"The House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, said Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, the second-ranking Democrat on the committee.
The panel voted Thursday to declassify the report, the result of two years of investigation by the committee. U.S. intelligence agencies will have to approve making the report public.
Thompson said the report "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."
That conflicts with accusations of administration wrongdoing voiced by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista (San Diego County), whose House Government Oversight and Reform Committee has held hearings on the Benghazi attack."
Oh my! What is the "car thief" going to do now? He wasted millions of dollars on his
He went from stealing cars to stealing from the American people.

The killing has been ruled a homicide by the New York City Medical Examiner's office, and the minority residence of the country's largest city are demanding justice.
I would like to say that justice will be forthcoming, but sadly, I am not that optimistic. Already we are learning that the citizen who bravely filmed the tragic incident has been arrested. (Mr. Orta, it might be time to leave New York)
Now, to add insult to death, the police union in New York has declared that the officer who murdered Mr. Garner was following proper police practices, and that the ME report was politically motivated. I have to give it to you boys in blue; you sure know how to get each other's back no matter what.
But this is the environment in which New Yorkers are seeking justice. Good luck with that.
Finally, did you hear the one about some dude who was trying to take a selfie with his gun and shot himself to death? That's crazy, right?
Well, you know what's really crazy? Here in this country the NRA is advocating letting blind people own guns. Yep. As if it's not bad enough that children get their hands on guns with tragic results. Now we have to add blind people to the mix.
I bet Darrell Issa is a card carrying member of the NRA. They both deserve each other.
Field wrote,
The killing has been ruled a homicide by the New York City Medical Examiner's office, and the minority residence of the country's largest city are demanding justice.
Yet those who are demanding justice will lock lips with a no snitch policy if the killer was Black. Go figure.
"The killing has been ruled a homicide by the New York City Medical Examiner's office, and the minority residence of the country's largest city are demanding justice."
Come on, the guy was 86! According to the AP it was natural causes.
And I had no idea black people were so into the "Rockford Files". Or was it "Maverick"?
Field wrote,
Finally, did you hear the one about some dude who was trying to take a selfie with his gun and shot himself to death? That's crazy, right?
Of course what Field didn't mention the guy was a Mexican national who shot himself in Mexico while drinking. Typical weak Field BS.
"The House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, said Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, the second-ranking Democrat on the committee."
The key phrase there Field, is that conclusion is according to the second-ranking Democrat on the committee.
In truth, the report has not actually been released yet and is now under review by seventeen other government agencies that make up our intelligence community.
But nice try at selling spin as news.
Wow, no conspiracy at the WH about Been Gauzee? What's next, the IRS scandal is phony too? Say it isn't so Field.
Anon said,
But nice try at selling spin as news.
That's Field MO, selling weak BS to even weaker minds.
PS: Thanks for upgrading the Killadephia murder count.
"the police union in New York has declared that the officer who murdered Mr. Garner was following proper police practices, and that the ME report was politically motivated."
What? An investigation into the death of another career-criminal negro might have been politically motivated? That never happens!
Dude was resisting arrest.
Resist arrest, get a chokehold. End of story.
Man you negroes sure loves your criminals!
Is this all the left does is lie?
"Here in this country the NRA is advocating letting blind people own guns."
A opinion commentator on the NRA'S website is advocating letting blind people own guns.
"Well, you know what's really crazy?"
Yeah. The left lying and making shit up.
"Well, you know what's really crazy? Here in this country the NRA is advocating letting blind people own guns. Yep. As if it's not bad enough that children get their hands on guns with tragic results. Now we have to add blind people to the mix."
Why do you hate blind people Field? Shouldn't they have the same rights as the rest of us?
What a bigot!
War on Blind People!
"Yeah. The left lying and making shit up."
Unlike Mo Brooks who said Democrats tell people to vote for them because they're blah or Hispanic with no evidence. Yep, it's just the left.
QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
GOPilotX said...
"Unlike Mo Brooks who said Democrats tell people to vote for them because they're blah or Hispanic with no evidence"
It works on you.
Rep. Mo Brooks spoke the truth, like Rep. Joe Wilson did when he said "You lie!" to Obama when he was lying about Obamacare.
If you were just a little bit smarter you'd figure out just who is lying to you.
From the Democratese-to-English Dictionary, 2014 Edition:
1) "no one was deliberately misled" = everyone was misled as a result of political spinning that merely incidentally failed to convey the truth
2) "no military assets were withheld" = military assets were merely passively not provided because no one seemed competent to understand the situation
3) "no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given." = no order to actively respond was given because -- well, see #2 above.
so, you see, in Democratese, this is a 100% accurate summary of the report.
What would the report say if you translated it to teabilly?
"I would like to say that justice will be forthcoming, but sadly, I am not that optimistic. Already we are learning that the citizen who bravely filmed the tragic incident has been arrested."
This happens over and over again when a bm is murdered. It doesn't matter whether it's filmed or not.
I am coming to the conclusion that it is black karma that sees to it we get no justice. Yet, some folks keep asserting that WE are the chosen people.
Chosen for what, to be killed by cops and White citizens?
Anon said,
Chosen for what, to be killed by cops and White citizens?
Nah, you do a fine job of killing each other. We just don't want to be part of the collateral damage. BTW have you looked at the interracial crime stats?
Anonymous Inquiring Mind said...
QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
9:39 PM
How many times must one tell you folks QLB is a graduate of Notre Dame. He has an MBA with a minor in Mathematics. Now that is out of the way, go on to something more meaningful and more important.
You folks need to get your priorities straight.
There is no justice for the bm in America, let alone NYC. That is because the justice system is rigged against the bm.
Field you should go see "Get on Up". It's a great movie about James Brown and his trials and tribulations mainly caused by the wm. The movie is long....approx 2 1/2hrs.
Anon wrote,
There is no justice for the bm in America, let alone NYC. That is because the justice system is rigged against the bm.
Or just maybe it's because of as a people you f&@# up constantly?
OMFG!!!!! A belligerent, morbidly obese black man was killed in the course of the police doing their jobs.
Somebody alert MSDNC!!! Has Jesse been called?
Meanwhile in Chicago we have confirmation of kill # 10 and average of 2 fatalities a day. That's mainly Black on Black crime. Combined with a no snitch policy that seems to be the Black justice system.
The part that stunned everyone was when little Richard told James Brown to "always remember that the the devil ain't red, he's White."
QLB is possessed by Satan.
OMFG!!!!! A belligerent, morbidly obese black man was killed in the course of the police doing their jobs.
Somebody alert MSDNC!!! Has Jesse been called?
Dear Mr Field, why do you allow mean-spirited satanic people like QLB and Paranoid Negro on FN?
Anonymous said...
Anon wrote,
There is no justice for the bm in America, let alone NYC. That is because the justice system is rigged against the bm.
Or just maybe it's because of as a people you f&@# up constantly?
10:30 PM
QLB, you have a point. Just today I made another screw up. I find it damn impossible to do everything perfectly.
I have accepted my imperfections as a bm and just do the best I can.
So, anymore problems in your head where multitudes of Blacks reside, just call God.
You do believe in God, don't you?
"Rep. Mo Brooks spoke the truth, like Rep. Joe Wilson did when he said "You lie!" to Obama when he was lying about Obamacare."
So Mo wouldn't mind producing the names of the blah and Hispanic candidates who said "vote for me because I'm blah/Hispanic" right? That should be easy if he's telling the truth.
"Or just maybe it's because of as a people you f&@# up constantly?"
Really? Just curious QLB do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
"Now, to add insult to death, the police union in New York has declared that the officer who murdered Mr. Garner was following proper police practices, and that the ME report was politically motivated."
Wow, that really takes some brass ones! One of your officers is caught on video performing a chokehold that killed someone -- which your own manuals say is not allowed -- and you're still going to claim no wrongdoing?
It's very clear that Mayor de Blasio is going to have his hands full reforming this crew. I expect there will be a full-on war now between City Hall and the cops.
We have a problem in America re:Hamas and Jews. This video shows a fight that nearly broke out between Hamas supporters.
Mr Field, when are you going to pay attention to what Israeli is doing to the Palestinians?
"It's very clear that Mayor de Blasio is going to have his hands full reforming this crew.
"Mayor de Blasio is already on it:
GOPilotX said...
"So Mo wouldn't mind producing the names of the blah and Hispanic candidates who said "vote for me because I'm blah/Hispanic" right? That should be easy if he's telling the truth.
Let's start with President:
Are you really that dumb, or do you just play a dumb guy on the internet?
Cops are all for swift & firm justice until a cop is accused of criminally abusing his (always his) authority. Myself, I love how, like the bangers they are, they always go complete perp when they catch their case: shut-up, lawyer-up, and alibi up. Here in California, they're better than they used to be, but since they used to be nothing but hired thugs, evidence-planters & perjurers, that's not saying a lot.
For Barack so loved the world that he gave his one and only Trayvon.
"The cities of the North owe all you knuckle-dragging sister-fuckers a huge debt of gratitude for helping to arm all our criminals. Thanks so much!"
Hey, you took a bunch of our negroes, so what the hell, let's call it even.
To all of you folks claiming PX is really dumb, let assure you that PX is brilliant. And so is Yisheng.
Some of you folks are jealous and you envy their degrees and their intelligence.
Hey, don't blame them for making something out of themselves. Isn't that what you wanted?
The republican congressman, Mo Brooks, faced a reflexive diarrhetic eruption for suggesting that whites have interests like all others.
The well-established procedure when someone speaks such a truth is for the speaker to fall prostrate groveling for the forgiveness of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.
Today en route to an obligatory function of state, he stopped. He turned. He remained vertical. And refused tradition. He said it and he meant it. As rows of prim leftist smiles fell into a gape.
Brooks said he stands by his language accusing Democrats of a ‘war on whites’ because “I want Democrats held accountable.
In fact, Brooks added, “if you look at current federal law, there is only one skin color that you can lawfully discriminate against. That’s Caucasians — whites.”
2012 was about the "War on Women".
2016 is going to be about the "War on Whites".
This is going to be a whole new ball game, my negroes. Hope you're ready.
FINALLY!!! Thanks, FN, for updating the "KILLADELPHIA MURDER COUNT"... It's just 143? As of when?
Oscar Grant's murderer: Walking around free in open daylight; name and whereabouts - known.
Trayvon Martin's murder: Walking around free in open daylight; name and whereabouts - known.
Eric Garner's murderers: Walking around free in open daylight; names and whereabouts - known.
The beat goes on: More hand-wringing; singing and praying. Same-o, same-o.
"No-snitch" policies in Chi-raq; Philly; Oakland; Camden; Detroit, etc., ad nauseam, are working marvelously; KKK couldn't have planned this better.
The message? Young Black male gangstas/thugs?terrorists are scared sh..tless, impotent in the face of the white supremacy expressed on the ground by police, and the George Zimmermans of america.
...Like you give a fuck about young black males...
Anon@11:37, thanks for those links. Facts are good.
Don't mind the racist trolls, folks. Without black folks to lash out at and blame for all of their problems,their pathetic lives would have no meaning. Sad, really. :(
Field wrote,
Anon@11:37, thanks for those links. Facts are good.
Don't mind the racist trolls, folks. Without black folks to lash out at and blame for all of their problems,their pathetic lives would have no meaning. Sad, really. :(
Laughable especially since this site is predicated upon one theme and that is blame YT. Give a Black American some constructive criticism and he/she will yell racism most of the time.
But lets talk facts.
Anon wrote,
It's fabulous how, whenever redneck Southerners aren't busy shooting themselves in the dick, they're busy fighting hard for a limitless supply of guns for everyone.
Wow, what a statement. I wonder did he include Plaxico Burris in the equation?
Fatal gun accident rates for Blacks are at 4.8 per 100K and Whites at 2.5 per 100K in studied series. Over a third of White accidents are hunting related. Keeping in mind that White gun ownership is much higher than Black (legal) ownership even some of your most moronic posters can understand the concept here. But then again, maybe they can't and will just blame YT.
No one would be blaming YT all the damn time if YT wasn't always doing shit!
And QLB, you're a lying racist slackjaw piece of eurotrash.
...And whiteboys use the "hunting accident" excuse for getting away with murder. The good thing about whites is usually they implode under the pressure of their sociopathic tenets and most of the time it's other whites they take out along with themselves. Yay for segregation!!!
Field, calling Whoopi Goldberg a House Negro weakens the brand. What she said did not amount to getting Stephen A's back. She spoke carefully and specifically. A woman who hits a man should not "be surprised if he hits back." This doesn't make it right if he hits back. She's speaking to women--of all colors, of course.
What would "make it right" if he didn't hit back?
I didn't hit back, and it almost cost me my life.
If a woman EVER puts her hands on me again I'm not gonna be a nice guy (again).
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"Cops are all for swift & firm justice until a cop is accused of criminally abusing his (always his) authority."
So help me understand this latest round of leftwing lies and stupidity.
Only male cops are accused of "criminally abusing" their authority?
field negro said...
Don't mind the racist trolls, folks. Without black folks to lash out at and blame for all of their problems,their pathetic lives would have no meaning. Sad, really. :(
Funny, Field,funny. Considering your blog is all about lashing out at nice white folks.
Do you remember hearing about Boko Haram? Apparently they were a civic organization in Nigeria somewhat akin to the Kiwanis. Anyway, the group fell into some ill repute with outside parties after a chapter expressed their unique indigenous culture. This mobilized the local constabulary who apprehended a few stragglers that are now incarcerated in air conditioned cells, consulting legal counsel, while awaiting fair trial by a jury of their peers.
No, that’s actually our unique culture. The fellows in Nigeria had their throats slit before being discarded into a shallow grave. This is exactly the kind of efficiency corporate America is looking for.
Is this what you guys mean by "Hillbillys"?
Two illegal immigrants from Mexico who were charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of an off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent in front of his family in Texas have been arrested and deported numerous times, police sources told FoxNews.com.
One suspect has been arrested no fewer than four times for entering the U.S. illegally, according to federal court records. The other has been deported twice after entering the U.S. illegally, sources said.
The primary duty of the bloated obscenity that calls itself our government is not to redistribute the wealth we create to its supporters, but to defend the border from foreign invasion. Since it explicitly refuses to perform this fundamental duty, it is not a legitimate government. All taxation is theft under these conditions. We owe nothing to the corrupt kooks presiding over our country’s ruin.
FN said...
Here in this country the NRA is advocating letting blind people own guns.
What other constitutional rights should be taken away when you have a disability?
As a lawyer, that should be an easy question for you.
FN said...
and the minority residence of the country's largest city are demanding justice.
Do these same minority residence demand justice when it's black on black crime?
Is justice only possible when the government will be responsible for paying $$$ in settlements?
Once again, the taxpayers will be paying for what the ruling class does to it;s people.
FN said...
Now, to add insult to death, the police union in New York has declared that the officer who murdered Mr. Garner was following proper police practices
Get used to it.
Right-wingers have been whining about government unions protecting the worse employees for years.
Like how teacher unions protect molesters and the worse teachers at the expense of poor children.
Anon@12 08, by "corrupt kooks" u mean both parties in Washington, right? Just checking.
field negro said...
Without black folks to lash out at and blame for all of their problems,their pathetic lives would have no meaning. Sad, really. :(
As said on a blog that lashes out at white people.
Psych 101.
I'm guessing the field has a double standard crop growing like crazy.
field negro said...
Anon@12 08, by "corrupt kooks" u mean both parties in Washington, right? Just checking.
Yes. I despise both parties.
There is too much corruption because the federal government has outgrown its constitutional limits.
If they are given less opportunity to steal, there will be less corruption.
Power to the people.
Anonymous Bill said...
FN said...
Now, to add insult to death, the police union in New York has declared that the officer who murdered Mr. Garner was following proper police practices
Get used to it.
Right-wingers have been whining about government unions protecting the worse employees for years.
Like how teacher unions protect molesters and the worse teachers at the expense of poor children.
12:47 PM
Wow, I am surprised that Bill actually is for police murdering citizens without justice. Bill seems to ok injustices to Blacks by pointing out other injustices.
Fight injustice with injustice, seems to be Bill's motto. Of course, that always lead to more and more hatred that never ends because there is no desire to do the right thing.
Lack of conscience and White prejudice against injustice justifies Bill not wanting to do the right thing.
Bill, I never knew you were so full of hate. Where does all of this end?
"If a woman EVER puts her hands on me again I'm not gonna be a nice guy (again)."
I'd pop Whoopi, that's for sure. Pow! Right to the MOON!
FN said...
Already we are learning that the citizen who bravely filmed the tragic incident has been arrested.
And his wife.
Wife of man who taped Eric Garner video arrested, accused of assault
Lucky the video guy doesn't have any money or the IRS would be crawling up his ass right about now.
Government doesn't have to play fair.
That's how democrats roll.
Field Negro said...
Here in this country the NRA is advocating letting blind people own guns.
Since you decided not to link to the NRA article, I googled.
It's a commentator, not a nra article and there is clearly a disclaimer.
Looking at the "commentators" I see what scares you about the nra. The changing face of the nra.
It's not the exclusive old white male club you keep writing about.
a gay multi-racial ex-Google employee (Chris Cheng)
a Venezuelan Olympian immigrant (Gabby Franco)
a white female (Natalie Foster)
a bespectacled hipster (Billy Johnson)
an African-American lawyer (Colion Noir)
a former navy SEAL (Dom Raso)
a former beauty queen turned tactical training company CEO (Nikki Turpeaux)
Scary people those African-American lawyers. Like you, I don;t trust those types either. The rest of the list I'm good with. What say you considering they're not old white males?
Field wrote,
Well, you know what's really crazy? Here in this country the NRA is advocating letting blind people own guns. Yep. As if it's not bad enough that children get their hands on guns with tragic results. Now we have to add blind people to the mix.
Wouldn't that be taking a right away from a person with a disability? But keep that logic. What might be really crazy is letting Black people get around guns. Keep guns out of the hands of Black people and violent crime/homicide will plummet.
"Keep guns out of the hands of Black people and violent crime/homicide will plummet."
Which is mo dangerous? A blind man with a gun or a black man with a gun?
What do the crime stats show FN?
Anonymous Ralph said...
"If a woman EVER puts her hands on me again I'm not gonna be a nice guy (again)."
I'd pop Whoopi, that's for sure. Pow! Right to the MOON!
Say what you want about Whoopi, but I bet she knows to keep her Goddamn mouth shut when she's in an elevator.
Shouldn't you be worried about whites who commit violent crimes such as mass murders or killing kids QLB?
Why are you so obsessed with Black people? Do you live in a Black neighborhood? Do you live in a Black household? Just how much contact do you have with Black people?
Anon asked,
Why are you so obsessed with Black people? Do you live in a Black neighborhood? Do you live in a Black household? Just how much contact do you have with Black people?
Well lets discuss this. I find it amusing that Blacks who visit where I live are perfectly safe. Nothing is going to happen to them and in fact if anyone did they would be dealt with harshly. A few of them might not like you at all, but they would stay out of your way. If you needed a hand you'd get it.
In much if not most of Black America that favor wouldn't be returned to me.
QLB-when do ever plan on venturing outside your trailer to go to a black person's house?
Do you even know any black people besides the 2 in your trailer park???
You seem to be obsessed with the ills of black folks. For the amount of time you spend trolling this blog, the republikkkan party must pay you really well, or you're on welfare.
Unfriendly skies for black airport workers
By Ned Resnikoff
A survey administered by the labor union UNITE HERE has allegedly uncovered widespread racial inequality in the service jobs at Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) Airport, the union revealed last week. According to the UNITE HERE report, "[s]urveyed African-American workers at BWI were over six times more likely to work in fast food jobs and over three times more likely to work in back of the house restaurant jobs."
This is so depressing. Can anyone tell me what things look like in Chicago? I mean, surely PilotX and crew are preventing anything like BWI from occurring...right, Mr PX savior?
Well lets discuss this. I find it amusing that Blacks who visit where I live are perfectly safe. Nothing is going to happen to them and in fact if anyone did they would be dealt with harshly. A few of them might not like you at all, but they would stay out of your way. If you needed a hand you'd get it.
In much if not most of Black America that favor wouldn't be returned to me.
7:33 PM
Wow. QLB, you are an honorable man. Fair minded and a supporter of equality. I never knew this about you until this comment by you.
How I wish other Whites were like you. God bless you.
OLB,Blacks that visit? So, there aren't any Black people living in your neighborhood?
Well lets discuss this. I find it amusing that Blacks who visit where I live are perfectly safe. Nothing is going to happen to them and in fact if anyone did they would be dealt with harshly. A few of them might not like you at all, but they would stay out of your way. If you needed a hand you'd get it.
In much if not most of Black America that favor wouldn't be returned to me.
7:33 PM
Oh no. Thanks to anon for pointing out the word "visit". I had such high hopes for you QLB, but alas, you are just like the garden variety of white racists. I am so disappointed and sad.
Why QLB, why are you like the way you are? No mercy, no love, no kindness, no compassion. Do you believe in God?
Anonymous said...
Why QLB, why are you like the way you are? No mercy, no love, no kindness, no compassion. Do you believe in God?
Devils don't believe in God.
I noticed that al sharpton always jumps into a ' blame whitey ' situation without any idea of the truth & then if he gets any traction goes ahead ,if not acts like he never heard of it. It's also strange that negro thugs ( mike brown & eric garner ) want to fight the PEACE OFFICERS & when they lose, start accusing LEO of violating their human rights. Both brown & garner were violating the law when the past came back to haunt them. ANY THOUGHTS ? TRAYVON MARTIN IS A STARK REMINDER OF HOW A GOOD PERSON CAN BE KILLED BY A LAW-BREAKING THUG WHOSE COLORS ARE LATER REVEALED. ANY THOUGHTS ?
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