hold their own to the same standards.
"the Tuskegee Airmen were real enough."
Yes, but they didn't single handedly win the war, as is taught to school kids today.
"There's absolutely NO reason that a small group of former Black NBA players couldn't up end the entire league by creating a league of our own .."
Good luck with that.
And by and large, whites don't run professional sports either. The majority of major sports franchises and leagues are run by Jews.
Black men like Magic Johnson,Kobe Bryant,Charles Barclay and Michael Jordan thought they had arrived and were well received and accepted by whites in this country. Lol
With this, I hope everyone sees that sex along with money have no color and this is the reason why often white women marry rich black men and white men sleep and marry black women and are still capable of harboring racist sentiments at the same time.
I knew a white woman who married a black doctor and was one of the biggest racist in the land. After having a child with her black husband, she thought the child was too dark and refused to have another child with him.And she became upset later when her son married a non-white woman. Another white woman married a black man for his money and he had a black daughter from a previous marriage who lived with them. When her black husband died she began treating his daughter like the maid of the house . This young black woman had to clean and cook for her white step mother and her white daughter. Things hit the fan when her older lily white son who had never been living with them fell in love with her black step daughter. This very same white woman who had married a well to do black man was so appalled she began to utter all the anti black sentiments and racism her sick mind could come up with.Racism is a complex matter. Sometimes it seems to come out of the woodwork. It is in the DNA of many people.
"Black men like Magic Johnson,Kobe Bryant,Charles Barclay and Michael Jordan thought they had arrived and were well received and accepted by whites in this country. Lol"
One old man tells his paid consort not to rub it in his face that he she is sleeping with younger men, and every white person is a racist.
But of course, when blacks commit hate crimes it's not indicative at all about black people in general.
Grow up already.
Well at least you agree with me,Sex along with money and also add ambition , have no color and one never knows.
What Sterling has in common with Bundy is that they're both déclassé. The race stuff reminds me a bit of that scene in Bonfire of the Vanities where the Kramers, formerly insecure in front of their proper English nanny, breathe a sigh of status relief when she outs herself as lower class with a racist comment.
Google billionaire Eric Schmidt knows how to have affairs without getting egg in his face like this. For starters, he dates a different kind of woman.
So keeping up with the times,
being a gold digging whore = good,
being a racist = bad.
Or is she fighting against the patriarchy too? Lol.
Anyway, I won't feel sad for that rich guy, or anyone in this ridiculous story.
P.S. I saw some other pics, she's not worth a Ferrari, you can get a better hooker for $ 150. She's full of tattoos too. Meh.
Since you are the authority, Why don't you ask racist Sterling what he sees in her ?
The Negroes running to white women and the white men running from both the Negroes and white women. LOL.
Well said magaly... well said
Anon@3:26 PM, so when is being a racist good?
I think our friends from SBPDL are here.
Speaking of racists who can't stay away from
black folks...... :)
My point had more to do with independence business wise ....
It really wasn't even directed towards racism
Field doesn't mention Sterling is a Democrat and major Obama supporter.
I wonder why.....
Kinky Con
field negro said...
Anon@3:26 PM, so when is being a racist good?
When the racism is directed against whites, duh.
Let me know when the players quit the team, I mean, you'd really have to be an Uppity House Negro to work for a Racist Mo-Fo like Sterling
field negro said...
I think our friends from SBPDL are here.
Now it's racist to not want to hang out with black people. Mr. Sterling is apparently not free to decide who he will associate with.
The only people who are "free" in the United States of America are black people. Free from being judged by even the content of their character...
Failing K-12 schools that are majority black? Not enough state or federal funding.
Lack of qualified black candidates for elite colleges? Racism on the part of the admissions process.
Too many black males getting disciplined in those K-12 schools? Bigotry, of course.
An 83 percent black city, once known as the "Arsenal of Democracy," declares the largest bankruptcy in American history? The fault of unions, naturally.
Hell, the Attorney General of the Department of Justice is working to release so-called "non-violent offenders" from jail over disparate impact.
Black dysfunction has a source.
It's simply blacks.
Frank, ain't nobody quitting nuthin.
Brother Field, I am sick and tired of this racist shit against Blacks. I am fedup!
When will it end?
I need some relief from the depression of being Black in America. I am so tired of this.
dpressed negro
"Now it's racist to not want to hang out with black people."
No shit sherlock, you work that all out by yourself?
You're a regular genius, ain't ya, trailer boy?
Easy on him PC, he is from SBPD;, those folks ain't too bright.
Frank, when did you get out?
The Purple Cow said...
"You're a regular genius, ain't ya, trailer boy?"
That's debatable, but I am certain you aren't.
Racism used to require a noose or a burning cross, but now means insufficient enthusiasm in engaging in the mandatory fawning over black people.
You people are pathetic.
"Racism used to require a noose or a burning cross, but now means insufficient enthusiasm in engaging in the mandatory fawning over black people."
No, that's YOUR definition of racism. I know you probably want to hang a few of us and burn some crosses but them days are gone.
Sterling, an old “white” jew, was dating a young blaxican, which, mournfully, was unable to cure his raycism. Maybe he was only half-trying, and needs to go Full Negro to have a real chance at it.
I always got a kick out of seeing Sterling’s full-page “I’m Not Racist” ads in the LA Times… every… single… day, announcing he was giving “community” awards to some blacks, or some blacks were giving him an award [for giving them money to prove he's not a racist]. I wonder if the grift will continue as if nothing happened, or if he needs to double-down on his NAACP bribes and ad purchases, or if it’s “just so bad” now that he’ll just give up the charade.
And will anyone ask aloud, Why was his supposed-girlfriend recording a face-to-face conversation with him? If she was afraid of getting “domesticly violenced”, I could understand needing evidence for the cops. But since that didn’t happen, and he didn’t call her a half-nigger P.O.S. or anything outlandish, one can only conclude her main intention was to publicly humiliate him, following the example of Mel Gibson’s Russian whorefriend.
"Now it's racist to not want to hang out with black people."
Says the asshat who hangs out on Black websites. This guy is a winner.
"No, that's YOUR definition of racism. I know you probably want to hang a few of us and burn some crosses but them days are gone."
Nope, but I do want the freedom to associate with whoever I want to. Don't you?
"Field doesn't mention Sterling is a Democrat and major Obama supporter."
Kinky and Bill must have been in the same special ed class. He also didn't mention the welfare farmer was a Republicon. I wonder why. Dumbass.
I believe she is a he....
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
"Now it's racist to not want to hang out with black people."
No shit sherlock, you work that all out by yourself?
You're a regular genius, ain't ya, trailer boy?
6:54 PM
You are a pathetic loser, and your racism is truly unappetizing.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to associate with people with similar values and interests of you - and that may or may not include hanging out with "black people".
To do otherwise is to assume that "blacks" are monolithic with similar values, interests, etc .....
There are lots of reasons someone wouldn't want to hang out with you. Your skin color isn't in the top 10. Your twisted view of the world certainly is.
"Nope, but I do want the freedom to associate with whoever I want to. Don't you?"
Dumbass, I already have that freedom which means I won't hang out with the likes of you. Or did Obama take that freedom from you seeing as how you oh so persecuted white males are crying about your precious freedoms being taken away by the bad blah man on 1600 Pennsylvania.
Anon @ 11:48 AM--
*** THANK YOU ***
So sick and tired of the BS mythology that is being shoved down our kids throats as "history".
"Nope, but I do want the freedom to associate with whoever I want to. Don't you?"
Moron probably believes Obama is going to make him hang out with dirty negroes. Must be a Republican, they love their stupid.
Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Nah man, the Tuskegee Airmen were real enough. Now conservatives who advocate military action who actually serve in the military, that shit is a myth.
2:13 AM
When I first started visiting the FN, I actually would look forward to your posts and valued what you had to contribute.
Then you went full grievance BS retard and started posted crap like this.
Now I understand you truly were an AA, Grievance Winner, not merit hire.
I was the fool for believing otherwise, initially.
My bad.
Freedom of association is no longer a right for Americans.
"Yes, but they didn't single handedly win the war, as is taught to school kids today."
Maybe in your special ed class.
"So sick and tired of the BS mythology that is being shoved down our kids throats as "history".
Yeah, try the real shit once in a while. maybe talking to one of them can clear up some issues you seem to have. Because we all know Ronald Reagan and John Wayne won all of America's wars.
Damn you white boys are some dumbasses.
"Freedom of association is no longer a right for Americans."
Yeah, happened as soon as the bad blah man stepped into the WH huh? Have you always been this paranoid or did Fox News help you? White male paranoia isn't cute. Are you being forced to hang out with negroes or something kid? Do tell.
Black is Beautiful comment at 5:37 AM
I think that is one of the points that FN was trying to make but you make it much more eloquently.
Black players in the system - and now, black coaches and other ancillary talent - hold the cards. There is nothing from preventing them from leveraging their talents for THEIR benefit. There will be deep pockets that would finance them - why be beholden to a racist like Sterling?
"Moron probably believes Obama is going to make him hang out with dirty negroes"
Moron doesn't read the news:
"So sick and tired of the BS mythology that is being shoved down our kids throats as "history".
Life was so much better when we didn't have to hear about n*&&er history. Hell, the confederacy won the gotdamned war why are they still here anyway?
And white people are being rounded up and forced to move into these neighborhoods. Boo fucking hoo. Racists are morons.
Anon @ 9:33
Married to an actual accomplished Naval Aviator, I am well aware of the BS mythology surrounding the "Tuskagee Airmen". They did remarkable things given the odds against them, but nothing like the manufactured mythology. And I have spoken to them, and know much more about WWII aviation history than you.
I've also watched first hand the BS of "affirmative action" in the naval aviatin community, where a black grievance mongering bitch who was not qualified to fly pulled the race card and got herself a "special" training program in Corpus. Sent to the fleet, she put others lives in danger.
FU and your AA bullshit.
There are LOADS of qualified blacks, and people like you who support grievance mongering and race-baiting make it more difficult for them, AND diminish their true achievements in the eyes of the majority.
"When I first started visiting the FN, I actually would look forward to your posts and valued what you had to contribute."
Then I went full racist and let my sheet show and now I just talk about darkies being affirmative action recipients and followers of Jesse Jackson.
There, fixed it.
"And white people are being rounded up and forced to move into these neighborhoods. Boo fucking hoo. Racists are morons."
No, moron, black people are being rounded up and transported into white neighborhoods.
"There are LOADS of qualified blacks, and people like you who support grievance mongering and race-baiting make it more difficult for them, AND diminish their true achievements in the eyes of the majority."
And there are LOADS of non-racist whites who don't sit around bitching on Black websites about unqualified Black folk when there are TONS of unqualified white male aviators who put others' lives in danger. Trust me, they are out there. Save your jealous rantings for the stormfront crowd. They might actually believe your bullshit.
Anonymous@9:24 PM
Shouldn't you learn to read before calling someone a "dumbass"?
AA must have got you a pass in the special ed classes you took.
"No, moron, black people are being rounded up and transported into white neighborhoods."
Oh that's right, random negroes are being rounded up, lured by free Obama phones and let loose in white neighborhoods. Uh oh, I see an Obama bus, I'd better run or they might make me live next to your dumbass in the trailer park!
"AA must have got you a pass in the special ed classes you took."
What was your excuse? Pissed in your pants? I know, one step at a time.
"AA must have got you a pass in the special ed classes you took."
BTW, it's "must have GOTTEN you. I know grammar isn't big in the trailer park but damn man don't fuck up when correcting someone else. DUMBASS!
Field, what does SBPD stand for?
You never cease to amuse and your incitefulness cuts to the quick.
This blog is usually a source of comedy, but some of the commenters like StillAPanther and others when they drop in truly do drop knowledge. You are in that league.
As an outsider, my perception is that blacks will continue to have identity issues as long as the benchmark with which they measure their "success" is based on a white yardstick.
FN is pretty vehement about rejecting the "Bell Curve" as racist propaganda, although I'm not sure why. That is the marching orders in the politically correct progosphere.
What if one takes the political "incorrect" viewpoint and supports science, and says, "Yes - on average, blacks (not mulattos or mixed race) have an average IQ below whites and Asians".
What then?
If one accepts that, then that changes the dynamic of the convo. Asians and Jews, on average, putatively have higher IQ's than Whites.
So what? Asians may have higher IQ, but anyone who has lived and worked in Asia can affirm that this if offset by a group conformist mindset and creativity isn't their strong point.
So, what if the "average" African has a lower IQ than the "average" white? Most who post on this blog are on the rightside of the curve, so I'm not exactly sure why this premise is so threatening to them. There are lots of whites who are on the other side of the bell curve to me, but I don't challenge that assertion nor am I threatened by it.
There may be lots of reasons for the gap - it could be sociological, economic, it could be access to adequate prenatal care and childhood nutrition. Asians who come to America and finally have access to unlimited high quality animal protein change in their body structure enormously.
If the black community was smart, they could turn this premise into an advantage. There are lots of ways to "learn" and the IQ measured in tests like the Bell Curve tracks are only one measure of a specific type of intelligence - the type of "intelligence" that predicts that someone will perform well sitting in a highly structured classroom and regurgitating rote lessons.
But what if you aren't that type of "learner" ? Does that mean you aren't "smart" or can't be successful in your adult life? Tons of white boys are marked as "ADD" when all it means is that they don't deal well with being forced to sit in a structured classroom and regurgitate rote lessons.
Most boys - including black boys - are visual learners. Apprenticeships, internships, and similar learning opportunities provide far more opportunities than warming a bum in a classroom seat.
I fail to understand why the black community doesn't take that hypothesis and run with it to free their children from the garbage that constitutes the typical public school setting, and give their children real opportunities for real success.
Just rambling here, but I fail to understand the dynamic at play.
Most of institutional learning as it is doled out these days is garbage, whether it's fed to blacks or whites.
I guess I don't truly appreciate why the black community doesn't take some of these "disadvantages" and run with them. Instead, they insist on defining success as measured by white middle class conformity.
Anon @ 9:45 --
Jealous rantings?
SO sez the person who could never graduate with wings.
Pathetic race-baiting loser.
Truth hurts, huh?
Equal "Opportunity" means just that - "Opportunity" to compete based on the same standards, same qualifications, same abilities. Not everyone will meet the bar. Blacks refuse to accept that, and their failure is always "Rayyyycccisss!!"
SO SO glad the SCOTUS is finally putting an end to this AA bitching and excuse mongering.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Nope, but I do want the freedom to associate with whoever I want to. Don't you?"
Moron probably believes Obama is going to make him hang out with dirty negroes. Must be a Republican, they love their stupid.
9:30 PM
FWIW, Republicans have 'fears' of Blacks. The same goes for White Dems too. And White Libertarians. And White Independents.
But they aren't stupid.
"Freedom of association is no longer a right for Americans."
Not true. Some of the racists posting here prove that you can associate with whoever you want.
Heck they prove that you can even have children with your first cousin.
Now field,you shouldn't be making fun of black folks in the south.
"I've also watched first hand the BS of "affirmative action" in the naval aviatin community, where a black grievance mongering bitch who was not qualified to fly pulled the race card and got herself a "special" training program in Corpus. Sent to the fleet, she put others lives in danger."
Says you. You are a racist bitch yourself so of course any woman of color is automatically unqualified to someone like you. You are an undignified bigot so I'm not going to believe anything you write because the opposite is probably true. In any case the Navy is full of goofy assed white males who do dumb shit all the time so let's not go full klan on the blah woman. Unqualified bigoted whites are full of affirmative action stories about how they were sooooooo qualified and passed over by (insert other than white male of your choice) so save the bullshit.
Anon @ 9:52
Actually, it should be "SBPDL" not "SBPD".
It stands for "Stuff Black People Don't Like" and it's a blog run by someone who uses the pen name Paul Kersey.
It started out as a satire blog of the popular "Stuff White People Like" with entries like, "Stuff Black People Don't Like - Tipping".
After the ascension of teh Won to the Throne in the Golden Age of Obama and Supremacy of Black Grievance Mongering and "Just-Us", the blog morphed to cataloguing urban black dysfunction - such as the failure of majority black cities like Detroit, MI, Baltimore, MD, Gary, IN ,etc, the outrageous black-on-black violent crime, polar bear hunting, black mob behavior such as the shootings at "African American" day at the National Zoo in Washington, DC this week, where free admission was offered to blacks (not whites) and ended in all-to-predictable violence and mayhem.
On his blog roll, SBPDL has a link to FN, so some of his readers end up here.
Since the move from satire blog to blog that catalogues and comments on black dysfunction, FN has no love for SBPDL.
Anonymous@9:50 PM
BTW, it's "must have GOTTEN you".
"damn man don't fuck up when correcting someone else. DUMBASS!"
Kinky Con
"Oh that's right, random negroes are being rounded up, lured by free Obama phones and let loose in white neighborhoods."
That's the plan.
"SO sez the person who could never graduate with wings."
Where the fuck are YOUR wings? Hell I just had six of em.
Anon at 10:02
I was also an aviator in the commercial world, who elected to stay home full time when my husband left commercial flying to go military.
I am a 35+ year member of the 99's and am well aware of the uphill battle female aviators face.
Bessie Coleman as an avatrix inspires me, but in the modern PC military, I have yet to meet a qualified black female aviator. All of them bitched and complained and their pink sheets magically vapourised.
I have NO respect for the current crop of black bitches who grievance mongered their way into a cockpit.
You clearly have no understanding of what is required to run a cockpit, and the gravity of that position. In the civilian world, hundred of lives depend upon your professional competence and ability, not to mention the high value of the aviation asset you are in command of.
Blacks live in the world of magical thinking and don't understand that sometimes yes, intellect and hard work are a requirement for a billet, it's not just because someone is "white" and "privileged".
Not all males who want to be military aviators make it - it's a tough grind with a deliberately artificial training syllabus. Only half of my husband's entering class made it to winging, the rest were attrited and no one cried boo hoo, favoritism, privilege.... Magically, all grievance mongering AA black bitches do. You tell me the odds.
Kiss my ass. Your tales of woe and anger and venom no longer have the magic ju-ju to invoke white guilt and the gibmedats you've been weaned on.
"I've also watched first hand the BS of "affirmative action" in the naval aviatin community, where a black grievance mongering bitch who was not qualified to fly pulled the race card and got herself a "special" training program in Corpus. Sent to the fleet, she put others lives in danger."
Sounds just like a certain someone who ran for President and chose the dumbest white woman, besides Legacy, as his running mate. Of course we can't call it white male affirmative action can we? Of course we can.
SBPDL prints the truth everybody knows but is afraid to say.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"SO sez the person who could never graduate with wings."
Where the fuck are YOUR wings? Hell I just had six of em.
10:08 PM
You ARE dumber than I originally thought.
I *did* earn my wings - dumbass.
Commercial, Multi, IFR, Float, Ski, ATP.
Try to engage brain before typing, and your drooling on the keyboard is evident.
Unlike you, I know of what I speak.
There are lots of qualified female aviators, and NONE of them are black.
"I was also an aviator in the commercial world, who elected to stay home full time when my husband left commercial flying to go military."
Uh no, you are a dumb hussy who is living off of her husband. Couldn't cut it huh snowflake?
"You clearly have no understanding of what is required to run a cockpit, and the gravity of that position. In the civilian world, hundred of lives depend upon your professional competence and ability, not to mention the high value of the aviation asset you are in command of."
Obviously neither do you because if you did you'd be flying now and not ironing Ice Man's shirts honey.
"I have NO respect for the current crop of black bitches who grievance mongered their way into a cockpit."
Jealous because you are too fat and ugly to woo anything other than an extra ham sandwich at Walmart.
"Magically, all grievance mongering AA black bitches do. You tell me the odds."
And magically you're cleaning toilets. Jealousy isn't cute sugar britches.
Anon at 10:11 --
I assume you are talking about Sarah Palin?
The one who called the machinations of Putin from the beginning?
In contrast to our AA stand-in, who substitutes hashtags and selfies for real knowledge and a cogent foreign policy?
Even late night TV is now exposing teh Won as the fraud we all know him to be. The Jimmy Fallon bit with Sarah Palin was brilliant, and a complete skewering of Obama's gross incompetence.
"There are lots of qualified female aviators, and NONE of them are black."
None? I saw some that fly for major airlines while you make toast. Obviously they ARE qualified or they'd be mopping Maverick's floor with you. I am truly sorry you couldn't cut it sweetcheeks. Maybe they can hire you as a flight attendant? Probably wouldn't make the weight restriction. Your fat ass would get stuck in the emergency escape window.
"The one who called the machinations of Putin from the beginning?"
No, the one who thinks "what are you reading" is a gotcha question. You are dumber than I thought. No wonder nobody wants you flying airplanes. Do you drool a lot?
Anon at 10:15
Thanks for the laugh. My husband in particular really enjoyed your jealousy and inchoate rage.
I don't clean toilets. I have a housekeeper for that.
Since our son and youngest daughter are now in pilot training, we're talking about buying a Duchess or gently used Aztec so they can build multi hours and we can "picnic fly" point to point as a family, now that my husband at age 45 is retired.
It's good to be white, and wealthy and privileged. Generational wealth does buy not only financial security, but lots and lots of freedom. Your anger and jealous is delicious. :-) Simply delicious!!! Don't stop - it brings us far too many chuckles and delight!
Ah, the trailer park default - how to know you've hit a raw nerve. :-)
Just thought you'd like to be reassured.
If I ever see two black woman in the cockpit, I am getting off the plane.
Anon @ 10:18
No, there aren't "lots" of female pilots in commercial aviation, and the few that are there are diversity hires and they can't fire them for gross incompetence, even though they have tried.
"Pilot X" himself has confirmed that United has tried to can black female pilots, but he stepped in and used the magick race card and saved them from the axe. So reassuring, no?
At my son's ATP school there are some total fat ghetto sheboons who are attempting to qualify for flight training and are failing miserably. Unfortunately, they have been handed lots of govvie grievance money to try and flame out spectacularly. More taxpayer money flushed down the toilet, never to be recovered, because it's important to stroke Negros feelers and advance the myth that they are up to the task.
I don't doubt that there are smart Negresses out there who potentially have what it would take, but I have yet to see one.
The fat ghetto slobs on the public tit definitely aren't it.
"we're talking about buying a Duchess or gently used Aztec so they can build multi hours and we can "picnic fly" point to point as a family, now that my husband at age 45 is retired."
So you're thinking about finally putting tires on the pickup truck on bricks in the front yard so instead of having to use your scooter to carry your fat ass to the Piggly Wiggly your husband, who is now on welfare, can drive you.
There, fixed it.
I've been in many a black woman's cockpit and i can tell you have nothing to worry about when you fly the chocolate skies.
Kinky Con
"If I ever see two black woman in the cockpit, I am getting off the plane."
Gay guys are usually afraid of women. We get it.
Anon10:03pm, thank you for the explanation and the correction "SBPDL". You have helped to clarify why and what Field is talking about. Sometimes he just isn't clear.
Thank you very much.
"No, there aren't "lots" of female pilots in commercial aviation, and the few that are there are diversity hires and they can't fire them for gross incompetence, even though they have tried."
And these idiots actually believe this.
"Pilot X" himself has confirmed that United has tried to can black female pilots, but he stepped in and used the magick race card and saved them from the axe. So reassuring, no?"
Well Pilot X is a bad mutha......hush yo mouth.......but I'm talking about Pilot X.....we can dig it....
Magic race card. LOL.
Anon @ 10:23
Ah, the self-preservation gene is strong in you.
And it wouldn't take two black females for me. Any black or Arab in the cockpit and I bail. Have before, and will again.
When my husband went military, he trained with "foreign exchange officers". The Germans, Italians and Brits were a hoot. The Saudis were.... needless to say, no one wanted to be a cockpit with them, and the IP who did was clearly the one who lost the straw poll or forgot to bring donuts to the Ready Room on Friday.
((shudders at the memory))
"It's good to be white, and wealthy and privileged. Generational wealth does buy not only financial security, but lots and lots of freedom. Your anger and jealous is delicious. :-) Simply delicious!!! Don't stop - it brings us far too many chuckles and delight!
Ah, the trailer park default - how to know you've hit a raw nerve. :-)"
Anon, you have a very dark soul. You and Donald Sterling are of like minds. Are you Jewish too?
"At my son's ATP school there are some total fat ghetto sheboons who are attempting to qualify for flight training and are failing miserably."
You mean at your son's prison there are some Black female guards that are treating him badly. Well, if you were a better parent he wouldn't have been using meth with you in the first place. Take it easy on the sistas, they're just treating him badly because his mother is a fat racist bitch who smells like fish.
"And it wouldn't take two black females for me. Any black or Arab in the cockpit and I bail. Have before, and will again."
Bitch please, you've never been on an airplane. you've never left your trailer park once except the one time your uncle/daddy dragged you behind his pickup truck for your birthday. Besides, they don't have seat belt extenders long enough for your girth and no one would want to smell fish for that long. Who would want to sit next to you while you pick lice and crabs? ((shudders at the thought))
Do you think they really let PilotX fly the plane? I'll bet they always put a white guy with him to make sure he doesn't fuck up. Probably the guy who draws the short straw...
"Do you think they really let PilotX fly the plane? I'll bet they always put a white guy with him to make sure he doesn't fuck up. Probably the guy who draws the short straw..."
Yep, I think your mom was with him on a trip once. He banged her in the lav and helped her join the mile high club. That Pilot X is a bad mutha......
Nope, PilotX can't do anything without a dozen Viagra and a penis pump, and the pump doesn't work in a pressurized cabin.
He went to his doctor who told him he was impotent, and he thought the doctor meant he was a VIP.
Go figure.
Anonymous said...
I don't clean toilets. I have a housekeeper for that.
How much xanax and booze did you down before you typed that BS out?
You looking for a housekeeper job, Nuwang?
Anonymous said...
You looking for a housekeeper job, Nuwang?
You looking to upgrade from a singe wide to a double wide?
Nope, nobody wants your double wide ass.
Hey Doc, I see our favorite buddy is back. The ultra rich Legacy whose son is in "ATP" school. Uh, WTF is ATP school? Is he working to get his ATP rating?
This chick is a trip. I know a few sista pilots and they're all pretty much bad as hell. I'd like to introduce her to a few at my airline that will blow her socks off. A couple are ex-Air Force, one a former Instructor and one who is now a general in the Reserves.
If she got off a plane if she saw a person of color I hope she chooses the right crew. I can't get into details but I will say the vast vast majority of airline pilots, especially at major airlines, are astute professionals who do the job very well but the few "problem children" we have are all goofy white males. Go figure. Southwest running off the runway? White males. Landing on taxiways? White males. Clipping the tail of another plane while taxiing? White males. Legacy has never flown as a pilot for a major airline so her stories and knowledge are ancedotal at best. I would take what she says with a healthy dose of salt.
Bitch please, you've never been on an airplane. you've never left your trailer park once except the one time your uncle/daddy dragged you behind his pickup truck for your birthday. Besides, they don't have seat belt extenders long enough for your girth and no one would want to smell fish for that long. Who would want to sit next to you while you pick lice and crabs? ((shudders at the thought))
10:41 PM
You've got your colors mixed up. It is Blacks who don't fly much. I have been on many flights. Most people on those flights are White or Asian. Maybe there is ONE Black but that's about it.
As far being too fat for normal seat belts, bw like yourself are known to be big and fat from eating all of that 'soul' food...mashed potatoes, sweet potato pies, bread coming out your ears, buckets of fried chicken guaranteed to kill you, pork chops and all kinds of fried fish.
You really ought to STFU.
PilotX is confused by the fact that since 99% of pilots are white males, the rare mishap is likely to involve a white male pilot.
But math never was his strong suit.
Go figure.
Colonel Corn, I was thinking the same thing. There are far more White pilots than brothers flying the friendly skies.
It is simple arithmetic to conclude that accidents will probably be done by Whites. I mean, the sheer numbers show that.
Brother PX has some things about himself as a bm that is neurotic and off.
"You've got your colors mixed up. It is Blacks who don't fly much. I have been on many flights. Most people on those flights are White or Asian. Maybe there is ONE Black but that's about it.
As far being too fat for normal seat belts, bw like yourself are known to be big and fat from eating all of that 'soul' food...mashed potatoes, sweet potato pies, bread coming out your ears, buckets of fried chicken guaranteed to kill you, pork chops and all kinds of fried fish.
You really ought to STFU."
Nope, don't have any colors mixed up. You see your fellow fat assed white women when you go to the Walmart to buy your oversized dresses. I guess compared to your mother you might be slim but 300+ ain't a good look there wobbly. Lay off the fried twinkies a bit and you may lose a few hundred pounds. Oh yeah, you may have cleaned a plane or two in your day but no way it could take off with your wide ass on it. Try slimfast or PX90 Shamu.
"PilotX is confused by the fact that since 99% of pilots are white males, the rare mishap is likely to involve a white male pilot."
99% huh? You are as dumb as Legacy and that's some hard shit to do.
"It is simple arithmetic to conclude that accidents will probably be done by Whites. I mean, the sheer numbers show that."
But according to Legacy it's pilots of color and women who are such fuckups so why aren't they crashing left and right? I mean white boys are supposed to be such great pilots and everybody else is affirmative action. What gives? Maybe the racist logic is flawed or you admit there are a bunch of fucked up white boys.....please continue.
Oh yeah, you may have cleaned a plane or two in your day but no way it could take off with your wide ass on it. Try slimfast or PX90 Shamu.
12:05 AM
You are telling a lot about yourself and your corroded brain, if you can call it that. Stats show that bw are the fattest and biggest women on the planet. u really ought to STFU, ignoramus.
"bw like yourself are known to be big and fat from eating all of that 'soul' food...mashed potatoes, sweet potato pies, bread coming out your ears, buckets of fried chicken guaranteed to kill you, pork chops and all kinds of fried fish."
Sure we eat fried fish but you always smell like raw fish. What's up with that? Don't you have plumbing in your trailer? I know, dumb question.
"You are telling a lot about yourself and your corroded brain, if you can call it that. Stats show that bw are the fattest and biggest women on the planet. u really ought to STFU, ignoramus."
And stupid trailer park dwellers like you are even fatter and usually have no teeth. You also keep your Christmas lights up year round but we can overlook that one. Ask your husband/cousin to hose you down eevry once in a while. And maybe a flea bath will help with the lice and crabs.
But according to Legacy it's pilots of color and women who are such fuckups so why aren't they crashing left and right? I mean white boys are supposed to be such great pilots and everybody else is affirmative action. What gives? Maybe the racist logic is flawed or you admit there are a bunch of fucked up white boys.....please continue.
12:09 AM
Oh no. WM DO make mistakes. You see, they are human. Humans make mistakes. That's how humans learn.
Besides, black pilots are not given the major routes of flights that wm get. Simply because the airlines still are not sure whether they are ready to make major flight routes.
"Besides, black pilots are not given the major routes of flights that wm get. Simply because the airlines still are not sure whether they are ready to make major flight routes."
What's a MAJOR route? I've seen Black pilots fly all over.
You really are as stupid as Legacy! Now that's an accomplishment! Your uncle/daddy/grandpappy must be so proud.
"Oh no. WM DO make mistakes. You see, they are human. Humans make mistakes. That's how humans learn."
Seems like they make more mistakes than everyone else. Overrated overrated overrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they should spend more time practicing and less time bitching about losing their freedoms? IJS
No airline really lets black pilots fly. You will never see an all-black crew. They always make sure there is a white pilot in there to assume control.
What's a MAJOR route? I've seen Black pilots fly all over.
You really are as stupid as Legacy! Now that's an accomplishment! Your uncle/daddy/grandpappy must be so proud.
12:22 AM
Fyi, I am not White, I am Black. I don't know who my daddy is, let alone my granddaddy.
Seems like they make more mistakes than everyone else. Overrated overrated overrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they should spend more time practicing and less time bitching about losing their freedoms? IJS
12:24 AM
Once again...WM are human. I'm not sure about the humanness of everybody else.
"No airline really lets black pilots fly. You will never see an all-black crew. They always make sure there is a white pilot in there to assume control."
Wow, I guess the other day when I flew with another brotha you weren't around. There has even been an all blah female crew. Catch up with the times. Fewer klan meetings and more reading may help.
"There are lots of qualified female aviators, and NONE of them are black."
You have officially jumped the shark with that one Legacy. I can introduce you to a few. I fly for a major airline so I know a few more airline pilots than you.
"You clearly have no understanding of what is required to run a cockpit, and the gravity of that position. In the civilian world, hundred of lives depend upon your professional competence and ability, not to mention the high value of the aviation asset you are in command of."
Ha! I'm a bit more qualified to talk about such subjects than you are. See, I actually fly transport aircraft not a light twin to "picnic fly". Good luck with the picnic flying though, sounds brilliant (have to use a British accent over here. Ha!)
"Pilot X" himself has confirmed that United has tried to can black female pilots, but he stepped in and used the magick race card and saved them from the axe. So reassuring, no?"
Now anons are just making up stuff huh? For the record this never happened.
Field, can I sue Anon Inc?
Honestly Pilot, I don't know why you waste your time with these ignoramuses.
"Honestly Pilot, I don't know why you waste your time with these ignoramuses."
I just had to clear up a few issues. Legacy is spreading ignorance about aviation that I just couldn't let stand. She is a gerneral aviation pilot with no airline experience but wants to talk shit. That's like a candy striper telling you about medicine. I grew up in aviation with uncles who were Tuskegee Airmen and grew up hearing stories about their exploits and here she is talking like she's some kind of WWII wiz because here husband supposedly flies in the Navy. Have you EVER seen such arrogance? Just as an aside, I recall a white former POW who thanked the guys for providing air cover for them during a secret escape mission. They didn't even know they did it, they were told to provide air cover for a secret mission but were never told the details. That was sweet!
"Wow, I guess the other day when I flew with another brotha you weren't around"
If such a thing were allowed to happen, you can be sure I would not be around.
Good thing you are lying.
"She is a gerneral aviation pilot with no airline experience but wants to talk shit."
You really think so? I think it's FAR more likely that she's some Botox filled housewife that read a few aviation books and now thinks she can tell an expert generational Pilot like you about the field of aviation.
You see that's the illogical arrogance of certain types of racists, that are so convinced of their superior intelligence over ALL Blacks/Minorities that they make claims they have neither the educational or professional experience to substantiate.
Actually, it's really kinda pathetic, next thing you know she'll be claiming to be an expert in neurosurgery too.
Dr.Jeántel said...
"Actually, it's really kinda pathetic, next thing you know she'll be claiming to be an expert in neurosurgery too."
As pathetic as a 50 year old college student using the unearned honorific "Dr." in front of her name?
You will never be doctor.
@5:44 my favorite colon dweller,
When are you going to realize that your HIGHLY mentally disturbing stalking of me all these years has been in vain, after I finish med school? Residency? Or will you realize that your pathetic obsession with me and my career goals has been in vain when I become an Attending?
I used to feel sorry for you but I realized a LONG time ago that my pity of you was wasted. Clearly, you don't have anyone to love or to love you in your own life because if you did, I'm certain they would have dumped you for being such a psychopathtic stalker.
But be careful. People like you,so obsessed, miserable, and so full of hate and disdain, usually end up with cancer.
Take care and God bless, Pookums!
"You really think so? I think it's FAR more likely that she's some Botox filled housewife that read a few aviation books and now thinks she can tell an expert generational Pilot like you about the field of aviation."
I do kinda smell bullshit but she knows a few key words so I'll take her word that she's a flier but time will certainly tell. but she definitely has that knowitall arrogance. Funny, thay is usually in white males and not the females. Maybe it's the husband pretending to be the wife. Now the other stuff about being rich and buying planes, that is most definitely bullshit. Way too ignorant to be able to be that successful.
"Good thing you are lying".
Nope, 100% true. Trip was a hoot and the best part was this was my last trip before a monthlong vaca! And life sweet? It's good to be a Black pilot.
Ms.Nǚwáng said...
All the affirmative action in the world couldn't get your dumb, fat ass through medical school.
Honestly, you can't even put a coherent sentence together. It is a testament to our insane coddling of blacks that a person like you could maintain this delusion for long.
You will never be a doctor.
Awwwwwwwww Pookums, you mad ain't cha'?
Doc Rivers definitely knew of Sterling's background towards blacks in general. As did many black players. Baron Davis is on record talking about the comments that Sterling made towards him year ago. I'm reading on various NBA sites that NBA commish Silver threatens lifetime ban of Clips owner. Not sure if that's possible, but there needs to be long-term actions taken, by all means.
Flown with all black airline pilot crews all my life. (Most of the Air Jamaica crews were black back in the day.)
Best flights I ever had.
"...This is not an easy question to answer. It's a sick and complicated pathology that seems to dog the racist. (Please note the racist trolls that flock to this, a black blog.)
Remember Frazier Glenn? He was the Klansman and white supremacist who shot up a Jewish center in Kansas, recently. Well it seems that ole Frazier was caught and arrested "mid-act" with a black male prostitute. Then there is our friend Thomas Jefferson. He had a serious thing for his slave, Sally Hemings; he even fathered some of her children...."
Sorry to be late to the party, FN, but had an idea I hoped would be worth sharing. Going along w/ the idea that many conservatives seem to be unaware of the concept of psychological projection and that their accusations are often best understood as confessions, couldn't the stereotype of the "lustful, sex-crazed" black man (who 'must be kept in his place') be a cover for the actual lustful, sex-crazed (esp. for the 'other') white male racist? TJ certainly fills the bill, as would the stories about notorious SC Gov. James Henry Hammond. And (as you mention) so many anti-gay conservatives have turned out to be gay themselves, it approaches self-parody.
I'm sure there's other stuff going on as well, but I do think there's an aspect of it as well. Anyway, just a thought....
Bartcopfan, it could. That's an interesting point.
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