Just minding your own business while walking down the street with your hands in your pocket can get you stopped by the police because some "concerned citizen" saw a black man looking.....well like a black man. (h/t twitter fam@6ft2breadwinner for this story.)
We are in a complicated and perplexing period of America's racial history that is difficult to understand. Even people in the majority population who used to consider their country to be "post- racial" and bigotry free are starting to question whether we have come as far as we thought we have when it comes to race relations.
Black people and other people in the minority certainly do not feel that we have.
Some people have suggested that America follows South Africa's lead and establish a sort of Truth And Reconciliation Commission. Good luck with that.
Most Americans believe that it's black people who are the racists. White folks are in deep denial when it comes to confronting their own "color arousal" issues or institutional racism which permeates throughout all aspects of American society. From hiring in corporate America to the justice system, the fix is in, and if you dare point it out you will be considered the racist.
In fact, right- wingnuts blame the president for "poisoning race relations" in America. (Now if that isn't a rich bit of irony I don't know what is.)
"At a January 2012 Washington fundraiser, the president made subtle references to the idea that if he weren’t reelected, minorities would be denied opportunities to pursue the American dream, while he implied Republicans would be the ones do the denying. “The notion that we’re all in this together, that we look out for one another–that’s at stake in this election,” he warned. “Don’t take my word for it. Watch some of these [Republican] debates that have been going on up in New Hampshire.” The following August in Colorado, Obama kept that meme alive, insisting that Republicans, “want to take us back to the policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century.”
If such a divisive attitude were limited to the president himself, maybe race relations might not have soured as much as they have."
Yeah, right.
Anyway, the typical American attitude about race comes off as something like this: How can we be racists when we are Americans? We got rid of that pesky race thing when we gave Negroes their civil rights over fifty years ago. How much more do they want ?
I think they want to be able to walk down the street, play in the park, or just drive from point A to point B without being arrested for no reason or being shot to death.
Finally, I am not sure how many of you reading this are Christians, but if you are, I would like you to explain to me how your God got involved with the "mean girl" and "slut- shaming" game.
"Republican staffer on Friday apologized for a Facebook post that criticized Malia and Sasha Obama's appearance at the annual White House turkey pardon ceremony, one of America's silliest holiday traditions.
Elizabeth Lauten, the communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.), wrote that the two teenagers should "try showing a little class," "dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar," and, most of all, "don't make faces" at Very Serious public events.
Read the full rant via Gawker:
Dear Sasha and Malia, I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department. Nevertheless, stretch yourself. Rise to the occasion. Act like being in the White House matters to you. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar. And certainly don’t make faces during televised public events.
Lauten later apologized for rushing to judgment on Facebook.
"I reacted to an article and quickly judged the two young ladies in a way that I would never have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager," she said. "After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents and re-reading my words online, I can see more clearly how hurtful my words were. Please know that these judgmental feelings truly have no place in my heart. Furthermore, I'd like to apologize to all of those who I have hurt and offended with my words, and pledge to learn and grow (and I assure you I have) from this experience." [Source]
"Many hours of praying" ? My goodness, she gave the big guy an earful. I just hope she squeezed in a request for a brain at some point in the conversation.
First pic from redflagnews.com
Good post! Gotta plan a flight so have to chirp in later.
Elizabeth Lauten prayed about her words to Sasha and Malia and found them hurtful. Lauten apologized which is what any fallible human being should do.
Prayer is powerful. It brings out the best in us by doing the right thing when we have done wrong.
I respect Lauten for apologizing.
Field said, ""Many hours of praying" ? My goodness, she gave the big guy an earful. I just hope she squeezed in a request for a brain at some point in the conversation."
Brother Field, maybe YOU should try praying to see your own wrongful negative remarks.
And while you are at it, squeeze in a request for a heart.
Good post but quite disturbing that
Americans think Blacks are the most racist people in America.
This causes me to look at my own race, which is Black. I've always seen most of my race as anti-Black like Whites are. Many hate being Black, and that's a fact.
Racism is evil and it is powerful. No amount of laws will eradicate it. The eradication must come from within.
This requires a thorough honest self-examination, and "a lot of prayers" to see and treat every human being as the same.
Racism is a deadly disease that must be destroyed on an individual and collective basis--or it will destroy us all. It must be faced with courage, not fear.
I think the increase in racism is very much related to Obama. Racists are riled up because the president is black. It is a backlash reaction to the progress toward racial equality that he represents. The racism was there but it was relatively dormant before Obama became president. With time, Obama, will be accepted as a good and honorable past president. His presidency will go a long way towards race not being a factor for positions of authority and ending discrimination in hiring and promotions.
Race relations are not improved by these awful remarks by grown people. That poison is in their hearts and when it boils to the surface and past lips or postings; the core of dislike is still in the heart.
This lady was not a child that gets angry and do name-calling. Her disdain for this family is too obvious. The apology is just for the political cover provided.
Blacks, having no power in the main-stream media, can not call a spade a spade. So when the majority say something happen- it did. Think about all the narrative that was filled in by the killer and once again taken as the gospel. I really want the majority race to feel as I feel. 60 years of the police beating, intimidating and killing and so far not once in my life have an indictment.
Yet, every year on Sept 9 you want me to share in your grief and pain. When are you going to stop and feel my pain s about having no allies on the streets in America. ( Hold the "go back to Africa" meme). I can avoid the thugs, but when the blue lights come on- I am at the mercy of a thug that have the backing of a greatly and continued flaw US. StillaPanther2
"In case you didn't notice it's getting tougher for men of color to navigate their way through the daily grind here in America these days."
Hold up. Is it really? Is there really any reason to believe that police misconduct is getting worse than in the past? It seems to me that there is a long history of disastrous interactions between cops and black men in this country.
Right now, there's a lot of focus on police misconduct, and I am hopeful that some good will come of that effort. Maybe we will really see some productive reform of police training and accountability. But that added media attention to the issue seems to be convincing a number of black people that police violence is getting worse and worse, and I've seen ZERO STATISTICAL EVIDENCE to support this.
the soul that thought it appropriate to attack teenagers (not sure where "slut shaming" came in but i don't really do silly labels)...indicated she spent many hours in prayer.
she did not say who she was praying to...
question: are the outfits pictured supposed to be the "bar" attire?
i don't get it...
but then dumb isn't supposed to make sense so never mind the question.
FN, couldn't you ask your wife 'bout your little "Chr-tian" questions? thought she was a praying believer? no disrespect. interested, that's all.
This Elizabeth Lauten chick should seek treatment for her raging Obama Derangement Syndrome. She's clearly got an acute case of the disease if she's getting huffy about what the man's daughters wore to the silly turkey ceremony.
A lot of the racist anger today comes from talk radio, remember Limpballs " I want Obama to fail", followed by FoxNews then some in congress (on both sides). The Talkers have gotten everyone going against each other because they are upset because the country is changing and no longer falling for their pro white male nonsense. They role out the Black Conservatives to speak for them when they are losing the debate but people look and shake their heads at them with shame. So yes Obama has something to do with it currently. Not historically though.
SAP2, it's good to hear from you brother. As always, you speak direct truth. There has been a saying throughout human history:
"Those in power don't feel the pain of those not in power."
We are looking at different hearts, brother. I have reached the conclusion that if God doesn't change hearts in America, we ALL are on our way to hell.
It feels as though we are close to one or the other. I am grateful for your remarks and it's good to know a fellow AA is alive and well.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving? and will have a Merry Xmas.
PS. I truly believe that Wilson won't a happy or peaceful life. Doing an exclusive interview with ABC gave him away. That is, he is a liar and a murderer.
My question is, where is Holder in all of this? He has spoken words but like the NAACP, he proves to be ineffective when it comes down to delivering on his word....much like Obama. Eric Holder is silent, now. I find that bothersome.
Where are the black champions today?
LOL@racist anger.
Cause every criticism of dear leader is racist. Right Wesley?
Obama has been the most polarizing president in history. Obama has divided us by race, class, politics and religion.
And with black unemployment, poverty,homelessness all at/near record highs, wages and incomes in decline,what has obama done to deserve a over 90% approval rating amongst blacks?
When blacks stop committing crime at astronomically disproportionate rates compared to whites and Asians then maybe whites and Asians wouldn't be so fearful of blacks.
I've never understood the logic and piss-poor sense of mathematics in extrapolating from a decidedly overwhelming minority a majority view. E.g. a minority of people--a very small minority--are racist, therefore America = racist.
Hmm. Let's think. Where have we heard this logic used before? Oh, yeah, that's right. Some blacks are criminals, therefore all blacks are criminals Now I remember.
Pretty shitty attitude for people to carry when it has to do with maligning a race. But when it comes to maligning the whole of America, and the whole of whites in America, I'm amazed at how brazenly people decide to use that same logic.
Extrapolate from a minority a majority view. A few ass-backward idiot fucktards on social media, out of the hundreds of millions on social media, and use that to paint America as having racial issues.
This sort of reminds me of the evolution vs. religion debate. Some fundamentalist religious folks utterly refuse to believe in evolution. Without knowing the first thing about it, they wail and cry that it's sinful, wrong, that science is not to be trusted, etc. And that's all good and well. Until, of course, they reveal their end game. By refusing to acknowledge the facts of evolution, they then get to create the self-fulfilling prophecy of no consensus. "People disagree, therefore evolution is wrong!" Well, of course people disagree when people live their entire lives on the principle of not agreeing.
Same here. Some people absolutely refuse to admit that we're fairly tame when it comes to race. By only focusing on the very, very few instances of racism, most of which end up being wholly subjective, people then get to shout, "See, America has a race problem!" It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Wow, I see common racist demagoguery by Anon10:56pm is still the stupid of the day.
Facts aren't racist
"Same here. Some people absolutely refuse to admit that we're fairly tame when it comes to race. By only focusing on the very, very few instances of racism, most of which end up being wholly subjective, people then get to shout, "See, America has a race problem!" It's a self-fulfilling prophecy."
10:59 PM
No, we are not tame when it comes to race. Self-fulfilling prophesy? Get real. This so-called self-fulling prophecy has been going on since slavery but you are too ashamed to admit it. You actually think you are a decent white person who believes in justice. Good for you. There are plenty of POCs who don't.
Now you have the audacity to claim that Blacks and others of color are imagining cops shooting them or men like Eric Holder gets pulled over for no good damn reason other than the fact that he is Black.
Bm are routinely murdered, the murderers are routinely freed by a so-called justice system that supports the murderer as long as the victim is Black.
I would have to say there is nothing TAME about that. But I am sure you feel that way, seeing how it will never happen to you.
Anon 10:49 PM-
are you familiar with Black Boule?
get familiar + take note of all the names.
these are the Black gatekeepers compensated to keep the death system in tact.
where at the leaders?
we are who we are waiting for...
those with all the "credentials" + stuff are too afraid of losing it, so as per usual, standing for Truth will come from the common man/woman.
Field, what does the word on the tee-shirt of the boy say? I can't make out all the words.
"Most Americans believe that it's black people who are the racists"
Because they are.
Blacks get more scrutiny from law enforcement because they are on average more violent and more criminal than whites.
FP--"where at the leaders?
we are who we are waiting for...
those with all the "credentials" + stuff are too afraid of losing it, so as per usual, standing for Truth will come from the common man/woman."
11:25 PM
You are right. "We" are who we are waiting for. Still, it would be nice to have a black Gandhi to arise out of the ashes black degradation and abuse.
Those with credentials can never stand for Truth. They must stand for untruth. That is what tomming is all about, isn't it? Blacks selling out other Blacks for selfish motives.
We need a MalcombX/Gandhi combo.
Although he has worked very hard at strangling the economic recovery, expanding the debt, dismantling the culture, diminishing the military, and destroying all of America's foreign policy credibility, Obama's main accomplishment has been to divide America more deeply than ever along racial and ideological lines.
"Still, it would be nice to have a black Gandhi to arise out of the ashes black degradation and abuse."
In South Africa Gandhi was fighting discrimination against his fellow Indians, but not the native Africans, whom he reffed to as Kaffirs, which was the local racial slur for black people. Here are some fun racist Gandhi quotes:
“A general belief seems to prevail in the colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than the savages or natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”
(Reference: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Government of India (CWMG), Vol I, p. 150)
Regarding forcible registration with the state of blacks:
“One can understand the necessity for registration of Kaffirs who will not work.” (Reference: CWMG, Vol I, p. 105)
“Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian Location should be chosen for dumping down all the Kaffirs of the town passes my comprehension…the Town Council must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location.” (Reference: CWMG, Vol I, pp. 244-245)
His description of black inmates:
“Only a degree removed from the animal.”
"Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilized – the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live almost like animals.” – Mar. 7, 1908 (Reference: CWMG, Vol VIII, pp. 135-136)
I just to a look at my garage. It appears things are worse than I thought. Not only is the giant spider bigger, she is making an egg sack. How she found another giant spider to mate with is a mystery to me. She's hideous.
Well, someone mated with Yinyeng...
12:03 AM-
i was getting ready to address the Truth about Ghandi which Black folk LOVE to quote like they don't know..
but i see someone else started dropping the Knowledge.
i will double back...
when i feel too sad 'bout the condition of our people, i start to listen to old Malcolm X or Dr. Khalid Muhammad. Black menfolk that would Stand and Speak to one another first and foremost.
we are not called to follow any man. we are to follow Almighty...
@ One of the many "anonymous" posters who are so brave here.
"You actually think you are a decent white person who believes in justice. Good for you. There are plenty of POCs who don't."
Spot the hypocrisy and irony. My contention: We're pretty good on race, only some people refuse to admit it. Your contention: I might actually think I'm a decent white person, but some people of color refuse to admit it. LMFAO. You can't make this shit up.
So, because POC might "feel" a certain way about me, whether or not it's true, that means we have a race problem.
Not an ounce of logic goes into some people's thought process concerning race. It's all emotion, all the time, and all that's important is a person's precious feel-feels. "I feel like it's racism, therefore racism!"
calling Black folk "racist" = dumb.
Real dumb.
on WHAT planet would folk expect others who have been treated so wickedly...
to this day, to pretend like they don't know what time it is?
i am a follower of Messiah, but bold White folk with THAT dumbness would do well to take a seat.
there are Black folk that greatly dislike White folk. no doubt. but at last count, they were not trying to shut White folk down/out reaching the highest levels of the gov't. White folk can only in ignorance pretend that they can make the same claim.
the WW's baby BO= STILL can't make that claim. he got his name + his game from his White mother + White folk who raised him. so if White folk want to be mad about him...be mad at yourselves. don't look at Black folk. treat US like BO does and IGNORE.US.
he is NOT one of US and his policies indicate plainly that he is not trying to pretend to be either.
it is some Black folk caught up in a game of pretend + richly deserve every wake up lump that keeps getting heaped on their heads. by BO and the White folk that are sick of him.
check this out Anon that is seeking a leader:
we don't even have the same beliefs...
but i promise you, i plan to Stand and tell it, not caring who feels what kind of way 'bout it, 'til Yah calls me home.
this man, Farrakhan, and Malcolm X inspire me. the Muslims, world wide ride HARD for their g-d. followers of Messiah could take a cue. i do.
notice folk leaving and that Black man just kept right on. Speaking and Standing. lol. the Gentile European Ashkenazis that lied uninterrupted, got jiggy with it when he broke out Torah + broke it down. his bodyguards closed in and he never missed a beat.
went looking for info on the Black Boule and got distracted with Dr. Muhammad whom i Love + sorely miss. don't agree with all his views, nor his religious beliefs. i Love his passion, boldness, fire and desire to see His people whole though.
those of US who serve the Most High of Abraham Issac and Yacob...
endowed with the Power + saving Grace of Messiah...
WHY would we know Him/His Word + cower? fear who? fear what?
forgive the typo from before.
where are the leaders?
we are the leaders.
following Him only. men/women are just men/women. too easily compromised.
it seems the only way to restore Peace = to Stand without Fear w/ Him/ His Word.
much Love Anon.
Is Yinsheng an expert on Giant Spiders!
Good night to all. I go to bed. I am full of soup.
pure comedy...
these folk don't know what to do with him.
Yeah we have a race problem. In Chicago for the long holiday weekend the unofficial box score was 5 dead with a 6th dying of wounds from earlier in the week. There were also at least 22 wounded. Of the dead 5 of the 6 were Black. The vast majority of those shot and those shooting were Black. Meanwhile in St. Louis a member of the Bosnian community was beaten to death with hammers by a roving gang of Black teens, two of whom have been arrested. No Republicans, NRA or Tea Party members involved. Yet you wonder why as a people you're profiled.
Hey QLB, you still didn't answer whether or not you have a college degree. Do you?
I'm old enough to have heard Malcolm X talk at a YMCA across from our college campus, to have witnessed picket lines protesting a supermarket in Oakland, CA that wouldn't hire black CASHIERS. That was the 60s, which saw the Civil Rights Act passed. I have no clue where we've gone, where we are now. A book somewhere remains to be written, I guess. We got better, then much, much worse. We are schizoid. I'd like to think it's "darkest just before dawn" (no reference to melanin there), but climate change, the Tea Party and the New Plutocracy say we're going to hell at a pretty fast clip.
Meanwhile, field, I wonder what your reaction is to this proposal—open carry for black men:
Of course Barack is the most divisive president ever, he is a blah man afterall.
So wait, you say barack has divided us by class and race but yet you question why he hasn't singled out a specific race for assistance? You see the irony in your post right?
To address the question of why 90% of blah folks support Barack even though he shows no specific attention to our communities. Well, we here in Chicago have seen it before. When Harold Washington was elected mayor he went out of his way to make things fair for everyone and guess what, things got beyter for blah folks. We can assume because he cut his political teeth in Chicago Barack took some lessons from the Washington campaign and administration. Blah folks know the deal, once you're in a position of authority the majority population will assume you'll look out for the sistas and brothas but we all know we have to go overboard to appear fair and unbiased. Barack is no different, he said himself he is the President of all of us. Blah folks understand this others don't.
Jonathan Weisman nails it
Never has a no-name staffer to a no-name congressman gotten so much press.
Funny how the ones who are outraged at this have no problems going after the children of Republican politicians.
Hypocrisy? Double standards?
You betcha.
Things are not getting " beyter" for blacks.
Yet Obama has a 90% approval rating among blacks.
I just ask why?
Back to the SNL skit. Is there anything Obama can do that would cause him to lose support among blacks?
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
So wait, you say barack has divided us by class and race but yet you question why he hasn't singled out a specific race for assistance? You see the irony in your post right?
Barack certainly has singled out blacks for special assistance, although now he is going all-in on funding the transition to the new favorite minority. Hispanics.
Anyone who can't see that Obama has singled out white people for special abuse is a moron. You see the ignorance in your post right?
Hey Field, great article as always. I somewhat stopped reading your blog because the racists had taken over the comments board. Clearly they illustrate that there is no such thing as a "post racial America". Never in my life have I read such vile, threatening, purely racist material. Hopefully, common sense will return and the racist "people" will stop to remember, that there is one race, the human race.
The biggest reason for many, especially older blah people for liking barack is because he represents decades of hard work and progress. I know many including my parents never thought they'd live to see a blah president and lo and behold comes this cool, sophisticated brotha from the south side with a sista that went to Whitney Young with two cute kids right out of central casting. He represented a fulfillment of years of struggle. Very similar to how many felt about jackie Robinson. Kinky, I would suggest talking to a blah person over the age of 60 to really understand. His appeal isn't limited to the US, a buddy of mine who's a teacher went to south Africa and he's even more popular over there. He inspired some kids to study harder because they wanted to one day also become the President of the US, unintended consequence of the birther nonsense was that it gave many on the continent enhanced pride of their native son. It's not too hard to figure if you think about it Kinky.
You need to focus more on solutions FN. Separation would be a good start. Poof! No more racism.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
>The biggest reason for many, especially older blah people for liking barack is because he represents decades of hard work and progress<
How is that? Obama is not even black. He is the son of a wealthy Kenyan student and teenage white girl. He was raised completely by the white side of his family, outside of the continental US. He has absolutely nothing in common with African Americans and is from a completely different culture.
But he did cash in those "decades of hard work and progress" for his own career, and there is not a cent left of political capital for true blacks. There will never be another blah President. Black people have been ripped-off again, and they don't even know it.
Of course it isn't hard. Blacks vote with their emotions instead of their brains.
Which is why, every election, Democrats run on slavery, the kkk, jim crow and fear of yt.
If it works, why change?
Of course when the Bush twins were being attacked and criticized-it was all good liberal fun.
I just hope this unknown staffer's comment doesn't cause more rioting, looting, burning, assaults, or murder. The left has self control issues and may explode again.
Elizabeth "LOUTen" has just resigned.
Looks like the left has their scalp.Now, if only they would practice what they preach.
field, you should read this interview with Chris Rock. I knew he was sharp, but he's really, really wise too.
The lowlife that made those disparaging comments about the Obama girls should be ashamed of herself for picking on them.
But then what does one expect from a racists lowlife. And given her dumpy body type, she's in NO position to talk about anyone else.
Yīshēng said...
The lowlife that made those disparaging comments about the Obama girls should be ashamed of herself for picking on them.
But then what does one expect from a racists lowlife. And given her dumpy body type, she's in NO position to talk about anyone else.
1:12 PM
There will always be many such lowlifes,with the vitriol ready and foaming at the mouth to fling insults at any and everyone.
Accusing anyone of being dressed to be at a bar is bad enough, but two innocent teenagers? and the daughters of the POTUS? Man oh man! That takes some kind of special craziness.
Berkeley '74 said...
You need to focus more on solutions FN. Separation would be a good start. Poof! No more racism.
Separation is what the Left wants, but not one based on race. Race is merely the tool; this is about class.
Backed by looters and violent people, liberals are telling the American middle class they do not want you. They want an America where you are either a billionaire knocking down tax subsidies, or jobless and on federal assistance. This is why Obama is importing 5 million more poverty cases illegally from Mexico and points south.
Obama is a courtesan of the very rich. From Forbes magazine on July 18, 2012: "Mitt Romney gets a lot of heat for his billionaire donors, but President Obama has his fair share of support from the country’'s richest, too. Forbes counted well over a hundred billionaires who’ have been invited to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. since Obama’'s inauguration, some of whom have thrown parties to fund-raise for the President and given big to both his campaign and super PACs supporting him."
The riots serve his greater purpose to cleanse the nation of the middle class. Efforts to portray this unprovoked violence on long-standing racial problems are bogus. This is class warfare by government-funded poverty cases and more than 100 billionaires against the middle class. Our values of freedom and self-reliance threaten the efforts of billionaires to rule and control.
The looters won, thanks to President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Governor Jay Nixon -- Democrats all -- who ignored the truth and the facts of the case to fan the flames of violence, across the country. People have begun calling these the Obama Riots. Expect more.
YÄ«shbag said...
"And given her dumpy body type, she's in NO position to talk about anyone else."
Pot calling the kettle black!
I rarely go to links folks post here (especially those posted by crazy coon), but that article on/by Chris Rock was phenomenal!!
PR, that woman's comment is reflective of what people like her think of people of color. I'm also sure she excused the alcoholic, underaged drinking of the Bush girls as "normal" teenage behavior when the ONLY teenagers I've ever known to behave this way are White ones.
I'll bet that's why QLB never made it college and if she did manage to screw her way in, it didn't last.
If you look at the most credible evidence of Michael Brown's death at the hands of a Ferguson, police officer, the lessons are really basic.
Don't rob a convenience store. Don't fight with a policeman when he stops you and try to take his gun. And when he yells at you to stop, just stop.
Yīshēng said...
I'll bet that's why QLB never made it college and if she did manage to screw her way in, it didn't last.
We know you didn't screw your way in. A Viagra tablet the size of a hockey puck wouldn't be enough to get someone to crawl on top of you.
Good thing you are black!
Yīshēng said...
I'll bet that's why QLB never made it college and if she did manage to screw her way in, it didn't last.
She just has periodic minor chimpouts when she remembers that she was exposed as a fraud. Hey Yingyang, how's that $100 an hour tutoring job for medical students going. You know the one that doesn't exist. Still no explanation? What about that PhD? The MD? LMAO.
"In South Africa Gandhi was fighting discrimination against his fellow Indians, but not the native Africans, whom he reffed to as Kaffirs, which was the local racial slur for black people."
So what? Did Gandhi lead India out of the clutches and discrimination and abuse of the British empire? I am interested in Gandhi's action and what he did and what his connection with God was...not what he said or allegedly said about the Kaffirs.
Hell we have Kaffirs right here in America who shoot and kill Blacks routinely.
I have studied Gandhi extensively and practiced Hinduism for some time and some of you ignorant folks only notice the negative in order to disqualify success and freedom...the hell with that.
If I were to listen to some of you Negroes (and Whites) there would be no one on earth who served God who would be worth a damn.
Hell, some of you claiming to be a follower of God on FN aren't so perfect yourself. And you have the audacity to condemn Gandhi because he saw some African criminals as animals?
The point is Gandhi stood for HIS people which more than I can say for us today. Get real folks. There are no perfect human being on the FACE of the earth. That's why we are here..because we are ignorant and haven't learned how to live, love and praise God.
Yet we go back in history and find fault with someone who moved millions and freed a country who made it clear, that he didn't do it, GOD did it.
You see, Gandhi was a man of God. He sought God's will everyday, every moment. He was a 'changing' man, moment by moment according to God's will. With each change, more of the old Gandhi died. You see, if you are a person of God, you KNOW even the most corrupt person on earth has a chance to change.
Gandhi changed the world through God.
"When you reduce yourself to a cipher, anything is God works through you without hindrance."--Gandhi
FP, I have no argument with you but maybe you might consider what God did through Gandhi instead of tearing him down?
"FP, I have no argument with you but maybe you might consider what God did through Gandhi instead of tearing him down?"
A devil quoting scripture is STILL a devil.
A moron quoting scientific literature is STILL a moron.
I will be glad to separate from folks like u.
Not a moment too soon.
Don't worry, she will be praying for another job and the big guy will deliver.
Field, I just want to know when the racist heathens are going to pack their $hit and return to Europe. Or the crack of the devil's a$$, which ever comes first.
And they can take the ashy coon with the nappy fro with them.
And field would have us believe this is a college educated woman.
Kkkuckoo the jury is still out on just how human people like you are.
So tell me how does it
feel to have your very on negress coon? Kinda feels like your men in your family felt going back 300 years, huh?
KANCI KULON, Indonesia (AP) — About $1 billion in loans under a U.N. initiative for poor countries to tackle global warming is going toward the construction of power plants fired by coal, the biggest human source of carbon pollution.
Global warming money being spent building coal power plants.
Stupid poor people want power instead of focusing on climate change.
Why don't poor people do what rich people want?
Yīshēng said...
And they can take the ashy coon with the nappy fro with them.
At least it brought a smile to the faces of david duke and his kkk brothers.
field negro said...
I will be glad to separate from folks like u.
How do we cement this deal?
"In fact, right- wingnuts blame the president for "poisoning race relations" in America. (Now if that isn't a rich bit of irony I don't know what is.)"
When Al Sharpton is one of the closest advisors to the Chicago Jesus...
...what could be more poisonous to race relations than Al Sharpton?
Oh, and here is a very, very good reasoned argument that Black people should take to heart:
Yīshēng said...
Field, I just want to know when the racist heathens are going to pack their $hit and return to Europe.
If white people went back to Europe, who would feed the negroes?
Do you really think the Mexicans will?
Aye, caramba!
At least it brought a smile to the faces of david duke and his kkk brothers."
4:24 PM
Gandhi was a spiritual giant. And spiritual people trash him when he was being persecuted in England?
That's like persecuting MalcolmX before he came back from Mecca.
Man there are some mean-dark spirited people on this blog claiming to be a messenger of God while they trash other messengers of God.
Only Devils trash messengers of God. Makes me wonder about the Bible and God and the self-proclaimed messengers of God.
Martin Luther King thought a lot of Gandhi. He praised Gandhi.
Of course, people are now finding fault with him and cancelling out what he did do. This man, like Gandhi, put his life on the line.
See, this is why more and more people are so damn skeptical of prophets today. All they do is create confusion and tear down spiritual icons.
You would think they would know better than to put down other prophets. Hell, that's like Christ saying Moses wasn't shit because when he was a slave, he had a love affair with Egyptian woman.
What's up with that?
Aye, caramba!
5:42 PM
What does carmba! mean? does it mean they are looking forward to caring for the Negroes? Shit....I don't believe that.
Have you heard about the miracle? The NFL would punish the St Louis Rams players for their supporting jester of "Hands Up, Don't Shoot". Wow, that is a miracle...must be due to that white guilt complex for abusing and killing Blacks without consequences for it.
I'm sure Bill knows all about white guilt.
Of course, Kinky has no conscience so he can't understand why The NFL just didn't fire those Negroes.
Of course, QLB is suffering from Negro fatigue over this....suffer, suffer, suffer you racist evil dog.
"Of course it isn't hard. Blacks vote with their emotions instead of their brains.
Which is why, every election, Democrats run on slavery, the kkk, jim crow and fear of yt.
If it works, why change?"
Really Kinky? All Blacks? So none of us think in the voting booth?
The gop runs on fear of brown people and teh gays yet you seem to vote for them don't you? Any party that hosts the likes of your racist ass and QLB Black folks should run away from. Why anyone would vote for such a childish party that thinks Sarah Palin would make a good VP needs to have their heads examined. What did Bobby Jindal say about his own party?
"Hey Yingyang, how's that $100 an hour tutoring job for medical students going. You know the one that doesn't exist. Still no explanation? What about that PhD? The MD? LMAO."
Hey QLB, do you even have a job? Why can't you answer a simple question? Too stooopid? Do you have a college degree? Even a dumbassed racist like you should be able to answer such a simple question. Unless..........
"Blacks vote with their emotions instead of their brains."
Really? Do you even know any blah people? Everybody I know votes their economic and or political interests. And I know many more blah people than you. Why are you such a racist? Why do you stereotype? Oh yeah, that's right you're a moronic racist which makes you right at home in the gop with the rest of the racists. Ask QLB which party she belongs, wanna bet it's the stooopid party? That's why we asshats will never occupy that White House again.
"field negro said...
I will be glad to separate from folks like u.
How do we cement this deal?"
Trust me, no actions on your part is needed.
It is already done.
PilotX a.k.a. teh stupid a.k.a. the GOP is a broken record.
Can't you think of something original to post, or will you just keep repeating old talking points forever?
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