But there is an aspect of this story that I want to address because I believe that it is important.
It is this penchant that some in the black community (I see you Whoopie)have of jumping to the defense of those who have been accused of being a racist, or their urge to blame others for the behavior of the racist.
First, Don Lemon. This Negro had the nerve to declare that it is black folks who use the N word that causes folks like Justin Beiber to use it.
"In a blog post for BlackAmericaWeb.com, Don Lemon responds to two videos that showed pop-star Justin Bieber using the N-Word.
Some are saying Bieber is racist. Is he? I don’t know. But I do know that this is the danger of the proliferation of the use of the n-word. Clearly Justin Bieber, a young man who by the way, has immersed himself in black, Hip Hop culture should not be saying the n-word. So the question is, if you want people like Justin Bieber to stop using it and to stop making excuses for using it, shouldn’t you do the same?
Last summer, Lemon anchored a special for CNN, “The N-Word,” which examined Paula Deen using the word and the race issue surrounding the George Zimmerman trial." [Source]
Wrong Don. I don't care how much Justin Bieber has "immersed himself in black, Hip Hop culture", that word is off limits to him. High profile black folks such as your should not be jumping to excuse the ignorant actions of Beiber or anyone else.
Then there is Usher. I suppose that because he discovered Bieber he felt a need to jump to his defense as well.
"Justin Bieber's mentor Usher is siding with the embattled pop star following some videos leaked that show the 20-year-old singer using racial slurs.
On Saturday, the 35-year-old "Voice" judge posted an old photo of him and Bieber on Instagram, writing: "At my core, I am a person that supports growth and understands without judgement [sic], that growth often comes as a result of pain and continues effort. As I have watched Justin Bieber navigate difficult waters as a young man, I can tell you that he hasn't always chosen the path of his greatest potential, but he is unequivocally not a racist. What he was 5 years ago was a naive child who did not understand the negative power and degradation that comes from playing with racial slurs. What he is now is a young man faced with an opportunity to become his best self, an example to the millions of kids that follow him to not make the same mistakes."
Bieber apologized a second time on Thursday after a new video, reportedly taken when he was 14 years old, surfaced of him repeatedly using the N-word and joking about joining the Ku Klux Klan in a racist parody of his hit 2009 song One Less Lonely Girl. "Facing my mistakes from years ago has been one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with," Bieber said in a statement. "But I feel now that I need to take responsibility for those mistakes and not let them linger. I just hope that the next 14-year-old kid who doesn't understand the power of these words does not make the same mistakes I made years ago. At the end of the day I just need to step up and own what I did."
The first of these videos emerged earlier this week and was apparently recorded during the making of the 2011 documentary, "Never Say Never." The video shows a then 15-year-old Bieber telling the joke, "Why are black people afraid of chainsaws?" Despite a number of objections voiced by those around Bieber, he delivered a racist punchline, "Run [slur]," imitating the starting and revving noise of a chainsaw. [Source]
Usher has declared that Bieber is "unequivocally not a racist". I wonder how Usher Raymond knows this. Is it because he hangs around with black people? Is it because he has slept with black woman? Is it because some of his music sounds black? The truth is Usher Raymond does not know what lurks in the heart of Justin Bieber. We have a clue because of some of the things that he has said in what he thought were private moments. This is how the racist is always caught: when he or she chooses to reveal him or herself in what they believe is a private moment. (I see you Donald Sterling)
Whether he is a racist or not, Justin Bieber certainly seems to be a first class jerk with little or no home training. The sad thing is that he has millions of fans all over the world who look up to him.
The good news is that his star is fading, and in the near future when he inevitably drops the N-word again; he will be just another washed up singer trying to get attention.
Nice Field, let's hang the dude for something he said when he was fourteen years old.
Anything to distract from Obama's implosion, I guess.
FN said...
some in the black community (I see you Whoopie)have of jumping to the defense of those who have been accused of being a racist
And lets not forget her "it wasn't rape rape" comment defending hollywood icon roman polanski.
Chasing justin beiber?
Nothing more serious to talk about?
I have to say that seems a bit unfair to focus on what someone did when he was 14. Teenagers tend to have bad judgment and generally like to engage in rule-breaking for its own sake. We wouldn't even be hearing about this latest incident, except it was posted on the website of a tabloid -- those folks have no standards at all.
I even remember a fair number of classmates in college saying racist or otherwise offensive stuff, simply to prove they could get away with it. That doesn't make it any less obnoxious, but most of them probably aren't actually bigots. Usher probably realizes this, which is why he's sticking up for his friend.
Justin Bieber does seem like he's especially immature and bratty. The guy's still egging people's houses at 20 years old? In any case, I hope the media lose their fascination with him. He's not that interesting.
"I really didn't want to get into this Justin Bieber N-word debate. There are far more important things going on in the world than to worry about whether a minimally talented teen idol is a racist.
But there is an aspect of this story that I want to address because I believe that it is important."
Really? This is more important? Oh, that's right, you are the big R chaser. Nothing is more important than that.
What you really meant to say was your opinion of Whoopi, Don Lemon, and Usher are more important to post about than climate change, Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine.
It doesn't surprise me. You have always self-centered and your priorities have often been misplaced.
But don't worry, the 'real' trolls will come to your defense...PilotX, PC, and Dr Nuwang.
I see a pattern.
Successful companies moving out of Los Angeles/California.
Sony Pictures Imageworks moving L.A. headquarters to Vancouver
The move will allow the company to cut costs by capitalizing on generous tax breaks that aren't available in California.
Strange these rich white hollywood liberals want tax breaks for their industry.
Hey look, justin beiber said the n word.
"What you really meant to say was your opinion of Whoopi, Don Lemon, and Usher are more important to post about than climate change, Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine."
Tell you what dipshit, create your own blog and you can post about anything you want ok princess?
"Hey look, justin beiber said the n word."
Hey look, Bill posted some more stupid shit.
"Anything to distract from Obama's implosion, I guess."
Becasue Fox news and all the other hate Obama sites aren't enough, we need one more or everyone else might forget he is even president. You are one stupid troll.
Bill, Sony Pictures Imageworks moving L.A. headquarters to Vancouver
The move will allow the company to cut costs by capitalizing on generous tax breaks that aren't available in California.
Bill, this is not as important as Justin Bieber saying the N-word and you know it.
Field's post clearly said this is more important than anything else. Why can't you grasp that?
Anonymous said...
"What you really meant to say was your opinion of Whoopi, Don Lemon, and Usher are more important to post about than climate change, Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine."
Tell you what dipshit, create your own blog and you can post about anything you want ok princess?
"Hey look, justin beiber said the n word."
Hey look, Bill posted some more stupid shit.
10:31 PM
Another ignorant Negro with moronic tendencies speaks out.
It's so depressing to be Black in America.
When a white person does something that appears to show color-aroused antagonism, we immediately ask ourselves whether he is a "racist", as if that matters.
It's like acknowledging that someone has committed a murder but then doubting and fretting over whether that person is a killer at heart. Who cares about his heart? It's his behavior that matters. Color aroused antagonism is terrible regardless of what is in the heart of the person who expresses it.
Unfortunately, without hearing Justin Beiber's (sp.?) songs (can't bother) or even reading the Lemon article, I think I agree with Lemon. Since the 1980's white young people have openly and unashamedly copied and mimicked Black culture, down to the baggy jeans. If Black teens do something, then white teens think it's cool and that could eventually spread to the use of the "N" word, as well.
It might be hard to explain to white kids why they shouldn't use this one word when they use every other slang utterance that Black people invent and popularize.
Meanwhile, Hillary is taking a shot a Black people in her memoir, calling it "preposterous" that Blacks pointed out the "race-baiting" (that's what Color of Change called it) in Hillary's 2008 campaign.
Hillary says in her soon-to-be-released memoir, “The preposterous charge of racism against Bill was particularly painful.” If the charge was painful to her, her husband's behavior was more painful to us. Like when he said Obama was "the biggest fairy tale I've ever heard", and when he said it was nothing special that Obama won the South Carolina primary since another Black man, Rev. Jesse Jackson, had won it before and still lost the nomination. In retrospect, Bill Clinton's color-associated comments don't seem very astute.
Well, in order to inoculate herself against charges of color-aroused antagonism in 2016, she is calling it "preposterous" to say that she and her surrogates used color-aroused appeals against Obama in 2008.
This is going to get Hillary into trouble because Black people know what we saw and heard from her. We didn't like it then and we are not going to like her trying to defend it now.
I hope two-term Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts runs and wins the nomination from Hillary. He can do it because he has twice won the governorship in a state that is 87% white, yet Blacks love Patrick in Massachusetts. With that coalition he can deny Hillary the nomination and become the SECOND Black president of the United States.
I hope he goes ahead and does so, because I'm not liking the noises that Hillary is making, recalling and defending the dog-whistle color-aroused politics that she tried unsuccessfully to use against Obama in 2008. She would be just as unsuccessful against Gov. Deval Patrick in 2016.
"It's so depressing to be Black in America."
Oh come on, man, it's easy not to be depressed here.
Black people only need three things to be happy: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit.
We got all kind of that here in America. Get in the game, son.
"Another ignorant Negro with moronic tendencies speaks out.
It's so depressing to be Black in America."
Another goofy white boy gets to use mommy's computer. Good shit Brad!
justin beiber? Really, Field? Shame on you...
Clinton/Patrick in '16!
And, earl butz @11:32... Wow; what a name! Perhaps you speak for yourself re black peoples' needs?
What about fried chicken?
G' here
This post wasn't so much about Beiber as it was about the Negroes who defend him. But......why am I defending what I post about to some people?
It's called the World Wide Web. If someone doesn't like what I choose to post about they are free to go elsewhere.
I promise I won't miss you.
"...that word is off limits to him."
Ok, boys and girls, this is an educational moment.
FN, if the n-word is off limits for some people to say then who, may I ask, is allowed to say the word?
What specific characteristics afford a person the n-word in their daily discourse?
Anon@7:31 if u are white and want to use the N word, I cannot stop you. This is America. Feel free to use it as much as your heart desires. Just remember, if u are in business or if u have a career this might not be a wise career decision.
Who may use it? Anyone who belongs to the race of people the word is supposed to offend. Just as the Irish, Italians and Jews are free to use certain words among themselves that I would not dare use ( and rightfully so).
I personally do not use the word in my day to day discourse, but if I hear it being used in certain art forms or by others (of my OWN race) who are not as offended by the word, it doesn't bother me as much as some other black people.
Now I just took five minutes out of my day to explain to you what should have been quite obvious to anyone with half of a brain.
You are welcome.
Thank you, FN. Your explanation is perfectly clear: the use of words is restricted (in your opinion) to specific racial or ethnic groups.
Ah, so then is "privilege." The privilege to use words based upon a racial or ethnic identification.
I understand now.
Political correctness meets racial grievance.
A teachable moment, boys and girls.
"Thank you, FN. Your explanation is perfectly clear: the use of words is restricted (in your opinion) to specific racial or ethnic groups. "
Though those of us with an I.Q. greater than our weight in kilograms would argue that Field said no such thing.
Field, the font on your blog has changed. Can you tell me what to do to get it back to its original?
FN said...
The N-word apologists.
Is that the same as apologists that defended "the first clean bright articulate african american" and the "no negro dialect" racial comments?
Not all apologists are equal.
Atty. Francis L. Holland said...
This is going to get Hillary into trouble because Black people know what we saw and heard from her. We didn't like it then and we are not going to like her trying to defend it now.
"this is GOING to" ??
Why not when the words were said?
She's a democrat, there will be no backlash. If it hasn't happened already, why would it happen some day later?
She will say her republican opponent wants to put black people back in chains, the media will run with it.
And black people will once again vote for a clinton.
We've been over this a thousand times Bill-oh, African American people vote Democrat because the Dems hate them slightly less than the Repubs. It's not massively difficult to work out, though you seem to be struggling with it.
"African American people vote Democrat because the Dems hate them slightly less than the Repubs"
Why would everybody hate them?
It doesn't look that way to me.
It seems like everyone is trying to prove how much they like African American people.
Actually, Purple Cow, "..the use of words is restricted (in your opinion) to specific racial or ethnic groups."
Is exactly what FN said.
"Is exactly what FN said."
Errrrrrr, not it isn't.
(Is English your native tongue?)
Well field, i agree with you for once.
There's seems to be some hypocrisy on your part. When white Democrat/Liberals politicians use the n-word, you don't call them out or hold them to the same standards has you do non-Democrat/Liberal politicians.
Stop promoting #whiteliberalprivilege field.
"Stop promoting #whiteliberalprivilege field."
Liberals have the privilege because they offer to pay more gibsmedat.
"Standards" are for people who can afford them.
In the end, everyone is a whore, the only difference is the price.
Talk about hypocrisy! Has Bill ever called out Republicans who bring back confederate history month? Has he ever called out Republicans who vote to keep the confederate battle flag flying over their states' capitol building? No and no. He would rather use strawmen and talk about imaginary Dems/libs who use the n-word without ever providing evidence of such. King of hypocrisy/double standards. He has zero credibility on any matter that concerns racism just like his fellow racist brothers. The ignore the countless racial transgressions of his conservative kinfolk and scream at the top of his lungs when he finds the one instance on the other side. That's like the fucking Yankees accusing the Royals of buying a good team. Give me a f'n break!
I bet Bill still has his Justin Beiber posters on his wall.
"Has Bill ever called out Republicans who bring back confederate history month? Has he ever called out Republicans who vote to keep the confederate battle flag flying over their states' capitol building?"
What's wrong with that?
"When white Democrat/Liberals politicians use the n-word, you don't call them out or hold them to the same standards has you do non-Democrat/Liberal politicians."
Which white Democrats/Liberals are you referring to?
Purple Cow wants to play semantics.
Ok, I will bite.
Here is what FN actually posted:
"Anyone who belongs to the race of people the word is supposed to offend."
So, it is true that FN specified race just as he (then) specified ethnicity:
"Just as the Irish, Italians and Jews are free to use certain words among themselves..."
And here is the same setiment phrased in a different manner:
"...the use of words is restricted (in your opinion) to specific racial or ethnic groups."
So, Purple Cow, in that FN specified race and ethnicity with respect to the employment of specific words in daily discourse, where am I incorrect?
Exactly, please.
"Which white Democrats/Liberals are you referring to?"
It's Bill, he won't answer. He likes to makes shit up like Donald Sterling being a registered Democrat. Conservatives never know what they're talking about.
What's wrong with that?
Nothing. If you're a racist asshole.
There, fixed it for ya.
"Ok, I will bite."
You want to bite PC? Kinda gay isn't it?
"Anyone who belongs to the race of people the word is supposed to offend."
Is self-evidently not the same as
"...the use of words is restricted (in your opinion) to specific racial or ethnic groups."
"Anyone who belongs to the race of people the word is supposed to offend."
Is self-evidently not the same as
"...the use of words is restricted (in your opinion) to specific racial or ethnic groups."
RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes
Network News
By Mike Allen
Thursday, July 14, 2005
It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.
Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."
"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
Hey Bill, here's the former head of the Republican party admitting they used race to steer white southern voters to their party. You don't have a problem with this do you? If so we've never seen you express that sentiment. Do you approve of this or are you gonna just post some dumb shit about liberal dems? Do you have the guts to answer?
The Purple Cow said...
We've been over this a thousand times Bill-oh, African American people vote Democrat because the Dems hate them slightly less than the Repubs
Which proves my point.
Thanks PurpleCow.
"looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization."
Which one do you do Bill? Do you look the other way or try to benefit from racial polarization? This ain't the Dems doing this. Wanna end your hypocrisy and double standards?
"Which proves my point."
You don't have a point. You never do.
Mehlman was just lying to suck up to the leftists at the NAACP.
He actually believed that blacks would vote republican if they thought republicans weren't racist.
They don't call it the "Stupid Party" for nothing.
Purple Cow, you obviously do not understand the English language.
I am afraid, boys and girls, that this educational opportunity is lost to Purple Cow.
I just hope that the next 14-year-old kid who doesn't understand the power of these words does not make the same mistakes I made years ago. At the end of the day I just need to step up and own what I did." – J. Bieber
Do you swear to tell the truth Mr. Bieber”
At 14 years old, were you able to get a hard-on?
At 14 years of age, did you masturbate by applying Vaseline to your penis in a vigorous motion?
Did you fantasize about humping a classmate at 14 years old?
Did you know that the N-word is a derogatory word targeting blacks?
Do you believe that calling a black person the N-word is a painful thing to do especially if you’re not of that race?
At 14 years of age, did you experience wet dreams?
Just for the record, J. Bieber has answered “YES” to all of the above questions.
In summary, Bieber is guilty as charged and your ghetto pass has been revoked, effectively immediately! By the way, Suge Knight is looking for you!
So the Bieb's mouth got him in trouble, huh? Well boo friggin' hoo. I don't care how young they are, if they can't exercise their 'personal responsibility' to control their poisoned tongues, they have to take the consequences.
But check this out, Field. I wonder why the hankercheif heads like Lemon haven't come to the defense of Janelle Ambrosio, that squirrely, frazzled, foul-mouthed Italian bytch in New York who whent off on the black man in the Dollar General parking lot a few days ago. The man who she verbally assaulted had prodigious amounts of self-control, because he calmly recorded her nasty, racist rant and posted it online for the entire world to see. If one of these negros has apologized for her behavior I wouldn't be surprised, since Christian indoctrination goes deep with some people. Personally, I think she's lucky she didn't get the freakin' spit stomped out of her. I can pretty much guarantee that if she had went off like that on a woman she would have been picking up her teeth off the ground.
Look at Pam.
An old woman in a parking lot in New York says "nigger", and the whole country is supposed to drop what it is doing and be offended.
And there you go reinforcing black stereotypes by advocating violence. Stomp the teeth out of an old woman? Really Pam? Your pathology is showing.
I'm sorry that a 14 year old kid's words bother you to the point you want to lynch him. Sorry that you are such a fucking nut. But I guess some stereotypes are true.
"Which proves my point."
No it doesn't Bill, it really, really doesn't.
Pam why would a back woman have any less self control than the black man did?
Your stereotypical thoughts are showing.
That woman wasn't old, and Bieber also dropped the N-word when he was older.
"Mehlman was just lying to suck up to the leftists at the NAACP."
Yeah, he just pulled it out of his ass huh? I think he told the truth and you're pulling shit out of your ass. Good little conservative jig for your masters.
"He actually believed that blacks would vote republican if they thought republicans weren't racist."
Oh but they are still racists, he ain't fooling anybody.
"They don't call it the "Stupid Party" for nothing."
Oh so true.
Pale folks will be RACIST pale demonic
devils. Always have been & always will be. Thats why i DO NOT have any pale friends because sooner or later, they will REVEAL THEMSELVES for what they TRULY ARE. EVIL. & thats when all bets are OFF. I can see them now, WOW MOM !! WOW DAD !! these N------ REALLY ALLOW ME TO CALL THEM N-----S & it's ALL GOOD. & as for those Black SELLOUTS, there's way to many of them that are T.H.E ENEMIES of our race & they are REPREHENSIBLE.
I look forward to the day when they are EXTINCT. The UNCLE TOM is the most DREADED Black CREATURE in the His- Story of the World. OPENLY supporting
our OPEN ENEMIES. Hollywood is RACIST, it's clear to me from the types of movies that hollywood has ALWAYS produced, that they are pushing an AGENDA, & they have an AGENDA that is that is EVIL to the core. It is NO SECRET that hollywood is owned by the FAKE JEW, & this is why the FAKE JEWS actors CHANGED their NAMES. MOST FAKE JEWS REJECT Jesus as the Messiah. Do a Web search under " JEWISH ACTORS REAL NAMES in hollywood" & you will be surprised to learn how FAKE JEWISH hollywood really is. It's the FAKE JEWISH Talmud that PROMOTES CHILD MOLESTATION.
a DISHONEST person if you argue the FACTS.
Who put the "[sic]" after Usher's spelling of the word "judgement." It's a perfectly acceptable alternative spelling.
I'm so tired of not being able to read a single story about any subject ever without someone bringing up Obama in a comment. Unless Obama was hanging out with Justin Beiber while he was making racial comments, what does Obama have to do with this article? Although, if you're trying to show that you are a racist like Beiber is, then I guess that it's relevant. Try to keep the comments related to the subject at hand. Thank you.
Anyone kinda wanna see Janelle Ambrosio (dollar store karen) going at it with Susan Schulz (new jersey stone patio karen)? I don't mean getting in a fight, I mean making out.
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