~ Noam Chomsky ~
So now they are protesting for democracy and a shot at real freedom in Hong Kong. This has become a growing trend all over the world: People yearning to be free and to be treated fairly by their government, are taking to the streets to make their voices heard.
There have been others. The Arab Spring,Myanmar , and Russia to name a few. I suspect that if Thomas Paine had written The Rights of Man recently it would be a best seller.
Of course there are no such protests here in America. Not when we have what we perceive as real democracy. Oh there is a breakout of civil disobedience every now and then; when the stench of injustice is so strong that citizens can do nothing else. (See Ferguson, Missouri) but this is rare.
The majority of Americans are too busy patting themselves on the back and telling anyone who will listen how exceptional they are to notice that the freedoms that they claim to enjoy is somewhat of an illusion.
The average American doesn't care. They are too worried about getting a steady pay check and taking care of their families to care if the system is rigged against them.
Of course we know that it is. They don't have any influence in Washington or the people they send there. Only a few people will truly benefit from this "democracy". They are the ones with the means to buy votes and influence laws.
The beauty of this system, if you happen to be one of the haves, is that the have nots are given just enough to have too much to lose.
They will not spend nights on the streets protesting an unjust government because they have a clock to punch in the morning. The mortgage has to be paid.
Finally, e-mail from a field hand:
"Field I loved your top ten house Negroes list, but don't you think your list should have been longer?"
Funny you should say that.
1. Whoopi Goldberg.
2. Harold Ford.
3. Ben Carson.
4. Steve Harvey.
5. Harris Faulkner.
Maybe next year.
*Pic from popularresistance.org
6. Frances Rice
1. Field Negro.
Stop being shy field. You know you belong at the top of the list.
Field wrote,
Of course there are no such protests here in America. Not when we have what we perceive as real democracy. Oh there is a breakout of civil disobedience every now and then; when the stench of injustice is so strong that citizens can do nothing else. (See Ferguson, Missouri) but this is rare.
Really? Civil Disobedience? Laughable. What you have in Ferguson was a riot, a simple excuse to riot, steal and commit arson against the innocent. In the process Blacks will destroy another community. The legacy of Ferguson will be another town/city that is a mirror image of Camden, Detroit and East St. Louis. All of this to protest the death of a thug who had earlier committed strong arm robbery then stupidly attacked a cop. Simply amazing.
PilotX said...
Uhhhh, can somebody show me where I stated Miller had a show on Fox? Nevermind, just some other shit pulled out of one's ass.
PilotX said...
That is true PC. How long did Fox New's attempt at a comedy show last? A day? I mean besides Hannity's show. I guess Dennis Miller is the best they have and his show consisted of his rants about how global warming isn't happening. They are a laugh riot dontcha think?
Say it pilot x.
señor kinky, TE DA MAN!
Hola Signor Kinky! It does my heart good to see you contributing to Field Negro on a regular basis.As a reward for such faithful commentary, I have invented a new word.
KINKYISM: word or phrase that originates from the orifice that is planted firmly between both cheeks of the buttocks.
Aiiieeee ay caramba! You are welcome.
"The average American doesn't care. They are too worried about getting a steady pay check and taking care of their families to care if the system is rigged against them. Of course we know that it is. They don't have any influence in Washington or the people they send there. Only a few people will truly benefit from this 'democracy.' They are the ones with the means to buy votes and influence laws."
I'm pretty cynical, but I wouldn't say that voting doesn't matter at all. That's too strong. Being politically involved still has an impact. (Were this not true, the GOP wouldn't be working overtime to covertly repeal the voting rights of our darker-hued citizens.) I think it's more accurate to say that voting just doesn't have enough of an impact. Overall reform of our political system is needed, but some days, I suspect this will not happen without violence.
As for Steve Harvey place on your HN list ... you're really hung up on ol' Paula Deen, eh? Is she really worth getting so bent out of shape over? An old lady with a cooking show who privately used the n-word? It just seems like when it comes to "racism villains" in our public life, there are a lot more deserving targets than her.
Personally, while the law absolutely should prevent discrimination to the greatest possible extent it can, I don't want to live in a country where people are punished for merely holding prejudices. I don't think that's the way we're going to get to a less bigoted, more cohesive society.
Blogger señor kinky said...
PilotX said...
Uhhhh, can somebody show me where I stated Miller had a show on Fox? Nevermind, just some other shit pulled out of one's ass.
PilotX said...
That is true PC. How long did Fox New's attempt at a comedy show last? A day? I mean besides Hannity's show. I guess Dennis Miller is the best they have and his show consisted of his rants about how global warming isn't happening. They are a laugh riot dontcha think?
Say it pilot x.
señor kinky, TE DA MAN!
8:33 PM
ROFL...LOL...My man Kinky! Again and again you show brother PilotX his shit as a liar. You beat him up so much that I am feeling sorry for the brother. But he keeps asking for it.lol
I mean, the man puts people down for not being able to read. I don't believe he went to college at all. He is a phony. A moron would not have set up a trap 'for himself' like PX does.
Anyway, that is not why I am writing to you. I am writing because I am asking, no I am begging, that you give poor PX a break? I mean, the way shut him down makes my own pride hurt.
Anyway, give it some merciful thinking. That you sir. You are a wonderful wm and I am sure the folks in PR will agree.
"As for Steve Harvey place on your HN list ... you're really hung up on ol' Paula Deen, eh? Is she really worth getting so bent out of shape over? An old lady with a cooking show who privately used the n-word? It just seems like when it comes to "racism villains" in our public life, there are a lot more deserving targets than her.
Personally, while the law absolutely should prevent discrimination to the greatest possible extent it can, I don't want to live in a country where people are punished for merely holding prejudices. I don't think that's the way we're going to get to a less bigoted, more cohesive society."
Thank you anon. I sent Field 'two' videos re: Steve Harvey, (my cousin)
that showed who he really was. All I got back from Field about those videos was ...crickets.
Mr Field is very wrong but I have known for sometime that Field has NEVER admitted a mistake, let alone have the capacity and capability to say, "I was wrong." Humility is foreign to brother Field. But he has plenty of company on FN. There is a 'list' of them starting with Field, PC, PilotX, and the over-educated addict Yisheng.
10:00 PM
"Of course we know that it is. They don't have any influence in Washington or the people they send there. Only a few people will truly benefit from this "democracy". They are the ones with the means to buy votes and influence laws."
The problem with America is too much democracy. Pure democracy always in socialist decay and mass murder. America was supposed to be a Republic. We now are ruled by the mob, whose passions a perceptions are molded by a leftist media who serve the interests of the ruling elite.
Leftism is based on numerous lies, starting with a rearrangement of social hierarchy in which all are equal but some are more equal, the concept of equality in general, racial equality, gender equality except when women are superior, and an almost complete dismantling of sexual morality and hygiene. Sometimes this involves telling lies people want to hear, and sometimes it involves destroying or suppressing people’s natural disgust and aversion to bad things.
Things That Are Racist
1. Talking about Ebola (Salon)
2. Describing the Hong Kong protests as “clean and orderly” (Vox)
3. Pointing out that white people use heroin (Salon)
4. #BringBackOurGirls (Salon)
5. Describing Obama as “angry” (MSNBC)
6. The American Revolution (Salon)
7. Children’s books with white characters (Salon)
8. Criticizing the IRS (MSNBC)
9. Donating to the United Negro College Fund
10. Being half-white (Salon)
11. Supporting Herman Cain (MSNBC)
12. Opposing Obama (MSNBC)
13. Rocky III (Vox)
14. When black conservatives disagree with black liberals (Salon)
15. Noting that Obama has an Ivy League education (MSNBC)
16. Saying Obama likes to play golf (MSNBC)
17. Saying “Obamacare” (MSNBC)
18. Living in the suburbs (Salon)
19. Calling Obama “Obama” (MSNBC)
20. Criticizing liberals for constantly accusing people of racism (Salon)
21. “Tom and Jerry” cartoons
22. Cupcakes
23. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Things That Are Not Racist
1. Suing a fertility clinic after giving birth to a mixed race child that you wish was white* (Salon)
22. Cupcakes
Cupcakes are vile. And I'm saying that as a man with a sweet tooth.
"Just the name of Hitler's political party should be sufficient to reject the claim that Hitler was "Right wing" but Leftists sometimes retort that the name "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is not informative, in that it is the name of a dismal Stalinist tyranny. But "People's Republic" is a normal name for a Communist country whereas I know of no conservative political party that calls itself a "Socialist Worker's Party". Such parties are in fact usually of the extreme Left (Trotskyite etc.)"
Wow! Just WOW... This guy is a Class A. imbecile.
I'm used to Straw Man Arguments, I'm used to people ignoring arguments that are inconvenient to them, but this moron makes an argument that has been thoroughly de-bunked in my previous post!.
Can you say 'Cognitive Dissonance'?
Hiter chose the name 'National Socialist' ifor two reasons:
1. In an attempt to sow confusion amongst the German working classes who at that time were flowing towards far-Left parties.
2. To "Inflame the reds" (Hitler's exact words.) You don;t have to just take my words fro this, it's all in Mein Kampf. I'm sure you've got a copy on your bookshelf.
Kuckoo I KNOW your attention span is extremely short (to match your other limitations), but try your best to stay focused on ONE topic at a time, okay Hun?
Great post Field!
I don't know, Field. "Watermelon flavored" is kind a benign meme around white people. I once had a bad moment with my black boss when I was just a kid. I commented on the luxury of his car while my white self was riding in the back seat of his car. I was thinking gratitude and admiration for his success; he was thinking "Driving Ms. Daisy."
As an adult I agonize over ACTUAL watermelon. Do I NOT serve it at my 4th of July barbeque cause its racist, or DO I serve it because its wonderful.
Good read that makes it clear the good guys like us have the same human brains as the racists and are subject to the same stubborn adherence to our beliefs: The Unpersuadables by Will Storr.
Thanks for your blog.
Anon above, I understand your dilemma. But I sm guessing that if u serve that watermelon your black friends won't be offended. You are their friend; they know that u like watermelon.
Trust me when I tell you, we can tell the difference.
Even if the guy who created the cartoon was one of the "good guys", he should have known
that he was sending out dog whistles to the racists.
Anon@10:20, it's not only about Paula Deen, it's the man's entire body of cooning work.
Since we are on the topic...
Dr. Cornell West called out O Bomber on several issues concerning Black America as well as his presidency...
Its on Salon ...because I know you just LOVE that super slanted Dem internet mag...
You might wanna add a couple of folks on that list...
"Trust me when I tell you, we can tell the difference."
Um, Field, you're an attorney, right?
How would you skewer a comment like that in court.
You are a good guy, thoughtful, smart, insightful, and introspective, but you are still subject to the same hard-wired logical errors, perceptual distortions, and dare-I say-it unconscious biases as the rest of us.
I think Whoopie raises a good point that should be considered more carefully than "we know it when we see it" Is there a history of racism or dog-whistles with this guy? Given it's the Boston Herald, perhaps. Then case closed. Otherwise, sometimes Watermelon scent is just watermelon scent.
If we're going to blame anyone, let's blame the Herald. How could NO ONE have caught that cartoon before it was published? What does it say about the editorial staff at that paper?
The Purple Cow said...
Hitler chose the name 'National Socialist' for two reasons:
1. He was a hyper-nationalist, who placed race as the most important determinant of a society.
2. He was a hyper-socialist, who knew capitalism and free markets made society less controllable. Like leftists today, he knew democracies are easily corruptible by those who control the narrative.
Just ask him:
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler
(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)
Years of leftist indoctrination apparently have left you incapable of recognizing a simple truth when it contradicts what you have been told to believe. For God's sake man, accept that you are wrong: Naziism was an ideology of the Left, and Hitler was a Socialist.
Is it not hypocritical to raise one’s voice when the pharaoh is white but have no critical word to say when the pharaoh is Black? If the boot is on our neck, does it make any difference what color the foot is in the boot? ...... Just remember Nov is around the corner...and Dems are poised to lose a lot of ground in the house ... When the new ruler is crowned...
I wonder will some of the OBomber defenders start speaking out again.... The only time you see some of these Field Negroes is when its defend O bomber from some newspaper ,magazine attack...
SHERIFF BIB! Deputy Anon reporting for work sih! *gives military salute*
Ah think ah'll need muh taser right 'bout now suh!
Ah'm hearing way too much trash talk against that wonderful lady Miss Paula Deen! and our man Steve Harvey! and this beautiful land of the free and the brave!
Why ah do declare even our good Mayor Field is on the bandwagon!!!
Trash talking 'bout the most democratic nation on earth Amurrka!
Why...why...Ah jes can't believe
mah ears! I mean my eyes hehehe!
I need mah taser!!!
Are we gettin paid today Sheriff? Ah need mah paycheck too!
"Is it not hypocritical to raise one’s voice when the pharaoh is white but have no critical word to say when the pharaoh is Black"
Obama isn't black.
Steve Harvey.. Paula Dean..
I could care less that STEPHEN has FINALLY opened his eyes to Mr. Harvey..
I really dont know any self respecting Black person that sides with Paula Dean...
Now back to the MESSAGE...
The age of Obama was predicated on three pillars:
1. Wall Street crimes in the financial catastrophe of 2008;
2.Imperial crimes in the form of the USA PATRIOT Act and National Defense Authorization Act, which give the president sweeping and arbitrary power that resembles a police or neofascist state
3.and social crimes principally manifest in a criminal justice system that is in itself criminal
(where torturers, wire tappers, and Wall Street violators of the law go free yet poor criminals, such as drug offenders, go to prison).
Holy Cow!!! Is that really you 'Stanley Ann' Whoooaaa!Smokiiin! Whew boy! Woooo eeeeee! Yeah! Down boy!
But...er...ahemm....cough,cough...ummback to reality here... er...Mayor Field absolutely does not allow porno here in Field City so I may just have to fine you!
Quote Hitler Was A Socialist.
1. He was a hyper-nationalist, who placed race as the most important determinant of a society.
2. He was a hyper-socialist, who knew capitalism and free markets made society less controllable. Like leftists today, he knew democracies are easily corruptible by those who control the narrative.
Just ask him:"
I can't ask him numbskull - he's dead.
Debating with you is like debating with a seven year old child. But I will continue, I just have to pitch my arguments at a lower intellectual level.
You'll notice that speech was made in 1927. Did you not read the bit where I showed that Hitler was deliberately trig to sew confusion amongst the working class and to "inflame the reds"?
Please answer the following simple questions.
If Hitler was a Socialist....
1. Hitler was an anti-Semite. Whey then would he adopt a philosophy taken from Jews such as Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Luxembourg, Radek, Zinoviev, Joffe, Eisner and Levi?
2. Why did he send 400,000 communists, trade-unionists and socialists to concentration camps?
3. Why did he work as a political officer of the German Army to spread anti-Socialist propaganda after WW1? Lecturing troops on the evils of Socialism.
4. Why did he volunteer to send socialist soldiers to the firing squads in 1919?
5. Why did the Nazis smash the German trade union movement?
6. Why did they specifically ban any expression of class consciousness?
7. Why did they ban collective bargaining?
8. Why did they enact the 'Charter of Labor'? (which specifically stated)
"The leader of the enterprise makes the decisions for the employees and laborers in all matters concerning the enterprise." Not very socialist sounding is it?
9. Why were the 'commanding heights' of the economy not taken into public ownership?
10. Why did the Nazis ban the right to strike?
11. Why did Hitler propagate a Nationalist ideology when the prevailing Socialist orthodoxy was internationalist in nature?
12. Why did Conservative Nationalists like Luddendorf and Bismarck, and industrialists like the Krupps support him? Why would conservatives and industrialists support a Socialist?
13. Why did he not enact a single piece of Socialist legislation in all the years he was in power?
14. Why did the Nazi state not "wither away" as demanded by Socialist thinking at that time?
15. Why was no worker representation allowed on Boards of Directors?
I've got loads more, but these will get you up and running for now.
Anon@8:32, I totally agree that the editorial board should be held accountable. But are we really to believe that this cartoonist was not aware of the historical implications of the watermelon when taken in this context?
PC, I feel your frustration. The wingnuts are so good at rewriting history.
Anon (60s)... I found the site of Brother Tavis speaking about MLK. We were there. MLK lost his juice after the passage of Civil Rights. We were so elated for just the act- President Johnson's signature- that the hard work was just starting and Brother Martin had carried us as far as was humanly possible.
Even at his (MLK) best there were still many that was not onboard, In all- the message was never absorbed. America has the ability to minimize her evils and push forward. One such evil I personally know of was the neglect she had for the returning warriors of the 60s/early 70s.
Racism, poverty, militarism- the triad MLK lived to change. Still today, more than one-half century past, the triad still exist.
Thank you for the blip from the past.
field negro said...
The wingnuts are so good at rewriting history.
Is this rewriting history?
For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights, health care, Social Security, workers' rights, and women's rights
According to democrats.org, democrats have been leading the fight for civil rights for 200 years.
Was slavery real or just a democrat myth?
FN is pro-rewriting history when the democrats are doing it.
The state of Black America in the age of Obama has been one of desperation, confusion, and capitulation.
The desperation is rooted in the escalating suffering on every front.
The confusion arises from a conflation of symbol and substance.
The capitulation rests on an obsessive need to protect the first Black president against all forms of criticism.
Black desperation is part of a broader desperation among poor and working people during the age of Obama.
The bailout of Wall Street by the Obama administration, rather than the bailout of homeowners, hurt millions of working people.
The refusal of the Obama administration to place a priority on jobs with a living wage reinforced massive unemployment, and the sheer invisibility of poor people’s plight in public policy has produced more social despair among weak and vulnerable citizens.
The unprecedented historical symbolism of the first Black president has misled many if not most Black people to downplay his substantial neoliberal policies and elevate his (and his family’s) brilliant and charismatic presence.
Needless to say, the presence of his brilliant and charismatic wife, Michelle—a descendent of enslaved and Jim-Crowed people, unlike himself—even more deeply legitimates his symbolic status, a status that easily substitutes for substantial achievement.
'CORPORATOCRACY' is the best one-word protest around. I used it on my own sign during some march in NYC. Not catchy, maybe, but that one word says it all. If you're not a corporation, or run one, you're a second-class citizen, i.e. nothing.
Blogger field negro said...
"Anon above, I understand your dilemma. But I sm guessing that if u serve that watermelon your black friends won't be offended. You are their friend; they know that u like watermelon.
Trust me when I tell you, we can tell the difference."
Bullshit. You can't even tell the difference between a bm and wm who comment on your blog. You call Whites Black and you call Blacks White. You are so confused that only a fool would trust you to know the difference in Whites.
anotherbozo said...
If you're not a corporation, or run one, you're a second-class citizen, i.e. nothing.
ONLY in the eyes of the government.
Do you believe it?
I doubt BIB believes it. I don't believe it.
Maybe the best way to fix the problem is keep voting the same 2 parties into in office.
I'm kidding Bozo, keep voting for democrats. It's working for you.
Sadly, Bill, we're stuck with the 2-party system in the near future. Neither Independents nor Libertarians not the Working Families Party (in NY) won't get anywhere because our corporate bosses won't let them. TR I believe, won the presidency one time on the Bull Moose Party but historians will have to tell us how that happened. Meanwhile corporations pay off both parties now and don't want to have to buy off a third, too. For a third to gain much foothold anyway, we'd have to have run-off elections like the French and many others, and who would have to vote for that rule change? Why, Republicans and Democrats,of course! Are they likely to? Guess. just like with campaign finance reform--incumbents would have to vote it in, and they're not about to go for a level playing field for challengers. WASF, as the kids say.
Meanwhile, I take pride that I can discern the difference between the merely craven and the batshit insane.
Field @ 12:35:
That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm telling you that as a modest thoughtful white guy who tries never to act on any racial impulse, hidden or otherwise, I could have drawn that cartoon, if I could draw. While I understand that watermelon is a code word, it isn't to me in my daily life, so I could see it innocently getting past my internal censors. If you pointed out to me that my cartoon was racist I would have understood immediately, hit my head like Homer Simpson "Doh" and would have felt bad until the end of time. I'm just saying that the idea of watermelon would not necessary trigger a warning to me.
Decent white people can fall into traps like the Herald cartoonist because their threat radars are not as sensitive as yours--cause, you know, white privilege and all. Again, I don't know what was in his head, but watermelon may not have registered as WATERMELON until someone pointed it out to him. Seems completely reasonable to me.
I'm not interested in defending a racist cartoon, but I do think that Whoopie has a valid point that should not be dismissed as house Negro thinking.
" Whoopie has a valid point that should not be dismissed as house Negro thinking."
This brings us back to this point ....
An obsessive need to protect the first Black president against all forms of criticism.
Never mind that after a string of recent security breaches ...Obomber then hires the same incompetent Seceret Service member responsible for the security breach with Michaele and Tareq Salahi in 2009.
Yet SOMEHOW....everyone is to focus on Watermelon toothpaste in a picture.
Hahaha! The only thing that was missing from the cartoon was the bather adding "will we be having fried chicken for dinner tonight?"
Whoopie's crazy, I'm with Perez, "mad suspicious" at the very least.
You have to have been living under a rock to not have 'realized'the impact of that word.
When I saw the cartoon, what I originally thought (call me stupid :) is that the cartoonist was implying that the intruder/bather is a racist guy and that's why he's saying what he is about the toothpaste! But I guess not because the cartoonist did not claim that.
and in this day and age!!!
For anyone who can reason beyond the level of a third grader my comment about "they" meant conservatives and the show I was referring to was Dennis Miller's Showtime comedy special. That should be clear enough for even a dimwitted conservative to follow. Geez, such linear thinking.
Anon@1:49, I am pretty sure that YOU are not black.
I might be wrong about others, but I am sure about you.
Whoopie's crazy, I'm with Perez, "mad suspicious" at the very least.
Suspicious?? For What?? A few different mags..Namely the "New Yorker" have had questionable pieces or covers about O and Michelle.... Are you concerned with poilcy.. or...Who or what isnt Racist...? Me...Policy..
Racism ...
Not so much.... With the exception of "Racist" Policy
The intended humor was about the Presidents security or Lack thereof...
I mean what good is calling out the "Racism" if he (O-Bomber)
is constantly CAPITULATING to the Whims of the Blatantly Obviously Racist members of the GOP?
Seriously look closely at this entire situation....
People are quick to call out the "Racism" in the cartoon, but NEGLECT to see what the cartoon was about.
His Security...
O-Bomber then instates the very same person responsible when an earlier security breach occurred.
It usually works like this...
GOP calls him weak and or soft...
He ends up doing EXACTLY what they wouldve done in the exact same situation.
Its happening right now with Syria...
They are calling for "BOOTS ON THE GROUND"
We need help for Ukraine!!
Dear FN, one of the most pressing problem is Ebola in America, which is starting in Dallas.
Did you notice the first American Doctor from Africa infected with Ebola was treated and was well after a few weeks? The CDC said our hospitals had the means of treating Ebola, which Africa did not. They even said it was not a killer if treated here in the states in our hospitals.
Have you noticed that the African from Liberia is in a Dallas hospital but he has been getting sicker to the extent that he is in critical condition?
Something doesn't match up and no one seems to ask the question: Why has this man continued to get sicker to the point he is critical while the good WHITE doctor is cured?
I am amazed that NO ONE, including the media has not asked such an important question.
Or maybe it's not important when it comes to the black community? Maybe it's an opportunity to experiment on Blacks?
I am surprised that BIB has not caught this. Field WON'T say a word about it because, well...because he is Field. He misses a lot of shit.
Dayum! Sheriff BIB! How many deputies do we have now?
Here I thought I was the only one!
I see the force growing!
The vast majority of our government and media is fascist. The people are just cannon fodder. You'd think The Christian Science Monitor's interview with Bani Sadr would have gotten some news coverage. He was elected president of Iran during the Carter Administration hostage crisis. 98% of the Iranian voters voted for him and other candidates who wanted to release the hostages, but Khomeini and Reagan had a deal - don't release the American hostages while Carter is president.
If we had known the truth, we probably wouldn't have had either Bush as president and the 2001 9/11 attack might never have happened. The first Bush stationed troops in Saudi Arabia, which was one of bin Laden's main complaints. The second Bush pulled them out right after 9/11, by the way. Al Gore probably wouldn't have ignored the warnings or falsified intelligence. His administration wouldn't have had a bunch of warmonger neo con PNAC Committee members running things.
The Democrat who chaired the Iran/Contra investigation and called it off when investigators started to get leads about the pre 1980 election treason, Lee Hamilton, was brought back years later to co-chair the 9/11 Commission. That's the investigation that told us things like World Trade Center Building Seven collapsed from furniture fires. Building Seven is the one that wasn't hit by a plane, but it collapsed the same day, about five hours after the two towers did. It didn't crumble down where the fires were, as if furniture fires would even melt steel in the first place. The whole building fell straight down into it's own footprint, through itself, the path of greatest t resistance. Even the 9/11 Commission admitted that some of the collapse happened at the speed of gravity. The owner of the World Trade Center, Larry Silverstein, admitted that they decided to "pull it" in a PBS interview. CNN and the BBC both announced that Building Seven had already collapsed before it did. There is video of firefighters telling people to get away because the building will be coming down. The 9/11 Commission admitted that they never looked for evidence of explosives. Free people don't accept propaganda like this. Manipulated people do.
A million Iranians protested the 9/11 attack in Tehran. But politicians here, including Democrats like Menendez, Schumer, and slave-catcher Booker, tried to increase sanctions against Iran right on the verge of a treaty with them. They will gladly send your kids to die for the money they get from Israel and war profiteers.
If we were a CORPORATOCRACY, corporations would not be relocating to foreign nations in order to get better tax rates, corporations would not be relocation manufacturing to foreign nations looking for lower labor costs.
It's the BUREAUCRACY that is where the power is in our government. If the BUREAUCRACY like you, you might get want you want or need. If the BUREAUCRACY doesn't like you, you are nothing to it.
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