Keep in mind that this is the same league that just suspended one of their players for a year for smoking the good collie weed.
Now I don't know what happened in the elevator that night, but I do know that Mrs. Rice was unconscious when the elevator door flew open. We also know that both parties admitted that they were in a fight in the elevator, and that blows were thrown.
This is not a good look for the NFL; it is a league already suffering from image problems. The clueless Commissioner and his minions should have thought long and hard before handing out a punishment of just two games for Mr. Ray Rice.
Victims of domestic violence do not represent the typical NFL fan, but they all have families and friends, and the NFL needs to think about that the next time they attempt to punish one of their own.
Finally, shout out to Rashid Polo for exposing what most of you reading this who happen to be people of color and who visit high-end stores already know: Being shaded while shopping is real.
"Polo said he decided to record his experience of going shopping after he realized he was repeatedly being trailed by workers.
"It happened again ... this time I'm not even mad ... I'm used to it now," he said" [See video]
Rashid, you should never get "used to it". But hey, at least you are trying to expose it.
Uh Ohh....
Field is defending Cannabis...
AND....also managed to use MY FIRST NAME inadvertently in a post...
Beautiful Field... JUST Beautiful...
We just MIGHT become friends again....
Leaves Blog shaking his head....
Please, this is progress for Black America. OJ killed his wife and got away with it. Two games for this guy beating his wife is clear cut improvement. At least there is a measure of personal responsibility, something clearly lacking in the community.
Being followed around in store is nothing new for Black folks. If Oprah can get followed, anyone can.
Yisheng said,
Being followed around in store is nothing new for Black folks. If Oprah can get followed, anyone can.
Are you sure it's not just paranoia and a deep seated inferiority complex?
Fn said...
But they just gave one of their players a suspension of two games for beating his wife. (Let me repeat that: TWO GAMES!)
Beating a woman.
Since he's not a right-winger, who cares?
Now if he had something negative about gays there would have been serious consequences.
Are you sure it's not just paranoia and a deep seated inferiority complex?
In hee-haw Mississippi, EVERY Black person should be paranoid as hell!!
But NO Black person feels inferior to inbred mutants.
"Polo said he decided to record his experience of going shopping after he realized he was repeatedly being trailed by workers."
It's depressing to be a bm in America.
Rashid is lucky they didn't call the police on his ass. I mean, what was he doing wandering around the store for anyway?
Black folks should know better than to do that, anyway. We have learned through the centuries that if you are going to the store, KNOW what you are going to the store FOR, and not wander around aimlessly through the wm's store.
Negroes should JUST go to the store, get the things they need, go directly to the cashier, pay for them and leave. DO NOT wander around the store looking at shit. That is an invitation to be followed.
Let's face it. Whites don't want Negroes in their stores, esp if it is a high-end store. I mean, look at what happened to Oprah.
Let's face the truth...It's a bitch being Black in America. It's damn depressing. What's even more depressing is people don't give a damn about the depression that is eating the souls of Blacks. Even Blacks don't care...It's hopeless.
I mean, look at what QLB said about those asshole Whites who were following that innocent teen in that video. He accuses Blacks of being paranoid.
I mean, WTF? We finally get it on tape and Whites STILL deny anything is wrong. That's a damn shame. Notre Dame didn't do a Catholic thing for sinful QLB.
It'll be interesting to hear what KC has to say about this depressing shit.
I am so depressed. Bill, KC and QLB should be ashamed of themselves.
"Now I don't know what happened in the elevator that night, but I do know that Mrs. Rice was unconscious when the elevator door flew open. We also know that both parties admitted that they were in a fight in the elevator, and that blows were thrown."
Brother Field, is Mrs. Rice Black or White? The way American punishment for wrongs done to woman depends on her color doesn't it?
If she were Black, then the two-game suspension makes sense. If she was White then it makes no-sense whatsoever and I predict the media and maybe even Obama will say something about it.
Anon said,
Negroes should JUST go to the store, get the things they need, go directly to the cashier, pay for them and leave. DO NOT wander around the store looking at shit. That is an invitation to be followed.
You could always ( gasp ) have your own stores. Say in a place like Detroit, Camden or Gary and go from there. I wonder how long they would last before multiple chimp outs, shoplifting, overall theft, assault, armed robbery and homicides would close them? You could even name the stories Bongo Party, a name almost apropos. I can see it now. One lane for cash paying customers and 24 for EBT cards. Do you ever wonder why there are so called "food deserts" in your communities? Here's a huge hint. It's not YT"s fault.
Brother Field, is Mrs. Rice Black or White? The way American punishment for wrongs done to woman depends on her color doesn't it?
If she were Black, then the two-game suspension makes sense. If she was White then it makes no-sense whatsoever and I predict the media and maybe even Obama will say something about it.
9:45 PM
Anon @ 9:45 --
The street artist "Sabo" created a poster with a transvestite vampire with Michelle Obama's face photoshopped on it.
I don't remember any previous (white) First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS) being subjected to such hateful attacks.
Can't quite put my finger on why. Hmmm.
Anon @ 9:45 --
The street artist "Sabo" created a poster with a transvestite vampire with Michelle Obama's face photoshopped on it.
I don't remember any previous (white) First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS) being subjected to such hateful attacks.
Please, attacks against the FLOTUS have been common throughout the history of the American presidency. Nothing new here except for paranoia and a huge inferiority complex.
Yīshēng said...
Are you sure it's not just paranoia and a deep seated inferiority complex?
In hee-haw Mississippi, EVERY Black person should be paranoid as hell!!
But NO Black person feels inferior to inbred mutants.
9:34 PM
Thanks for pointing out one of the biggest problems in the black community.
Blacks have an inflated sense of self and ability which has no connection to actual skills or marketability. They also tend to be narcissistic and victims of Dunning-Kruger effect. Heck, they should just call it "Negro Syndrome".
You have to admire the great strides Asian Americans are making in rolling back diversity quotas, affirmative action policies, and the ruse of "disparate impact". Asians make a lie of the meme that black dysfunction and inability to compete in a meritocracy is because of their non-white skin color.
Gotta love the Post Negro era. Mmm, mmm, mmm !!!
You could always ( gasp ) have your own stores.
QLB, please stop pointing out the obvious. The Negros here really don't like that. It frustrates them, much like basic math skills, such as understanding averages, mean and median, which none of the regular posters here have managed to grasp.
Yes, it is obvious that they could shop in their own stores. Or create "safe" communities with "good" schools and street lights that work because everyone pays their bills and respects private property. The issue isn't some geography, it's the population occupying that population.
Looking in the mirror and accepting responsibility is NOT something Negros do. Come on now!
Rashid, you should never get "used to it"
No, it is everybody else who needs to get used to black people ripping them off, right Field?
Rashid should be furious — not at storekeepers for trying to protect their livelihood, but at the thieves who have given his race a bad name with a parasitical entitlement mentality according to which they have a right to steal other people’s property.
The entitlement mentality goes beyond the thievery that makes life so difficult for storekeepers. Not only are certain people supposedly entitled to steal to make up for historical injustice or whatever, the owners of the property are not allowed to notice who is doing it, much less object. They are supposed to sit frozen in terror of being denounced as “racists” as young hoodlums rob them blind.
From the liberal point of view, when storekeepers surreptitiously keep an eye on someone who is acting suspicious and looks similar to people who steal from them on a regular basis, it is done out of pure racial malice. But if the point were to hurt people’s feelings, why would they be secretive about it?
Interesting that Field isn't posting anything on the tsunami of funding that is being showered upon the "Unaccompanied Minor" program. Turns out the "average" cash assistance is about $4,000 per month per head.
Meanwhile, many native born black children still go to bed hungry, still live in domestic war zones and attend suboptimal schools.
However, they no longer interest this Pretendident. Even the Milli Vanilli Halfrican in the Big House has made it known we are now in the Post Negro era by who gets the cash and concern.
It was a good run while it lasted.
Sorry my comment at 10:15 should read
he issue isn't some geography, it's the population occupying that geography.
Not having access to an "edit" feature is bothersome, but I realize it's a blogger software issue, not a FN issue. ;-)
Anon wrote,
Yes, it is obvious that they could shop in their own stores. Or create "safe" communities with "good" schools and street lights that work because everyone pays their bills and respects private property. The issue isn't some geography, it's the population occupying that population.
Looking in the mirror and accepting responsibility is NOT something Negros do. Come on now!
Yeah I get the concept. It's like in 86% Detroit where if you pay your water bill it doesn't get cut off. Instead many of them consider water another "right" that someone else has to pay for. Like I've said before, I'd be happy if they would just shut up during movies.
"Like I've said before, I'd be happy if they would just shut up during movies."-QLB
I went to see "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" and I must say I agree with you. My folks are the rudest and sickest race of people attending movies.
They actually talked to the screen. The sickest part of all was they were identifying with the apes. WTF? then they get crazy whenever the word monkey or ape is mentioned...go figure.
As a bm I now realize that there are two races within the Black race. Normal and abnormal. Those who go to movies and have no idea how to behave or know what's appropriate behavior are the sick dangerous 'abnormal' ones.
The normal ones know how to act appropriately and with consideration of others.
Unfortunately, there are more 'abnormal' ones out there than 'normal' ones...esp in movies.
QLB, you seem to know an 'awful' lot about Blacks. Did you take courses in Black History while at Notre Dame?
Or were you born in Detroit, or outside of Chicago like Gary?
It's too bad you never met intelligent sophisticated Blacks behaving appropriately.
It's too bad you never met intelligent sophisticated Blacks behaving appropriately.
Anon @ 11:25pm, you are HILARIOUS! Thanks for the laugh.
The online plagiarism detection service iThenticate determined that U.S. Sen. John Walsh’s final paper at the U.S. Army War College had a similarity index of 79 percent.
One of the "new" democrats.
Just like biden and his college plagiarism.
No doubt democrat walsh assumed since the liberal media didn't once question john kerry on the "river on christmas eve" story he was telling since 1968, they would give him a free pass too.
In 1988, democrats forced biden to drop out of the presidential race because of his plagiarism.
Now he's the vice-president.
"Yeah I get the concept. It's like in 86% Detroit where if you pay your water bill it doesn't get cut off. "
Water supplies should never be cut off under any circumstances. There are very real public health consequences to denying citizens access to clean water.
You don't pay for the air you breath, why should you pay for the water you drink?
The purple sow wrote,
Water supplies should never be cut off under any circumstances. There are very real public health consequences to denying citizens access to clean water.
Really? Typical comment from someone in the "gibs me and EBT community." I had to sink a well over 500 feet on property I own along with the road and the well. I'll just give the bill to the county and see if they pay for it. Why don't you put a bone in your nose so you'll feel more at home.
I'm trying to figure out why this man's employer is responsible for punishing him beyond a court of law?
Recently, a black woman was fired because she was accused of child neglect when she left her child to play in a park while she worked. Was it her employer's responsibility to punish her outside of a court of law?
I'm just not sure it's the NFL's call to do more. They could ensure he (and his wife) go to counseling or they could fire him outright.
Please understand that I am not defending Rice's actions towards his wife. It's just that with the recent Hobby Lobby ruling and corporate control over so many aspects of our lives, right now I lean towards a more definitive line between employer and employee and how much an employer has sway to dictate punishment for actions that take place in our private lives - even for public figures.
QLB and the the other troll, do YOU own your own company? If so, how many people do you employ?
The Purple Cow said...
You don't pay for the air you breath, why should you pay for the water you drink?
Simple answer...
It doesn't cost city a penny for you to breath.
If the government employees getting paid to make sure the water is drinkable and running through the pipes decide to take your advice and work for free then I'm sure water, like air will be free.
Convince the government employees making water expensive to do the right thing.
Or just whine some more about your little man thing.
ThatDeborahGirl said...
I'm trying to figure out why this man's employer is responsible for punishing him beyond a court of law?
He isn't, this is a rich professional athlete that votes democrat.
Now if he gave a political contribution to pro marriage he could be fired without committing a crime, a crime like like beating a woman.
The "war on women" is ONLY a problem when a right-wingut beats a woman.
Imagine the difference in media attention if white tim tebow beat his woman.
Not all woman beating is equal to democrats.
BiB, Field is Jamaican. C'mon man! Ha!
If these establishments don't want our money we should stop giving it to them. A business gets one chance to tic me off about something and after that they won't see another red cent. Daddy X taught me that long ago.
Field, someone has to do a big chart showing the cycle of stereotypes and bigotry, how it just keeps going and going and going, like the Energizer Bunny. I'll bet thefts at convenience stores are committed 95% by whites. Or maybe 98%. Somehow I don't think black store owners would shadow Rashid.
Every day we should give thanks for cell phone cameras. They're blowing the lid off abuses (including police murders) of all kinds. Fiat lux!
I meant murders BY police.
QLB and the the other troll, do YOU own your own company? If so, how many people do you employ?
Field ...
Now you know being a internet Stat Troll pays more than six figures....
I mean why else would he come here day in , and day out.... ???
You sure do attract some nasty evil Trolls....
Almost like Gremlins looking to jump in the swimming pool everyday...
Might have to get some disinfectant around here...
Getting kinda rancid with these Trolls salivating all over the place daily...
The Purple Cow said...
"Yeah I get the concept. It's like in 86% Detroit where if you pay your water bill it doesn't get cut off. "
Water supplies should never be cut off under any circumstances. There are very real public health consequences to denying citizens access to clean water.
You don't pay for the air you breath, why should you pay for the water you drink?
Gasoline comes out the ground, why should you have to pay for that?
You see cow, the concept is not water per se, but clean water delivered straight to your home. In order to provide this public good, the people worked together to build a system of treatment plants, pumping stations, and distribution pipes. This is a large complex system that must be maintained, and users are expected to pitch in proportionately for their share.
Should they wish to opt out, the good citizens of Detroit can walk on down to the Detroit River and drink all the water they want. They could even train their women to carry those big jars on their heads.
That things have gotten to this point is one of the head-scratching features of black run municipalities, where the government just can't seem to keep the lights on and the water flowing without the white man paying for it.
Those days are starting to come to an end.
anotherbozo said...
I'll bet thefts at convenience stores are committed 95% by whites. Or maybe 98%. Somehow I don't think black store owners would shadow Rashid.
Seriously folks, is there anyone really this deluded?
Might have to get some disinfectant around here...
Getting kinda rancid with these Trolls salivating all over the place daily...
10:36 AM
yeah, and some dog flea spray! Ugh! How come you so totally disgusting!
You don't pay for the air you breath, why should you pay for the water you drink?
Teh stoopid, it burns.
The really depressing part is that visitors are constantly reminded that Purple Cow is one of the "smart" ones.
Isn't he also the one who believes that IQ tests have nothing to do with measuring intelligence?
Anon@10:55: Seriously folks, is there anyone really this deluded?
I don't normally converse with trolls. If you have anything but rhetoric, like statistics... but then I'd have to confront you with a whole battery of socioeconomic and even anger statistics and data... not worth it.
QLB and the the other troll, do YOU own your own company? If so, how many people do you employ?
The majority of job creaters and innovators that I know withdrew from the marketplace and either close/shuttered/sold their businesses and "retired".
There is no meaningful return for risking your capital, your time and intellectual property under this Regime. Especially when you can net as much - or more - through passive income and not have to deal with brain dead Progressives who have no concept how value is created and think everything is a "basic right".
Your comment history makes it clear you have no concept on how business works, how value is created, what it takes to build wealth.
I don't normally converse with trolls. If you have anything but rhetoric, like statistics... but then I'd have to confront you with a whole battery of socioeconomic and even anger statistics and data... not worth it.
Typical progressive gobbeldygook. Faux "science" which they try and pass off as real science. Getting caught out in their Gorebull Warming stat manipulation scheme doesn't stop them from continuing to attempt to manufacture consent through manufactured "statistics".
You are as stoopid or even more so than the resident brainiac Purple Cow.
"It doesn't cost city a penny for you to breath."
A supply of safe clean drinking water is essential to all organised human activity. The right to access safe clean drinking water is a fundamental human freedom. Your capitalist buddies wouldn't be able to make their billions if their workforce was unable to access clean water.
Secondly, not having safe clean water for some has profound public health consequences for ALL. That's why you cannot cut off water supplies to people unable to pay their bills.
"Isn't he also the one who believes that IQ tests have nothing to do with measuring intelligence?"
Correct. An I.Q. test tests your ability to take I.Q. tests. As such, measured over a community, it is largely an index of the size of that community's middle class.
An I.Q. test tests your ability to take I.Q. tests
Or not.
Methinks the NFL will be ok with this optic because Ray and the wife are still together and both admit some fault. It's almost a Lawrence Phillips situation but two big differences. And if that guy got away with what he did Ray is golden.
Plus, you can't hold black people accountable for their actions, that's racist.
In other words, troll, you do NOTown your own business. I, on the other hand, do.
So comment history aside, methinks you are a fraud.;)
Jimmy Carter addresses the abuse of women in his book A 'Call To Action, Women, Religion,Violence and Power'
In it he has focused his attention on what he calls "the most serious and unaddressed word wide challenge of our time" I agree totally!
The subjugation and abuse of women is a worldwide issue.
Most certainly "domestic abuse" as it is euphemistically called, should definitely be sanctioned by the leagues,if only as a deterrent to prevent other players from same behavior. These players do act as examples to men.
Ray Rice was only doing his woman a favor by keeping her in line.
Ray Rice is just one of countless others; he got caught - like a professional boxer who will remain anonymous, here.
The worst day of the year in America for women who have male spouses is Super Bowl Sunday.
Violence - physical and mental - against women will only stop when women begin to teach themselves SELF-DEFENSE - armed and otherwise.
Females, young and old, must know, understand and believe that the very first time a man puts his hands on her; violates her person in any shape or form will never be the last time. Graveyards are full of women who failed to heed that message.
Oh My, the Rethugs are planning to file letters of impeachment soon!
See, I told ya'll he should have made history in ONE term, then GOTFOT!!!!
Meanwhile in Chicago the pregame show is over and the main event Chiraq shit show has just begun. Warmups through the week have produced at least one fatality a day. It's now the weekend where the real shooters come out. Will the more lead less dead trend continue or will the bangers get their shooting jones back?
more than the NFL = a trip.
@ Anon from threads back with the excellent comment...
i have not forgotten. hang tight:)
Blessings all!
"BiB, Field is Jamaican. C'mon man! Ha! "
Oh I know ...
Its one of the reasons I make sure to comment when Field actually sticks up for the right thing. Even though hes not as Vocal as me on the subject He sometimes leans correctly on a issue or 2 ...
the superb owl is a mass ritual.
the sleepers provide the energy to be harnessed by the rebel devils to release defeated lucifer's kingdom to earth. hidden in plain sight for those that just can't get the Truth Right. but they got degrees!
defeated lucifer's servants are much Bolder than Yah's for now for whatever reason. doesn't matter 'cause i AM still Bold + Believing Him/His Word despite all the rank cowardice, fakery + fawkery i see. folk can think they leave me out on the front lines solo if they choose. ridicule + whatever is clever + defeated.
THIS i know:
this whole production is Yah's show and He, unlike the scary souls over here, is NO joke.
ps. if you would be too stressed and not sure if you are indeed Blessed to say who you are + speak Truth Bold. please know what you say to/'bout me means less than nothing.
that's directly aimed at the resident, source of shame, supa slow one. but she got degrees! 'cause she'll show up shortly and make me wish she was not Black + could be promptly sent back to some other nation.
then QLB will come intellectually gobble her up as per usual. what's left will ask: what do you do for a living? do you have a degree?
coward, kiss of judas, clowns ALL day. believe it or not...
i Love you FN, C.hurch O.f P.hiladelphia folk anyway.
Blessings all!
Correction Field: Ray Rice did not get a two game suspension for beating his wife - she was his fiance at the time and did not marry him until AFTER the beating.
I guess she must have liked getting some sense knocked into her. I bet at least she doesn't mouth off in elevators anymore.
Hey Field, if you see this, how about something a little different for Saturday. Maybe something simple and nice. Maybe an article about jazz music. We could name a few songs we like and could vote on the better ones. No fighting, no insults, just a simple truce that everyone could enjoy. Stay the bitch session for just one day. Food for thought.
Man, y'all needs to get off Ray's dick over this. MLK had a thing for slapping whores around, and he has his own damn holiday. Not to mention a giant, Chinese looking statue that glares at white people!
Field said,
QLB and the the other troll, do YOU own your own company? If so, how many people do you employ?
I don't call you a n!&&$r, buck, samba or other derogatory terms. Don't call me a troll. Besides I'm good for business.
I don't care if u have a college degree or a job. Ehat I wanna know is what the hell does QLB stand for?!!!! Pleeeeeeerrrrze tell me pleeeeeze!!!
That's wonderful! God Bless him!
Hahahahahaha..Field!!! You are making me laugh. For the longest time, I've wondered why you tolerate the endless stream of persistent trolls in your comments section. I stopped reading comments at all, but do drop in occasionally. But I finally get it. These racist clowns who, in the past, would be dancing around in white hoods and burning crosses are here to demonstrate that YOU do not need to CHASE racism. Just writing about it, attracts the racists like a magnet. And they prove your point repeatedly. Sad little wankers. Well done, field. And I really agree with you about the NFL. As for the shoplifting thing. I live in a mixed race family--and the ones with darker skin get hassled a lot. BUT!!! I've got my old white wrinkly skin to wear to the shops and guess what? When I'm dressed kind of badly, the shopkeepers follow me around and make me feel like I'm suspect. When I dress up, I have all kinds of personal space. The difference is, my daughter and her cousins get followed whether they are dressed up or not.
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