In order to justify this clear violation of the Constitution, the justices relied on something called the "history of legislative prayers". They said that the town of Greece, New York can open their meetings with prayers as long as they don't "coerce" others to do the same, and as long as they don't "advance" a particular religion. Yeah, good luck with that.
"When the citizens of this country approach their government, they do so only as Americans, not as members of one faith or another," Kagan said. "And that means that even in a partly legislative body, they should not confront government-sponsored worship that divides them along religious lines."
Folks, this is why it is important to vote. Presidents select the Justices who sit on the Supreme Court. Right now the Supremes could use a makeover.
Moving on.
Another day another republican using a slave or Nazi reference to refer to a government program.
This gem comes from a GOP state senator from the great state of Tennessee.
"Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of manditory [sic] sign ups for “train rides” for Jews in the 40s." [Source]
So signing up to get health care is like going off to get gassed in an oven.
Lord have mercy these people are nuts!
Finally, the GOP's politicizing the deaths of Americans in Libya continues.
They have now convened a select committee to look into the B word. Trey Gowdy will lead this particular political charade and side show. I guess it is better to have him than the car thief. He is a former death row prosecutor, I hope, for his sake, this will not lead to his own political execution.
Still, I have to give it to Mr. Tan Man; this is good politics. Anything to energize the base. But he has to be careful. The base was already energized, and the republicans were already going to win big this coming mid-term. So why risk it by overplaying your hand and turning normal Americans against your cause?
"Americans learned this week that the Obama administration is so intent on obstructing the truth about Benghazi that it is even willing to defy subpoenas issued by the standing committees of the people's House," Boehner, R-Ohio, said in a statement. "These revelations compel the House to take every possible action to ensure the American people have the truth about the terrorist attack on our consulate that killed four of our countrymen."
"Obstructing the truth"? I think this investigation already gave us the truth.
But hey, never let a few dead bodies go to waste.
"For Boehner, a select committee raises the profile of one of the Republicans' main points of attack against Obama ahead of November's elections, which could swing the Senate to GOP control. Benghazi is a rallying cry for the conservative GOP base and will be critical for fundraising and getting voters to the polls in typically low-turnout midterm contests."
Just be careful what you wish for.
Pic from Specific-Gravity.BlogSpot.com
Oh the horror field....Prayer before "government meeting" have been going on since there were government meetings.
This is some scary f*ckin' sh*t...
What is America going to do with this "clear violation of the Constitution" going on?
So field (someone who typically uses nazi references) is complaining about Republicans using nazi references?
KC, "Blogger Kinky.Con said...
Oh the horror field....Prayer before "government meeting" have been going on since there were government meetings."
Preach, brother KC, Preach!
I hope like hell some of people with faith will show up tonight and tear Field a new one!
Brother Field, the photo of the cross with the American flag in background is beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes.
And that cross, is captivating...it stirs the American heart. It's a reminder of where we came from.
Many thanks bro. I can feel my depression lifting. For 'once', you are a good man. I really hope this is a new beginning of a new life for you.
"Man these Supremes are getting scarier every day. I know that this latest 5-4 ruling upholding prayer at a government meeting is limited, but my goodness, have these people ever heard of the Establishment Clause?
The Establishment Clause:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .
The Establishment Clause is immediately followed by the Free Exercise Clause, which states,
...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
The Establishment clause prevents Congress from passing laws that favor one religion over another. No one is doing that.
The Exercise Clause is supposed to prevent them from doing what you want them to do, namely ban prayer.
In any event, the Clauses apply to to Congress, i.e. the Federal Government, and originally were not meant to dictate the actions of state or local governments.
There is nothing in the Constitution regarding the "separation of church and state". Liberals have used a statement by your favorite slaveholder, Thomas Jefferson to ruthlessly expunge religion from the public sphere in direct violation of the Exercise Clause.
Thank God there are only four progressive fascist votes on the Supreme court.
Kagan said. "And that means that even in a partly legislative body, they should not confront government-sponsored worship that divides them along religious lines."
Liberals only want to divide us along racial, ethnic, and gender lines.
And field-
"This investigation" didn't give the truth about the white house deliberately lying and blaming a Youtube video that had nothing to do with the attack.
Field, you continue to be the black Bill O'Reilly.
When are you gonna start writing books?
"So signing up to get health care is like going off to get gassed in an oven."
Actually, Straw Negro, he said:
"Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for “train rides” for Jews in the 40s."
The analogy was that bragging about Obamacare was like bragging about concentration camps - inappropriate and immoral.
In truth, Obamacare will be death sentence for many. In the long run, Obama might outdo Hitler.
Deny, lie, withhold evidence, insult the families of the dead, and then when someone finally wrests an email into the light of day, attack those seeking the facts as conspiracy nuts.
There is nothing so vile as a liberal democrat.
Some day, a real rain will come.
Brother Field, I thought you would want to know that I,'depressed negro', wrote the comment @ 9:42pm. :)
Thanks for lifting my depression.
PS...I might have to change my name.
I disagree with you about your choice of HN, Ms. Jones' skit was funny as hell!!
Dr. Queen
This post of yours makes noo sense....
First u are shocked they upheld prayer before congressional meetings....and them you tell the people ...to Vote...LOL....
Black people need to STOP voting until we get a collective candidate beholden to the Black Vote......anything else is political exercise in nothing ...Another politician to sell us out .....Come on Field...U can do better than this....
The Benghazi thing has become political theatre at this point with neither side really trying to get to the bottom of it....Because Demos have dirtt on em as well as the Republicans...That ambassador wasn't squeaky clean either .... The gun running in Syria has far reaching tentacles belonging to BOTH Parties....
I swear sometimes you are so predictable......
And there most CERTAINLY is a reason we as Blacks don't have a candidate beholden to the Black vote....
We haven't purchased this candidate yet......
That's the REAL message the supremes have been sending....forget this one....
Look at the last two major rulings...and tell me that's NOT what they are saying ....
Obama Administration, GOP Agree On Opening Prayers Case
Is this the same case?
I ask because FN didn't mention Obama agreeing with the right-wing.
"Because Demos have dirtt on em as well as the Republicans.."
What dirt, pray tell, do the Republicans have on them in the matter of Benghazi?
Obama was running guns to his Muslim Brotherhood pals and al Qaeda in Syria. Although I cannot discount the possibility, I have seen absolutely no evidence of the Republicans being in on this.
Knock it off .....Im not going to do your own research for u....Both scum bag parties had a hand in it... Why do u think the investigation is going to go NOWHERE ....u know it ....I know it..and the rest of the so called conservatives that post here know it as well..
"Black people need to STOP voting until we get a collective candidate beholden to the Black Vote.."
You lost me right there. Been there done that, 1972. Don't stop voting, hold your legislators accountable and force them to do what you want or elect someone who will.
Field, it is kinda scary and disingenuous of the SC. The 5 repubs on the bench have an agenda and religious indoctrination is on it. Methinks if Mooslims or Buddhists were holding prayers before city council meetings that vote wouldn't have gone down as it did. This could have been handled by simply allowing for a moment of silence so that anyone could pray (or not) however they choose instead one person gets to decide how to pray for everyone. I have a big problem with that. There are too many faiths to have one all encompassing religious ceremony. It's a city council meeting not a church revival.
Pilot...u been lost...and u can't even TOUCH what I said after that statement .....
Because to hold leaders accountable with a vote is pure foolishness .....
Candidates are held accountable by how much MONEY is given to them...
Not from a voting block that just votes ..and doesn't have the financial leverage.....
One of the reasons our people are on the condition they are in...just vote huh pilot....?
PilotX said....
"Field, it is kinda scary and disingenuous of the SC. The 5 repubs on the bench have an agenda and religious indoctrination is on it."
OOOOOOO scary! Some council members are going to say a prayer before their meeting! It's almost as scary as Global Warming!
Both scum bag parties had a hand in it... Why do u think the investigation is going to go NOWHERE
It will go NOWHERE because the Democrats rule this country and are therefore not accountable for their misdeeds. The Media makes it easy for them. They will be dutifully running with the White House talking points of how this is some kind of nutty conspiracy lunacy that has taken control of the GOP.
The Media are the Democratic Party.
The Republicans have become a phony opposition party. The game is over. They're just in it for the paychecks they get for playing their roles.
But your supposition that the Republicans were involved in the gun running to al Qaeda has nothing to back it up. The Democrats don't need them in the loop, not even as patsies.
I don't have to back it up...I'm telling you this because the information is already out there....and I'm not in the habit of researching for folks that have internet access.
Now if you search for information on Demos being responsible ...that's what you will find ..
Research in opposition to that you'll find something else...
Very simple......
"One of the reasons our people are on the condition they are in...just vote huh pilot....?"
Didn't say just vote. If you are going through all the motions to create a new political party why not infiltrate the ones that are already established? The religious right did it with the gop so why can't any conglomerate you decide to create do it also? I guess you can try to use the blueprint from 1972, let me know how that turns out. Democracy requires an active role and voting is just one component. I visit my U.S. congressman once in a while to get his thoughts on issues I care about and so far we see eye to eye on almost all issues. It doesn't hurt we are frat brothers but that is beside the point. I get where you're coming from but I don't like trying to reinvent the wheel. I used to spend much energy trying to create coalitions and new organizations when I was younger but as I aged gracefully I found it was much easier to use already laid tracks and convince others already in place to see things my way. But hey, there's always room for new ideas and groupings so I wish you luck and a large platform to express your views. But I still say use your vote, too much bullshit went into securing that right for me to toss it aside so casually.
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
hold your legislators accountable and force them to do what you want or elect someone who will. M
Unless you vote democrat.
Then keep electing the same year after year.
"OOOOOOO scary! Some council members are going to say a prayer before their meeting! It's almost as scary as Global Warming!"
Uh huh.
"Unless you vote democrat.
Then keep electing the same year after year."
If they do what you want then why not? Swing and a miss.
"Unless you vote democrat.
Then keep electing the same year after year."
Or you could be a rethug and elect insane tea baggers. Soooo much better huh?
After 1968, the Democratic Party went full communist.
Pilot..lets agree to disagree on this one..cause change requires struggle and u can't get something new doin the same things.....
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
"Unless you vote democrat.
Then keep electing the same year after year."
If they do what you want then why not? Swing and a miss.
Didn't you say you live in Chicago?
Walk off home run.
"Pilot..lets agree to disagree on this one..cause change requires struggle and u can't get something new doin the same things....."
Sure but I can't live by cliches. You have to identify specific policy goals you want to accomplish. I work with my elected officials to get what I want. I agree with you on a local level but nationally it will take a while.
"Didn't you say you live in Chicago?"
Why yes I do. What's your point? My U.S. Congressman votes the way I want on policy so no need for change there. Same with my alderman but she knows all it takes is 3,000 votes to unseat her so a threat to run against her is usually enough to get what I want. Yes sir, I like my neighborhood and my elected officials Bill. How about you? Don't poor whites in trailer parks keep electing the same Repubs? Do you even own a mirror Mr. Double Standards?
Grand Slam.
PilotX: "Don't poor whites in trailer parks keep electing the same Repubs?"
Classic PilotX! How do you come up with this stuff? Your razor wit must really impress your alderman when you threaten her. If your communist congressman knows what's good for him, he'll get you as a campaign adviser.
"Yes sir, I like my neighborhood"
PilotX lives in a majority-white neighborhood! Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.
"After 1968, the Democratic Party went full communist."
Only in our dreams, only in our dreams.
Bill, it is a walk off home run, but Pilot is the one celebrating.
Troll@1:00am, we could only wish.
Today it's a prayer before a council meeting, tomorrow it's mandatory bible purchases at the grocery store.
Let us prey.... I mean pray.
BIB, "Black people need to STOP voting until we get a collective candidate beholden to the Black Vote......anything else is political exercise in nothing ...Another politician to sell us out .....Come on Field...U can do better than this...."
11:43 PM
BIB, you have the right ID, because your insight is wisdom and wisdom is always beautiful, whether Black or White.:)
You have put your finger on the pulse of what Blacks need, and 'must' do if we are to gain 'any' political traction for our own well-being.
The thought-system that we should vote regardless of the choices we have only perpetuates and guarantees another screwing that has been going on for decades. That's why every Democratic candidate and incumbent takes the Black vote for granted...which makes our vote powerless.
Keep talking, BIB. And, ignore PilotX, he's too deep into the old thinking which continues to imprison Blacks. Look at Obama and the overwhelming % of Black votes he received.
Well, look at the unemployment rate of Blacks...it's the highest in Black American history!
Im glad somebody is reading! I don't want to engage in O bashing but the reality is there...our leaders consistently sell us out.....because they are beholden to well monied interests...Can't just keep doin the same old same old and expect these minor advancments as victory ...
Nothing like a little religious paranoia to go along with racial paranoia,right field?
Did all the Obama supporters get what they wanted? Unemployment of blacks higher than the last 20 years..with black youths at 25%? Are you all happy that Libya was invaded, the hospitals, schools and places of worship bombed and a reported 30,000 civilians killed..including Black Libyans and African immigrants who were summarily executed? Are you still cheering the increase in the use of predatory drones from 54 during the eight years of the Bush administration to over 300 during the THREE years of the Obama administration? Are you happy with the incineration of 277 children? Do you agree with an Obama administration official who declared "they should have selected better parents"???? Are you comfortable that your president maintains his own personal kill list and has targeted American citizens for assassination..including a 16 year old son who was looking for the remains of his father? Did you all cheer at the YouTube of the Syrian rebel..who is supported by US taxpayer $$$ eating the heart of a dead Syrian soldier?
field negro said...
Troll@1:00am, we could only wish.
That way, instead of just using the IRS, EPA, and BLM to harass and physically threaten American Kulaks, you could just send them straight to the Gulag.
But that would be too obvious, and ultimately, counterproductive.
Things have progressed from the days of Stalin. American communism works by denying it exists.
Problem with people like BIB is that they never consider the alternative. And unfortunately, in American politics, there is only one of two that you can choose from.
I will stay in the frying pan while the stove is on low rather than jump in the fire.
are you happy and secure knowing that NSA is watching every move you make?
Are AAs less relevant today? do they wield less power than ever before under Obama?
what about affirmative action? how many are dead before age 30? how many go to prison?
what about the future of black kids, do they have much of a future?
AAs are paralyzed while others are benefiting from our state of stupor.
why do we keep voting for the same ole politicians who don't give a damn about us?
Why do we seek the help of Whites and Blacks who don't give a damn about us and WILL betray us?
*What is the underlying reason for our self-destructiveness and feeling of helplessness?
I will speak the truth again:
AAs are a 'depressed' people who are lost, and don't know what to do. And we are in denial and shame. AAs never recovered mentally and spiritually from slavery and Jim Crow in America. It was the cruelest act ever perpetrated on a race of people.
Whether a race can truly recover from such a sin still remains unknown.
Whether the perpetrators of slavery and Jim Crow and continuous hatred and discrimination against Blacks can recover from such a sin against humanity and God still remains unknown.
It's depressing.
depressed negro
Field, "I will stay in the frying pan while the stove is on low rather than jump in the fire."
No Mr Field, you are like the frog in water in a pot of water that is slowly coming to a boil.
I find it hard to believe that you think the way you do, without giving 'hope' to a beaten down race.
i am sorry to say that i can no longer support a blog where the blogger himself is a left-winged slave catcher whose job is to keep negroes on the massa's plantation by crooked-ass thinking.
mr goodbye
"i am sorry to say that i can no longer support a blog where the blogger himself is a left-winged..."
Left winged?
Field do you have a wing? Are you half an angel? A Demiangel?
"... slave catcher whose job is to keep negroes on the massa's plantation by crooked-ass thinking
mr. goodbye"
Fine fuck off then, try not to let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.
Mr goodbye, you left something on your way out. I will mail it to you. Mailing it shouldn't cost that much; hoods are fairly light.
Have a nice life.
"PilotX lives in a majority-white neighborhood! Well I'll be a monkey's uncle."
Learn how to read son, I said I LIKE my neighborhood.
Exactly Field. If we take BiB's advice we concede the electoral process to others while we formulate a plan to vote as a massive voting bloc. How long will this take? Who will lead such an undertaking? What will the country look like after massive waves of whites elect whomever they want unchecked? Can't we vote WHILE we create the plan? We actually can walk and chew gum at the same time. I really think BiB is an undercover gop plant, it would be the conservatives' wet dream if we all stopped voting. Man, we'd have a theocracy with slavery reinstated. Bad plan BiB. Bad plan my man.
PilotX said...
"PilotX lives in a majority-white neighborhood! Well I'll be a monkey's uncle."
Learn how to read son, I said I LIKE my neighborhood.
Nobody who can afford not to lives in a majority black neighborhood, no sir. Even a dedicated racist like Field lives with white people.
"If we take BiB's advice we concede the electoral process to others while we formulate a plan to vote as a massive voting bloc."
Um, you already do vote as a massive voting bloc. Like sheep.
field negro said...
Mr goodbye, you left something on your way out. I will mail it to you. Mailing it shouldn't cost that much; hoods are fairly light.
I have sewn a return address label with COD instructions into my hood, as I am forever losing track of it or dropping it while fleeing the scene of a lynching. It's been a life-saver.
Blogger field negro said...
Mr goodbye, you left something on your way out. I will mail it to you. Mailing it shouldn't cost that much; hoods are fairly light.
Have a nice life.
12:57 PM
u keep assuming i'm white, which i am not. u really need to brush up on what it means to be black, negro.
i predict fn will fold before end of year. even negroes can't take negro thinking like yours.
mr goodbye
BIB said: “And there most CERTAINLY is a reason we as Blacks don't have a candidate beholden to the Black vote.... We haven't purchased this candidate yet...... –
You are correct BiB, both of the corrupted, duopoly controlled political parties in Amerikkka literally means nothing to us as black folks.
@Fake Field Negro said: “Problem with people like BIB is that they never consider the alternative. And unfortunately, in American politics, there is only one of two that you can choose from.
I will stay in the frying pan while the stove is on low rather than jump in the fire.”
Fake Field Negro, you’re most certainly wrong. The only thing that you’re right here with your infantile analysis is that there are only two parties of which to choose from. As blacks, we don’t have to choose either. If neither one of them is looking out for our interest, what’s the purpose of choosing between DemoMobs or Rethuglicans or as you put it remaining in the frying pan or in the alternative, jump out of the frying pan. It really doesn’t matter, either way, you’re going to die.
Moreover, I’d much rather suffer a quick death than a slow excruciating one. You alternative should’ve been to strengthen as a group and then build our own party as a voting block. Just remember, THERE ARE NO SUBSTITUTE TO HAVING YOUR OWN POLITICAL PARTY!
You beautifully exemplify the fear that grips the collective black conscious when it involves getting our shit together without the white man being present!
You beautifully exemplify the fear that grips the collective black conscious when it involves getting our shit together without the white man being present!
Just Look at Ole Pilot...
How long will this take? Who will lead such an undertaking? What will the country look like after massive waves of whites elect whomever they want unchecked?
Fear..Fear...Fear.. Thats all I hear in your post...
The politicians HAVE to be bought...and until we realize that as a collective group...
We will continue to get half hearted weak responses to our situation.
and you should really stop with all the GOP plant stuff nothing could be further from the truth...
"I will stay in the frying pan while the stove is on low rather than jump in the fire."
This is the Epitome of Stephenism...
This is what voting democratic just for the sake of it looks like...
In essence what your really saying is...
" I know that my collective voting block will probably receive NOTHING in exchange for turning out such large numbers, but ANY alternative is much scarier than receiving really Nothing at all...
The tiny miniscule evidence of tangible benefits outweighs ANY effort to effect meaningful change to our benefit....
what you shouldve said is ....
"Im just too afraid to do anything else... "
@Depressed Negro,
I read a few threads back where you was standing up and speaking some truths instead of moaning, groaning, sobbing, whining like a baby. There is hope for you yet.
Therefore, I'm officially taking you out of the brown book and putting you in the black one. You're on the road to recovery from your depression. I'm proud of you. You've taken a big step. Congratulations! *wink* :)
@BIB, Black Sage was giving you props, regarding Field Negro being in fear!
@Depressed Negro,
I take it back. *sigh* :)
"u keep assuming i'm white, which i am not."
Liar, you are indeed white.
..and kindly fuck off will you?
You promised to leave us but you're having more comebacks than Frank Sinatra, and this is tedious in the extreme.
"@BIB, Black Sage was giving you props, regarding Field Negro being in fear!"
Oh I know thats why I posted a piece of his comment with mine...
Black Sage has always been on point in regards to this topic.
Hes one of the people I find solidarity with on this blog from time to time...
I am not in opposition to Everyone...
Just those who are in direct opposition to any kind of
"Black Agenda" being developed.
Thats all my discussion is about the creation of a legitimate
" Black Agenda"
Everything else is pretty much secondary to me....
If we concentrate on "Black First"
everything else will fall right into place.
"I have sewn a return address label with COD instructions into my hood, as I am forever losing track of it or dropping it while fleeing the scene of a lynching.."
You actually have to "flee" a lynching? Man the times they are a changing.
".. predict fn will fold before end of year. even negroes can't take negro thinking like yours."
I remember reading a similar prediction five years ago. ;)
"If we concentrate on "Black First"
everything else will fall right into place."
I just love faux nationalist.
Anyway, I am more of a Pan-Africanist myself, but if this is real, I wish my North American brothers well.
i am so encouraged to see more blacks like black sage and bib, and depressed negro who want a change instead of being a bunch of ignorant stepens like field and pilotx, i just might decide to stick around in support of the "new black", a new black agenda, a new way of thinking...possibility of finally breaking the chains that bind us.
bib, black sage u bring tears to my eyes. already i am feeling hope; i feel stronger; i see possibilities...
before, i only felt hopeless and powerless and the fear that field and pilotx exemplified in their comments...cowardice!
now i feel a new life. i have decided to stick around and stand up, instead of laying down for the wm.
god bless bib and black sage!
"Anyway, I am more of a Pan-Africanist myself, but if this is real, I wish my North American brothers well."
Yep. I always knew Field did not give a damn about AAs. That's why he wants Blacks in America to keep doing the same old thing that keeps them as slaves.
By his own admission, Field is a Panamanian who is a Black American slave catcher.... The truth emerges.
Field Negro...
"Anyway, I am more of a Pan-Africanist myself,"
aka "Racist"
Field Negro..."If we concentrate on "Black First"
everything else will fall right into place."
I just love faux nationalist.
What is FAUX about anything I posted ??
Especially that statement....??
Aint nothing FAKE about me STEPHEN...
All like minded Black Folks...
Here is the page We need to get on...
Show me your Economic condition,and Ill show you the political condition that mirrors it..
That rule is in effect even to this day..
The very word "Pan Africanism" should burn your Tounge every time you speak it based on the Opposition you show to the very tenets of Pan Africanism on your very own blog.....
From Jamiaca are you ???
Yet somehow you manage to be in direct Opposition to the very things Garvey wanted to accomplish for Black Folks...
Like I said Black First ..and everything will fall into place...
wow. bib is kicking that phony jamaican's ass on his own blog. or is he the racist from panama?
anyway i am sticking around to see field get his. field, you should have never tried to take on bib...he's too strong and too smart:
"Black First, and everything will fall into place..."
i love it!
field, i have been wondering: "are you Panamanians still pissed off about the Suez canal?
anon 5:47pm and 5:21pm=mr goodbye.
field, i noticed La Roza made a comment to you. u know you have gone an eff'd up when Latinos start coming for you.
well, look at it this way: u have unified blacks and browns all by yourself!
i must say, u r quite a galvanizing man. can u get the whites to join in the party on your black ass?
this is wonderful. i'm having an orgasm.
mr goodbye
"By his own admission, Field is a Panamanian"???
You are confusing me with Juan Williams. :)
"this is wonderful. i'm having an orgasm."
Easy there big guy.Your fists are not that far away. :)
"Nobody who can afford not to lives in a majority black neighborhood, no sir."
Why would I want to live around the likes of you? Ha!
"Fear..Fear...Fear.. Thats all I hear in your post..."
Fear? That's common sense son. Why would I stop voting because some young poster has grand visions of a unified Black party that has no defined goals, no defined leadership and no real plans? All I see in your post are delusions or grandeur. Nice dodge of the questions. If you were serious you'd have answers right?
Now BiB is a Black Nationalist. Hoo boy, what's he gonna be next month. I guess Gary Johnson supports the Black agenda huh?
i'm having an orgasm. "
How can you tell?
I'm guessing it's your first ever.
Pathetic Pilot says....
"Fear? That's common sense son. Why would I stop voting because some young poster has grand visions of a unified Black party that has no defined goals, no defined leadership and no real plans?"
Look here Old man...
Political Leverage CANNOT happen without Creating...and Aggregating wealth , and resources among ourselves.
The FIRST step is recognizing that we cant keep doing the same thing , and expecting the different results...
BTW Gary Johnson supports something that would alleviate a ton of pain , and problems for Black Folks...
Just because hes WHITE... doesnt mean you cant support an Agenda that aligns with your own..
Thats another one of your problems...
You seem to think that just because a candidate is Black...hes got ya back...
So far from the truth...
Young people are shedding the idea of staying on the democratic plantation, and voting like a Monolith...
The days of listening to people like YOU talk about Voting for Historical Symbolism is Over...
Our Financial house has to be in order BEFORE we attempt to leverage politics...
The problem is we keep thinking we have the Leverage by simply voting..
Nothing could be further from the truth...
The evidence is all around us....
and all we keep hearing from the older generation is Vote...
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Now BiB is a Black Nationalist. Hoo boy, what's he gonna be next month. I guess Gary Johnson supports the Black agenda huh?
Hubris of the young and idealistic, LOL!!!
Hubris of the young and idealistic, LOL!!!
Ohhh no ..Cant have those young folks thinking for themselves..
Heaaven forbid one of them decides to do things differently....
Yeah... Im off the plantation never to return again...
BIB, I am so happy to see that you don't think like my (old) generation does. It doesn't take a genius to see our method no longer works. As a matter of fact, it hasn't worked for a long long time.
I would say it's time the older generation passes the torch to you, but PilotX has the torch...LOL..that means that sucker has burned out. Heck, you can't use a burned out torch.
The best my generation can do is wish you well, and be open-minded(unlike Pilot) so we can be of help and benefit to you and our race.
It's your turn now. The older generation has proven it can't do anything but the same old ineffective thing that is killing us....
You have my blessing...Go for it.
depressed negro
Yeah... Im off the plantation never to return again...
If you don't have specific plans to one day work for yourself, you'll ALWAYS be on the "plantation".
Soooo, like the wingnuts, Black Is Clueless associates supporting dems over republicans to being on a "plantation".
Hmmmm,methinks Pilot is right. Someone's true colors are showing.
Gary Johnson, huh?
*tipping away*
Yeah u go ahead and tip away because as I told u before ...blindly supporting demos that are against my issues is foolish for me..Yep...that's the plantation to me
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