I laughed out loud. Couldn’t help it; I had just overheard Mr. Newport Beach say something about how Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster (despite how, of course, it’s not), and if America were to somehow actually develop a health care system similar to, say, Canada’s, that would be the end of America for certain; we’d never recover from such a devastating blow. Or something. And then came the “worst thing to ever happen” quip, and I couldn’t hold back.
They didn’t hear me, of course; the orgasmic thrum of their perfect lives drowned out my chuckle, and as I turned and looked at this beautifully entitled, happy crew from my vantage point only a few feet away but a million light years in perspective, we all shared one of the most spectacular, envied locales in the world and all of us sipped superb regional grape and not a single one of us suffered the slightest personal, social or economic indignity, every first-world need instantly met, every crab cake perfectly formed, the sunshine as flawless as Jesus on toast and no lines at the restroom and lots of free parking for his Lexus SUV.
A few thoughts struck me, all at once. The first was how nice this group all seemed – and of course they probably were – and I imagine if we had all had met under different circumstances and been chatting about, say, the weather or the soul-exploding coastline, I’m sure we would have been fast, easy friends – noting that, if we wanted to remain that way, we’d never talk about politics. Or religion.
Even so, I desperately wanted to ask Mr. Newport Beach what his stock portfolio looked like a mere six or seven years ago, when Bush & Co. ravaged the country and led us into one of the deepest, most brutal social and economic pits in modern history. Did he lose half his net worth? More? Was he worried he couldn’t feed his family or pay his mortgage? Did he lose his house? His job? Did he blame Bush? Clinton? Islam? The gays?
And by the way, how does he like the recovery so far? Which of his three perfect, multimillion-dollar homes was he on his way to, right now?
I also wanted to know, when Bush/Cheney lied to the world, openly violated the tragedy of 9/11 and invaded Iraq, killing tens of thousands, was he furious? What about now, when even Fox News is calling out Cheney and declaring Iraq invasion a colossal mistake, a lie from which we’re still unable to extricate ourselves?
Nevertheless, Obama ended Bush’s disastrous war, just like he said he would, on time and under budget. Does it matter?
And what of Newport’s female companions? I wonder if he knows that upwards of 99 percent of sexually active women have used some form of contraception. Is he in line with the GOP’s recent spate of nasty misogyny and anti-abortion spew? What about the awful SCOTUS Hobby Lobby decision, further bashing women, and Obama’s immediate moves to defend women’s rights? Is he aware? I bet those women are. Or surely, their daughters.
And really, what about the stock market? The Dow dances around record highs, Wall Street snorts rails of finely chopped gold every day, the income gap between the 1% and everyone else is more demeaning than ever and the banks haven’t fundamentally changed in the slightest. Why isn’t Mr. Newport Beach positively orgasmic about the Obama Administration’s generally wealth-favoring policies that made it all happen? Say what you like, but Obama managed to do what nearly all economists and pundits thought impossible back in 2008: reverse the ugliest, GOP-led social and economic tailspin in modern history, and make guys like Mr. Newport richer than ever.
My new friend looked good. Healthy. Fit. Good teeth, thick head of silver hair, that prostate cancer scare a couple years back easily nipped by a few wildly expensive treatments he never paid a dime for. Who did pay for his insurance? His company? Medicare? Did he have any idea what it was like not to be able to afford it, or be offered any in the first place?
I sipped my rosé, took a deep breath, enjoyed the magnificent landscape as one final, predominant thought swam into view: how? How can there be such a radical disconnect between Mr. Newport’s engorged portfolio, his fantastic insurance plan, low mortgage rate and grotesque corporate privilege – most of it born of the past six years – and Obama’s overall policy successes? Does he consider it all just a fluke? Dumb luck? Is he drunk on Limbaugh and Fox News, unable to see actual facts?
Look here, Newport: Since Obama took office, corporate profits are way up. So is business investment, job growth (moderately), retail sales, manufacturing (well, barely). Want to buy another house? Interest rates are fantastic. The housing crisis has largely subsided, and home foreclosures are way down. Also, people are buying lots of new cars, and there’s a fully recovered auto industry ready to meet all demand.
Did he know federal discretionary spending is well below average? Or that the poverty rate has stabilized? And the stock market is, as mentioned, breaking records, benefitting rich white dudes more than ever?
Of course, it’s all pretty shaky. Flawed and imbalanced and could give out at any second – but that’s just the nature of the excruciatingly complex, unstable world economy these days. And while corporations are raking it in, workers are seeing less and less of their fair share. There are still myriad problems, and Obama’s policies are far from perfect. No party’s ever are. Regardless, given the impossible economic hell-pit Obama was left with, it’s unlikely any president could have possibly done better.
Clearly I’m missing something, a huge bed of terrifying data to prove all these respectable charts and graphs wrong. But where is it? I’ve heard Mr. Newport Beach’s bizarre lament a thousand times, but I’ve yet to see a solid batch of evidence that proves Obama’s outright failure, or the nation’s savage decline. I see a blip about food stamps, I see a few weak economic signs here and there, but mostly, since 2009, it all’s been somewhere between timidly and shockingly positive. Did God smite us for gay marriage? Did the abortion factories, death panels and Nazi Kenyan socialist brain-washing farms steal my very soul? Hard to tell with all this perfect sunshine in my eyes.
The bottom line seems obvious: Much to the GOP’s bitter revulsion, it turns out a calm, intellectual black man really can run an entire country – certainly far better than an inarticulate Texas bumbler, and even in the face of what is easily the most obstructionist, hateful, acidic and often downright racist Congress in modern memory. Quite an achievement, really.
It’s curious, no? The unmitigated hate for Obama comes from the right, but the real disappointment comes from the left. It’s we liberals who seem to have the most legitimate gripes with a man we all thought would be far more radical and revolutionary. From the NSA to drone warfare to a shocking lack of transparency, a shameless kowtowing to Wall Street, a lack of serious education reform and barely a blip about the environment (until very recently) – Obama has been a far more mixed bag for the left than anyone wants to admit.
But right now, that seems like quibbling. To hear Mr. Newport Beach tell it, my president is a downright monster. Who cares if he ended the war, saved the economy, restored America’s stature in the world, nailed Osama bin Laden, invested billions in clean energy, partially reformed what is still the most expensive, least effective health care system in the industrialized world, or made the rich even richer? The guy’s the worst thing to ever happen to America. I mean, obviously. Now who wants more wine?" [Source]
In other words, field your little missive if nothing more than a recipe on how to make chicken shit into chicken salad. He's incompetent.
I didn't realize that Field had started a satire blog.
My name is [Wayne Bennett] and I am an Obamaholic.
Cutting and pasting a opinion piece written by a yoga teacher?
Desperation, thy name is Democrats.
What kind of basement dwelling beta loser "sips rose?". Must be pajama boy.
What this poor (of course) yoga teacher fails to grasp is that most of the richest of the rich are liberal democrats. It is these wealthy white liberals who created and funded the Obama presidency. They have been richly rewarded, both with huge transfers of wealth from the middle class and with huge boosts to their guilty consciences.
It's been the best of both worlds, the apogee of crony capitalism and too-big-to-fail bailouts combined with the feel-good self-satisfaction of having a black President who gives black and brown people free money courtesy of the middle class suckers who fund it all through taxes and depreciation of their assets.
Thanks to an allied media, poor losers like Mark Morford actually resent the upper middle class business class who foots the bill, not the uber-rich financial class who has reaped all the profits of the Obama years.
Yes, Obama is the biggest disaster to ever hit this country, but saps like Mr. Morford are too busy supplying the endless stream of resentment that Obama needs to fuel this destruction to even begin to notice.
Enjoy the decline. Now who wants more wine?
"Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free." --Jerry Pournelle
Leftism argues that it is better to be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.
@ Field: Do blacks embrace leftism because freedom has proved too difficult to navigate? Is your personal embrace of totalitarianism a subconscious yearning to return to the security of slavery?
"Clearly I’m missing something, a huge bed of terrifying data to prove all these respectable charts and graphs wrong. But where is it? I’ve heard Mr. Newport Beach’s bizarre lament a thousand times, but I’ve yet to see a solid batch of evidence that proves Obama’s outright failure, or the nation’s savage decline."
Yeah, I haven't seen a solid batch of evidence either. But that's irrelevant. The 'real' problem is Obama was born Black. That's the REAL PROBLEM. He has the wrong skin color. But every American knew and still knows that.
Kinky, QLB, why don't you two racists give some solid data to prove Obama is the worst President America has ever seen? I am sure QLB will gladly produce the information.
Hey, did they ever "Bring Back our Girls'?
Do you suppose Michelle still has that sign?
Brother Field, when are you going to stop trying to promote a loser? You are beginning to look and sound like a loser yourself.
Give it up, man. Obama is toast. The immigrants and the GOP will see to it. Why must you continue to pretend like Obama is such a great President?
For the last time: OBAMA IS DONE! Hell, even his own party has stopped supporting him.
Field, this is depressed Negro. I am writing you in a depressed state of mind. Some people say "a depressed state of mind" is a "New York state of mind." Well, that may be true, but it looks like I might have to leave New York and to move to Philly.
I am fighting this move with all of my might, but the company I work for say I must move to Philly or Oakland, CA. For a bm, both towns are eff'd up and 'depressing'. I know the weather is better out West, but the sell-out uncle toms there are at an all-time high of 70%. Negroes there hate being Negroes. I get depressed just thinking about having to live among those suckers.
I would kill myself if I had to go to Oakland. But brother Field, Philly is no heaven either. I mean, your blog is a statement in itself when it comes to no dignity for the bm.
I mean, you are still supporting Obama while Black unemployment is worse than it has EVER been in the history of America. I mean, I look to you as symbolic of what it is to be Black in Philly. It ain't looking so good.
It's depressing as hell to be a bm in America.
FN copied & pasted...
Obama has been a far more mixed bag for the left than anyone wants to admit.
Looks like FN got called out.
Depressed Negro, have you thought about talking to a nice white lady about your problems?
Depressed Negro, forget those urban war zones and move out into the country. It's much safer for black folks. When was the last time you heard something happening to a bm in the country?
Field, I see you are honoring Alicia Keys as Field Negro of the Day, for helping to empower our sisters.
I am surprised you did that because we have had FP and Trollonymous Burgundy on FN for years and you have YET to honor them as empowered bw.
Why is that, Field?
It makes me wonder about you and your sincerity toward bw.
Kinky, "Depressed Negro, have you thought about talking to a nice white lady about your problems?
Depressed Negro, forget those urban war zones and move out into the country. It's much safer for black folks. When was the last time you heard something happening to a bm in the country?"
Kinky, your comment is a godsend. I never thought of crossing over before. But Field calls me White anyway, so why not?
You have given me hope and I will never forget it. I never got a drop of hope from my own peeps before...All I got was Field declaring that I was White. He really is a prick.
As far as a nice white lady, that is the best advice I've received in a long time. I am so glad you are on FN.
I am also checking out some homes in the burbs too. As you know I might have to move to Philly and I damn sure don't want to live in the city or anywhere near Field. It's time I upgraded my game.
Dear Kinky, I just realized you said to move out into the 'country', not the suburbs. Were you including the burbs when you said, "country"? I mean, I'm not interested in milking cows and throwing hay.
Interesting post but not surprising. Wall Street historically performs better under Democratic presidents. So yeah, it would make sense that the rich would be Dems.
Long time ago a black woman gave me some advice and i thought it appropriate here-
"Don't knock it til you tried it."
I think you would like the country life, Depressed Negro.
All that fresh air and good white folks would be good for your blood pressure. You don't have to lock your doors at night. You can walk down the streets at night without being mugged or shot.
Can't say that about Chiraq or Philly.
Kinky you have sold me. I need a rest and need to be around good decent people. I sure as hell won't find them in Philly or Oakland.
Thank you. Good souls like you are rare.
Depressed Negro, i'll leave the light on and a cold one in the fridge for ya.
Yeah man, you can drink shine, play the banjo, knock up your sister and smoke meth all day long. The country sounds like a hoot. Yee haw!
Touche' Brother PilotX. I noticed that the Brother Depressed was given advice that had not definite bite. I am offering him the opportunity to come to Ahoskie, NC Rt 13 to live. There will be Black people that are not what America constantly portray. This unique area is a place where you can leave the door unlocked..... I personally don't see why. When I was much younger I use to stay up all night and really wanted someone to be foolish enough to break in.
Another place where Blacks live in harmony is Riley Hills, NC. A historical family area of freed Blacks- 30 miles from Raleigh, NC Both of the place I suggested have KNOWN history of my FREED ancestry and families. The operative ingredient is family.
The urban areas that Blacks are the problem were created by a fleeing migratory population. Never really sustaining independence from the Northern masters, we have struggled to just exist.
No one needs to tell a Black about how a white women could assuage his existence pains. Just a knowledge of the Black man's history and his relationship with the poison fruit should cause some trepidation. If I was genuinely concerned with your mental status, I would tell you where my white unmarried mother or sisters were. You did infer they were the solution to the Black man's angst . I would buy my own "get hi".
"Leftism argues that it is better to be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom."
Try again.
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Depressed might be depressed but he is not a Negro. I repeat: He.Is.Not.Black.
I am thinking right wing troll who thinks he.is being funny.
I would tell him not to quit his day job but I don't think he has one.
The usual Reich wing suspects were asked for links. I would love to see them so that we can debate the issues. The author above provided his.
Now we wait for yours....
I think it's the right wing folks who want slavery. That huge labor force with little or no overhead is a big selling point for them.
Well, considering how prevalent incest is in the black community-pilotx is talking from experience.
Keep on with the racist stereotypes pilotx.
FN, you can be black and disagree with black group think.
STEPHEN if the econnomy is just Rosey and there's no more depression..
Why does NJ NY and FL have the highest foreclosure rate almost 6 years after the crash.... ?
It would be easy to trounce the remainder of the so called recovery indicators...but that's too much fun...
Lets start there STEPHEN ..since you think low housing interest rates are creating some kind of housing recovery.....
"NO offense but you are completely lost in economics. I am not going to write you a dissertation.
Not that you would know how...
STEPHEN..... you really try hard don't u...??
How does one have a housing recovery and you still have states like NJ NY FL with the highest foreclosure rates for more than 5 years???
It would be fun to pull out the remaining economic indicators to prove your flowery copy and paste piece false..but we can just start with the housing recovery... Just tell the truth and stop trying to make it pretty....
PilotX said...
Interesting post but not surprising. Wall Street historically performs better under Democratic president
Actually, the true correlation is that Wall Street historically performs better under Republican congresses.
field negro said...
I think it's the right wing folks who want slavery. That huge labor force with little or no overhead is a big selling point for them
There is nothing "right wing" in the sense you mean it about modern conservatism. Preserving the historic limitations on government power acts to enhance freedom. Freedom has its difficulties that leftism offers to take care of for you.
It is the left that seeks to control speech, limit choices, redistribute income, crush religion, and dictate attitudes.
Your vision is one where the government decides what the people will be like.
You fear the sovereignty of the people and seek the safety of a benign tyranny.
You want slavery-lite, except there is no such thing.
Chiraqis are speaking up and speaking out. They are asking of Obama "why hast thou forsaken me?"
“With the president setting aside all these funds for immigrants and forsaken African-American community and African-American families, I think that’s a disgrace. And Barack is from the heart of 55th in the City of Chicago… He will probably go down as the worst president ever elected. Bill Clinton was the African-American president.“
“Mr. President, we’re asking for you. You’re spending billions of dollars in Texas but we got a problem here in Chicago. We will not stand by this here and keep letting this senseless killing and shooting happening in our community.”
It was only a matter of time before poor and middle class whites, blacks, hispanics and asians-those who haven't benefited from Obama's big government trickle down policies -openly express outrage over the fact Obama wants 4 billion to spend on illegals.
What about spending 4 billion on making urban war zones safe and ending the humanitarian crisis in Detroit?
Those urban war zones and thirsty people in Detroit already vote 100% democrat.
What they want is more undocumented democrats who aren't quite as dark-skinned.
The Purple Cow said...
"NO offense but you are completely lost in economics. I am not going to write you a dissertation.
Not that you would know how...
Still a useless kunt I see.
It's not my fault, speaking economics to you is akin to you speaking ebonics to me.
little nappy headed envious pissant
Investigation details coming after 2 Fruitland Park officers accused of KKK involvement
A couple more government employees caught.
señor kinky said...
and ending the humanitarian crisis in Detroit?
I remember the old days when the government was shut down for a couple days.
It seemed like all the democrats found a way onto teev to blame republicans and promise change.
Have any democrat leaders spoken up about the water crisis in detroit?
A search on CNN found no stories...
Nothing on msnbc either...
When black suffering can't be blamed on republicans, the liberal media doesn't give a shit.
Not all black suffering is equal to the liberal media.
Ha! Nah, I'm gonna go with West Virginia as the incest capital of the world and it's almost all white. Some things you guys are superior.
PilotX said...
Ha! Nah, I'm gonna go with West Virginia as the incest capital of the world and it's almost all white. Some things you guys are superior.
Just as middle/upper class WW have ways of "hiding" their true abortion rates, I suspect the same for the incest rate.
Gotta suppress those true numbers to keep the illusions of superiority alive and well!
Really troll? You use Robert Lindsay as your source? Check what one blogger's experience with this racist was
"As I mentioned in my last write up about Robert, (Robert Lindsay & The Bigoot Pic (Hank) the guy will run with any story. After blogging about the hank pics with no evidence and making himself look stupid he has now resorted to bashing people. In his recent write up he calls the people who spread the pic story, morons and that "Bigfooters in general are the scum of humanity"
BTW, the article you linked was child molestation and pedophilia not incest. You are probably a product of incest. You whites are well ahead of everyone when it comes to sibling loving.
Ms.Nǚwáng said...
Right, Nǚwáng, white women are having secret abortions and white incest victims are biting the bullet and keeping mum in order to make the race look better.
You are a typical, deluded, magical-thinking negress.
You will never be a doctor.
"It's not my fault, speaking economics to you is akin to you speaking ebonics to me.
little nappy headed envious puissant"
1. You clearly have no more than a 12 year-olds understanding of economics.
2. I don't speak ebonics.
3. I don't have a nappy head or for that matter a natty dread.
4. Should the day ever dawn that I was envious of a dim-witted, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, cunt-face-beard wearing, foul smelling, loser with delusions of intellect such as yourself. I would truly kill my fucking self
"4. Should the day ever dawn that I was envious of a dim-witted, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, cunt-face-beard wearing, foul smelling, loser with delusions of intellect such as yourself. I would truly kill my fucking self"
Here's to Purple Cow reaching a higher level of self-awareness!
Bottoms up!
"A few thoughts struck me, all at once. The first was how nice this group all seemed – and of course they probably were – and I imagine if we had all had met under different circumstances and been chatting about, say, the weather or the soul-exploding coastline, I’m sure we would have been fast, easy friends – noting that, if we wanted to remain that way, we’d never talk about politics. Or religion."
See, here's the thing: These folks may seem nice, but they are most definitely NOT nice in actuality.
Being nice to only your friends and (probably some of) your relatives does not make you a nice person. Being nice to only people of the same race, religion, and social class does not make you a nice person. This guy, and his dinner companions, may be "respectable-seeming," yet they are still vile and horrible sociopaths.
Why are they mad? Because they're never satisfied. It's not enough for them to own most of America -- they feel they should own it all. That's how important they think they are. That's how superior to everyone else they think they are.
Obama won't help them in their quest to own literally everything, so he's a villain.
I had a moment like this a few years back, during the height of the last recession, while similarly dining at a restaurant in a wealthy enclave in Florida. This rich geezer was snotting off about how middle-class people were "spoiled" for complaining about being pushed into poverty, their jobs and businesses vaporized by the irresponsible behavior of the disgusting Wall Street aristocracy. How "whiny" college kids were for objecting to having put in four years of hard work, incurring enormous financial debt, only to graduate into a devastated job market and have to go work at McDonald's. (And these were his hostile thoughts about the middle class. I shudder to imagine his contempt for the already poor!)
What losers these people are, this incredibly spoiled bastard sneered, as he sipped his $100 wine and ate his gourmet meal. They should just suck it up! Poverty's fun!
I swear to God, if I'd thought I could have gotten away with it, I'd have picked the old geezer up by his nuts and chucked him in the decorative fountain outside. That's the least humiliation he deserved.
As far as I'm concerned, it's time to break out the pitchforks, time to burn down some of their mansions. If the aristocrats are incapable of learning respect for their fellow citizens, then it is time to teach them fear.
Anonymous 4:28,
Anonymous Bill said...
"Have any democrat leaders spoken up about the water crisis in detroit?
A search on CNN found no stories...
Nothing on msnbc either...
When black suffering can't be blamed on republicans, the liberal media doesn't give a shit."
No stories on Field negro either.
When george bush jr. Stuck it to you seem like u love that.Go talk to some of those kids with no fathers, Dads dead for nothing but a bunch of lies.Do your home work see just how far this country has came from Bush lies.Get over it a Blackman is President he won and whites and other races also voted for him. Your problems not the economy but with race point blank!
MSNBC ran a story about the water crisis in Detroit. Once again our resident liar strikes again. No wonder no one responds to his racist lying ass.
Blogger field negro said...
Depressed might be depressed but he is not a Negro. I repeat: He.Is.Not.Black.
You only show your ignorance of Blacks. It's YOU who is not Black.
Depressed Negro needs to finish it all together.
1. He needs to pull a sharp knife ALONG (not across) the veins in his wrist.
2. Hold his wrist under warm running water to prevent clotting.
3. Voila! In three minutes he will be dead. He is no longer depressed, the average I.Q. of the human race will rise by a tiny fraction of a point(!), and we are free of his lying, whining, tedious posts.
It's a win-win.
Kinky, "When black suffering can't be blamed on republicans, the liberal media doesn't give a shit."
Neither does Field. And neither does Obama. The strange thing is neither do Blacks across the country, judging from their silence Blacks not having water in Detroit.
As I have always said, "It's depressing to be Black in America, esp in Detroit." Hell, a bm can't even get a drink of water. The Whites control everything, including water!
That's very depressing. Blacks are moving toward Third World status.
Kinky, What the hell am I suppose to tell my white girlfriend and my friendly white neighbors in the country about this mess under Obama and the Dems?
Please ask Bill and Granny for some of their wisdom. But leave QLB out of this.
Before you call Bill a "liar" you should reread what he posted.
Then look at the links you posted.
PC, I'll leave any comments to you to Bill, Kinky and QLB . They kick your ass going and coming.
Btw, weren't you depressed before you met your wife(who is White)?
Did you marry her based on Kinky's advice? Kinky knows what he is talking about.
Hey field, so you really did hear this conversation and not make this up? It must mean you've been upgraded from busboy to full fledged waiter.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
"Depressed Negro needs to finish it all together."
Well, as usual, Blacks will encourage other Blacks to kill themselves. This is the kind of unity Blacks have to look forward to. If the Whites don't finish you off, the Blacks will.
Thanks PC, you uphold the splintering of Negroes from each other. What a guy! Oh wait....he's married to a ww. Well, that explains everything. PC is no longer Black....he is White.
Anon said,
As far as I'm concerned, it's time to break out the pitchforks, time to burn down some of their mansions. If the aristocrats are incapable of learning respect for their fellow citizens, then it is time to teach them fear.
Laughable. Nothing is stopping you from doing it. Go for it but remember that it might no go the way you want and it might be you taught fear. Chances are if you even stay alive, you'll find yourself strapped to a chair with a towel wrapped around your head with several buckets of water nearby. Truth of the matter is you're too much of a coward to do it yourself.
You losers whining about what you overhear rich people saying is pathetic. Yes, rich people are dicks! They despise non-rich people! And they are by-and-large democrats!
Get a fucking clue already.
Purple Sow said,
4. Should the day ever dawn that I was envious of a dim-witted, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, cunt-face-beard wearing, foul smelling, loser with delusions of intellect such as yourself. I would truly kill my fucking self
Well then, here's what you do. Insert gun into mouth. pull trigger, relax.
"swear to God, if I'd thought I could have gotten away with it, I'd have picked the old geezer up by his nuts and chucked him in the decorative fountain outside. That's the least humiliation he deserved"
Admittedly violent negro. Or are you guy wanting to touch an old mans nuts?
Perhaps he would have Trayvoned you and your angry self.
This is very good. Bravo! If we liberals don't fall all over Obama it's because we are realistic. We want more, especially in the realm of equality. But I for one understand what he's up against. He has done an amazing job in the face of incredible racism, classism, sexism and other forms of intransigence from the right.
Hattie said,
He has done an amazing job
At what?
anon, "As far as I'm concerned, it's time to break out the pitchforks, time to burn down some of their mansions. If the aristocrats are incapable of learning respect for their fellow citizens, then it is time to teach them fear."
4:28 PM
Now see? this is what Rodney King meant when he asked us all, "Can't we all get along?"
Already, I see old ass Granny urging folks to burn down mansions when she wouldn't do it herself. I mean, she lives in the Bay Area, for Pete's sake. Talk about the poor being stepped on, it's SF/Oakland.
But you won't see or hear of poor folks burning down any upper class neighborhoods. All you'll see and hear are Blacks burning down their OWN neighborhoods.
That's because Blacks are scared shitless to go beyond their own neighborhoods because they know damn well Whitey will shut them down in the most unmerciful violent manner that they did to rebellious slaves before the Civil War.
Hence, let's not be black fools. Well, we already are but let's not be damn fools. We'd all be finished in less than a week.
Get the picture?
So, let's just rant and rave on FN and call it a day. Follow brother Field, he knows what time it is. Ignore Granny, she's just talking like she usually does....but don't mean it.
And Granny is rich - she's part of the 1%, What a hypocrite.
QLB, what do you do for a living? Do you have a college degree?
I already told you. You didn't see it. BTW it's a school that is very difficult to get into and is known for a very famous football game.
"You losers whining about what you overhear rich people saying is pathetic. Yes, rich people are dicks! They despise non-rich people! And they are by-and-large democrats!"
Roughly 30% of people who earn over $75,000 vote Democrat.
The other 70% identify in polling as either Republican or Independent. (And in my experience, "Independent" generally means "I'm a rich asshole who regularly votes Republican, but I'm ashamed to admit it.")
The vast majority of the rich people I personally know are Republicans. The vast majority of morons, or racist and religious bigots I know -- they also vote Republican.
That is the party's actual demographic.
Hattie said...
"If we liberals don't fall all over Obama it's becaus we are realistic."
Sorry Hattie, we know it is because you are racist.
There is no other good reason for not supporting President Obama, who has done more in the name of equality than anyone in history. Take your white privilege over to Stormfront. We don't need your hate here.
"Roughly 30% of people who earn over $75,000 vote Democrat."
People who make $75,000 are not rich.
In fact, if you are the head of household for a family of four, you have to make more than $65,000 to come out ahead in relation to just collecting government benefits.
Middle class people are mostly Republican as are small business owners who can claim to be somewhat rich.
But the truly rich are liberal Democrats. The dumbest of the dumb are overwhelmingly Democrat, as are convicted felons.
The Democrat party is a classic alliance of the high and low against the middle.
"Hattie said,
He has done an amazing job
At what?
QLB doesn't have a job so he doesn't know what an amazing one is. He's like our resident Tommy. He also didn't finish college.
"Hey field, so you really did hear this conversation and not make this up? It must mean you've been upgraded from busboy to full fledged waiter.
So maybe you can hook QLB up as a busboy. He needs a job.
"I already told you. You didn't see it. BTW it's a school that is very difficult to get into and is known for a very famous football game."
QLB lies as much as Bill.
Field, do all of you white posters lie? We can't seem to get the truth about anything from Kinky, Bill or QLB. We were warned about the pale skins.
"People who make $75,000 are not rich."
Households who make $75,000 are in the top third of earners.
They may not like to think of themselves as rich, but ... statistically, they kind of are. Sure, how far your money goes does depend on the size of your family, and the cost-of-living in your region. But the bottom line is that if you're in the top third of earners, you're pretty well-off compared to most people in the country. You're certainly upper middle class.
And that category was 75K AND UP, remember? 75K was the BOTTOM of that category. I cannot count the number of true 1%-ers -- people earning over 350K a year -- absolutely convinced they're not rich either. America, the amazing country where everyone is middle class and no one is rich -- including the rich!! It's sooooo weird how that works.
"Don't tax me, I'm middle class" is the oldest, stalest, lamest bullshit ever to come out of rich folks' mouths.
But hey, Republicans aren't the party of the rich. Donald Trump swears it! Would he lie? LOL
"But hey, Republicans aren't the party of the rich. Donald Trump swears it! Would he lie? LOL"
No, he wouldn't but George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Peter Lewis, Sergei Brin, Jeffrey Bezos, Laurene Jobs and Jeffrey Immelt would.
You are a fucking moron, but then again you said that already when you said you were a Democrat.
"No, he wouldn't but George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Peter Lewis, Sergei Brin, Jeffrey Bezos, Laurene Jobs and Jeffrey Immelt would."
Almost got to double digits. Good job.
"You are a fucking moron, but then again you said that already when you said you were a Democrat."
because nothing says genius like being a Republican. They're smart right up until the point you ask them what they read. Bobby Jindal may disagree though, he knows which one is teh stoooopid party.
PilotX said...
"because nothing says genius like being a Republican. They're smart right up until the point you ask them what they read"
At least Republicans can read.
"At least Republicans can read."
Nah, they think it's a gotcha question. "uh, I can't I can't remember".
"We need to stop being the stooooooopid party".
Yes you do.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal called on the Republican Party to "stop being the stupid party" on Thursday as GOP leaders promised fundamental changes to help stave off future losses.
In the keynote address at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting, Jindal said the GOP doesn't need to change its values but "might need to change just about everything else we are doing."
"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults," he said. "We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
Oh my, Anon 9:24 and 9:27, you really do have a creative imagination and would make a good fiction writer. Just think, you could move to a secluded area away from all the crime and violence that you're subjected too and write best sellers. I hear the the pay is great.
Btw, when is Oakland going to do something about the underage prostitution that takes place on International Blvd.? Are you concerned about that?
BTW, you're right I wouldn't burn down or destroy anyone's property. That's crazy to me. Instead I'd stop buying their products.
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