I have been watching the "beautiful game" for a long time and I have never seen anything like this. Not on such a stage.
I feel for all the Brazilian fans who live and die with their soccer, but given the size of that country and their passion for the game, I am sure that they will bounce back. And, as my twitter fam @pourmecoffee wrote, "A lot of pain-deadening sex going on in Brazil right now. Expect an April baby boom."
Finally, I don't know what this Obama fellow did to these white republican women, but they are seriously calling for his impeachment right now.
"Sarah Palin might have called for the impeachment of President Barack Obama Tuesday, but Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst actually beat her to the punch by six months.
At a Montgomery County, Iowa, candidate forum in January, Ernst told a crowd that she believed Obama had “become a dictator” and that he needed to face the consequences for his executive actions, “whether that’s removal from office, whether that’s impeachment.”
The video, which was previously described to Yahoo News by a source, was posted, removed and then posted again online at AOL. Yahoo News was able to view a cached version of the previously unpublished video before it went live. The clip shows the January Montgomery County GOP Forum in Red Oak, Iowa. The Ernst campaign tweeted out a photograph of the forum Jan. 15.
Ernst was asked what “punishment” Obama should suffer if the Supreme Court ruled against him in a then-pending case on the constitutionality of his recess appointments, and what she would do as a senator to stop his “blatant abuse of power.” The Supreme Court has since ruled against the administration in that case.
“I do think that yes, he should face those repercussions, and whether that's removal from office, whether that's impeachment,” said Ernst, who is supported by the establishment and the tea party wings of her party in her quest to succeed retiring Sen. Tom Harkin, a Democrat.
“As a U.S. senator, though, we have to push that issue, we can't be silent on things like that,” she said. “And unfortunately we have a number of legislators right now that simply let these things happen. [Source]
Well just keep pushing John Boehner and others girlfriend, maybe they will come around to actually going for the I- word instead of impeachment light, also known as an unwinnable lawsuit.
Unfortunately for the Speaker, it's such an exercise in futility that even members of his own party see through it.
But Mr. Boehner, bless his heart, is trying to protect his neck. He saw what the crazy right did to his running buddy, Eric Cantor, and he does not want to suffer the same fate.
I have a friend n tour in Germany, his facebook post said the place was going crazy.
Man, we could have put together a team and done better.
I wonder if sister Sarah will get the View job.
PilotX said...
I wonder if sister Sarah will get the View job.
Rosie wouldn't allow that.
She couldn't deal with hasselbeck.
Hell, rosie couldn't deal with fire melting steel.
They will probably get some "conservative" from msnbc so they can pretend to have a balanced panel.
Lying Harpies.
"Well just keep pushing John Boehner and others girlfriend, maybe they will come around to actually going for the I- word instead of impeachment light, also known as an unwinnable lawsuit."
Mr Field, you probably think Obama 'won't' be impeached. but I see it coming. It's a brush fire that is going to turn into a wild fire. Yep. They are going to burn his ass. And rightly so. He is by far the worst President EVER! Surveys have him worse than Bush!
Palin wants to be in the headlines. She's been missing in action for a while. She needs some attention. Anyone seen Glen Rice?
The View's ratings would skyrocket if Palin joined the team. They would be wise to hire her.
Dear Mr Field, I am so glad to see 'some' of our peeps can spell Brazil, properly like an American should. That is, you spelled Brazil with a "z" instead of an "s" like that zombie PilotX.
Thanks for showing folks that Blacks can spell like Americans also.
Anon 11:35 said: "Thanks for showing folks that Blacks can spell like Americans also."
Damn white boy, I thought for the past forty years of my life that blacks in America are in fact AMERICANS. So, what are blacks in America if you don't mind me asking? Congolese perhaps?
Stupid wigga!
I wonder if sister Sarah will get the View job.
Rosie wouldn't allow that.
Dude, Rosie hasn't been on "The View" for ages.
Seriously, I don't know why they're even considering who to cast next. They should just put that damn show out of its misery already.
Have you seen that wacky Joni Ernst chick's campaign ads?
They're classic GOP redneck derangement, with this farm girl talking about how she's qualified to take on Washington because she's castrated a lot of hogs. (And shooting guns. Of course.)
So I guess Obama should be relieved that she only wants to impeach him now, instead of actually chopping his balls off?
Watch how u say "chopping his balls off", don't give the tea party folks any ideas.
Anon@10:59, Americans think that female rapper from Australia is the best female rapper ever. Think about that for a minute.
These flash popularity polls mean nothing. Get back with me in 10 years.
We need to find something to occupy our fine legislators now that Benghazi hearings have begun to bore the public. Impeachment hearings! That's the ticket!
Thank God no other work needs to be done.
Meanwhile in the shitshow known as Chicago, we now have 22 confirmed kills over 8 days. How is that for community organization? Nothing like a city run by and for Democrats.
QLB, what do you do for a living?
Do you have a college degree?
In the wake of the devastating explosion in West, Texas, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said on Monday, state Republicans did nothing — except make it harder for the public to know what potentially dangerous chemicals are being stored by industry forces.
“The official advice from the Republican-controlled Texas state government to the citizens of that state is that Texas residents should go door-to-door in their communities trying to surmise whether or not there might be any dangerous chemicals stored in any facilities nearby.”
Specifically, she said, Attorney General and GOP gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott issued that directive not long after holdings by conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch began donating to his campaign. As The Dallas Morning News reported, Abbott’s campaign has received $50,000 in donations, as well as another $25,000 from Charles Koch’s son, David. Abbott was also flown on a Koch Industries jet to a Koch-sponsored event introducing candidates to more wealthy donors.
Abbott, who is running against state Sen. Wendy Davis (D), began getting the donations, Maddow said, in September 2013 — four months after the blast in West, which injured more than 200 people. Koch Industries dismissed the Morning News‘ report as “a vague and improbable quid-pro-quo ‘linkage.’”
Subsequently, she explained, Abbott scrapped the state’s public database of dangerous chemicals being housed at any given time in a May 2014 ruling. While businesses must still report that information to the state, Abbott decided, officials “must withhold” that
PilotX said...
"QLB, my sister was a straight A student who graduated from law school and passed the Bar, two states and DC, on the first try."
How did your sister know you had been arrested?
22 people killed in Chiraq over the last 8 days.
Over 100 have been shot during that time period.
Thousands of black folks in Detroit are without water.
The only thing field wants to talk about is his favorite white milf Sarah Palin and soon to be second favorite white milf Joni Ernst?
FN said...
but they are seriously calling for his impeachment right now.
I remember the old days of biden threatening to impeach bush for attacking iraq when iraq hadn't attacked us.
Yes I do. I want to stand by the comment I made. The reason I made the comment was as a warning. I don't say those things lightly, Chris, you've known me for a long time. I was chairman of the judiciary committee for 17 years or its ranking member. I teach separation of powers and constitutional law. This is something I know. So I got together and brought a group of constitutional scholars together to write a piece that I'm going to deliver to the whole United State Senate pointing out the President has no constitutional authority...to take this nation to war against a county of 70 million people unless we're attacked or unless there is proof we are about to be attacked. And if he does, if he does, I would move to impeach him.
Of course biden being a democrat was for impeaching when not getting congressional approval before he flip-flopped on it.
Some Democratic lawmakers — including Representatives Jerrold Nadler of New York, Barbara Lee of California and Michael E. Capuano of Massachusetts — complained in a House Democratic Caucus conference call as the bombing began that Mr. Obama had exceeded his constitutional authority by authorizing the attack without Congressional permission.
Why did biden not "threaten" impeaching obama for not getting congressional approval? Party before county?
Not all impeachable offenses are equal to biden and democrats.
Kinky.Con said...
22 people killed in Chiraq over the last 8 days.
Over 100 have been shot during that time period.
Thousands of black folks in Detroit are without water.The only thing field wants to talk about is his favorite white milf Sarah Palin and soon to be second favorite white milf Joni Ernst?
How does FN defend democrat control gone bad?
I remember the old days of the Obama presidency, when democrats wanted to be seen with him.
Now, democrats don't want to be seen with him even when obama is fundraising for them.
President Barack Obama on Wednesday will headline his first fundraiser for a Senate Democrat in danger of losing this fall — but the candidate, Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, won't be by his side.
Udall had already been planning to limit his appearances with the president. The fundraiser is off limits to news cameras. And Udall's campaign announced earlier in the week that the senator would not attend the president's economic speech in Denver Wednesday morning, ensuring that there would be no photos of the two men together.
Nothing says lame duck president like fundraising for people that don't want to be seen next to you.
No wonder FN is chasing palin around.
Is udalls refusal to be seen with obama based on race or failed democrat politics?
"Meanwhile in the shitshow known as Chicago, we now have 22 confirmed kills over 8 days. How is that for community organization? Nothing like a city run by and for Democrats."
The Purple Cow said...
Sad but true.
Blacks killing blacks is becoming so mundane to you that now all you do is yawn when hearing the news.
"How did your sister know you had been arrested?"
C'mon Kinky, you know X doesn't respond to you and Bill anymore. Get over it, maybe you guys shouldn't lie so much.
"How did your sister know you had been arrested?"
I can speculate. He sent out a signal like the Bat signal with a gavel symbol which meant he needed legal assistance. He used his communicator/watch to talk to his giant robot who then flew to his sister's law office and told her. He used his wonder twin ability to send a message to the Justice League and Superman then flew to tell her. His sister is a lawyer for the NSA and she overheard the situation over a spy satellite. His dog ran, Lassie style, and barked out out the message. His family has the whale like ability to use low frequency soundwaves to travel long distances.
From that list I think we finally know how he did it. Geez, now was that so hard?
This whole dustup over impeachment is overshadowed by the party bringing the request ... as laughable as a character she is there's nothing unreasonable about her request..if they are trying to impeach about...benghazi or the IRS its going nowhere....if its genuine ...Impeachment should start with Libya...
"if its genuine"
It's not.
Impeachment should still begin with the over reach ....Too bad he doesnt have enough balls to charge Bush and Cheney with war crimes in Iraq..That would quiet down all the impeachment talk...nevertheless he's still culpable for Libya...
"Too bad he doesnt have enough balls to charge Bush and Cheney with war crimes in Iraq"
Good luck opening up that Pandora's Box. That would go over well.
Anonymous@12:13 PM-
Liberals are a dumb bunch. They think Obama doesn't spike the football and they don't do the "propagandistic voice" thing.
Let's look at reality. Work force participation rates are at 40 year lows.
Most of the jobs that have been created during the endless Obama recovery are fast food type jobs with low pay and no benefits.
Also, a good portion of jobs that have been created are part-time jobs.
If Obama or anyone on the left tried to spike football, they would get called out. It would make them look like hypocrites and expose just how weak Obama's economy really is.
6.5 million jobs? Reagan created over 16 million jobs. So get back to me.
"Blacks killing blacks is becoming so mundane to you that now all you do is yawn when hearing the news."
It's gotten to the point that leading blacks voices in America like field doesn't talk about it.
Just wow.
"C'mon Kinky, you know X doesn't respond to you and Bill anymore. Get over it, maybe you guys shouldn't lie so much."
People on this blog say i lie-yet they can't point out any lies.
PX got played. He took his b-ball and went home.
Bill said...
Kinky.Con said...
22 people killed in Chiraq over the last 8 days.
Over 100 have been shot during that time period.
Thousands of black folks in Detroit are without water.The only thing field wants to talk about is his favorite white milf Sarah Palin and soon to be second favorite white milf Joni Ernst?
How does FN defend democrat control gone bad?
9:52 AM
Please, Bill...let it go. Can't you see Field cannot deal with the truth about Dems and Obama? It's all he has. The 'collapse' is hard to take. Better to find fault with the GOP than to look in the mirror.
Please, have some mercy.
BiB, I saw where you said Liz Warren had no chance of winning in 2016. I'm not so sure of that. Who had even heard of Bill Clinton in 1991? Who thought Barack had a chance especially when going up against the Clinton machine? Dems tend to fall in love with candidates while repubs tend to fall in line with whomever is next. There is some groundswell for Lizzy and if she continues to hit the right populist note she may attract some swing voters. She would have women voters who overwhelmingly rejected Romney and given the perceived war on women by the gop that rejection should continue in 16. While it's a long shot she may pull it off and the best part is she wouldn't alienate women who want to see a lady in the WH.
BIB said, "...nevertheless he's still culpable for Libya..."
1:35 PM
What happened in Libya for Obama to be impeached? What happened?
"What happened in Libya for Obama to be impeached? What happened?"
Obama did what Joe Biden called a impeachable offense.
That's what happen......
PilotX said...
BiB, I saw where you said Liz Warren had no chance of winning in 2016. I'm not so sure of that.
Maybe if Bibby had attended college, he'd have better political reasoning skills.
All Warren has to do is say the word, and Clinton will be a distant, Wall street a$$ kissing memory!
Pilot...lol you sound so excited at the prospect of a Warren presidency....
She talks tuff now...guaranteed she will do the O bomber switch up ..or she won't get the nomination ...its that simple...Wall St calls the shots right now Ana warren presidency is the exact opposite of what they paid for ....
I was that naive in 2008...its 2014 too much has been exposed about politics for people to still walk in with rose colored glasses...
How can u be so educated ..and yet so dammed stupid at the same time...???
Bibby, being young, uneducated AND Black makes you a mockery of the Black race. How can YOU be so stupid??
And how can you be too triflin' to get a college education that Blacks in other countries would DIE to have? Get your Black a$$ of Field's blog long enough and take an online class instead. Oh wait, you probably think being educated is "acting White".
We need to send your ignant' a$$ to the border with all the immigrants trying to get IN, to see if that changes your dumb a$$ perspective.
Nah, not excited about Warren but I can see how she could possibly win the Dem nomination and thus the WH. Too early to get excited about anybody yet.
I will say though I prefer her to Hillary.
All that education witth no common sense.. You with all your supposed education can't figure out Elizabeth Warren is bait and switch...
People that have true accomplishments have no need to relish in them constantly like you do.....
Stem cell research and your on Field Negro half of the day...
Who u. Foolin ???
Your a Dr..and so so stupid ..its laughable...
Elizabeth Warren....you'll be right here on Fields blog in 2016 telling other black folks to vote for Hillary..because the Republican are scary..
Blogger PilotX said...
I will say though I prefer her to Hillary.
Ah yes, the voice of EDUCATED reason.
Well I do prefer Hil to whatever clown the gop nominates.
Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Blogger PilotX said...
I will say though I prefer her to Hillary.
Ah yes, the voice of EDUCATED reason.
Someone much smarter than I and trained in statement analysis would notice he used the word prefer, not the words vote for.
"EDUCATED reason" taught us to question the definition of the word is.
"PX got played. He took his b-ball and went home."
Nobody wants to play silly childish games but you. Everybody's tired of your act. Even your girlfriend Trolly broke up with you. She figured out you are an immature racist prick and what's even better when you had your latest racist rant you blamed Field. I guess that old conservative self responsibility thing is only for others. Not all self responsibility is equal.
"I will say though I prefer her to Hillary."
What you prefer aint gonna have nothing to do with it...
Dont get souped over Warren... Its not gonna happen...
"Dont get souped over Warren... Its not gonna happen..."
Same thing they said about Clinton and Barack. We'll just have to wait and see.
It would be tough for Elizabeth Warren to run for two reasons-
1. She will be forced to answer questions about ethnic fraud.
2. She will be forced to explain her ties to lobbying groups and Wall Street.
With Hillary's tales of poverty and her Walmart/Wall Street ties, she is winning voters everyday.
Hillary will be tough to beat.
Question is, who's going to be the first to throw Obama under the bus?
Since BIB won't answer the question- and KC is vague, can somebody please explain why Obama is at risk for impeachment because of Libya? What happened in Libya?
Meanwhile the cesspool knows as Chicago has recorded its 23rd kill of the month with another probable in the batter's box. Yet field does not address the pathologies within this community that drive this 24/7 bongo party. Go figure.
5 dead in Houston shootout. Just wanted to post this since it probably was our peeps who did the killing. Hopefully this will shut up QLB and Kinky. And Field won't have to dance around it.
Since BIB won't answer the question- What happened in Libya?"
You probably only watch the Sound Bites when you watch the news... Good Grief.. The man thumbed his nose at congressional approval on this mission...Now take a look at Libya now... the same people we paid to help overthrow Khadafi are in Syria, and Iraq...
What kind of news programming are you watching???
And if it was a White shooting you'll have to wait for months for it to happen again. In Chicago it's daily. Nice try though.
QLB. Do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
PilotX, Do you own a gun and how many times have you been shot? Did the person who shot you have a degree? just curious.
Anonymous...PilotX, Do you own a gun and how many times have you been shot? Did the person who shot you have a degree? just curious.
You know it's a damn shame Black folks on a Black blog can't share their life experiences without judgement/condemnation from idiots like you.
Why don't you:
1) Get a username and USE IT!!!
2) Tell us what YOU do for a living.
3) Tell us where YOU went to college.
It would be tough for Elizabeth Warren to run for president because she's a leftist, not a centrist. Presidential elections in the USA are won by (s)he who scares the 4-8% swing vote the least. Our constitution was written by raging moderates who wanted, and with rare exception have achieved, moderates in the executive office.
If it was a white shooter the poor chap obviously had some mental issues.
Isn't that right, QLB?
We all know that whites can't be as baleful and as malevolent as those Neeegroes. *sarcasm off*
I think she would get theswing vote because single women will overwhelmingly vote for her, this group by and large put Barack in the WH. Who on the other side isn't scary?
You know it's a damn shame Black folks on a Black blog can't share their life experiences without judgement/condemnation from idiots like you.
Why don't you:
1) Get a username and USE IT!!!
2) Tell us what YOU do for a living.
3) Tell us where YOU went to college.
11:09 PM
1) depressed Negro
2) VP Major Corp
3) Wharton School of Business
1) depressed Negro
2) VP Major Corp
3) Wharton School of Business
Yeah, right.
More like:
1) racist a$$non.
2) mentally disabled and available to post here all day.
3) Blue Ridge school of incestuous hard knocks.
Be nice Doc, these guys don't have much going for themselves. Hell, I'll be nice and answer a few questions for the depressed one.
I have never shot a living creature though I have shot many paper targets. Hopefully that will continue until I'm 6 feet under. As to whether or not I own a gun I don't answer that question. Only my closest friends and family or neighbors have a need to know this information.
Seems Depressed is depressed because he feels the need to protect white racists. I'd be depressed too if I was such a Tom. Ha!
Depressed, what year did u graduate Wharton?
PilotX said...
As to whether or not I own a gun I don't answer that question.
Of course you won't answer the question, your still running away from Kinky's question.
First, if you don't have a gun you don;t want the criminals to target a defenseless victims like your family. Smart. Criminals always go after those that can't defend themselves, like gun free zones.
Second, how does owning a gun mesh with your hate for the NRA and legal gun owners. Hypocrisy/double standards.
Third, the gun is illegal and you don';t want QLB posting the Chiraq article about you being arrested for having a gun. Smart choice once again.
Whatever the reason, when people have something to hide, they refuse to answer questions.
PilotX said...
Only my closest friends and family or neighbors have a need to know this information.
You mean only the Government and your neighbors/friends.
It is a legal gun isn't it?
I ask because of all the innocent gun victims in Chiraq, for you to own a gun, even IF it's a legal gun, it is still contributing to the gun problem in Chiraq.
Peckerwood Barbie needs to shoot her mouth off occasionally in an attempt to stay relevant; I hear the racist skank has a NEW reality show coming on??
We're never gonna get rid of this self-righteous bitch!!
Oh so many want her to just go away. Conservatives love them some stupid. Damn John McCain for unleashing that unholy bimbo on the world.
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