I have a couple that I would like to share.
The first one deals with the perils of driving while black. (DWB)
"Video shows Groubert pulling up to Levar Jones, who had just parked at a gas station (the stop was ostensibly over a seat belt violation).
Groubert instructed Jones to get his license, but when Jones reached into the car to retrieve it Groubert began shooting. Groubert continued firing even after Jones, who was unarmed, had backed away from the car with his hands raised.
“Why did you shoot me?” Jones is heard to ask. “I just got my license! You said get my license.” When Groubert asked if Jones was hit, he replied, “I can’t feel my legs.”
Groubert was fired from the patrol last week, and faces up to twenty years in prison if convicted. Jones, meanwhile, was hopsitalized and is recovering from a gunshot wound to the hip." [Video and story here]
It seems that you just can't win when you DWB. If you move too slow you catch a bullet from the po po. If you move too fast you catch a bullet as well.
Oh well, at least Mr. Jones lived.
John Crawford, III was not so lucky.
His crime was shopping while black. (SWB)
"The video shows Crawford continuing through the store. He paused at some store shelves, and it appears he’s still on the phone, fiddling with the gun as it swings, pointed toward the ground. Then, police enter the frame to his side; you can see Crawford turn his head, fall to the ground, scramble in the other direction, then turn back around before ultimately falling to the ground. It’s unclear whether he dropped the gun before being shot or after.
Special prosecuting attorney Mark Piepmeier , said: '“He’s still on the phone when these officers confront him, he’s probably not paying attention to what he’s doing, and this happens...”' [Video and story here]
Not only is Mr. Crawford dead, but his family will not receive any justice. Those officers will not be charged by the state of Ohio.
But there is hope. The DOJ will be taking up the case.
Poor Mr. Crawford must have thought that he enjoyed certain privileges which are afforded to guys like these. They can openly carry real assault rifles in public without any fear of repercussions. People like Mr. Crawford cannot.
Mr. Holder, you picked a bad time to leave.
You must have forgot to mention 82y/o Donald Carter murdered by two Trayvons. Want some more examples of Black on White crime? Maybe we could go tit for tat?
Brother Field, my question is why was the brother carrying that bb gun that 'looked real' around the store. Any bm should know better. He was asking for white trouble, which always comes with being shot to death.
And, of course, the White demon who did the shooting always go free.
Brother Field, we really need to be more aware instead of 'spacing out' on the phone in White public where anything can go wrong for a brother.
"On matters of policy, Holder spoke frankly about how his upbringing — his father emigrated from Barbados and his sister-in-law helped integrate the University of Alabama — helped shape his thinking. He referred to America in 2009 as a "nation of cowards" in its discussions of race. He later lamented that "systemic and unwarranted racial disparities remain disturbingly common."
I will truly miss Holder. As an attorney general and a bm, he carried in his heart the 'will' to see justice done. All that will be gone when he leaves.
In terms of racism, the USA still remains a "nation of cowards" when it comes to open and direct discussion of race.
I have given up hope for racism in America to ever end. If anything, it has grown.
Thank you Mr Holder for your splendid courageous service.
Or maybe you could comment about a YT named Scott Maxie, murdered by 3 YBM's. Of course he was 61 years old and all three of the perps were in their 20's. Somehow I think you'll just continue to be hypocritically silent.
It's hard to see how the grand jury justified not indicting the police who shot Crawford.
Mostly because the officers "had the drop" on Crawford, as they used to say in the old western movies. He wasn't pointing the gun at any of them and they would easily have had time to respond before he did. (I'm willing to believe they weren't aware it was a pellet gun.)
The video makes it look like they just opened fire without even giving him a chance to drop the gun. And then, it appears they shot him again after he'd already gotten rid of the gun!
The grand jury should have indicted. In some of the cases with these racially charged cop shootings, I do have some sympathy for how the cops could have come to make a terrible mistake. But this is not one of those times -- this is unforgivable stupidity on the part of the cops.
One factor that has gone unremarked on is that the 911 caller who brought the police to the Wal-Mart helped make this tragedy happen. He reported that Crawford was walking around the store pointing the gun at people, which he clearly was not. I hope the caller feels some sense of remorse for getting an innocent person killed.
It might also be a good idea for Wal-Mart not to leave those air guns out on the regular shelves, but instead keep them locked up with the real guns. Another factor in this tragedy was that Crawford was carrying the gun loose because some customer before him had previously removed the gun from its box. Had Crawford been carrying the gun in its packaging, no one would have panicked and called the po-po, and he'd still be alive.
FN Said...
thought that he enjoyed certain privileges which are afforded to guys like these. They can openly carry real assault rifles in public without any fear of repercussions. People like Mr. Crawford cannot.
In Texas, the Huey P. Newton Gun Club didn't have any problem.
At one point, the march went to Elaine's Restaurant on Martin Luther King Boulevard, where demonstrators piled rifles on tables as they ordered cold drinks and food.
A Dallas police lieutenant and deputy chief were eating lunch in the restaurant at the time. They politely spoke to the demonstrators as they paid their bills.
What is different?
The question begs to be answered. With the advent of videos and the many showings of outright and dubious shootings, beatings and etc by the police, can people understand why many of my generation is glad that at last some of the horror shootings that we experienced by the police of the past can now be believable?
Police continue to do bad with videos running. When we were confronted with bad police behavior of the past, the Federal investigators (all majority) would rush in, always to validate the same bogus constructions of the local "good ole boys in blue".
Another factor videos has provided- now the Black race can see for themselves that the majority looks out for their own. I don't blame them. Even though today the Black race has not the pride of their race to represent Blackness - the majority should not be concerned about losing that reverence that exude from many Blacks.
I am not an advocate for payback-if our social status and economics exceeds those who enslaved, abused and minimized us to this day.
Anon wrote,
Mostly because the officers "had the drop" on Crawford, as they used to say in the old western movies. He wasn't pointing the gun at any of them and they would easily have had time to respond before he did. (I'm willing to believe they weren't aware it was a pellet gun.)
What a load of crap. Crawford was in possession of Crossman 177 pellet rifle that for practical purposes was nearly identical to a number of AR variants. There is virtually no way you're going to know this unless it's in your hands. Secondly you're in a world of hurt and way behind the power curve in a pistol fight if the other guy has an AR. They engaged this guy, went by the info they had and entered into what they thought was a gunfight under gunned. Tactically if they went in with AR's or a shotgun, Crawford would probably still be alive. It was pretty much a perfect storm that got him killed but it wasn't murder.
I don't think Field is remaining silent towards you. I think Field is ignoring you and any comment you might make.
Bill, thanks for the link in Dallas. It's good to see that there are a few Blacks willing to protect themselves from the police.
I am thinking about moving to Dallas where I'll be safe.
Anon9:49p, Field is smart as is some others here. But you are being rather foolish.
"I don't think Field is remaining silent towards you. I think Field is ignoring you and any comment you might make."
Just like QLB ignores the question of whether or not she has a college degree.
"Want some more examples of Black on White crime?"
no but we would love to see some of your examples of white on white crime. How about that QLB? Would your racist ass even know where to look? Go get a GED you ignorant fool.
"Maybe we could go tit for tat?"
maybe you and Field can go tit for tat on college degrees and law school degrees? Ha!
Anonymous said...
I don't think Field is remaining silent towards you. I think Field is ignoring you and any comment you might make.
The people Field really ignore are like Jill Halliburton Su, murdered by a YBM.
What the cops thought they were doing was preventing a potential mass casualty shooting. But Field would just rather blame YT.
Wasn't there at least 2 calls to the police saying that a male black was pointing a weapon at/harassing people?
And when the police got there, they ordered the male black to drop his weapon?
And only when he didn't obey the police opened fire?
Is there something you're not telling us field?
OMG! Here comes Kinky with a load of nonfactual bullshit.
What do you want the police to do field?
Every time they roll up on someone who looks like they have a weapon give him/her the benefit of the doubt?
You want to wait for people with weapons to start killing for the police will do anything?
"Poor Mr. Crawford must have thought that he enjoyed certain privileges which are afforded to guys like these. They can openly carry real assault rifles in public without any fear of repercussions. People like Mr. Crawford cannot."
Field, i know you are prone to hyperbole and hysterics, but that is just dumb. Even for you.
Nothing happens to 99.9% of blacks who open carry. Nothing.
So stop playing victim.
And btw, if dude was white he would have been killed by the police too.
Since you are indifferent to all that, i guess you wouldn't know.
"And btw, if dude was white he would have been killed by the police too."
There is a very real possibility of that. Although, I am going to say that Crawford's being black significantly increased the odds of such a disaster, given the prejudices of some of our citizenry. But regardless of race, this is exactly why open carry is such an idiotic idea -- some people panic without thinking.
In any case, none of that completely lets the 911 caller or the police off the hook.
To review:
*Stores shouldn't put realistic-looking toy guns out on the shelves where anyone can pick them up and freak out other customers. And hey, maybe completely realistic-looking toy guns shouldn't even be manufactured, because they are likely to lead to horrible misunderstandings? What a great idea!
*People shouldn't open-carry real guns in populated areas. It is extremely dumb. It should be illegal.
*Cops shouldn't be idiots or racists. They should be well-trained and exercise reasonable judgment. They shouldn't commence firing before they've even been directly threatened. And when they colossally fuck up, they should get prosecuted.
These officers have "color arousal syndrome" and they've got it bad!
it's "If you're black you're going to shoot me,so I'll just shoot you first!"
That's not police work, that's a drop squad!
"Secondly you're in a world of hurt and way behind the power curve in a pistol fight if the other guy has an AR. They engaged this guy, went by the info they had and entered into what they thought was a gunfight under gunned. Tactically if they went in with AR's or a shotgun, Crawford would probably still be alive. It was pretty much a perfect storm that got him killed but it wasn't murder."
All I can say to that is this:
Why would Field need to post stories about blah on white crime when our resident racists do it for him.
Coming here complaining about the lack of stories about blah on white crime is akin to going to the Idaho Falls Chukars' site and complaining about the lack of NY Yankees stories. If the stories posted by Field don't interest you you are free to go to another more suitable site or create your own. You're welcome.
I think we have the best of the best racists on FN. They are tops and imo, other racists come to FN to learn a thing or two of how to be better apathetic racists from QLB, and from Kinky.
QLB pisses his pants whenever he sees a black person and rushes to his computer in his mom's basement to post the shit you see on here.
Lord have mercy.
Brother Field, Why are people messing with QLB?
the man has done nothing wrong here but tell the truth about us.
he's just trying to help you out by calling attention to the truth about Blacks from a White perspective.
You should be thanking him. You are such an ingrate.
"the man has done nothing wrong here but tell the truth about us.
"...he's just trying to help you out by calling attention to the truth about Blacks from a White perspective."
You see the mistake you made there white boi?
They need the truth about whites from a blah perspective.
Why is px, pc and fn so indifferent to black on white crime?
Why is it unsurprising that still people refuse to believe the evidence of their own eyes? To rationalise the irrational and put the victim on trial. Another example:
Because "what a fool believes he sees".
I stated this earlier:
"The video makes it look like they just opened fire without even giving him a chance to drop the gun. And then, it appears they shot him again after he'd already gotten rid of the gun! "
It turns out I was wrong about the second part. After viewing a version of the video with audio, the cops did not shoot him again after he'd dropped the gun. It just took a few seconds for him to succumb to the wounds inflicted while he was still holding the gun.
The first part of my comment still stands. The cops should have given him a chance to put the gun down, but didn't. No doubt that was partly because they accepted the 911 caller's incorrect version of events completely before they'd arrived on the scene.
I think we can all agree that our law enforcement officials need better training.
How do we explain the actions of officer Grounder?
Holder never was more appreciated than now, when he wants to step down. We can't blame him - wasn't he the first AJ to be a candidate for impeachment?
The gray lady, who usually spreads blessings only on the already-sanctified, has a fine tribute today in her editorial. (NY Times)
I can't wait to see whom the Rethuglican Senate is willing to confirm as his replacement.
"I can't wait to see whom the Rethuglican Senate is willing to confirm as his replacement."
If Obama is smart, he will present a nominee for the Dems to confirm during the lame duck period, and not take the chance of having to get approval from a Rethuglican Senate next year. (Not that the GOP is actually guaranteed to win the Senate in November, but it's a real possibility.)
"How do we explain the actions of officer Grounder?"
If you mean the officer from the first video, I can only speculate that he panicked because he couldn't see what the shooting victim was doing inside his vehicle. "I couldn't see his hands" is the biggest reason cops end up shooting someone by mistake. That, and when a cop sees a person holding something that could be a gun ... but isn't.
It's still pretty hard to understand, though, since the officer asked him to get his license out of the car. What did the officer expect that would look like, besides the dude going into his car to get the license?
"Why is px, pc and fn so indifferent to black on white crime?"
It's 'why ARE' numbnuts, and secondly there is no such thing as black on white crime - there's just crime.
Hi Field,
Lots of whitewash being spread around, isn't there? Thanks again for helping out at Booman.
Steven D
Decent write-up on the Crawford shooting:
One thing that is mentioned is that the officers may not have been insufficiently trained, but actually badly trained. They had recently received "active shooter situation" training that is basically moronic and likely to get innocent people killed.
The many mass shootings in this country have lead some police departments to create some very unhelpful, militaristic, shoot-first procedures for dealing with them. If we treat America like a war zone, there is bound to be lots of collateral damage.
Sup Steven? Thanks for the link love over at Booman.
Folks, check out thaf website when u get a chance.
Terrific blog!
Off topic, but you might be interested in an update on that woman you had previously reported on, who was facing a serious sentence for accidentally carrying a gun into New Jersey.
The good news is that sanity has prevailed and she won't be going to jail.
The interesting news is that the prosecutor who denied her "pretrial intervention" was the same dude who did let Ray Rice into that program, allowing him to avoid jail time.
Got that? Ignorance of Jersey's gun laws means you should go straight to prison, you monster. But battering your girlfriend unconscious is no biggie, really -- give that poor guy a second chance!
Once again I am wondering, why is everyone shrieking at Roger Goodell (manager of an entertainment business), instead of at this prosecutor (person whose job is the punishment of criminals)?
Field the real question concerning the escalation in the number of police killings of unarmed African-American men is this - At what point does this murder TREND officially become an EPIDEMIC?
Laura Ingraham is, like other wingnuts, an idiot.
I saw that about the case in NJ. I didn't realize that it's the same Prosecutor who handled the Ray Rice case.
The Expert W.M.V.'s are here in unison defending police brutality..
These WMV's become experts on finding fault within groups other than themselves...
Somehow they "Think" that Validates how smart they are
Instead it just confirms what people already know about weak ,gutless, cowards...over the internet...
Usually the exact opposite of reality forces them to lash out in an attempt to regain the sense of power they never actually had.
Need Confirmation??
The posts afterwards solidify my statement....
Carry on....
parvenu said...
Field the real question concerning the escalation in the number of police killings of unarmed African-American men is this - At what point does this murder TREND officially become an EPIDEMIC?
When it reaches the number of black on white murders?
Africa is considered by most paleoanthropologists to be the oldest inhabited territory on Earth, with the human species originating from the continent.
"When it reaches the number of black on white murders?"
Which is humongously fewer than white on white murders that no one seems to care about. Save whities! We must address white on white murders!
"It's 'why ARE' numbnuts, and secondly there is no such thing as black on white crime - there's just crime."
Unless you're a racist who needs to confirm their biases.
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