"The CDC has announced trials of an Ebola vaccine that works only on white people. "
Still, I know that a lot of you Negroes believe that there is nothing fake about this story, because you know that your government is quite capable of doing nefarious things as it relates to medicine and the Negro.
And before we start laughing at the outrageous nature of that headline, let's consider, for a moment, that those two American aid workers who contracted Ebola in Africa were given the experimental ZMmapp serum which seemed to work just fine.
Sadly, for that African in Dallas, there is just not enough of the drug to go around. It seems that his death is almost certain.
His significant other was on CNN with Anderson Cooper complaining that it was not fair that there was not enough of the drug to treat her man.
Of course her man, Thomas Duncan, gets no sympathy from us folks here in America. Apparently he lied to customs officials about coming into contact with the deadly virus. So that precious ZMapp drug will not be available to him.
"The doses with which the US aid workers were treated were manufactured from biologically-engineered tobacco leaves grown at a facility in Kentucky, but it only has extremely limited production capacity."
Hmm, "limited production"; that means that only certain people will be able to get it when it becomes available.
I can see the look on your faces from here. You Negroes are suspicious.
Alright, let me take a look at that "fake" headline again.
So why is the Obama administration only giving whites vaccinations?
Why does Obama hate black people?
Meanwhile in other news, the Nobel Prizes are currently being announced. Three YT's have already been honored in Medicine and Physiology. The shutout for the brothers continue. Too bad there's not a Nobel for rioting.
PS: Why should be pay one cent for a non-citizen who put us all at risk by coming here. I don't care what color he is. Time to take care of our own no matter who they are.
Blogger señor kinky said...
"So why is the Obama administration only giving whites vaccinations?
Why does Obama hate black people?"
That is an easy question to answer: Obama is HN. Like ALL HN's, and uncle toms, he never has been fond of Blacks, but he loves Whites.
How the hell do you think he got elected President in a majority racist society like America? Whites love HN's and apparently so do FN Negroes. Field sure loves Obama.
Farrakhan speaking about ebola-
“There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are black and white people, and it will kill only the black and spare the white, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind,”-The Final Call
A professor in U.S. is telling Liberians that the Defense Department ‘manufactured’ Ebola
Ebola, AIDS Manufactured By Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?
“Reports narrate stories of the US Department of Defense (DoD) funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone,” wrote Delaware State University associate professor Cyril Broderick.
Damn field. Blacks ain't even safe in Black Run America.
Blacks are like the girl in the gangbang-they get it from all sides.
Kinky quoted,
There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are black and white people, and it will kill only the black and spare the white, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind,”-The Final Call
Hell, the toll in Chicago this last weekend was 3 dead and over 30 wounded. Seems like the weapon of choice is Smith & Wesson and not a virus.
PilotX said...
Uhhhh, can somebody show me where I stated Miller had a show on Fox? Nevermind, just some other shit pulled out of one's ass.
PilotX said...
That is true PC. How long did Fox New's attempt at a comedy show last? A day? I mean besides Hannity's show. I guess Dennis Miller is the best they have and his show consisted of his rants about how global warming isn't happening. They are a laugh riot dontcha think?
PilotX said...
For anyone who can reason beyond the level of a third grader my comment about "they" meant conservatives and the show I was referring to was Dennis Miller's Showtime comedy special. That should be clear enough for even a dimwitted conservative to follow. Geez, such linear thinking.
Dennis Miller never had a comedy special or show on Showtime.
Say it pilot x.
señor kinky, TE DA MAN!
I'm waiting for the religious assholes to blame Ebola on the gays. Counting 5, 4, 3, 2 ... .
I don't know if Ebola is fabricated or not fabricated,genetically engineered, whatever!
I do know that a virus knows no color, social or economic status, so everybody beware,because from this mo'fo, ain't NOBODY safe.
As for that Zmapp vaccine, of course there's more! Who actually believe there were ONLY TWO doses???
The greedy pharmaceuticals just haven't figured out how to price it yet, so they're keeping it under wraps! It's all about money!
I guess we should all just get ready to meet our maker. This is like a bad movie!!! x( Sheeeeet!
Can you picture it? The few Ebola survivors will be walking around on a barren deserted planet!
(Cut to eerie,spooky music ;)
"Still, I know that a lot of you Negroes believe that there is nothing fake about this story, because you know that your government is quite capable of doing nefarious things as it relates to medicine and the Negro."
Brother Field, that was a long long time ago. Our government has owned up to it and admitted they were wrong. On the other hand, it is well known that some important information about syphilis and how to cure it came from the experiment.
We need some folks to step up and be the experiment for killing off Ebola.
Now I am not being a HN, but we have a lot of brothers and sisters out of jobs, homeless, on drugs, gangbanging, AIDS, uneducated, and poor who would probably 'jump' at the chance to be part of the wm's experiment for a few bucks.
But to be fair to Negroes, it should be voluntary only. That's the only fair way to go.
"As for that Zmapp vaccine, of course there's more! Who actually believe there were ONLY TWO doses???"
Negroes in America. They'll believe anything. The more unbelievable something is, the more they believe.
Once again, you exposed that Negro from Chicago.
BTW the baloney about the Ebola virus not being airborne?
Think again, I believe it IS airborne also. That's why it's so contagious! So it's just a matter of time.
I heard Mr.Duncan was being given another antiviral,and there are a few very effective ones out there, but who knows if they are effective against the Ebola virus.
I guess that's what they are trying to find out with Mr.Duncan. Hope and pray they work!
This is serious.Very serious.
there is a reason the devil hates US Blessed Blacks and needs to make everyone else hate US as well.
those among US committed to acting a fool don't help matters.
there is a nation that ALL nations will gather to, when His order, Ancient world order, is set. this is written in Universal Law aka Scripture. IF folk think it is the imposter synagogue of satan, as Messiah called 'em, then they are miseducated at best.
+ these folk want to be "Chosen" so they may enslave humanity. not be Lights unto humanity as is written. THIS is how folk should know they are run of the mill, cornered the slave trade Esau.
white folk, collectively, seek to be superior to do harm. this is clear by the history of this nation. at least for those of US that will read it and boldly call it. i said collectively for those that live to misunderstand. there have always been Righteous individuals that stood against Esau's on going crimes against humanity.
so the enemy to our souls got folk believing in a new world order. 'cause that is the exact opposite of what is written. those that don't bother to rightly divide Scriptures won't know the difference.
no need to guess if the pestilence if from nature or man made:
BO humiliated African diplomats somewhere i read. singling them out like white folk don't LOVE to be all everywhere in everything. testing folk for ebola? test all folk. white folk STAY in africa up to no Good. lol. but no...not BO. off spring of an african man.
so when folk hem and haw 'bout his safety...
can't really look at the race/color aspect. BO has sat at the helm of a lot of Black and Brown carnage world wide and made it Real clear it is of no concern to him.
those worshiping at the forbidden Black/Black ish man golden calf seem to refuse to wake up.
to address the on going chicago body count:
Black babies have been in foster care. the resident racist loves to point this out. yet won't bother to speak to all the mind control, programming, abuse and manipulation that accompanies this Truth. when potus papa bush was running boys through the white house...the franklin scandal that was promptly covered up.
guess where these Black boys/girls came from?
so when i see Black folk behaving strangely, some of it is choice. no doubt. other times it is the result of mind control, programming, abuse from a early childhood and mentacide. but keep tallying up the carnage, salivating like a demon resident racist. i am "crazy" enough to call it in no uncertain terms. lol.
switching gears:
gays are the world minority.
all gay everything is some brand new ness. no one is seeking to blame gay folk for anything. when the ebola gets spread around, rest assured the gays got some coming. all the "Love" gays feel they are getting is a means to an end. trust. when the other shoe drops a rude awakening on all levels is on tap. some of ya'll make it Real hard to feel bad about this Truth. he posts here regularly lying like most folk breathe:)
the enemy to our soul hates US all.
those of US with Him/His Word, for Real, are NOT in the biz of singling out homosexuals. there is a list of things Yah hates. homosexuality is but one item on the list. we all got things we will have to give an account for.
last time i checked, someone else's homosexuality does not get added to my tab. so i am Good + committed to praying for ALL souls in these perilous times for humanity. what other folk want to believe = personal biz, which i am not that interested in to tell the Truth. the lies are so blatant that it is pure comedy. for Real.
ps. aids is man made as well.
it is white supremacy to label all ills as the babies Africa birthed. while steadfastly refusing to cop to the fact that humanity hails from that Blessed land. the land + people are getting their just desserts for their participation in the enslavement of Yah's people. all those that had a hand are getting it. canaan/palestine makes more sense when framed in this manner. when Yah comes for unrepentant, arrogant, blood thirsting Esau...
ALL colors come from Black. not the other way around.
last thought:
@ dr many names-
what is the difference between a small minded racist (your words paraphrased) that demeans BW due to our glorious, exotic, wooley, nappy crowns...
and a Black woman that does the same? recall i had to check you on this before?
don't try to look it up in one of your many books as you seek to be "educated" + find the cure for cancer that exists in nature and is most unprofitable to the cancer industry which is built on repeat business and new patients.
clue, yet?
i will give you the answer because such is my nature...
know this.
the BW with this poisoned mentality is actual more disgusting and shameful.
i pray someone will incorporate this Truth into one of your lesson plans that you might Believe.
it is also my prayer in Messiah's Name that you will learn to wrestle with your green eyed monster demon and leave me out of your issues. or at the very least, that you will conduct yourself in a manner more befitting an educated lady. since that's what you keep shouting about being. though i think few are buying it.
until you provide another teachable moment, i am content to ignore you as you consistently add nothing of substance despite all the many degrees.
if you must melt down, that will be fine as well.
free will. Yah and i both respect it.
no snark.
straight no chaser.
blessings all!
"Israel, which receives more than $3.6 billion per year in various forms of aid from Washington, is already the single largest recipient of American largesse. But the August 1 House vote appropriating $225 million to Israel above and beyond its usual aid was meant to allow the Jewish state to restock on Iron Dome interceptors..."
- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/#sthash.VJZ5vBwU.dpuf
say what, now?
FP said:
"no one is seeking to blame gay folk for anything. when the ebola gets spread around, rest assured the gays got some coming. all the "Love" gays feel they are getting is a means to an end. trust. when the other shoe drops a rude awakening on all levels is on tap. some of ya'll make it Real hard to feel bad about this Truth. he posts here regularly lying like most folk breathe:)
12:09 AM
Blogger focusedpurpose said...
the enemy to our soul hates US all.
those of US with Him/His Word, for Real, are NOT in the biz of singling out homosexuals. there is a list of things Yah hates. homosexuality is but one item on the list. we all got things we will have to give an account for.
last time i checked, someone else's homosexuality does not get added to my tab. so i am Good + committed to praying for ALL souls in these perilous times for humanity. what other folk want to believe = personal biz, which i am not that interested in to tell the Truth. the lies are so blatant that it is pure comedy. for Real."
Several threads ago you said that you didn't spend all your time thinking about gays. Or something to that effect.
You lying ass negress. What else do you think about?
You are obviously obsessed with the gays. And Jews. And biracial women (you so jealous of those light skinned black women with "good hair"). And white women.
FP, are you sure you don't like that gurl on gurl action? Just a little. Come on now. You know you do. You're just so ... obsessed with the gays. lol
Btw, the Rev. Pat Robertson (among other preachers) blames most natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.) on gays. He said that HIV/AIDS was a curse from god on gays. And he's not the only "holy man" who has said these things as I'm sure you know.
QLB, i am going to call the people who run your asylum, you are getting way too much free time on the institution's computer.
Let's not forget the late Rev. Jerry Falwell (founder of the "moral majority"). Falwell was fond of blaming natural and "unnatural" disasters on the gays.
A little bit of history about Falwell: in the early 1980s, Falwell (and other hard right conservatives) wanted to have gay men guarantined but the AIDS activists of that time fought HARD against this proposal and it didn't happen.
Fear not ebola, but prepare your soul for the abyss, heaven or hell. On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
my gay comment was in response to this:
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm waiting for the religious assholes to blame Ebola on the gays. Counting 5, 4, 3, 2 ... .
9:34 PM"
NO one seeks to blame gays for anything.
NO one is obsessed with gayness..except for the heavily agenda'd folk that like cramming the lifestyle on hets, then name calling when they meet with rejection.
NO one is concerned with the rest of the dribble that was posted. lol.
blessings all!
So exasperating! So now it turns out that Spain had a priest hospitalized with Ebola!!!
Should not they have notified the world about this?
And now a nurse that was attending him has it too!!!
It seems to me that people aren't taking this as seriously as they should!
Perhaps those with tons of money think that the almighty dollar is enough to stop the virus from getting to them? Think again!
Some viruses can go through walls. That's right, walls!
I realize hospitals are businesses, and they are therefore run as cost effectively as possible. But this is not the time to try to save money me thinks.
God save us.
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If you need confirmation fo what Im saying.. Go check Joe Bidens speech a few days ago where he laid blame at Turkey Saudia Arabia , and the UAE's feet for creating ISIS by trying to arm rebels to overthrow Assad...
focusedpurpose said...
NO one is obsessed with gayness..except for the heavily agenda'd folk that like cramming the lifestyle on hets, then name calling when they meet with rejection.
That's the gay mafia...
Hey, fomenting conspiracy theories about Ebola: Not helpful.
That goes for the folks on Fox who think that Obama is lying about the true risks of an epidemic in the U.S. because of "political correctness." WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!! Damn that sneaky Kenyan.
That also goes for black people who think that Ebola was invented to depopulate Africa so that we can steal the continent's natural resources. Or that there's some cure for Ebola in existence that the public hasn't been informed of (in actuality, there are only experimental drugs that are neither in full production nor even known to actually work). Or that help for Ebola is based on race.
Please note that I'm not saying that there are no differences in treatment. There absolutely are differences in treatment -- but those are based on nationality, not race. It's stated policy that we won't be assuming the risk of flying thousands of sick Liberians into American hospitals. Compassion has its limits. The only people known to be infected with Ebola and allowed to enter the country are those with American passports.
But the 9:34 pm comment was not about you. At. All. lol
Saw a story today that zmapp will be tried on Mr Duncan, assuming they can get it ready; can't find the story now, though, so maybe I hallucinated. It's not proven that the stuff works anyway; needs proper testing.
No. There is no more Zmapp. Zmapp is not an FDA-approved drug; therefore, it is not in production and there was only a small quantity of it available. And as you said, who knows if it even had any effect at all. The patients who took it may have gotten better on their own -- something like 40% of people survive Ebola.
The Dallas Ebola patient will be given a completely different experimental drug, because the Zmapp is gone. And just like the Zmapp, who knows if this other experimental drug will even help him. It hasn't been proven, so this is really a shot in the dark.
Ha! You are like the talking drums. That brotha was a gonner the moment he tried to do a good thing by taking the pregnant woman to the hospital. I guess it's true that no good deed goes unpunished.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Spain had two priests serving in Africa infected with Ebola. They did not keep this a secret from anyone. Here is a video from two months ago, showing one of those infected priests being brought back to Spain for treatment.
1:58 PM
Well now that I mentioned it, you went and looked it up and found that video!
Great! Did CNN or any of the other channels carry that? NO!
I switch between all the news channels all day long, and I never knew about Spain, and neither did you! Why, because it wasn't reported!!! Because I would have heard it!
Monday morning quarterbacking is fine and dandy!
Everyone has twenty twenty hindsight after the fact! :)
Some people on here talk as if they knew for a fact the quantities of these drugs and such. To them I say:
You are just repeating, like a trained parrot, what you hear on TV. Think for yourself!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
No. There is no more Zmapp. Zmapp is not an FDA-approved drug; therefore, it is not in production and there was only a small quantity of it available. And as you said, who knows if it even had any effect at all. The patients who took it may have gotten better on their own -- something like 40% of people survive Ebola.
The Dallas Ebola patient will be given a completely different experimental drug, because the Zmapp is gone. And just like the Zmapp, who knows if this other experimental drug will even help him. It hasn't been proven, so this is really a shot in the dark.
1:16 PM
Yes thank you Anon! This isthe same information that we'veall heard on television many times over.
But thank you for REPEATING THIS!!!
Now do you have any ORIGINAL THOUGHTS OF YOUR OWN??????????
"I switch between all the news channels all day long, and I never knew about Spain, and neither did you! Why, because it wasn't reported!!! Because I would have heard it!"
Actually, I did know about the infected priest in Spain, because I happen to have seen that very video when it came out. That news outlet where it appeared is one I happen to frequent. I have no idea whether this information appeared on American news networks. Our news networks often tend to ignore things that happen in other parts of the world.
As for all the conspiracy theories, the burden is on YOU to provide evidence that the authorities are lying, not on THEM to prove that they are not. (What kind of evidence could the authorities even use to prove that no quantities of a drug remain, anyway? It's not possible to prove that you don't have something.)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
(What kind of evidence could the authorities even use to prove that no quantities of a drug remain, anyway? It's not possible to prove that you don't have something.)
4:33 PM
By the same token how do YOU know that there is NO vaccine left!!!
I mean really, think man think! ;D
and I KNOW you didn't see squat!!
You would have come running and posted it here! It seems you love to believe and repeat everything you see on TV!
"That's the gay mafia..."
There is no gay mafia. With a name like senor kinky, though, you need to ... oh never mind.
Maher: "There Is A Gay Mafia -- If You Cross Them, You Do Get Whacked"
dear lilac, do u realize u are putting down an anon? do u know that the anon i black?
why do black folks attack black folks? it is because they are "blah".
Blogger señor kinky said...
Maher: "There Is A Gay Mafia -- If You Cross Them, You Do Get Whacked"
Thank you for this very important piece of information. I won't be messing with them.
Maher had better watch himself too.
I advise FP to kool it too. The gay mafia don't play.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
dear lilac, do u realize u are putting down an anon? do u know that the anon i black?
7:07 PM
I'm not "putting down" the Anon. When I posted my comment Anon wrote that I was wrong in my assertions and gave his facts/opinions.
So I merely countered that with my facts and opinions. That is debate not "putting down" or "attack".:)
and FYI I don't care the color,race,religion,creed,nationality,gender,sexual orientation,or political leanings of a person in order to debate them. :)
Geeez! now u are putting me down. u need JESUS.
Anonymous said...
Geeez! now u are putting me down. u need JESUS.
7:39 PM
:) u cray cray :D
But, okay, maybe I am a little rough around the edges!!! Maybe...;)
Hey FP sis!
Just thought about the Fields and dropped by to get some of your truth and wisdom (and comic relief, LOL).
Stay blessed as always!
But the 9:34 pm comment was not about you. At. All. lol
1:08 PM"
i did not say it was.
it irked me that ebola became about...
gay folk.
@ a certain point, anyone will have enough. i have reached that place.
i said clearly that those of US with Him/His Word for Real are not seeking to bash anyone. we know we got our own cross to bear. too busy working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. so when those that follow Messiah are slandered, as i have been here many times; i reserve the right to boldly Stand + Speak on it.
@ Anon 7:12pm- LOL. there is exactly NO weapon formed against me that may prosper. so i AM Good 'cause THAT is what's written. i won't be bowing down to anyone but Yah. i have always Loved and supported the right of ALL people to live free of persecution. nothing has changed. not concerned with my life. i already laid it down:)
what's Good sis? Much Love + cyber hugs!!! may the whole host of heaven encamp about you and yours, in Messiah's Name:)
blessings all!
That's because he's a smart colored
Created in Germany in the '60s, made to mimick yellow fever, so scientists could work on vaccines. When a "vaccine" was created, it was given to Belgian catholic nuns in the Congo. The nuns spread their contaminated blood around from transfusions and then giving pregnant bush negros vitamin injections, without changing syringes, passing the newly high strength jungle fever. They named this body melting fever Ebola fever because of the location of it along the Ebola River. The Catholic Church is the main culprit in the spread of the Ebola fever, it started skyrocketing in the early 1970's. It has been kept quiet by the Church since the '70s. Now the "monkey"is outta the zoo. Enjoy, africa, hope someone nukes the area.
Its the african homos fault.
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