His genius will be missed.

The Negroes in the community are angry, and some of them have taken to the street to take out their frustrations.
I am watching a young man named Dorin Johnson on MSNBC right now, and he is telling the host that he was present at the scene when the police officer chased his friend and shot him in cold blood.
Black folks and the parents of (dark Negroes) all over America are once again having "the talk" with their children, because they understand that the next child who feels the sting of a policeman's bullet could be their own.
Of course it's not only black men who are catching it from the po po. Black women have been getting the business lately as well.
"A Brooklyn grandmother who had just taken a shower was dragged from her apartment by about 12 cops who then stood by for more than two minutes while she was naked in the hallway, according to video that emerged Friday.
Denise Stewart was in her Brownsville apartment on July 13 when police — responding to a domestic disturbance call at the building — pounded on her door at 11:45 p.m. and demanded entry.
Stewart, 48, cracked the door wearing only a towel wrapped around her body and underpants — and was yanked into the hallway by cops over the screams of her family and neighbors.
The video shows a chaotic scene as a dozen or so male officers burst into Stewart’s apartment, while several others struggle to subdue and cuff the nearly naked woman in the hallway outside.
Stewart’s towel got lost in the scuffle, leaving the grandmother dressed only in underpants." [Source]
And then there is poor Marlene Pinnock, who is finally speaking out about her terrible ordeal.
"Marlene Pinnock said she thought she was going to die as a California Highway Patrol officer straddled her, repeatedly punching her head, on the side of a Los Angeles freeway.
During an hour-long interview with The Associated Press on Sunday — her first public comments since the July 1 incident was caught on now-viral video by a passing driver — Pinnock spoke haltingly or in a whisper, occasionally putting her hands to her temples and grimacing.
Her attorney Caree Harper frequently interrupted her and limited her responses to a reporter's questions.
"He grabbed me, he threw me down, he started beating me, he beat me. I felt like he was trying to kill me, beat me to death," Pinnock said. Pinnock was released from the hospital last week after several weeks of treatment for head injuries and now slurs her speech..." [Source]
You all remember her, right? She is the woman who caught the Rodney King treatment from some cop living out his Gestapo fantasies on the California taxpayer's dime.
She was lucky, because she is still here to tell her story.
Poor Michael Brown, on the other hand, has to depend on people like Dorin Johnson to tell his story for him.
So, what to do? What can we, the people, do? How do I channel my anger?
FN, you are a lawyer; you know the law.
Obviously, singing and praying ain't working. Marching and protesting "peaceably" ain't working. Rioting definitely never did, and never will work. So, what are people to do? Vote? Chile', please.
It is painfully clear that the propaganda campaign to dehumanize the Negro/Black male has been completely effective; Black rappers; Black male "gangstas/thugs"; many Black people continue to contribute to the propaganda campaign. It is no surprise that many, Black, white, and otherwise fear Black males. Now that we (should) know that we are regarded as less than human, what to do to curb the carnage?
That non-violent, kum ba ya, holding hands, singing "We Shall Overcome" stuff worked - back then; guilt-ridden white folks were caught off guard. Today's white folks have no guilt or shame. So, it's "open season" on a population that is regarded as less than human.
Am I pulling this out my ass? But,
Can we legally police our own communities? On a recent trip to East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania), I witnessed "peoples' justice" at work. Not very pleasant. But, trained and organized self-policing of our communities.
Police should be removed from Black neighborhoods and stop protecting blacks from themselves.
Let blacks deal with blacks and eat their own.
The Blackman made in America is only acting like his masters have ingrained in him. Do not America riot and loot when they are in "repay mode"? Ask that to the humans that is presently being introduced to 500 lbs. laser bombs because " they might 'harm' an American".
Lot of naysayers forget that the African American history started here on American soil. We have be ingrained with responses that we have seen or heard our masters do. Yes it was hundred of years ago, but like other groups that pass on habits and nuances to each generation I contend that our output was/is your input. Yes, I am blaming the majority because even after 50 years my family members knowing we came from free people and have pride in not being on the wrong side of the madness..
Yes, we did our rioting in the 60s. America had to know that there will not be any peace as long as we were continued brutalized. While I am here I am now asking white America to thank us in the 60s for forcing America to pass civil rights. Just think , civil rights gave white women, Orientals and All oppressed people the opportunity that only white males had a lock on. Do Gays and transgender use the cloak of hard fought civil rights to now enjoy their long sought after rights? So - "you are welcome".
One other tidbit. Just a few people are looting. Their looting has nothing to do with the killing. They are just like the whites historically. Be an opportunistic thief... Now that is America's history.
Now to insure that my comments are understood. I am not for this looting for the sake of. Remember I said that my people miss the classes on criminal techniques. Come on... stealing 1 rim from the showcase.
Black folks and the parents of (dark Negroes) all over America are once again having "the talk" with their children, because they understand that the next child who feels the sting of a policeman's bullet could be their own.
I hope that "talk" involves telling their kids not to attack the police.
If Michael Brown had been taught to respect the police and how to behave around them, he' be alive today. But he was raised on a diet of entitled resentment, and it got him killed.
All of you who made a hero of Trayvon share in the blame of this young man's death.
In other news, it appears that Pope Francis has sent out the greenlight for the next authorized Crusade:
"On Sunday, Pope Francis said he held “dismay and disbelief” over what is happening in Iraq. He called the Islamic State fighters terrorists and said there was a need for “a professional, well-equipped army.” “The situation is going from bad to worse,” he warned.”"
So, since white Christians still make up the majority in the US, who do you think they're going to respond to?
The true Leader of the Free World, who is calling for an armed response to Islamic terror, or the First Grifter who is working to assist the Muslim Brotherhood in achieving their aim to establish a new Caliphate?
Hmmmm. My money's on the actual Leader whose election was honest and transparent and accepted by the whole of his constituency, not the Pretendident who sometimes tries to play a President on TV (in between golf bouts and picking bakkaball brackets, natch!).
Anonymous said...
Police should be removed from Black neighborhoods and stop protecting blacks from themselves.
Let blacks deal with blacks and eat their own.
10:16 PM
Thank you. Cordon off the roads, give them unlimited access to guns and ammo, and let them have at it. Maybe throw a few Liberian Ebola corpses over the barricades for good measure.
Can we legally police our own communities? On a recent trip to East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania), I witnessed "peoples' justice" at work. Not very pleasant. But, trained and organized self-policing of our communities.
How about this as an all-round acceptable solution?
White Americans will pay a one-time fee to repatriate all blacks to Kenya or Tanzania with no right of return. (the final jizya tax).
You'll be around everyone who "looks like you" and you can "police" yourselves as you see fit. It's workable, since the Muslim in Chief has an "in" with Kenya, IYKWIMAITYD.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I do appreciate your comments here. You are one of the posters I look forward to reading.
You write:
"Yes, we did our rioting in the 60s. America had to know that there will not be any peace as long as we were continued brutalized."
Part of the "social compact" that flowed from the "Civil Rights" era rioting was the "anti-poverty" programs. Trillions of dollars flowed to the black community, and trillions continues to flow, in the form of set-asides, minority contracting/pass through corporations, affirmative action, hiring quotas, "disparate impact" hiring demands, section 8, above average spending in pre-college education in minority districts and on and on.
Your people promised white America that if they were given "equal OPPORTUNITY" (which is not the same thing as equal OUTCOME) the rioting/demands/shakedowns would cease.
So, here we are over 60 years later, and not only have the "demands" not lessened, they've increased.
Black americans have had more than "equal opportunity". The fact that so many chose to squander it is not the fault of white America.
At some point, parts of black America need to stop making excuses and look in the mirror for the root of their present circumstances.
There are lots of black Americans doing just fine. They aren't rioting or looting police departments and schools and destroying the fabric of their own communities. Do you really think there is any social good will/impetus to "rebuild" what the few have decided to destroy? Black america has broken the unspoken contract that was brokered in the aftermath of the "Civil Rights Era", and whites and asians are not inclined to give another inch.
FWIW, people I know close to the troubles state that the situation DID start out as a peaceful protest and demand for accountability - which is laudable, but "outsiders" came in and started the looting and the violence. Unfortunately, everyone on the scene is going to be tarred with that brush, because no one in the community is standing up to them and staying STOP.
Black folk I know aren't cool with the behavior of those acting out in MO right now.
RIP Robin Williams, you were one of the best.
Despite the hating going on by the right over the death of the young man in St. Louis and, we all need to keep his family up in prayer.
By the way, since the incident in New York City has been called a homicide, how many officers have been arrested?
Field...You need to disinfect around here...
Lots of WMV's all gathered about to inject evil energy into our discussion...
First off
to the first poster who said..
"Vote? Chle', please..."
Me and a few other posters here fell out on that one...
Nevertheless Its interesting you put it that way
I see many of the stories such as this one where the situations arise from "Over-Policed" "Hyper-Criminalized" inner city areas.
If you start on that ball of yarn...
You'll be sure to find a solution or two..
Wesley R said..
Despite the hating going on by the right over the death of the young man in St. Louis and, we all need to keep his family up in prayer.
The "hating" is going on over the rioting and looting and threats of violence by people who don't know the first thing about Michael Brown or what went on with that cop.
A peaceful protest that didn't jump to conclusions but merely demanded an explanation and accounting would have been a million times more effective than smashing windows and stealing beer at Quick Trip.
RIP Robin Williams. I was fortunate enough to meet the real Patch Adams about 10 years ago and given his rather circuitous road to med school, he was able to encourage me by example, to stay on task!! Not surprisingly, Williams' role in this movie is my absolute favorite, followed VERY closely by Good Will Hunting.
Ironically, Williams' co star and roomate in the Patch Adams was Phillip Seymour Hoffman. WOW, how profoundly sad!!!
As for yet ANOTHER killing of a Black male, Black folks needs to start "rioting" with their dollars!!!
Yīshēng said...
I was fortunate enough to meet the real Patch Adams about 10 years ago and given his rather circuitous road to med school, he was able to encourage me by example, to stay on task!!
How fitting, as you are such a clown.
At the Bill Graham Memorial Concert In Golden Gate Park, while we were waiting for the gate to open, there was this filthy raggy bum digging through the garbage, packing the uneaten food up, combining the beers. Nobody paid him much mind at all as long as stayed away. Later, he walked out onstage and took off his greasy hair & beard & it was Robin Williams practicing fora role he said he was soon to film.
Man seeing Don Lemon get emotional talking to the parents of this kid..............
"Later, he walked out onstage and took off his greasy hair & beard & it was Robin Williams practicing for a role he said he was soon to film."
"Fly the Filthy Skies: The PilotX Story"
Thank you Black people for proving us White people wrong for the umpteenth time since the 1960s, that all of our stereotypes we have of you are total figments of our paranoia,racism and delusions.
StillAPanther said:
One other tidbit. Just a few people are looting. Their looting has nothing to do with the killing
That is what I had heard from others who are in St Louis. That outside groups arrived, and they are the ones who started the looting and stealing. Perfectly timed to discredit any meaningful and real protest and quest for answers and accountability. The question is, Who Benefits from this outside agitation? It certainly isn't the blacks living there or asking for answers.
Anon @ 9:41
"Today's white folks have no guilt or shame."
Or tolerance.
You are right, the old activities that made the gains in the 60's possible have no effect today.
The idea that winning "rights" would also win respect and acceptance was foolish. I can't compare life as a black man today with what life was like as a black man in pre-civil rights America, but it certainly isn't the greatest right now either post-Trayvon and it's not looking to get any better any time soon.
Thanks Anon for the kind words. That is a rarity in our society recently. You would think that with the info age people would have hope. Not the promised "hope" of a well trained politician.
True billions have been allocated to heal the sick, Unfortunately just giving money to the poor was a grand idea from the doctor, but- the patient was never asked. In other words we were a people that the majority of us had not the business acumen to handle free money. A people that was underpaid, not paid, and misused had the idea that this money from the government would last forever.
Coming from freed Blacks of Ahoskie, NC, we always saw money as a tool for the betterment of family. Even today, my family has an adverse reaction to "free money or welfare". This is not to say that welfare can't be a good thing. It is how the patient (the healing race of people-post civil rights0use this temporary help.
Now we all know who made the decisions initially about how to dole out the Government Issued monies. I can't phantom who and why more money was given for situations that created more need. More kids, more money. Where was the incentive to not take this increase of More money, more food stamps and more aid? As a side bar... think of all the wealth that white farmers accumulated by these decisions that the patient was only taking the highest dose given. There was a lot of butter, cheese and milk. Fast forward today... think of all the monies that the small corner stores to the MegaWalmart get for all this aide. Think of the man whose store got looted of rims. Since when do the poor on public asst. buy rims, unless..
The patient in 50+ years has been addicted to federal handouts. The patient's incentive was squashed and sadly many (not all!) passes this misery on to future generations. But let us tell the whole story about all the people addicted to government money. I used the word "patient" because I must have compassion for people that still suffer from a legacy of survival. I feel blessed to be able to do for self and live within my ability. I
I thank my father and mother for providing the push for me to take care me and mine. Now I will say that of my 8-siblings, seven of us was the recipient of the GI bill. Now 3 went to the NAM and the rest was there for Desert Storm period. Risk was great and the rewards were deserved.
Anonymous teh stupid stupid said...
Thank you Black people for proving us White people wrong for the umpteenth time since the 1960s, that all of our stereotypes we have of you are total figments of our paranoia,racism and delusions.
11:48 PM
De ebeel white man made me do it! It was de ebeel white man and de slabery that made me kill, rob and riot!
Attorney Crump, he dere now and he be findin' dat obejectif ebidense about de ebeel white man in Ferguson!
StillaPanther said:
"...I can't phantom who and why more money was given for situations that created more need."
Yes. Social policy was designed to reward bad choices, and in turn, on many levels, punishes the good choices.
Almost like the poverty trap so many without strong, supportive families find themselves in.
Thank you for your service to this country - in and out of the military. The conflict in Vietnam was yet another social policy that was disproportionately borne by the lower classes, black and white.
I look at the troubles in Ferguson going on now, fueled by outside agitators, and contrast it to the peaceful protests and demand for employment equity for work on the projects in Chicago. Black fathers who were skilled tradesmen were protesting against outside labor being brought in to work on projects in their own communities. Turns out it was the local pols who wanted too big a cut of the action, so it was cheaper to bring in outside labor, even after paying the local politrickster shakedown tax.
I don't know how that story ended, but I hope that those local dads did end up getting a slice of that homegrown employment pie. They certainly went about making their case in a civil, respectful, dignified fashion, so one can only hope that they were rewarded for tackling the issue in the "right" way.
Sorry 6 family members served in military. 5 used the GI Bill. Father was a Korean era vet and he was supportive when each boy made the decision to go to war/military.
But let us tell the whole story about all the people addicted to government money
The latest version is the explosion in student loan debt. I know too many young people who took out loans to finance a "lifestyle" while they were in college - new car, expensive gadgets, living in a fancy condo over a dorm, etc. It was "easy money" and the banks were lining up to dole it out.
Now they're burdened with debt that can never be discharged and find the entry level work for even college grads is barely enough to make ends meet, and no one is loaning "new hires of uncertain future" money to live a lifestyle they can't afford.
My kids were lucky enough to get paid summer internships/work experience, unlike alot of their friends, but what they made (for the same line of work) was less than half of what I was paid as an intern - in one case, at the same company - thirty plus years ago. This is not sustainable, and our young people are going to be our "lost generation".
"Who Benefits from this outside agitation?"
I do!
StillaPanther2 said...
Sorry 6 family members served in military. 5 used the GI Bill. Father was a Korean era vet and he was supportive when each boy made the decision to go to war/military.
12:23 AM
My DH wanted our sons to go into military service because he feels it is a great "social equalizer" and provides common cultural touchstones for people of all backgrounds who enter service together.
I was against it, even more so after the war in Iraq. It was hard to support our troops while hating the "mission" and having to live with the fallout of the lies spewing from those who had much to gain, and nothing to lose, by that choice. :-(
As far as your Dad ... my DH's favorite saying about Korean War vets is, "they're harder than a woodpecker's lips!". Blessings to him.
This will be an interesting case as will the NY and Cali cases. Hopefully something good can come from these incidents.
"Fly the Filthy Skies: The PilotX Story"
Also, the James Brown movie was good and inspiring. If you and Mrs. Field haven't seen it yet I do recommend it.
Pass on the James Brown movie, pilot. I loved JB's music and all, but.....I will wait until it plays on HBO.
Anon@12:10, atty Crump pays more.in taxes than your pwt ass earns in a year. So make fun of him all u want. :)
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? I think you'd dig it.
Here is a list of the stores that these "angry negros" have looted so far:
** QuickTrip
** Walmart
** Kmart
** County Shoe Carnival
** Foot Locker
** PNC Bank
** Hibbetts Sports
** Beauty Supply and Wig Store
** Family Dollar
** Boost Mobile
** Taco Bell
** Remy Beauty Supply
** Cricket Wireless
** Phillips 66
** Energy Express
** Pawn Shop
** Target
** JC Wireless
** Firestone
** Dollar General
** Up N Up Fashion
** Several Burglaries
** T-Mobile
** Second QuikTrip
** Shoe Carnival in South St. Louis City
Because, well, you know, EBT, Welfare, Section 8, Obama Phones....it is just not enough.
field negro said...
Pass on the James Brown movie, pilot. I loved JB's music and all, but.....I will wait until it plays on HBO.
Reviews are good, although it skips over a lot - playing “Say It Loud—I’m Black and I’m Proud” at Richard Nixon’s inaugural ball in 1969, the fact that he was close friends with Strom Thurmond, his part in Rocky IV doing his last hit "Living in America, and the amazing lawsuit over his estate.
If capitalism is what made America great, James Brown was a great American.
"Here is a list of the stores that these "angry negros" have looted so far:"
Oh man, I'm not gonna lie. Times was tough these past few years with no hurricanes or whatever. I really needed me some new shoes, a TV, some Rolaids, and of course, more Heineken. I am grateful to the Ferguson police department for stepping up and giving me the chance to earn a living again.
Let the good times roll.
Dosen't matter if Crump has a lot of shekels, he is mentally deficient and morally depraved. He seems retarded with his inability to pronounce the letter "T". Dis, dat, dey, the Bell Curve on display!
Hey Lootie, is that your mother in your avatar link? Nice tits!
No, it's yours!
I saw Mr. Johnson on MSNBC late last night as well. I can't imagine what he must be feeling. I can only imagine, a little, what Michael Brown's family is going through. Many of you reading this can, or don't have to, imagine. You know.
Thoughts and sincere prayers for all victims of violence, and a renewed personal commitment as a white man to do whatever I can to contribute toward attitudes that end systemic racism, ignorance, hatred. I saw that knowing I have no answers, and very little right to speak.
"a renewed personal commitment as a white man to do whatever I can to contribute toward attitudes that end systemic racism, ignorance, hatred"
Noble sentiments, certainly, and quite brave of you to voice in this dark era of universal contempt for equality (I hope you don't lose your job over this heresy), but maybe you could explain what "systemic racism, ignorance, hatred" had to do with Michael Brown's demise? (I assume these attributes are ascribed to your fellow white Americans).
Does Michael Brown's behavior not factor into what transpired? If indeed, as the police have inferred, he tried to take an officer's gun (ostensibly to kill him, one would surmise), I don't see where any implied ignorant racist hate factors in.
But please, enlighten me.
The easiest way to delegitimize righteous protest is to spend all of your resources over-policeing angry but non-violent protesters while abandoning nearby commercial zones to let the hanger-on idiots to run riot.
Watch the news: they aren't going to tell you the truth, bit its there if you look for it. The people with signs and fists in the air (who aren't going to vandalize anything) are surrounded by phalanxes of cops in riot gear. The looters, however, are nearby demolishing whole blocks with nary a cop blowing a whistle.
I know how it works. I am Whitey after all.
Da fuck would anybody loot a Taco Bell?
Anonymous1:27 PMDa fuck would anybody loot a Taco Bell?
Burritos and guacamole?
@Field, it would be interesting to know the age group of your trolls. My guess is that they're awful young with milk still on their breathe judging from some of their immature comments. It's like a game to them.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
The people with signs and fists in the air (who aren't going to vandalize anything) are surrounded by phalanxes of cops in riot gear. The looters, however, are nearby demolishing whole blocks with nary a cop blowing a whistle.
Of course the cops pick on protestors instead of going after looters.
Which group is a physical threat to the cops? Which group has guns? Which group is intent on breaking the law?
Cops, like criminals and mass shooters, pick on those weaker than they are.
That's how government bullies roll.
More killings, more protests, and more democrats getting reelected.
As long as the same party keeps getting voted into office, I see no reason things will change.
"More killings, more protests, and more democrats getting reelected."
Dumbest post ever.
"@Field, it would be interesting to know the age group of your trolls. My guess is that they're awful young with milk still on their breathe judging from some of their immature comments. It's like a game to them."
Yep, I get that sense too. Especially Kinky.
"We have facts now, no reason to blindly believe the psychic predictions of scientists."
We also don't need stupid posts from our village idiot.
Anon@12:10, atty Crump pays more.in taxes than your pwt ass earns in a year. So make fun of him all u want. :)
6:27 AM
I highly doubt it, since his house went into foreclosure. And it wasn't even that expensive. TNB.
Nattering Jack lost her practice until a plane literally fell out of the sky and saved her pathetic grifter butt.
The two of them are such pathetic bottom dwelling losers that have proven that the only thing they are truly good at is failing in life.
Bill, did you read the article?
"The cell phone distribution program did begin in 2008, the year Obama was elected president, but that is a coincidence. Let’s look more closely at the facts.
Notice that earlier we said Link-Up helps fund “installation.” What installation does a cell phone have? None. So why is installation part of Link-Up, which is under the Lifeline program umbrella? Because, the whole thing began back in 1996 when the Federal Communications Commission authorized the programs for landline phones. At that time it provided discounts on landline phones only, for obvious reasons.
To this day the government provides discounts on landline phones for financially disadvantaged people in the United States and U.S. territories. The Link-Up portion helps with the installation and the Lifeline Assistance part helps with the monthly bills, to the tune of roughly ten dollars a month.
So, the subsidization of phones began under President Clinton, and has continued under Presidents Bush and Obama.
Over that time, the usage of cell phones rose and the costs came down. Assuming one believes in the Lifeline program in the first place, and remembering that the FCC has mandated the program, it only makes sense to expand the phone assistance program to include cell phones. So, in 2008 the first application of this program for mobile phones began when a company called Tracfone started their Safelink Wireless service in Tennessee.
Aha, some say, that’s the same year Obama was elected! Well, that’s true. But the service in Tennessee was launched three months prior to Obama being elected. And that means the discussion and approval of the extension of the program occurred under President Bush’s watch.
The Bush Phone, anyone?"
In other words, the program was initiated before President Obama.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Bill, did you read the article?
Yes, the obamaphone started before obama was president.
What you call an article I call ad copy.
I was just having fun with mark henry was for profiting off helping poor people get free government stuff.
Bill, what do you do for a living?
The post is about Michael.Brown and Granny comments about phones?
For those who like to complain about subsidized housing to help those less fortunate. I'd like to know where these folks are supposed to sleep if they cannot afford the rent. They have to sleep somewhere. Since people complain about the homeless sleeping on the streets, did it ever occur to you that more might wind up homeless in the future without subsidys that exist. You never know what the future might bring, you could be added to the homeless list as well. Many of those folks caught up in foreclosure didn't think they'd wind up in the situation they were in, but it happened. As it was meant to be because many of them had no sympathy or compassion for those who were less fortunate than them.
Everybody cannot be doctors, lawyers, CEO's, etc. Just as everyone is not college material.
BTW, I know what the topic is, but I'm lead to say a few things right now before I forget. I also, have a few things to say about Michael Brown too after this.
So, if you'll please just bear with me. Thank You.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
'Everybody cannot be doctors, lawyers, CEO's, etc. Just as everyone is not college material.'
Somebody needs to tell Yingyang that.
Yīshēng said...
Bill, what do you do for a living?
More details?
Bill, what do you do for a living?
So you're unemployed?
PWT@2:32, I don't doubt it, in fact, I am pretty sure u are unemployed and live at home with your parents.
That's TPWTB.
Bill, are u a member of ASCAP?
field negro said...
Bill, are u a member of ASCAP?
Does that make me a hypocrite?
Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
For those who like to complain about subsidized housing to help those less fortunate. I'd like to know where these folks are supposed to sleep if they cannot afford the rent.
I'd like to know why low income people keep spreading their legs and having spawn they can't feed or raise, yet feel entitled to steal from other people's children to pay for THEIR lack of self control.
Birth control is cheap and widely available. There's no excuse.
It was a NOTAMS restricting air space over the NPBB march so LEO wouldn't have interference (here's looking at you, media). Protest over, crowd dispersed, NOTAMS lifted.
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Examples of incomes
$15,080 - The annual salary, before taxes, of a minimum-wage worker who logs 40 hours a week.
$1,256 - Monthly salary, before taxes, for that same worker.
$21,008 - The annual salary, before taxes, of a worker logging 40 hours at an hourly rate of $10.10.
$1,616 - The monthly salary, before taxes, for that same worker.
$879.20 - Average monthly cost of food for a family of four, according to USDA estimates for January 2014.
$2,912 - Annual cost of gas for the average U.S. household in 2012, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration."
Michael Brown's friend told what he saw happened and so did other people who saw it, but their word will be dismissed and ignored. The policeman's word will be taken over theirs as usual. Nothing new there.
HIS Friend's version:
"Johnson, who said he moved into the neighborhood about eight months ago, said he met Brown three months ago and the two became fast friends."
“Everyone else’s mentality be on some nonsense, silliness,” Johnson said. “But Mike had his mind set on more than that, helping others. I just got a good feeling from being around him.”
"About 20 minutes before the shooting, Johnson said he saw Brown walking down the street and decided to catch up with him. The two walked and talked. That’s when Johnson says they saw the police car rolling up to them."
"The officer demanded that the two “get the f—k on the sidewalk,” Johnson says. “His exact words were get the f—k on the sidewalk.”
"After telling the officer that they were almost at their destination, Johnson’s house, the two continued walking. But as they did, Johnson says the officer slammed his brakes and threw his truck in reverse, nearly hitting them."
"Now, in line with the officer’s driver’s side door, they could see the officer’s face. They heard him say something to the effect of, “what’d you say?” At the same time, Johnson says the officer attempted to thrust his door open but the door slammed into Brown and bounced closed. Johnson says the officer, with his left hand, grabbed Brown by the neck."
“I could see the muscles in his forearm,” Johnson said. “Mike was trying to get away from being choked.”
“They’re not wrestling so much as his arm went from his throat to now clenched on his shirt,” Johnson explained of the scene between Brown and the officer. “It’s like tug of war. He’s trying to pull him in. He’s pulling away, that’s when I heard, ‘I’m gonna shoot you.’”
"At that moment, Johnson says he fixed his gaze on the officer to see if he was pulling a stun gun or a real gun. That’s when he saw the muzzle of the officer’s gun."
“I seen the barrel of the gun pointed at my friend,” he said. “He had it pointed at him and said ‘I’ll shoot,’ one more time.”
Is that they way the police academy trains them to talk to kids? Are misdemeanors worthy of a death offense? The word lynch did not just mean hanging back in the day, it also covered execution without the benefit of a trial.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"Since the 1980s, rents (right scale) have risen, while incomes (left scale) have fallen. Both series are adjusted for inflation"
Rents are too damn high in urban areas primarily due to liberal city government interference in terms of rent controls and restrictive building regulations.
Left to itself, the market would provide low-cost housing to willing buyers.
Want lower rent? Vote Republican.
"I'd like to know why low income people keep spreading their legs and having spawn they can't feed or raise, yet feel entitled to steal from other people's children to pay for THEIR lack of self control."
Point. Match. Game.
@ Granny: Let me translate Mr. Johnson's story out of Bullshitese into English:
We were walking down the middle of the street when a police officer told us to use the sidewalk. We refused.
When the policemen backed up his vehicle, Michael Brown held the door closed so he couldn't get out.
The situation quickly escalated into a struggle. The policeman drew his gun and warned Michael Brown several times to stop resisting arrest before shooting him.
Misdemeanors do not merit a death sentence. Fighting with a police officer over his weapon does.
Heyyyyyy... WMV ....
Now that you've identified your hatred for black folk...The question is what are YOU gonna do about it?? Are you gonna cry and whine every day on this blog? How long are u gonna put up with being a Victim??? I mean since Black people are threatening the civility of a country created from slavery and racsim... You sound pretty powerless to do anything about it .... WEAK WHINING WHITE MAN...
There must be about 4 or 5 of you Whiner's in here on a daily basis....
According to whites, African American so-call support and defend thugs who commit Black on Black crimes, which is not true. Shootings traumatize the African American community and the majority of them wish they would stop/end.
The thing that upsets African Americans is that the police have a tendency to want to use excessive force or kill UNARMED African American kids for the slightest infracture when they propose no threat. African Americans do NOT support or go along with a kid who has a gun or shooting at the police. The difference in treatment and the attitude that an African American kid is automatically guilty when a kid is just being a kid minding their own business that they deserve what happened to them is another thing that upsets the African American community. As if their life is of no value.
Even the difference in sentencing is disturbing. The belief that everyone who lives in an inner city is a criminal is ridiculous. Like any other place they have the working class, two parent households, single parents homes, church people, retirees, students, and citizens that obey the laws and are good people.
"Misdemeanors do not merit a death sentence. Fighting with a police officer over his weapon does."
Fixer, I don't believe that is what happened. In fact, I believe the policemen is trying to cover his behind and I feel it deep down in my soul and spirit. I don't believe in upholding people in their wrongdoing and that includes my own. I believe in what is right and fair.
You believe what you want to believe, Granny.
You have no way of knowing the truth of this matter at this point.
"when a kid is just being a kid minding their own business"
Walking down the middle of the street, refusing to obey a police officer, resisting arrest, and fighting over his weapon is not "minding their own business"
"When the policemen backed up his vehicle, Michael Brown held the door closed so he couldn't get out."
Now, that is about the most weak, foolish argument I've ever heard in my entire lifetime. No, I take that back I read dumb stuff on here all the time. Smh!
"Want lower rent? Vote Republican."
Hahahaha, chuckle, chuckle, I see you're full of jokes today. Smh!
Well, I think I'll go and watch some movies and relax.
Why of Course He HAD to Murder the child said...
"refusing to obey a police officer, resisting arrest, and fighting over his weapon is not "minding their own business""
So in this Neanderthals mind..
the only solution is SHOOT!!
Thats usually the response for scared Perpetual victims..
Not trained Law Enforcemnent..
Keep on advocating for wanton murder..
The universe has a great way of implementing Karma...
Granny @ 6:17 said:
As if their life is of no value.
Granny, it's worse than that. For most white people, black kids have a negative value. To them, a dead black kid is a "win" because it's one less to feed/clothe, or as the real haters like to say, warehouse in the prison system.
Doubt me? Go over to the site that worked overtime in support of Zimmerman - they now are in full Michael Brown mode.
If the comments there on the Michael Brown posts don't make you realize that black kids have negative value to whites, I don't know what will.
BIB wrote
Now that you've identified your hatred for black
folk...The question is what are YOU gonna do about it?? Are you gonna cry and whine every day on this blog? How long are u gonna put up with being a Victim??? I mean since Black people are threatening the civility of a country created from slavery and racsim... You sound pretty powerless to do anything about it .... WEAK WHINING WHITE MAN...
There must be about 4 or 5 of you Whiner's in here on a daily basis....
Spare me please. Just strip down to your skivvies, put a bone in your nose and start beating a bongo drum. You'll get in touch with your real Blackness.
I'm just curious about what makes Blacks think that this incident gives them the right to loot the businesses of innocent people? No wonder so many of you get shot by the popo.
Just because Officers are put in dangerous situations doesn’t excuse using more force than is needed to subdue someone.
Its a lack of professional training that leads to a fear-based responses... or...
They just get off on viewing everyone as enemy combatants. Which is probably the case here.
Then you have no accountability afterward..and black people begin to see a pattern...
The Riots and outbursts are symptoms of the greater cause ..
White Whiner said...
"Spare me please..."
The floor is wet with White Victim Tears...
In a perpetual Tizzy about the poor downtrodden African...
Pathetic... Im beginning to think this thing that constantly weeps on this blog is a "Bot" with pre-programmed responses...
Lets all see what the
W.M V. victim bot will say today??
I mean its kind of limited vocab , but still fun to play with...
It knows words like..
Spear Chucker
All pre-programmed and ready to go !!
Stormfront must of messed up the programming on this one it only knows like 3 "memes"
Im Kinda dissapointed
Carry on...
Just because Officers are put in dangerous situations doesn’t excuse using more force than is needed to subdue someone.
If you are a policeman and someone is trying to take your weapon from you, you are right to fear for your life.
Michael Brown evidently was taught to view the police as enemy combatants. That's the pattern here - black hostility towards authority. Michael Brown felt entitled to dismiss a policeman's request to use the sidewalk, as he felt entitled to attack him when the policeman pressed the issue.
What's the cop supposed to do? Drive away? What happens the next time the police ask someone to obey the law?
Negroes live in chaos because they create chaos. Many blacks cannot live by the rules of white society. Segregation might have saved Michael Brown's life. Living together is just not working out.
Want lower rent? Vote Republican.
Go fuck your mother crackkka.
I Know What Happened Before The Investigation begins said....
"If you are a policeman and someone is trying to take your weapon from you, you are right to fear for your life."
Well thats it .. W.M.V#99 has it all wrapped up tell everybody to go home , and have a nice day..
No need to look at cameras, videos....Nahhh none of that...
Are you stuck in a 50's time warp?
The police dept hasnt even issued a statement yet on ANY details..
and "Git Er Done" has it all WRAPPED up..
AMAZING.. you should move down there , and show them how to run a REAL investigation..
BIB wrote,
Im Kinda dissapointed
Not as disappointed as when your EBT card gets turned off.
W.M.V. Bot#1 said
"Not as disappointed as when your EBT card gets turned off"
Dammmm... My Bad....
Did I forget your other pre programmed responses?
Awww Im sorry W.M.V#1
Hey ,..... The comment box is open again .. You can go use another one Ok?..
G'head ..say it like they taught you..
We wont Laugh at you I Promise...
What is an EBT card and YBT?
BIB, go easy on the WMV's. One of them might get pissed at your uppityness and kill their family and shoot up a preschool.
sent from my Obamaphone @8:19pm.
"Well thats it .. W.M.V#99 has it all wrapped up tell everybody to go home , and have a nice day.."
Says the guy who is all for burning down a town before he knows a thing about what happened.
Everyone is sick of dealing with negroes. Something has to give.
Will someone please answer my question?
Ferguson was built by white people to escape the crime black people inflicted on St. Louis. But wherever whites go and build a civilization out of the wilderness, the same forces that ensure the wilderness returns follows... just ask the few remaining white people in Spanish Lake (North St. Louis County).
Talk about 'mapping decline" all you want; the only statistic that matters to a city's viability is its percentage of black people. More than 10 percent, and your city is inevitably doomed.
Here's what white people correctly flee from in St. Louis (remember, the city is 49 percent black and 43 percent white). According to 2012 Metropolitan Police Department, City of St. Louis: Annual Report to the Community:
84.7% of those arrested for aggravated assault in St. Louis in 2012 were black.
91.8% of those arrested for robbery in St. Louis in 2012 were black.
97.6% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2012 were black.
Crime, in St. Louis, has a color.
It's black.
Which brings us to Michael Brown's hometown of Ferguson, a once lily-white suburb of St. Louis.
Out of population of 21,000 (roughly), the city is 28 percent white and 67 percent black.
Back in 2000, the city was 44 percent white and 52.7 percent black (out of roughly 22,000).
Suburbs exist for one reason: the opportunity for white people to keep alive some flame of the civilization their white ancestors built over centuries on a landmass previously occupied by illiterate, nomadic tribes.
St. Louis long ago quit being a city capable of preserving the civilization white people created, with the regression to the black mean a mere formality at this point.
Because Freedom of Association (Restrictive Covenants) has been outlawed in the United States of America, every suburb of St. Louis will share the fate of the Ferguson and Spanish Lake.
Wherever whites go, the black undertow will follow: no matter what conservatives do at this point, it's merely rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
There are some people who just want to watch the world burn; count me among them.
Funny thing though: we don't even have to light the match.
Nature will.
And inevitably Ferguson will soon be nothing more than 98 percent black East St. Louis.
@GrannyStandingforTruth, EBT is the abbreviation for public assistance/food stamps, and is also used as a slang term by knuckle dragging racist slackjaws against Black people, cause you know, we are all on welfare/food stamps. I think YBT is just a typo for EBT.
Git Er Done said...
"Says the guy who is all for burning down a town before he knows a thing about what happened."
Now...Your having delusions of Black people advocating for violence...
I said I UNDERSTAND the Symptoms that cause the Rioting ...
Never said it was A-Ok...
I know the Victim mentality loves to TWIST every little nuance and hyperbole to your advantage.
W.M.V. said "
Everyone is sick of dealing with negroes. Something has to give."
Then you immediately attempt to attach your depravity to EVERYONE...
We are going to need a mop in here soon with all this crying going on..
I just hope your not teaching the lil ones to whine , and cry...
Now...Your having delusions of Black people advocating for violence...
You are an idiot. I guess all the video of Blacks rioting is just a figment of everyone's imagination.
"Everyone is sick of dealing with negroes. Something has to give."
And yet here you are.
Anonymous 8:30, Thank you!
It is sick and cold-hearted that QLB complains on a daily basis and is so obsessed with an EBT card that barely buys crumbs for the poor to eat. Yet, QLB's FAT ASS inhales food on a daily basis. Smh!
She reminds me of the rich man and Lazarus in the bible.
Dear Granny, QLB is male who has had a traumatic life and has had bad experiences with Blacks, esp bm. There is no reasoning or explaining to QLB his mind re: Blacks was made up years ago. Now he spends his life hating and degrading Blacks he is powerless over.
QLB hates life and himself. He blames Blacks for his predicament.
It is fruitless to even engage in a conversation with this nut case. It's like talking to a crazy person on the street. There is no reasoning with a crazy person.
Thank you for the above comment! This would be a good beginning.
Field, wonder if you saw this site. It's related to the way police victims are portrayed in the media and should be seen by everyone (at least every white person) in the country:
Dorin Johnson didn't steal. He put the items Michael Brown put in his bag back. Dorin Johnson didn't get shot. Shouldn't this be the conversation? What did Dorin Johnson get in his upbringing that Michael Brown clearly did not. As a mother of a young Black man, who grew up in a two-parent household, it is important to tell our youth how the world will treat them so that they will understand how to manage themselves within that world. It may not be something we want to do as parents, but if we love our children, it is something we must do. As for Dorin Johnson, your parents did something right.
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The only way to change the way black people are treated by the police and the country, is to get out in mass an vote in Presidential, state and local elections. We have to read, become informed and know who our representative are and what they believe. Vote out people who don't serve our interests!
Some of you make me laugh. If someone would open your car door, beat you in the face and try to take your pistol from your center armrest console; and if you had to fight to keep it; then....he leaves....he turns and runs back toward you, everyone of you fools would empty that gun on him. You would be right in doing it. So was the cop. You are letting Al Sharpton and a bunch of race pimps fire you up like a bunch of 6th graders to do damage to cover for Obama's illegal executive order he is planning. Which...by the way.....is going to increase the working illegals who will take your jobs.
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