A quick update: A tea party candidate with a dubious and rather interesting history is challenging the incumbent who has been the senator there since my cousins were picking cotton. (OK, it only seems like it's been that long, but you get the idea.) And a very heated race has come to a head.
Mississippi has an open primary, and the saner of the two candidates is begging black folks to come out and vote for him , because apparently he represents the lesser of two evils.
Negroes, please come out and vote for Thad Cochran, he needs you.
So now, the tea party being the tea party, are going to have their loyal soldiers patrolling the polling places to watch for cheating Negroes.
They are calling it the "voter integrity project", but they might as well call it the keep Negroes from voting project, because that's exactly what they want to do.
Anyway, I wonder who is going to watch the conservative poll watchers while they poll watch.
"An array of conservative groups supporting Chris McDaniel, including the Senate Conservatives Fund, the Tea Party Patriots, and True the Vote have said they’re sending poll-watchers to the state amid reports that some Mississippi Democratic operatives are working to turn out black Democrats in support of McDaniel’s opponent, Sen. Thad Cochran. The poll-watching effort is being organized in part by Christian Adams, a former Bush Justice Department lawyer who has long sought to publicize claims of voter fraud and illegal voting."
There was a time when folks went to Mississippi to advance civil rights, now, sadly, the times have changed. These folks are going to do the exact opposite thing.
Finally, I really wish that Dick Cheney would just stop. Honestly, he is hurting himself and his party more than anyone else at this point.
Besides, all anyone has to do is to click on this link to see why everyone in the Bush administration during the lead up to the Iraq war needs to just STFU.
"Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s media tour showed no signs of slowing Tuesday with appearances on The Rush Limbaugh Show and now Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. On the latter, Cheney said he believes there will be another major terrorist attack on the homeland before the end of the decade, this one “far deadlier” than 9/11.
Asked by Hewitt if he thinks we can “get through this decade without a massive attack on the homeland,” Cheney answered, “I doubt it.”
“I think there will be another attack and this time I think it’s likely to be far deadlier than the last one,” he added.

When Hewitt suggested there would have to be “military rule” in the United States if something like that were to happen, Cheney detailed the “continuity of government” program, which was set up during the Cold War to ensure a “government in waiting” that could step in if needed. "
Lord have mercy, now the man is telling terrorists how to attack America.
If you love that man you will lock him in the attic and throw away the key.
Lesser of two weevils.
FN said...
A tea party candidate with a dubious and rather interesting history
Pretty bad video you linked to.
All those images of the confederate flag and every image was of a black person.
Someone wanted to paint a negative picture of "hip hop culture."
We white people just can't win.
Yesterday black people were demanding VP Cheney give the 4-11 on the shadow government.
Today black people are demanding VP Cheney shut the hell up and not talk about the shadow government.
This is why it's so hard being a white man these days.
KC, "This is why it's so hard being a white man these days."
8:56 PM
Kinky, you are a plagiarizer of depressed Negro's slogan, "It's depressing to be a bm in America."
Now, I'm not a big fan of Field, although I am a fan, but Field's post proves it is a bitch to be Black in America and it's even worse in MS.
Kinky, I just wish you and Bill would fess up and agree with FN once in a while. You have no idea how that would lift my depression....and many other depressions on FN also.
Show some compassion. You Whites are so mean-spirited and insensitive, esp Bill.
I don't think Dick Cheney should shut up. I very much hope he'll keep talking. Few things could be more damaging to his party than the Prince of Darkness rearing his ugly head, and spewing his horrendous ideas, over and over again.
The Republicans should be scrambling to find a way to cram the evil bastard back in the closet ... but Democrats should really put him on payroll.
FN said...
Lord have mercy, now the man is telling terrorists how to attack America.
No worries.
The NY times already told terrorists how to attack America.
MILLIONS of cargo containers are unloaded from ships each year at American seaports, providing countless opportunities for terrorists to smuggle and unleash a nuclear bomb or weapon of mass destruction on our shores.
And Bloomberg's paper already told the terrorists about the giving up of looking for bombs.
Five years after Congress set a deadline for requiring all U.S.-bound shipping containers to be X-rayed overseas for nuclear weapons, customs officials have all but given up on the goal.
And to think you were asking the Lord for mercy about cheney helping the terrorists.
Not all helping terrorists is equal to democrats.
McDaniel's campaign should motivate black Mississippi residents to vote ... with their feet!
Seriously, black people, leave and go live somewhere less horrible! Mississippi is a racist, economic wasteland, and it will only get worse -- both racially and economically -- if McDaniel gets elected. The McDaniel campaign is really just a very elaborate public suicide note for the state.
VP Cheney: War Criminal How quickly we forget that 9/11 happened on his watch; Cheney would know about future terrorist attacks.
VP Cheney: War Criminal. Hands dripping with the blood of 9/11 victims.
ONLY to alleviate the fears of FN about cheney helping terrorists...
"If a terrorist manages to conceal a weapon of mass destruction in a shipping container, it must be discovered long before that container reaches our shore," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.
put the warhead in a shipping container like one of the 400 million indentical ones that enter US ports each year. When the ship docks in a major port like Atlanta, or San Francisco, or New York detonate it.
If Pelosi "helping the terrorists" didn't bother you, there is no reasonable reason for you to have increased fears just because cheney said it.
"Kinky, you are a plagiarizer"
While we both share a certain depression-i tend to think bm depression comes from dealing with white supremacy and the failings of his community.
You have to put yourself in my position. Being a white man in America isn't what it use to be.
This country was built by strong white men who cared deeply for their fellow man.
Just look at our country today.
It's lost. Never coming back.
My apologies to depressed negro. I meant no disrespect.
I thought poll watching was fairly common, here and in other countries. And Mississippi has the highest % of blacks of any state, almost 40% of the state's population. That's a lot of potential new voters for a GOP primary. It'll probably be a state record lol.
As for Cheney, many people have been talking and writing about potential types of terrorist attacks for years. Nothing new at all there.
Someday, historians will look back at the smearing of the Tea Party small government movement as 'racist' as a masterful if evil victory for early 21st century Leftist propaganda.
Just in time for the 50th anniversary of the CRA and Goodwin, Schwerner and Cheney's deaths we get poll watchers to intimidate blah folks. Mississippi, which still has the confederate flag on its state flag and just outlawed slavery last year, sure knows how to throw an anniversary party.
Man, even Fox news called Cheney out on his BS. You have to be telling some massive whoppers to get called out by Fox.
We white people just can't win........This is why it's so hard being a white man these days.
KKKY you are a lying fuck. I've been a white man since 1978, and it has never been easier being a white man in America since before the CRA and VRA of the mid '60s. Back then white people actually had to, however reluctantly, pay attention to black people if for no other reason than them daily putting their lives on the line to publicly expose white venality and hypocrisy. Today we've re-institutionalized the ability of white America to ignore black America more thoroughly than at any time since high Jim Crow a hundred years ago. With the election of our first black president, 45 years of pent up whiteness burst out of the tbaggers in a flood of malignant whiteness that still, 6 years later, cries out not just his illegitimacy but that of all black citizenship.
"Poll Watchers" in Mississipi in 2014. We ought to hang our heads in shame.
But then you have none, do you?
"Today we've re-institutionalized the ability of white America to ignore black America more thoroughly than at any time since high Jim Crow a hundred years ago"
Who is "we"? Who has run this country for the last 50 years? Liberal democrats, that's who.
WTF are you talking about, white man?
Protesting the metastasizing federal government's reach into all aspects of our lives is "malignant whiteness"? What do you demand white people do, lay down before our rulers like black wards of the state or Mexican peasants?
If standing up for one's rights and freedoms is 'racist', then what this country needs is more 'racism'.
Barack Obama's policies aren't opposed because Barack Obama is half black, but because he is a fucking communist tyrant who is absolutely shredding the Constitution in an attempt to Fundamentally Change America into a socialist nightmare.
You stupid sons of bitches will defend this incompetent, malicious fool to the end just because he is black, while accusing anyone who raises an objection of doing so only because they can't stand a half black man in the White House.
Motherfuck you and all the Goddamn morons marching this country into oblivion.
WC, don't you think you are being a little hard on Kinky? I mean the man is depressed as a wm. As a depressed Negro I know what depression can do to a man's self-esteem and brains.
You have an interesting take on where we are today and where we came from. I am not a smart person or a great reader but your comment to Kinky sounded 'heavy'...for all Americans.
Did you mean we have regressed back to Jim Crow days where Whites don't even notice Blacks anymore? Now that is the stuff that started my depression decades ago.
Nothing. And I mean 'nothing" will darken a man's soul more than to 'not' even notice that he counts.
That brings me to the conclusion that the majority of Blacks are probably depressed but too ashamed to admit it.
Cheney has first hand knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, so he should know. After all he is the one who told the military planes to stand down while he was hiding out in his bunker.
His comments mean that Haliburton and KBR wants to stay in the war business to decades to come. So they figure we need another attack to get us there.
Wow, Anon11:28pm sounds really mad. The words he used on Whitey sounded 'Black' but his thinking is 'White'. Maybe he is a bm in white skin? I mean, anything is possible in America these days.
There ARE Blacks in the Tea Party and GOP....tommin their way into the hearts and minds of right-winged Whites.:)
"then what this country needs is more 'racism'."
i knew it would finally surface.
"If standing up for one's rights and freedoms is 'racist', then what this country needs is more 'racism'."
How do you get more racism in a country where racism is rampart?
This guy sounds like a really angry wm. I didn't know wm could be this angry. But apparently there is no limit.
Wesley R said...
Haliburton and KBR wants to stay in the war business to decades to come.
Not disagreeing.
Just wondering why no mention of bechtel or perini?
Is it just because the husband of democrat Diane Feinstein is involved?
Not all profiting off war is equal to democrats.
""Poll Watchers" in Mississipi in 2014. We ought to hang our heads in shame."
I know.What was the NAACP thinking?
"white America to ignore black America"
I know white liberals(and liberals in general) tend to be out of touch with reality. But damn. You have no idea.
"As a depressed Negro I know what depression can do to a man's self-esteem and brains."
Thanks depressed Negro. That means much to me. Despite the racial demagoguery, the racial paranoia field diddles in, your truth and insight is refreshing. Keep searching for the inner strength that will help you overcome.
Looks like Mississippi isn't as crazy as we thought. First they shoot down the personhood amendment and now they take a pass on the crazy tea party guy. They may be afraid of the dems winning the senate seat. Bravo less insane insane people of the Sip.
"Someday, historians will look back at the smearing of the Tea Party small government movement as 'racist' as a masterful if evil victory for early 21st century Leftist propaganda."
Someday, historians will look back at the Tea Party as the last paranoid convulsion of the racist redneck mindset, before multiculturalism stomped it out forever.
"Looks like Mississippi isn't as crazy as we thought. First they shoot down the personhood amendment and now they take a pass on the crazy tea party guy. They may be afraid of the dems winning the senate seat. Bravo less insane people of the Sip."
A narrow escape.
I'm thinking maybe enough white Mississippians finally came to the realization that the Teabilly would not be able to bring home the federal bacon like Cochran historically had, thereby pushing their state's feeble economy even further toward Third World status.
Or, possibly, enough black Mississippians really did turn out to put Cochran over the top, on account of McDaniel's being a big ol' racist.
Either way, we can expect a whole new batch of deranged conservative conspiracy theories to be hatched to explain this loss. And maybe even some litigation. The McDaniel crowd seem like quintessential sore loser types.
(I just wanted to take a minor time-out from our debate to talk to the rational respondents of this blog about the issue of trying to debate with morons, and what it says about the morons themselves and the current state of far-Right thinking in America.)
The problem with debating the likes of Bill, Viva Ethnic, QLB and Kinky is not just that they are not very intelligent, it’s more that they don’t know they are not very intelligent. This makes debating difficult, because they do not recognize such concepts as ‘evidence’, ‘facts’, or ‘rationality’ for what they are.
Take our current debate. Yesterday I demonstrated that the gap between rich and everyone else in America had been growing almost exponentially since the end of the 1970’s. This inequality (measured by the Gini coefficient) has risen so sharply that America now stands 91st in the world in terms of inequality, behind such bastions of liberal democracy as Russia and Iran.
For Bill, the ONLY thing that matters is the EXACT date that the rising inequality began. Forget what happened in the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s or teenies. It was ALL Jimmy Carter’s fault according to Bill. The fact that Americans are not getting richer today, anno 2014, despite the fact that they are working longer hours is down to Jimmy Carter. (Incidentally I have proof that it was Reagan’s policy that was at fault which I will post shortly.)
Then there’s Viva Ethnic Cleansing. Where to start? A man (I’m guessing) that makes Bill seem intellectually sharp in comparison. His position is that the suppression of wealth was not caused by the rich making themselves richer, but was caused by women and immigrants pushing down average wages. (Women and immigrants notice – the twin hate figures of the far-Right male.)
When I noted that there was no evidence that a surge of women entered the workforce in the 80’s and 90’s, he responded with a link to a graph that proved me right!!! Clearly he hadn’t actually looked at the graph at all, I can only presume he had misunderstood the graph’s title.
I also posted a link to no less than FOUR academic papers that demonstrated no discernable link between immigrant labour and a reduction in pay rates for indigenous workers, he responded that there were “dozens” of academic papers that proved the opposite. I asked for a link to them. I’m still waiting.
Then finally there’s Kinky, the dim-witted lapdog of the far-Right. Has no worthwhile opinions of his own, but comes yapping to the arguments just as he feels that his guy is winning the debate. Sadly for him, because he is not clever enough to understand the debates, he has a habit of bounding up to slobber his congratulations just as his guys loses!
So here’s the thing. You have an entire section of American society that has turned its back on reason. Turned its back on rationality, turned its back on science, turned its back on facts. The internet allows people to live in a self-reinforcing bubble. If you only listen to people who confirm your prejudices, only take your ‘news’ from news agencies (or these days, blogs) that do the same, you are quickly going to lose touch with reality. Now if there was just a couple of hundred of these nutters living on a ranch in Bumfuck Idaho, that wouldn’t be a problem for America. But there are actually several million Americans who think this way. Kinky, Bill, QLB, they should be freaks on the very extreme of the political spectrum, but they are not. Their insane, illogical and internally inconsistent paradigm is increasingly accepted by those on America’s political right.
So my question is, how do you govern a country like that? How do you apply rational governance to people who reject rationality?
Earlier, I said this:
"The McDaniel crowd seem like quintessential sore loser types."
Turns out, I was right. The McDaniel temper tantrums have already begun.
A quote from the illustrious Teabilly:
"[The GOP] was a party of principle at one point," McDaniel said in his remarks to supporters. "A party of courage at one point. It was Reagan that said, 'We will be a party of bold colors, not pastels.' And yet there are millions of people who feel like strangers in their own party."
He continued: "There is something a bit unusual about a Republican primary that's decided by liberal Democrats. So much for bold colors. So much for principle. I guess they can take some consolation that they did something tonight by once again compromising, by once again reaching against the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement."
"This is not the party of Reagan," he said. "Today the conservative movement took a backseat to liberal Democrats in the state of Mississippi."
In conclusion:
Everything's ruined. St. Reagan is crying bitter tears in the great hereafter. Obama has folded up the Constitution and is wearing it as a paper hat.
America's over, man! It's over!!!
Then McDaniel stomped off to go console himself by burning some crosses.
Re Reaganomics and the growth of income inequality in America, and the death of the American dream. Here's another graph for you. (If you need an explanation of what a graph is - let me know.)
So, as I said, income of the top 10% wealthiest Americans starts to climb under Jimmy Carter, but look closely what period does the graph suddenly start to increase exponentially - that's right 1982/3.
More of the same.
Here's a graph of America's Gini coefficient. Note how the inequality between rich and poor falls slowly and steadily from WW2 to the 1970's. It then begins to rise slowly under Carter, before sky-rocketing under Reagan/Bush 1.
The Effect of Immigrants on The Wages of U.S.-Born Workers
How immigrants impact the wages of U.S.-born workers depends on whether immigrants and U.S.-born workers compete for the same jobs or, instead, if they complement each other in the labor market. Despite concerns that competition from immigrants might harm employment prospects for native-born Americans, recent economic research suggests that, on average, immigrants raise wages and expand employment opportunities for Americans.
How is this possible? The answer lies in the way that the economy evolves to incorporate immigrants. For instance, less-skilled immigrants working in, say, agriculture, construction, or household services, appear to improve the wages and earnings of Americans by expanding the capacity of American businesses and farms, increasing the responsibility and pay of American foremen and supervisors, and providing expanded opportunities for higher-skilled Americans, particularly women, to pursue higher-paying careers.
Economists find that, on average, previous waves of immigrants tended to boost American wages. In fact, studies have shown that immigration has caused small but positive gains in wages of American-born workers of between 0.1 percent and 0.6 percent between 1990 and 2006. Where the literature divides, however, is in the distributional consequences—how the availability of immigrant labor impacts wages for U.S.-born workers of differing skill and educational levels. A 2007 study by George Borjas and Lawrence Katz found that, from 1980 to 2000, U.S.-born college graduates saw an average wage decrease of 0.5 percent because of immigration, while those without a high school degree saw as much as a 4.8 percent decrease in wages. In contrast, a 2012 study by Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri found positive wage effects across all educational levels between 1990 and 2006.
The Negroes come out and win one for the establishment republican in Mississippi senate primary.That is quite a political headline.
Still, it wasn't too hard to predict, since the tea party guy is batshit crazy and a racist/sexist to boot.
Gotta feel for my cousins in Mississippi.
The Purple Cow said...
For Bill, the ONLY thing that matters is the EXACT date that the rising inequality began. Forget what happened in the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s or teenies. It was ALL Jimmy Carter’s fault according to Bill.
I never said what is happening today is because of carter.
You lied.
I caught you AGAIN.
Watch how easy it is to prove you're lying... please prove a link to me saying today is because of carter. Your refusal is proof you lied.
If your so smart and I'm so dumb, why do you have to lie? If your so smart, why does some stupid guy keep catching you lying over and over again?
*YOUR* the one that said the decline of America's middle class started in the late 1970's.
I reminded you carter was the president when the decline started which pissed you off.
So which story are you going with today PurpleCow?
It started in the late 70's or when reagan took office.
Just to prove how much of a hypocrite you are...
Please ask Obama to stop blaming bush abut "when" things started going bad and focus on how bad things are under Obama.
Another one of your Double Standard PurpleCow?
The Purple Cow said...
(I just wanted to take a minor time-out from our debate
Psych 101.
What kind of man writes about how smart he is and how he beats up on stupid people?
Someone that doesn't really believe what he writes.
He's writing it to convince himself, not others.
For *IF* he was as smart as he says, he wouldn't need to tell his friends how smart he is.
Does FN have to repeat over and over to his friends he's a lawyer? PilotX tell his friends over and over he knows how to fly a plane?
Sorry PurpleCow.
It had to be said.
The Purple Cow said...
...It then begins to rise slowly under Carter, before sky-rocketing under Reagan/Bush 1.
I'm waiting for you to blame obama for what bush started just like you blame reagan for what carter started.
How stupid are these Tea Party guys, if anything Blacks and Dems would want him to win. Why becuaese it was only a matter of time before he put his foot in his mouth Ala Sharon Angle and the Mississippi seat might actully turn blue. Now that Thad has won it's business as usual.
"I'm waiting for you to blame obama for what bush started just like you blame reagan for what carter started."
Bill, does that sentence make sense even to you?
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
"(I just wanted to take a minor time-out from our debate to talk to the rational respondents of this blog about the issue of trying to debate with morons, and what it says about the morons themselves and the current state of far-Right thinking in America.)
The problem with debating the likes of Bill, Viva Ethnic, QLB and Kinky is not just that they are not very intelligent, it’s more that they don’t know they are not very intelligent. This makes debating difficult, because they do not recognize such concepts as ‘evidence’, ‘facts’, or ‘rationality’ for what they are"
Brother PC, the old saying, "If you can spot it, you've got it" comes from the life of human experience and wisdom. In other words, YOU don't define others with your criticisms and put downs, YOU define who YOU are.
I hope you can comprehend what I just said because you are quite obnoxious and immature and not very smart. In addition, you are an embarrassment to the black race.
There is nothing stupid or moronic about Bill. In fact, he makes some real good points, esp when he is debating your sorry black ass.
If you think Bill and Kinky are so dumb and YOU are so smart, why do you keep debating them? Please answer the question because you don't make sense. Why would a smart brilliant man waste his time debating morons? It would be beneath him to do so. Yet, you persist with the same old boring claim and attack on Bill and KC about their lack of intelligence.
Again, "If you can spot it, you've got it." Brother PC, you put the "d" in depression. You depress the hell out of me-- and probably other FN Negroes as well. You really ought to STFU. It is unbelievable that you spend so much time trying to prove Bill is stupid and you are smart. The irony of it all you only prove that Bill is smart and you are stupid and cannot debate worth a damn. Now go suck on your thumb.
"Are you going to blame obama for what started before his election like you blame reagan for what started before his election?"
Bill, does that sentence make sense even to you?
The Purple Cow said...
...starts to climb under Jimmy Carter, but look closely what period does the graph suddenly start to increase exponentially - that's right 1982/3.
Here's a graph for you.
Unemployment slowly stated to increase to 5.0 under bush and then the graph suddenly starts to increase exponentially to 7.8 the first year under obama and even further up to 9.7 the next year under obama.
Sounds like the exact same point your making about reagan.
"The line that goes up at the end looks like it started going up around 1977. Which is exactly what you said yesterday, the decline started in the late 70's.
You proved your point it started under carter.
You win.
I won't agree with you again."
Well I'm glad to see my efforts to educate you are not entirely wasted.
The Purple Cow said...
"Are you going to blame obama for what started before his election like you blame reagan for what started before his election?"
Bill, does that sentence make sense even to you?
You admitting to us it started under carter but blaming reagan because it was worse under him doesn't make sense.
"I never said what is happening today is because of carter."
You lied.
I caught you AGAIN."
Oh come, come, little Bill, you are not going to sleaze your way out of this one so easily, you slimy little cuntmuppet..
You emphasised ad nauseum that the trend BEGAN under Carter. I agree with that. I said exactly that.
My point is, was, and remains, that looking at the graph, a gentle increase in inequality under Carter became a steep increase under Reagan, and that was a direct result of Reagan's fiscal policies.. Go back and look at the graph.
was that I should not blame Reagan for something that had begun under Carter. In other words you were blaming Carter for the increase in inequality that came after his presidency. So, long story short, it's not me that's lying - it's you.
As fucking usual.
"You admitting to us it started under carter but blaming reagan because it was worse under him doesn't make sense."
It makes total sense you cuntmuppet.
Reagan's policy of giving tax cuts to the rich massively increased inequality in America.
Thanks to PurpleCow explaining it doesn't matter when it starts, it only matters if it gets worse under your watch.
The Commerce Department said on Wednesday gross domestic product fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate, instead of the 1.0 percent pace it had reported last month.
Once again the commerce dept has been forced to downgrade what they previously said.
I wonder if PurpleCow will once again flip-flop and blame bush instead of obama.
"Psych 101.
What kind of man writes about how smart he is and how he beats up on stupid people?"
Please show where I say that I a smart.
Show me the exact point.
I'll wait, (unless your lying again of course)
"Someone that doesn't really believe what he writes."
I believe everything that I wrote.
Where do I say I'm smart? Show me the quote.
"... he wouldn't need to tell his friends how smart he is."
Where do I say I'm smart? Show me the quote.
"Does FN have to repeat over and over to his friends he's a lawyer? PilotX tell his friends over and over he knows how to fly a plane?
Sorry PurpleCow.
It had to be said."
Well here's the thing Cuntmuppet.
Aren;t you people for ever telling us that negros have lower I.Q.s than white people? Many, many, of your racist buddies have been on this ver website denying that Field and Pilot are who they say they are. Look at the hatred your people have poured on a student doctor. How you tell her she will never be a doctor. I'm sure if `I look back on your history here I could probably found posts where you claim lower I.Q.'s for black folks.
So for you to come here with the sole intention of denigrating black people and then to claim hurt feelings when someone attacks yours is hypocrisy of the very highest order.
Even in a field of cunts, you are a cunt amongst cunts. A vile little man who has nothing better to do with his sorry ass life than take out the rage of your own failure and attempt to project your failure onto black men.
Well fuck right off whote boy, because I for one of sick of listening to you talk drivel.
Now why don't you run outside and get a job. Then learn some reason and logic, learn how to back up your arguments with evidence and see if you can't finally - finally - grow up to be a man.
Silly socialist goober. Purple cow gets caught in a lie, he tries to move the goal posts. Then purple cow screams "REAGAN!!!! REAGAN CAUSES ME BUTTHURT!!!!"
Income inequality began to raise in the early seventies. Income inequality is at its worst today.
Scholars differ on the causes.
But,but,but purple cow wants to blame REAGAN!!!!.
Purple cow is trying to cloak his Reagan hate using a bunch of cut and paste gibberish.
"How do you apply rational governance to people who reject rationality?'
Its hard working with the left, but we have to try.
"Brother PC, the old saying, "If you can spot it, you've got it" comes from the life of human experience and wisdom. In other words, YOU don't define others with your criticisms and put downs, YOU define who YOU are."
Sorry sunshine but that's TOTAL bollocks. I define stupid people by pointing out that the stupid people have said something stupid.
Do you get it now?
"I hope you can comprehend what I just said because you are quite obnoxious and immature and not very smart. In addition, you are an embarrassment to the black race."
And how would YOU of all people know that exactly?
"There is nothing stupid or moronic about Bill. In fact, he makes some real good points, esp when he is debating your sorry black ass."
Everything Bill says is stupid or moronic. Ask yourself why he comes to a black man's blog, every single fucking day, just to post news denigrating black people. That makes him smart in your book does it? It makes him an abject failure in my book.
"If you think Bill and Kinky are so dumb and YOU are so smart, why do you keep debating them? Please answer the question because you don't make sense. Why would a smart brilliant man waste his time debating morons? It would be beneath him to do so. Yet, you persist with the same old boring claim and attack on Bill and KC about their lack of intelligence. "
I've never said that I am smart or brilliant, bill. we've discussed this before.
"Again, "If you can spot it, you've got it." Brother PC, you put the "d" in depression. You depress the hell out of me-- and probably other FN Negroes as well."
Well I certainly hope I depress you. That would be good. I'll try hard to depress you more as time goes by.
(Remember the knife goes ALONG the veins of your wrist, and not across them. That's the mistake that a lot of failed suicides make. - Hope this helps;-)
"You really ought to STFU. It is unbelievable that you spend so much time trying to prove Bill is stupid and you are smart. The irony of it all you only prove that Bill is smart and you are stupid and cannot debate worth a damn. Now go suck on your thumb."
Now you see you are just repeating yourself Bill. You've already said this at least twice.
...and at least I don't lie about the colour of my skin.
The Purple Cow said...
My point is, was, and remains, that looking at the graph, a gentle increase in inequality under Carter became a steep increase under Reagan, and that was a direct result of Reagan's fiscal policies.. Go back and look at the graph.
Just like the gentle increase of unemployment under bush and the unemployment explosion under obama.
Look at the link to the government graph I supplied.
A direct result of obama's policies?
Ever roll a ball down a hill. That first push might not propel the ball down at speed, as the ball travels the speed increases.
The carter policies started to create inequality during his term, as time went the policy picked up speed and did more damage.
Kinda like what democrats say about the bush policies.
I'm just asking you to hold all presidents to the same standard.
No fair lowering the bar for democrat presidents.
Way to go black voters/Democrats of Mississippi who came out in support of that guy who did unspeakable things to farm animals.
Democrats had a chance to win the seat if Chris McDaniel had won.
Democrats have no chance now.
Democrats sure are dumb...
"Income inequality began to raise in the early seventies. Income inequality is at its worst today."
Oh this is a LULU. Just a couple of days ago the far-Reich posters were telling us that a rising tide lifted all boats. They were telling us that Reagan made everyone richer. Now just 48 hours later they are saying "OK that's not true but actually it was carter's fault".
You couldn't make it up
Oh and If you could read a graph you would know it was the late 70's.
"Scholars differ on the causes."
Oh do they? Would you like to create a far-Right precedent on this blog by actually showing us your working. Provide links to the specific papers of your scholars concerned, and I'll deal with it.
I am, a very patient man.
"Ever roll a ball down a hill. That first push might not propel the ball down at speed, as the ball travels the speed increases. The carter policies started to create inequality during his term, as time went the policy picked up speed and did more damage."
Oh for fuck's sake. This is the level we are debating at now is it.
OK go ahead post evidence of your theory. Post evidence that Carter was responsible for the mounting inequalities of the Reagan/Bush1 era.
Some back up by learned economists would be good. Or perhaps you could cite some other reference such as the WSJ or the FT?
I'll wait, I'm a very patient man.
"Kinda like what democrats say about the bush policies."
They do?
Evidence please. I'm sure you can show us some evidence for that.
I'll wait. I'm a very patient man.
The Purple Cow said...
What kind of man writes about how smart he is and how he beats up on stupid people?"
Please show where I say that I a smart.
No fair intentionally misspelling just to look stupider.
Aren;t you people for ever telling us that negros have lower I.Q.s than white people?
You confused me with someone else.
on this ver website denying that Field and Pilot are who they say they are.
I try my best to point out black stormfront.
Look at the hatred your people have poured on a student doctor.
My "people" don't hate ben carson. YOUR "people" hate ben carson.
My "people" are those that love and care for children, the very people dr carson helps.
How you tell her she will never be a doctor.
Another lie. Got link you lying cow?
I have never made a negative comment about the doctor and her career. I think I made a comment about her following her dreams being the reason her son was going to follow his and be an engineer.
I'm sure if `I look back on your history here I could probably found posts where you claim lower I.Q.'s for black folks.
In the absence of proof, just assume there is.
You are the poster child for left-wingnut stereotypes PurpleCow.
Psych 101- why do you keep telling someone that believes blacks are just as smart/stupid as whites about low black IQ? Who are you trying to convince?
So for you to come here with the sole intention of denigrating black people
Democrats used to call clinton the first black president. I didn't know carter was also black.
Thanks for the education PurpleCow.
and then to claim hurt feelings when someone attacks yours is hypocrisy of the very highest order.
Are you projecting again?
The words of someone on a blog lack the ability to offend me.
Even in a field of cunts, you are a cunt amongst cunts.
Didn't mommy love you enough PurpleCow.
take out the rage of your own failure and attempt to project your failure onto black men.
Carter is black?
Well fuck right off whote boy, because I for one of sick of listening to you talk drivel.
You have the option of being a man and not replying to me.
But then, we both know how easy it is for me to force you to reply.
Ding ding I'm ringing the bell.
Now why don't you run outside and get a job.
How mitt romney of you.
Like I said, you are the poster child of left-wingnut stereotypes PurpleCow.
Ding Ding said Pavlov to his cow.
So is that it now, cuntmuppet?
Are you not even going to try and debate the issues?
Have you finally given up?
Again purple cow, you are getting stuck on stupid. Reagan, either Bush, are not to blame for income inequality.
Problem with purple cow is he uses far-left sources that cherry pick data to back up he claims.
When presented with factual evidence, he calls every stupid and throws a socialist temper tantrum.
BTW cuntmuppet, I'm still waiting for that quote you were supposed to get to back your claim where I say I'm smart.
Don't worry, I'll wait.
I'm a very patient man.
The Purple Cow said...
Oh for fuck's sake. This is the level we are debating at now is it.
You appeared not to understand the concept of momentum. So I gave you a simple example.
OK go ahead post evidence of your theory. Post evidence that Carter was responsible for the mounting inequalities of the Reagan/Bush1 era.
The Purple Cow said...
..the trend BEGAN under Carter. I agree with that. I said exactly that.
You've admitted you know when it started.
How can you blame reagan for what carter started? That's batshit crazy even for you.
That's like rush blaming obama for the war in iraq.
Yeah, your logic is rush-like PurpleCow.
Kinky.Con said...
Problem with purple cow is he uses far-left sources that cherry pick data to back up he claims
I have no problem with PurpleCow using left-wing sources, facts are facts.
I just wish when PurpleCow uses those facts to say something and posts a graph proving it he doesn't then try and say what he said now means something different.
PurpleCow clearly admits income inequality started under carter but he blames reagan for it.
That's why I don';t mind those left-wing facts.
Even PurpleCow will ditch those facts when they don't match up with his preconceived agenda.
Wednesday's example of PurpleCow talking out of both sides of his mouth.
The Purple Cow said...
Now why don't you run outside and get a job.
10:55 AM
The Purple Cow said...
Don't worry, I'll wait.
I'm a very patient man.
If you want me to go outside and play, why would you sit and wait for me?
Psych 101 - Who are you tying to convince your a very patient man?
Do you consider it patience when a very patient man waits less than an hour?
"How can you blame reagan for what carter started? That's batshit crazy even for you"
It may seem bat-shit crazy for somebody as stupid as you cuntmuppet, however an intelligent observer would understand that reagan's policy of giving tax breaks to the rich made a poor situation catastrophically worse.
The Purple Cow said...
"That's batshit crazy even for you"
It may seem bat-shit crazy
What carter policy started income inequality?
"Again purple cow, you are getting stuck on stupid. Reagan, either Bush, are not to blame for income inequality."
So how about posting some evidence to back up your position, Kinky? Just saying it is so, does;t prove it is so. You need proof, that's how this debating thing works, see.
"Problem with purple cow is he uses far-left sources that cherry pick data to back up he claims."
Oh I seeeeeeee, so you are saying peer-reviewed academic papers are "far-left sources" now, are you?
Well that's grand, are you saying that all of science is far-left? How about reality? Is that far-Left?
"When presented with factual evidence, he calls every stupid and throws a socialist temper tantrum."
I haven't yet been presented with any such factual evidence, Bengo. Should the day ever dawn I'll be happy to read it.
I'll wait. I am a patient man.
"Psych 101 - Who are you tying to convince your a very patient man?"
Nobody. I'm not a patient man at all.
It's called 'irony' - look it up.
Anyways, now you've finished debating me, how about we start debating the real issues again?
I'm still waiting for back up on your statements.
The Purple Cow said...
made a poor situation catastrophically worse.
Isn't that exactly what right-wingers say about Obama and iraq?
Left-wingnuts ALWAYS defend Obama by talking about when the war started and which president was in office when the war started.
Are you going to blame obama for making iraq worse or just the typical left-wingnut excuse that bush started the war.
Have I exposed another of your double standards?
The Purple Cow said...
"Psych 101 - Who are you tying to convince your a very patient man?"
Nobody. I'm not a patient man at all.
Another lie I caught you in.
The Purple Cow said...
Anyways, now you've finished debating me, how about we start debating the real issues again?
What carter policy started america on the path to inequality?
"You appeared not to understand the concept of momentum. So I gave you a simple example."
Ok, Bill took back the title of dumbest post ever.
Seems a lack of impulse control is common among the young and not just blah people as some attempt to suggest.
Purple Cow:
"His position is that the suppression of wealth was not caused by the rich making themselves richer, but was caused by women and immigrants pushing down average wages."
No, you simpleton, the rich get richer if wages are pushed down, no matter what the mechanism. Expanding the labor force pushes wages down.
"When I noted that there was no evidence that a surge of women entered the workforce in the 80’s and 90’s, he responded with a link to a graph that proved me right!!!"
No, I said the 70's and 80's. Look again. The steepest part of the curve is between 1970 and 1990, after which it levels off.
Misrepresenting what others say and deliberately drawing inaccurate conclusions is pathetic.
It is pointless arguing with a deluded sophist such as yourself. Your own words contradict your conclusions, but you are too stupid to notice. Your are a fantasist, who argues things you don't understand just to make yourself feel better about your empty life.
You're a sick joke.
"Are you going to blame obama for making iraq worse or just the typical left-wingnut excuse that bush started the war."
Yes I'm going to blame Obama for making the Iraq situation worse. I have down on this website on several occasions.
I also wrote a piece for my blog that coruscated Obama administration for their catastrophic consequences of their use of drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The Purple Cow said...
I also wrote a piece for my blog that coruscated Obama administration
Followed your blogger profile and found...
...and all the pieces fit
No posts.
Cricket Done Wrong
Everything you never wanted to know about cricket, and couldn't be bothered to ask.
No posts.
Excellent writing PurpleCow.
Maybe your next blog post can be about what carter policies transformed america and started america on the downwards path to income inequality.
Bill, I use Wordpress now for all of my blogs. Haven't used Blogger for more than a year.
But you're right, the writing is excellent.
Quote: Viva Racial Murder!
"No, I said the 70's and 80's. Look again. The steepest part of the curve is between 1970 and 1990, after which it levels off."
1. Even the steepest part of the curve does not show the massive inflow of female labour needed to drive down the hourly pay rates that you claim happened. An increase of just 23% of women in one age group over a 20 year period won;t cut it I'm afraid.
2. The graph only shows women between the ages of 25 and 54.
3. The graph does not show figures for WW2 and the immediate post-war years.
The Purple Cow said...
Bill, I use Wordpress now for all of my blogs. Haven't used Blogger for more than a year.
But you're right, the writing is excellent.
Sorry to mislead you.
There were "no posts" to read.
I should have /sarcasm so you would have gotten the "excellent writing" joke.
Yeah Cow, please explain how Carter so injured the American economy in just two years that 12 years of Reaganomics and Bushonomics couldn't fix in fact made worse. Just like it takes over 8 months for a republican administration to properly protect the country. We should NEVER elect another republican again, they don't know what they're doing. Looks like blah folks are right afterall.
Anonymous Bill said...
Is this what America wants from government employees?
Well, given the problems in the private sector, I'll take 1 crazy pooping employee over bankers ripping off homeowners any day
"Countrywide Broke the Law"
It would be easy to turn away from this and blame the borrowers. Some of the borrowers were absentee landlords who knew what they were doing. Some borrowers overreached. But in many cases, people were victimized by predatory lenders. For example, a complaint of alleged fraud against Goldman Sachs filed by Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg includes allegations of fraudulent practices by Countrywide, now owned by Bank of America.
Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg (LBBW lost its appeal in the fraud lawsuit related to collateralized debt obligations backed chiefly by residential mortgages. LBBW is a sophisticated investor obliged to perform its own due diligence, and the court apparently held the view that LBBW's independent due diligence wasn't appropriate for the circumstances. In other cases, sophisticated investors have been able to win large settlements, since material information that only the underwriter knew was withheld from investors performing appropriate due diligence. Even diligent sophisticated investors can be defrauded when malefactors work hard enough at fraud.
As for the underlying mortgage loans, a former Countrywide employee stated that approximately 90 percent of all "liars' loans, loans that allowed reduced documentation about borrowers' income and assets, sold out of a Chicago office had inflated incomes.
In 2008, Countrywide settled a multi-state suit for over $8 billion, including a settlement with Illinois for predatory lending practices and alleged fraud. The borrowers weren't inflating the income. Countrywide allegedly routinely doubled the amount of the potential borrower's income to qualify borrowers for loans they couldn't afford so that Countrywide and its mortgage brokers could continue to earn fees and commissions.
Prior to Countrywide's paltry settlement with eleven states, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan stated: "Countrywide broke the law, homeowners did not."
Frank Rich of the NYT says this about the mortgage bubble scam: "What we don't know will hurt us, and quite possibly on a more devastating scale than any [Al] Qaeda attack. Americans must be told the full story of how Wall Street gamed and inflated the housing bubble, made out like bandits, and then left millions of households in ruin."
Yes, that's right. Bill here supports terrorists as bad as Al-Qaeda because conservatives in general are terrorist supporters, anti-American Christian Sharia jihadists fascists. Capital (one) Crimes; it's what's in Bill's wallet.
"Last week News Corpse published a story detailing the hypocrisy of Fox News for hyperventilating over allegations of lost emails by the IRS when they said nothing about millions of lost emails by the Bush White House during investigations of improper firings of U.S. Attorneys and the outing of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame. Even worse, one of those bashing the the Obama administration was Fox News host Dana Perino who, at the time of the Bush email affair, was Bush’s press secretary and personally defended losing the emails."
Hypocrisy/double standards.
McDaniel has not conceded; if he continues to fight Cochran, enough angry Rethug voters may stay home and turn the victory to Childers. According to some experts, anyway.
We can only hope for the worst, Field.
"Sorry to mislead you.
There were "no posts" to read.
I should have /sarcasm so you would have gotten the "excellent writing" joke."
Well here's the thing Bill.
Given that I deleted both these blogs more than a year ago, the chances of you reading anything I wrote on them would be precisely........
.......let me see........
........yes that's right....
Christ almighty Bill, you are one stupid human being.
Nighty night, all.
"Last week News Corpse published a story detailing the hypocrisy of Fox News for hyperventilating over allegations of lost emails by the IRS when they said nothing about millions of lost emails by the Bush White House during investigations of improper firings of U.S. Attorneys and the outing of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame. Even worse, one of those bashing the the Obama administration was Fox News host Dana Perino who, at the time of the Bush email affair, was Bush’s press secretary and personally defended losing the emails."
I am sure Bill will agree that there is a double standard here.
Oh wait....never mind. He only looks for democratic double standards. :)
"No, you simpleton, the rich get richer if wages are pushed down, no matter what the mechanism."
Prove it.
"Expanding the labor force pushes wages down."
Prove it.
"When I noted that there was no evidence that a surge of women entered the workforce in the 80’s and 90’s, he responded with a link to a graph that proved me right!!!"
No, I said the 70's and 80's. Look again. The steepest part of the curve is between 1970 and 1990, after which it levels off.
1. Even the steepest part of the curve would not give enough new female workers to change hourly rates of pay for men. There was no huge serge in women entering the workforce at any time since WW2.
2. The graph only represents women in one particular age bracket.
3. It conveniently starts after WW2.
4. You have STILL failed to show any correlation between women (or for that matter immigrants) entering the workforce and downward pressure on pay.
"Misrepresenting what others say and deliberately drawing inaccurate conclusions is pathetic."
I KNOW. And yet you still do it.
"It is pointless arguing with a deluded sophist such as yourself. Your own words contradict your conclusions, but you are too stupid to notice. Your are a fantasist, who argues things you don't understand just to make yourself feel better about your empty life."
The word is spelt 'you're' actually. Didn't they teach basic grammar in wing nut school?
You're a sick joke.
Pilot X said...
Yeah Cow, please explain how Carter so injured the American economy in just two years that 12 years of Reaganomics and Bushonomics couldn't fix
Carter was President for four years and Reaganomics kicked off a boom that lasted until the Clinton dot.com crash.
There, fixed it for you.
The Purple Cow said...
Given that I deleted both these blogs more than a year ago, the chances of you reading anything I wrote on them would be precisely........
Which explains why you said "But you're right, the writing is excellent." instead of everything is deleted.
"Carter was President for four years and Reaganomics kicked off a boom that lasted until the Clinton dot.com crash."
Yeah, a boom for the top 1% but for everyone else it was a bust.
field negro said...
I am sure Bill will agree that there is a double standard here.
Of course it's a double standards.
See how good you are at finding right-wing double standards? That's why I don't need to poinjt out right-wingers.
Have you noticed how you drop the ball when it comes to left-wingers? That's why you need me here to fill in the gaps in your right-wing chasing talent.
Oh wait....never mind. He only looks for democratic double standards. :)
Someone needs to balance out your obsession with right-wingers.
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