"An Arizona Tea Partier passionately blasted the arrival of migrant children being bused to a shelter in his town.
The problem? The passengers aboard the bus were local schoolchildren out for a day at a YMCA camp.
Adam Kwasman, a state legislator running for Congress, made the gaffe after he joined a demonstration Tuesday on the road to Oracle, Ariz., in outrage of the expected arrival of migrant children to a nearby shelter.
The 31-year-old Republican, who opposes Obama’s handling of the border crisis, saw a yellow school bus approach and tweeted a picture with the caption, “This is not compassion. This is the abrogation of the rule of law.'” [Source]
You can't make this stuff. The scary thing about it is that the guy will probably win. He will fit right in with the rest of his friends in Washington.
I bet if David Nicosia lived in Arizona he would vote for Ms. Kwasman.
David just strikes me as a tea party kind of guy.
"A Chicago man is accused of slapping and spitting in the face of a 79-year-old female judge while barking, "Rosa Parks, move."
Not unlike the brave civil rights icon, whose name was crassly flung at Hubbard, the African-American jurist followed after Nicosia while calling for assistance.
Before he was taken into custody by Cook County Sheriff's deputies, Nicosia, who is white, allegedly slapped and spit on her a second time.
He was arrested and charged with four counts of aggravated battery and a hate crime before ordered held on $90,000 bail Tuesday.
The Tribune reports that Hubbard was the first female president of the National Bar Association and Cook County Bar Association — both black lawyers' groups." [Source]
I bet her Honor thought that her civil rights fighting days were behind her. Well not so fast, Judge. We are now living in "post racial" times. Even the Klan is kinder and gentler these days.
The poor guy is 55 but looks like he is 85. It must be tough being a white male of a certain age in these "post racial" times. If only things were racial again. Then, at least, being white would mean something.
(Hat tip to my tweeter fam, Pragmatic Obots, for this last story)
I wonder why Adam didn't have any government memo about what's going on in his district.
I wonder why local politicians are intentionally being kept in the dark?
I wonder why.
What BS. In LA the homeless are getting close to rioting because Obama will feed, house and clothe illegals but won't do the same for them. Here's what's happening on a smaller scale. Already in Brooks County, Texas 42 bodies of illegals have been found this year. With a $2500 minimal price tag per body to process the yearly cost to local taxpayers could go well over a quarter of a million dollars. That's just the beginning. Why should US citizens pay?
Lookout racists! That skinny black woman in the shiny wig smoking a Benson & Hedges menthol light 100 just might be a judge!
Nah, she's no judge, she's a murderer celebrator! We all are.
Anonymous8:33 PM
That's just the beginning. Why should US citizens pay?
Because we have to pay taxes, and the government does whatever it wants with the money that's why!
PilotX said...
I don't see blah folks honoring Hitler and forming neo-nazi groups. The guy was responsible for millions of deaths but yet remains a hero to whites and whites only.
Louis Farrakhan thinks Hitler is a great guy.
Not to mention all the brown and black mooslums who heart Hitler.
Keep bringing the stupid px.
Anon says
Because we have to pay taxes, and the government does whatever it wants with the money that's why!
That's about the stupidest explanation ever. And the government is? Ever hear of we the people? We the people don't want this crap anymore. Obama is not quite a dictator yet. The government does not obey it's own laws or protect its borders. Geez you're an idiot.
QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
Louis Farakkhan idolizes Hitler? I'm no FOI member but I kinda doubt that. Point is there are no direct neo-nazi groups that are blah, those are all white. Nice attempt at a very acute dodge.
The leader of the largest blah organization looks to a white supremacist as a hero? Ok. Makes sense to no one.
PilotX said...
The leader of the largest blah organization looks to a white supremacist as a hero? Ok. Makes sense to no one.
No clue?
Besides for getting the trains to run on time, what is hitler known for?
Mmmmmmm what is the one thing that millions of Muslims, the NOI/ Farakkhan, some white and blacks liberals have in common with hitler?
I'll drop a hint px. They all hate a group of people that start with the letter J.
Thank about it......
señor kinky said...
I'll drop a hint px. They all hate a group of people that start with the letter J.
That same letter "J" dropping taking out Palestinians in Gaza?
Looks like there's enough hate to go 'round over there.
Hispanic immigration is largely displacing African Americans from participation in large parts of the economy (e.g., construction in New York City) and across wide swaths of America. Only you are too blind to see it. Not everything that is bad for White America will turn out to be good for you. Not by a long shot.
"Farrakhan has described Catholics and Jews, who he said practice a "gutter religion," as preying on blacks."
So that makes him give reverence to Hitler. Kind of a stretch no?
If Rosa Parks had moved to the back of the bus, we wouldn't need bus driver shields.
"Regarding Mayor Koch’s challenge of my statement of March 11, 1984, about Judaism being a “dirty” religion or “gutter” religion. I have since then, at least a hundred times, explained that I made the “dirty religion” comment in a political context, after I was charged by some Jewish political and religious leaders with being the new “Black Hitler,” in anger, I responded: “Here come the Jews calling me Hitler. The only way you can compare me to Hitler is that Hitler rose his people up from the ashes of defeat in World War I and I am trying to raise my people up from the ashes of slavery.”
Then I said, “Do not compare me with your wicked killers”, by which I meant murderers in the white race. I have never murdered anyone, advocated murder, or urged any form of physical violence. All human life is sacred to me. I believe all human beings can be redeemed except those who have violated the law of Allah (God) in such a way that it demands the forfeiture of their lives."
The Minister pretty much refutes the cherry picked and out of context remarks. Nice try to attempt to link Farrakhan to Hitler which was besides the point anyway.
Here is the link to the American nazi party. I'm betting the members are all white. They, unlike Farrakahn, do actually praise Hitler. So much for whites not honoring murders.
Hey Pilot, here are two of my favorite Farrakhan quotes.
The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.”
“The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed spaceship the size of a city, which will rain destruction upon white America but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam.”
PilotX is a NOI Farrakhan nut job.
Go figure.
Maryland Governor And Wannabe 2016 Presidential Candidate Martin O'Malley: Compassion Demands We Let the Surge Children Stay in America, But Not in Maryland. In Other States. States with GOP Governors.
From POLITICO. Notice, it's not that he doesn't want to scoop up all these darling ragamuffins; it's that he fears Angry Conservatives in Maryland will "harass" the children.
Martin O'Malley says that deporting the children detained at the border would be sending them to "certain death" -- but he also urged the White House not to send them to a facility in his own state.
Hours after the Maryland governor and prospective 2016 presidential candidate became the most prominent Democrat to criticize the White House on the issue, Domestic Policy Director Cecilia Muñoz called O'Malley to complain.
But before they hung up, O'Malley told Muñoz not to send any of the children to the facility in Westminster, Md., that the White House was looking at. It’s a conservative part of the state, he warned. The children were at risk of getting harassed, or worse, he said.
"Or worse, he said." Bear in mind he says that these kids face "certain death" -- but he says don't send them to Maryland.
They'll get worse than that in Maryland, and he's too weak a governor to keep the peace.
"Hey Pilot, here are two of my favorite Farrakhan quotes."
both are what are called partial quotes. Why not use the whole quote or speech?
Do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
"Like most of the Mormon cult's practices, magic underwear seems to be another poorly kept, weirdo secret.
Their magic underwear are worn under their real underwear. Picture a woman wearing a man's T-shirt and boxer briefs under her bra and panties, and that's the look.
They even sew embroidered patches into their magic undies, adding even more mystical, magical gibberish to the mix."
Because whites have weird religious practices too and want their followers to be our president. Yes, the mothership thing is weird but so is the magic underwear thing and the 6 foot tall blue eyed god who lives on Kabol or some planet.
But Mormons don't generally kill people.
Magic underwear have religious significance and so does the mothership. Both are very real. Unfortunately, for some non-believers like PX, he will miss out on both.
"But Mormons don't generally kill people."
Neither do FOIs.
Whoa, the new Captain America is blah. Might have to start reading comic books again. Way to go Marvel.
I'm up completing school work, but what in the world are you doing up this time of night, lol?
PilotX said...
So that makes him give reverence to Hitler. Kind of a stretch no?
Hitler was a very great man
Explain what kind of person says hitler was a very great man.
Crickets PilotX??
PilotX said...
"Like most of the Mormon cult's practices,
Isn't harry reid a mormon?
Brother PilotX the real of the situation is that not one follower will have any ill will to our Minister Farrakhan. Why wouldn't Jews and whites- creators of their faux enemies- demonize someone that have been successful in encouraging Blacks to accept their own and be themselves.
A people created by the oppressors for many centuries still is trying to be loved by people that exhibit no concern in their healthy existence.
BrotherX, you know and I know the good and positive that our Minister has done. The commenters that write negative also know these truths. It must be tough to see a people that is still here after the centuries of abuse.
No one has to refute statements from all the cherry-picking from people in pain. I can continue to pray for them so that my difference should not cause one said pain.
God (Allah), please soften the hearts of the people that can't stand the truth. Allow them to see that not all Blacks are trying to "get them" and please, let them know that the majority of Blacks pray and have sorrow for our misguided youth. Amen-- and peace be unto you.
Larry55X, StillaPanther2
Quote QLB.
”Hmmm, I wonder why you would say that since Kinky, Bill or I have never advocated violence toward Blacks.”
Not in public no, but that wasn’t the point I was making.
Firstly, many of the violent Stormfront racists have been convicted of murdering their own kith and kin. It isn’t necessarily about killing black people for you guys.
Secondly, white racists like you, become violent white racists when they amass a collection of perceived wounds. This is the process that you are currently engaged in. You are storing up a litany of bizarre counter-intuitive memes to fit in your over-arching paradigm of an America where it is actually an advantage to be black, when all the logic and evidence in the world points to the polar opposite.
You are taking your anger at the disappointment you feel over your life and all its failures and projecting it on to black people.
That’s why you come here every single day, with your own repetitive mantras about perceived black crime, or your fascination with I.Q. and/or intelligence – even after you have been presented with scientific evidence that I.Q. tests have little or nothing to do with intelligence. But still you come back repeating the same stories ad nauseum, not because you feel that we might learn something from you telling us exactly the same thing for the 1378th time, but because you need to do so to re-affirm your own manhood.
Think about it, can you perceive of any situation where a happy, well-balanced, intelligent white man would feel the desperate need to go every single day to a blog written by an Afro-Caribbean man to express his hatred of black people?
Bill-oh, I think it was, attempted to claim that I was scared of the Stormfront Nazis, which given that I don’t live in America is of course untrue. However I would be scared of living in a society where the views expressed by you three are considered mainstream or normal, because in a civilized society you would be considered potentially dangerous extremists.
So to recap, you are not yet a violent racist, but you are on that road. But still probably ten to fifteen years away from your date with an electric chair or gas chamber. Seek professional help now before it’s too late would be my advice.
I just saw some commenter complaining about the VA. Yes it is a money problem. The VA has never been adequately financed to take care of the needed veterans. Brother Bill I hope that I am not wrong in saying that I know of few taxpaying veterans that use the VA will say that it is a waste of money to equip the VA with the staff necessary to carry out an average system.
Some facts that I know:
1. The VA have few American doctors- due to doctors not wanting to work for the salary that the VA can give. The majority of our mental health doctors are from the Middle East and have not the desire to treat- only to medicate.
2. Coming from Vietnam in 1970, the VA had not the increase in staff to take care of the Vietnam vets. The WW2 and Korea vets were using the resources (staff, money, equipment). I had to wait years for ANY program related to mental health. So like in Vietnam- I and many peers self-medicated. I am the only one of my peers I know that returned in the early 70s that is alive today. My undertreated died from suicide, homicide, drug overdose and death by attrition to life.
3. During the two decades from VN to Gulf wars, there was a massive amount of peacetime veterans that used the VA further increasing the demand on an overtaxed system.
4. The last 20-30 years we now at the VA have the Gulf War vets, the Iraq and the Afghanistan veterans. They have place untenable chaos on a system that has been busted for decades. These veterans have unique injuries and need more costly care. Being a medic in VN most of my injured died on my helicopter enroute to field hospitals. In Iraq a man injured could be at a hospital in 10 min, increasing survival rates from combat. This has created many more veterans to be seen.
5. The white veterans- we thank you all for forcing the VA to act more efficiently. America love her sons and daughters that were adorned "heroes" prior to enlisting. The face of the combat soldier is that of the young white boys--- you guys volunteered more often to go into combat. So us old vets will get better and faster treatment. Let me be the first veteran to say "thank you".
I forgot about the commenter that spoke unkind. AND YES--- I know a lot of the upper echelon boys wrangler money and benefits from the system, but trust me; I was a staff nurse at the VA for years and aint none of the little people getting rich from beating the VA. YES> some days are bad but look at the misery that comes to them.
Brother Purple Cow- you on a roll tonight or let me say "today" for you. You all are 6 hours ahead? I just say that you are one of the "regular Xs" keeping it real.
What's that slapping sound I hear?
Oh, it's PC slapping Bill and his pals around with an on-point comment.
Someone pass that man an offering plate.
He is having church up in here.
Man, PC and Brotha Panther are en fuego. Have to agree that any sista or brotha that stick their heads out to become a leader will automatically be a target. Living in Chicago we know a little about this, we see the utter hatred directed at the Minister and Rev. Jackson. What's never discussed is the thousands of people they've helped and/or inspired.
PC, you hit the nail on the head. You have to have problems when you go to a site daily just to "remind" us folk how inferior we are. Thing is you have a good grasp of American history and you know this is no different than whites in the past knowing what's best for us. "Our negroes are happy, they don't need to vote" ect. I mean what's the point of telling a professional making a good living that they are somehow simian-like and damaged? It HAS to be an inferiority complex. Hell, even if it was true, we know it's not, what's the point of beating me over the head day after day? That's like me reminding Cub fans they will never win a World Series, its hard enough for them why pour salt on a wound?
Doc, I'm a night owl. Always have been and right now my schedule has a few all-nighters so my body clock is all screwed up.
Purple Sow wrote,
Bill-oh, I think it was, attempted to claim that I was scared of the Stormfront Nazis, which given that I don’t live in America is of course untrue. However I would be scared of living in a society where the views expressed by you three are considered mainstream or normal, because in a civilized society you would be considered potentially dangerous extremists.
So to recap, you are not yet a violent racist, but you are on that road. But still probably ten to fifteen years away from your date with an electric chair or gas chamber. Seek professional help now before it’s too late would be my advice.
Lets answer paragraph one. You cannot maintain, much less create a modern ( civilized ) society. Detroit, Baltimore, Gary, Camden, Rwanda etc tell the true story.
As to paragraph 2, you are much more likely to killed by a good boy, aspiring rapper, who was turning his life around and didn't do nuffin, then I'm likely to harm anyone.
Typically in order to smoke outside a public building you need to stand a defined number of feet from the entrance. Maybe she was standing to close to the door and deserved to be smack? Just saying….
Just a brief observation...
Why has no one mentioned The Reason so many immigrants /refugees are pouring into our borders???
One of the MAIN reasons is that a large number of Latin American countries are being terrorized by well armed Drug Gangs...
Check the crime/murder rates for Honduras...El Salvador Guatemala..Mexico City...etc etc the list goes on and on...
A large section of these refugee kids are being sent there by parents wishing to save their childrens life fro0m the increasing level of violence in these areas...
Our immigration problem the violence in Chi-town... the over crowding of our prisons.... a litany of problems are interwoven within Americas Drug War...
Yet somehow both of the political oligarch parties solution is to...
A. Spend more resources protecting said "Border"
B.Deride each other about not sending enough resources to Protect the Border..
C. Call for Immigration reform without addressing the overwhelming role the Drug War plays into the problem...
The Purple Cow said...
Bill-oh, I think it was, attempted to claim that I was scared of the Stormfront Nazis, which given that I don’t live in America is of course untrue.
The link you provided said less than half the visitors to stormfront were from america.
A simple google search for stormfront england found a whole stormfront forum dedicated to hating blacks in britian.
So your assumption about not fearing stormfriont because you don';t live in america is not holding water. I'm not implying you should be scared, 1800 daily worldwide visitors out of 7 billion people on the planet isn't very many hits.
field negro said...
Oh, it's PC slapping Bill and his pals around with an on-point comment.
Too early in the morning for me. I must have missed being slapped.
Can you link to that slapping stuff?
“I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed.”
Detroit's police chief explaining why there is a drop in crime.
There is a reason so many mass shootings happen at gun-free zones.
PilotX said...
You're right, gotta know the rules. When I got the cuffs slapped on a few years ago it was almost humorous because on the drive to the station the cop kept trying to scare me by informing me that since it was Friday evening the earliest I could get out would be Monday morning. I was thinking "trust me, you don't want that to happen". Anyhoo he seemed surprised when he got a call from my lawyer, my sister who is a pretty good one for the record, and actually put down the phone and asked why my lawyer was calling.
How did your sister know you had been arrested?
"So your assumption about not fearing stormfriont because you don';t live in america is not holding water. I'm not implying you should be scared, 1800 daily worldwide visitors out of 7 billion people on the planet isn't very many hits."
1. Unique visitors and hits are not the same thing.
2. About half of Stormfront members are American. The other 50% are divided amongst the remaining nations of the planet - including the 94 (out of 63 million) registered users in the UK.
3. Just 1800 of your boys have murdered 100 people in less than five years.
I don't know how much simpler I can make the math that you might understand, Bill-oh...
Lawdy, lawdy purple cow tryin' to scare mofos up in here.
In 5 years these stromfronters (allegedly)done killed almost, but not quite, 100 people.
Lawdy, lawdy these are dangerous folks.
These stromfronters make a good aunt sally to purple cow's arguments.
Can we perceive of any situation where a happy, well-balanced, intelligent black man would feel the desperate need to go every single day to a blog written by an Afro-Caribbean man and talk about white penis?
I can't. Can you?
Again... Decriminalizing all so-called illicit drugs solves many problems. Unfortunately, the lucrative prison-industrial complex necessitates continued criminalization, incarceration; keeps drug cartels and gangs in thriving enterprises of death and terrorism.
The parents and children of "Chi-raq" should march on Washington; demand to know why they cannot seek status as "refugees" in their own country. In the meantime, Central American "refugees" should be met at the border and escorted to awaiting charter planes for their immediate return to whatever Central American country they came from. And, why are Mexican authorities not interceding; why aren't these "refugees" not staying in Mexico?
I can hear right-wing toads and blowhards continuing the "blame Obama" meme
Quote QLB
"Lets answer paragraph one. You cannot maintain, much less create a modern ( civilized ) society. Detroit, Baltimore, Gary, Camden, Rwanda etc tell the true story."
Is that the same story as Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka, Katine Woods, Sharpville, & Stalingrad?
...and besides I would rather live in Barbados, Barbuda, Botswana, Bermuda, or the Bahamas - than whatever god-forsaken shit-hole you park your trailer in.
And that's just the 'B's.
Kinky, who is this black person who talks about white penises every single day? I've looked back for several weeks and can find no such reference.
Are you sure you are not confusing field-negro with those other websites you spend all your time on? Y'know, the ones you don't want your mamma to find out about t;-)
Personally, I just don;t have the time to discuss the smaller things in life.
I concentrate on the big picture.
Can we perceive of any situation where a happy, well-balanced, intelligent black man would feel the desperate need to go every single day to a blog written by an Afro-Caribbean man and bitch about a country he doesn't live in?
I can't. Can you?
The Purple Cow said...
"So your assumption about not fearing stormfriont because you don';t live in america is not holding water. I'm not implying you should be scared, 1800 daily worldwide visitors out of 7 billion people on the planet isn't very many hits."
1. Unique visitors and hits are not the same thing.
I said 1800 daily worldwide visitors. If you missed that and want to focus on the word hits, make yourself feel good.
The point still stands, 1800 out of 7 billion people.
2. ...including the 94 (out of 63 million) registered users in the UK.
Followed your link, couldn't find that fact.
3. Just 1800 of your boys have murdered 100 people in less than five years.
100 too many.
My boys?
Do I say "your boys" when blacks do bad?
Just in case you missed it and not intentionally ducking my question...
"Is this the same SPLC that was the source of maps and motivations for murderer Floyd Lee Corkins II?"
""Is this the same SPLC that was the source of maps and motivations for murderer Floyd Lee Corkins II?""
"Can we perceive of any situation where a happy, well-balanced, intelligent black man would feel the desperate need to go every single day to a blog written by an Afro-Caribbean man and bitch about a country he doesn't live in?"
You don't live in Africa, Detroit or Chicago, but you bitch about them every single fucking day.
Another example of far-Right hypocrisy.
Purple u can throw in Belize as well. :)
It's sad that this happened. But they say every cloud has a silver lining right?
In this case the silver lining is that those children have now seen and felt hatred, violent tendencies,discrimination,fear, and have learned a valuable life lesson.
While it was an unfortunate incident, they have experienced first hand how terrible it feels to be in fear, hated, and discriminated against.
I personally think it will serve them well in their adult lives by making them more compassionate and empathic human beings on all levels.
"learned a valuable life lesson"
Like go the fuck home.
PilotX said...
Whoa, the new Captain America is blah. Might have to start reading comic books again. Way to go Marvel
And the new Thor is a woman and Archie just died taking a bullet to save his gay friend.
That's progress!
The Purple Cow said...
And that's just the 'B's.
Must be a cultural thing...
Here in america we start the alphabet with the letter A.
The Purple Cow said...
"...maps and motivations for murderer Floyd Lee Corkins II?"
If not for the SPLC website, people would be alive today.
A detail sure to reignite the culture wars that erupted around the shooting is the fact that Corkins told FBI agents that he identified the Family Research Council as anti-gay on the Web site of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
If you believe the palin target map is responsible for gabby giffords shooting, how can you not see the same connection. Well, except the giffords shooter NEVER saw the palin target map.
Anonymous1:05 PM"learned a valuable life lesson"Like go the fuck home.
This was a bus filled with American children :)
Easy on it lilacpr2000, troll s don't read.
dig from there...
i would suggest getting familiar with the "hoax" that is unfolding before our eyes aka the protocols o the learned elders of zion as well.
i keep asking what a "semite" is and so far i gots nothing coming from no where despite degrees/credentials for days. it appears to be a made up word european word that has nothing to do with the Shemites of Scriptures...
though what we see unfolding has EVERYTHING to do with the Shemites of Scriptures as written in KJV Genesis 15:13-14 and KJV Acts 7:6-7.
side note: it saddens me to visit here and see the "educated" folk talking + bickering about...
when we are in a place and time when we could/should strive to make a difference. these defeated devils are serious. and for those of US that know what we are looking at...
it is clear that EVERYTHING we are called to NOT do...
the enemy to our souls is determined that we will do. down to folk trembling in fear at the thought of Standing and Speaking the Truth about what is happening.
the true terrorists are sitting right in washington, dc. they are BOTH dems and repubs.
and i ain't afraid to call it because:
KJV 2 Timothy 1:7-8
7 For Almighty hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind,
8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Sovereign...
IF folk look around + pay attention; all that we are not to do, according to what is written in Scriptures= precisely what is on tap for all to do...
"How did your sister know you had been arrested?"
What part of X doesn't respond to your lying ass anymore don't you get? Quite slow.
PilotXcon can fuck himself.
Intelligence Report: Invasion Caused by Expectation of Amnesty, Not Violence in Central America
According to the liberal narrative, the massive ongoing invasion of our country is actually a “humanitarian crisis” caused by an unspecified eruption of violence throughout Central America. Like the rest of the smoke spewed by Obama’s media accomplices, this is a lie.
Violence in that region is actually in decline. The welfare colonists are coming in their many thousands because Obama effectively invited them — as has been confirmed by a new intelligence report:
The 10-page July 7 report was issued by the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), which according to the Justice Department website is led by the DEA and incorporates Homeland Security. Its focus is on the collection and distribution of tactical intelligence, information which can immediately be acted on by law enforcement.
“Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors,” the report said.
Now where would they get that idea?
field negro2:12 PMEasy on it lilacpr2000, troll s don't read.
:) yeah Field. The poor kids were on their way.to a summer camp activity and were confronted with this!
I hear the kids on the bus took pictures of the tea baggers protesting. Got to find those.
"PilotXcon can fuck himself"
That would of course be after I finish with your mother.
The "dozens". :)
Pilot X, please don't take a job with Malaysian Airlines, we like having u around here.
Crazy. :(
"A detail sure to reignite the culture wars that erupted around the shooting is the fact that Corkins told FBI agents that he identified the Family Research Council as anti-gay on the Web site of the Southern Poverty Law Center."
But the FRC IS anti-Gay numbskull.
"If you believe the palin target map is responsible for gabby gif fords shooting..."
I don't...
"... how can you not see the same connection. Well, except the giffords shooter NEVER saw the palin target map."
I'm sure this all makes sense to you, but it makes none to me.
So your argument appears to be, that because the SPLC correctly identified the FRC as being anti-Gay they are responsible for the shooting????
And that argument makes sense to you?
PilotX said...
I hear the kids on the bus took pictures of the tea baggers protesting. Got to find those.
3:38 PM
That would be cool Pilot! If you do,please post the links!
And you know also on second thought, me (ever the optimist)I was thinking that maybe,hopefully anyway, some of those protestors may have gotten a little education too, for having treated "their own kind"so to speak, so grossly.
I mean, who knows, they may have even hit the side of the bus,or worse! People will do those things in the heat of anger!
I would like to think that perhaps they even felt shame after,that they treated those American kids that way, and then immediately realized what they are doing to the other kids because they are of another color and ethnicity.
They are after all,still innocent children. Like all children. and must not be damaged! It is not their fault.
I know,...I'm a dreamer :D
Actually I hear the kids are an "invading force".
Something is going on in Malaysia man. Planes leaving disappearing plane going are shot down. What is going on there?
The Purple Cow said...
You don't live in Africa, Detroit or Chicago, but you bitch about them every single fucking day.
Another example of far-Right hypocris
Funny, i don't remember posting anything about Africa.
Chiraq and Detroit are American cities.
Another sign of leftwing retardation.
Another example of how the left lies.
You and field can scare folks with talk of stormfronters and a rare white on black crime.
The rest of us will work to bring water to thousands of blacks in Detroit and ending the war in Chiraq.
Looks like the "statue of liberty" could use a makeover... how about a noose instead of the torch.... wait, keep the torch, might need to light a cross. I know, sling some rope over its shoulder and put up a sign stating "No Vacancies." Finally take those pointy things off and put on one of those kkk caps with the point on it. Yeah, that's the ticket!
"The rest of us will work to bring water to thousands of blacks in Detroit and ending the war in Chiraq."
You won't do a damned thing. You don't work. There is no city named Chiraq and there is no war. Retard!
lilacpr2000 said...
Desert, is that you?
"You won't do a damned thing. You don't work. There is no city named Chiraq and there is no war. Retard!"
That pretty much sums it up.
But there is klan kleagle hiding behind the wood pile!
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