My man took to twitter to rip this particular aspect of "American exceptionalism".
"Racial discrimination is still a dilemma in the U.S.
"Today like previous years, African-Americans are still under pressure, oppressed and subjected to discrimination. #Ferguson"
"In 1992 a popular uprising protesting the blatant oppression of black ppl couldn't be subdued by the police so #army got involved. #Ferguson"
"During Clinton’s presidency,+80 Davidians including men,women & #children were burnt alive at a house. This is their #HumanRights!" [Source]
Yo Ayatollah, back away from the computer there for a minute. Maybe a little more focus on giving spiritual guidance and less on hashtags is needed.
Anyway, I am not aligning myself with the Ayatollah, and I am pretty sure that most black folks in America feel the same way. They understand that they are times when they are mistreated in this country, and that America has a long way to go to become a perfect union, but they are not naïve,enough to believe that they would have it any better in a place like Iran. Or that, compared to America, Iran can take the high road on the issue of human rights.
Still, there is an important lesson to be learned here: America cannot get away with not placing equal value on the lives of all of her citizens. That "shining city on a hill" is being watched by others.
Sadly, though, that city isn't shining as bright as it should be. And it doesn't take an Ayatollah from across the world to see it.
Speaking of twitter, I tweeted about Rev. Jesse Jackson being booed in Ferguson and the response I got from the white people in my twitter line was interesting.
Jesse Jackson being booed by black folks is not surprising to us black folks, but apparently it was to whites.
The only people who hold up Jesse Jackson as the leader of black folks are white producers on cable news shows, conservatives, and white trolls in the Internet.
While we respect what Jesse Jackson did during the civil rights movement and all the other times that he spoke up for people of color when it was not cool to do so, his power and influence (at least among black people) started fading a long time ago.
White people, on the other hand, are still under the impression that we view Jesse Jackson as our go to person on racial injustice in 2014 the same way that we did in 1984.
But we understand why this is the case. When you don't actually know any black people, and all of your perceptions about us are programmed for you by cable news, we don't expect you to know any better.
A popular black pundit on CNN called out Al Sharpton today. Black folks were not surprised. Because, as with the case of Rev. Jackson, there is a myriad of views about him within the black community.
"FAMILiES of the victims pleaseeeeee stop asking #alsharpton to speak or ur behalf,you have a better chance having #caesar the monkey from #planetoftheapes to get justice for you..the stats also show AL coon sharpton has not helped one situation he has protested at,he actually made it worst and because of him the jury goes the other way..(think about it) Jena six,trayvon and the list goes back way back..#AL ur like a #THOT in the club,lookn for attention what u said at trayvons rally #enoughisenough ur right were tired of u PRETENDING” [Source]
That was another black person.
It's hard out here for a reverend these days.
The problem with Al Sharpton, and to a lesser degree Jesse Jackson, is that they don't always seem to do their homework on the causes they advocate for.
If you are going to go to bat for someone who has experienced an injustice, you might want to do due diligence to determine whether an injustice really did occur before you put your own credibility on the line for them. On too many occasions, Sharpton has shown up to march and protest, but then it later turns out the person who is the supposed victim actually made the whole thing up, or part of their story was wrong, or whatever. (I'm thinking of the Tawana Brawley fiasco, especially.)
As a result, Sharpton doesn't have too much cred with white people. I don't just mean the racist white people. I mean ALL white people. When Reverend Al shows up, white folks are like:
If Sharpton's here, there's probably no merit to this complaint. It's probably just a crazy person, or someone promoting a nuisance lawsuit. Et cetera.
In that sense, Al and Jesse can end up hurting your case. If I were a black person who'd experienced a racist injustice, I'd call a good attorney, not either of those two. That's all I'm saying.
It's not only Iran that likes to throw rocks at America. Russia's in on the game, too.
Iran's Press TV and Russia's RT network seem to exist solely to troll America (while completely whitewashing all the bad stuff that goes on in Iran and Russia, naturally).
While I'd agree that the United States is hardly a perfect country -- with regards to either our justice system or economic policies -- it's still pretty hilarious getting a lecture from either of those nations.
Yawn, so much for the Revs. Meanwhile in Chicago there were THREE 16 year old "youts" gunned down this weekend and not a peep from the race baiters. I can hear the chants of no justice no peace from here. Pathetic.
Does anyone wonder how much 'Negro fatigue' does it take for a racist to the core piece of shit to finally drag himself back home to sex perverted family Stormfront?
QLB, this is about you, you racist piece of shit.
That pitcher on the Taney Dragons is pretty damn amazing. Let's hope she can carry her team to the final round. Philly could use some good sports news for a change.
QLB, did you serve in the military? Do you have a college degree?
not so sure about Rev. Sharpton not having influence. A few years back I had a problem with a racist radio host here in Chicago and with the Rev's help we got something done about it. He knew the right people to contact and actually cared when others would just as soon look the other way. At least Rev. Sharpton stands up for blah folks. We ned more people like him.
It's no wonder than the cops hushed up how many times Brown was shot. The autopsy seems to match up with the witnesses' accounts, except that Brown wasn't shot from behind. Apparently it just looked like Brown was hit when he stopped running, assuming the autopsy was correct. It might be hard to tell if the shot in the hand entered from the front or back. The cop should be charged with murder.
someone wanted to know a few threads back where i am...
watching this all go down while trying not to sound off out of turn.
when folk get done crying 'bout the po po busting caps in wayward BM's behinds- like they fresh off the middle passage ship, with NO CLUE that this is what the po po DO...
all i want to know is why folk are not bothering to teach their sons 'bout the importance of Act Right?
where is this 6'4 teenager's daddy and why did he not teach his big A son how to preserve his life in a hostile as hail environment like america? ain't NO body trying to do nothing BUT bust caps when folk big AND out of order. come on now. everyone calling it is NOT "racist".
maybe instead of crying about the injustice system, maybe menfolk could bass voice each other 'bout the importance of respecting BW and raising their children?
there's a thought...
when one even addresses the injustice system and the media whores that just can't get enough $ behind crying 'bout what white folk are doing to Black folk. 'cause folk best believe these same ones (sharpton and co.) won't make a sound when it is BW suffering at the hands of BM- think dunbar village. folk can call these clowns, too. sharpton isn't coming if there are no white folk to rail against. or if he shows up...
he will advocate for the BM perps. watch as BM now get the man version of what was he wearing? folk looking for a perfect human being in order to care about his life. just as BW get that same treatment when folk are doing stuff to us. BM are the worst perpetrators of this madness. so i have no rivers to cry here. just as there were no rivers to cry for the jena 6 or trayvon martin psyh ops. since when did Black folk determine that whatever the media tells us to be upset about, we were? throw genarlow wilson in the on demand, everybody get up in arms psych ops. then when you dig deep enough you got BM doing what they ought not.
take note though that even as slow negroes finally address media whore sharpton, they STILL manage to heap some of the disrespect negroes have made up for BW.
"#AL ur like a #THOT in the club..."
so as folk try to legitimize the disrespectful madness, they may want to take note that it is now being used for BM. there's more where that came from...
Russian and Iran are calling america out because they got next on the one world order crush that's going blazing through the world. since they aided with the destabilization of libya...
it is fitting.
and both these nations CAN speak to america 'bout her ongoing poor treatment of Black americans. few nation can boast of the special shade of wickedness america has reserved for Black americans. the fact that Blacks are perpetually befuddled is what kills me.
then when one clocks the pure uncut wickedness quite a few Black menfolk, all ages, reserve the right to perpetuate against anyone that crosses paths with 'em...
it all gets to be a bit much.
at least for me, anyways. and for the sistas that just can't wait to go marching in protection of BM (backwards!! cut.it.out! let the MENFOLK handle MAN business- they just might MAN UP in much larger numbers!)
so while i disagree with the no one cares analysis of this sista. the rest, i got no beef with. she is hitting all the notes. especially the point suggesting all the special women need to get to marching. lol. 'cause when the mess hits the fan, it is the Black women that show up to support. enough of that. THOT that nugget of that's what it is...
"Imma say it the rough way: You’re a fool if you risk being maimed and killed for AA males who will go right back to calling you and other BW bitch, hoe, trick and THOT as soon as the protest is over. To the mammy mules who argue, “What if it was your [Black] husband, son, father, brother, uncle, nephew, etc. who was gunned down by the police?” My answer: I STILL would not participate in a protest nowadays. It would be up to the surviving MEN in my family to handle the family business regarding the killing of a male relative. It’s not my role as a woman to be on anybody’s front line serving as cannon fodder. It’s not a woman’s role to go into combat against males. "
she addresses the police state situation.
so does he:
while menfolk that collectively boast a close to 80% out of wedlock birthrate moan and groan 'bout their out of order sons getting the first run on turnt up brutality. (folk don't care 'bout the daughters too much)
slow negroes stuck on race/color bickering with racists.
women control sex. men control marriage. the sistas need to cut.folk.OFF! or just be quiet when their children suffer. the friends of fools suffer. how much more the women and children of fools? cut it out + off ladies!
Black folk are not so much victims as much as volunteers at this point.
ps. the asian man, a thread ago, talking 'bout this is not his country = right.
that would go for jamaicans, too.
that sentiment does NOT apply to Black Americans. folk best recognize. we are a different nation.
beware of Psalm 83'ers teaching we are helpless and hopeless. folk need to act like they know they are men. respect Yah + yourselves BM. respect the mothers of your children. respect/raise your children. th future protectors AND mothers of the nation. the nonstop carnage would sustain a major dent that way.
Usually at these "unique situation" the presence of a man or a women is too late. Brother Mike did not understand who had the deadly weapon and who had the perceived authority of the encounter. In other words , do what the officer asked! Evidently the men that we want at these rallies did not instruct these young men how to survive on America soil. IT IS SAD THAT I ASK THE VICTEM TO TAKE SUCH A SUBORNATE POSTURE. Unfortunately the goal in war is to survive. If you think American life is not war- the "War on Drugs" was the shot across the bow-, live long enough.
Now, about REVERAND AL SHARPTON* with a booming voice*, I have been in his presence on several occasions. HE WAS NEEDED IN THE 70s and 80s. Do you people think that the white man woke up one day and said "let me be fair to these darkies"? Brother Sharpton brought visibility and light to these dark situations of then and now.
Most police assault and abuse people that are generally poor and without no social powers, therefor it would be nice, fantastic and great to get super lawyers to defend you. But the word "poor" trumps most situations in our judicial system on America soil. So yes, allow Bro> AL in the mix Without him it will be a quick and bam ride through the system or with him, you might be that 1%.
Each of these casees has the same formula. Throw a lot of police intelligence out slowly so as to marinate the minds of people that have few reasons to love you thus tainting a potential jury way before time. ( I hate to think how Ferguson's jury pool looks like- seeing that the Blacks have not participated in damn near nothing)
As I said I write from experience and life's established norms. I had a 15 count of felonious rioting and assault with attempt- so I understand the need for money. Lucky my family had property to assist my wife, brother and myself. So Brother Al was is the only hope. AND YES, he goes into these situations without full knowledge. REMEMBER***** Sister Brawley also fooled the police. Should not their expertise be questioned. Is Brother Sharpton better investigator than NY police?
Don't you think it is time for Bro. Al to not have to carry such a load? Let us do what we can to lighten his load. At least have clean hands going into these unique confortations. Do our part because we have no control over that office that strays off script.
Agent, it will be tough to win the whole thing, but that would be awesome if they did.
Pilot, Rev Al can still bring attention to a cause.The National Action Network has money and foot soldiers. Then there is his tv show and name recognition.
Problem with Al and others like him is, where are u after the smoke clears and the cameras go away?
I understand the age limitation that I can have about Rev. A> Once his mission is over he has a life. He serve to rally the citizen to be proactive after these terrible events.
Who amass the people around this tragic event? Us Blacks still have to fight for basic justice. Ask the question, where are LaBron, NBAers (they are Black males that white America loves... but they have no true influence when it comes to white America).
Where is Oprah, Majic... they were there when a white man made a benign statement about a Black. Now we presents with a situation whereby a Black child was pumped full of lead. Where are all those "rich" Blacks. They hiding until the wind dies down. I see you JZ, Puff.
Do you see ALL THE SUPPORT 1 errant police is hiding behind. All these Black males with the childish names acting childish.
IF all these powerful Blacks step forward we would not need ancient, old. shell of the past... the Rev. Al Sharpton
When they going to arrest that officer? That would stop all the angst and anger. The white man is a master. I give him credit. He know people. He is the master choreographer. We going to need more smarts to beat him at the masterful society he controls.
@ StillaPanther2, Thank you!
Being of the same generation as yourself,and having seen and lived through the immense struggle, (and it was immense), with many casualties and sacrifices along the way, I can also appreciate the Rev.Al Sharpton's contributions to it. As well as, in my opinion anyway, the contributions of Mr. Jesse Jackson.
They were there to voice and activate when it was needed. Kudos to them always! They not only bought attention to the African American situation, but also to the Latino one. and we also benefited from them greatly!
I just want to remind the younger generation, who perhaps did not witness and live through this in person as we did, that THEY WERE THERE on the front lines and taking the heat!
They have made their bones and I would say deserve a break in their golden years.
They gave their youth for the cause. and do deserve a television program or two at the very least:) In large part it is on their shoulders that we stand today.
AND they still find the time and energy to go out and participate. Again, kudos to them. They were my heroes in a land that had no heroes for me or mine.
And to the naysayers that want black youth to march in lockstep with maybe a permanent hand salute to the police, I say, Manson, Bundy,et al.,were not shot and killed for shoplifting,or strangled to death for selling cigarettes,etc,etc,etc, and on and on!!!!!
It was hatred,racism and prejudice that killed these black men.
The code of conduct for all law enforcement has to be enforced by their chiefs and superiors.
"Problem with Al and others like him is, where are u after the smoke clears and the cameras go away?"
That's up to you. He can't dwell on any one problem, he has a lot of folks to help. He turned me on to the right people and it was up to me to follow through.
"When they going to arrest that officer? That would stop all the angst and anger."
Your question remind me of the same question that was asked about Zimmerman when he shot TM dead. To me this is the same movie rerun except it's in St Louis instead of Florida or NYC or LA.
This White officer is free and protected, not only now, but after the trial. You see, the justice system has a double standard..one for Whites and another for Blacks.
This should be self-evident to everyone willing to give up their denials that Whites and Blacks are NOT treated the same in America:
The White Justice System 'protects' White-- but 'punishes' Blacks unmercifully, even to their death.
"The white man is a master. I give him credit. He know people. He is the master choreographer."
The White man has always been the master when it comes to us. American history proves that. Yes, he DOES KNOW US, and knows what to do.
"We going to need more smarts to beat him at the masterful society he controls."
Well, there's a novel thought: "we going to need more smarts..." I agree. But I sometimes wonder if that is possible. We trash Rev Al, Jesse Jackson...proving to Whites that we agree with them about ourselves.
We are so full of out of control suppressed emotions that go back past Jim Crow, even to slavery, I sometimes wonder if becoming smarter is possible? When I look at our folks in Ferguson, they are run by balls of emotions that turn into shameless ignorance that is destructive to their own well-being. They don't vote, are not engaged with their local government, don't teach their children not to act belligerent and defying with the police...what do they think will happen?
St Louis is a hell-hole. As a matter of fact, MO is a hell-hole, esp for Blacks.
When they going to arrest that officer? That would stop all the angst and anger.
The officer will not be arrested. Each night that the media helpfully shows Ferguson burning and out of control, in every neighborhood in America, organizers are going door to door and whispering, "See? The Democrats can't protect you from out of control blacks ...." Even whites who voted for Obama to convince themselves we now live in "post-racial" America will be pulling the lever for anyone except the (D) on the ballot come November.
Remember, remember, soon comes November.
Black are correct when they state "they" weren't responsible for Obama's election. This is true, it was moderate whites who made the difference. Those same moderate whites will flee the (D).
Still, there is an important lesson to be learned here: America cannot get away with not placing equal value on the lives of all of her citizens. That "shining city on a hill" is being watched by others.
I think the lesson is that America is imploding on itself because it has two different standards of conduct for its inhabitants.
One standard for its citizens which pay the tolls for a civil, polite society which resolves its conflicts through negotiation and resolutions. This is the "shining city on a hill" the world sees.
The second standard is for a group of permanent internal detainees who practice domestic terrorism on a daily basis. The threat of violence is the default choice, which escalates to real violence if the citizens refuse to capitulate. This permanent underclass demands to roam at will, robbing, looting, raping and killing without being compelled to comply with the standards of conduct expect of the citizenry. The barbarians still operate freely within America.
While Barbary corsairs naturally looted the cargo of ships they captured, their primary goal was to capture and enslave people on land or at sea. The slaves were often sold or put to work in various ways in North Africa.
What America needs is leadership courageous enough to put an end to this domestic terrorism bullshit once and for all. We need a modern day Decatur who will won't stop until the barbarians beg for it to stop.
Oh, and blacks were always down with the slavery. Still are today.
While Barbary corsairs naturally looted the cargo of ships they captured, their primary goal was to capture and enslave people on land or at sea. The slaves were often sold or put to work in various ways in North Africa.
Historian Robert C. Davis estimated that between 1530 and 1780 1–1.25 million Europeans were captured and taken as slaves to North Africa, principally Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, but also Constantinople and Salé.[22]
(Wiki - Barbary Pirates)
This White officer is free and protected, not only now, but after the trial. You see, the justice system has a double standard..one for Whites and another for Blacks.
No, blacks demand a society built on double standards. They expect whites to live in fear of them and adhere to the "Safari Principle" - don't get out of your car, don't interfere with blacks committing violence and crime, and just take your ass whooping like a good cracka.
Sorry, whites aren't interested in going along with that "system".
Until blacks realize that in this society, using your fists or anything else to threaten and intimidate is not an acceptable way to resolve conflict or to get what you seek, then the response to their barbarianism will only escalate.
Blacks have very short memory spans. Go read some non-fuxated actual history and not the made-up history spoon fed to blacks about what happens in the pushback phase.
Welcome to the post-Negro world. The pushback is coming not only from non-minorities in America, but across the western world.
Go read some non-black blogs and count the number of comments that are angry live ammunition is not being used on the "protesters" in Ferguson.
while folk sitting over here all nostalgic re: media whore Rev Hot Comb.
some of us can not remember first hand his honorable days. seems he's been james brown grand standing with a preacher twist for longer than a minute to me...
we can NEVER forget his souled out, BW go firmly under the bus flow. so his "bones" are best buried.
traitors can't come back expecting anything beside a whack...
and some from a distance forgiveness:)
it is also noted that no matter what, folk are quick to believe whatever is said about BW in any given situation.
THEN folk can come hard- with the women/girls.
like the lady recently that forgot she had a gun on her and took it into a place where they don't play that. as folk tried to throw the book at her...
the same ones that get all mealy mouth with the menfolk, in no uncertain terms assigned her responsibility to get some Act Right.
why is there a hesitancy to do this with the MENFOLK? quite a few folk are sick of some Black folk acting like they just can't get it. some of us are Black, too.
forgot to mention this before, but since Oscar Grant can be brawling in public like he has no child nor care for his life. like he fresh off the slave ship with no clue that he is in the midst of a hostile battle on all levels...
then folk go up in arms, on cue, when the po po come through to put his lights out. like folk don't know that THIS is what they do...
when one looks, Oscar Grant had a nice big mexican lady at home. WHERE are these "nice, docile, feminine" women when it is time to stand in harm's way on behalf of the BM and his honor?
"“According to statistics, 10.8% of Black Males are married to non-black partners and 19.7% cohabitate with non-black women. And while actual numbers are hard to find, anecdotal evidence of the ever increasing number of mixed raced children that result from these marriages, cohabitations and relationships equal to a good portion- lets saaaayyy....20% of black males, having children by non-black women."
"So...I'ma need to see those women accounted for - that 20% represented in Ferguson, MO, and at the next rally, protest and riot... in every city...for any reason... and every cause, held on the Black Male's behalf. I mean, this IS a team effort, after all, and since BLACK women are being made to feel obligated to get in 'the good fight', then Im'a need to see - standing RIGHT next to Al Sharpton and The NAACP - Becky, Mei Ling and Rosita... and I'ma need them all to be screaming "No Justice. No Peace", "DONT SHOOT!" and "Free Lil Boosie ", in whatever "native" tongue they used to prove to negroes just how 'exotic' and 'worthy' they were of his attention and time. Im'a need for Ms. Pakistan, Ms. Guatemala and Ms. Arabia to stand next to the hundreds of Sistas that show up to defend the honor and rights of Black Men every year. . .”
i could not agree more.
but keep focusing on white folk like the issue is them.
it is not.
they are consistent. and the war/battle started looong before the war on drugs farce. so while wicked whites lust for gun fire on Blacks, they are just not looking far enough ahead. what is done to the least WILL be done to the greatest. + the last shall be made first. this "Christian" nation should already know this.
whites hold no greater power than the Black man.
KJV Deuteronomy 28 breaks down precisely what we see AND the why. KJV Genesis 15:13-14 speaks to the beginning of the war with our historical enemies, when Abram was not even Abraham.
Scriptures speak to the curses and how to turn them into blessings. but folk are quick to toss out the history book aka Bible because it is "white contaminated", yet chase behind white folk seeking their approval like THAT makes sense. see how much play QLB commands on the regular over here. THAT is folk seeking her approval sacrificing dignity in the process. folk suggesting that slave mentality madness get cut out are the ones that are ignored-not QLB.
as long as the Black man seeks to worship himself- first, last and only- he will continue to get what he gets.
only now, some Black women are waking + wising up. some BW are stepping away from/dropping the BW need to be/act like men because BM just plain refuse trickbag. so the plot should get Real thick soon...
it is not just white folk sick of the just can't figure it out BM and the Black women protectors that don't know to go sit down somewhere and let menfolk handle their business. some of us Black folk are tired, too. the math is not that hard.
cops have a gun + a looooong history of first target practicing on black figures, then on Black people. plus they stay acquitted, free and paid. what's NOT clear? get your big A sons and teach 'em, Black men, where they are and how to preserve their lives!
THAT'S if you care.
if not, keep acting like folk could not care less about the lives of their own children- in large numbers- while yelling 'bout white folk not caring/respecting Black children's lives. 'cause THAT makes perfect sense + will garner respect.
over here folk know better and will still lump the children not behaving all wild and feral in with the offenders BEFORE they will address the plain as day hot mess. 'cause to do so means they would have to stop worshiping at the forbidden bm idol/golden calf. some folk are tired of all that and they are not all white and racist either.
Focused Purpose ...its surprising you would take the position that the victim pulled the trigger on himself....You sound like Jonathan Gentry....on this topic....The boy has a gunshot thru his open palm.... No matter what the kid did prior ..It doesnt justify that glaring piece of evidence.....
Even IF there were NO single parent households...You still have cops who feel that all black men are enemy combatants....
Making this issue about the lack of fathers in black communities counterproductive... It doesn't deal with excessive force used by the police.... And this From you of all people....
its good to know how u think though...Glad your telling everyone
its good to know how u think though...Glad your telling everyone.
Dude, you REALLY are thick if you think this is the first time Sybil has shown her true colors.
Aww yes, it was ALL GOOD when I was the source of her ignorantly incoherent diatribes. But now that YOUR BLACK A$$ is indirectly targeted, you "see the light".
Yeah, right.
Where is Oprah, Majic... they were there when a white man made a benign statement about a Black......Where are all those "rich" Blacks. They hiding until the wind dies down. I see you JZ, Puff.
With all due respect, why do you expect "rich Black folks" to step in? Civil rights wasn't won by rich Black folks, it was won by grass roots Black folks.
Quire frankly, Majic and Oprah need to stay in their lane, ie Majic's response to Sterling was to try to buy the team and as a BUSINESS MAN NOT a civil rights leader, that's what I expect him to do. Oprah is busy running a network channel for goodness sakes, the ONLY Black woman in America with one.
We can't expect these folks to do OUR work, they've got their own battles with the "system". Now the Black lawyers association, NBA??? I got MAJOR beef with THEM.
Look...don't get all butt hurt because I've never agreed with much of what u had to say...
I'm gonna always speak up no matter if the person likes it or not..
People disagree on different issues...
You didn't think I agree with EVERYTHING people post here....I hope not...
Its just that I'm usually opposite whatever Field or the other posters are pushing...
I'm always on the side that favors Black folks... That's the litmus test for BIB.... nothing else ...
focusedpurpose said...
"Imma say it the rough way: You’re a fool if you risk being maimed and killed for AA males who will go right back to calling you and other BW bitch, hoe, trick and THOT, SLUT"
3:13 AM
Yisheng, aren't you supposed to be on vacation for the rest of the month? You DID say you had better things to do. Well, looks like you lied again. Your life must be very empty if you are spending your vacation on FN. How sad!
BIB, don't you know that FP is delivering God's Word re: BW and BM?
The death of an 18 year old black teen gunned down like a dog is irrelevant. The mother of that child should be silent and let the men folk handle it.
BW should not be standing with bm in this situation. Not until bm stand with bw. Get it?
I'm being facetious but you see the myriad of divisive patterns we folks have? We are very sick mentally, psychologically and spiritually.
We are like a lost race in America and on the planet. We are also lost from God. I'm can't be certain, but I think we are on the teeter totter of hope and hopelessness.
Looks like there is big support for the officer who shot Michael Brown:
Sorry about the error in links. I didn't plan on saying anything about Pilots and fight attendants fist fighting because that would reflect on PilotX. I am very sorry.
Anyway, here's the link re: Officer Wilson's support in Ferguson:
People try to chalk this up to "why don't they just behave and if not "let's get the ammo and shoot em all dead"
Well unfortunately it's not that simple is it? You can't behave like something that you are not treated as!
An integral part of this society is being discriminated against vilely because of the color of the skin.
Proof enough of that is the arrest of Professor, author Dr.Henry Gates in his own home after proving ownership. Where's the respect there?
It's a problem that has been long festering because it will be neither easy nor inexpensive to fix. But it has to be addressed.
I do hope that Michael Brown's funeral is going to be a big and memorable affair. With printed T shirt's, balloons, music, maybe some favorite band of his could play at the funeral and procession. Like they do here.
and my prayer is that most certainly his death will not have been in vain!
you are free to quote me where i said that the huge, out of order teenager pulled the trigger on himself.
cut and paste away.
i will not wait. i will set the record straight.
i did NOT say that.
it is conventional wisdom that what won't kill ya makes ya stronger.
Michael Brown did not get a stronger op.
WHERE is his daddy and WHY is he not held to the fire for not teaching his huge child how to preserve his life in this hostile land of bondage and torture?
recall the elder men that call themselves "old heads" here waxed poetic 'bout their daddies and all they taught 'em 'bout navigating hostile territory.
what's REALLY going on with the fresh crop of Black menfolk that are doing LESS with MORE OPPORTUNITIES than their fathers had?
Black folk can NOT blame white folk that Black families fared BETTER under jim crow than now.
pretend ya'll coming for the womenfolk and find your BASS voices as you address one another.
or not...
keep bickering with your historical enemies that have made it REAL CLEAR precisely how they feel about ya at.every.turn.
while folk covet the daughters of edom and psalm 83 like they are great prizes and somehow love you more than their fathers and brothers do...
while coming up with new nasty names THOT for BW that endured slavery and atrocious behavior from ALL camps...
back in the day up to TODAY.
here's what's ALSO so...
it is the po po that keeps a grip of wayward BM from getting their rape/torture/murder of BW and girls ON. at a certain point it is time to shame the devil and tell the plain Truth. make.it.plain... Malcolm X ALREADY lost his life behind trying to call it. so i will put on my Malcolm X specs and grab the mic. 'cause modern BM on some brand new wickedness while worshiping...
do what thou wilt...
cut.it.out and the Righteous men must STAND UP, SPEAK UP and regulate.
or get thicker skin while i come through fearing the face of NO.MAN.
focusedpurpose said...
or get thicker skin while i come through fearing the face of NO.MAN.
2:26 PM
for the sick silly that thinks it is all about penis...
men P.rovide, P.rotect, P.roblem Solve, and P.roduce.
THIS is what menfolk pride themselves on.
modern BM in large numbers and the silly women that can't wait are focused on and most proud of
80% out of wedlock = solid proof.
those being taken out left and right usually come from these ranks.
ps. some of us BW are NOT trying to join the ranks of the new hiv cases. so we are DELIBERATELY chillin' out. 'cause modern BM in large numbers- married and single- are sharing up a storm the one P that is NOT P.rotection, P.rovision, P.roblem Solving, and P.roducing.
the women and children are suffering double time behind it.
but let's just keep railing at white folk 'cause they are all powerful that way and the Bible that documents our arrival AND survival in this land of bondage...
let's toss THAT out...
'cause it is the one whitened thing we don't like.
crosses eyes + done.
got work to do.
can't deal with the much protected victim hood and learned helplessness/hopelessness that folk are DETERMINED to never loose.
to folks' credit at least they know to call this place a slave plantation. field + house negroes = slaves.
It's a problem that has been long festering because it will be neither easy nor inexpensive to fix. But it has to be addressed.
It HAS been addressed with Civil Rights legislation, Equal housing laws, affirmative action hiring, Section 8 to allow families to leave the "Projects", trillions and trillions of dollars and lost opportunities to invest that in something productive and meaningful in transfer payments to the minority community and on and on and on.
ENOUGH. The rest of America has had ENOUGH of the excuses and the antics.
Even IF there were NO single parent households...You still have cops who feel that all black men are enemy combatants....
Time and time again, black men have proven that they ARE enemy combatants.
We're way past the point where they need to be treated as such.
Either we have one standard of behavior to be expected of EVERYONE who seeks to live in a civilized and free society, or there are no standards of behavior expected of anyone.
Blacks have to choose. They can't have it both ways.
Brown had just committed a strong arm robbery, and it was obvious from his primate posturing to threaten the shop owner that this wasn't the first time he had used his size and the threat of the street gangs to do whatever the hell he wanted, including threatening, assaulting and then challenging a police officer to shoot him... which he did.
And the rest of America is supposed to look at that and be "outraged"?
The only outrage is that the nonsense is being allowed to drag along, and the media is trying to make something out of nothing.
With all due respect, why do you expect "rich Black folks" to step in? Civil rights wasn't won by rich Black folks, it was won by grass roots Black folks.
"Civil rights" were won because the peaceful actions of activists won over whites. There would be no "civil rights" without broad support from the majority community.
That support has evaporated. Poof!
This isn't the 60's anymore.
Thanks for the link to the Facebook page in support of Officer Wilson and the GoFundMe page. Heading over there now to send some cash his way, will pass on the link to others.
The tide is turning in favor of the officer who shot Brown. Once again, BM are seen as wrong by the majority.
Now what? Is Michael Brown guilty of trying to take a police officer's gun? The image of violent-animal bm continues.
Re: BM need to step up and be responsible caretakers of BW: It's unfortunate, but generations of children have gone neglected, not parented, unloved or cared about. There are very few bm AND bw who know anything about how to act like adults--simply because they have never seen such a model.
Now, what is the solution? Is there one except to let them kill each other in the streets? You can't take someone who comes from 'abnormality', who knows nothing-- and expect them to behave according to society's norms...you can't know what you don't know.
I once thought prayer, the Bible, religion, spirituality and God was the answer. From the comments made here today I now know they are ways to bury, avoid facing the truth, and doing what needs to be done in our own communities.
It's a sad case for our race.
Support is growing for police officer Wilson:
doubled back to say this:
IF you read hatred into my words...
you misunderstand.
it takes Love to tell folk the Truth.
BM won't tell each other the pure uncut nor hear it from anyone else.
double back to the 60's and this time pay attention to the BW that were Right there. folk didn't care to hear BW's voices then nor now. just Real quick to put us on the front lines in harm's way like we are menfolk.
folk want a Coretta?
for what?
peep THAT game, if you dare. there were many more Right there getting the Good dog out behind paler prize edomite/psalm 83 women...
while BM wailed and wailed and wailed some mo' 'bout WM.
learned last night that a WM bailed Angela Davis out. just as a WM stood with C Delores Tucker when she stood up and suggested our snot nosed sons MIGHT NOT need to be calling us every filthy name in the book like true MF'ers.
decency knows no color.
sleeping Blacks worship ALL but Almighty Yah then scratch our heads as to why we are the epitome of KJV Deuteronomy 28 curses for disobedience to Yah. liars say it is our color. it is not. then when folk come telling it...
THAT'S white folks' religion.
the same ones that COVET white and psalm 83 women. don't feel "successful" without one or a Black woman that could easily pass for one. while devaluing or sexually objectifying BW that birth 'em. 'cause looking at the slain teen...
that was all Black. no new Black there folks.
it appears BM would rather distract themselves with their historical enemies that hate them. be baited and expend energy bickering. rather than organizing, coming out from among them, and acting Right. teaching their sons and daughters, as the natural heads of families, to do the same.
maybe ya'll folk learned nothing from those that went before...
i did and don't intend to quietly watch the same mistakes repeated. ESPECIALLY not by BW and girls that pay the heftiest price of all. menfolk die. we die a thousand times while folk don't even feign a care. there have been no posts on the pelvic exams administered to BW on the side of the road by the po po. no outrage. no marching to protect the human dignity of Black women. folk are focused on the menfolk like they are women. makes perfect sense to start referring to menfolk as THOTs...
the multi millionaire negroes SHOULD be looked to. those with much have greater responsibility. THIS is why i was coming for FN back in the day, when he had the pic plastered up of him volunteering with a little NON Black boy, while chasing racism. in large numbers, BM expect OTHERS to care more than they are willing to care for themselves, each other, their women or their children.
then can't figure out why respect is a bit of a challenge.
notice the white folk will make sure mr. executioner has resources. just as they did with zimmerman. yet, when i suggest the most educated/monied Black folk adopt those tactics rather than just griping...
folk telling me to chill out and take things easy...
while the streets are killing fields. not sure what's NOT clear to the zombies that hold such sentiments.
ps. folk don't put down dogs the way they do Black people. they have more respect, care and Love.
pay attention.
wise up.
wake up.
Blessings all! my heart is all Love even if you don't dig my style.
What happens after the media lose interest and move on? That's what counts.
Wow! this is a hell-a-va blog. It represents what Whites and Blacks are like. Blacks think one way and Whites think the other way.
Unfortunately for Blacks, Whites are in power. Hence, Blacks are basically powerless and at the mercy of Whites. Unfortunately, Whites have never had any mercy for Blacks.
Even during slavery Whites whipped Blacks unmercifully in inhumane ways. Some things never change.
As was said in early American history: This country, and its laws were never meant for Blacks to treated equally by Whites. However, the good news is that the law will always treat Blacks equally among themselves.
Well, I guess it beats living in Africa? What's Jamaica like?
@ Anon 3:31pm- if comments over here will turn you off to Almighty, you were never with Him to begin with.
each of US are called to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling...by seeking Him and His Face.
what i suggest here should really not offend anyone. what is offensive about suggesting the Black men have a LOT more Power than they are willing to walk in?
what's offensive about suggesting that IF you don't teach your children, the police won't bother chances are? i recall vividly this message being conveyed in my house.
until we turn back to Him/His Word..as it is written...
and i am not talking about religion either.
Blessings all!
The Truth needs to be told. However, timing is important. When the time is right, people hear better.
Right now a white cop gunned down somebody's child. That child was left dead in the street for hours for Blacks to see. That was absolutely shoving shit in the face of the Ferguson community. It's too much insult for anyone.
Michael Brown robbed a store. The police said Michael Brown was defiant toward Officer Wilson and tried to take his gun. IF, and I mean IF-it's is true, then it was only a matter of time before someone blew Brown away.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It HAS been addressed with Civil Rights legislation, Equal housing laws, affirmative action hiring, Section 8 to allow families to leave the "Projects", trillions and trillions of dollars and lost opportunities to invest that in something productive and meaningful in transfer payments to the minority community and on and on and on.
ENOUGH. The rest of America has had ENOUGH of the excuses and the antics.
2:56 PM
People don't want hand outs. People want to be able to sustain themselves proudly as part of a society. To be accepted and given the same chance for success as everyone.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will feed himself for a lifetime"
you are free to quote me where i said that the huge, out of order teenager pulled the trigger on himself.
You didn't have to say it...Your long winded speech intimated that.... In your words......
"Get ya Big A sons... And Teach em how to preserve themselves.....
So you didn't have to say it... ...but you implied that BECAUSE he didn't immediately acquiesce to the police..... He just brought it on himself..cause his Daddy didn't tell him how to bow to police...
I'm some instances more attention needs to be on single mothers and dead beat dads...
This is more about police procedure in black communities than anything...
Focused Purpose ... I bet you would be one of those folks telling protestors in the Watts Riots ...to settle down..and ...let's not be embarrassing ourselves ....Same kinda people saying the same thing in L.A. in 92...
This is small in comparison ....and as always a symptom of much larger issues than Just single parenthood..as some of the White Victims like claim
Lilacpr2000@4:05pm, Your response to Anon is confusing and conflicting. Could you clarify what you are talking about?
Are you saying that CRs, AA, opportunities to invest in businesses, etc were wrong? What are you saying?
What more are you saying we should be 'given' by America to fish with? Your 'quote' is misplaced. In fact, it's an irritant-for Blacks and Whites.
Stop being S.O.S.
Anonymous said...
Lilacpr2000@4:05pm, Your response to Anon is confusing and conflicting. Could you clarify what you are talking about?
4:18 PM
You couldn't quite possibly be asking me to give you a crash course in Sociology 101 would you? LOL Because that's what it would take and then some.
Very obviously you are clueless, and I simply don't have the time,inclination or energy.
Go back to college. Get an education. You'll be glad you did!
So you don't just spout off at the mouth without having a clue of what you are talking about!
Better to be thought stupid then to engage the keyboard and remove all doubt :)
The policeman has a web site to raise money? Think he will get as much as Zimmerman? Smart move on his part. He might need a good lawyer when this is over.
Obama be preacin' it right now on CNN! Yeah!
Psychology/Sociology 101!!!
field negro said...
The policeman has a web site to raise money? Think he will get as much as Zimmerman? Smart move on his part. He might need a good lawyer when this is over.
4:41 PM
Those white people are always begging for money!
Free money!
"The Truth needs to be told. However, timing is important. When the time is right, people hear better."
the time is NEVER Right.
when BW first started to speak up 40 years ago...
folk told us to keep waiting. BM were coming back.
Farrakhan and those menfolk that took notes/learned something the first go round, need to peacefully go make their presence felt. folk called a million MEN together before for what? notice NOT a million men AND women...
IF MB had been shot dead in the street by a BM, folk would very politely pretend he is less dead somehow. for every 1 bm off'd by a cop, there are a good 20 more off'd by BM routinely. ssshhh!
i don't have the same beef with WM that BM have. i am as forgiving of WM as BM, in large numbers, are to WW.
BIB, look man, your free to disagree. your not free to lie on me.
get THAT straight.
i struggle with brevity. you murder the hell out of you're and your. we disagree and i choose not to bond with FN over this semite media owned psych op designed to divide Blacks and Whites while we ALL head on into new slavery. the po po been doing a LOT worse in our neighborhoods and it is NOT being shown. BW and girls are getting the hurt from ALL sides.
notice when BW act a fool, folk do NOT talk 'bout how they don't know what they don't know. and all that other soft gooey ga ga jazz.
when i suggest that the heads need to get Right so the body can be alright then folk want to cry rivers + foul+ sexually denigrate me.
brushing my shoulders off.
was that short enough for ya?
LilacPr2000, "You couldn't quite possibly be asking me to give you a crash course in Sociology 101 would you? LOL Because that's what it would take and then some."
Nope. Just asking you a simple question, which you can't answer.
"Very obviously you are clueless, and I simply don't have the time,inclination or energy."
Another dumb comment that explains nothing about your comment. Where did you get your 'sociology' degree from? Wal Mart online?
"Go back to college. Get an education. You'll be glad you did!"
Only Negroes who haven't a degree would post such a stupid comment. The truth is you don't know what you said and therefore can't explain it.
Don't go back to school, you are too dumb for that. Just STFU, and you'll be ok.
The only reason I suggest that the rich and famous to speak a voice to this is because white America may have more of a sense of plausability if non-poor people of color step forward. Remember I said it is the poor that is usually the victem of these killings. I am not stupid to siggest that the rich should sacrifice there wealth. I would like the face of our struggles include all Blacks....... seeing that their turn will come if A merica is not changed.
plus most of these entertainers got money from the poor.
My dear FP, you don't seem to be in a very good Christian mood today.
Well, there's nothing you can say to stop me from loving you. And guess what? there's nothing you can do about it.:)...(ducking for cover.)
Love, depressed Negro
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where did you get your 'sociology' degree from? Wal Mart online?
Just STFU, and you'll be ok.
6:10 PM
Walmart I wish! It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper! LOL
Sorry my well intentioned advice caused you such rage.
Only trying to help :)Good luck
"Sorry my well intentioned advice caused you such rage."
6:20 PM
Besides being S.O.S., you are a compulsive liar. lol
Well an autopsy report was made available today.
The narrative for Saint Micheal of Brown Leaf Tobacco seems to be falling apart at an accelerated rate.
Perhaps the store keeper he robbed before getting killed by the police should have shot him dead.
We could have then just chalked it up to a workplace accident. ("Work" being robbery....the thug's choice.)
But, do not worry. Eric "My People" holder is on the case.
There's upheaval in the racial grievance industry?
Say it ain't so....
Field knows the hustla. But he's no Jesse or Al.
Pilot said,
not so sure about Rev. Sharpton not having influence. A few years back I had a problem with a racist radio host here in Chicago and with the Rev's help we got something done about it. He knew the right people to contact and actually cared when others would just as soon look the other way. At least Rev. Sharpton stands up for blah folks. We ned more people like him.
LMAO, I don't suppose you could name the radio host involved. Sounds like another huge lie.
WKQX in Chicago. Radio host was Steve Tingle.
Your turn QLB. Did you serve in the military? Do you have a college degree? No lies here.
"Sounds like another huge lie."
You mean like the one some anon keeps telling about you graduating from Notre Dame?
"At least Rev. Sharpton stands up for blah folks."
Like Rev. Al stood up for "Sister Brawley". Like rev. Al stood up for the Dunbar Village rapists.
Rev. Al can also start riots. Like he did the Crown riots.
Rev. Al can also get white interlopers killed. See Freddy's Fashion Mart.
Filed's not there yet. So blahs need Rev. Al to keep the hustle going.
First off.... YOU KNOW I could care less about the grammar police and you , and your, and your'e ..
FP says
"when i suggest that the heads need to get Right so the body can be alright then folk want to cry"
In the midst of racial discrimination , and excessive police force ...
You want to tackle...
Single Parent Homes, and
Worshipping Yah...
While the two are intermingled.......
My point is...
The wrong doing of this law enforcement officer shouldnt just be swept under the rug because the kid was wayward or part of some criminal activity....
The crime he committed against the store owner...Can be corrected...
The ALLEGED assault on the officer can be corrected...
The removal of LIFE from planet earth cannot be corrected , and given that..
PEOPLE in general should be able to rest certain that Lethal Force was ABSOLUTELY needed especially...if a loved one was dispatched by Law Enforcement....
Never mind the dysfunction in the child...
This is NOT a moment to denigrate single mothers or absentee fathers...
If they do this to the LEAST of us.....
Yeah you know the rest.....
Is QLB ever gonna answer whether or not she has a college degree or more cowardly shucking and jiving?
helllllllooooooooooo QLB??????????? You gonna stop being a coward?
I never made a single claim. Not one. However Pilot and Yingyang have. Huge difference. Blacks have problems with abstract thinking.
Sidewalk High...
and Corner Collegiate...
Can we please move on... LOL
Obviously If SHE had a education...it wouldnt be squandered trying to strut
Red Neckism on a fairly obscure political blog...
If it is a he ..
Its probably partial to pedophilia, and the like.. sado masochism, S/M ... etc...etc...
If It is male...
It comes here to get a wank off or two while fantasizing about battling Black people...
Blogger PilotX said...
"Sounds like another huge lie."
You mean like the one some anon keeps telling about you graduating from Notre Dame?
7:14 PM
I did not lie. FYI: QLB does not lie. YOU, BROTHER PX, LIE ALL THE TIME. You are untrustworthy. Hell, you won't even call your own race with a respectful name. Instead, you call them what some white politician called them. You have no shame or brains.
1I happen to know QLB personally from FN blog. He gave specific hints where he graduated from which led directly to Notre Dame.
Preach it, anon. Preach it!! We need more truth up in here.
"I never made a single claim."
Which is why I posted
"You mean like the one some anon keeps telling about you graduating from Notre Dame?"
You see, I have no problem with abstract thinking. Pretty good for a blah person huh? You seem to have a problem with comprehension though. Now, instead of trying to deflect once again answer the question. Trust me, I know you never answered the question.
QLB, do you have a college degree?
Is that simple enough? I think even a dumb Black with problems with abstract thinking can answer such a simple question.
"I never made a single claim. Not one. However Pilot and Yingyang have. Huge difference. Blacks have problems with abstract thinking."
You're right, you can't figure out if you have a college degree or not and you say Black folks have a problem with thinking? Just more shucking and jiving by an uneducated white. Boy, you'd think she could spend this time getting a GED and trying to get into college. Sad but what do you expect from PWT's.
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