According to the police it is not.
The police claim that the man fired at the officer and had a weapon, but the young man's family says that all he had was a sandwich.
So let's take a look at this story:
"Police cordoned off a major street in the largely African-American area as demonstrators denounced police and smashed windows on several police cars.
Some in the crowd shouted "Hands up, don't shoot," referring to the fatal shooting in August of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, by a white police officer in the suburb of Ferguson, about 16 miles away.
Some social media postings urged residents of Ferguson to come to St. Louis to join the protest in the Shaw neighborhood, police said.
Unlike the Ferguson protests, demonstrators did not attack or damage businesses and the police did not try to confront the demonstrators, move them off the street or use riot gear.
Police Chief Sam Dotson, of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, told reporters that the police showed a "tremendous amount of restraint" despite the damage to police cars.
"We will do everything we can to support everybody's right to protest and allow their voices to be heard as long as it doesn't infringe on other people's rights," Dotson said.
Dotson did not identify the victim but said he "was no stranger to law enforcement." He was identified by relatives as Vonderrit Myers Jr., 18.
At the time of the shooting, Myers was wearing an ankle bracelet ordered by a court as a condition of bail in a previous gun case, according to his lawyer and police, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.
According to the newspaper, Myers was to go on trial in November on charges of unlawful use of a weapon and resisting arrest. The case, according to court documents, involved a high-speed car chase and crash. Myers, who had been a passenger, ran from police and allegedly tossed a .380-caliber pistol in a sewage drain, where it was recovered by police.
The police chief said the shooting in Shaw unfolded after a 32-year-old officer, working off-duty for a private security firm, confronted three black teens who fled as he drove by.
After a chase on foot, one of the teens approached the officer "in an aggressive manner," Dotson said, and refused to stop or surrender.
The two got into a "physical alteration" that pulled off the suspect's gray-hooded sweater. As the teenager ran away, grabbing at his waist, Dotson said, the officer felt that the teenager was carry a firearm.
Dotson said, however, that the unidentified officer, a six-year veteran of the St. Louis police force, did not open fire because "he wanted to be certain it was a gun."
At one point, he said, the suspect allegedly turned and "pointed the gun at the officer and fired at least three rounds at the officer." He said the suspect tried to continue firing, but his gun jammed.
The officer, who was wearing a city police uniform, responded by firing at least 17 rounds at the suspect, killing him. The officer was not injured.
Dotson said a 9mm Ruger handgun, allegedly belonging to the suspect, was recovered at the scene and a forensics search located three projectiles that had been fired at the officer.
"An investigation will decide if the officer's behavior was appropriate," the police chief told reporters.
The victim's mother, Syreeta Myers, told the Associated Press by phone Thursday that her son wasn't armed, as police contend. She said he was holding a sandwich when he was killed, not a gun.
"Police lie. They lied about Michael Brown, too," she said.
More than 20 black leaders gathered for a news conference Thursday outside police headquarters and questioned why the officer approached Myers in the first place. "This here was racial profiling turned deadly," state Sen. Jamilah Nasheed said.
St. Louis Alderman Antonio French of the 21st Ward posted on Twitter that Syreeta Myers' mother came to the scene of the shooting and fainted. "An ambulance came to attend to her," French tweeted. "There is nothing like a mother's pain at the loss of a child." [Source]
I will wait for more facts to come out before I pass judgment one way or the other about this story.
Sadly, this is where we are in this country. When you go shooting unarmed teenagers or teenagers holding a bag of Skittles, you are going to get the "side-eye" when you shoot and kill a teen you claim was armed.
This time they knocked out a teenager for having what appears to be the good collie weed on his person.
"A police officer apparently knocked out a Clinton Hill teen with one blow after stopping him for smoking a cigarette, hitting him so hard he now has neurological problems, according to the boy’s family.
Lawyers for Marcel Hamer say he was walking home from school down Gates Avenue with friends near Waverly Avenue around 3:30 pm on June 4, when the plainclothes cop jumped out of a blue van and accused him of smoking marijuana. He and his friends started to run, then stopped, Hamer told a registered nurse at Brooklyn Hospital Center. The cop caught up to him, pushed him to the ground, and Hamer hit his left arm on a planter rail, after which he couldn’t move it, he said, according to medical records.
A video of the incident picks up with Hamer lying in the gutter, pleading with the officer to lay off as the cop holds him by the right hand, which according to Hamer’s account in medical records is handcuffed. The undercover orders, “Turn around.”
“Mister, it was just a cigarette, sir,” Hamer says, without rolling over.
Teens, apparently friends of Hamer’s, hover nearby and the officer turns to one, still holding Hamer, and threatens him.
“Do you wanna get f----- up?” the cop says." [Video tape]
Mission accomplished, officer, you did f--- him up.
But hey, it could have been worse, at least young Mr. Hamer didn't get assaulted in his own home.
But Field, these cops were black, what do you say about that?
It makes no difference. In fact, it makes it even more egregious; they should know better.
This just goes to show you that the roots of the house run deep.
What's your take? Is this happening more or just being captured because of recording devices being more prevalent?
Methinks the latter.
Cops are legalized terrorists by white people. This kind of terrorizing and physical abuse by the cops is going to lead to something every bit as violent as ISIS. No group can withstand such brutality. People will start fighting back. Eventually a Black Bin Laden will arise out of the ashes out of necessity.
I hear that eye witnesses swear that the kid had a sandwich. Not a gun. Black people's lives have no value in Ameriklan Or the law would protect them.
Blogger PilotX said...
What's your take? Is this happening more or just being captured because of recording devices being more prevalent?
Methinks the latter.
8:40 PM
What difference does it make? IT'S HAPPENING, you moron. It's killing us and you are wondering if it's 'more' or just more recording? You are an ignorant dumb ass...a HN with no brains.
I knew Vonderrit, or has we called him in tha streets "Vondayday". He was a gentle soul would never hurt anyone.
Vondayday went to church and was working towards college.
Another black teen loses his life because of a scared white cop with a small penis.
Thats funny because im a 40 year old black man and ive never had a problem with police. Maybe because I present muself well, respect the law and show officers respect. Others should do the same
Why would they have value when they dont even respect themselves or their communities?
Whats "its" thats killing us? Talk about a dumb ass with no brains.
Ahhh yes..they are always innocent angels who are on their way towards big things. Yes! Im absolutely sure thats what Mr. Meyer was all about.
"Another black teen loses his life because of a scared white cop with a small penis"
This dude seen the cops penis! Talk about homo.
"What difference does it make? IT'S HAPPENING, you moron. It's killing us and you are wondering if it's 'more' or just more recording? You are an ignorant dumb ass...a HN with no brains."
Is that you Hillary?
"What difference does it make? IT'S HAPPENING, you moron. It's killing us and you are wondering if it's 'more' or just more recording? You are an ignorant dumb ass...a HN with no brains."
You sound like a genius. What are YOU doing to help? Oh that's right, NOTHING! STFU asshole.
Paranoid negro said:
"This kind of terrorizing and physical abuse by the cops is going to lead to something every bit as violent as ISIS. No group can withstand such brutality."
Boy oh boy the stupid and ignorant runs strong on this blog. No wonder why blacks are the lowest of all races when it comes to I.Q.
"I knew Vonderrit, or has we called him in tha streets "Vondayday"
LOL..Vondayday?..sillly negros.
Look at the fucking ugly, smug, deviant faces on those people in the background of that picture. Should we feel bad for and respect these idiotic, uneducated, ignorant goons?
They want respect and dont give any..whatsoever. They want "fair and equal" treatment from police in their hoods but dont ever comly or cooperate to improve the crime in their areas..i.e the no snitching rule.
When you completely burn down your own city from rioting and wars with the police dont ask for any sympathy when you have nothing left.
Looks like a federal judge agrees that Texas' and Wisconsin's voter ID laws were discriminatory. Oops.
maybe next time. Weigh in Field! Ha!
Whatever happen to that poster that claimed Democrats no longer have to hide who they really are?
40 painful seconds of Alison Lundergan Grimes refusing to say whether she voted for President Obama
"But Field, these cops were black, what do you say about that?
It makes no difference. In fact, it makes it even more egregious; they should know better. This just goes to show you that the roots of the house run deep."
Possibly. But just as with abusive white cops, race may or may not be a factor.
Maybe these cops hate their own kind. Or maybe they're just assholes. Bullies come in all colors.
Damn fields. The drop squad aka police are working overtime.
Here's a story you might want to keep an eye on.
Black teenager in North Carolina, found hanged from the swing set in a trailer park. He was dating a white woman. His body showed signs of a fight.
Police are implying it was a suicide ... but it might not be. Stay tuned.
"This kind of terrorizing and physical abuse by the cops is going to lead to something every bit as violent as ISIS. No group can withstand such brutality."
Co-sign 100%. Ask Michael Brown, Travoyn Martin, the dead teen in this post, all the lynchings of bm by Whites....yeah, ISIS is tame compared to some of the white racists in America.
Racists cops have been and are still terrorizing Blacks.
What happened to Lilac?
@10:10 PM
that child was 17 with a 31 yr old "girlfriend"...and folk are focused on the color of the pedophile?
my heart hurts for my people.
all people in fact.
we are under siege and folk can't seem to connect the spiritual dots.
the police state that effects us ALL is getting reduced to fodder for race riots...which plays into the hands of the enemy to our souls.
i am at a loss for words, really.
writer's block.
it is my prayer that Almighty will do what He do and activate/elevate my flow, in Messiah's Name i pray.
blessings all.
kinky are u a Mitch supporter? Do u live in Kentucky?
Co-sign with what someone above said. Those chickens are out there. They are going to come home to roost one day.
I have an ID, how about you Field? PC? Doc? Don't have a cat so not sure if it can learn Algebra.
BTW, it's you're not YOUR. It's also ID not IS. Expecting a hillbilly white racist to understand English is like expecting a hillbilly white racist to understand English.
Shouldnt all grown men and women have I.ds or a drivers license?
Why do you revert to calling every person you argue with a "hillbilly white racist"?
You do realize the odds of a hillbilly with a computer or laptop are very slim to none right?
Or it could be that you arent that bright and that's your only way of insulting people.
Heres a hint..not all people that are sick of and point out black crime and dysfunction are hillbilly white racists..some aren't even white.
"that child was 17 with a 31 yr old "girlfriend"...and folk are focused on the color of the pedophile?"
The "relationship" between the 17 year old boy and the 31 year woman might be considered "inappropriate" but it was not against the law in North Carolina.
The age of consent in North Carolina is 16. The boy was 17 years old. The woman is not a "pedophile".
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What happened to Lilac?
11:29 PM
Been busy with life.
I must say that I am very,very worried with this Ebola crisis.
I just pray it will not turn into a pandemic. This does not look good at all.
Brother Field. No writeup about the brotha from Virginia who killed that white girl? Thats just disgusting thinking about what that dude did.
How we gonna improve our perception with other races when we got brothas raping and killing white women much?
Fellow brothas and sistas:
I request that we all follow the lead of fellow respected african american men Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Bill Cosby. These strong bm are TRUE role models for our youth . Not Jay Z, Adrian Peterson, and Al Sharpton.
We must continue to build respect for ourselves and others. WE control our one else.
"WE control our one else."
If only that were true.
But sadly it's complete bollocks.
Derek, why do u say "we"?
@10:01am- so when they make laws where folk may marry infants...
the relationship was inappropriate AND she IS a pedophile. transport her across state lines and then maybe you can see what i am talking 'bout. keep from crying.
women mature MUCH faster than men do. 17 years old to 30 year old age difference = wtheck nasty lady!
it clearly =dead teen as well.
what the "law" says about it matters not to me. ped women get the same stank eye from me that ped men do.
there was/is a pack of peds behind the lobby to lower the age of consent..worldwide.
guess what?
folk ain't seen nothing yet...
while folk all distracted + focused on bickering 'bout color.
instead of noticing the clear world wide trend of grown folk sexualizing + preying on the children. preying ALL DAY from the school rooms to the neighborhoods. doing NO Real time behind the crimes. when they are stealing folks' innocence, childhoods and lives.
due to nasty double standards and the leveraging of gender capital, when women engage in these devilish practices...
folk say, "oh, she was in Love." or some other hogwash.
i refuse to go along.
whatever becomes law of the wicked land does not = a ok to me.
in case folk haven't noticed...
do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law= what time it is.
from the disorder, confusion and chaos that will follow such an approach...
the plan is to establish new order.
i am simply sounding the alarm.
little by little we are all being groomed to treat the UNacceptable like it is the best thing EVER.
folk so inclined to take liberties with the babies/children can.not.wait. to roll back the time. to where they may "marry" 8,9 10, 17 year olds who are in their "prime"...
het + gay peds (pedophiles and pederasts) are simply biding their time + chomping at the bit to get it popping in public. the fact that it is NOT in keeping with the "law" in quite a few places is NOT stopping the practice.
we may agree to disagree Anon. this is perfectly fine. my thoughts are not threatened by the existence of yours in the least.
create a beautiful day + Blessings all!
"You’re so handsome that I can't speak properly"
Gotta love those 1% rich white obama supporters.
I wonder why lena dunham refuses to protect other women from a rapist and name her mustachioed republican rapist.
Why would lena not want to protect other women?
The real "war on women" is when women don't support other women.
“I am who I am. I can’t pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year.”
A glimpse into the mind of a rich white 1%er obama supporter.
How can income inequality ever be solved if obama only hangs with the richest of the rich?
Why isn't obama asking his friends to share their wealth?
Not all wealth is equal to democrats.
Why did the obama administration feel they had to lie about prostitutes in columbia?
What was being covered up to protect obama?
"so when they make laws where folk may marry infants..."
That is not going to happen in the U.S.
FP-"we are under siege and folk can't seem to connect the spiritual dots.
the police state that effects us ALL is getting reduced to fodder for race riots...which plays into the hands of the enemy to our souls.
i am at a loss for words, really.
writer's block.
it is my prayer that Almighty will do what He do and activate/elevate my flow, in Messiah's Name i pray."
There is no doubt that we, are under seige. It becomes more and more evident each day. Even on a worldly political blog like FN, it is apparent that Blacks are being battered and whipped emotionally and spiritually like the days of slavery....maybe even more so.
Yet, most of us seem to be in a mental trance induced 400 years ago that ensures a destructive continuation of ourselves.
I don't know 'who' or 'what' this evil is but it is powerful and seems to have the human race in its grip. It scares the hell out of me. Know what scares me even more? People going about their lives as if everything is normal, like nothing is happening! People are joining that evil, compliantly following it to our own destruction...turning away from Higher Ways to ensure evil triumphs on this earth.
We are sick-crazy in love with that evil called Satan, who has us thinking he doesn't exist.
I pray your writer's block lifts. Your rare voice in this spiritual desert needs to be heard. Thank you.
Aw man, another maintenance delay. Because it's two brothers flying they're trying to make us look bad.
Waiting in IAH :-(
PilotX said...
Aw man, another maintenance delay. Because it's two brothers flying they're trying to make us look bad.
No black maintenance workers?
Well chicago is controlled by democrats so it's not too surprising blacks have been kept out of those kind of jobs.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Cops are legalized terrorists by white people. This kind of terrorizing and physical abuse by the cops is going to lead to something every bit as violent as ISIS. No group can withstand such brutality. People will start fighting back. Eventually a Black Bin Laden will arise out of the ashes out of necessity.
8:43 PM
Surprising that this comment was criticized and called ignorant with low IQ by White comment. Any fool can see the potential racial tsunami heading our way.
And all some of my white brothers have to say is you Negroes have low IQ's and insinuate that the police is always right and Blacks are always wrong:
"White is right, Blacks get back"...You worthless, valueless throw away heathens.
Bill, do u think Obama was with hookers in Columbia?
No one is saying cops are always right.
field negro said...
Bill, do u think Obama was with hookers in Columbia?
Of course not.
I'm assuming you don't believe obama was with prostitutes either.
I noticed you didn't offer any explanation why you think the obama white house needed to cover this up.
As a lawyer, what's your experience with people who lie to cover things up?
p.s. FN, even though I have fun teasing you about your cowardice to speak out against democrats, total respect for choosing a field of law to help kids when there was so much $ to be made elsewhere.
Your still a democrat lapdog!
Im black..thats why. I think on my own though...not in group mentality. So maybe I shouldn't say "we".
RE: Disparity between %Blacks vs %Whites killed by Police:
"Who Gets Killed?
The finding that young black men are 21 times as likely as their white peers to be killed by police is drawn from reports filed for the years 2010 to 2012, the three most recent years for which FBI numbers are available.
The black boys killed can be disturbingly young. There were 41 teens 14 years or younger reported killed by police from 1980 to 2012 ii. 27 of them were black iii; 8 were white iv; 4 were Hispanic v and 1 was Asian vi.
That's not to say officers weren't killing white people. Indeed, some 44 percent of all those killed by police across the 33 years were white.
White or black, though, those slain by police tended to be roughly the same age. The average age of blacks killed by police was 30. The average age of whites was 35.
Who is killing all those black men and boys?
Mostly white officers. But in hundreds of instances, black officers, too. Black officers account for a little more than 10 percent of all fatal police shootings. Of those they kill, though, 78 percent were black.
White officers, given their great numbers in so many of the country's police departments, are well represented in all categories of police killings. White officers killed 91 percent of the whites who died at the hands of police. And they were responsible for 68 percent of the people of color killed. Those people of color represented 46 percent of all those killed by white officers.
What were the circumstances surrounding all these fatal encounters?
There were 151 instances in which police noted that teens they had shot dead had been fleeing or resisting arrest at the time of the encounter. 67 percent of those killed in such circumstances were black. That disparity was even starter in the last couple of years: of the 15 teens shot feeling arrest from 2010 to 2012, 14 were black.
Did police always list the circumstances of the killings? No, actually, there were many deadly shooting where the circumstances were listed as "undetermined." 77 percent of those killed in such instances were black."
Anon wrote,
The finding that young black men are 21 times as likely as their white peers to be killed by police is drawn from reports filed for the years 2010 to 2012, the three most recent years for which FBI numbers are available.
What really happens is that BM's are much more likely to be killed by other BM's. Meanwhile the weekend Chicago shit show is ON!!!!!!
And the brothers wonder why the polo shoot them. Simply amazing.
Blacks kill each other at about an average of 3-5 per weekend in ONE city. .Chicago. Lets start with that one!
Of course they are working overtime. .they have a bunch of young black males running a muck in these inner cities..thinking the law doesnt apply to them. You take the black population out of America and crime gets reduced by 50%.
It is clear that Whites will not treat Blacks fairly. Of course, it's been that way since slavery and Jim Crow.
"Im black..thats why. I think on my own though...not in group mentality. So maybe I shouldn't say "we"."
OK then, just stay away from the windows.The Drop Squad might be looking for you.
Didn't I write waiting in IAH? That means it's not Chicago, that's the three letter identifier for Houston Intercontinental. Sigh. Just couldn't resist making a dumb comment. Field, help that boy.
PilotX, we know you make dumb statements. It's not that you can't resist it, it's because it comes natural to you.
Enjoy your stay in Houston. It's a lovely city. Huge! but lovely.
Since that's the case..why not go to Africa? Im sure life will be great for you there.
Not just Chicago, but...
Newark, New Orleans, Baltimore, Detroit, St . Louis, Brooklyn, Oakland, Atlanta, Memphis. ........
Unfortunately, Africans aren't to fond of African Americans.
^ That says it all
@2:11pm- i have lived long enough to see folk eat those words.
in my lifetime i have heard folk indicate that gay marriage would never happen nor be accepted...
nambla folk were right there with the gay rights committee. dig deep enough and you will see...kinsey, mr gay rights, founder of nambla. things don't just happen. they are made to happen...
i don't say never on anything. i pray you are correct. but there is no sign that would indicate that you are. have you not noticed that folk are feeding semen to school children and other atrocities...
yet are not being treated harshly by the penal system? repeatedly raping teens,'til they commit suicide. yet only getting 30 day sentences for the crimes against humanity...
the children are being groomed in school for sexual exploitation. only a ped would want to teach a kin.der.gart.ner 'bout sex.
i pray you are correct...though for those of US that watch the signs...
@Anon 2:12pm- yes. pray for me as i for you + all.
the satanic grip does not frighten me. he is already defeated + under my feet through the Power of Yahushua Messiah aka Jesus Christ through out the world.
i feel no fear in that respect.
i feel hurt for humanity. to the point where if i don't focus on Him/His Word, i can hardly breath. it Him/His Word that brings me Peace in the midst of hidden in plain sight demonic soul snatch.
look @ Amanda Bynes. listen to what the poor soul is saying. so folk think only pets are micro chipped? i have read gov't hearing transcripts where poor women testify to being micro chipped in their vaginas. putting her on a 5150 is how they hidden in plain sight tighten up folks' MK program. Amanda Bynes' is coming undone. this is why she is speaking in public.
this ties into what i am saying about protect the teens/babies. satanism/luciferian doctrine and child molestation/abuse/murder go hand in hand...
in this "new" order folk will find that lucifer/satan could not care less 'bout folks' free will. he is trying to be like Most High. which means he is pushing through lies, trickery + deceit to have EVERY knee bow to him.
Almighty Yah has this covered though:) those of US with Him/His Word, on Faith, are coming through to subdue the earth. we overcome by our testimony. + we don't Love our lives to death:) so the enemy can' do nothing with US.
Blessings to you my friend. don't fear the enemy. fear ONLY Yah. perfect Love casts out ALL fear and Yah didn't give His a spirit of fear...but one of sound mind, Power and Love.
Much Love + big cyber hug. Yah will never leave nor forsake US. He allows time to run on the clock that more might be saved. had He stopped the clock,even a year ago, i would not have made it. i AM eternally Grateful + a witness to His Love, Grace and Mercy. in Messiah's Name, i pray ALL will use these times as a sign that we should all turn back to Him/His Word.
forgive typos in last comment.
just wanted to say right quick...
whoever thinks that fighting against violence with violence, when folk are armed more/better than when invading foreign lands...
needs to know that this mindset plays into the enemy's hand.
Yahudah will be delivered not by the sword, great chariots, nor mighty men.
Yahudah/Blessed Blacks will be delivered by Yah. through His Spirit the Victory is won. Blessed Blacks will need to turn back to Him/His Word. the spiritual/physical/mental smackdown is the designed to wake folk up.
those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.
those who spill blood, shall have their blood spilled.
Love extinguishes the flame of hate.
more typos. i am sleepy and going back to bed. it is i like to stand in the gap and intercede for all souls around the world.
the witches/warlocks of satan get it in at this time. so i rewind, re mix, and flip it back.
in Messiah's Mighty Name:)
just want to ask Messiah to pray for US all. cancel all demonic plans/contracts that the enemy has for US in Messiah's Name.
have mercy on america Father in Yahushua Messiah's Name. aka Jesus Christ throughout the world.
forgive any additional typos.
blessings all!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
I hear that eye witnesses swear that the kid had a sandwich
And eye witnesses never lie.
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