It seems that every time we turn on the news these days we hear about some nut killing his wife or his children. Or, in some cases, his wife and their pets.
The most high profile of these incidents took place in Florida a few days ago. A man shot all three of his family members execution style and then torched the million dollar mansion he was renting from ex tennis star, James Blake.
"A Florida man shot his wife and two teenage children in the head, then scattered gasoline and fireworks around the mansion they rented before setting the home ablaze and killing himself, deputies said Friday.
Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Col. Donna Lusczynski said at a news conference Friday that Darrin Campbell had purchased fireworks, gas cans and gasoline in the days before the family was killed.
Campbell shot his wife, Kimberly, 19-year-old son Colin Campbell and teenage daughter Megan each in the head with a.40-caliber handgun he bought last year before setting the house on fire and shooting himself in the head.
'This is certainly disturbing,' Lusczynski said."
Gee, ya think?
I wonder what could have led someone to do such a thing. I am guessing it's either love or money. We can always count on one of those two things to drive people to these types of depraved extremes.
We know that Julian Paris probably killed his wife in front of their three children because of love.
"An unhinged Florida man shot dead his estranged wife in front of their three children hours before he drove to his eldest son's grave at a nearby cemetery and killed himself, authorities said.
Julian Paris, 54, was found dead of a single gunshot wound about 7:20 p.m. Thursday at Woodlawn Cemetery in Gotha, draped across the grave of his teen son, who was killed in a 2012 car crash.
The gruesome find ended a daylong manhunt for Paris after he blasted 34-year-old Liza Nicole Adderly in broad daylight Wednesday at Dr. P. Phillips Community Park, a lakeside green space in suburban Orlando." [Source]
Campbell and Paris both killed themselves, so the rest of us can take some comfort in that. Until, of course, the next lunatic decides that he would rather die than live without his wife and family on his terms.
John Jordan didn't kill himself. But, like the others, he killed his wife.
"The New Jersey man accused of stabbing his wife to death and fleeing to South Carolina with their two sons lived in a dingy, barren apartment two miles from the crime scene.
John Jordan, 47, was unemployed and getting by on social services in the single room with only a twin bed, microwave, and dresser, according to the super of the Lodi, N.J., building with 17 grungy apartments with shared bathrooms." [Source]
Considering how he was living you would have to wonder why he didn't just kill himself as well. I mean what kind of life did he think that he was going to provide for his children? Somehow I don't see a Ozzie and Harriet future in this dude's existence.
Heck even folks who are close to octogenarian status are getting into the act.
"An elderly man allegedly murdered his wife and injured another woman before turning a gun on himself at his Los Angeles apartment Monday morning.
The suspect, about 70 years old, initially used an ax to attack his younger wife during a domestic quarrel that escalated out of control — she screamed out in fear before losing her life, authorities said.
A neighbor heard the cry of for help and rushed into the apartment, where she was shot by the gunman, according to local media.
"My daughter said he had an ax, that her whole head was cracked open," the Good Samaritan's mother..." [Source]
Lord have mercy!
I could go on and on and on with these, (the last sicko actually posted a picture of his wife's dead body on Facebook) but tomorrow is Mother's Day, and somehow this doesn't put me in the right frame of mind to enjoy such a special time.
dear mr field, do you think this is a trend across america or is it coincidental that these murders happened around the same time?
i partly agree with you the reason people kill except i don't think money has much to do with it even though it may 'appear' to be a reason.
there is only one reason: "a cry for love".
even the black race is calling for love..... has been calling for love since slavery but not getting any from the massa.... that is because no one knows how to love.
dr nuwang is classic example...looking for love by lying about her education. her siblings got degrees and she didn't. she feels rejected by family. her hope is to find love on fn except she doesn't know how to get it.
fyi love is a spiritual substance. when it turns dark it can be deadly. it can spread like wildfire destroying everything in its path. keep a vigilance over your hearts.
The timing of these atrocities are coincidental while the nature of them are not. The current society is a violent one void of morals, values and value for human life.
When the providers and protectors of our families turn on their offspring and their Mothers it is an undeniable sign of a serious unraveling of the fragile mental fabric that separates animal and human. Some animals by nature destroy their young and their mates, humans do so because of unbridled emotion and anger.
Throughout history you have always been more likely to be murdered by your partner or close family member than anyone else. That's why cops invariably start investigation with the partner of the deceased before they move on.
But I read a Dutch article about four years ago that claimed that a lot of these family-based murder-suicides we see these days come from unresolved grief over the death of a child. A startlingly high percentage of families that endure these incidents have lost a child in recent years.
The researchers speculated that parents no longer get the support in their grief that they once did, and that grief can turn to inward pointing rage.
Their hypothesis was that in other eras people were consoled and supported by their local church and its congregation. So because fewer people go to church these days they are not getting the help they need to cope with a child's death. It's not the religion as such that comforted them, it was the church was a place to go to receive help and comfort.
I am not sure this trend is increasing over time. Perhaps, we are just more aware of it sine all local news is now international.
Everybody...tell your Mother you love her today...tell her everyday.
"Everybody...tell your Mother you love her today...tell her everyday."
*nodding head*
"But I read a Dutch article about four years ago that claimed that a lot of these family-based murder-suicides we see these days come from unresolved grief over the death of a child. A startlingly high percentage of families that endure these incidents have lost a child in recent years. "
PC I did not know that. Thanks for the 411.
Interesting, FN is posting stories about white people killing other white people.
Black stormfront has come to the fields.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- One of the oldest black-owned bookstores in the nation has been evicted from its longtime home in a historic San Francisco neighborhood.
Black community leaders say the city, which has seen nearly a 40 percent decrease in its African-American population between 1990 and 2010, should help.
"You can't deal with this bookstore without dealing with the bigger sickness," Brown said. "So, you can't deal with Marcus alone without looking at the conditions, the public policy that created the conditions for the black community to be torn asunder."
If this was in texas under right-wing control I believe FN would have written about it.
Wow. Purple Cow had a thoughtful, non-accusatory and non-politicized comment.
Color me impressed.
Well ..This easily could be attributed to the presence of some pharmaceutical grade psychotropics that are so readily prescribed to Americans for things like depression ..anxiety ....
lets see one of these stories is from Florida...major "pill mill" location..widely abused by doctors and addicts....
Where's our resident addiction specialist at? ?? Im sure they could back my theory....
Again, this country has a WHITE MALE problem that the media refuses to recognize. I'm not saying that minorities do not kill their family members. However, it's far more infrequent than these animalistic white boys!
Furthermore, violent attacks by white men is a trait that has been with them since the days of living in the caves of the Caucus mountain region. Random episodes of uncontrolled rage, eating raw flesh and running around on all fours was a manner of culture. As we can see, it’s still evident today. Shhhhhh, just because these folks walk around in suit and ties these days doesn’t mean that they are vacuous of the internal urge to bring harm to their own people.
I implore all of you to know who you are dealing with when dealing with white folks before they get the drop on you! Personally, I’m GOING TO STAY READY!
Nat Turner Reloaded
12:54 PM
But you so ugly. The dog too,but he cuter than you. You sooo ugly ugh!
Now now, Bill, you are going to confirm what everyone already believes about folks like you: That conservatives always feel victimized and that they are always looking out for the white male.
This post had nothing to do with race and everything to do with the pathology of domestic violence.
But hey, whatever it takes for you to get you through your day.
"I implore all of you to know who you are dealing with when dealing with white folks before they get the drop on you! Personally, I’m GOING TO STAY READY!"
I'm right behind you, Nat.
Turn around slowly.
Troll..I know u know this tall dark skinned brother is making u all hot and bothered.... but really...
My dog is just here for the ride...
She hates scary people.. and probably would bite u.
My dog is just here for the ride...
4:26 PM
Got the dog smoking weed too?
She your dog girlfriend/girlfriend dog kind of thing? know what I mean ; Just you and the dog/ette.
You the doggette and the weed induced haze...somebody should call the ASPCA...
It's weird FN, I was just thinking about this very subject only yesterday. What in God's name could compel men like this to kill their own families? It is difficult to find words to express how sick it is to take the lives of your own wife and children. Also, let's not forget the type of man who kills his own parents or grandparents. Since I am not trained in human psychology I can't presume to know the cause of this kind of behavior, but one does not have to be a trained professional to see patterns, and I see a definite pattern in the type of perpetrator who does this. It's the same spoiled group that goes around shooting up strangers because of their unresolved mental or emotional issues, or their utter inability to handle whatever problems life throws at them.
Sooner or later they are going to have NO CHOICE except to face the truth about their weaknesses and deal with them, because the rest of us are fed up.
Pam,Pam,Pam...BTW did you know that's also a cooking spray?
No, the why of these men is because they are white with weak brain cells,and all those video games and violent movies go to their heads. They fantasize about blowing up everything just like in the movies. they think that is greatness.and want to go out with a bang.
I feel you Pam! I know enough about psychology to understand that its a deep, internal and subconscious fear that drives white men to comitt some of the most cowardly acts ever perpetrated by a racisl group of so-called men.
Nat Turner Reloaded
Nat Turner said
Again, this country has a WHITE MALE problem that the media refuses to recognize. I'm not saying that minorities do not kill their family members. However, it's far more infrequent than these animalistic white boys!
Actually Nat the data says otherwise. Besides in the US your people are the homicide "problem" if you want to call it that. It does seem that Blacks do kill each other over used athletic shoes or just for not very much. Camden, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore etc, etc it always the same.
PS: Nat just remember what happened to real Nat Turner. ')
@Nat Turner Reloaded
Both explanations sound plausible to me. They aren't the most stable group of people in the world and they never have been. Their actions just show how priviledge can go to your head and twist you into a monster who is a danger to others. The rabbit hole goes deep with them, deeper than the one Alice fell down.
YT is "not the most stable" group of people? Really? Check the news when the next version of Air Jordan's hit the market. We walked on the moon. You moon walk. But then there that LMAO "mother ship" out there.
OH Look another Troll...Pathetic existence ..fantasizing about beastiality..you should get help ....
BIB wrote
Again, this country has a WHITE MALE problem that the media refuses to recognize. I'm not saying that minorities do not kill their family members. However, it's far more infrequent than these animalistic white boys!
"Typical behavior." If you have no retort, then resort to ( weak ) attempts at insult. Camden, Baltimore, Detroit the same. Zimbabwe, Nigeria Rwanda, more of the same.
PS: light weekend in Chicago, only 4 homicides and less than a 13% mortality rate per shooting. Was there a Mother's Day truce?
Pam said...
It's weird FN, I was just thinking about this very subject only yesterday. What in God's name could compel men like this to kill their own families? It is difficult to find words to express how sick it is to take the lives of your own wife and children.
Humans are sick, period. They are capable of doing all kids of destructive things from murdering one's mother to genocide. And it has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with being human.
The history of humanity has always been messy and fearful and evil. That's why we have faith, prayer and God. Without them things would be a lot worse.
Love is the answer.
Yes, but millions of kids aren't trying to duplicate what Neil Armstrong did. Just think about that for a minute.......
Yes, but millions of kids aren't trying to duplicate what Neil Armstrong did. Just think about that for a minute.......
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