"Earlier this year a grand jury declined to charge an El Paso police officer in the shooting death of a prisoner. A video of the incidenct was published on Monday, after the Texas Attorney General instructed the city to fulfill a request processed by the El Paso Times. The events of the video are deeply unsettling, showing a police officer essentially executing a handcuffed man." [Story]
The most shocking part of this story, besides the obvious of course, is that a "grand jury declined to charge" the police officer. You Texans I swear.
But it's not only those folks in Texas. Right here in Pistolvania the justice system can be just as harsh.
"A Pennsylvania woman died in a jail cell over the weekend while serving a 48-hour sentence for her children’s unpaid school fines. Eileen DiNino was found dead on Saturday in a Berks County jail cell where she was midway through the sentence that would have eliminated around $2,000 in fines and related court fees related to her children’s attendance at school. Police have said her death is not considered suspicious, but the cause has yet to be determined. She was 55 years old and a mother to seven children.
“This lady didn’t need to be there,” District Judge Dean Patton — who said he was “reluctant” to sentence DiNino — told the Associated Press. ”We don’t do debtors prisons anymore. That went out 100 years ago.” More than 1,600 people have been jailed in Berks County alone — the majority of them women — because of similar fines. [Source]
Lord have mercy! This really is no country for poor folks.
If you are rich and kill someone with your car you don't spend a day in jail. If you are poor and owe the school district money you die in jail.
Finally, thank goodness for the video camera. It exposed the cold blooded killing of that poor man in El Paso, and it has also vindicated Dana Milbank.
"On Monday evening, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank live-blogged the Heritage Foundation’s Benghazi panel and described a lengthy exchange between panelists and a Muslim student as “ugly” and having descended into taunts and mockery."
Of course wingnuts were quick to call the report a lie and declare hat Milbank was exaggerating.
Well, as it turns out, he was not. Those tolerant right-wing Christians were giving the lone female Muslim in their midst the business. All that was missing was the post and the fire to burn the heretic.
Real tolerant folks over there at the Heritage Foundation.

“Where are the others speaking out?” Ahmed was asked. This drew an extended standing ovation from the nearly 150 people in the room, complete with cheers.
The panel’s moderator, conservative radio host Chris Plante, grinned and joined in the assault. “Can you tell me who the head of the Muslim peace movement is?” he demanded of Ahmed.
“Yeah,” audience members taunted, “yeah.”
Ahmed answered quietly, as before. “I guess it’s me right now,” she said." [Source]
FN Said...
But it's not only those folks in Texas. Right here in Pistolvania the justice system can be just as harsh.
THe best thing would be to keep voting the same people back into office.
That's the best way to fix the problem. /sarcasm
Dana Milbank's Heritage disaster
Vindicated Dana Milbank? Not so much.
Word has it Susan Rice was RIGHT about Benghazi per the Main suspect.
Imagine that.
Word has it you will never be a doctor.
"Word has it Susan Rice was RIGHT about Benghazi per the Main suspect."
Good Day Dr. Nuwang, I hope all is well. Anyway, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind elaborating on your statement. Thank you kindly for your cooperation.
White people depress me. I watched 12 Years a Slave over the weekend (very true to the book) and the white people in that movie acted the same way as the white people in that room did with that lone brave Muslim woman.
A hundred and fifty years after the 13th ADT ended slavery, and 50 years after the CRA & VRA ended Jim Crow, white supremacy still defines American race relations and white privilege still defines white Americans. I've given up on us voluntarily joining the human race any time soon.
And there's this....
Muslim Law Student Takes On Conservative Think Tank’s Benghazi Panel
The Washington Post’s report that a Heritage Foundation panel reacted in an ugly way to a question about peaceful Muslims failed to pan out after video of the event surfaced.
Second sketchy, unverified story this week about a Muslim woman supposedly harassed by conservatives.
More of the Obama administration's "stray voltsge" propagandas efforts, no doubt.
Field, as ever, dutifully repeats the Big Lie.
Ms.Nǚwáng said...
Word has it Susan Rice was RIGHT about Benghazi per the Main suspect.
So it really WAS a video?
What a dumbass.
You will never be a doctor.
Poor Whitey's Conspiracy. Liberal white guilt is a bitch.
Isn't it?
There's always reality. That will help you.
The administration admits ObamaCare isn't cutting health insurance costs "by $2,500/family", it's raising them.
Iraq is falling to pieces.
Thousands and thousands of children are piling up on our southern border because Obama violated the law with his executive amnesty and now everyone thinks they can come and stay here.
The Russians are still mucking around in Ukraine.
The IRS is pushing an idiotic story about losing Lois Lerner's emails. Via John Ekdahl, yep, it's a cover-up.
The administration stopped coming up with new stories about the Bowe Bergdahl swap because people stopped paying attention when Iraq flared up.
The VA still needs to be held accountable for killing vets, retaliating against whistle-blowers and oh yeah, the system needs to be fixed to serve vets.
The House Benghazi select-committee is getting going.
And the economy is shrinking.
But other than that (and a few dozen other major problems), Obama is the smartest man ever and he's doing a bang-up job!
Heck of a job America! Heck of a job!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
White people depress me. I watched 12 Years a Slave over the weekend (very true to the book) and the white people in that movie acted the same way as the white people in that room did with that lone brave Muslim woman.
The movie was not true to the book, and Dana Milbank's story about that "brave Muslim woman" has already been proven to be a lie (try watching the video).
Whitey just wants to believe it so bad....
It won't work Whitey, no matter how much you abase yourself, negroes will never love you.
Whatdaya mean the Heritage is intolerant? Homegirl was brave to even attend that klan meeting. Conservatism is getting increasingly less diverse which may not be a good thing soon. If they tick off enough Latinos and Texas goes blue the gop won't see the WH for a while, skewed polls notwithstanding.
As far as the cop he needs to be in jail. I wonder if that was his first "shooting".
Dear Whitey's Conspiracy, I think you and Depress Negro should switch places.
Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
White people depress me. I watched 12 Years a Slave over the weekend (very true to the book) and the white people in that movie acted the same way as the white people in that room did with that lone brave Muslim woman.
A hundred and fifty years after the 13th ADT ended slavery, and 50 years after the CRA & VRA ended Jim Crow, white supremacy still defines American race relations and white privilege still defines white Americans. I've given up on us voluntarily joining the human race any time soon.
9:20 PM
Dear Whitey, thank for this comment. Your comment about Whites depressing you in America reminds me of depressed Negro who is depressed because he is Black in America.
The interesting thing is both of you are depressed because of White Privilege that separates Whites from the rest of the human race. I feel for you but I am relieved that I am no longer alone. thank you.
However, as a depressed Negro, I am not only depressed because of Whites, I am also more depressed because of Blacks. And it's not because of black privilege, but because of Black ignorance. Dr Nuwang is a TNB example.
That woman will never be a doctor. Of course, she never was planning to be anything, anyway...let alone a doctor. However, she IS a compulsive liar who goes crazy when she is called on her lies.
Anyway, it's both Whites and Negroes like DQAE who depress the hell out of me.
The coin of whiteness is the degradation of black people. If you're white and you DON'T feel guilty at the price that black people continue to pay for your whiteness, well, then you sir have no soul to be saved as the old sailors said.
Bless whitey's little liberal bleeding heart....
From the panel. Which btw, was not "Heritage Foundation’s Benghazi panel"
More dishonesty from the left.
“Not one person mentioned Muslims, we are here against Islam, or we are launching a war against Muslims.”
“We were not here to bash Muslims. You were the one who brought the issue about most Muslims, not us.”
“There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world today. Of course not all of them are radicals. The majority are peaceful people.”
Sounds like a klan meeting. Sounds just like 12 Years a Slave
It won't work Whitey, no matter how much you abase yourself, negroes will never love you.
Why would black people love me? I've no expectation that anyone will love me for speaking the truth. Every mouth should speak the truth. Black people should be as or more careful of me as they are other white people. I'm no more worthy of their love than you. I can (theoretically) put this away any time and evaporate back into American whiteness with you; they can't.
“I assume, are you an American?”
That sounds like a demand. Doesn't it?
Sounds just like a klan meeting.
Sounds just like 12 years a slave.
KC, why can't you 'feel' for Negroes? They are suffering tremendously because of Whites like you. If only you could have a change of heart. If only you could do what's right. If only you believed in the Creator.
Has anyone seen Dr. Nuwang? I would like to learn more about this Susan Rice/Benghazi/main suspect business.
WC is a human being. Kinky Conman is easily color aroused and a fraud.
Pilot, I agree with u, give that girl a medal for even going around those wack jobs.
Anon@9:37, give it a rest. He was elected twice. And if elections were held tomorrow he would be elected again.
But keep waiting on Mitt to ride in and save your party.
Field is always babysitting PilotX. What's up with that? Must be a black thing.
"Field is always babysitting PilotX. What's up with that? Must be a black thing."
And your dumbass saying dumb shit. What's up with that? Must be a white thing or just an asshole thing.
"But keep waiting on Mitt to ride in and save your party."
Romney in a landslide!
More from this 12 years a slave klan wack jobs meetings-
Which btw, a women of color was a panelist.
From Milbank, copied and posted by field.
“Are you an American?” Gabriel demanded of Ahmed, after accusing her of taking “the limelight” and before informing her that her “political correctness” belongs “in the garbage.”
From the transcript-
"And since you're the only Muslim representative in here, you took the limelight instead of speaking about why our government -- and I assume are you an American? -- You're an American citizen -- So as an American citizen you set in this room and instead of standing up and saying a question or asking something about our four Americans that died and what our government is doing to correct the problem, you stood there to make a point about peaceful moderate Muslims. I wish you brought 10 with you to question about how we can hold our government responsible. It is time we took political correctness and throw it in the garbage where it belongs."
That sounds soooo demanding...
Yeah? Is a taunt? When she answered, she got a round of applause.
Sorry field, the only one easily color aroused(or should i say "White Republican aroused")and a fraud is you.
Way to go, KC! Field, like PX, is a liar. and if he is a liar, he is most certainly a fraud.
I am embarrassed that he considers himself a black American....The man is shameless.
I didn't agree with the description of the article that that officer was "essentially executing" a prisoner in handcuffs. Having watched the video, that doesn't look accurate; it was an accident that the officer's gun went off after the other dude bumped him.
Still, it was an accident caused by grotesque negligence. He shouldn't have had his gun out at all. I can understand that it can be difficult to deal with an unruly prisoner, but how can it ever make sense to draw a gun on someone who's handcuffed and lying on the ground? How much of a damn threat could he possibly be? This police department needs to work on hiring non-idiots and then training them properly.
And it's straight-up disgraceful the grand jury refused to indict this lousy cop for anything.
"I am embarrassed that he considers himself a black American....The man is shameless."
And you embarrass all fellow idiots. Maybe we can invite you to the next dinner for schmucks. I'd win with your dumb ass.
Sad, the best the trolls can do is accuse Field of lying for posting a pic which was relevant to his topic and X didn't refer to a deposed member of congress. No wonder the right is so stupid, they have to strain and fail to find double standards. Must hurt to strain so hard to push out that kind of shit.
Next time the young lady needs to invite more peers so the discussions won't be so one sided.
Man, that panel at Heritage was a disgrace. Anyone arguing that it wasn't a hotbed of bigotry is either a total idiot, or a massive hatemonger themselves. Basically, some people are arguing there was no bigotry only because they have set the bar for what constitutes NOT being a bigot so ridiculously low.
Hey, they didn't actually call that woman a towelhead and then set her on fire or anything! So no harm, no foul, right?
Instead, this group of "esteemed experts" (lol) just spewed a bunch of defamatory lies about Islam at her for about 15 minutes.
Imagine if the positions were reversed and it was a panel of wackadoos discussing Christianity. Here's what that would look like:
"We don't hate Christianity. Of course we don't. It's only the *radical* Christians we're attempting to draw attention to. It's the 25 percent of Christians who kidnap people and use them in human sacrifices -- they're the concern. And why is no one talking about the human-sacrificers! The media keeps ignoring this issue, out of political correctness toward Christians.
If you *good* Christians don't want to get a bad name, you really need to speak out against the human-sacrificer Christians. Why aren't you concentrating on that, instead of criticizing us good, honest patriots who love our country? Come on. You're either with us or against us."
"If you *good* Christians don't want to get a bad name, you really need to speak out against the human-sacrificer Christians. "
Well that's true.
Even as an atheist I'm dead against christian human-sacrificers.
Fortunately, the term " good Christian" is not yet an oxymoron.Not yet.
The Purple Cow said...
"If you *good* Christians don't want to get a bad name, you really need to speak out against the human-sacrificer Christians."
Well that's true.
Hypocrisy test...
Should "good" muslims denounce the extremes in their religion?
Or are all religions not equal?
"Instead, this group of "esteemed experts" (lol) just spewed a bunch of defamatory lies about Islam at her for about 15 minutes."
Examples please...
FN said...
"On Monday evening, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank
I remember how PilotX and PurpleCow acted when I linked to an opinion article.
I wonder if they will whine about FN citing an article in the paper's opinion section from dana milbank.
Not all linking to opinion articles is equal.
Notice how quickly this story has faded?
That happens when facts trump leftwing dishonesty.
Hillary's book isn't selling well.
Will Hillary blame it on the vast right-wing conspiracy again or her new fav and blame it on a youtube video.
Chuck ToddVerified account @chucktodd
Despite what folks want to believe I said Here is fact: based on Q we asked about rest of term, maj said POTUS can't lead and get job done
Chuck todd was being accused of "turning" on Obama.
He had to make it clear it was the views of the NBC poll, not his personal opinion.
OMFG, shades of Oscar Grant ("Fruitvale Station") and his handcuffed murder in Oakland. Sometimes after visiting your site, Field, I feel beat up. The truth isn't supposed to hurt this much. Texas and Florida and I don't know where else compete for the Medieval Award. El Paso, eh? I doubt that anyone will make a movie about it THIS time. Happens too often.
And Miss DiNino? Too much.
But keep flagging this stuff--God knows the MSM doesn't bother...
Wonder how the right wing media is gonna handle the arrest of the Bengazi suspect. They have to find a way to hate this too.
Anon at 9:24 did you watch the video? Are you really that stoooooooooooopid?
Veterans Affairs-
Our ocean is under threat. Join people all over the world and make a difference. #OurOcean2014 http://thndr.it/1tP7rrQ
I'm all for saving the ocean.
Why isn't the VA under Obama all about helping the Veterans?
Political agenda before doing their government duty.
Fortunately, the term " good Christian" is not yet an oxymoron.Not yet.
Yes; rare, endangered even, but not yet extinct.
I echo the sentiment of the man who said "I'm down with Jesus, but his fan clubs give me the willies."
Actually, President Obama is the first president in over 50 years to be elected twice with outright majorities of the electorate, making him the MOST electorally legitimate president in living memory. That's why the fight to delegitimize him has been so desperate.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Actually, President Obama is the first president in over 50 years to be elected twice with outright majorities of the electorate, making him the MOST electorally legitimate president in living memory.
2008 52.9 - 45.7 (+7.2)
2012 51.1 - 47.2 (+3.9)
1980 50.8 - 41 (+9.8)
1984 58.8 - 40.4 (+18.4)
It appears the country had a lot more faith in a second reagan term than second obama term. If the right had a candidate besides an ultra rich mormon, would that have made a difference? The media believed so, that's why they kept pushing that meme.
Did you know Obama is the first president since FDR to receive a lower % of the votes in a second term. (even bush got a higher % his second term)
That's why the fight to delegitimize him has been so desperate.
Isn't that what right-wingers say about left-wing hate for reagan?
Not all hate for a political enemy is equal.
Anon at 1:34 PM
Can't list examples? The left sure likes to make shit up.
...first president in over 50 years to be elected TWICE with OUTRIGHT MAJORITIES...
Compare apples to oranges all that you want, that's an enduring consensus of an absolute majority of Americans, and an unequalled achievement since 1956. Considering the Republican/Tbag 4 year delegitimization campaign of unremitting deception calumny and outrage, much of it racist, against, Mr. Obama his retention of his outright popular majority can only be considered its repudiation.
"Romney by a landslide". Oh wait......
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
...first president in over 50 years to be elected TWICE with OUTRIGHT MAJORITIES...
It appears both reagan and obama both got over 50% of the vote for both elections.
Do you mean the Electoral vote?
Can't be the electoral vote.
Please help me out and tell me what "outright majority" are you talking about?
field negro said...
"Romney by a landslide". Oh wait......
It was a real life reagan landslide.
Imagine winning 49 states.
Talk about outright majorities!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
...Mr. Obama his retention of his outright popular majority can only be considered its repudiation.
Popular majority?
Do you mean polls?
And his favorable-unfavorable rating is upside down (41 percent-45 percent) after being right-side up two months ago (44 percent-41 percent).
Perhaps most troubling for the president, 54 percent think he is unable to lead the country and get the job done, compared with 42 percent who believe he can.
59 percent of Americans say they are disappointed in Mr. Obama's presidency (including 37 percent who are very disappointed); 40 percent are satisfied. Much of this discontent comes from Republicans and independents, but a quarter of Democrats express at least some disappointment.
It appears the outright majority isn't reflected in either the NBC or CBS poll.
I stand corrected on Mr. Reagan's 1980 popular vote percentage. My source had it wrong and therefore so did I.
Popular majority?
Do you mean polls?
No, I meant "majority of the popular vote" which would have been the unrelenting re-klan battle-cry had Mr. Obama, like Mr. Bush lacked, it while winning in the electoral college.
"Can't list examples? The left sure likes to make shit up."
Holy Christ! You can't even push play and watch a video? You conservatives really are stoooooooooooooopid! I mean really really stoooooooooooooopid!
"Romney by a landslide". Oh wait......
Cantor in a landslide!
So in review-
someone who compares Republicans to the klan, calls Republicans racist, calls Republicans tbags,wants to bemoan how they treat the president?
Do as i say not as i do is the motto of the left. We get it.
Maybe next time when you on the left will think about how you treat Republican presidents.
Karma's a bitch.
Come on Teh stupid,examples should be so easy to find at this 12yearsaslaveklanmeeting.
FIELD.. .You did a good job putting this story out there about those murderous cops in TX ....It is very real out here in the fields....
Now what do u think O will do about the calls for drone bombing Iraq...?
Hes mostly curves extremely right on foreign policy and will acquiesce to Republicans wishes to prove that he's tough... almost 2 decades over there ...watch what he does....
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Do you mean polls?
No, I meant "majority of the popular vote" which would have been the unrelenting re-klan battle-cry had Mr. Obama, like Mr. Bush lacked, it while winning in the electoral college.
I only asked because your "source" was wrong and you disagreed with the facts.
Kudos for admitting you used a faulty source.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
I stand corrected on Mr. Reagan's 1980 popular vote percentage. My source had it wrong and therefore so did I.
If you don't mind me asking, which website was your source?
"Kudos for admitting you used a faulty source."
If anyone knows about "faulty sources" that would be Bill.
"If anyone knows about "faulty sources" that would be Bill."
LHH. Good one Field!
The police are nothing but the Klan in a change of clothes. Instead of lynching by rope, they lynch by bullet. The hatred towards Africans in this country is so out of control, I fear it'll never be honed in. We're at the white man's discretion and nothing can or will be done, because Africans have no one on their side anywhere. We're fucked, plain and simple.
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