The black man did it excuse is just not going to cut it anymore. It has been used too many times in the past and it always turns out not to be true.
This type of race blaming goes way back, and it has a deep history in this country.
Anyway, Ricky tried to get a little creative with his story, and he made himself look like quite the hero.
He was actually hailed as a hero at the time, and publications wrote about his bible saving his life. Cute.
"He heard suspects say that it was time to kill a polar bear to get into a club,''' Dayton Sgt. Michael Pauley told reporters.
The assailants shot Waggoner in the leg and stabbed him in the arm, but he told a 911 operator that he was able to fight back. He stabbed one of them with a pen before all three men ran away.
"I didn't want to stay there,'' he said in the recording of his 911 call. "I took the gun and knife away from them and shot at them."
The 911 dispatcher asked him about his injuries, which led him to discover his good fortune.
"I just looked at the chest,'' he told the dispatcher. "It just feels like I've been hit with a sledgehammer. I've got a book in my pocket, and I don't think they made it through this book."
Sure you did Ricky. Must be all those "knock out game" stories you have been listening to.
"RTA bus driver’s claim that three black teenagers shot and stabbed him is not supported by the evidence and reconstruction of the incident by a police investigation.
In a release posted on the Dayton Regional Transportation Authority’s website at the same time the police news conference was underway, RTA Executive Director Mark Donaghy said that Wagoner has been accused as part of the employee disciplinary process with violations of RTA’s Employee Standards of Performance. He remains on paid administrative leave.' {Source}
Hey at least Ricky is still being paid.
Maybe he can give some money to his imaginary black friends.
Polar bear hunting huh? Has anyone ever heard that term used beyond Fox news? And also whatever happened to the KO game? It was all the rage and threatened to sweep the country but now even Sean Hannity doesn't talk about it. I don't know whether or not to be afraid anymore.
Join the club. Ha! At least he didn't go into the 70's blah lingo about jive turkeys and honkys and such. That's progress.
It's ALWAYS totally believable. Blacks OWN interracial crime. Just act Nathan Hall, killed by two Black males while riding his bike. I have numerous more examples.
Sometimes you when this happens, it's because some white folks committed some sort of crime themselves and blamed it on a black person, attempting to throw the cops off the scent.
In many cases, though, no actual crime happened at all. Instead, it's a crazy person who is seeking attention and has invented a crime so people will feel sorry for them. Remember Bethanny Storro, who doused her own face with acid and then said a black woman did it?
For what it's worth, though, there have also been similar instances of black people falsely claiming racist attacks on them by whites -- again, usually we're talking about crazy people making the accusations.
Cases like Tawana Brawley, and that stripper that accused the Duke Lacrosse players come to mind.
Just two years ago, there was also Sharmeka Moffitt, who set herself on fire(!), and then claimed the KKK did it.
I mean, there's only so much anger you can have toward someone who is so disturbed as to burn themselves with acid or gasoline. That's an individual who's totally out of control and really can't be held accountable for their own actions.
Still, all of these incidents are really frustrating. It's not like our country doesn't have enough racial tensions without people adding to them with stories about fake attacks.
FN said...
Hey at least Ricky is still being paid.
If the VA employees that were awarded $10 million worth of bonuses for causing the intentional deaths of veterans weren't fired, why shuld this guy getting fired?
Anon said this,
Still, all of these incidents are really frustrating. It's not like our country doesn't have enough racial tensions without people adding to them with stories about fake attacks.
Here's one that's not fake, Jonathan Price murdered by unknown as yet Black male. Maybe it was the dreads that gave him away?
Whites have about 400 years of interracial crimes against Native Americans, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Arabs and intraracial crime against other Whites. So actually whites OWN interracial and intraracial crime in this country.
FN didn't say...
The assailants shot Waggoner in the leg and stabbed him in the arm, but he told a 911 operator that he was able to fight back.
49 years old, 320 pounds.
Fight back?
Did he pass out and fall on them?
Of course during those "400 years" Native Americans, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Arabs didn't commit any crimes or acts of violence against whites.
The left loves bring the stupid.
Anon said,
Whites have about 400 years of interracial crimes against Native Americans, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Arabs and intraracial crime against other Whites. So actually whites OWN interracial and intraracial crime in this country.
7:18 PM
We can take them one at a time. Lets look at the Arabs. Seems it was they who started the religious wars of conquest with the spread of Islam. Learn you history and don't rely on radio messages from the mother ship to inform you.
Meanwhile there is the murder of Shorty Belden, committed by YBM's.
Field said, "This type of race blaming goes way back, and it has a deep history in this country."
Brother Field, you forgot that blaming the bm by Whites also get support from some Blacks who sell-out other Blacks even though they know it's a lie.
It's effing depressing....when are you going to start talking about black betrayal? Hell, at least Whites have a conscience that, sooner or later, always turns them in. But Negroes can kill each other and think nothing of it. I'm getting more depressed by the minute talking about this.
Then there is Graydon Brown murderd by a BM buying CD's for his grandchild. Lets face it many BM's are not much more than feral predators. Low IQ, no future time orientation, lack of impulse control.
Well, QLB, those are YOUR feelings not anyone else's. Good luck with that.
Nevertheless, I so glad you contribute to FN. You are recognized as an intelligent wise wm who know what bm are like.
Are you from the city or the hood? You sound like a pissed off brother who got his ass whipped badly.
And the beat goes on, when in doubt blame Black Folks. Speaking of Black Folks, we need to get a grip and stop supporting Trump with our dollars. If he disrespects the best among us, ie. The President, How do you think he feels about the rest of us?
This is a hilarious story, another fat white boy blaming an imaginary crime on a ANOTHER black male. I thought only white females did this type of sh#t! I can understand this a little bit because white females are always after a ni$$ag hard D&ck, sigh!
Oh well, I guess fat white boys are on the hunt for a hard one up their orifice as well.
Gay ass MoFos!
What makes you think the wm is fat? He could be tall and big like an Offensive NFL lineman.
He looks like an honest man with no malice toward Blacks. In fact, he looks like a Liberal wm who stands up for Blacks.
I am sure he wouldn't lie on a bm.
Field, I swear. You and your paranoia always seem to think the wm is after us.
Fyi, there are Whites who want us to succeed...some love us; and some would die for us like they did in the 60's.
Some of you FN Negroes need to get a grip on your lives. I mean, some of you folks are really depressed and don't know it.
Field, esp you should get some psychotherapy help before you have a white color aroused nervous breakdown.
Brother Field, I am only trying to be a good brother to you. I want to see you able to continue serving our black community with an intact mind. Please, go get help for your white color arousal, it's getting out of control.
When will white folks like Ricky Wagoner learn? - FN
KinkyPorn, QLB and Bill are here merely to disrupt and harass. Oh well, I guess AR15 and Stormfront also have a policy ban losers!
Here is one from the post racial generation
I love the whole bible stopped the bullet aspect. Kinda reminds me of Pulp Fiction when jules wanted Vinnie to believe god came down from heaven and stopped the mutha fuck'n bullets. "I want you to acknowledge the miracle we just witnessed".
"It's ALWAYS totally believable. Blacks OWN interracial crime. Just act Nathan Hall, killed by two Black males while riding his bike. I have numerous more examples."
Hate to tell you this, but that example wasn't actually some kind of hate crime in which black guys shot a white guy riding his bike, solely for entertainment value.
It was a standard robbery gone wrong. Hall was a pot dealer, and these two black guys set up a fake drug deal with him, planning to steal his weed instead of making a purchase. Their stupid plan went sideways and Hall wound up dead.
"Then there is Graydon Brown murderd by a BM buying CD's for his grandchild. Lets face it many BM's are not much more than feral predators. Low IQ, no future time orientation, lack of impulse control."
You've omitted some interesting details. The gunman wasn't aiming at Brown. He was shooting another gang member and Brown had the misfortune to get caught in the crossfire.
So, again, not so much a hate crime as just your standard greed-based street crime.
Here is one from the post racial generation
"I thinked about - that was really - that was really her being bad. She's not a good babysitter," Abby told KCPQ.
I think everyone can agree on that: Definitely not a good babysitter.
Hell, the babysitter went the extra mile. She didn't just describe two random black dudes -- she specifically pointed out the neighbor. What a bitch!
For a few minutes, I actually thought that was BILL in the caption wearing a rented uniform. But hell, he's still here posting nonsensical bullsh&t!
Oh well, carry on folks!
Anon said,
It was a standard robbery gone wrong. Hall was a pot dealer, and these two black guys set up a fake drug deal with him, planning to steal his weed instead of making a purchase. Their stupid plan went sideways and Hall wound up dead.
So exactly what is a standard robbery gone right? Then there is the murder of Vincent Darbenzio by one Aazis Richardson. It seems that young Aazis didn't like the route the cabbie was taking and shot him in the head "fo not lissenen." No finer need for a rope was ever seen than for Aazis. He's the poster boy for the YBM, feral, low IQ, no impulse control, no future time orientation. Typical.
The blaming the black guy story works because everyone knows black guys are vastly overrepresented among criminals.
Hey Field: Wasn't Reagan's "trickle down economics" better than Obama's non-trickle downing wealth effect policies?
Since he has taken office, the Federal Reserve has vastly enriched the 1% at the expense of the middle class, and things are only getting worse. When is enough enough?
It's not uncommon for white women to blame black men for stuff.
Even Hillary is blaming Obama for wanting her to attack Palin.
Of course Obama says it is a lie, furthering the war on women by calling Hillary a liar.
One thing that is evident, one of these democrats is lying for political reasons.
Anon@11:02, don't do it. Law enforcement is much smarter now than they were before. They will catch u.
Problem with Reagan's "trickle down economics" is that it didn't trickle down or up.
No, there was a "trickle down" effect that boosted everyone (to differing degrees) for about 17 years (1982-1999).
Only the super rich have benefited from the monetary policy pursued by the Obama administration. There is no growth, no jobs, no trickling down of anything this time.
The Obama trickle up has worked very well for the 1%ers of America.
CEOs under Obama have done remarkable.
Stock market is up for the people rich enough to have extra money to play with.
Rich people have profited under Obama.
Conditions for the poor are worse now than when dumbass bush was president.
Hell, even the democrat hopeful for the next presidency claims $100 million doesn't make her rich.
Democrat use the "trickle on" method for pissing on people.
Gotta love those democrat "trickle on" policies....
Nearly Half Of Detroit Water Customers Can’t Pay Their Bill
..the average Detroit water bill is now $75 a month — much higher than the nation’s average rate of about $40
If the ruling class is going to price water out of the budget of poor people, what does the government expect poor people to do?
"Trickle on" might be the only way democrats get water to poor people.
The vice president lies about everything, knowing the media will never call him out.
"Don't hold it against me I don't own a single stock or bond," Biden continued. "Don't hold it that I have no savings account."
No savings account?
But his government filed income disclosure says he does have savings accounts.
Just another lie by the vice president of the most honest transparent administration.
Did I mention the Christian/Newsome murders, killed by 4 Blacks for sport? And yet Field has problems understanding why BM's are blamed for violent crime.
Just who is getting displaced by massive Hispanic immigration?
Just wait until Obama brings in 100 million more.
Learn to speak Spanish, Amigo.
Wow this is such an IMPORTANT news item...
How would I ever make it through my day without this news article??
Meanwhile while Field promotes meaningless Racism stories about NOTHING....
1. A federal court released on Monday a Justice Department memorandum justifying the drone killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, but government redactions still left large swathes of the reasoning behind the operation unrevealed.
2.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met Iraq's prime minister in Baghdad on Monday to push for more inclusive leadership, as Nuri al-Maliki's forces abandoned the border with Jordan, leaving the entire Western frontier beyond government control.
Sunni tribes took the Turaibil desert border crossing, the only legal crossing point between Iraq and Jordan, after Iraqi security forces fled, Iraqi and Jordanian security sources said.
With immigration reform employers can stop exploiting workers and wages will rise. That will benefit all workers.
As far as Reagan there were numerous manufactoring jobs exported overseas during his term destroying the middle class. This has been an effort for deacdes so we can't just blame the blah guy suddenly. College was affordable before St. Ronnie but he didn't believe in good public education. As evidence see what he did to public college tuition in California.
field negro said...
Learn to speak Spanish, Amigo.
"Welcome to Cinco de Cuatro"
Not all butchering the Spanish language is equal to democrats.
"Meanwhile while Field promotes meaningless Racism stories about NOTHING...."
BiB, the stories you are talking about are on every news channel so why would you come here to find out about them? The story Field linked wasn't covered by any mainstream sources thus you can only find it here. You are still free to post any story you want at your own blog and then we can criticize you for your choices.
PilotX said...
With immigration reform employers can stop exploiting workers and wages will rise.
If 100,00 trained pilots immigrated to Chicago, do believe your wage will go up?
College was affordable before St. Ronnie but he didn't believe in good public education.
What do you believe has raised the cost of college?
UC chancellors pay since reagan has exploded from under $100,000 to over $570,000 currently for janet reno.
TY Anon, I would have said it, but I didn't want to be called a rude blog host. :)
PilotX said...
With immigration reform employers can stop exploiting workers and wages will rise
Do you understand the basic economic principal of supply and demand?
If we have 50 million people out of work now, how will importing 50 million more low-skilled workers cause wages to rise?
Increasing the supply of labor just lowers the price that businesses will need to play for it.
Why do you think big business is pushing so hard for immigration reform (aka open borders)?
Allowing the free movement of labor across borders turns it into just another commodity and results in the equalization of costs on either side of the border. Since US workers make higher wages than Mexican workers, this process will continue until American peasants make the same wages as Mexican peasants.
That's what this is all about.
How can someone your age be so economically illiterate?
Which of our posters is the most tedious do you think? QLB or Bill-oh?
MY money is on QLB, they are both one-trick-ponies, but QLB is neither smart enough to be interesting or dumb enough to be amusing.
I'm thinking of self-publishing a selection of QLB's posts as a cure for insomnia.
Picture the scene, you're stressed, work is tough, they are driving you too hard, you may yet lose your job and you can not sleep. You toss and turn all night. In desperation you turn to your brand new copy of...
'T.P.C.'s Sleep In A Jiffy: The collected 'thoughts' of QLB.'
You turn to a page at random but you are wide awake, you don't have much hope.
You begin to read QLB's collected brain farts....
Black run cities in decline.....blah, bah, blah....Inferior I.Q. of black people...blah, blah, fucking blah.....Joleeene McWhitey of third caravan from the left, Second Trailor Park, Bumfuck Idaho, raped by an man believed to be a negr...zzzzzzzzz....o. Detroit, blah, blah, blah.....dead-beat dads......blah, blah...Urban terror...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....knockout game, blah, blah.......Obam...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (etc)
Success! You're asleep! The miracle has happened thanks to 'TPC's Sleep In A Jiffy'
Available in all good book stores.
Bill or QLB...
Anybody else like to vote?
Then there is John Yingling, shot to death by two feral YBM's. Still wondering why BM's get blamed for violent crime? Here is a huge hint field. It's because they commit the majority.
"No, there was a "trickle down" effect that boosted everyone (to differing degrees) for about 17 years (1982-1999)."
This is an absolute lie.
Trickle down economics is a myth. Working class and middle class American's wealth has not increased since the 1970's, despite the fact that they are working much longer hours than they were back in the 60's and 70's. In other words they are running ever faster just to stand still at best.
"Then there is John Yingling, shot to death by two feral YBM's. Still wondering why BM's get blamed for violent crime? Here is a huge hint field. It's because they commit the majority.
"Then there is John Yingling, shot to death by two feral YBM's. Still wondering why BM's get blamed for violent crime? Here is a huge hint field. It's because they commit the majority."
Just before I fell asleep there, I jotted down a couple of figures...
2012 DOJ Stats.
Violent crime offenders
White 69.3%
Black 28.1%
QLB must have invented an entirely different form of arithmetic.
"Increasing the supply of labor just lowers the price that businesses will need to play for it."
let's see, there is already a supply of illegal labor. Since this labor force is illegal they have no rights as workers thus their employers can pay them next to nothing and get away with it. Meanwhile Americanos who want to work these jobs are locked out as most of us are unwilling to work for less than minimum wage. If immigration reform is adopted most of the illegal workers become legal and fall under the legal protections of the law and now we have a level playing field and there is no incentive to hire illegal workers. Unless we want employers to continue to employ illegal workers. Who are we trying to protect?
There you go again TPC, using facts. Well Q doesn't believe in white crime and will just accuse you of believing in some kind of mother ship (whatever that is, Field thinks he's referring to Parliament/Funkadelic but I'm not so sure). Interesting times man.
I''m sure Mr.Yingling's family might not feel the same way. "Typical" behavior on your part. BTW I really enjoy pissing you off though I do consider it intellectual slumming.
Purple Sow wrote,
QLB must have invented an entirely different form of arithmetic.
No, I can verify my sources and don't get them from the mothership like you do.
My vote is with QLB. Bill at least seems like he reads from time to time.
QLB, on the other hand, not so much.
field negro said...
My vote is with QLB. Bill at least seems like he reads from time to time.
Don't go accusing me of reading!
"though I do consider it intellectual slumming."
Really QLB? PC is a trained engineer. What do you do for a living? Do you have a college degree?
See PC? There's that mothership thing again. Are you hanging out with Bootsy again?
The Purple Cow said...
"Working class and middle class American's wealth has not increased since the 1970's, "
This is due in large part to the expansion of the labor supply through the mass entry of women into the workforce as well a mass immigration of low skilled workers.
Continuing to expand the labor force will continue to place downward pressure on wages.
We don't need more workers, we have the lowest labor force participation rate in our history.
It's time for the people to take the country back from business interests before it's too late.
So what's next, "a negro ate my homework"?
All those black comics should laugh this kind of thing out of town.
PilotX said... we have a level playing field and there is no incentive to hire illegal workers.
If the border was sealed your argument would be pretty sound.
What is going to stop companies from hiring newly immigrated people for the same low wages being paid today?
Laws/rules/regulations aren't preventing it today so please don't think a brand new law would be the solution.
PilotX said...
"Increasing the supply of labor just lowers the price that businesses will need to play for it."
let's see, there is already a supply of illegal labor. Since this labor force is illegal they have no rights as workers thus their employers can pay them next to nothing and get away with it
So you agree that illegal labor depresses wages for legal citizens.
Likewise, granting amnesty followed by Joe Biden's "unrelenting stream" of new immigrants eager for free healthcare, food stamps and subsidized housing will greatly expand the 'legal' labor supply. This will stagnate wages for generations.
Minimum wage and union protections will just limit the number of jobs available. That will be good for the few who get those jobs, but will freeze out ever increasing numbers of surplus workers. You cannot get around supply and demand.
Aay ay ay aaayy chihuahua!!! We are coming by the hundreds to pick your veggies, lay your tiles, landscape your yards, clean your houses, abd care for your elderly and children. Ay chihuahua, now you gringos can sit back and relax!
Ayayayaaaay tapatillaaaaaas , tacos and burritoooois!
We will overtake the gringos! Viva Mejicooo! Gracias Jeb and Consueler, California is once again ours!
Aayayayaaay! Pico de Gallo.caramba!!!
Ay chihuahuaaaa! We are heere to estay! We are too menyyy! Thanks to Meester Jeb and Consueler, my seester wrks for daddy Bush. Watching and putting Miss Barbara on the potty.
As we ssy "eef we cleen white ass, we must get a pass"! Aaayaayaaiiaiiiiii Speedy Gonzaleees!!! Aahuuuaaa!
"We will overtake the gringos!"
First the negroes, then the gringos.
The black/latino gang thang has been going on for decades. Black and latino leaders ignored the issue and pushed the brown/black coalition myth.
Under Reagan,the poor, middle class and rich all saw double digit income growth.
Under Obama, only the rich has seen income growth.
Obama's trickle down government spending has failed to help the ones Democrats claim to want to help the most-the poor and middle class.
Noooo! The negroes are friends! We get along fine with them!They are helpin us! It's the gringos that pees us off!
When the gringo drove us out we swore to return! We swore on the God Xuaphetlcotzalquiomotzalquitl (a real tongue twister thees God)yes, only we can pronounce eet!
And he is helping us, we are working on this,already we are more noomerous than the white man!
and lets face it, you can't live without our food!
Gracias Xuaphetlcotzalquiomotzalquitl!!!
Aaahuuuuaaa! Aiiiiaiiiaiii!
Tomatillo y chipotle!
"This is due in large part to the expansion of the labor supply through the mass entry of women into the workforce as well a mass immigration of low skilled workers."
This is absolute, unadulterated nonsense.
However it's 23:33 and I'm rather tired after driving to and from Leeds to watch England's catastrophically inept performance in the second test against Sri Lanka.
However tomorrow is another day, and I will destroy this bollocks tomorrow.
If I forget be sure to remind me
"This is absolute, unadulterated nonsense"
Because the Purple Cow thinks the law of supply and demand is "bollocks".
You are a complete buffoon. Don't come back tomorrow unless you want your ass handed to you again.
QLB said: "Did I mention the Christian/Newsome murders, killed by 4 Blacks for sport? And yet Field has problems understanding why BM's are blamed for violent crime."
Middle Passage, Slavery, Jim Crow, sham Civil Rights laws, dropping of an atomic bomb and are typically war mongerers. But yet, QLB still wonders why white men specifically are generally regarded as being racist, not only here in Amerika, but across the entire globe!
This is what white people do when a soldier breaks down .
If it were a black neighborhood they would have robbed him and tried to hurt him.
Imagine what a country this used to be before black people were let loose.
You are right.
Black people stranded in a white neighborhood can almost always expect some help, or least to be left alone.
But white people stranded in a black neighborhood can usually count on some hostility if not outright physical attack.
Why is that?
That entire Reagan boom was the result of government spending of borrowed money, just like FDR. The Clinton boom, both longer and more substantial, had to be accomplished while paying off that debt. Mr. Reagan was a welfare president for broke corporations, as was Mr. Clinton, but as Mr. Reagan was so as a redwood is to Mr. Clinton's fern, and Mr. Clinton, not Mr. Reagan accompanied that with a huge retrenchment of the social welfare state.
"Reagan also presided over the dramatic deregulation of the nation’s savings and loan industry allowing S&Ls to end their reliance on home mortgages and engage in an orgy of commercial real estate speculation. The result was widespread corruption, mismanagement and the collapse of hundreds of thrift institutions that ultimately led to a taxpayer bailout that cost hundreds of billions of dollars."
"Black people stranded in a white neighborhood can almost always expect some help, or least to be left alone."
Bullshit, unless you consider being chased into traffic by whites with baseball bats or beaten being left alone.
"Another of Reagan’s enduring legacies is the steep increase in the number of homeless people, which by the late 1980s had swollen to 600,000 on any given night – and 1.2 million over the course of a year. Many were Vietnam veterans, children and laid-off workers."
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
That entire Reagan boom was the result of government spending of borrowed money, just like FDR. The Clinton boom, both longer and more substantial, had to be accomplished while paying off that debt
Utter nonsense.
Reagan inherited a complete mess from Jimmy Carter - high unemployment and home mortgage rates of 18%! Reagan's tax cuts stimulated the economy, but spending cuts were blocked by the Democrats, who controlled both houses of congress.
Yes deficits ballooned as a result, but the rebuilt military forced the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990. This allowed the massive real cuts in defense spending under Clinton ("the Cold War bonus"). It was the Republican congress that forced Clinton to abandon huge deficits, Hillarycare, and to accept the welfare reform that reigned in spending.
We also has $10/barrel oil in the 90's, thank to the Gulf War victory under Bush I.
Then there was the boom as 30 years of investment in computers started to really pay off (admittedly due the Internet which was invented by Al Gore).
The real (due to cheap oil) and paper (due to sites like booms caused tax receipts to soar to the point we almost balanced the budget.
Then came the Clinton crash, 9/11, Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (aka liberalism lite), the Pelosi congress, Fannie/Freddie, the financial crisis, and....Obama.
Clinton had nothing to due with his good fortune, it all stemmed from Reagan's reversal of our decline. We need another Reagan now.
There are many times as many homeless people under Obama than there ever were under Reagan.
The left isn't much on complexities.
They prefer to be spoon fed lies and spin. It's easier to regurgitate on blogs like this.
Purple Sow said this BS
2012 DOJ Stats.
Violent crime offenders
White 69.3%
Black 28.1%
Actually you're wrong. You might want to recheck your stats before you try to pull the shuck and jive.
The stat you quote is for ALL offenders which can include nonviolent crimes from DUI"s to vagrancy and simple assaults which really just means a fight. Since this stat is essentially divided into Black and White ( which means just about anyone not Black ) the effect is telling. Hispanics are lumped into the White category just so it doesn't look so bad. What is even more telling IS the violent crime offender rate, something you're too stupid to comprehend when you read the data. Just look at homicides. Blacks comprise 54% of the offenders BTW are you so ignorant as to not understand simple percentages in relationship to a population demographic? Then again we really didn't have to even ask that question to get the right answer.
Even if those stats were true, as blacks make up only 13% of the population, they would be committing on average twice as many crimes as the rest of the population.
Math isn't Purple Cow's strong suit.
Did you graduate from college?
What do you do for a living?
Oh Quetcotzqui god of Qwuelzatcotal make these gringos love us as much as we love their country, Make this country all Mexican once more! When that happens we can fulfill our promise of sacrifices to you! But we'll need one of those pyramids with all the steps and the stone altar at the top, and who will the sacrficees be. Hmm...I wonder wonder :)
"The stat you quote is for ALL offenders which can include nonviolent crimes from DUI"s to vagrancy and simple assaults which really just means a fight. "
Notice how when you call the QLB out on anything he always moves the goalposts.
Now apparently assaults and fights are not violent.
You really couldn't make it up.
Notice that his original claim that the majority of violent crime in America is committed by blacks stands up to no statistical analysis what so fucking ever.
Here's the FBI on the subject.
Of the 30 categories of crime listed, only Robbery and Gambling have a majority of black arrestees. So his initial position is shown to be nonsense.
You're 13% of the population and just about everyone else is listed in the White Category including Hispanics. That means 87%. Did you forget homicides you blithering idiot? Your people are clearly in the majority there. BTW your original statement was that on violent crime. It wasn't and you got caught in a lie. Another shuck and jive from a people who excel in it.
Anon@8:59, do u have a link to back up that statement?
Take all the time u need, I will wait........
Did you graduate from college?
What do you do for a living?
Can you answer or are you shucking and jiving?
Well, looking at FBI statistics homicides are close to even somewhere around 4,000 for whites and slightly higer for blah folks so PC is correct in stating whites are clearly in the lead in the violent crime catagory. Let's also remember this only counts arrests and about half of all homicides are unsolved so whites could lead this catagory too.
Are you a complete idiot? Blacks have a homicide rate that nearly 7 times that of Whites. BTW Whites also includes Hispanics who don't have a problem busting a cap into people they don't like.
Male Female Unknown White Black Other Unknown
Total 14,581 9,425 1,098 4,058 4,582 5,531 240 4,228.
Didn't come out right but in 2012 whites accounted for 4,582 homicides while Black folk 5,531. let's also factor in the 4,228 unknown and that could rise. That's alot of homiciding from white folk.
BTW, did you graduate from colleg and what is your profession QLB?
Pilot said,
That's alot of homiciding from white folk.
Actually that's just a lot of wishful thinking on your part, keeping in mind that White means essentially anyone not Black. But we could go back, find the majority Black cities and look at the their homicide clearance rate. Places with dismal rates such as Detroit and New Orleans come to mind. You remember that "no snitch" policy that comes out of the hood don't you? The mother ship is waiting for you.
Whites are pathological liars, what else is new?
Oh and for those of you who are arguing semantics, Hispanic is a person who's ancestry is Spanish. Last time I checked, the spaniards were white.
Whites have a history of murder & genocide QLB, there's no way around that, so there's no use playing the numbers game.
All white opinions are invalid!
"You remember that "no snitch" policy that comes out of the hood don't you?"
You mean the Irish and Italian hoods?
Do you have a college degree QLB?
What do you do for a living QLB?
Why are you afraid to answer simple questions?
Do you have a college degree?
What do you do for a living?
What do you do for a living QLB?
Did you graduate from college QLB?
I'm interested to see this too. Just what do you do for a living QLB? Me I'm a college student soon to be certified welder for the local 704 Iron workers union. As of now though I work with mentally disabled patients.
There I shared now it's your turn.
Oh and sense you want to bring up race related crimes I have a few you should look at.
Richard Hoy said,
Whites have a history of murder & genocide QLB, there's no way around that, so there's no use playing the numbers game.
All white opinions are invalid!
Really? Lets look at few African chimp outs. We have the depredations of the Shaka Zulu in the 1800's. Then there is the Rwandan genocide, up to a million dead. The First Congo War, again up to a million dead. The Second Congo War, 5.4 million dead. Idi Amin was just a piker with only 300K dead during his regime. Mozambique civil war with a minimum of 800K dead. One of my favorites is the regime of Francisco Macias Nguema of tiny Equitorial Guinea who may have killed a third of his population. Even by African standards he was an extreme nutcase. His country was called the Dachau of Africa. Then there is Darfur with another 500K dead. That's just a partial list of the chimp outs and they continue to this day.
Seems that Blacks do pretty well in the genocide game.
WTF does Whites not having valid opinions mean?
QLB you ignorant slut!!!The west was responsible for the Rwandan genocide!!!
Yeah I know it's always YT's fault but it was still a bongo party by Blacks unable to control themselves. Not a white directly involved. It's the same everywhere.
What do you do for a living?
Did you graduate from college?
What do you do for a living?
Did you graduate from college?
QLB What do you do for a living? And did you even go to school?
QLB, what do you do for a living?
Did you graduate from college?
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