Americans view this event as ronald reagan's greatest foreign policy achievement.
I say that this is ironic because 25 years later, here in America, the country is more divided that ever.
White folks blame president Obama, but we (meaning those of a darker hue) know better.
We understand that the election of Barack Obama made racial matters worse because certain people resented his presidency and everything it stood for.
They pretend that they wanted racial harmony, but they did not. Eric Holder said we were "cowards" when it comes to race, but what he should have said is that we are stubborn and ignorant.
Right now there is a sort of political Apartheid going on in the Southern part for the country, where minorities vote one way and folks in the majority population vote another.
This, of course, is having an adverse effect on the democratic party, because it is a party which tends to have an overwhelming number of minority supporters.
Think about this for a minute, after the defeat of John Barrow in Georgia , there are now zero white congressmen from the South. ZERO. White men have figured out which party they belong to, and they are smart enough to jump ship from the one that is getting increasingly darker.
"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall" was the American president telling the Russian leader to let East Berlin join the West so that Germany could be reunited. He should have been paying attention to his own legacy and the country he ruled.
Instead of making America an example to the rest of the world, ronald reagan was doing his best to make it just another example of a country steeped in racial and social inequality. He was proud of the of country that he helped to create and he was its biggest cheerleader.
"Reagan’s race-baiting continued when he moved to national politics. After securing the Republican nomination in 1980, Reagan launched his official campaign at a county fair just outside Philadelphia, Mississippi, the town still notorious in the national imagination for the Klan lynching of civil rights volunteers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner 16 years earlier. Reagan selected the location on the advice of a local official, who had written to the Republican National Committee assuring them that the Neshoba County Fair was an ideal place for winning “George Wallace inclined voters.” Neshoba did not disappoint. The candidate arrived to a raucous crowd of perhaps 10,000 whites chanting “We want Reagan! We want Reagan!”—and he returned their fevered embrace by assuring them, “I believe in states’ rights.” In 1984, Reagan came back, this time to endorse the neo-Confederate slogan “the South shall rise again.” As New York Times columnist Bob Herbert concludes, “Reagan may have been blessed with a Hollywood smile and an avuncular delivery, but he was elbow deep in the same old race-baiting Southern strategy of Goldwater and Nixon.”'
The Wall is gone in Berlin, but there is still one in Philadelphia, Mississippi.
Reagan was the most racist president we have had in the last 40 years.
field negro said...
My god, we could do this all night.
OK, the somewhat conservative, Examiner.
Somewhat conservative my ass.
Robert Sobel
Orlando Liberal Examiner
Field claims Reagan is the worst president everrrrr.
Yet he only has fringe left sources to back his claim up.
Keep searching for the list that reinforces your hate, field.
Why should white males in the south vote Democrat?
Why should southern white males vote for a party that demonizes and hates them?
"'I have no trouble pitching for Wallace votes" -Jimmy Carter
Brother Field, just for clarification purposes, Obama himself considered Ronald Reagan one of the best. In fact, Obama wanted to follow in Reagan's footsteps. Unfortunately, he just doesn't have what it takes to get anything done.
I believe in state's rights; I believe in people doing as much as they can for themselves at the community level and at the private level. And I believe that we've distorted the balance of our government today by giving powers that were never intended in the constitution to that federal establishment. And if I do get the job I'm looking for, I'm going to devote myself to trying to reorder those priorities and to restore to the states and local communities those functions which properly belong there.
Ronald Reagan's 1980 Neshoba County Fair speech
"White men have figured out which party they belong to, and they are smart enough to jump ship from the one that is getting increasingly darker."
Well one can certainly hope that at last white men have figured out which party is out to eliminate them, although the other party hasn't exactly stepped up to the plate as far as defending white interests goes. To their exclusively white constituency, Republicans vow: We will do nothing for you. The solemnity with which this is both uttered and observed has moistened many cheeks. But the Democrats have a pledge of equal honesty to the legacy Americans they so long ago turned against: We will grind you to pulp…and defecate on the remains. In an environment so rife with glib dissembling, it is these two forthright positions around which so many rally.
Utter indifference or implacable hostility. Alas we can only select one.
"The candidate arrived to a raucous crowd of perhaps 10,000 whites chanting “We want Reagan! We want Reagan!”—and he returned their fevered embrace by assuring them, “I believe in states’ rights.”
Imagine that, a mere 34 years ago, presidential candidates actually acknowledged the interests of white America.
Today, we know that raycis.
Field, "The Wall is gone in Berlin, but there is still one in Philadelphia, Mississippi."
My brother, what wall is that? Speak English, man. The only wall in Philadelphia is in PA.
You hate Reagan because he was a great President, and because your hero's presidency is collapsing around him.
Obama failed because he insisted on having everything his way, and used Reid to obstruct any constructive compromise. He occupied the office like a selfish brat who wanted to rule rather than lead.
He has divided America more deeply than ever. His election is America's greatest shame.
"After securing the Republican nomination in 1980, Reagan launched his official campaign at a county fair just outside Philadelphia, Mississippi,"
Gotta love how the left lies and tries to re-write history.
In 1980, and up until Reagan died, the media and most everyone considered the official launch of Reagan's campaign was in Detroit.
After Reagan died, the left did what they do best-start hating.
Despite their best efforts-the only people who continue to push this lie are fringe leftwing haters like field....
Field, you will go to your grave knowing what the rest of America knows-Reagan was, and always will be, a better president than Obama.
So keep drinking the haterade.
As a bm, I am not blind. I see how incompetent and politically inept Obama is. He is the worst.
However, the country was NOT and now NEVER will be ready for a black President.
Obama should not have run for President because he didn't have the talent, maturity or the experience for the office.
To me, it was the strangest thing to see a bm elected President when damn near every American, esp Blacks, did not believe the time was right for a bm to become President.
I mean, Obama came out of NOWHERE to run for President, few people knew him, he was Black, he had very little experience, and he won the race! That was the weirdest thing to me.
It was almost as if the American people had been hypnotized by some unseen spirit to vote like a crazy person for the kind of racism that had to be let out of its cage.
It was as though someone else was pulling the strings and votes and party did not just seemed to be a well orchestrated play.
Clearly Obama was a professor who belonged on a college campus.
Field, you will go to your grave knowing what the rest of America knows-Reagan was, and always will be, a better president than Obama.
So keep drinking the haterade.
11:34 PM
Don't you get it? Field wants it that way. He knows no other way. Instinctively, he hates rightwingers, no matter how great they may have been.
Because of his hatred for the GOP, he cannot afford to hate the Whites in the Democratic Party. There is only so much hatred the human heart can take.
But look at it this way: He does not hate you or Bill. Otherwise, he wouldn't be spending his precious life responding to the two of you.
You two are very exceptional Whites to be able to capture Field's heart. Very smooth, Kinky....keep up the good works.
I love the way you operate. I now see why Whites run the world. The way you handle Field, PX and especially PC is amazing, just makes me start to dreaming about being White.
But I am not quite there yet. Because if the prophets are right, I had better stay Black.
The Election victories of Senator Tim Scott and Congresswoman Mia love our historic victories for all African-Americans.
Not to mention several Democrats(Sen. John Glenn, Michael Dukakis, to name a few) who were running for president campaigned there.
And field, your copy-paste hate piece is over 7 years old.
Can't find anything more recent?
Interracial Power said...
The Election victories of Senator Tim Scott and Congresswoman Mia love our historic victories for all African-Americans.
11:48 PM
Now the left is saying Senator Tim Scott and Congresswoman Mia love benefited from white privilege.
Democrats keep bring the stupid.
Can't you guys stop pounding the Left? I mean when you were down, Field never beat on you as much. He had compassion for the right.
Are you planning to slam a bm like Field who doesn't have a racist bone in his body?
Do you know you are setting yourselves up to be called racists by Field as a defense?
Reagan played racial politics in California in the 60s & 70s pioneering and presaging the "war on crime" approach to racism that created today's criminalized underclass whose Very lives are used as fodder for the only jobs programs that voters support: the incarnation industrial complex.
Because punishing black criminals be raycis!
"If you had to pick one person who embodied everything that is most irritating and wrong about the Obama administration - the Solyndra-style crony capitalism, the war on free markets, small business and cheap energy, the hypocrisy, the injustice, the dogged pursuit of suicidal leftist causes - then liberal billionaire Tom Steyer is your man."
-- James Delingpole
Good post. You bring out the fact that the GOP is the party of white males. Nothing inherently wrong with that but I think they just won't admit the truth. They are breaking their arms patting themselves on the back for electing Timmy Scott and Mia Love but for one Timmy's election was a bit fishy, he ran against a blah city council woman? That was the best candidate the S.C. Dems could find? Really? As far as Ms. Love, it took until 2014 to elect the FIRST blah woman in the GOP? So for the record the GOP has about 0.5% blah representation in the House (no pun intended) and 2% in the Senate? And that's something to be proud of? 1 freaking person out of 230 something? Hold the phone, diversity in the GOP is on the march. Hell, who knows in 10 years they may have two whole sistas in the House. Ha! Oh well, long live the GOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The Election victories of Senator Tim Scott and Congresswoman Mia love our historic victories for all African-Americans."
Which means there are more Jamaicans playing in the NHL than there are blah congresspersons. Sad.
"The Election victories of Senator Tim Scott and Congresswoman Mia love our historic victories for all African-Americans."
Which means there are more Jamaicans playing in the NHL than there are blah congresspersons in the Republican party. Sad.
"Why should white males in the south vote Democrat?
Why should southern white males vote for a party that demonizes and hates them?"
Exactly. Electing a ni.... er I mean a blah man as President just shows how much the Dems hate white males. Preach brother! The nerve of them!
Why do people continue to try to interpet intentions of politicians. One commenter is making a feeble attempt to paint Racis' Reagan with a civil brush.
Words alone do not make a man. An example would be the current politician in the White House.
The 1980s had ingrained code words in our lexicon. "States rights" meant " It time to reset the dial on the Government's attempts to right so many wrongs. Do you ever question what states were the states harping for "states rights"?
American has always had the occupant of the WH soothing the fears of the white race. Perfect example has been President Obama. At present he is in the tank by dealing with immigration, another wasted period in his presidency. White American is not ready for another influx of immigrants that are not trying to assimilate totally. They will not change their language. In the last decade, the Southern immigrant has made inroads, changing from workers to owners.
Anon@10:27, thanks for your honesty. That was refreshing.
Wow, all these wingnuts jumping to defend Saint Ronnie of reagan. I guess the truth requires some really strong Aspirin at times..
Speaking of walls, maybe they need one or two around the hood in Chicago. Unofficial weekend carnage was 5 dead and 12 wounded with the last 10 hours of shooting time to be accounted for. In addition, another YBM has died a month after being shot over the weekend. Rahm and company will try to hide this murder by listing the cause of death as a medical complication. Further, another confirmed homicide was noted just 15 minutes into Monday morning as time ran out for weekend scoring. However YT, the NRA and the Tea Party seems to be absent in all of this. These acts are repeated in each and every city where FN's congregate and are 10% or greater of the population. Yet field wonders why there are walls.
field negro said...
Wow, all these wingnuts jumping to defend Saint Ronnie of reagan. I guess the truth requires some really strong Aspirin at times..
Good thing you're not speaking or posting the truth.
No aspirin needed.
Before 2004, can anyone post a link to a non-opinion media source that reports Reagan launched his official campaign at a county fair?
In 1980, CBS News, WAPO and The NYTimes all reported Reagan launched his campaign in Detroit.
"They pretend that they wanted racial harmony"
How does Democrats using lynching and the kkk to get elected promote racial harmony?
How does Democrats using identity politics to get elected promote racial harmony?
Looks like "they" ain't the only ones pretending.
"We understand that the election of Barack Obama made racial matters worse because certain people resented his presidency and everything it stood for."
obama is the one who has made "racial matters" worse.
obama embraced identity politics.
obama divided us by race,religion and class.
Field's obamaholism allows hims to escape to a America in which it's never obama's fault.
It's always the mysterious "certain people" that is to blame.
We wait for the day field will name names and offer proof.....
señor kinky said...
I believe in state's rights;
Is states rights something like some states legalizing gay marriage or marijuana?
Has FN spoken out about some states using states rights for those activities?
Negro B.S......I bet you are one of those "certain people". ;)
The White House stressed that the troops would function "in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces."
Didn't we already spend millions and millions of dollars training irag troops?
Doing the same thing hoping for different results?
training irag troops?
training iraq troops
Too early in the morning to spell correctly
PilotX said...
Good post. You bring out the fact that the GOP is the party of white males. Nothing inherently wrong with that but I think they just won't admit the truth
Why would any party be afraid to admit they represent whites? How did advocating for the legitimate interests of the majority population become something to be ashamed of?
Everyone knows the GOP's dilemma. The only people that vote for them are being demographically replaced, and the party can’t say a word or do a thing about that dynamic for two reasons: 1) Raysis, and 2) Mr. Adelson said so. And so without jettisoning either their constituency or its two limiting factors the party will ultimately perish as predestined by math. They can not convert more whites to their cause than democrats can import non-whites to theirs. Thus either whites or Adelsons are going to go. For an organization that pursues jewish money, white votes, black and brown crumbs, and corporate welfare is one that has no alignment in any aspect of its existence.
But white voters have no one else to turn to. At some point the Democratic party metastasized from liberalism and little guys to rank anti-whiteness. They can spin and make excuses all they want in analyzing this election, but that fact is at it’s core. They have become so openly hostile to whites, that increasing swaths of those on the independent frontiers are beginning to unmistakably notice. I see no possible gambit from here but for the party to simply double-down on their race hate and attempt to win elections through sheer numerical conquest. Their chore is simply to import more “minorities” than whites who are absconding.
Politics is no longer a way to govern the Nation. The Nation now exists to serve its politics.
I'm sure this will turn out well.
"The Election victories of Senator Tim Scott and Congresswoman Mia love our historic victories for all African-Americans."
But according to FN these are the wrong kind of Black people.
Expect them both to end up as "House Negro of the Day."
The Democrat Party is truly evil. They keep Blacks down by importing millions of Illegals to take their jobs. The Democrats have been telling the "12-20 million illegal alien populace" LIE for the last 30 years....The TRUE number of illegal aliens in the US is 80-100 million Illegals in the US.... FACT.
Notice how field ( or anyone) has no mainstream media links to back these claims up-
After securing the Republican nomination in 1980, Reagan launched his official campaign at a county fair just outside Philadelphia, Mississippi,
In 1984, Reagan came back, this time to endorse the neo-Confederate slogan “the South shall rise again.
Instead field cuts and paste from a fringe leftist Reagan hater.
Let's use leftwing logic-
In 2012, obama used a communist slogan for his campaign slogan.
Does that make obama a communist?
According to leftwing logic? YES.
I am a fucking Communist.
señor kinky said...
Notice how field ( or anyone) has no mainstream media links to back these claims up-
I was a little surprised how easily FN caved yesterday about backing up his lies about Obama.
I posted quite a few links and FN could only post some link to a gay gossip site. Presumably some kind of insult.
"Blacks were suffering disproportionately high casualty rates in Vietnam, and in 1965 alone they comprised almost one out of every four combat deaths.[54][55] With the draft increasing due to the troop buildup in South Vietnam, the military significantly lowered its admission standards. In October 1966, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara initiated Project 100,000 which further lowered military standards for 100,000 additional draftees per year. McNamara claimed this program would provide valuable training, skills and opportunity to America's poor - a promise that was never carried out. Many black men who had previously been ineligible could now be drafted, along with many poor and racially intolerant white men from the southern states.[56][57] The number of US military personnel in Vietnam jumped from 23,300 in 1965 to 465,600 by the end of 1967. Between October 1966 and June 1969, 246,000 soldiers were recruited through Project 100,000, of which 41% were black, while blacks only made up about 11% of the population of the US.[56] Of the 27 million draft-age men between 1964 and 1973, 40% were drafted into military service, and only 10% were actually sent to Vietnam. This group was made up almost entirely of either work-class or rural youth. College students who did not avoid the draft were generally sent to non-combat and service roles or made officers, while high school drop-outs and the working class were sent into combat roles. Blacks often made up a disproportionate 25% or more of combat units, while constituting only 12% of the military."
As a black Vietnam Vet, don't forget this "truth" about what happened to so many of us in Vietnam. I am surprised that there has been very little dust up about the high % of recruiting of bm for this war,...along with the disproportionate deaths of bm remain to this day "quiet".
StillaPanther2, why?
Kinky and Bill, it is quite obvious that 'The truth' has always been hard for Field to handle.
You must understand that the truth destroys Brother Field's world.
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,”
Flashback Tuesday
When President Obama took office in 2009, he promised an “unprecedented level of openness in government.” In a memo issued the day after his inauguration, he wrote, “The government should not keep information confidential merely because public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure, because errors and failures might be revealed, or because of speculative or abstract fears.”
Maybe FN can explain why Obama campaigning on transparency intentionally lied about Obamacare.
If FN is right and people wanted Obamacare, why did Obama need to lie?
Isn't it time for "the war on x-mas" yet?
It's almost here, Pilot. :)
Whatever slim hold Kinky ever had on sanity, his post of 11:55 demonstrates that he has just lost it.
Whites died in Vietnam at higher proportional rates than blacks, and every war since have died at even higher rates.
Don't worry, whites are still doing more than their share.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Isn't it time for "the war on x-mas" yet?
Might as well.
The war on drugs has failed.
The war on poverty has failed.
Might as well watch the war on christmas fail.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...Isn't it time for "the war on x-mas" yet?
The nice thing about the war on christmas is that Obama won't be sending an additional 1,500 troops back to iraq to accomplish it.
The Purple Cow said...
Whatever slim hold Kinky ever had on sanity, his post of 11:55 demonstrates that he has just lost it.
I know. Trying to think like a liberal will do that....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Whites died in Vietnam at higher proportional rates than blacks, and every war since have died at even higher rates.
Don't worry, whites are still doing more than their share.
4:35 PM
Obviously you did not read the 'factual' article.
Also, StillaPanther2 DID NOT write the comment, anon did.
YOUR comment indicated that you read everything wrong or didn't read anything at all. You probably reacted to your own defensive feelings.
As a Vietnam Vet, I KNOW what happened to an overwhelming number of black veterans who went to Vietnam and died defending the racist country they lived in.
It still is racist. Field can vouch for that. So can a lot of others.
Did someone mention Vietnam?
The illegal war that was started by Democrats?
That Vietnam?
Tell me again why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time?
"Tell me again why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time?"
We've been over this a thousand times.
Because they are marginally less racist than the other guys.
Given a choice of voting between Adolf Hitler and John Wayne, you would vote for John Wayne.
Blogger señor kinky said...
Did someone mention Vietnam?
The illegal war that was started by Democrats?
That Vietnam?
Tell me again why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time?
6:49 PM
I hear ya, Kinky. One would think what happenend in Vietnam to Blacks would be MORE THAN ENOUGH to turn away from the Democrats.
However, you have GOT to know that some Blacks forget and the rest just don't know what's going on. It can't be otherwise, because here it is 2014 and Negroes like Field, PC and PX are still defending those sorry ass Dems by attacking rightwingers. Go figure.
FN Negroes are being royally screwed by the Democrats(Blacks and Whites) and Negroes like Field and company don't even notice. All they can see is their negative perception of Republicans.
Meanwhile, they are being screwed by White Dems supported by a sorry ass CBC who says, "yassa boss" to everything the Whites say.
Negroes who follow the Dems are disgusting.
Meanwhile in Chicago. Final body count for the weekend shit show was 6 dead and 14 wounded. A 7th kill was added for Monday and an 8th died over the weekend of gunshot wounds sustained a month ago.
Here's the clincher Field. A YBF was arrested in the death of her 3 year old child. Weren't we talking about filicide recently Field? Yeah, lets go tit for tat.
Can't wait for the Ferguson finale.
The Purple Cow said...
Given a choice of voting between Adolf Hitler and John Wayne, you would vote for John Wayne.
How far left of common sense does one have to be to compare John Wayne the western movie star to hitler.
Maybe PurpleCow, not being an American, thinks that John Wayne was a character played by the actor Ronald Reagan.
PurpleCow is so funny.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
"Tell me again why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time?"
We've been over this a thousand times.
Because they are marginally less racist than the other guys.
Given a choice of voting between Adolf Hitler and John Wayne, you would vote for John Wayne.
6:58 PM
Wow, these black UK Socialists know a lot about the American political system and AAs. Yet, when PC is accused of being a Democrat, he claims to be disinterested in Dem/Repub party action because he is a Socialist....Isn't that weird?
Nope. ronald reagan actually played the "character" of a president for 8 years.
As Obama has played the fool for six...
90% of blah folks vote dem because 100% of white racists vote Repub. Ask QLB what party she votes for.
"As Obama has played the fool for six..."
Saved your country from economic collapse. I need a "fool" like that in my corner.
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