First, an out of control urban mob beat a couple of Gay guys silly here in Center City, Philadelphia.
And in Northeast, Pistolvania some guy killed a state trooper and seriously injured his partner because he doesn't like cops.
As the trolls who visit this site are always quick to tell me: America has a Negro problem.
But wait.......
"A Philadelphia gay couple are still reeling after allegedly being attacked and beaten in what's been described as a possible hate crime last week.
The men, who have reportedly asked to remain anonymous, told CBS Philadelphia that they were reportedly attacked by a "well-dressed" and intoxicated mob that began taunting the men while they were on their way to dinner.
According to Queerty, two men and six women allegedly assaulted the men, ages 27 and 28, after asking the pair first if they were "fucking boyfriends" and then if they were "dirty fags."
One victim suffered a bone fracture in his face that will require surgery, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

"It was a bunch of screams at first," witness Geoff Nagle told reporters. "...a lot of punching and kicking." One of the victims stated that he thought his partner was dead after the attackers "threw his head onto the ground.”
The suspects are still at large -- "
Well, thanks to social media, not for long.
Apparently they left an upscale eatery and had a little too much to drink.
But alas, they were not Negroes.
And apparently neither is this next guy.
"Hundreds of law enforcement officers continue to search for the man police say ambushed and shot two Pennsylvania state troopers last week, killing one and seriously injuring the other. As the search for the suspected shooter entered its sixth day Wednesday, schools in the area announced that they were canceling classes in response.
Police in Pennsylvania on Tuesday identified Eric Matthew Frein, 31, as the suspect they had charged with the shootings. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said that Frein is “armed and extremely dangerous,” describing him as a highly-trained survivalist who has expressed a desire to kill police officers and other people.
“He has made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers'".
When I read about a "survivalist" who likes to kill people a red flag goes off.
Negroes in Pistolvania please lock your doors.
"Court documents revealed Tuesday that investigators found an Army manual called “Sniper Training and Employment” in Frein’s bedroom at the home where he lived with his parents a few miles from the state police barracks where the shootings occurred.
The suspect’s father, an Army veteran, told police that his son was an excellent marksman, who “doesn’t miss.”' [Source]
Lord have mercy!
Let me revise that warning: Lock your doors and don't go anywhere near your windows.
Field, "But alas, they were not Negroes."
Brother Field, I don't believe it! Are you telling me they are going to prosecute some of those Whites for wrongdoing? Well, we will see.
You see, they come from money. And money talks esp to that corrupt police and judicial system you have there in that so-called city of brotherly love.
What if one of those kids happen to be the daughter or son of a judge or lawyer? Case closed. Suddenly the cops can't find anyone who did anything on that night.
Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a brother or two in that crowd who looked White. In that case, that brother is guilty and did all the beating.
Has anyone seen Kinky lately? QLB? They usually go underground on news like this.
Violence breeds violence. This has been/is a violent country. Founded,based and built on violence.
So it is violent across the board.
Field, "But alas, they were not Negroes."
Of course they're not. If they were, we know the field negro would have never posted about it.
Racial demagoguery at its finest.
And field had to wait for how long for these examples? Yes it is racial demagoguery at its best. Perhaps he'd like to have a tit for tat contest? Nah.
Kinky, You and Field are sooooo predictable.
Can you agree that America is NOT a violent country like some PRs want it to be?
Can the two of you agree that America is a spiritually based and gently country that only fights if agitated by gays or Negroes?
I'm certain I'm not the only one who knew the cop shooter was White.
Fancy that, White cops abuse terrorize and kill Black men and women. But it's another White man that pops caps in their asses.
Maybe they should start targeting their own?
señor kinky ~ Really? Do you scan Mr Field's blogs only for the items you wish to troll?
First and foremost, this is Mr Field's blog which by definition he is free to discuss the news that peaks his interest.
He has been most gracious in allowing your freedom of speech/commentary.
Want other news discussed that you don't find here? Then create your own blog.
Yawn. Another Man-bites-dog story.
Meanwhile, the dogs are of course still biting away:
Another golden oldie from our favorite Apex Racist.
"Lets face it. TNB IS rioting and looting. They simply can't help it. The face of chimpout is Black America."
8:05 PM 08-18-14
"Fancy that, White cops abuse terrorize and kill Black men and women. But it's another White man that pops caps in their asses."
You have to understand how America works. Blacks cannot shoot the police. That distinction lies only at the White level.
Blacks don't have that kind of courage nor do they feel they have that right and privilege.
Remember the Bundy incident? If those people had been Black they would have all been dead.
You see, that's the way America works. It's worked that way ever since America was born.... Where are you from, the Islands?
Anonymous said...
Where are you from, the Islands?
10:13 PM
and what exactly does being from the islands have to do with anything?:)
Many here on "the islands" know more about what's going on over there than you do LOL!
You should take a little jaunt down to "the islands" and check it out!
Dear Mr Field, this note is my swan song to FN. Over the years of commenting on your blog I have felt privileged to be part of the FN family.
However, FN has gone dysfunctional with people like QLB and Kinky ripping FN at the seams. I have never seen such jealous people in all of my life, and I'm 88yrs.
If I remember right, Granny and StillaPanther are not too far behind?
Anyway, I've decided to leave because I can't stand the suffering that folks are going thru on FN...depressed Negro comes to mind. But so do PilotX and Purple Cow suffer although they do a good job of covering up their hurt.
Kinky and QLB have been unmerciful and very degrading. Which doesn't surprise me. Most Whites probably think like they do.
Anyway, I can't stand the suffering here so I wanted to thank you for keeping FN alive and to say, "goodbye."
Anonymous Lilac island lady said...
Anonymous said...
Where are you from, the Islands?
10:13 PM
and what exactly does being from the islands have to do with anything?:)
Many here on "the islands" know more about what's going on over there than you do LOL!
You should take a little jaunt down to "the islands" and check it out!
10:43 PM
Lord have mercy, it's Desert. I know it's you because you KNOW everything about America and the only place you have been to is that sorry place called Philadelphia.
Where have you been? Are you still baking cakes? How much you charging these days? I bet you are rich by now. You should buy PR and make the entire island a bakery.
In order to keep the integrity of the island, don't let Kinky set foot on the island. That boy will try to steal all the cake on the island.
I don't understand ir I must be insensitive. I don't see any suffering here! Anon what are you talkibg about? The only one suffering is you lolol! But you're so funny. You know you're not really leaving :)
No Anon I'm not rich yet :( but I'm working on it :D
And kinky can come, he's not stealing my cake, belieeeve meeee! :)
I'm going to disagree with your title there: "White collar [color] crimes."
Definitely not white collar crimes. These aren't incidents of investment bankers or corporate attorneys gone wild.
"White color crime" is closer to the mark, but conservative crime hits it square on the head. Beating the crap out of gay people is straight-up street-level cultural conservative activism. The "family values" folks would quietly approve of these hoodlums approach to discouraging "sin."
And your survivalist sniper? He might be just an insane person. But there's pretty strong odds this is another Timothy McVeigh feller, filled full of crazy racist libertarian literature, and an avid listener to rage-inducing right-wing conspiracy theories.
He's probably Alex Jones' number one fan. You're right that black people should stay out of his line of sight until the cops have finished gunning him down.
Y'all know i ain't into stealing.
But if you ain't gonna let me cut the cake, can i get a little taste of the icing:)
Kinky of course you can get cake! I'm not going to give you just icing! LOL! I always give cake to all of my guests!
So never fear you will taste the most marvelous brandy soaked Victoria sponge cake you have ever tasted! With the most delicious Italian Merengue buttercream you have ever tasted! Truly unforgettable!
People fight for that cake. That cake has become famous and I have a waiting list of people waiting for that cake...well, not really, but I can dream.....
Lilac, this is why I'm leaving. This kind of talk is very un-Christian like. You sound like Daniele talking to her boyfriend in that Mercedes.
Lilac island woman said...
I don't understand ir I must be insensitive. I don't see any suffering here! Anon what are you talkibg about? The only one suffering is you lolol! But you're so funny. You know you're not really leaving :)
11:07 PM
Well, at least you can see my suffering. That's a start.
If it's that good? No need to pass it around to your other guests.
I can handle it all by me self;)
Maybe the NRA will issue a statement. Ya think?
Maybe the NRA will issue a statement.
Please stop. The stupid hurts.
Anon 10:35. I feel you to the max. I hate that you may be waning in your inputs.. especially with your age, I am sure you have a vault of memories living thru the period in America whereby the white man showed his true self. I don't like to use broad statements about a people because I am sure there were many whites that did not meet the standards that I saw on a daily basis. Just like TODAY WITH PC- they went along to get along. That Bundy incident showed the inability of the Government to move on people that are willing to trade blow for blow. That (Bundy) incident needed the tanks and heavy armament... nah they did that once and the people stood them down for weeks. Now of course these were valued citizens.. unlike the citizen in Philly that was burned and brutalized out their houses.
Anon 88, I will go back to read some earlier post. Mostly in the last years I have not paid attention to most Anons, thinking it was negative posting and living in America I go through negatives all day. I see the negatives of my people and in this last decade I really don't want to even listen to a race of people that see us as the enemy when if they only open their eyes they will see that America has a small group of people that benefit with the division of America's population. I WILL BE THINKING OF YOU."THANK YOU " FOR ALL YOUR INPUT. I AM SURE THAT I MAY HAVE READ YOUR INPUT IN THE EARLY STATGES OF THIS BLOG. bECAUSE AFTER A DAY OF WORKING, I USED TO LOOK FORWARD TO GOOD TALK ABOUT MY PEOPLE. Sorry about hitting the cap button
Yeah, you're right. Why would the nra comment on usage of firearms. Not like that's their area of interest or anything.
SAP2, stay strong my brother. You put your life on the line for this country so that ignorant racists can leave comments on the Internet. They don't appreciate the irony, but I certainly do.
Good post brotha Panther, maybe one day the trolls will get tired of adding "diversity" to this site and we can have grown up conversations once again.
No threats. No violence. No one hurt or killed. That was Bundy. That's what you say needed the "tanks and heavy armament"?
Those innocent citizens in Philly were threatening to kill people and hurting people.
Just had to point that out.
And also, wasn't Democrats (black at that)responsible for that Philly thang?
Just another reason for blacks to vote Democrat 90% of the time.
"I really don't want to even listen to a race of people that see us as the enemy"
Since YOU see this race has the enemy-why would you have a problem with them seeing you the same way?
Gotta love the left. Always re-writing history and playing victim.
Always asking why their plantation masters always betray them.
Why do blacks hate diversity of thought?
No one is stopping you from having a grown up conversation, px.
First you have to grow up px. I know your ilk are use to using the race card and screaming "WHITE PRIVILEGE!" as a defense for your lack of critical thinking and poor debate skills.
I won't cower in fear. I know where the cards are coming from.
Knowledge is my trump card. I will continue to play it on you everyday.
Kinky, "Knowledge is my trump card. I will continue to play it on you everyday."
Knowledge is your trump card? Get real. If you had an ounce of knowledge you wouldn't be on FN taunting Blacks like PX.
Intelligent knowledgeable Whites don't do what you do. Only the immoral and emotionally ill do what you do. There is no thought in what you do.
"Fancy that, White cops abuse terrorize and kill Black men and women. But it's another White man that pops caps in their asses."
Yeah, a black man would never do that.
PilotX said...
...maybe one day the trolls will get tired of adding "diversity" to this site and we can have grown up conversations once again.
Dumb ass white trolls are preventing you from having a conversation?
Stop playing the victim card.
señor kinky said...
If it's that good? No need to pass it around to your other guests.
I can handle it all by me self;)
12:06 AM
I do swear sometimes (only sometimes though :) I can be so STUPID! But I have an excuse this time though.
Last night I was so tired, I spent the day out, seeing houses and searching for a gift for my daughter whose birthday it was.
This whole conversation just skipped right over my head!
So now I'm reading comments and I REALIZE!
I'll never trust you a agaaaainnn Kiiiinkyyyyy! You a bad,bad boy!!! :D
Cake only! m'kay
But I gotta hand it to you, you guys sure know how to have fun ;)
Blacks shoot police all the fucking time you turd. Look it up!
Hmmmm, who plays the victim car more in 2014 than white males?
Waaahhhh, it's those blacks preventing me from getting a good job.
If it wasn't for rap music my little Johnny would be a good boy.
Field is whites are so bad and evil go back to Africa or Jamaica. .wherever the fuck you came from. No whitey to hold you down there.
Are you fucking kidding me!?! You darkies INVENTED the victim card!
You and many other darkies continue to live in a deluded, unrealistic world.
Thats what they do best Bill.
Field "im a silly negro" writes about whites in Philly.
Its the young blacks ruining Philly you stupid fuck!
First, blacks in Ferguson threatened "it's gonna be hell to pay" if the conditions of post-riot city aren't restored to the conditions of the city when it was overwhelmingly white. [Ferguson residents frustrated over lack of opportunity, CBS News, 8-22-14]:
Gunny: "To be honest, if they don’t come and restore these neighborhoods for these people, like when you gotta go travel miles to Walmart and to get gas and stuff like that, it should be right here. If they don’t restore this community for people who stay here it’s gonna be hell to pay…”
Blacks have no purchasing power, meaning even stores like Walmart are incapable of staying open in a city without a white population (or even Hispanic) to sustain it.
Black Terrorism in St. Louis
Were Ferguson to magically go back to its demographic breakdown in 1990 (73 percent white versus 27 percent white today), the neighborhoods currently "blighted" by a 67 percent black population could be restored; property value would magically increase; tax-revenue would grow, meaning streets would be paved and parks would be improved for children to enjoy the outdoors; and precious Walmart would return.
Now, blacks have threatened the city of St. Louis (giving new weight to the term black-mail) with massive violence if the lynching of Darren Wilson - you know, the man who executed angelic Michael Brown in cold blood - doesn't commence soon. [Fury of Ferguson descends on St. Louis County Council, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 9-17-14]:
“If Darren Wilson gets off, you all better bring every army you all have got. ’Cause it’s going down,” said one speaker.
The fury of Ferguson descended on the seat of St. Louis County with a vengeance Tuesday night with demonstrators unleashing a torrent of chants, invective and threats at a County Council that listened for two hours in stunned silence.
Protesters demanded the arrest of Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown to death on a Ferguson street five weeks ago, the removal of County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch from the Brown case, the resignations of County Police Chief Jon Belmar and Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson and accountability from the elected county legislative arm.
Council Chairwoman Hazel Erby twice threatened to end the meeting prematurely if the demonstrators — who interrupted speakers, including eight residents appealing to the council on zoning and other matters — didn’t cease.
Undeterred, the audience loudly cheered speakers who likened Wilson and other law enforcement officials to “war criminals,” compared St. Louis County government to the Ku Klux Klan and drew analogies between the St. Louis region and Jim Crow laws.
“You are ISIS to black people,” one speaker told council members.
The audience jeered a woman who voiced support for the police. She received a police escort from the building after the meeting.
Speakers also threatened to shut down St. Louis Cardinals and Rams games this Sunday, disrupt weekend grocery shopping trips throughout the area and mount massive demonstrations if the Cardinals reach the World Series.
Lastly came the foreshadowing of further violence if Wilson is not charged and convicted.
“If Darren Wilson gets off, you all better bring every army you all have got. ’Cause it’s going down,” said one speaker.
“If Darren Wilson gets off, you all better bring every army you all have got. ’Cause it’s going down.”
Oh, but it already went "down."
Recall, the black insurrection in Ferguson required a military-style response because the first night of lawlessness nearly saw innocent employees of a QuikTrip executed. [“Snitches Get Stitches” message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip,, 8-11-14]:
An employee who was working the Quik Trip that was looted and burned told a terrifying story of survival. The 18 year old man didn’t want to be identified but he did say, “Terrifying very, very, terrifying. Madden says: tell me what was going through your mind. Worker: I thought I was going to die tonight, I really thought I was going to die tonight.
His mother added, “I’m very thankful that he’s alright.”
The worker said he was at the register when the looters rushed the store. He and his two fellow workers locked themselves in a back room. One signaled the company’s alarm system. They got a phone call telling them to stay put, that the police were on the way. But after ten or twenty minutes they decided it was best to escape, fortunately before the fire started.
The workers said, “One of the employees said we can get a way out of here and so we grabbed jackets to cover our uniform and we ran out of there, out the back door.”
He said when he got outside he could see the looters keeping police at bay. He was glad he did not stay put and he was told to do, “If we would have stayed put we would have died.”
The black insurrection in Ferguson saw scores of business looted, but the real violence started immediately succeding the lethal encounter between Officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown. Multiple gun shots were fired by the irate black crowd at the police who gathered around the lifeless of Brown, in the already economically lifeless (remember, there's no Walmart!) city of Ferguson.
The scene was so intense, it took hours before the funeral home director dispatched to claim Brown's body could finish his job. [Why was Michael Brown's body left there for hours?, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 9-14-14]:
A St. Louis County first precinct dispatcher was initially bewildered by the requests for backup. “We just called Ferguson back again, and they don’t know anything about it,” she said at one point.
A Ferguson dispatcher first told the ambulance district someone had been Tased.But at 12:10 p.m., county police began to flood the scene with cars: By 1 p.m., they had dispatched more than a dozen units, according to the county log. By 2 p.m., a dozen more, including two with police dogs.
And the scene was about to get much more turbulent. .
This has been said/written many times already, but it bears repeating: There's a way these people can stop suffering the endless slights of life with YT immediately. Just for a form an all-black community that is self-sustaining, productive and peaceful. Wander off into the wilderness with little more than the shirts on your backs and create a great city surrounded by verdant farms, over the course of a couple generations. Govern it with the inborn wisdom and circumspection that are the hallmarks of black politicians everywhere. Then, market the world-leading products created by black innovation across the globe. In a fairly short time, you'll be visited groups of "ice people" asking you to reveal the secrets of your peace, prosperity and advanced technology. Problem solved!
This has been said/written many times already, but it bears repeating: There's a way these people can stop suffering the endless slights of life with YT immediately. Just for a form an all-black community that is self-sustaining, productive and peaceful. Wander off into the wilderness with little more than the shirts on your backs and create a great city surrounded by verdant farms, over the course of a couple generations. Govern it with the inborn wisdom and circumspection that are the hallmarks of black politicians everywhere. Then, market the world-leading products created by black innovation across the globe. In a fairly short time, you'll be visited groups of "ice people" asking you to reveal the secrets of your peace, prosperity and advanced technology. Problem solved!
"Council Chairwoman Hazel Erby twice threatened to end the meeting prematurely if the demonstrators — who interrupted speakers, including eight residents appealing to the council on zoning and other matters — didn’t cease.
Undeterred, the audience loudly cheered speakers who likened Wilson and other law enforcement officials to “war criminals,” compared St. Louis County government to the Ku Klux Klan and drew analogies between the St. Louis region and Jim Crow laws.
“You are ISIS to black people,” one speaker told council members.
The audience jeered a woman who voiced support for the police. She received a police escort from the building after the meeting.
Speakers also threatened to shut down St. Louis Cardinals and Rams games this Sunday, disrupt weekend grocery shopping trips throughout the area and mount massive demonstrations if the Cardinals reach the World Series.
Lastly came the foreshadowing of further violence if Wilson is not charged and convicted.
“If Darren Wilson gets off, you all better bring every army you all have got. ’Cause it’s going down,” said one speaker."
Integration between two such different cultures was a bad idea.
Black people cannot live by white norms. It is unjust to expect them to, and results in high imprisonment rates and endemic failure.
It is also unjust to force white people to live with others who feel it is their right to take their property and inflict violence upon them.
Things are just not working out, and something needs to change.
Blacks are a separate people, self-aware and cohesive. They have their own dialect, music, and modes of dress, which they value. They name their kids LaToya and Keeshawn instead of Robert and Carol because they want to maintain a distance from whites.
The races spring from utterly different cultures. Compulsory integration is thus a form of social imperialism in which whites try to force blacks to conform to European norms. Blacks have no historical connection at all to Greece, Rome, the Old Testament Hebrews, Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, to Newton, LaGrange, or Galois, to the philosophic tradition of Thales, Aquinas, Schopenhauer, or Hegel. Nor do Eurowhites have roots in Africa. No commonality exists.
We talk multiculturism, but try to impose a monoculture—ours—on blacks. Why? Why in school should we insist that blacks study things of no interest to them? It is reminiscent of policies aimed at stripping American Indians of their languages and traditions.
On the other hand, I as a white man have little enthusiasm for studying Shaka Zulu, the Great Zimbabwe, or African religions. Would not all be happier with their own schools in which they could maintain their own culture?
“Separate but equal” is in bad odor as a governing philosophy. It seems to be the only one that works. If voluntary, wherein lies the evil? Less contact means less conflict.
Is there any evidence that blacks want to associate with whites? Or vice versa? In the universities, do blacks not clamor for black-only dormitories, black-only fraternities, and Black Studies? And what is wrong with this? Why should blacks not associate with whom they choose? And why should not whites?
Ethnic mixing doesn’t work, gang. Not Moslems and Parisians, Irish Catholics and Protestants, Shias and Sunnis, Indonesians and Chinese, nor even New Yorkers and Alabamans. We think it should work, insist that it will, punish those who observe that it doesn’t. Yet still it doesn’t work. The greater the difference between groups, the less well it works. If we realized this, and let people do as they choose, the country would be much better off.
PilotX said...
Maybe the NRA will issue a statement. Ya think?
Crazy thinking.
Does the naacp issue a statement every time a black man murders someone?
See how crazy your thinking is?
Whoa! Lilac island woman slow your roll.
I'm talking about cake. I have no idea what you talking about ;)
señor kinky1:16 PMWhoa! Lilac island woman slow your roll.I'm talking about cake. I have no idea what you talking about ;)
Oh okay then! But....hmmmm...oh alright then! :)
"Crazy thinking.
Does the naacp issue a statement every time a black man murders someone?
See how crazy your thinking is?"
Amazing. Even after all this time Bill still does not understand the concept of irony.
Toronto Girl
As a Conservative and a Canadian, I have never suffered from ‘liberal white guilt’. The significant black population of Canada did not exist until the 1970′s, so black/white racial issues were almost non-existant. However, since Obama has come to power, I have developed a distain for blacks and black culture. My eyes have been opened to who the real racists are. I used to defend blacks, but no more. Now, I view so many of them as professional victims, screaming at a fictitious boogeyman. Violent, angry, irresponsible children who cry racism whenever it suits them.
Well from one fellow Canadian and Conservative to another we both can certainly relate to this style of unrelenting attacks from the Liberal and NDP brainwashed masses here in Canada. I don’t know about you but I have been more than aghast at the intolerance and bigotry that spews forth from these so called enlightened ones. They display the same type of mentality and ethos that is prevalent in the race baiting in America, in fact I believe it is from the same play book as the same old tired bromides and canards put forth under the false flag of racism can be applied to our political classes here in Canada.
In fact the same war is being fought here in Canada and all you have to do is replace ‘black’ with ‘aboriginal’ to see the exact same similarities being played out. In fact Canada is so corrupt in that regard that we have our Federal government able to advertise job opportunities that clearly state ‘only aboriginal candidates will be considered’.
So progressive, so enlightened… so wrong
Toronto Girl you state,
“My eyes have been opened to who the real racists are. I used to defend blacks, but no more. Now, I view so many of them as professional victims, screaming at a fictitious boogeyman. Violent, angry, irresponsible children who cry racism whenever it suits them.”
I grew up in New Orleans, LA. There was and is racism, black on white and white on black. Social justice was a HUGE focus of my Catholic High School, Jesuit High. “Liberal White Guilt” was a DEMONSTRABLE phenomena affecting SEVERAL priests. It was difficult to stomach. A huge portion of their quest for social justice and equality was guilt driven by my observation.
In more recent years I worked in a place that had a few cliques of black females in key positions. The corruption was unreal and the working conditions were horrible. It was a horrible experience, almost traumatic. The black on white hate was ever present in a highly toxic atmosphere. The race relations were always just beneath the surface as a major motive behind how one person may deal with another. If one was part of the clique … things got done and if not … good luck. Bottom line, I agree with your statement 100 percent, “Now, I view so many of them as professional victims, screaming at a fictitious boogeyman. Violent, angry, irresponsible children who cry racism whenever it suits them.”
It is a form of terrorism … because in certain jobs, when one crys racism …. there is an office that sometimes aggressively facilitates the cry (the Equal Opportunity Office — very close by in my case). People’s ability to hold a job and by extension … feed their own children is directly affected. It shocks me that this is the case, but it clearly is and I am far from the only one who has observed this kind of behavior. God help us.
Blogger field negro said...
Hmmmm, who plays the victim car more in 2014 than white males?
Waaahhhh, it's those blacks preventing me from getting a good job.
I agree, end affirmative action now. Immediately, no more dumbed down tests so you can pass, if you don't have the brains, too bad. You can't read, write, speak English or understand math...too fukkin bad .
If it wasn't for rap music my little Johnny would be a good boy.
Rap isn't music it's dumb Ebonic poetry and grunting spoken over stolen music of someone else. Any white kid that messes up their lives acting like Negroes, deserves everything they get. Darwin's natural selection.
Blogger field negro said...
Hmmmm, who plays the victim car more in 2014 than white males?
Waaahhhh, it's those blacks preventing me from getting a good job.
I agree, end affirmative action now. Immediately, no more dumbed down tests so you can pass, if you don't have the brains, too bad. You can't read, write, speak English or understand math...too fukkin bad .
If it wasn't for rap music my little Johnny would be a good boy.
Rap isn't music it's dumb Ebonic poetry and grunting spoken over stolen music of someone else. Any white kid that messes up their lives acting like Negroes, deserves everything they get. Darwin's natural selection.
Radical equalitarianism is an insane ideology on it's way to a religion that is being forced on Western peoples by disingenuous zealots using the vast power of the state.
All men were created equal as regards their inherent worth as human beings and their right to equality before the law, but that's it.
The current reigning ideology denies natural law, human nature, and the right to be an individual. It is a War on Reality waged by an insatiably greedy elite who enslave the people with guilt, resentment and fear.
White victims of BLACK murders. In ONE year.
2013-08-01 STABBING Natasha Martinez.
2013-07-31 MOB ATTACK unnamed man.
2013-07-30 MOB ATTACK T.C. Maslin
22013-07-29 SCHOOL BUS ATTACK 13-yr-old boy.
2013-07-29 ASSAULT cab driver.
2013-07-29 ASSAULT young mother.
2013-07-28 MOB ATTACK unnamed man.
2013-07-28 MOB ATTACK 4 victims.
2013-07-27 MOB ATTACK unnamed victim.
2013-07-25 SHOOTING elderly trucker.
2013-07-19 HOMICIDE Stacey Moulton.
2013-07-19 HOMICIDE Terri Moulton.
2013-07-19 ASSAULT Zack Finkelstein.
2013-07-19 RAPE 5-yrold girl.
2013-07-15 ASSAULT Georgia [withheld].
2013-07-14 MOB ATTACK Christopher (withheld).
2013-07-14 MURDER Matthew Bohannon.
2013-07-14 MURDER Andrew Bohannon.
2013-07-14 MURDER Joseph Orlando.
2013-07-14 ABDUCTION/MURDER Brenna Machus.
2013-07-12 MURDER Lina Lim.
2013-07-12 MURDER Khin Min.
2013-07-12 MURDER Pat Mahaney.
2013-07-10 SHOT Father, children.
2013-07-10 ASSAULT/THEFT 3 victims.
2013-07-04 ASSAULT/THEFT Joe Stapf.
2013-07-02 MURDER Molly Conley.
2013-07-02 MURDER Kelly L. Hunnewel
2013-07-02 KNIFE ASSAULT 2-Yr-Old.
2013-07-01 MURDER Joshua Chellew.
2013-07-01 ASSAULT Cassandra Struve.
2013-06-30 MOB ATTACK young woman.
2013-06-27 ASSAULT Hayley Aldridge.
2013-06-26 HOMICIDE Amy Gibbins.
2013-06-26 HOMICIDE Amy Gibbins’5-yr-old son.
2013-06-26 MOB ATTACK Unnamed Family.
A bar in Brixton has blamed rising violence in south London on black youngsters, claiming many clubs in the area have been forced out of business.
In a post on their Facebook page Fridge Bar, which is owned by a black woman, warned that unless young black people ‘learn to conduct themselves in a civil manner’ they face being barred from venues.
The post claims 13 clubs have closed ‘in the past couple of years’, because of violence.
The author of the post, who warned it was a ‘controversial’ message, said: ‘The absolute majority of people who have disrupted theses venues are black men and increasingly some black women.
‘There, I said it. It is true, I have witnessed it and there is both anecdotal and empirical evidence that what I say is true.
‘I know some will say that it is a “minority” doing the damage but I disagree.
‘The minority know that they have the support of the majority who fail to call them out when their behaviour becomes awful.’
It adds: ‘It seems that the decent black people of whom there are many are losing the fight.
‘We need to take back control and start to ostracise the b******s who are giving us all a terrible name.
The 300-capacity bar in Brixton Hill, which regularly hosts House, RnB and Disco nights, hit out at media reports covering the controversial post, in a second message on the social networking site.
^ So..even young negros in England are out of control as well, eh? Crazy...
What do most of the 30 Brokest Cities in America have in Common?
Remember that town in Alabama that couldn't pay retired city employees their pensions anymore? We do. It was Prichard, Alabama, a once thriving white community that was overwhelmed by the Black Undertow.
A sign commemorating the victory of BRA in one of the worst cities in America, Macon, GA
As Black people became the majority of the town's population, businesses shuttered and the tax base dried up; thus, no new revenue to pay the pension of retired white city employees who worked their entire lives to help build a city, only to see the Black Undertow Effect undermine it all.
The phenomenon of the Black Undertow Effect is readily observable in the ruins of Detroit and Birmingham, two formerly world-class cities now both teetering on the verge of complete financial ruin. Odd that the suburbs of both dying metropolises (Detroit's suburbs are 82 percent white, compared to the core of the city being only 8 percent white) are some of the most desirable in all the country.
CNBC did a hilarious story on 20 Cities You Don't Want to Live in... Yet, which included both Detroit and Birmingham. Presumably when the Black Undertow is forcibly moved into the white suburbs via Section 8 Housing and removed from prime real estate in the core of these cities, then and only then will you want to live in these cities.
All across the country, Black people - who have been a significant population of failing major cities - are moving to the white suburbs. White people are moving into the cities.
The dream of owning your own home - and the relaxed lending standards introduced to help facilitate this for primarily non-white buyers - has ravaged formerly prosperous counties, especially in the Metro Atlanta area. Clayton County, once one of the top places to live in Atlanta - almost all of the founder of Chick-fil-A's entire family still lives there - is now the prime example of what happens when the Black Undertow takes over.
Though Atlanta has the highest income inequality in the nation (yes, this is largely a Black-white issue), it does not rank as one of America's 30 Top Brokest Cities. According to The Daily Beast, four other Georgia cities rank in that dubious list:
To find the most struggling cities in the country, we used three data points weighted equally: the most recently available unemployment rate (August 2011), median household income, and average debt. Data is from a recent report by Experian and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average credit score for each city is included in the gallery, though not taken into account to determine the final ranking. If this data is any indication, the cities struggling the most right now—the ones that may take the longest to recover—are clustered in the South and along the Pacific Coast.
And only here at SBPDL, will you learn that those four cities (and the majority of the 30 Brokest Cities) are overwhelmed in the Black Undertow, with many boasting some of the largest percentages of overall Black population in the nation.
Savannah, Macon, Augusta, and, the No. 1 brokest city in America, Columbus, Georgia comprise four spots on that illustrious list. And with Georgia adding the most Black people to its overall population then any other state over the past 10 years, how long until Atlanta nudges onto that list?:
The state added 1.5 million people over the past decade for a total of 9,687,653, according to new Census data. Georgia's black population growth — 579,335 — was greater than either the Hispanic (418,462) or white (285,259) population growth, says William Frey, demographer at the Brookings Institution. "Georgia is just a major magnet for African Americans, both high-skilled and low-skilled," he says. "For cultural reasons and for economic reasons, the black migration to the state is significant."
Let's see: Savannah is 55 percent Black; Augusta 54 percent Black; Macon 62 percent Black; and Columbus is 44 percent Black. Gosh, what do each of these have in common?
What about the other 26 brokest cities in America? It reads like a who's who of the cities with the greatest percentage of Black people in America:
Beaumont is 45 percent Black; Greenville, NC is 32 percent Black; Mobile is 50 percent Black; Tampa is 26 percent Black; Toledo is 24 percent Black; Waco is 23 percent Black; Greensboro is 40 percent Black; Wilmington is 26 percent Black; Detroit is 83 percent Black; Montgomery is 56 percent Black;Tyler is 25 percent Black; Charleston is 26 percent Black; Birmingham is 73 percent Black; Fort Myers is 34 percent Black; Flint is 57 percent Black; Jacksonville is 30 percent Black; Miami is 19 percent Black; and Orlando is 28 percent Black.
These cities also have extreme levels of segregation, with predominately Black areas completely distressed and reliant on federal funds (welfare, EBT/SNAP, free lunches at school, Section 8/Public Housing) to subsist. Just like Silicon Valley, there aren't many Black entrepreneurs in these cities either. Businesses can't stay open in the majority Black portions of these cities, because your Black person has no purchasing power.
Know this: Savannah, Miami, Augusta, Orlando and the other cities listed have very nice areas where people can live, work, and play. But they also have incredibly scary areas, with one common denominator that you'll soon learn the answer.
Notice that a good portion of the brokest cities are in the south, where 54 percent of Black people in America reside; other cities include those dying Rust Belt cities (Detroit, Flint, Toledo) where Black people went to escape the "discrimination" of the the Jim Crow South, only to leave these towns in horrible condition, with low property values, crumbling infrastructure, high crime rates and low Trick-or-Treating rates.
That is the lasting Black footprint on America (the same goes for Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, New Orleans, Jackson, Memphis, Philadelphia, Hartford, Harrisburg, Kansas City, Newark, Camden, etc.) and one that must be addressed moving forward.
Consult this list of the whitest big cities (Portland, Seattle Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Boston, etc.) and realize that the old "Republican vs. Democrat" debate has no merit in what makes a great city. It isn't liberal politics; it isn't conservative politics. It has everything to do with the type of community - the kind Robert Putnam discussed - that can be created.
Those brokest cities? No social trust, because white families are constantly having to move from one suburb to the next to avoid the encroaching Black Undertow. And as we have learned, the Blacker the city, the lower the social trust and the greater the inability for complete community breakdown.
Just look at Detroit and Birmingham.
And such is life in the dying days of Black-Run America (BRA), when two Black men are seriously being considered to represent the Republican and Democrat parties in a bid for the POTUS in 2012.
So what do most of the 30 Brokest Cities in America have in common? If your answer was the Black Undertow makes owning and operating a business (plus remains a huge burden on tax revenue, with a small percentage collected from Black people and a much greater percentage going to policing and protecting citizens from them), then you are today's winner.
Moving forward, remember this: anytime you see a list that purports to delineate the worst cities in America for (crime, property value, standard of living, schools, raising a family, living, staying in shape) instinctively know it will be a run-down of those places hit hardest by the Black Undertow.
The worst cities in America might be dominated by Democrats (because Black people vote that way), but some of the best cities in America are as well. What's the difference?
"I used to defend blacks, but no more. "
"And such is life in the dying days of Black-Run America (BRA), when two Black men are seriously being considered to represent the Republican and Democrat parties in a bid for the POTUS in 2012."
Sorry Paul, but I can't help but think they are running a couple of years late.
Or is it still 2011 in Colorado?
Did this guy find a time machine or something? What brotha was a serious candidate on the Republican side? Herman Cain? Whomever this anon is they are high.also note that some of the poorest areas in America are dominated by whites, see Appalacia E. Kentucky and W. Virginia. I would much rather live in a middle class blah area than in a trailer park full of poor whites. 2012 ha!
I see the storm from folks were posting hard during work hours.
Wait....did I say work?Never mind. *whistles away*
Just so you know, a former colleague of mine works for the Scottish 'YES' campaign, and I heard from him a few hours ago that they have lost.
He reckons that the early exit polls match what their internal polling has been showing for the last couple of days, that the 'NO' to independence campaign has won by 54% to 46%.
You heard it here first.
ROTFL @Field!!!
Laughing at what? Most predominately black communities/cities in this country ARE in bad shape.
The coming economic collapse is going to effect predominantly black areas/cities much more severely. One reason for that is that most blacks don't have the support networks that whites tend to have.
Everyone is acting all amused at the "silly" racist but nobody here is saying he's a liar. For us to pretend otherwise is delusional on our part. We KNOW it's mostly true.
Yīshēng said...
ROTFL @Field!!!
"Everyone is acting all amused at the "silly" racist but nobody here is saying he's a liar."
I am. You are a liar, sock puppet.
It's an easy gig for a third-rate brain like yours, Paul.
You have no real talent, and you can't write worth a lick. So you write books (they are books in the sense that they have pages with words printed on them) to reinforce the prejudices of dimwit racists. Hardly the most discerning literacy clients.
As I say, you've found an easy gig for a third rate talent such as yourself, to make money out of knuckle-dragging dimwits.
Congratulations 'Paul', but don't try and come here and pretend that there is some intellectual nitty to your gritty - because we are not as stupid as your target demographic.
2 molotov cocktails though the window of emanuel cleaver’s office on 9/11??
Must be racist NRA tea party types.
If it was, FN would have written about it. A couple times.
Not much about it on the media.
Guess that means it is either someone that is left of center politically or non-white christian.
Go chase FN.
Anon@6:14, I hear banjo music. Shouldn't u be jigging?
That is, of course, if u really are black.
I think PC might be on to something.
Who the hell left the gate open?
My favorite was Toronto girl who found her inner racist when Barack got elected. I love how they come here and give testimonials as if anybody here gives a shit. She will no longer stick up for blah people? Really sweety? Oh lordy! We're doomed! Ha! Gotta admire the cojones on these fools.
Pilot, I was thinking the same thing.
Like her sticking up for black people gets her some kind if magical brownie points.
Its all about the #FreinGATE
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